• Published 29th Dec 2016
  • 1,727 Views, 3 Comments

My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V - DakariKingMykan

An Alien Armada has surrounded United Equestria, and an evil Dragon is on the loose

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Final Episode: Final Part: Actions Reward

“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

The great battle continued to take its toll on the heroes, so Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia decided to fuse into the Grand Celestial Ruler and destroy the Insecto Armada once and for all, just moments after Cadance had snapped Shining Armor back to his own self and they and all the others abandoned the mothership before it was blown to space dust, which also final decimated the barrier around the planet.

However, having survived the destruction, Phoebe and Jetar unveiled a powerful Insectobot which they used to trap Grand Ruler and Celestia on the moon, with seemingly little to no escape at all!


Princess brought in the night, and the moon was shining brightly.

While Shining Armor was still devastated and mourning the stillbirth of Amando, and Cadance continued to embrace him. “I know…” she said tearfully “I know, I can’t take it anymore than you.”

The others said nothing. What was there to say? All of them felt equally as bad as the others.

“My son… our son!” cried Shining Armor “…And I did it! It was my fault!”

“That’s not true!” cried Cadance.

Then, a glowing orb emerged from her as a voiced called out “…Mother is correct.”

That’s when he appeared before everyone.

Everyone gazed at him with their mouths hanging open.

Shining Armor was astonished. “Are you…?”

Amando nodded “Father, you are to blame for my unfortunate demise. Everything that you did was under the influence of the Insectos.”

“He’s right, Shining Armor.” said Starla “You weren’t yourself, and you had no idea what you were doing.”

“We can’t change the past. What’s done is done.” said Applejack.

As much as the ponies would have scorned and jeered her for sounding rather insensitive, she was right, even Amando’s spirit knew this.

He used his magic to levitate the Saber Mask into his father’s hands. “The control over you has been vanquished. You now possess the power of Saber, and you can use it for better.”

Shining Armor thought that may never be possible. How could he use the very powers he once used to attack his friends and loved ones? The very power that cost him his son, and nearly cost him his wife too!

“Whatever you decide, father, it will be you who chooses so.” said Amando. He disappeared back into Cadance before anyone said anything else.

Shining Armor still wasn’t sure what to do.

Suddenly, Princess Luna came soaring in, and she looked desperately worried. “My apologies, but there is great danger!” she cried.

The others were confused, and before they had a chance to question. She told “Just moments ago I received a very faint message from my sister. She and her husband are trapped on the moon, engaging in a battle!”

Starla got out her handy miniature super telescope, and pointed it at the moon; she zoomed in close and could see it all.

She quickly raced back down to her friends.

“What’s going on?” asked Buddy Rose.

“There’s a giant Insectobot; it’s attacking their majesties!”

The team gasped.

Artie felt outraged “Just when you think we’ve beaten them, they pull a trick out from under their sleeves!”

“We have to go up there!” cried Rarity “We’ve got to help their majesties.”

One of Krysta’s fairy soldiers popped up. “I can get you there.”

“But wait!” said Rainbow “We used up most of our powers fighting on the mothership. We can’t just rush into the battle.”

“We’ve got no choice.” said Dyno.

“Si, their majesties won’t survive in their present state. They need help.” added Myte.

They all each had just enough power to transform after their brief rest, and though it wouldn’t last too long, they all agreed to go for it.

“I’ll go with you.” said Princess Luna “I will not stand by while the Insecto survivors threaten my family.”

“I’m going too.” said Shining Armor. Everyone gawked at him, and could see the seriousness in his eyes. “I owe those overgrown parasites for everything they’ve done to me, to you guys, and especially for my son!”

He placed the mask on his face, and this activated his transformation, changing him back into Saber, but there was no evil in him this time. He held his sword bravely and pointed it at the moon.

Cadance held his arm and stood by his side, magically re-donning her ninja mask.

“Let’s go!” shouted Starla.



“Dragon Power!”

Once transformed, the fairy soldiers wrapped everyone off to the moon, while all the other soldiers remained behind to take all the remaining Insectos into custody.

While on the moon, Insectobot was all charged up and ready to fire.

The Stingars gave Phoebe the signal when all was set.

“FIRE!!” shouted Phoebe!

From the robot’s huge eyes, two large, blue beams of strong energy fired, and struck their majesties in a huge explosion.

“Direct hit!” Phoebe cheered.

“YES!!” shouted Jetar.

