> My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V > by DakariKingMykan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Way back then... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROLOGUE A-thousand years ago, when the planet Unicornicopia, and Starfleet were both young… The evil sorcerer, Lord Titan, the destroyer of many star systems, and the taker of many countless lives, had set his eyes on Unicornicopia and unleashed an all-out attack against Starfleet, but he had not come alone…! A vast armada of at least a-hundred spaceships were floating over the planet. In the center, was a larger craft, about two miles in diameter, in the shape of a giant spider, and atop this monstrous ship was a royal palace, with insect-shaped tentacles, faces, pincers, and more. Inside, on the ship’s command deck, a whole fleet of humanoid insect-hybrid creatures were roaming about, working the controls, and among them, were two generals… One resembled a black beetle. He was big, muscular, had four arms, and a huge horn atop his head. General Stag! The other resembled that of a Praying-Mantis. He was tall, skinny, also had four arms, but was very swift on the go. General Slick. “Move it!” he shouted to the others “We’ve got to hurry before his majesty arrives.” The other bugs nervously began to hustle about. “Come on! Hurry it up before I beat you like maggots.” shouted Stag. Just then, the huge doors in the back opened wide, and a red carpet rolled out as the king entered the command deck. “King Pinsar!” the generals exclaimed. Pinsar: He was a tall and mighty insect hybrid. Huge muscles, four arms, two tentacles in back, sharp pincers at the sides of his ugly face, and atop his head through his crow. He wore black and green armor, a nasty black cape, and one of his hands he clutched a long staff, with two sharp horns at the top and rows of stingers along the staff itself. He growled and snarled fiercely. “Is everything ready yet?” “Just about sire.” said Stag. “Just about isn’t good enough!” shouted Pinsar “You heard what Lord Titan demanded. We help him conquer this world, and capture the leader.” “Believe us, your grace, we understand.” said Slick. “You had better. Remember, that sorcerer has more power than my entire armada. If we don’t do as he says, he will destroy us all, I will not put my family at risk!” “Darling… I love it when you show you care that way.” said a voice from behind. Pinsar looked behind, and saw his darling wife and second-in-command; Queen Ladybird. Though she didn’t exactly look much like ladybird insect, she was very stunning, and looked more humanoid than bug. She wore pink and black-spotted armor, and had four arms like her husband, and in two of those arms, she held a little baby insect, which resembled a Bumblebee; their daughter; Princess Phoebe. Pinsar lovely kissed one of his wife’s hands and patted his daughter’s little head. “Don’t despair, my dears. Once we are through here, we can get back to what we love most.” Little Phoebe cooed with delight, and Ladybird’s antennae twitched. “More planets to destroy and races to vanquish… I can hardly wait.” “Master…” said Stag “Weapons are fully charged, and an army of Stingars is ready for dispatching.” “Send them down and prepare to fire!” said Pinsar “But remember… we capture the Grand Ruler and bring him here, alive! Understand?!” “Yes sir.” The many spaceships extended their powerful guns, and others had already launched an entire swarm of wasp-like insect drones down to the planet. The Starfleet army rushed into action. “Surrender, all of you!” shouted Titan. “We will never surrender to you.” shouted the army commander “You shall never take our beloved Grand Ruler, nor will we let you and your army destroy our planet.” Titan laughed manically “Pretty big words from such a pun creature! ATTACK…!!” The Stingars rushed into action! “CHARGE!!” shouted the commander, and the ponies rushed into battle. That’s when Titan began to zap the planet’s surface with his diabolical sorcery, and Pinsar instructed his ships to open fire. Lasers and magical pulses bombarded many areas, creating massive explosions everywhere. Most of the populace was in hiding and was safe, but the bombardment was proving to be way much to handle. The spaceships even fired upon their own Stingars to get the ponies they were battling, with no care whatsoever. They could always send more Stingars down to pick up the slack, as they were just artificial insect drones. The ponies tried their very best, but it soon was obvious that they were fighting a losing battle. “Grand Ruler…!” shouted Titan “Come out… you can’t hide forever!!” The Grand Ruler was indeed in hiding, as was suggested by his advisors, and had been watching the battle ever since, but it was becoming obvious to him that this could not go on. He could not bear to see more of his fighters fall on the battlefield. He would have to act now. “I pray to the stars I am doing the right thing.” he hoped. He just stood out in the open with his hands in the air. “King Pinsar!” cried Slick “The Grand Ruler is surrendering to us.” Pinsar and his wife rushed over to the monitor, and could hardly believe their many eyes. “Send the Stingars to take him, and bring him back to the ship.” Pinsar ordered. Slick saluted… and in almost no time at all, the Stingars captured the Grand Ruler and brought him back to the mothership as their prisoner, and forced him before their King. The bugs all twitched and screeched with glee! “Quiet!” shouted Pinsar “Quiet, all of you! I shall handle this interrogation.” (Picture it like this: Start at: 1:00, then stop at 1:53) He slowly approached the prisoner. “I’m glad you decided to come to your senses.” Grand Ruler looked up at him, grinning cheekily and said “A pity your senses have deceived you.” Before Pinsar could question that, he saw the prisoner glowing and realized “What…? IT’S A BOMB!!” and before anyone could react… the bomb exploded!! The explosion caused the mothership to start rocking and shaking about as consoles, and control panels shorted out. Pinsar and Ladybird were thrown hard against the wall. Their baby girl screamed and cried in fear as the alarms sounded. “Uh, oh… the engines!!” cried Stag “The engines are malfunctioning! WE’RE GOING OUT OF CONTROL!!” The mother ship’s rockets fired heavily, in malfunctioning patterns sending the ship hurdling out of orbit and into deep space. Pinsar was thrown against the window, and he angrily shouted as he gazed down at the planet “I’LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS, GRAND RULER… IF IT’S THE LAST THING I DO!!” As the ship headed out further, a few huge chunks of it fell off in the, still ongoing explosions, and collided into the other ships, causing them to all crash into and destroy one another in a massive chain-reaction, much to Pinsar’s horror “MY ARMADA!! NO…!!!” Everyone, even Titan was shocked to see the entire armada blown to dust in the skies. The Grand Ruler himself then came out of hiding. “Creating that dummy decoy of me really fooled them.” he said with pride. “YOU!!” shouted Titan “I will show you what happens to those WHO DARE TO TRY AND DECIEVE ME!!” That’s when their first confrontation began, and in the end, Titan was sealed away on the Dark Planet, thus ending the great battle, and he remaining Stingars were defeated as well. However, despite Starfleet’s victory, many ponies were lost, and others were injured, and those who had returned from hiding were now without their friends and loved ones. Even the commander of the army had been lost… The Grand Ruler was very upset with this, but more upset with himself, wishing he could have done more to help his soldiers, his friends. He clutched a medal on his armor, which was given to him by a dear friend who was now lost, and he vowed that if Pinsar would ever show himself again, he would avenge the death of his dear friend. MY BRAVE PONY: STARFLEET MAGIC SEASON FIVE > Episode 1: Bugs & Barriers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE ONE It was a beautiful evening in United Equestria, there had not been any danger for several months since the last attack from Titan and his forces. Now, everything was blissful again. Many pony adults went to work while children went to school, and Starfleet continued to patrol the planet and many other sectors of the known galaxy to be on the alert of any dangerous enemies. Spike and Rarity were especially excited as they planned for