• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 544 Views, 9 Comments

Swords and Magic - Shadow Watcher

A knight seeking answers, a witch seeking revenge. Ancient forces long slumbering awaken.

  • ...

Chapter 17

“Are we looking for anything in particular or just whatever we think is interestin?” Applejack asked as she walked beside Rarity.

The two girls were in one of the many bazaars, this one specifically catering towards craftspeople. Booths and stalls filled the entire space, with all kinds of shops lining the outer portion. Despite its clustered nature, people were still able to browse and walk without bumping into one another.

“For the most part, Applejack, I’m looking to replenish some of my basic supplies, but be on the lookout for more exotic materials as well. What I wouldn’t give for some good high grade Saddle Arabian iron ore.” Rarity replied, pausing to inspect a table full of ore samples. She tapped her chin while checking the prices.

“Well I’ll be.” Applejack said from the stand next to her. All kinds of tools were arrayed out for display. “I could really get the Howzer purring with these.”

“D-did you just say Howzer?” The stall owner asked. He eyed Applejack before nodding. “Ah, you must be Henrietta’s granddaughter.” He leaned forward a bit, whispering conspiratorially, but everyone around him could hear him clearly anyway. “Just so you know, the Apple family gets quite a discount in these parts.”

Applejack stared at him, blinking. “Granny did always talk about getting the best prices in Tarbalon. Guess I know why now.”

The man chuckled as he crossed his arms. “Word is you’re not that bad a mechanic yourself.”

“Shucks, I ain’t no Granny that’s for sure. But she did teach me most of what I know.” Applejack replied.

“And the rest?” He asked, eyebrow raised.

“I learned a thing or two about magic from my friend, Twilight Sparkle.” She replied. “So how much...”

“Outrageous! I insist I pay full price!” Rarity exclaimed. “My connections withstanding, I am fully aware how hard this is to procure!”

“Well, that’s something you don’t see everyday.” The tools dealer said.

Applejack just sighed. “It is when you’re friends with her.” She walked up to Rarity’s side. “Rares, what’re you doin?”

“I’m trying to buy pure Taurian mythril, and she’s insisting on a ridiculous discount!” Rarity replied, pointing.

Applejack sighed and turned to the woman running the stall. “How low was your price?”

“Not a copper lower than forty bits a unit. Honest. Normal price is close to seventy.” She answered.

“Forty bits a unit.” Applejack muttered. After glancing at Rarity, she asked, “We talkin Equestrian Imperial bits, or Standard Provincial?”

“Standard, of course. But if you’re paying with Equestrian, the price comes out to around sixty a unit.” The woman replied.

A blush crept its way onto Rarity’s cheeks. “I...suppose the price was more fair that I originally thought.”

“Yes, well, it was hard not to take you for your offer, deary, but considering you have friends in high places...I think I’ll keep to the price I told you from the start.” The woman chuckled.

Applejack blinked. “Now hold up. Me being an Apple is easy enough to figure, but how do you know about Rarity?”

“Miss Apple. This city is, above all things, a great source of knowledge. Information is key to just about everything. As such, word spreads like a wildfire. You were all seen yesterday in the company of the Archmage, and you arrived with none other the Witch of the Evening, the star pupil of Empress Celestia.” She grinned. “That and I’ve heard whispers of you, miss Rarity. A rising forger such as you would bring me great business.”

Rarity finished writing out her order and handed it to her. “Could you have this delivered to the address listed there?”

“Of cour....” Rarity dove across the stand, tackling the woman to the ground.

Screams rent the air as a long heavy blade came crashing down right where Rarity and the woman had been standing.

Applejack had rolled to the side, ducking behind another stand. Her blood ran cold as her eyes traveled up the large creature before her.

Shadows billowing as a cloak, a horned skull looked down upon them with glowing blue points for eyes glaring down upon them all. It yanked the large sword from the ruined stand, hefting it over one shouldering. Towering over them, easily dwarfing the largest man, the creature swept its gaze over the emptying market. A fork tongue darted out as it raised its snout and sniffed.

Applejack barely made it to another stand as it crashed through the one she had cowered behind. Horror blossomed in her chest as cold realization crashed down upon her. Her eyes widened as it held its blade up, ready to bring it down upon her. “A demon?”


Twilight Sparkle sank down until she was sitting, knees bent on either side of her. She clung to the staff in her hands like a life-line; her breaths came in quick gasps.

She looked to her right. Rainbow was splayed out on her back, breathing just as hard. “You...could...have told...her....that I prefer...the staff...”

Rainbow weakly raised a hand. “I didn’t....didn’t expect...her to put us through the wringer...”

Twilight Velvet leaned upon her own staff, covered in a light sheen of sweat. She smirked at the two of them. “Honestly, the two of you still have quite a ways to go. Really, Rainbow Dash, just because I’m a magus does not mean I do not know how to use a weapon.”

“You used five different kinds. I think? I kinda lost count after you sent those swords chasing me.” The girl replied from the ground.

Velvet’s smile softened. “I doubt I’ll be as successful in our next session. I had the advantage of surprise this round. But this is another point to the lesson: always, always be prepared. Even more so when knowingly going into a situation where you do not know the capabilities of your enemy. Underestimation is a death wish. Still, you performed far...”

Shouting drew their attention. Soldiers hurried as they fell in line,
Weapons drawn and ready. An officer broke off and hurried to them.

“An attack in one of the markets! Reports are saying a demon!” He saluted Velvet. “The Archmage is currently unavailable, ma’am! We could use your expertise!”

Rainbow and Twilight quickly stood and stepped beside Velvet. Velvet frowned as she tightened her grip on her staff. “A demon...within the city? That should not be possible!”

“Where is the Archmage right now?” Rainbow asked the soldier.

“She’s presenting her monthly report before the Senate right now. By law, the doors have been sealed: none get in; none get out. They’ll be within for the next three hours or so.” The guard grunted.

“I’ll go to the Senate, see if I can use one of the emergency protocols to get to the Archmage.” Velvet took a breath before turning to her daughter. “I want the two of you to get over to the area. Assist the guards however you can, but don’t try to take it on yourselves! I’ll be right over as soon as I get in touch with Luna. Now go! Hurry!” She took off running.

Rainbow grabbed her sword and secured it at her waist, grabbing her shield. Twilight gave her a nod, and the two of them hurried after the guard.

Author's Note:

This was meant to be out ages ago, but circumstances kept me preoccupied. Next update shouldn’t be nearly as far away this time.