The Stingars cheered too, but as the smoke cleared, one of the Stingars pointed frantically outside, and both Phoebe and Jetar gasped. There was the small crater where the lasers had hit, but not a single trace of their majesties anywhere.

“What?! No!” cried Phoebe.

“They must’ve had just enough power left to teleport out of the way!” growled Jetar.

Phoebe turned red with fury, but at least she knew their majesties could not have gone back to the planet without much power. “They’ve got to be around here somewhere. Begin scouting!”

She was determined to find them and finishing them off while they were still weakened. “First they destroyed my father, and they destroyed my mother, along with the rest of our beautiful armada! I will not let them live for this!!”

Insectobot stomped all over, crushing and blasting away all the rock formations in its path.

Their majesties had teleported a little ways north from it and were hiding behind a large rock spire after just teleporting out of the path of fire.

Now they were totally drained of any magic they had left, and even combined, they hardly had enough strength to fly.

“It won’t be long before they find us.” cried Celestia.

“I just hope Princess Luna got our message.” said Grand Ruler “Without help, we haven’t got a chance against that monster.”

The robot’s tracking could detect their majesties life-forces emitting from behind the rock spire. “Now I’ve got you!” hissed Phoebe.

The robot fired its lasers, disintegrating the rocks to ashes exposing the two powerless ponies.

Their majesties had no place to run or teleport.

“There’s no more protection.” sneered Phoebe “Prepare to meet your fate!”

Insectobot was ready to fire again.

The two ponies held each other in fear…

When suddenly… just as the lasers were about to fire, a combination of attacks and magic formed into one colossal blast fired at the robot, tipping it off balance and casuing the blast to fire harmlessly into space where it vanquished into nothing.

“What was that?!” shouted Jetar.

As the Stingars straightened the robot out, they could all see the rest of the gang gathered outside.

“Playtime’s over, kids!” Starla sneeed.

“For once I agree.” added Pinkie “And I usually never agree to ending playtime.”

Princess Luna gazed at her sister and brother-in-law. “Are you two okay?”

“We are now.” Celestia replied.

“Thank goodness you came!” added Grand Ruler.

The Insectos were outraged, and even more when they spotted Shining Armor, in his Saber forum.

“So, the traitor returns!” snarled Phoebe.

Shining Armor angrily pointed his sword at them “Correction, I can’t be a traitor if I was never willingly on your team.” His anger was starting to show. “You turned me against my friends, you killed my son! I won’t let you get away with this!!”

“We won’t either!” added Starla.

Everyone else jumped in and cheered with determination.

“Ha!” scoffed Phoebe “All your doing is setting yourselves up for us to crush! GET THEM!”

“Spread out!” shouted Luna “They cannot follow us all at once!”

Agreeing to this, everyone leapt off in many directions. Thanks to the moon’s low gravity, they were able to leap much further and higher.

“If you think that old trick will save you, guess again!” thundered Jetar, and he hit a switch which made Insectobot fire a stream of missiles in all directions towards each and every fighter.

“Watch out!” shouted Artie, and he and everyone ducked and dodged out of the way, but those missiles turned round and beamed right at them again.

“Sure, they have to be heat-seeking!” groaned Rainbow.

“If we can’t out run them, let’s destroy them.” suggested Spike.

Many of the ponies used their super powers to destroy many of the missiles, and then lured the remaining missiles into colliding with each other, destroying themselves.

“Not to worry, we’ve got plenty!” said Phoebe, and using magic from her scepter, Insectobot launched another swarm.

“Oh, not again!” groaned Rarity.

“Not this time.” said Dyno.

“I’m ready.” added Myte, and the brothers joined hands and launched enormous fireballs into the air. The missiles followed them like a magnet, and all collided with each other, blowing up in a huge explosion, knocking everyone, even Insectobot back.

Inside the Insectos didn’t seem worried at all.

“Get us back up.” said Phoebe “I think we’ve toyed with them long enough.”

As Insectobot got up again, all the fighters stood together.

“Let’s blast ‘em now!” shouted Applejack

“All together!” added Starla.







Cadance and Luna fired their own super powers.

And the Equestrians, and Celestia all stood together, despite that Celestia was weak, together with the Elements of Harmony residing inside, she and the girls could still fire the…


Grand Ruler hardly any power left, but gave what he could.

All the colossal energy combined together, and yet, it wasn’t as big or as strong as they hoped it would be.

It did strike Insectobot, but hardly enough to cause much damage.

“It’s no use, our powers are all drained out!” cried Luna.