their upcoming wedding, which was now only a month away. Rarity was practically driving herself crazy as she thought of every possible design for her wedding dress. Spike would constantly offer to help her, but Rarity insisted he not. “Really, Spike. It’s bad luck for you to see my dress before the ceremony.” “If I see I’ll still act surprised.” he teased. Rarity giggled, and they shared a soft kiss, and Spike promised to try and control his own anxiety as well. Mykan Stevens, the only human on the planet from Earth was really getting into his new life since he decided to stay and live amongst the ponies. He really enjoyed his new job teaching colts and fillies more about his world, while at the same time being an axillary member of Starfleet. Others were just enjoying life to the fullest, preferably a Starfleet officer, Captain Colin Flower, for he had just proposed to his mare-friend, an Earth Pony named Honey Dew, and she accepted in extreme delight. “I thought you’d never ask Me.” she cried as she hugged him warmly. “I really love you, Honey Dew.” said Colin “After the big test is completed today, it’ll be just you and me.” “Forever…” They shared a soft kiss. Overhead, Commander Lightning Dawn, and his wife of nearly ten months, Major Starla Shine, were on their way to New Canterlot, and couldn’t help but see the whole thing thinking it was very lovely. “It reminds me of us, when I proposed to you.” Lightning said. “Yeah… except I don’t remember it being exactly that way…” said Starla, and she reminded him of how he practically shouted his proposal to her, after a lengthily time of constant interruptions frustration of trying to propose. This made Lightning hand his head down, feeling silly, but his wife pecked him on his cheek and said “I love you anyway.” He smiled and pecked her back “And I love you.” As much as they would have loved to spend the whole day embracing one another and talking about their love, they had their duties to perform before the big test that was about to occur that day. They arrived at the royal palace where their friends were there waiting for them. “Thought you’d never get here.” teased Buddy Rose. “Now is that any way to greet your commanding officer?” Lightning teased back. Then he noticed “Hey, where’s Krysta?” “Oh, she’s warping Cadance and Shining Armor here.” said Rainbow “They said they wouldn’t miss it for the world. Heck, I wouldn’t either.” That’s when Pinkie Pie threw confetti and blew a party noise-maker as she hopped all around squealing “Awe, I can’t wait! I can’t wait! I CAN’T WAIT!! This is so exciting…” “Easy there, Pinkie…” said Artie “Remember, this is no ordinary test. Professor Brain worked very hard on this, and it could very well determine our safety.” That’s when the Professor himself came into the throne room and said “Quite so, Major, but I have spent five long years working on this project, and if all my calculations are correct, it shall work.” “Um, exactly what is the project again?” Applejack asked. The Professor explain that in past five years he had been developing a special set of transistors, which were made and coated with special metals that were immune to the teleportation magic of dimensional space. These transistors were now placed high in orbit above the planet, all around it, and when activated, they would cast powerful energies back and forth between themselves, forming a magical barrier around the entire planet. This barrier would be practically invisible, and it wouldn’t cause any harm to the atmosphere or the ecosystem, and its function would be to deter outside invaders from outer space, and prevent any surprise attacks on the planet. “That’s really incredible, Professor.” said Fluttershy. “From now on, it will mean more peace and quiet, Just let any bad guy try and get by it.” said Rhymey. Brain felt flattered and blushed softly. “Oh, you are all most kind.” he said. “And just think…” said Dyno “If it works, we can make more of them to send to other worlds.” “Ah, si… then they can be just as protected as we will.” added Myte. Everyone liked the idea of that. “Gee, you think that means we’ll be out of work?” said Spike “I mean, I sort of like fighting bad guys and helping others.” “Oh, don’t worry Spike…” said Starla “Starfleet will always be needed, no matter what.” Still, they had a while to wait. The test was not due to begin until sundown, and their majesties, Grand Ruler Celesto, Queen Celestia, and Princess Luna were not ready yet. “Well, I hope we start soon. I simply must get back to designing my gown.” “Seriously…?! That’s a month away.” said Applejack “Can’t you just put together somethin’ simple.” Rarity felt insulted “Applejack, this is my wedding we’re talking about, and I want everything to be absolutely perfect.” “She does have a point…” said a voice. Everyone turned and saw Cadance and Shining Armor arriving through a portal with Krysta. “I remember how fun my wedding was, in spite of the Changelings attack.” “Ah, never mind that now honey.” said Shining Armor “I’m a little more excited about this…” and he stroked his wife’s swollen belly. Cadance had been pregnant for nearly six whole months now. The others were very happy and excited for the couple, but none were as excited as Shining Armor. “I can’t believe it… I’m going to be a father.” That was all he would say no or days. The others rolled their eyes and snickered softly. Meanwhile, it was still an hour before sundown, and their majesties were giving their foals, Castor and Leilani their evening baths. “You like your baths, don’t you?” cooed Celestia. “Mama…” said Castor. “Dada…” said Leilani. Their parents giggled. They loved it the way their children were growing fast, and already learning to speak. “All right, out you come.” said Grand Ruler, and he and his wife dried their foals off and changed them into their jammies. Meanwhile, Goldwin and Princess Luna were out on the highest terrace of the palace, and using their telescopes to look out into space, as they were asked to keep their eyes on the orbiting transistors. “Wow. This is so exciting.” said Goldwin. “Isn’t it…” added Luna “It would not surprise me if my sister and brother-in-law awarded the professor for his contribution.” They both continued to look out, and even admired the view of the stars… when suddenly Goldwin noticed something just materialized, magically, from space. “Hey, what’s that?” It looked like a spaceship. Then, there was another, and two more. “Princess Luna, look at this.” Luna took a peek and saw more and more spaceships materializing. “What is this?” Then Celestia and Grand Ruler came up to the terrace “Is everything okay here?” asked Celestia. “Sister… brother-in-law… I think you should see this.” Their majesties looked through either of the telescopes, and by this time, a whole fleet of those ships had materialized and now seemed to be heading towards the planet. Grand Ruler felt his blood turning cold at the sight of them “It… can’t be!” he muttered softly. “Celesto…? What is it…?” asked Celestia. Her husband looked up at her with shocked eyes “We’re in terrible danger!” Celestia gasped softly. Princess Luna and Goldwin didn’t understand, but their majesties rushed back inside. “TURN ON THE SHEILDS!!!” Grand Ruler shouted “TURN THEM ON!! TURN THEM ON NOW!!” Lightning could hear his mentor’s cry. “What’s going on?” he asked. The others were just as confused. Then the alarm sounded, and their majesties appeared. “I say, what is all this?” cried Professor Brain. “Professor!” cried Celestia “Turn on the shield now!” “Your majesty, I beg you, what is the matter?” “JUST DO IT!!” shouted Grand Ruler. Still not knowing what was going on, Brain retreated to the main control ops of the palace, and ordered everyone to energize the shield. “It will take a few moments to fully charge.” he said. Their majesties looked pale with worry. “What’s the matter?” asked Starla. “Hey, look at this!” cried Artie. Everyone dashed to the window and could now see the fleet of spaceships above the planet, and still materializing. “Madre de Dios!--*Mother of God!