• Published 29th Dec 2016
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My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V - DakariKingMykan

An Alien Armada has surrounded United Equestria, and an evil Dragon is on the loose

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Episode 1: Bugs & Barriers


It was a beautiful evening in United Equestria, there had not been any danger for several months since the last attack from Titan and his forces.

Now, everything was blissful again.

Many pony adults went to work while children went to school, and Starfleet continued to patrol the planet and many other sectors of the known galaxy to be on the alert of any dangerous enemies.

Spike and Rarity were especially excited as they planned for their upcoming wedding, which was now only a month away.

Rarity was practically driving herself crazy as she thought of every possible design for her wedding dress. Spike would constantly offer to help her, but Rarity insisted he not.

“Really, Spike. It’s bad luck for you to see my dress before the ceremony.”

“If I see I’ll still act surprised.” he teased.

Rarity giggled, and they shared a soft kiss, and Spike promised to try and control his own anxiety as well.

Mykan Stevens, the only human on the planet from Earth was really getting into his new life since he decided to stay and live amongst the ponies. He really enjoyed his new job teaching colts and fillies more about his world, while at the same time being an axillary member of Starfleet.

Others were just enjoying life to the fullest, preferably a Starfleet officer, Captain Colin Flower, for he had just proposed to his mare-friend, an Earth Pony named Honey Dew, and she accepted in extreme delight.

“I thought you’d never ask Me.” she cried as she hugged him warmly.

“I really love you, Honey Dew.” said Colin “After the big test is completed today, it’ll be just you and me.”


They shared a soft kiss.

Overhead, Commander Lightning Dawn, and his wife of nearly ten months, Major Starla Shine, were on their way to New Canterlot, and couldn’t help but see the whole thing thinking it was very lovely.

“It reminds me of us, when I proposed to you.” Lightning said.

“Yeah… except I don’t remember it being exactly that way…” said Starla, and she reminded him of how he practically shouted his proposal to her, after a lengthily time of constant interruptions frustration of trying to propose.

This made Lightning hand his head down, feeling silly, but his wife pecked him on his cheek and said “I love you anyway.”

He smiled and pecked her back “And I love you.”

As much as they would have loved to spend the whole day embracing one another and talking about their love, they had their duties to perform before the big test that was about to occur that day.

They arrived at the royal palace where their friends were there waiting for them.

“Thought you’d never get here.” teased Buddy Rose.

“Now is that any way to greet your commanding officer?” Lightning teased back. Then he noticed “Hey, where’s Krysta?”

“Oh, she’s warping Cadance and Shining Armor here.” said Rainbow “They said they wouldn’t miss it for the world. Heck, I wouldn’t either.”

That’s when Pinkie Pie threw confetti and blew a party noise-maker as she hopped all around squealing “Awe, I can’t wait! I can’t wait! I CAN’T WAIT!! This is so exciting…”

“Easy there, Pinkie…” said Artie “Remember, this is no ordinary test. Professor Brain worked very hard on this, and it could very well determine our safety.”

That’s when the Professor himself came into the throne room and said “Quite so, Major, but I have spent five long years working on this project, and if all my calculations are correct, it shall work.”

“Um, exactly what is the project again?” Applejack asked.

The Professor explain that in past five years he had been developing a special set of transistors, which were made and coated with special metals that were immune to the teleportation magic of dimensional space.

These transistors were now placed high in orbit above the planet, all around it, and when activated, they would cast powerful energies back and forth between themselves, forming a magical barrier around the entire planet.

This barrier would be practically invisible, and it wouldn’t cause any harm to the atmosphere or the ecosystem, and its function would be to deter outside invaders from outer space, and prevent any surprise attacks on the planet.

“That’s really incredible, Professor.” said Fluttershy.

“From now on, it will mean more peace and quiet,
Just let any bad guy try and get by it.” said Rhymey.

Brain felt flattered and blushed softly. “Oh, you are all most kind.” he said.

“And just think…” said Dyno “If it works, we can make more of them to send to other worlds.”

“Ah, si… then they can be just as protected as we will.” added Myte.

Everyone liked the idea of that.

“Gee, you think that means we’ll be out of work?” said Spike “I mean, I sort of like fighting bad guys and helping others.”