“Their energies are down!” shouted Phoebe “…ATTACK!!”

More missiles were launched.

“Watch out!” shouted Fluttershy.

The team scattered about, but with their energies nearing total depletion, and the moon’s low gravity, they couldn’t move as fast, and while the explosions didn’t hit them, the forces knocked them all back, causing their suits to de-energize.

“No!!” shouted Grand Ruler.

The others managed to get up, just barely, but this was just no good.

“We can’t fight them well here; not like this.” said Spike.

“But we cannot let them down to the planet either.
They’ll blow up everything in sight.
I really hate to say it but,
I don’t see how we can win this fight.” said Rhymey.

Phoebe and Jetar snickered wickedly.

“If you can’t beat ‘em… then lose to ‘em.” hissed Phoebe.

“Charging lasers to full power.” said Jetar.

This really looked like it was it.


The lasers charged and fired towards the gang, when suddenly, a powerful golden stream of power collided with the charge, negating it.

“That’s… Uniforce!” cried Grand Ruler.

“What?!” snapped Phoebe.

Everyone turned and saw him, standing there with his golden horn glowing brightly.

“Lightning!” cried Starla.

Her husband smirked and said “Back… and fully charged!”

The others could hardly believe it.

Lightning felt relieved to have arrived just in time…

While he was resting on the Safe World planet, he began to get the sick feeling that his friends were all in extreme peril. Like a nasty churn in his stomach and a shiver up his spine.

He knew he just had to get to them, but Dr. Penny insisted he not since he still lacked the proper energy.

This made Lightning realize, and feeling dumb for not having realizing it sooner; he remembered that he could absorb the special magic of the power of believing from all the ponies and all the other creatures on the planet with him.

Every pony and every other creature gladly offered what energy they could spare, by looking deeply inside them and concentrating hard on all their courage, righteousness, and their believing and hope that victory would be assured. This gave Lightning more than enough power to launch himself out of bed, soar from planet-to-planet avoiding the teleporting magic, and arrive just in the nick of time.

Phoebe and Jetar were outraged, and Lightning glared at them deeply in the cockpit. “I’ve got a little score of my own to settle with you bug-brains!”

He then powered up and changed into his Enticorn Form.

“Bring it on, punk!” snarled Jetar.

“Even your Enticorn powers can’t beat out super Insectobot!” added Phoebe.

The robot charged forth.

“Oh, no…?” hissed Lightning, and he swung his fist really hard, knocking that huge metallic beats up, up, up and out into space!

He leapt up and went after it with such speed; his Entity energies protected him from the power of space, and he kicked the robot hard, knocking it even further out!

Inside, the bugs were all thrown about in the tumbling. “So, you wanna play, huh!” growled Phoebe, and she pounded on the controls, activating the thrusters, which gave the robot balance. Now it was ready to brawl.

Lightning cracked his knuckles and smirked “It’s been a while, but let’s go.”

The robot lunged forth and aimed a powerful punch, but Lightning zipped away, and punched them from the side.

“Missiles, fire!” shouted Jetar.

The missiles fired, and Lightning just stood where he was letting each one hit him, and hardly any damage was done to him at all.

“Is that the best you’ve got?” he teased.

The bugs growled, and Lightning unleashed a fury of uniforce-pulses. Sparked and explosions flew everywhere, and even damaged the robot’s huge eyes, disabling the laser attack, and also shorting out the robot’s thrusters, and threw it in a tumbling spin.

Inside the cockpit, so many controls shorted out and sparked, and Phoebe’s scepter was thrown from its holding place and shattered.

“No!!” cried Phoebe.

“A’rgh!” growled Jetar as he tried all the controls “Totally destroyed! I can’t get a peep out of it!”

Everyone could see it all from the moon.

“Look at him go!” cried Shining Armor.

“Hey, he’s coming back here.” said Cadance.

Lightning landed near all his friends, and when asked why he came back; “Because I want us all to share this moment. We all have a bone to pick with those bugs, so let’s finish them together!” And with that, he transferred some of his power to all his friends restoring some of their strength.

“Whoa, I feel totally energized!” said Buddy Rose.

“This feels incredible!” cried Rarity.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” said Rainbow.

Lightning stood at the head of the team, Starla held his right hand, and was joined in a chain by all the space ponies and the Equestrians.

Grand Ruler held Lightning’s left hand, and was joined by all the other royal members, and Spike.

