• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 544 Views, 9 Comments

Swords and Magic - Shadow Watcher

A knight seeking answers, a witch seeking revenge. Ancient forces long slumbering awaken.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Author's Note:

Apologies for the false alarm earlier. Was doing a small edit to Chalter 11, got confused about chapter numbers briefly, and accidentally published a blank chapter. :facehoof:
Enjoy, guys. And gals.

Light. Pain.

Rainbow blinked, weakly raising a hand to block out the blinding orb piercing her eyes.

“Goodness, is everyone alright?! I swear, I try to catch up on sleep, and this is what happens?” Rarity’s voice pierced the blinding veil.

Rainbow reached down and fiddled with her harness.

Click. Thud!

“Landsakes, how are we even alive?!” AJ moaned. She suddenly bolted up, only to clutch her head, barely keeping from falling over. “Gotta check the Howzer! I swear, if he’s busted, Granny’ll tan my hide for sure!”

“I must insist you sit, Applejack, at least until I’m sure you don’t have a concussion. You hit your head fairly hard.” Rarity knelt beside her, examining her eyes. “Hmm, eyes dilating properly, doesn’t look too serious. Still, I wish I knew where Fluttershy went off to. Pinkie’s tending to Twilight. Poor girl is still out cold.”

Rainbow finally caught her breath and looked up. “You...were seriously sleeping this whole time?!”

Rarity pointed to one of two small cubby’s, just large enough for a person to crawl into. “I figured I might as well catch up on some sleep so I could either relieve you or Applejack. And might I remind you, I barely slept at all the last week or so, between your armor, your sword, and the Howzer.” She huffed. “I happened to wake up just as went slid down here.”

Groaning signaled Twilight’s awakening. Pinkie helped her to slowly sit up. “W-what happened?”

“Ain’t no expert, but I’d say we fell down beneath that ruined town we were headin to.” Applejack said, finally escaping Rarity. She began going over the controls of the tank. After some tinkering, soft light flooded the interior. “There we go. Now, let’s see about the exterior...”

Several lights flickered and then flashed on, illuminating some of the area around them. Forward and to their right, Fluttershy stood, staring out into the darkness.

“At least she didn’t go to far.” Rainbow muttered, forcing herself to stand. She stumbled out of the vehicle, bracing herself against the side for a moment. The air was heavy. Stale. Dust still trickled from above, a cloud hovering about them.

Pain! She stumbled, clutching her head. She bit her lip as it moved to her hand. Her rune pulsed, throbbing.


She hissed as it faded. Shaking her head, she stumbled to where Fluttershy stood. “Any idea what this...place is?”

The girl gave a long sigh, shuddering slightly. “This place is ancient. Sacred, once upon a time. Now tarnished by shadow.” She turned to Rainbow. “But regardless, there is only one way for us to go: forward.” She walked past her, heading back to the others.

Applejack was already outside, checking the Howzer over. Every now and then she’d mutter to herself, only pausing to give a nod to her friend.

Rainbow hissed, grabbing her right hand as her rune gave another pulse. Holding it up, it cast shadows on the ground, it glowed so bright. As she turned back towards the Howzer, the glow faded. She blinked. She held it out towards the tank, and the glow faded more. She turned and pointed her arm and hand towards the path the tunnel traveled, and the glow brightened.

“Great.” She deadpanned. “As if there were anywhere else to go right now.”

“Hey! Dash!” She turned to see AJ waving to her. “Howzer’s good to go! Get back here, so we can get a move on!”

Twilight looked at her as she climbed back in. Her eyes widened at the sight of her hand. “Your rune...it’s reacting to something?”

“Yeah. Not sure what it is, but...it’s like it wants me to go down this tunnel. Not like there’s anywhere else we could go.” Rainbow replied, holding it up. “Least it’s not stinging now. And...I....I don’t think we’re alone down here.”

“Alone? You...mean there is something down here with us?” Rarity asked, holding a cold press to Pinkie’s head.

Rainbow looked at Fluttershy. “Secrets buried beneath the sands? Is this what you were talking about?”

“There...is a purpose for our being here. But what that would be, I cannot yet say. Just...” Fluttershy took a breath. “I’m unsure.” She looked away, hanging her head.

Rainbow sighed. “Well, there’s only one way to go.”

“This tunnel ain’t natural. Walls are way too smooth. Perfectly circular. Stone almost looks...melted.” She glanced back. “This have anything to do with your ‘fallen stars’, Fluttershy?”

“I’m...honestly, I’m not all that sure.” Her head sank even lower. “I’m sorry I’m not that much of a help.”

“Don’t be like that, now.” Applejack assured. “Really, you’re mighty helpful. If any of your...priestess stuff comes to mind, by all means share it.” She sighed. “I mean, a little prophecy is to be expected right?”

“Yeah, it’s almost like those stories! A group of friends leave on a journey, end up finding some lost relic, and having to go on an epic quest!” Pinkie giggles. Then promptly groaned and clutched her head. “Though real adventuring hurts a lot more.”

Rainbow couldn’t help but chuckle. “It kinda is like the old stories. I mean, we’re hunting a cult that worships...some sort of demon thing...and now we’re going through a dark ruin that we just ‘happened’ to fall into.” She cracked her knuckles.

“And I suppose you’re rune will guide us the rest of the way.” Twilight added. She pointed at it. “It is glowing brighter now.”

“Yeah, well, I think Now would be the time to use it then.” Applejack said, gesturing ahead of them.

The tunnel opened up into a large circular chamber, with several new chambers off-shooting from it. Rainbow glanced at her hand. “Gimme a sec. I’ll see which one is the one we want.”

She hopped out and made her way forward. She held her hand out, then moved it towards each of the tunnel openings. Nothing happened. She frowned and groaned. She hissed as it suddenly pulsed again.


Shaking her head to clear it, she looked at her rune, then began walking towards each tunnel. Upon getting closer to the far left entrance, the mark began pulsing. She waved at the Howzer, jumping in as it came past her.

“This way.” Rainbow pointed, holding her rune hand forward. “Definitely this way.”

“Looks like this one goes on for a while. Personally, I don’t wanna risk going to fast down. Might as well make yourselves comfortable again. As much as ya can, anyway.” Applejack called back.

Rainbow settled back into her seat, idly running a finger along the back of her right hand.