• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 544 Views, 9 Comments

Swords and Magic - Shadow Watcher

A knight seeking answers, a witch seeking revenge. Ancient forces long slumbering awaken.

  • ...

Chapter 16

Night fell across the city. Carved moons, from mere crescents to full orbs, shone across the streets filled with the light of the full moon, enhancing its natural beautiful glow. Flowers closed during the light of day now opened in glorious bloom casting sweet scents to waft through the air, mingling with the savory and delicious smells from the myriad taverns, restaurants, and halls filled with noises. Singing, laughter, and always the quieter sounds of turning pages, or softest strokes of a brush or pen against canvas or paper.

It truly was a utopia of sorts. So thought the figure as they made their way through, the hood of their cloak covering their face.

Another time, they would be here to play. Not now. There was work to do this night, and not much time to get it done either. A distorted chuckle seeped out of their lips.

All the skulking, the rituals. Everything came down to this one night. The Empress and Archmage both had their role to play in things. Certain things had to happen, and other things were free to happen as they came.

This night was a perfect night to do it.

The Lunar Palace sprawled before them, its spired towers towering over the city. Guards leisurely patrolled the walls and grounds, a few scholars still lingering on the grounds. In a city of scholars, artists, and a multitude of night owls, the figure blended right in. Right until a priestess stumbled into them.


The castle was quiet as Rainbow and Twilight made their way towards Luna’s chambers, the shadows falling thick and heavy despite the moonlight streaming through the large windows.

“I still don’t get it. Why can’t she just tell us everything?” Rainbow muttered, sighing in frustration.

“Earlier she said something about....well, I’m certain she has important reasons. Considering the reason why we’re here at all.” Twilight narrowed her eyes at her.

Rainbow heard loud and clear what Twilight was saying. “Heh, that would be our luck. You raided her library yet?”

“Haven’t had the opportunity.” Twilight huffed. “I did at least find out where it is, and I plan on heading there as soon as we finish speaking with Archmage Luna.”

They fell silent as they neared the door to the room Luna had told them to meet with her in. Twilight reached for the handle but paused upon hearing voices from within.

Luna was speaking so someone else was with her, but upon the other person speaking, Twilight threw the door open and flew into the room. Rainbow rushed in behind her, hand on the hilt of her sword. She skid across the carpet to stop herself.

Lady Twilight Velvet of House Sparkle held her daughter within her embrace, gently stroking her hair. “My my, how you have grown. My little star isn’t so little anymore.” She pushed Twilight back a step to look her over, cupping her chin. “Look at you! An aura worthy of the heir of the Sparkle bloodline.”

Twilight Sparkle blushed and hung her head before her mother. “I’ve been studying and practicing everyday! And all your lessons! I haven’t forgotten a single one!”

Velvet smiled warmly at her. Her eyes rose to look at Rainbow Dash. Holding Twilight within one arm, Velvet greeted the other girl. “And you must be Rainbow Dash. Luna has spoken highly of you, though if I may, I would like to request to see your skills up close. Would you be willing to spar tomorrow morning? I assume that would be acceptable for part of your morning exercise?”

“Uh, sure? I mean, I’m always up for a good spar.” Rainbow replied, awkwardly rubbing her arm.

“Hmm, well I’m sure I won’t pose too much of a threat to you. I’m certain Twilight has been keeping you on your toes.” Velvet smiled. It faltered at the confused looks on their faces. “The two of you have been training together, have you not?”

Twilight started fidgeting, keeping her eyes on the floor. “I mean...we’ve practiced a couple times...like when I was teaching Rainbow magic...in what I thought was a secret from Celestia...”

“And no offense, but Twi doesn’t have that much interest in learning the ways of the sword. Or spear. Or daggers. Or even hand-to-hand.” Rainbow listed off. She stopped when she felt the searing burning from Twilight’s glare.

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash.” She muttered through clenched teeth. She looked up at her mother. “I do keep up the exercises you and Celestia taught me. It helps me keep focused.”

Velvet rubbed her temples. “Well, at least we aren’t at square one. You will be joining Rainbow and I tomorrow morning.”

“What?! But that’s so early!” Twilight exclaimed, eyes widening with horror.

“Then you had best get to sleep as soon as you finish talking with the Archmage then.” Her mother simply replied, retaking her seat and sipping from her cup of tea.

As Twilight took a seat, fuming, Rainbow frowned. “Are the cultists really that strong?”

“Cultists?” Velvet scoffed. She waved a hand to Luna. “If you would, Archmage. I’m afraid I’m too biased to fully answer her.”

“The Children of Umbra are no mere cultists, Rainbow Dash. They have a legitimate claim, and goal, that if left unchecked will the ruin of us all.” Luna sighed as she set her cup down. “And unlike many cults, Umbra is very real.” She folded her hands in her lap. “Before we go any further, are you perchance a believer, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “I know what they teach in the temples. That great beings came and taught humans magic, and that they then became the basis for most modern religions. But I don’t often go to service, if that’s what you are asking.”

“It is not.” Luna replied. She raised her hands, touching her finger tips before her face so her eyes were just visible. “I am asking if you believe in dragons.”

“Dragons?” Rainbow frowned. “The temples claim that the gods slaughtered them, but...”

“You’re skeptical. It’s understandable. Especially since they’ve done such a marvelous job of hiding it.” Luna lifted her cup to her lips. “And yet they keep the truth right there in plain sight without anyone noticing. Those that do...end up becoming priests.”

“Tch, next you’ll be saying that the dragons are gods.” Rainbow clicked her teeth. She blinked. “Wait, hold on. What do dragons and gods have to do with Umbra?”

“Because, Rainbow Dash, Umbra is a dragon. The Dragon of Shadow.” She narrowed her eyes and fixed them on the girl before her. “And to you, she may as well be a god.”