*” cried Dyno “I’ve never seen so many ships at once before.” “Where did they all come from?” asked Myte. Lightning thought the ships looked awfully familiar. “Is it possible…?” The shields were still not fully charged, it would take a little longer. Grand Ruler and Celestia could no longer wait, and used their magic to raise the barriers around the homes and the villages. Unfortunately, this left no time for everyone to get inside where it was safe, and many were left outdoors, and that’s when… IT BEGAN!! (The attack would be like this, only worse) The vast armada of ships began to open fire on the planet. Laser beams rained down from the skies, hitting the grounds and other objects, causing massive explosions. The barriers still protected the buildings, but many of the ponies outside…! Many were forced back hard by the force of the explosions, and several were instantly incinerated after getting hit by the lasers. “NO!!” shouted Grand Ruler. Celestia’s blood turned cold as tears formed in her eyes. All the others felt the same. Then, things went from bad, to way worse, as a whole swarm of insect-like creatures appeared in the village below, and two larger insects; General Stag and General Slick, appeared. “Stingars, go forth!” shouted Stag. “Take no prisoners, show no mercy!” added Slick. The stingars nodded, and began to terrorize the ponies and other civilians, causing more damage than ever. “Let’s go down there!” cried Lightning. The others agreed with him. “Wait!” shouted Grand Ruler, but the team had already flown off. Many ponies were running amuck, to avoid the laser fire from the armada, among them was Honey Dew. Then, a few of the stingars aimed their powerful stingers near her, and fired them like harpoons, which exploded around her, knocking her to the ground. Stag and Slick approached her and glared down at her. “Much has changed in a millennium.” said Stag “Apparently… not enough has though.” added Slick “They are just as primitive as ever.” Both of them readied themselves for the kill, when suddenly, they got zapped from the side. They turned round and saw the gang, all transformed and glaring at them. “How dare you attack this world without any warning.” snarled Lightning “Prepare to feel the wrath of Starfleet!” The two bugs laughed, and then motioned for the army of stingars to attack the gang. Then they vanished and were gone, leaving the gang and stingars to brawl. Rarity chopped and kicked the nasty creatures that came her way snarling “I hate bugs!” Buddy Rose used his Vine Whip to whip, lash, and strike the nasty insects hard, but one more caught him by surprise and jumped on him. It was about to finish him, had Applejack not lassoed it with her rope and yanked it away. “You okay?” she called. He shot her a thumb-up. Fluttershy stood brave and tall, but the very sight of the ugly insects freaked her out, and she stayed behind Rhymey as he slashed and parried at them with his sword. “There’s too many of them!” shouted Spike. “Lightning, can’t you try the uniforce?” cried Starla. “I can’t! There’s too many civilians scattered about. I don’t want to hit them.” All they could do now was continue to fight. While on board one of the lead ships of the armada, Stag and Slick could see everything on their monitors. “Are you sure we should be doing this?” asked Slick “The king hasn’t arrived yet.” “All the more reason to finish them off now.” said Stag “When his majesty arrives and sees the ashes of the planet and ponies, we will be living legends amongst his vast legacy.” Slick was still unsure, but he ordered the vast armada to charge their weapons again for a really big assault. The huge guns on the ships began to glow as the prepared to fire. “Look!” cried Pinkie. “They’re going to fire again!” added Rainbow. “We’ve got to get out of here!” shrieked Rarity. Sadly, there was no place for them to run. This looked like it was it. While at the palace, “That’s it!” cried Professor “Energy stable at one-hundred percent.” “Now!” shouted Grand Ruler. “FIRE!!” shouted Stag And the armada ships began to open their fire on the planet… when suddenly, a huge glowing sphere of barely visible energy began to surround the planet. “What?!” cried Slick. As the lasers hit the shield, the energy bounced right off it and repelled right back at the ships, destroying many of them instantly. “What’s going on?!” cried Stag. “It’s some kind of energy shield. It’s repelling our lasers back at us.” said Slick. Then he and Stage quickly ordered the firing to cease before more ships got shot down, The shield was almost formed around the entire planet, when suddenly, a bit of burning wreckage from a destroyed ship collided into one of the transistors, damaging it badly. The shield was now fully up, except for one large hole about twenty feet wide. “It’s worked!” cried Lightning. “It really did!” added Starla. The whole team felt relieved that they were spared, but they were still faced with the army of stingars, angrily glaring and screeching at them. They were about to charge forth, when suddenly, they all held their heads, moaning and wailing as if someone were causing them pain. “What’s happening?” asked Fluttershy. Then, they saw all the stingars fly straight up into the sky, and through the large hole in the shield. “They just about had us at bay, And then they simply run away?” said Rhymey. Then, they were all gone leaving the streets emptied, and the team most confused. “What’s happened?” snarled Stag “Why have the Stingars retreated?” Slick then looked frightened, and tapped Stag’s shoulder. They both could see the giant mother insect ship with the large castle on it materialize from deep space. “He’s here!” cried Slick. Then, they could hear the booming voice of their leader over the intercom. “WHAT… in the name of the galaxy is going on? You attacked before the armada was fully assembled?!” Stag and Slick felt themselves sweating with nerves of fear. “Your majesty… all this can be explained.” said Stag. “You had better be prepared to do more than just explain!!” shouted the leader “Both of you, report to me at once!” Then he signed off. “I told you this was a bad idea.” said Slick. Meanwhile, down on the planet, everything was a complete disaster. The buildings were still in one piece thanks to the small barriers, but the surrounding lands were all in terrible shape. Many ponies were injured, several others were lost, and among them was Colin Flower, Honey Dew’s boyfriend. The med teams were already working hard to tend to all inured ponies, and others were consulting with Honey Dew and those like her whom had just lost their friends or loved ones. Grand Ruler felt totally heartbroken, and slammed his fist angrily on the window-sill. “No…” he cried softly to himself “Not again! This can’t be happening.” His wife consulted him “Celesto…” but she really didn’t know what to say or do, for she was equally as devastated as he was. Cadance couldn’t believe the sight she was seeing. What a mess, and what a tragedy. She felt like bursting into tears. “Easy honey…” said Shining Armor “Remember, the baby.” Cadance had to avoid stress at all costs, but it was just so hard. “What is all this?” she asked “Who were those guys?” “I know who they are…” said Lightning as he and his friends all stood together “I studied about them in my galactic biology; they’re called Stingars, they are fighting insect drones. They belong to and serve King Pinsar, the leader of the Insecto Armada.” “You are correct, Lightning.” Grand Ruler said as he and Celestia approached everyone. “The Insecto Armada?” asked Pinkie Pie. “Who are they?” added Rainbow. “And why have we not heard of them before.” Grand Ruler looked and felt nervous, almost as if he didn’t feel like explaining, but he told them all everything, and he used his magic to show everyone images of the past. “The Insectos: They are a ruthless race of humanoid insect-hybrids, ruled by King Pinsar, and his wife Queen Ladybird. The Insectos are weapon crazed, power hungry war-mongers, they make it their purpose in life to conquer and destroy other planets and wipe out other races, as a demonstration of their strength and power.” “That’s… awful…!” cried Fluttershy. “That is disgusting!” whined Rarity “If they are so ruthless and power–hungry, why do they simply not just destroy their own world?” “They already have…” said Lightning “According to my history studied, they really are that ruthless. They look for planets that they can inhabit, exterminate any races already living on it, and settle in. Then, they grow weary of that world, they blow it up and go search for a new world.” The Equestrians had never heard of anything so barbaric in their lives. “Even the changelings were never that ruthless.” said Shining Armor. Grand Ruler nodded and went on with his story… “Long, long ago, Pinsar and his armada attacked