“Oh, don’t worry Spike…” said Starla “Starfleet will always be needed, no matter what.”

Still, they had a while to wait. The test was not due to begin until sundown, and their majesties, Grand Ruler Celesto, Queen Celestia, and Princess Luna were not ready yet.

“Well, I hope we start soon. I simply must get back to designing my gown.”

“Seriously…?! That’s a month away.” said Applejack “Can’t you just put together somethin’ simple.”

Rarity felt insulted “Applejack, this is my wedding we’re talking about, and I want everything to be absolutely perfect.”

“She does have a point…” said a voice. Everyone turned and saw Cadance and Shining Armor arriving through a portal with Krysta. “I remember how fun my wedding was, in spite of the Changelings attack.”

“Ah, never mind that now honey.” said Shining Armor “I’m a little more excited about this…” and he stroked his wife’s swollen belly. Cadance had been pregnant for nearly six whole months now.

The others were very happy and excited for the couple, but none were as excited as Shining Armor. “I can’t believe it… I’m going to be a father.” That was all he would say no or days. The others rolled their eyes and snickered softly.

Meanwhile, it was still an hour before sundown, and their majesties were giving their foals, Castor and Leilani their evening baths.

“You like your baths, don’t you?” cooed Celestia.

“Mama…” said Castor.

“Dada…” said Leilani.

Their parents giggled. They loved it the way their children were growing fast, and already learning to speak.

“All right, out you come.” said Grand Ruler, and he and his wife dried their foals off and changed them into their jammies.

Meanwhile, Goldwin and Princess Luna were out on the highest terrace of the palace, and using their telescopes to look out into space, as they were asked to keep their eyes on the orbiting transistors.

“Wow. This is so exciting.” said Goldwin.

“Isn’t it…” added Luna “It would not surprise me if my sister and brother-in-law awarded the professor for his contribution.”

They both continued to look out, and even admired the view of the stars… when suddenly Goldwin noticed something just materialized, magically, from space.

“Hey, what’s that?”

It looked like a spaceship. Then, there was another, and two more.

“Princess Luna, look at this.”

Luna took a peek and saw more and more spaceships materializing. “What is this?”

Then Celestia and Grand Ruler came up to the terrace “Is everything okay here?” asked Celestia.

“Sister… brother-in-law… I think you should see this.”

Their majesties looked through either of the telescopes, and by this time, a whole fleet of those ships had materialized and now seemed to be heading towards the planet.

Grand Ruler felt his blood turning cold at the sight of them “It… can’t be!” he muttered softly.

“Celesto…? What is it…?” asked Celestia.

Her husband looked up at her with shocked eyes “We’re in terrible danger!”

Celestia gasped softly.

Princess Luna and Goldwin didn’t understand, but their majesties rushed back inside. “TURN ON THE SHEILDS!!!” Grand Ruler shouted “TURN THEM ON!! TURN THEM ON NOW!!”

Lightning could hear his mentor’s cry.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

The others were just as confused.

Then the alarm sounded, and their majesties appeared.

“I say, what is all this?” cried Professor Brain.

“Professor!” cried Celestia “Turn on the shield now!”

“Your majesty, I beg you, what is the matter?”

“JUST DO IT!!” shouted Grand Ruler.

Still not knowing what was going on, Brain retreated to the main control ops of the palace, and ordered everyone to energize the shield. “It will take a few moments to fully charge.” he said.

Their majesties looked pale with worry.

“What’s the matter?” asked Starla.

“Hey, look at this!” cried Artie. Everyone dashed to the window and could now see the fleet of spaceships above the planet, and still materializing.

“Madre de Dios!--*Mother of God!*” cried Dyno “I’ve never seen so many ships at once before.”

“Where did they all come from?” asked Myte.

Lightning thought the ships looked awfully familiar. “Is it possible…?”

The shields were still not fully charged, it would take a little longer. Grand Ruler and Celestia could no longer wait, and used their magic to raise the barriers around the homes and the villages.

Unfortunately, this left no time for everyone to get inside where it was safe, and many were left outdoors, and that’s when… IT BEGAN!!