“Lightning, at your command.” said Grand Ruler. One-by-one, everyone nodded in agreement with him at Lightning, and Lightning began to charge up his power, along with all his friends and loved ones.


All the ponies to his right nodded.

“Ready…?” the others to his left nodded.


…Combining all their energies together, the fired a huge mega beam of extreme magic direct at the damaged Insectobot.

“OH, LOOK!!” screamed Jetar.

“…Ah!” Phoebe looked out the viewport at the huge wave coming at them “…AAAAAAHHH!!!”

POW!! The beam collided with the robot, slowly starting to break it up.

“PRINCESS…!!” cried Jetar.


Phoebe actually dashed up to him and embraced him!

“Princess… I… I have always!”

She threw her arms around him, quickly kissing him, and he embraced her dearly as the cockpit exploded…

…and the entire robot went up in a huge bang!

However, they were not destroyed. All that powerful magic combined, the evil monsters were contained in extremely powerful capture spheres that appeared before the team on the moon.

Jetar and Phoebe were frozen in suspended animation, still locked in their embrace.

Lightning powered down, changed back to his normal form and scooped up the sphere.

“As much as it was already justified to destroy you for everything you’ve done to so many. We wish you remain alive, so that every day you spend rotting in prison, you will understand the same pain you put us all through!”

Everyone actually agreed; a very fitting punishment, almost as well as destroying them.

Lightning saluted bravely and deeply, and everyone saluted with him.

That’s when the spirit of Amando appeared again.

“Well done, everyone.”

Lightning recognized him almost immediately “I know you. You visited me in my standstill.”

Amando nodded “You have done especially well, Commander Lightning. While your heroisms combined will never undo what has been done in the past, the future now looks safer for many.”

“You’re right… I promise, I will give everything I can for whatever I can.”

Amando nodded thankfully at him, and then gazed at his mother and father, both of whom gazed at him tearfully.

Amando felt equally as regretfull and upset, but he knew this would change nothing.

“Mother, Father… it is time. Now that you have avenged me, I can finally find my peace.”

Cadance could hardly control herself. “I know you have to…” she sobbed “And I know we have to face this…”

“But… But…” Shining Armor stammered “It’s just so hard! We don’t think we can ever get over this.”

“You won’t have to…” said another voice.

“He’s right.” Said yet another, and that’s when the Spirits of Twilight and Fratello appeared.



Both spirits stood with the spirit of their nephew.

Seeing them all together made everyone feel really down, but somewhat just a little comforting, at least Amando wouldn’t be alone; though it still didn’t feel all that good.

“Losing a loved one is never easy, and the pain is overwhelming, but nothing can truly make it disappear.” said Fratello.

Twilight nodded and added “We would’ve behaved no different were we still with you, but we do know what would not have changed, that we loved you and you loved us.”

Tears formed in Celestia’s eyes “We did love you, and we always will.” she said.

Grand Ruler shed no tears, but everyone could see the feelings in his eyes and hear the words he spoke from his heart “Your deaths have become a-part of us, and we will carry those burdens every day and night. It is what makes us, pure, understanding, and helps us to be brave and strong.”

The three spirits nodded, and Amando declared…

“You all loved, would have loved, and still do love us all as we did, would have and still do all of you. Nothing can, nor ever will even change that. Remember…”

Everyone sadly and some tearfully promised to always keep that in mind.

“I love you Twily…”

“I love you Fratello, and we both love you, son!”

“We all do…” added Lightning “…And we always will.”

Everyone nodded and the three spirits smiled thankfully.

“Farewell.” said Amando, and with that, he and the others vanished in a sparkling ray of light and were gone, leaving everyone else in silence and stillness.

Soon, everyone was returned from the safe-world planet, back to United Equestria, all the damages were repaired, but before any celebrations could begin, there was still the case of having the service for Amando, and burying his corpse.

Nobody in the entire planet had felt so painful since the death of Twilight Sparkle. It was so heartbreaking, especially for Cadance and Shining Armor.

A small monument for Amando was set up in the New Canterlot Cemetery, right near Twilight’s and Fratello’s.

Their supreme majesties were all devastated dearly by loss of their grand-nephew, and vowed to never let his death be in vain.

The same went for Lightning. He owed Amando this much, still feeling guilty of being unable to save him when Cadance got hurt.

Starla held his hand warmly, comforting him.

He leaned against her sadly.

About a week after the service, there was the traditional award’s ceremony.

Everyone received promotions.