Unicornicopia, while serving under Titan’s command and aid. The fight was brutal, you can imagine, and many were lost. In the end, I had sealed Titan away on the Dark Planet… and as for Pinsar… he was blasted deep into space, and I thought I had seen the last of him, but somehow Pinsar has survived, and has now returned with more power than ever, and from what I have seen, he intends to cause us no ends of trouble.” The others instantly could tell… it was going to be war. “Thank goodness, the shield protected us.” said Artie “But what about that big hole?” Everyone felt as concerned as he was. “Well, can we fix it?” asked Krysta. “I’m afraid that is impossible…” said Professor Brain as he approached the gang “I have already looked into this malfunction, and I must admit I was deeply surprised, however, in order to properly inspect the distortion and repair the damage would require disarming the entire shield.” “Well, obviously that’s out of the question.” said Applejack. “Can’t we just seal it up with other magic?” asked Buddy Rose. “I am afraid not…” replied Brain “Once tiny error in judgement on a move such as that would possible bring down the rest of the shield. Then we would be, literally so to speak… sitting ducks.” That was it then. Nothing could be done under the present circumstances. “Well, at least we’re still mostly safe.” said Starla “They can’t shoot at us anymore, so it gives us a fighting chance to strengthen up and fight back.” “You may be right, Starla Shine…” said Celestia “But we’re going to have to remain ever more alert and vigilant than ever.” “Yes…” said Grand Ruler “Who knows what diabolical schemes Pinsar is plotting now.” Onboard the massive mothership, in the royal palace, Stag and Slick were brought into the master throne room before their king. Pinsar didn’t look too different after one-thousand years, just a little paler, and more muscular. His wife sat next him on her own throne, and both of them looked extremely displeased. “I planned for this moment for over a millennium…” said Pinsar, and then he shouted “AND NOW THANKS TO YOU BOTH, WE’VE LOST A GOOD DEAL OF SHIPS!! What have you to say for yourselves?” “A-thousand apologies, your highness.” said Stag “But in a way, we did save you trouble.” “He has a good point, sire.” added Slick “If the entire armada had arrived and opened fire, we would all have been destroyed by this surprise attack.” “I hate to admit it, darling, but they are correct.” said Ladybird. Pinsar was starting to feel that was true, but he still remained unmoved. “Even still, you disobeyed my direct orders and nearly plunged our entire plan into jeopardy. Now we can’t even attack those ponies while that shield is up.” “Daddy… it’s not all lost.” chirped a voice the third throne spun round, and there stood, the now grown up, Princess Phoebe. “There’s still that big hole in their shield, perhaps we can use that to our advantage.” Her father had thought of that as well “Yes, perhaps we can.” Stag and Slick were confused. “Your highness…” asked Stag “Begging your pardon, but how can we turn this to a fighting chance?” Phoebe stood angrily and scolded “Idiots! Morons! Dolts…! And you’re supposed to be our best generals.” “Now, that will do, Pheobe.” said Ladybird. “Indeed…” said Pinsar “We shall send our best insects down to the planet in attempt to weaken the ponies’ defenses from within, but only one-at-a-time.” Pheobe was unimpressed by such an idea “But Father, why not send our entire army in at once? Then we can really take it to the max.” Her father gave her a straight look “Don’t contradict your father. I’m taking no chances this time. I underestimated the power and resources of these ponies once before. If we fight without thinking again, who knows what new tricks they may try and spring on us.” Pheobe slumped down in her throne and pouted, while her father walked over to the windows and gazed down at the planet, and thought sinisterly of how neat it would be when he finally got his revenge after all this time. “You thought blowing up my ship would stop me, Grand Ruler. Well, you were mistaken…” he then reflected on everything that happened. After his ship was sent into deep space, severely crippled, they crash landed on an uninhabited planet near the edge of the galaxy. The planet hadn’t much to offer, yet the soils contained many traces of material and sources of energy useful for them to rebuild their armada. For one-thousand years, the insectos worked hard, and trained in the process to become stronger and more skilled at fighting; even developing more power and technologies to better their sources. Now, here they stood, even with many of their ships lost, the entire armada consisted of more than one-million, eight-hundred thousand war ships. Many of these ships were flown and operated by remote-control. Others were manned by swarms of stingars, commanded by their generals… The insectos came in many shapes and sizes, and each with their own diabolical power and skills. All this power would easily devastate any star-system… …yet Pinsar had only one real desire right now. (Picture it like at 1:00) “I have returned, Grand Ruler.” He snarled “IT took me ages to find you again, but now here I am, and I’m not leaving until I destroy you and all that you know and love! ALL OF IT!!” He laughed loud and wickedly while gazing at his vast armada of ships all around him, surrounding the planet. The war was on! (Promo) In our next episode: Grand Ruler Celesto’s emotions are starting to run away with him, and he reveals the sad story of his lost friend to everyone. Meanwhile, Pinsar sends down his first creature to attack United Equestria, as means of testing the resources of Starfleet. How will Grand Ruler handle this situation, and how will the friends face against Pinsar’s forces? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Light my Firefly”) > Episode 2: Light up my Firefly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE TWO *Mykan’s POV* Over the past few days, the ponies and other inhabitants of United Equestria were all pitching together to clean up the big messes caused by the shelling from the armada. Children helped with light and easy stuff, while adults and stronger creatures took care of the big jobs, and what a mess it was…! Broken lampposts, frayed and sparking wires, crashed carriages and vehicles, dilapidated market places, torn up streets, craters in the ground, many fallen and scorched trees. Buddy Rose, Applejack, and many other farmers took care of the trees. Some were able to be saved, but others had to be chopped down and have new trees planted. Fortunately, as trees were important to the environment, Starfleet keep fully grown trees in storage and in good care, ready to be properly planted wherever they were needed. Dyno and Myte were helping to break down falling apart structures, which they replaced by building brand new ones. The brothers worked very fast to get all the lampposts and benches and things back into place, but the job wasn’t too hard for them. Spike had one of the fun jobs. With his dragon strength, he got to break up the garbage into smaller bits and pieces, and then, all the garbage was thrown into a pile, and with his mighty dragon breath, he set it all to burn, and thanks to his dragon strength “I never thought I’d have fun doing a cleanup before.” said Spike. Applejack and I came along lifting huge piled of broken wood for the fire. “Well, I sure hope this job doesn’t last too much longer.” said Applejack. “Ah, come on, Applejack, I thought you loved hard work like this.” Said Spike “Especially since it’s a good cause.” I shrugged softly and said “Oh, what are you talking about? We’re just sick of listening to Rarity whine a lot.” Rarity then came along, all covered in grime and had twigs and leaves in her dirty mane. She had been complaining a lot more than working. “Oh, this is dreadful!” she groaned “It’ll take me ages to scrub all this filth out.” Spike couldn’t help but giggle. His fiancée gave him a snarling look. “Sorry.” Applejack and I sighed and then went off to clean up some more. It was a long job, and not just for us cleaning the mess. The hospitals were full of injured ponies being treated. Some had recently been dismissed, only having minor injuries, but others had to stay would be hospitalized for several days, some for weeks. Honey Dew was just dismissed, for her injuries were minor, and she had every intention to help out in the cleanup… but