(The attack would be like this, only worse)

The vast armada of ships began to open fire on the planet. Laser beams rained down from the skies, hitting the grounds and other objects, causing massive explosions. The barriers still protected the buildings, but many of the ponies outside…!

Many were forced back hard by the force of the explosions, and several were instantly incinerated after getting hit by the lasers.

“NO!!” shouted Grand Ruler.

Celestia’s blood turned cold as tears formed in her eyes.

All the others felt the same.

Then, things went from bad, to way worse, as a whole swarm of insect-like creatures appeared in the village below, and two larger insects; General Stag and General Slick, appeared.

“Stingars, go forth!” shouted Stag.

“Take no prisoners, show no mercy!” added Slick.

The stingars nodded, and began to terrorize the ponies and other civilians, causing more damage than ever.

“Let’s go down there!” cried Lightning. The others agreed with him.

“Wait!” shouted Grand Ruler, but the team had already flown off.

Many ponies were running amuck, to avoid the laser fire from the armada, among them was Honey Dew.

Then, a few of the stingars aimed their powerful stingers near her, and fired them like harpoons, which exploded around her, knocking her to the ground.

Stag and Slick approached her and glared down at her.

“Much has changed in a millennium.” said Stag

“Apparently… not enough has though.” added Slick “They are just as primitive as ever.”

Both of them readied themselves for the kill, when suddenly, they got zapped from the side.

They turned round and saw the gang, all transformed and glaring at them. “How dare you attack this world without any warning.” snarled Lightning “Prepare to feel the wrath of Starfleet!”

The two bugs laughed, and then motioned for the army of stingars to attack the gang. Then they vanished and were gone, leaving the gang and stingars to brawl.

Rarity chopped and kicked the nasty creatures that came her way snarling “I hate bugs!”

Buddy Rose used his Vine Whip to whip, lash, and strike the nasty insects hard, but one more caught him by surprise and jumped on him. It was about to finish him, had Applejack not lassoed it with her rope and yanked it away.

“You okay?” she called.

He shot her a thumb-up.

Fluttershy stood brave and tall, but the very sight of the ugly insects freaked her out, and she stayed behind Rhymey as he slashed and parried at them with his sword.

“There’s too many of them!” shouted Spike.

“Lightning, can’t you try the uniforce?” cried Starla.

“I can’t! There’s too many civilians scattered about. I don’t want to hit them.”

All they could do now was continue to fight.

While on board one of the lead ships of the armada, Stag and Slick could see everything on their monitors. “Are you sure we should be doing this?” asked Slick “The king hasn’t arrived yet.”

“All the more reason to finish them off now.” said Stag “When his majesty arrives and sees the ashes of the planet and ponies, we will be living legends amongst his vast legacy.”

Slick was still unsure, but he ordered the vast armada to charge their weapons again for a really big assault.

The huge guns on the ships began to glow as the prepared to fire.

“Look!” cried Pinkie.

“They’re going to fire again!” added Rainbow.

“We’ve got to get out of here!” shrieked Rarity.

Sadly, there was no place for them to run. This looked like it was it.

While at the palace, “That’s it!” cried Professor “Energy stable at one-hundred percent.”

“Now!” shouted Grand Ruler.

“FIRE!!” shouted Stag

And the armada ships began to open their fire on the planet… when suddenly, a huge glowing sphere of barely visible energy began to surround the planet.

“What?!” cried Slick.

As the lasers hit the shield, the energy bounced right off it and repelled right back at the ships, destroying many of them instantly.

“What’s going on?!” cried Stag.

“It’s some kind of energy shield. It’s repelling our lasers back at us.” said Slick. Then he and Stage quickly ordered the firing to cease before more ships got shot down,

The shield was almost formed around the entire planet, when suddenly, a bit of burning wreckage from a destroyed ship collided into one of the transistors, damaging it badly.

The shield was now fully up, except for one large hole about twenty feet wide.

“It’s worked!” cried Lightning.

“It really did!” added Starla.

The whole team felt relieved that they were spared, but they were still faced with the army of stingars, angrily glaring and screeching at them. They were about to charge forth, when suddenly, they all held their heads, moaning and wailing as if someone were causing them pain.

“What’s happening?” asked Fluttershy.

Then, they saw all the stingars fly straight up into the sky, and through the large hole in the shield.

