• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 544 Views, 9 Comments

Swords and Magic - Shadow Watcher

A knight seeking answers, a witch seeking revenge. Ancient forces long slumbering awaken.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Thud! Slam!

Applejack wiped the sweat off her brow. She had just loaded the last of the supplies and gear.

The Howzer sat proud out in the openness before the garage. Large, more of a sleeked out bulk, with six large tires on either side. Capable of climbing a near vertical incline, not that she’d recommend it, it was built and designed for all terrain except aquatic conditions. Mounted on the roof, accessed and controlled from within, lay the single barreled Hyperion canon, capable of firing specialized magical blasts as well as hard projectiles. Never hurt to have a backup.

Next she opened one of the small, more secured cargo bays, eyeing a few strong boxes warily. She trusted Pinkie to a fault, but she also fully trusted her to be herself. Plus Rainbow flat out told her a couple potions were explosive. Best to take extra precaution. Not to mention, though. Given worst case scenario, she wanted them within easy reach. Just in case.

“This...this is just amazing! Do you really not mind me going over your data?” Twilight was asking Pinkie Pie as they walked out of the garage. A cupcake rested in Twilight’s hand, but she was thoroughly examining it while also munching on it.

“I could actually use your opinion. Of course, I know potions aren’t your forte, which is why I also plan on talking to Zecora when we reach Tarbalon. Oh, I just know she’ll be impressed!” Pinkie squealed, clutching her hands and skipping in place.

“You’ve managed to successfully transmute a pebble into a cupcake. Granted, we can only use a pebble sixty four millimeters in diameter or less, but still.” Twilight blinked. “That’s...that’s actually oddly specific. I mean, sure pebbles are only classified to be any stone less than that number, but greater than four millimeters. But why that number so specifically? Your parents are miners, right?”

Were miners. Now they’re the owners of the most successful mining company in the Equestrian Empire. My sister Maud is set to inherit, which is just perfect! Right now, she’s our top inspector! I know all I know about rocks thanks to her! Remember her collection?”

“Of course! I still have all six hundred pages of notes. I actually made them up into a book, even gave her a copy. You know she’s using it as one of the text books for the orientation for new workers?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, totally! Sure, she can be a bit...” she waved her hand, “but, the whole family kinda is.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “So how exactly did you get one of the elite alchemists to teach you?”

“That’s easy: her parents are good friends a hers. Not really sure how, though.” Applejack said, carefully closing up the secure hold. She frowned at Pinkie. “No other questionable potions, now, right?”

“Nope! The Insta Cake are the only questionable ones. All others are just the usual Pick-Me-Ups.” Pinkie replied.

“I dunno. They’re still pretty questionable. Seeing as if you take more than one whole potion a day, your heart could stop.” Applejack deadpanned.

“Pfft! Duh! That’s cause it’s super concentrated and super potent! One small sip and ZAM!! Instant energy, accelerated healing, and totally Fluttershy approved!” Pinkie cheerfully exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air.

“Only cause if it does kill ya, it’s an instant shock to the heart and doesn’t cause prolonged suffering.” She paused. “For a healer, you’d think she’d be a lot more cheerful.”

Pinkie tilted her head, confused. “But she is cheerful? I mean, she’s Fluttershy! She’s all smiles, kindness, calmness, and whenever you tell her something, she’ll likely tell you all the ways it could kill....okay, yeah, definitely see what you’re getting at.” She rubbed the back of her head, pink hair bouncing. “It’s not like that’s all her fault. A good deal of it comes from her training.”

“Ah, right. Rather surprising how often I forget she’s a priestess and not an actual ‘Healer’ healer.” Applejack asked.

“I’m not sure if she’s ever said which deity she serves.” Twilight wondered. “At least, I can’t recall her saying it around me.”

“She hasn’t. I don’t even know, and I live with her!” Pinkie muttered. “All I know is that it all has something to do with the oath she took when she ascended to full priestess.” She gave a small shrug. “Not that she’s ever said much about that either.”

“I just figured there wasn’t that much I can tell.” Fluttershy said said from behind them.

The three girls jumped in surprise, turning to look at her. She simply shrugged and placed the pack she was carrying into the open hold. She glanced at their expectant looks. She promptly ignored them.

The three exchanged a look before shrugging and dropping it. She could keep her secrets then.

Twilight glanced up at a nearby clocktower. “What’s taking Rainbow so long? And I would have figured Shining and Cadence would want to at least see me off.”

“For the last time, I said I’ll keep her safe! At least when she’s not trying to protect my own butt!” Rainbow’s voice carried around a distant corner.

They didn’t hear the reply, but they soon heard, “Oh for the love of Celestia!”

Rainbow cake storming around, clutching her pack like she was about to swing it. The reason was soon made evident.

Cadence stepped around, head held high, while Shining Armor was nursing his arm.

She was dressed as regal as always. Adopted by Celestia at a young age, hailed as one of the most beautiful women in the Empire, she rushed forward and swept Twilight into her arms.

“Please be safe.” She whispered. “Promise me you’ll be safe.”

“I promise, Cadence.” Twilight murmured, pressing her face into her sister-in-law’s shoulder.

The moment Cadence let go, Shining Armor swept her into another hug. “Grandmother wanted to come with, to see you off, but she got called away to a House meeting.”

Worry crossed her eyes as she looked up at him. “House Sparkle called for a meeting?”

Shinning rubber her head. “Hey, it’s nothing to be worried about. It’s just...” he sighed, “Mom’s in Tarbalon. Odds are, you’ll run into her. Just...try to keep a level head, alright? Don’t get caught up in one of her witch hunts.”

“But she could be a big help! She’s been hunting down the Children for years now!” Twilight protested.

Shining held up a hand. “I’m not saying avoid her. Just be reasonable and level headed about this. She can be...intense, sometimes.”

“And I’ll be with her the entire time.” Rainbow deadpanned. “Like I promised about a hundred times.”

As Twilight finished her goodbyes, Rainbow took one last look around. People went about their business. Cadence was getting misty eyed. Shining had his face slightly scrunched like he was going to sneeze, obviously trying not to cry. And that was it. No one else was there.

“Here.” A voice to her left said. Shooting Star held out a small package.

Rainbow took it gently. “Didn’t expect you to come.”

One eyebrow raised in amusement. “And not see you off?” He scoffed. He eyed her new armor appraisingly, eyeing the sheathed blade at her hip. “Rarity outdid herself. And the Empress gift will serve you well, though I pray you won’t have to use it often, if at all.” He clasped her shoulder, his grip strong. “Be safe out there. Go with the will of our Empress. And may the gods show you favor.”

“We’ll be fine, Shooting.” Rainbow smirked. “Who knows, we might even be back before you know it.”

“Good. I look forward to testing your blade in the sparring ring when you return.” He smirked back.

She shot him a grin as she helped Twilight climb inside. Then she reached up and pulled the door shut.

The engine roared to life. Turning onto the main road, Rainbow found Twilight looking back through a view screen. Turning back to the front, she took the seat next to Applejack. Ahead of them, the East Gate stood open.

As the tank left the city, Shining placed an arm around Cadence, Shooting Star still standing next to them. The elder knight let out a long sigh. “So it begins. When next we see them, things will be vastly different.”

“Yes.” Cadence murmured. “And they will never be the same. There is no going back, only moving ever forward.”