still, her heart was utterly broken for her dear Colin Flower. Nothing would ever heal her from that, just as the same for many other who lost their friends and loved ones who also perished in the attack. She wiped a few tears from her eyes. I saw her, and knew she was downhearted. “Hey… you okay, Hon…?” I asked. She looked up at me and nodded “I’m trying.” “Hey, listen, I know how you feel.” I told her about how I lost my love, Michelle, when she was killed by Titan’s henchmen on Earth. “If you don’t feel like it, you don’t have to keep working.” “No, no, really, I’m okay.” She said, and the smiled at me “But thanks for being understanding.” I nodded at her, and saw her get back to work, helping me and others clear up the broken pieces of things in the streets. “Oh, what a mess.” I groaned as I continued to sweep up garbage. I then looked up at the sky and could see the armada over the planet. Thank goodness Professor Brain’s barrier would protect us from further shelling, but we still had to be prepared for any other attacks from the Insectos. *POV Ends* On the royal mothership, Stag and Slick came before their king and bowed to him, and with them was one of the Mega Insectos called Flame. He was red firefly-like insect creature, with four arms, wings, but not like the ordinary fireflies many knew of. “O’ mighty Pinsar, allow me to be the first to launch an assault against our enemies.” he begged. Pinsar grunted softly “You’re quite certain you can take this task?” “Sire, we assure you, Flame has been preparing for such a chance for a long time.” said Stage. Princess Phoebe stared grimly at Flame “Really doesn’t look like much to me. How can we be so sure he won’t botch it up?” Flame looked as if he was heating up with anger. “Why you insolent maggot!” growled Slick. “Silence!” snapped Pinsar “My daughter has every right to be as skeptical of this as I am. We know nothing of how stronger or resourceful our enemies are in the present.” “That may be so, darling…” said Queen Ladybird “But stand around and doing nothing about it can’t tell us anything either.” “All the more reason for me to try, if your majesty shall permit Me…” added Flame “Win or lose, I will supply you with much needed information, and should I perish, I will gladly give my life for the success of this mission.” Pinsar was convinced “Very well, you may proceed.” Flame bowed to his king and left to prepare for his mission. Pheobe was still not convinced. “Father, are you sure you can trust him?” “Now, that will do, Pheobe.” her father said “I have been around much longer than you have, and I’ve had more experience. Perhaps someday you will understand my views as well.” Pheobe said nothing else, but she felt annoyed with her father treating her like a larva. In a-thousand years, she never got her real chance to prove how successful she could be to her parents, they always kept her very sheltered and often refused to hear her out, unless they fully agreed with her, which was also not always. Pinsar just ignored his daughter’s brooding and gazed down at the planet. “Now it… begins!” From the Royal Palace, Goldwin was looking at the many thousands of spaceships in the armada through his telescope. “Gee! I’ve never seen so many ships at once. It’s really scary.” Celestia understood how Goldwin felt “Don’t worry, we’re safe as long as the barrier holds up, and it can only be disarmed if we disarm it.” “Yes…” said Grand Ruler “But we are still not safe. Who knows what Pinsar may decide to throw at us through the hole in the shield?” The others noticed he seemed rather tense, and almost lost in a memory of something, and that he kept gazing up at the armada, preferable the royal mothership. That’s when his features hardened. “Darling, is everything alright?” asked Celestia, but her husband didn’t respond, almost as if he hadn’t heard her. Lightning, Starla and Krysta entered the throne room to deliver their status reports on the cleanup, having been helping in it for some time. “Your majesties…” Lightning said as he bowed “I’m pleased to report the cleanup is nearly complete. We should be through by sundown.” “That’s wonderful news.” said Celestia. Grand Ruler still did not respond. “Master…?” Lightning said to him. “Sire, what’s the matter?” asked Starla. No response. Krysta flew up to Grand Ruler’s face and softly poked at him “Your majesty?” She poked him again, and again, and finally “Snap out of it!” she softly began to slap him with her little hands. “Huh? What? Oh… oh! I must have zoned out.” “Yeah, you were really far off there.” said Goldwin. “What troubles you, my love?” asked Celestia. Grand Ruler felt a little down, and then gazed back up at the armada “Pinsar…” he said softly “I despise him a lot more than most enemies I have ever faced, but not simply for his ruthlessness, nor his constant murdering other species and wiping out planets.” He began to tell them a story, one that he didn’t like to talk about much, but felt it would help clear the air. “One-thousand years ago, while Unicornicopia was young and Starfleet was just forming, I already had established a fine race of space alicorns. They were more than just my subjects, they were my friends… pretty much even my family, and among them was a very special friend… His name was Starlight Braveheart. He was a very kind and very polite pony. He was always willing to lend a hand, and help other ponies when they were feeling downhearted. He also worshipped me, before and after my coronation as Grand Ruler. He would often give me his thanks for every beautiful day there was, and even after I became royalty, he still regarded me more as good teacher and a good friend, not as a superior. He joined Starfleet out of his desire to repay me for all the wonderful I did, as well as protect innocent beings from evil forces. Even when he was badly hurt in battle, he would still fight on with every bit of courage and determination he possessed; to protect others and serve well. I dubbed as a commander of units in almost no time for his efforts and bravery, and yet, with his promotion, he still maintained his understanding and heart-filled ways. He even taught his wife and children of how thankful he felt towards me and how thanks should be given, for helping to try and keep our world safe, and for giving them all life and shelter, and for teaching them many things that made them grow. Then, Titan came and attacked Unicornicopia, with Pinsar and his massive armada by his side. The entire force prepared for battle, with Starlight in command of several units. Before departing, he gave me one of his medals. He told me “I want you to have this, for being my good friend and teacher, and just know that I fight for what is right, and to help us all as you do.” So, I accepted his gift. However, the battle proved to be merciless, and the force seemed hopelessly outnumbered. We tried our very best but it wouldn’t do, with the armada of spaceships overhead and blasting at us. Even I was starting to run low on options, but I remembered the medal Starlight had given me, and I realized I had to keep going, and when Pinsar had demanded I surrender myself to the Insectos at once, I remained in hiding, and created the bomb-dummy of myself which blasted Pinsar into space, subsequently destroying his entire armada. This allowed the force to deal with Titan, and I finally sealed him off on the Dark Planet, but alas… the battle resulted in many of my fighters being struck down, and among them was Starlight. I found him laying badly injured, with several stings from the Stingars stuck into him. It was already too late to help him. In his final moments, he gazed up at me and said “It was an honor to serve, and fight for you. To protect our world, and help others.” “Please” I said “Conserve your strength.” “Goodbye… my… friend…” “Starlight… NO!!!” The others had looks of shock, and a small tear rolled down Celestia’s face. “Oh, Celesto...” Her husband nodded “Though we had won the battle, it felt more as if we had lost. So many ponies had died that day. As a leader, I feel responsible for their deaths, and not a day or night has gone by that I don’t keep wondering if they could have been saved.” The others all felt bad for him, and Lightning approached him, "You know you did all that you could, just like they did, risking your life to help the survival of the innocent, and you always teach me that sometimes things just can't be helped." The others all nodded in