“They just about had us at bay,
And then they simply run away?” said Rhymey.

Then, they were all gone leaving the streets emptied, and the team most confused.

“What’s happened?” snarled Stag “Why have the Stingars retreated?”

Slick then looked frightened, and tapped Stag’s shoulder. They both could see the giant mother insect ship with the large castle on it materialize from deep space. “He’s here!” cried Slick.

Then, they could hear the booming voice of their leader over the intercom. “WHAT… in the name of the galaxy is going on? You attacked before the armada was fully assembled?!”

Stag and Slick felt themselves sweating with nerves of fear.

“Your majesty… all this can be explained.” said Stag.

“You had better be prepared to do more than just explain!!” shouted the leader “Both of you, report to me at once!”

Then he signed off.

“I told you this was a bad idea.” said Slick.

Meanwhile, down on the planet, everything was a complete disaster. The buildings were still in one piece thanks to the small barriers, but the surrounding lands were all in terrible shape.

Many ponies were injured, several others were lost, and among them was Colin Flower, Honey Dew’s boyfriend. The med teams were already working hard to tend to all inured ponies, and others were consulting with Honey Dew and those like her whom had just lost their friends or loved ones.

Grand Ruler felt totally heartbroken, and slammed his fist angrily on the window-sill. “No…” he cried softly to himself “Not again! This can’t be happening.”

His wife consulted him “Celesto…” but she really didn’t know what to say or do, for she was equally as devastated as he was.

Cadance couldn’t believe the sight she was seeing. What a mess, and what a tragedy. She felt like bursting into tears.

“Easy honey…” said Shining Armor “Remember, the baby.”

Cadance had to avoid stress at all costs, but it was just so hard. “What is all this?” she asked “Who were those guys?”

“I know who they are…” said Lightning as he and his friends all stood together “I studied about them in my galactic biology; they’re called Stingars, they are fighting insect drones. They belong to and serve King Pinsar, the leader of the Insecto Armada.”

“You are correct, Lightning.” Grand Ruler said as he and Celestia approached everyone.

“The Insecto Armada?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Who are they?” added Rainbow.

“And why have we not heard of them before.”

Grand Ruler looked and felt nervous, almost as if he didn’t feel like explaining, but he told them all everything, and he used his magic to show everyone images of the past.

“The Insectos: They are a ruthless race of humanoid insect-hybrids, ruled by King Pinsar, and his wife Queen Ladybird. The Insectos are weapon crazed, power hungry war-mongers, they make it their purpose in life to conquer and destroy other planets and wipe out other races, as a demonstration of their strength and power.”

“That’s… awful…!” cried Fluttershy.

“That is disgusting!” whined Rarity “If they are so ruthless and power–hungry, why do they simply not just destroy their own world?”

“They already have…” said Lightning “According to my history studied, they really are that ruthless. They look for planets that they can inhabit, exterminate any races already living on it, and settle in. Then, they grow weary of that world, they blow it up and go search for a new world.”

The Equestrians had never heard of anything so barbaric in their lives. “Even the changelings were never that ruthless.” said Shining Armor.

Grand Ruler nodded and went on with his story…

“Long, long ago, Pinsar and his armada attacked Unicornicopia, while serving under Titan’s command and aid. The fight was brutal, you can imagine, and many were lost. In the end, I had sealed Titan away on the Dark Planet… and as for Pinsar… he was blasted deep into space, and I thought I had seen the last of him, but somehow Pinsar has survived, and has now returned with more power than ever, and from what I have seen, he intends to cause us no ends of trouble.”

The others instantly could tell… it was going to be war.

“Thank goodness, the shield protected us.” said Artie “But what about that big hole?”

Everyone felt as concerned as he was.

“Well, can we fix it?” asked Krysta.

“I’m afraid that is impossible…” said Professor Brain as he approached the gang “I have already looked into this malfunction, and I must admit I was deeply surprised, however, in order to properly inspect the distortion and repair the damage would require disarming the entire shield.”

“Well, obviously that’s out of the question.” said Applejack.

“Can’t we just seal it up with other magic?” asked Buddy Rose.

