• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 544 Views, 9 Comments

Swords and Magic - Shadow Watcher

A knight seeking answers, a witch seeking revenge. Ancient forces long slumbering awaken.

  • ...

Chapter 11



As far as the eye could see, the Badlands stretched out for infinity. Distant clouds signaled a dust storm far out along the horizon.

Looking back over her shoulder, she saw the straggling bit of green. It was fascinating, and disconcerting, seeing the land split almost evenly. Lush green gave way to faded brown, which gave way to nothing but coarse, harsh sand.

Applejack let out a whistle as she stepped beside her. “Heard tales of this, but first I’ve seen it personally before.”

The Howzer was parked off the road, next to a small building that served as the border outpost. The other girls were spread out, either chatting with the border guards, or else staring out into the bleakness before them. Fluttershy knelt off to the side, mumbling prayers.

“I’ll give ya a choice: would you rather drive or man the gun, when we head on out?”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at her. “Which would you prefer?”

“Honestly? I don’t really care. Just...I’ve got this feelin, Rainbow. I’m sayin we should be prepared. The patrol’s saying it’s worse out there than what the capital knows.”

“You’re the better driver. I’ll man the canon, Twi’ll provide magic support, worst comes to worst...we throw Pinkie at them. Or Fluttershy.”

Both girls shuddered. Applejack turned to head back to the vehicle. “It’s my hope and prayer we don’t get to that point, but...we’ll, Who knows what’s waiting out there.”

“Monsters, marauders, and lots of dust.” Rainbow replied.

Turning back to follow Applejack, she took one last look at Canterlot, just visible on top of its mountain. She froze. A blink, and...it was gone. It almost looked like...

“Hey! Quit wasting daylight!”

Rainbow shook her head and ran back to her friends.


Two days. That was how long it took to cross the Badlands. They were only three hours in, and Rainbow was already stifling yawns.

“If ya wanna nap that bad, switch with someone.” AJ said, eyes focused on the road. “At least the road is still somewhat paved.” She added in a mutter.

“It’s just...nothin but sand out there. But...I dunno. It’s weird. The land...it’s broken. Uneven. Wasn’t there some sorta war out here? Long ago?” Rainbow pondered.

“That’s actually a subject of debate. Some say this is where the original Umbral war took place, others claim it as where an experimental spell went horrifically wrong. There’s enough evidence to support both theories, hence why it’s so debatable.” Twilight said from her seat. Pinkie was leaning against her, fast asleep, reaching up to hug the girl. Fluttershy listened as she gazed out the window.

“So what’s your take, Twi? Which do you think it was?” Rainbow asked, eager to do anything to relieve her boredom.

Twilight shrugged, as much as she was able. “I’m inclined to say it was a little bit of both.”

“Shadow swallowed the world, causing the sun and moon to cast themselves down, leaving only stars to guide our way.” Fluttershy murmured. “One by one, each was snuffed out, and now only a few remain, shining upon a cold world.” She blinked, turning to see two sets of eyes staring at her. She blushed and retreated into the hood of her robe.

Twilight opened her mouth to ask, when Rainbow suddenly went stiff. “AJ? Might want to push it.”

“....so much for an easy ride. Everyone hang on!” Applejack gripped the wheel with both hands, pushing her foot down. The tank jolted as its engine came to life, startling Pinkie awake. “Where they comin from Dash?!”

“Southwest!” Rainbow shouted before letting out a curse. “They’re riding a storm!” She quickly buckled herself fully into her seat, bringing the gun online. Lining up the sight, aiming not right at them, but a little ways ahead, she waited. After the first pings of bullets and magic, she took a breath, exhaled, and pulled the trigger.

Sand blew up as the first truck flipped in the air. Two more trucks bolted out of the dust.

Rainbow shook her head. “More incoming! Using the dust as cover!” The wind howled around them. “Any chance of cover?! The storm’s almost on us!”

“Yeah, there’s the ruins of a town just ahead! Might be able to take shelter there!” AJ shouted back. She huffed. “So long as we don’t lose the road!”

Rainbow held off firing, the two trucks too busy trying to keep ahead of the storm to take shots. Twilight’s voice reflected her frown. “I don’t like this. The storm came out of nowhere.”

“The world howls and cries, yet none now know why. Secrets buried beneath the sand, the graves of a thousand stars.” Fluttershy murmured again.

“She’s really starting to creep me out!” Applejack muttered under her breath.

The wind shifted, dust billowing over them. The Howzer lurched as Applejack fought to keep control. One to the trucks suddenly flew past them, striking against the ground hard.

Applejack’s eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of the sands shifting just ahead. “Hang on to something!” She gunned it, a massive hole opening behind them.

The Howzer’s wheels spun as all the sand and dust went sliding backwards, the ground beneath them starting to give way. The world tilted. The storm howled around them. They slid down into inky darkness.