The space ponies were all promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, except for Starla. For her excellent leadership and taking care of the unit during Lightning’s absence, both Lightning and their majesties well agreed she deserved to be forthwith promoted to the rank of Colonel, ranking higher than the others, except for Lightning.

Everyone believed she deserved it well, and she was officially dubbed as second-in-command to the unit.

The Equestrian ponies, they were promoted to First Class Majors, and Spike, he was a regular Major, but also received a special award for helping to vanquish Scaly.

Professor Brain was awarded prestigiously with a golden prize of recognition in sciences and technology. After all, it was his barrier that helped protect the planet, or the armada would have obliterated it all from day one.

Even though the barrier was now destroyed, the professor promised to fix it up “And this time… I shall leave naught to chance.” he declared.

Even the Cutiemark Crusaders were awarded, for having saved the lives of Lightning’s officers and also putting an end to Scaly’s conquest. All five of them were awarded prestigious medals of honour, which Lightning, and their majesties were pleased to present to them.

Applejack, Buddy Rose, Rarity, they found it hard to hold back their tears while they stood tall and proud, but Big Mac was already blubbering in happiness, especially with his leg all healed.

Cheerilee and Mykan were in the crowd too and felt very proud for the girls.

After the awards ceremony was over…

“Now, let’s party!” shouted Pinkie, but just as she was about to blast off to get things started, Rarity levitated her back to the ground “Not just yet, Pinkie.”

“Yeah…” added Spike and he gazed lovingly at Rarity “We still have one last thing to do.”

Rarity grinned lovingly at him, and they shared a kiss in front of everyone

…and before long, they were sharing their kiss at their official wedding, having officially being declared Dragon and Wife.

Everyone cheered with extreme joy, even the few noble dragons were invited and offered their blessings to the new couple. A Dragon and a Pony; they had nothing against it.

Celestia and Luna wiped the tears from their eyes, and Grand Ruler nodded proudly and sighed “Ahh… true love.”

Shining Armor couldn’t help but blubber like a baby.

“He always cries at weddings.” Cadance said.

The others couldn’t help but laugh, but they were astonished as well.

“They really did it.” said Dyno

“I never thought I’d ever see it.” said Myte.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were both blubbering in happiness.

“Babies…” Rainbow grunted.

“Ah, go on, Rainbow, let it out.” said Lightning.

“It’s okay.” added Starla.

Rainbow struggled, and tried, but she came out blubbering like crazy. “It’s just so beautiful!”

The others couldn’t help but laugh.

Rarity’s whole family approached the newlyweds. Hondo Flanks hugged his daughter and pecked her on the cheek “Your beautiful, honey. I haven’t seen anything like you since your mother.”

He got a nudge on the shoulder from his wife for that, but everyone shared a slight laugh.

Cookie Crumbles gazed at Rarity and then to Spike. “Rarity, I always had such high hopes for you, but while he’s not a pony, you got yourself a fine guy here.”

She shared a huge with Spike.

“Ah, thanks, mom.” he said to her, and a tear rolled down his cheek. Calling her that really made him feel so much love, now he had a real family his own again. A Wife, a mother, father, even a little sister.

“Perhaps someday it will grow bigger.” said Rarity.

“Pardon…?” Spike asked.

His bride winked at him, and he got the message.

“What are they talking about?” asked Sweetie Belle, but none of the adults explained it to her since she was too young.

Artie had just finished penciling in a rough sketch of the wedding party. “This’ll look awesome when I paint it in.”

Krysta couldn’t help but pull him along saying “Never mind that now, Let’s party!”

Everyone cheered as the celebration began, and a band was playing on the stage, and the lead guest singer was Rhymey. He sang a song that he wrote, and that everyone could dance too, but Spike and Rarity were especially honored.

Fluttershy was even invited on stage to stand near him, as the message was also directed at her.

Rarity and Spike danced well to the music, Rarity didn’t even mind that it wasn’t a classical song, she was just too happy to care, and it was a good thing she made her gown adjustable so the long skirt could detach revealing a shorter one.

This helped as Spike twirled her and they did wild moves, eventually coming together in a kiss, and Rarity tossed her bouquet, and Cheerilee caught it. Big Mac was standing right beside her, and the two of them couldn’t help but think it silly.

Other than that, it really was a happier day and time than any other recent ones.

Who knew where the next adventure would come from and where it would lead.


Comments ( 2 )
Comment posted by DakariKingMykan deleted Feb 12th, 2017

Poor Phoebe ;-;

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