• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 544 Views, 9 Comments

Swords and Magic - Shadow Watcher

A knight seeking answers, a witch seeking revenge. Ancient forces long slumbering awaken.

  • ...

Chapter 1

With a loud huff, she grit her teeth, braced her legs, and angled her sword. The blow only knocked her back a few paces, but she was already darting forward to regain.

She watched as he prepared to swing at her, coming in from the left. She dropped down, sliding right under as the blade swung over her. She twisted, using all of her momentum to throw out her leg.

Caught by surprise, right after stumbling from his swing not hitting, he went flying forward, face down. Springing up, she leapt forward, raising her blade for a final blow.

“Enough!” A loud, strong command was yelled from the sidelines. She let her body go slack, easing up her tensed muscles. Sheathing her blade, she reached down, offering a hand to her downed comrade.

He accepted her hand reluctantly. A grim chuckle came from his dented helmet. “Seems I’m no match for you, Sir Dash.”

“I did try to warn you.” Rainbow smirked back at him, turning to face the podium at the side of the ring. She paused after only a few steps. There, sitting on a dais usually empty, was the Solar Empress. Celestia. The instant they neared the podium, they both sank to their knees.

A soft, motherly, yet commanding, voice shook Rainbow to her core. “Sir Rainbow Dash, rise before your Empress.” She felt herself moving, her eyes meeting those of the Empress. Celestia turned to the knight beside her. “Is this not your squire, Sir Shooting Star?”

“Indeed, Majesty. I have been her mentor for a long time. Ever since she was but a child.” He replied, his face neutral.

“A father in all but name.” The Empress murmured.

Rainbow blinked, and found herself face to face with the Empress. A soft hand cupped her face, yet even that gentle touch failed to hide the power radiating from the woman before her. An eternity passed, and then another. She looked up into a pair of purple eyes, deeper than any ocean.

Celestia released her chin, and Rainbow gasped for a breath she hadn’t known she was holding. The Empress gave her an approving smile, and then she was once more on the podium. “I approve of your candidate. She is by far the most promising.”

The knight bowed his head, clenching a fist over his heart. “Your words are more than gracious, Majesty.”

Another blink, and she vanished again. Shooting Star turned to them. “Sir Black Mane, you are free to leave. Be sure to check with the healers on your way out. Sir Rainbow Dash, come with me.”

Black Mane saluted and began limping off. Rainbow watched him, until she felt a heavy hand fall on her shoulder. She looked up at Shooting Star to see him with a faint smile on his face. “I doubt I could be any prouder of you than I am right now.”

She frowned. “But why was the Empress even here? Wasn’t this just a preliminary round for the upcoming tournament?”

He shook his head. “For Black Mane, it was. And he will be moved forward to the next round, given that you gave him no serious harm. Black Mane was considered one of the strongest contenders, which is why you were pitted against him.” He turned and began his way out of the small stadium.

A sizable crowd still hung around. Rainbow caught a few of their furtive glances at her. “That doesn’t explain why the Empress herself was here.”

“It was a test, Rainbow. One of the final tests of your training.” Shooting Star replied. “When you came to me all those years ago, I saw in you something special. I have done everything I can to help bring it out. Pushing you to your potential, but only as long as it was something you wanted.” He sighed. “You want answers about your parents? This is the only way to possibly get any.”

“...you’re already trying to talk me into this, without even telling me what this is yet.” Rainbow’s frown deepened further. “I swear, Shooting, if this...”

“I put your name forward for the Dusk Ceremony.” He interrupted her. He stopped at the exact moment she did, meeting her shocked stare head on. Shock with a measure of hurt, possibly betrayal. “I know how against this you are, but you’ve never even given any mages a chance.”

“You...you put my name forward...to be bonded with the Witch of the Evening?!” Rainbow nearly shouted.

Shooting Star’s face fell. “That girl is one of the greatest magical prodigies of our age, not to mention personal student of our Empress. Try to at least show a measure of respect.”

“And I told you, I don’t want anything to do with mages!” She snarled.

Shooting stared back at her, his face hard. He leaned forward, getting right in her face. “Unfortunately for you, she’s your greatest chance at finding the Children of Umbra.”

He stood fast as her rage cooled, like a bucket of water dumped over a campfire. A war waged in her eyes. Reluctantly she looked away from his gaze. “What makes you so certain of this?”

“The Empress has given her protege charge over hunting their cult down. It’s why she’s holding the Dusk Ceremony: to find a knight suitable to be bonded to her student. A knight capable of withstanding that much magic. You want answers? Vengeance? This girl is your ticket. And the Empress will rest easy, knowing that her best knight is keeping her student safe.” Shooting said calmly.

Rainbow’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll go prepare myself.” She walked away without another word.


Twilight Sparkle listlessly trudged through the hallway, her ceremonial cloak billowing about her. She’d already reluctantly agreed to take a knight. But if she’d already chosen the knight she would bond with, why bother with the Dusk Ceremony?

A hand clapped down on her shoulder. Her brother’s eyes were warm as always, though filled with concern. “It’s not going to be so bad. The bond is different for every pair. It doesn’t always end in romance.”

“I know, Shining. I’m not worried about that. By the end of this day, I know I will at least have a comrade. Maybe she’ll be my friend someday, but for now we at least share a common goal.” Twilight replied.

Shining frowned, tightening his grip on her shoulder ever so slightly. “You mean you’ve already chosen a knight? Before the ceremony begins?”

His sister nodded before answering. “And I’ve already gotten both Empress Celestia’s approval and blessing. She still insisted on carrying out the ceremony, no matter how unnecessary I pointed it out to be.”

A frown crossed his face. “Isn’t that a little biased, though? I mean, even Cadance didn’t know I was the knight she would bond with until the ceremony.”

“On the contrary. She may not have consciously known, that gbut she had already chosen you. Her heart had chosen you. Just as I have used my head to choose my own. In the end, logic won out. You know how hard I tried arguing with Celestia against this. I don’t need a knight, Shining, but if I am to take one, then I will choose the one that aligns closest with my goals.” Twilight replied. She slipped from under his hand. “I’m going to prepare myself for tomorrow.”

Shining Armor ran a hand through his hair as he watched her walk away. He did not flinch as a soft arm wrapped around his shoulders.

Cadance sighed as she leaned against her husband. “She’s still filled with anger. I wish I knew what Auntie was thinking, assigning her to hunt down the Children of Umbra.”

“Probably the same reason Shooting Star is pushing Sir Rainbow Dash into the Dusk Ceremony.” He barely suppressed a shudder. “Does The Empress really believe this is a good idea?”

His wife was silent for a few moments before answering. “To be honest, I haven’t a clue what she’s thinking. I certainly wouldn’t have chosen these two for such a task, but I probably would have tried pushing them towards friendship.”

“Regardless, tomorrow will be an interesting day.” Shining Armor murmured.