agreement, and even his majesty couldn't deny that. "Still..." he said "Knowing all this and understanding it... does not stop my nightmares." He gazed back up at the royal mothership “Now, Pinsar has returned, and I swear, if it the last thing I do, I shall get him for what he did then!” Now everyone was starting to feel a bit worried. They all knew exactly how he felt, and having had experienced these feeling before, they feared his emotions would start to affect his attitude and daily life. “I know what you’re all thinking…” he said “Just so you know; I’m going to try my best to keep calm about this. I always taught that getting revenge will ultimately solve nothing for anyone.” That felt a little comforting… …but the moment was cut off by the sound of the alarms! “Hey!” cried Goldwin as he gazed through his telescope “Something’s coming through the hole in the barrier.” Everyone could see it without the aid of the telescope, and whatever it was, it couldn’t be good. “Go.” Grand Ruler said to Lightning. Lightning and the others nodded and soared out through the window, and their majesties raised the shields around the homes and buildings once the civilians had all been evacuated from the streets. The other friends in New Canterlot also heard the alarm and met up with Lightning’s party. That’s when Flame appeared before them all in a huge burst of flames. “Anybody see anything?” asked Dyno. “No, but maybe should transform, then we can find it better.” suggested Myte. “Right, let’s go!” said Lightning. “STARFLEET MAGIC!!” “HARMONY HOUR, FRIENDSHIP POWER!!” “Dragon Power!” Once they were all transformed, they used their visors to scout for any energy source, and Spike sniffed the air. “I’ve got something.” said Buddy Rose “Follow me.” He led them all to a clearing in the village square, and that’s where Flame appeared in a magical burst of flames. “Ugh’ll…!” groaned Rarity “What in United Equestria are you supposed to be?” Flame snickered softly, “To pus simply. I am Insecto Commander Flame, and I am the one who shall destroy you all right here and now on behalf of King Pinsar.” The ponies scanned him with their visors. His physical strength and speed were already pretty impressive, and the readout shown that he had fire-based attacks. Yet, the probability of capture was above eighty-five percent, meaning they didn’t have to destroy him, but just capture him and send him to prison. It also meant that Lightning wouldn’t have to change into an Enticorn, unless it was really necessary. “You think you can destroy us, and then you’ve got another thing coming to you.” said Lightning. Flame snickered and said “Tell that to my friends.” and a swarm of Stingars appeared, itching for a fight. “Get them!” shouted Flame, and the Stingars charged forth. “Get ‘em!” shouted Lightning, and the team rushed forth into action. Lightning leapt over one Stingar, jump-kicking into another. Two more than tried to get him from behind, but he grabbed their arms, swung them into one another and flipped them over. Starla swerved and dodged each oncoming attack, and even pirouetted gracefully before kicking and punching each enemy in her path. Three more Stingars came at her. “PULSAR LASER!” Kapow!! Those nasty bugs fell over and vanished into tiny bits and pieces they were partially made of. Rarity really hated bugs, and was seriously grossed out by the Stingars. She wasted no effort in punching, kicking, and blasting them with magic from her horn. “Disgusting!” she groaned “Ugly Creatures! Get away from me.” “VINE WHIP!” shouted Buddy Rose. Gripping his whip tight he lashed and struck all the nasty bugs that came his way. Applejack did the same with her lasso; she rounded up a few Stingars in one bundle and then began to whirl them round, and round “Have a nice flight!” she said as she yanked on the rope, and sent the bugs soaring off and hitting a wall where they vanished as well. “YE-HAW!!” hollered Applejack. Krysta was suddenly surrounded by five Stingars at once. “Uh-oh!” she peeped, and then, throwing off her crown and her queen’s cloak, she shrieked a karate battle cry, and swiftly punched, kicked, and even head-butted those nasty insects out of her way. “I love being stronger than a look.” she joked. More Stingars rushed towards Spike and the Twins. “How about we turn up the heat a bit?” suggested Spike. The twins nodded and held hands to strengthen their powers. “BOOM-BOOM FIREBALLS!” “DRAGON FLAME!” All that fire and small explosions, the Stingars fell like trees. Suddenly, the entire area was shrouded in a ring of flames, caused by Flame. The gang regrouped and stared the evil bug down. “You fight well, for a bunch of weaklings.” he scoffed “Now let me have at you.” Applejack felt her head throbbing with rage “You callin’ us weak?” she snarled “I’ll show you!” and she charged forth. “Applejack, wait!” cried Lightning, but she just kept rushing forth, and leapt up high for a strong kick, but Flame swerved out of the way, and punched her hard to the side. Her armor had a few burn marks on the front. Flame glared at her sneering sinisterly, and his claws glowed with small flames. “Careful, everyone…” said Starla “Even those smallest of flames can really do some damage.” “Right, everyone stay focussed.” said Lightning “Go!” They all charged forth, and Flame just bashed and knocked them all away from him. Sparks flew everywhere as they got hit. “Ay’ Ay’ Ay! Eso quemaduras; That burns!” groaned Dyno. “Let’s try fighting fire with fire!” suggested Myte. The twins got up, and joined their hands together; “BOOM-BOOM FIREBALLS!!” “Ha! Is that your best…?” hissed Flame “FLAMING DISCS!” He conjured two very large burning disks and flung them like Frisbees, straight through the fireballs. “Look out!” shouted Krysta. The twins ducked, causing the discs to miss a strike two large trees, bursting them into flames. “Hey! I just planted those!” shouted Buddy Rose. He, Lightning and Starla all charged forth, but Flame used three of his arms to halt them in their tracks. “Looks like you’re all tied up, and I still have one free arm.” Using his free arm, he bashed them all across the face, sending them skidding along the ground, right into a cart in the road. Just near the edge of the ring where the flames were. The others all ran to help them up, and Spike was growing angry, and drew out his sword “I’ll get you…!” and he dashed forth. “I’ll help you!” said Rarity, and she dashed forth with him. The two fought valiantly-- Spike swung his sword, and Rarity throwing her punches and kicks. Flame swerved and dodged to attacks as best he could, and finally, he felt Rarity’s punch just barely hit him, distracting him enough so Spike could slash at him hard, sending him soaring high and then hitting ground hard. He got up almost instantly, growling and snarling “Now try this…” and he extended his insect wings “BURNING WIND!” and fluttering his wings, he unleashed a gust of wind which was loaded with burning spores. The wind blew across at all the fighters, and the spores caused sparks and small explosions, making everyone fall off their feet. “Galloping Galaxies; what a hot-head.” groaned Lightning. Rarity screeched in horror for the ends of her mane and tail had gotten scorched in the blast. “You defaced me!!” she roared at Flame “Do you have any idea what this will do for my image?!” “Spare me your bleating! It’s the least of your problems.” sneered Flame “We insects have spent the past millennium strengthening our forces. We’ve done nothing but train to fight and smite our enemies; making us stronger than you ever will be.” Lightning clenched his fists “I don’t think so.” he said deeply “How strong you are when you fight doesn’t always compare to what you’re fighting for.” Starla stood by his side “You insects fight to destroy for cold cruel pleasure, and we fight to protect. That’s what will always separate us.” The others stood at nodded fiercely in agreement, making Flame sneer and hiss at them “Pretty big words deserves a just reward. Take this! FLAMING DISCS!” The others all jumped away as the discs hit the fire wall, making it heat up and the flames became more violent. “It’s getting a little warm here.” said Spike. “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet.” sneered Flame, and waving his arms, the firewall began to shoot small fireballs at the team, which they had a very difficult time dodging, and got hit many times. “What’s wrong, can’t take the heat?” Flame