• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 544 Views, 9 Comments

Swords and Magic - Shadow Watcher

A knight seeking answers, a witch seeking revenge. Ancient forces long slumbering awaken.

  • ...

Chapter 13

“Just how long can this tunnel be?” Applejack muttered. Rarity had taken over the wheel, and she was now reclining in the back next to Pinkie. Twilight was skimming through one of her books, Fluttershy looked like she was napping.

“Two hours and still no end in sight.” Rarity glanced over at Rainbow. “You’re still certain that this is the way?”

Rainbow held up her hand, rune still glowing brightly. “Yup. This is still the way. Whoa, hey! Look at that!” She exclaimed, leaning forward to point outside. “Check out those carvings! Rarity, stop the Howzer!” She flipped a couple switches, turning the external lights on again.

Rainbow jumped out as the tank came to a stop, Twilight not far behind her. Fluttershy blinked and rubbed her eyes as Applejack and Pinkie got up to move outside.

Rarity stretched in her seat, turning to look back at the priestess. “Well, shall we go see what the fuss is about?”

Fluttershy frowned, then poked her head out. Her eyes widened upon seeing the tunnel.

Beginning some yards back, the walls were covered in intricate carvings, from floor, across the ceiling, and down the other side in a continuous pattern. Images of all sorts of beings, creatures, cities all sprawled out in beautiful detail.

“Fascinating!” Twilight murmured, pulling out a notebook and a piece of charcoal. She frantically began drawing some of the carvings, taking ample notes to go with. “This is...it’s all incredible! Look! Up there! If I’m not mistaken, that’s a representation of pre-Imperial Equestria!”

“It’s a record. A record of the pre-Mytheric era?” Rainbow asked, walking along the wall.


An image caught her eye, just barely outside the light of the Howzer. She reached into her side pouch and pulled out a small stone. Rubbing it between her hands, it let out a soft, bright light. Holding it high, she slowly walked forward.

“Whoa!” She exclaimed. “Guys, the carvings keep going!” She turned and headed back.

“Seriously? Just how much a recorded here?” Applejack wondered aloud.

“Centuries? Millennia? It’s a shame we can’t just stay here and study this.” Twilight murmured.

“I’m sure we can come back later. Maybe Luna will send some researchers or something.” Rainbow replied.

“Yes, well, we should probably figure all that out after we find a way back to the surface.” Rarity said from the hatch of the tank.

“Yeah. Let’s...let’s go.” Rainbow said. “Something...I dunno what, but something really unnerves me about all this.” She slid herself into the driver’s seat, buckling herself in. “I’ll take the wheel for a bit, Rarity.”

Rarity took the seat next to her, swiveling it slightly so she could talk with the others in back. As the others fell into conversation about their find, debating and discussing its possible origins (most of which Fluttershy denied have any previous knowledge of), Rainbow fell into her own thoughts, glancing every so often at the gently pulsing rune on her hand.

This place, these carvings, all spoke to her, but she couldn’t understand it. It was like hearing someone whispering: could hear it, see it, but not make out the words.

”Faster Rainbow.”

Her foot pressed a little harder on the pedal, the Howzer picking up speed. Without hesitation, she slowed and took a left turn upon coming to another fork.


The carvings blurred. She was distantly aware of a hand on her shoulder. Voices asking her questions. They weren’t important. She didn’t know why, only that they weren’t. She had to get...there.

Slowly her foot let up. The Howzer slowed upon exiting out into a massive cavern. A giant door had been carved into the wall. Gentle swirls ran along the border. Runes followed the swirls.

In the center, a massive creature, carved down to the last scale, stared down at them. Watching them. Observing them. Judging them.

She had heard the legends all her life. The stories of the great ones.

The dragon was not what caught her attention. There, cradled in one claw, was the rune. The same rune that adorned her hand.

She looked back at her friends. When had she gotten out of the Howzer? Fluttershy was prostrated on her knees, hands clasped in a posture of prayer.
The others all stood staring at her. Twilight was a few steps ahead, only held back by Applejack’s hand.

Her hand touched the door. She turned her head just in time to see it pulse, the magic coursing through the door. She felt the echo of her heartbeat. A flash of light.



She blinked. Why was she on her back? On the...grass? Slowly she sat up and looked around. She stretched and climbed to her feet. Confusion filtered through the haze.

Hadn’t there just been a tunnel? So why was there....

Her thoughts ground to a halt. She peered over the side of the cliff, before throwing herself back, falling over.

A straight edge. No curve, just straight down. Clouds obscured the base, if there even was one.

As she stood back up, she took a closer look. She stood on a perfect squad from what she could tell.

A gentle breeze blew, air crisp, sweet, and refreshing. Flowers bloomed amidst the knee high grass.

The silence was deafening, yet instead of unnerving her, she was filled with an unspeakable peace. She felt joyous, euphoric, just being in this place. Her back twitched, as if invisible wings were stretching, readying for a good flight.

As her gaze fell, she saw the purpose for her being there. Her first impression was of an egg, but it was enormous. Sitting in the very center of the plateau, it rose above the landscape, waiting.

She made her way to it, reaching out to gently run her fingers over it. Though shaped like an egg, it was more of a deep purple crystal, a faint light coming from within. As she gazed upon it, she felt life within it. The light increased revealing a small boy curled up.

Her hand slipped into the crystal, seeming to phase right through. She lifted her other hand, reaching in now. Her arms closed around the small figure, pulling him out and into her arms.

Immediately, he snuggled into her. Holding him close, she saw that he was around the same size as a two or three year old.

Green spikey hair threatened to gently poke her in the face and neck, a purple robe far too large for him draping off his form.

The crystal shattered before her, bathing her in light and deafening sound.

”I beg of you: protect him. Protect my Spike.”