“I am afraid not…” replied Brain “Once tiny error in judgement on a move such as that would possible bring down the rest of the shield. Then we would be, literally so to speak… sitting ducks.”

That was it then. Nothing could be done under the present circumstances.

“Well, at least we’re still mostly safe.” said Starla “They can’t shoot at us anymore, so it gives us a fighting chance to strengthen up and fight back.”

“You may be right, Starla Shine…” said Celestia “But we’re going to have to remain ever more alert and vigilant than ever.”

“Yes…” said Grand Ruler “Who knows what diabolical schemes Pinsar is plotting now.”

Onboard the massive mothership, in the royal palace, Stag and Slick were brought into the master throne room before their king.

Pinsar didn’t look too different after one-thousand years, just a little paler, and more muscular. His wife sat next him on her own throne, and both of them looked extremely displeased.

“I planned for this moment for over a millennium…” said Pinsar, and then he shouted “AND NOW THANKS TO YOU BOTH, WE’VE LOST A GOOD DEAL OF SHIPS!! What have you to say for yourselves?”

“A-thousand apologies, your highness.” said Stag “But in a way, we did save you trouble.”

“He has a good point, sire.” added Slick “If the entire armada had arrived and opened fire, we would all have been destroyed by this surprise attack.”

“I hate to admit it, darling, but they are correct.” said Ladybird.

Pinsar was starting to feel that was true, but he still remained unmoved. “Even still, you disobeyed my direct orders and nearly plunged our entire plan into jeopardy. Now we can’t even attack those ponies while that shield is up.”

“Daddy… it’s not all lost.” chirped a voice the third throne spun round, and there stood, the now grown up, Princess Phoebe. “There’s still that big hole in their shield, perhaps we can use that to our advantage.”

Her father had thought of that as well “Yes, perhaps we can.”

Stag and Slick were confused.

“Your highness…” asked Stag “Begging your pardon, but how can we turn this to a fighting chance?”

Phoebe stood angrily and scolded “Idiots! Morons! Dolts…! And you’re supposed to be our best generals.”

“Now, that will do, Pheobe.” said Ladybird.

“Indeed…” said Pinsar “We shall send our best insects down to the planet in attempt to weaken the ponies’ defenses from within, but only one-at-a-time.”

Pheobe was unimpressed by such an idea “But Father, why not send our entire army in at once? Then we can really take it to the max.”

Her father gave her a straight look “Don’t contradict your father. I’m taking no chances this time. I underestimated the power and resources of these ponies once before. If we fight without thinking again, who knows what new tricks they may try and spring on us.”

Pheobe slumped down in her throne and pouted, while her father walked over to the windows and gazed down at the planet, and thought sinisterly of how neat it would be when he finally got his revenge after all this time.

“You thought blowing up my ship would stop me, Grand Ruler. Well, you were mistaken…” he then reflected on everything that happened.

After his ship was sent into deep space, severely crippled, they crash landed on an uninhabited planet near the edge of the galaxy. The planet hadn’t much to offer, yet the soils contained many traces of material and sources of energy useful for them to rebuild their armada.

For one-thousand years, the insectos worked hard, and trained in the process to become stronger and more skilled at fighting; even developing more power and technologies to better their sources.

Now, here they stood, even with many of their ships lost, the entire armada consisted of more than one-million, eight-hundred thousand war ships. Many of these ships were flown and operated by remote-control. Others were manned by swarms of stingars, commanded by their generals…

The insectos came in many shapes and sizes, and each with their own diabolical power and skills.

All this power would easily devastate any star-system…

…yet Pinsar had only one real desire right now.

(Picture it like at 1:00)

“I have returned, Grand Ruler.” He snarled “IT took me ages to find you again, but now here I am, and I’m not leaving until I destroy you and all that you know and love! ALL OF IT!!”

He laughed loud and wickedly while gazing at his vast armada of ships all around him, surrounding the planet.

The war was on!


In our next episode: Grand Ruler Celesto’s emotions are starting to run away with him, and he reveals the sad story of his lost friend to everyone.

Meanwhile, Pinsar sends down his first creature to attack United Equestria, as means of testing the resources of Starfleet.

How will Grand Ruler handle this situation, and how will the friends face against Pinsar’s forces?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Light my Firefly”)