mocked. “That does it!” growled Lightning “Time for some Uniforce!” but as he prepared to concentrate and unleash the power… “Not so fast…” snarled Flame and he made the firewall blast at Lightning from all ends, knocking him over. “Lightning!” cried Starla. Lightning wasn’t hurt too badly, but this wouldn’t work at all. He needed more time to charge up. “Guys, try to keep him busy while I charge up.” The others agreed, and dashed forth, fighting against Flame with all they had. “FLAMING DISCS!” “Oh, no you don’t…” snapped Starla as she got out her bow “STARLIGHT ARROW!” Her two arrows pierced right through the flames, wiping them out, but Flame was far from beaten. “BURNING WIND!” Everyone got hit in the searing winds, even Lightning, but he still stood tall continuing to focus. “Now I’ve got you!” snarled Flame, and he made the firewall shoot at him again. “STAR SHOWER!” “LEAF SWARM!” “BOOM-BOOM ROCKETS!!” The space ponies bombarded at the fireballs, keeping them at bay, Krysta even conjured small warp portals to redirect the shots back into the wall. Flame was about to fire up more of them, when Applejack quickly lassoed his arms together. “I think you need to cool down a bit.” she said. That’s when Rarity blasted him with magical pulses from her horn, and Spike leapt in and hacked him all over. “You’re beginning to burn me up!” Flame shouted. Suddenly, Lightning began to glow. “Speaking of burning up…” Flame snarled and charged forth, and Lightning let him have it “UNIFORCE!” “Huh? What… No… AAAH!!” Flame screamed and roared as the light consumed him, but the Uniforce could not be used to capture monsters. Lightning was merely using it to weaken Flame for one of the others to capture him “Get him now, while he’s in there!” shouted Lightning. Starla nodded and set her bow on “Capture” then super-charged her finisher; “GALACTIC PROJECTILE!” she fired, and Flame got his full force. “This… cannot… Be…!” Flame groaned as fell over backwards, and exploded, but really it was just a magical transformation that shrunk him down, and imprisoned him in a clear sphere of liquid, keeping him preserved, and virtually powerless. With Flame incarcerated, his flame-wall disappeared. The gang all cheered and slapped high-fives, and even hugged one another. Lightning picked up the sphere containing Flame, gazing down at him smirking smugly. “You’re under arrest.” With Flame now captured, they could take him to prison and maybe get some valuable information on him on the Insectos, and get a huge advantage over the armada. Stag and Slick reported to Pinsar. “Sad news, my lord.” said Stag “It seems that Flame has failed and has been captured.” Pinsar gripped his staff tightly and growled softly. “This is terrible.” cried Ladybird “He was such a good fighter too.” “I told you it wouldn’t work.” Phoebe scoffed as she filed her nails on her human-like hands. “Never mind.” said Pinsar “This was after all, anticipated.” Slick was impressed by his attitude “You seem to be taking this rather lightly, sire. Supposing our enemies gain information from this ordeal? Even your power cannot break the seal of Starfleet” Pinsar snickered “How quickly you forget, Slick. I’m very sneaky as well.” he laughed wickedly as he raised his staff that bean to glow. Stag and Slick gazed in awe, and the ladies felt joyful shivers rundown their backs whenever Pinsar did this. Flame began to flare up inside his prison sphere. “What’s happening?” cried Lightning, and then he and the others saw as Flame was vaporized into ashes, leaving the sphere empty. “I thought we just captured him?” asked Dyno. Myte gazed at Starla “You sure you set your bow right?” Starla nodded and held up her bow for all to see. “I’ll bet Pinsar did this.” she sneered softly “He preferred to destroy his own solider to prevent information being leaked.” Many of the others felt sick to their stomachs “That is just overkill!” said Buddy Rose. “How can someone be so incredibly ruthless?” groaned Rarity. “Well, I guess we’ve just learned a little bit anyway.” said Applejack “These guys ain’t playin’ for a sack of apples.” It was then agreed that Starfleet would have to work smarter and harder than ever to face their enemy now. In the meantime, the imminent danger was over, and all the remained now was to resume the cleanup, and make inquires to their majesties of what to do in future. Buddy Rose couldn’t save the trees that were destroyed, so he just planted new ones from the great storage, and everyone else got back to work, and by sundown, all was fine again. “Whew… what a job.” said Spike “At least that’s one huge thing off the list.” “And how…” groaned Rarity. She looked as awful as she sounded. She was so filthy and tired she looked as if she had crawled out of dumpster. “I am going home for a very LONG… AND SOOTHING… BATH!!” she shouted, and then she flew off. “Huh… touchy…” Krysta joked. “Ya know, was may be facin’ new enemies, but we still got the same old Rarity.” said Applejack. The others, even Spike couldn’t help but chuckle. (Promo) In our next episode, Spike suddenly finds that he is public enemy number-one when many creatures run afraid of him, or come after him like an angry mob. It then believed that Spike has been terrorizing the citizens, and making a mess of things around town, but will Spike be able to prove his innocence? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “A Dragon’s Tall Tale”) > Episode 3: A Dragon's Tall Tale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE THREE Almost a week had passed since the Insecto Armada came and attacked the planet, but with the barrier shielding it, and the cleanup completed, life returned to normal. Work continued… children went to school… life carried on; rather a way of showing that the race didn’t give in to intimidation so easily. Of course the laws of war were in effect… Martial law was heavily enforced, prices and wages were frozen, and curfews were issued for night to keep others safe. Though it was scary, knowing all those spaceships were up there, and some of them were visible through the naked eye, the ponies and other creatures tries not to let it get to them so heavily. Princess Cadance especially had to keep calm. In her condition, the royal doctors told her that stress would not good for the baby or herself. She had also been stripped of her Ninja medal so she couldn’t transform, and was strictly forbidden by her doctors, and by her aunt and uncle from entering any battles. If she wanted a healthy baby, she’d need plenty of rest, and not too much danger or anxiety. Right now she was more excited than much else, but not as excited as Shining Armor. “Gosh… I’m going to be a dad.” He would keep saying, and he would often stroke his wife’s swollen belly wondering if it was a boy or a girl. They wanted to be surprised, so they didn’t ask for any x-rays or ultra sounds and things like that. “Whatever it is…” said Cadance “It’ll be so wonderful.” Her husband smiled goofily, but then he looked a little sad “I only wish Twilight would be here to see it too. She’d have made a fine aunt.” Cadance nodded sadly. “Fratello would have made a nice uncle… if he were here.” Still, they knew that having this baby was nothing to be sad about, and eagerly waited for the arrival. Elsewhere, in New Ponyville, Spike stepped out of Carousel Boutique. He sniffed the morning air and sighed happily. Not just because it was a beautiful day, but with each passing day brought him one day closer to his and Rarity’s wedding. Rarity was off duty and was working on her wedding gown, again, and also dresses for the bridesmaids. Spike still had his own patrol to do and headed off into town on foot, humming softly and happily, but things were about to change for him. He saw a friendly mare walking round the corner. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him. “Good morning.” Spike said kindly, but the mare stepped away from him as if she were frightened and said “Please don’t hurt me.” and before Spike could say anything, she had gone. “Okay…” Spike said. Then as he walked down the street, he saw the paper colt passing by on his rounds. He took just one look at Spike, screamed, and ran away sending all his papers scattering along the road. “Huh? What’s his problem?” It was the same story everywhere. Every single pony Spike ran into or came anywhere near, they all acted the same; just took one look at him and then ran away as if they had seen a ghost. “What’s going on here?” Spike wondered. All this was starting to make feel a little uncomfortable “I think I need a donut.” So he walked into the Donut Shop, and he had just barely taken a step in when the entire shop went silent, and everyone was staring at fearfully. He walked past many ponies at their tables, but their eyes left him, and when he got to the shop he gazed at the owner, and before he could speak, the owner just offered him the cash register and all the money. “Here… just take. Take it all, just don’t hurt Me.” he whimpered. Now Spike was really confused “Um, I just want a sapphire encrusted donut please…” The shop owner was confused himself, but nervously handed him a donut and even let him have it for free. “Um… thank you…?” As Spike left the shop, he was really starting to feel something was wrong. “There he is!” somebody shouted, making him jump. Spike turned round and saw an angry mob of many ponies glaring at him furiously. “Let’s get him!” and they all huddled near him. “Whoa, whoa… what’s going on here?” “Don’t play dumb with us!” “We know what you did!” “Thief!” “Monster!” “Arsonist!” Spike could hardly believe all those nasty words being thrown at him, but no matter how hard he tried to explain “I really have no idea what you’re talking about.” The ponies wouldn’t listen and were now looking to break him to pieces, despite know about his super powers. Seeing now alternative and not wanting to fight his way through all the civilians. Spike spread his wings and flew upward. “See ya!” The ponies were outraged and shouted at him, but Spike continued to fly away, but he was still very confused. “Why would they think I’m a monster? I need to see Lightning, now!” When he got to Lightning and Starla’s place, he saw another mob of angry ponies all standing there complaining to Lightning about recent events that happened last night. “He came and just set fire to our house.” “He cleaned my entire jewellery store. Now I have no merchandise.” “I tried to talk kindly with him, but he turned right around and attacked me.” “Everyone, please, quiet down!” shouted Lightning. “Look! There he is!” cried a pony. Everyone turned and saw Spike and they all ganged up on him. “Give me back my jewels!” “What jewels? I have no jewels!” protested Spike. “Don’t lie! We all saw you! We know what you did.” said another pony. She held up a newspaper clipping that showed images of The Dragon Knight committing all those crimes and more. “What?!” snapped Spike “This is crazy, that’s not me!” “Liar!” shouted a pony “We all know you’re the Dragon Knight!” “And to think, we once looked up to you!” Lightning and Starla looked at the pictures as well, but they couldn’t believe what they saw, yet the images were very uncanny. Other ponies turned back to face Lightning, sneering “What are you waiting for? Arrest him!” Lightning merely crumpled up the paper and threw it away saying “No.” “What?!” Starla stood beside her husband saying “We know Spike very well, and he’d never do these horrible things.” Now the ponies were really getting mad, feeling that they were in cahoots with Spike, and just letting him get away with his supposed crimes. Lightning however began to feel he had no choice, but he softly touched Starla behind her shoulder, telling her of a plan he had. She nodded at him, and then Lightning walked over to Spike. “I’m sorry, Spike, but I have no choice but to place you under arrest.” “What?! But Lightning…” he stopped when he saw Lightning twitch his muzzle twice; the Starfleet secret code for “Just play along.” Spike complied by pretending to come quietly, and both Lightning and Starla sealed him in a glass sphere and promised to take him to prison. The pony mob began to cheer and thanked Lightning for seeing the light. In actuality, Lightning and Starla brought Spike to Fluttershy’s cottage where she and Rhymey lived peacefully, and where no one would suspect Spike would be. He was released from his prison, but he felt very upset and frightened. Rarity soon came over when she got the news, and was quietly told in a letter where Spike was. “This is outrageous!” she growled “It’s preposterous. It’s… it’s… I…!!” (0:03) She gnashed her teeth trying to keep her cool, and it helped, but she was still very upset, but not as upset as Spike felt. Fluttershy and Rhymey saw the paper, and they were both outraged. “It looks exactly like you, But I don’t believe it to be a bit true.” said Rhymey. Fluttershy came and gave Spike a warm cup of special tea to help calm him down. “Here you go, Spike. This will make you feel better.” Spike sighed and sipped the tea. It tasted rather bitter, but he drank the whole cup almost too quickly and choked a little. “Well, I feel a little less twitchy now.” he said. Just then, there was a knock at the door. It was Rainbow Dash “Can you guys believe it…” she said, and then she held up a magazine from the Wonderbolts “They made the front page after their big show.” Starla took her magazine “Now read this and weep.” She passed rainbow the paper. “What?!” snapped Rainbow “This is nuts.” “It’s a total nightmare.” said Spike “I know I didn’t do all those things, yet everyone thinks it was me.” Fluttershy sat near Spike “I believe you, Spike.” she said. Rarity sat next to him too. “You’re no criminal, Spike. I could never love someone like that.” Everyone then gave her a look. “Not helping.” Starla said. They all knew fully well Spike couldn’t have done those things. Especially seeing as his Dragon Knights could only be used to fight evil; not cause it. “Obviously, someone is disguised as you, and trying to frame you.” said Rainbow. “Yeah, but who’d want to do this, and why?” asked Spike. No one had a clue. Just then Lightning came in reading a letter he had just received, after sending word to their royal majesties to cancel the wanted order on Spike. “Did they cancel it?” asked Starla. Her husband looked at everyone and said “They said they believe Spike didn’t commit the crimes either…” Hope began to shine in everyone’s faces… “…But despite these beliefs and what we know, they say we need to get factual proof before the order can be officially canceled. Just knowing isn’t enough.” Spike sighed “Well that’s just lovely. Meanwhile, I better get used to being public enemy number-one.” The others felt sorry for Spike. “I propose we set a trap, And then confront this criminal chap.” said Rhymey Everyone immediately jumped at the idea. “All right… here’s what we’ll do.” said Lightning “We wait until nightfall, and then we take up secret positions around the village…” That night, they all did just that… Some hid along the rooftops; others were hiding in the shrubs or behind mailboxes. Spike especially kept out of sight so no one else would see him, still believing he was locked up and could not harm anyone. The night patrols were doubled ever since the report leaked out, and officers on patrol were keeping a much sharper eye on things. The lookout towers kept their search lights going for any signs of anything strange. Lightning did not inform the guards of their plan, as it had a better chance of success if kept secret. The ponies were all transformed and using their visors to scout the area. They could find nothing out of the ordinary. Lightning and Starla slunk round the streets, keeping well out of sight. Rainbow and Fluttershy hid in a cloud and viewed the area from above. Fluttershy was a bit shaky from having to look down from such a height. “Will you stop shaking? You’re making me nervous.” said Rainbow. “Sorry.” peeped Fluttershy. The rest of the gang, hid in the shrubs, which Rarity protested to. “Why is it I always get the dirty jobs?” she groaned softly. “Shh!” Rhymey and Spike both said. Rarity pouted, but they all kept a constant vigil. For a long while, nothing happened. Rainbow let out a huge yawn “Would something just happen already?” The gang still couldn’t detect anything, but suddenly…! “Wait…” said Spike and he sniffed the air “There’s something out there… it’s getting close.” Then the others could detect and abnormal amount of power getting near. “This is it…” Lightning said “Keep your eyes peeled.” Suddenly, they could see someone rather big creeping about in the shadows. It was almost too dark to see, so they switched their visors to night-vision, and what they saw really surprised them. “It… can’t be.” cried Rarity. “What…? What is it?” Spike asked not able to see in the dark like they could. “It looks just the Dragon Knight, But that obviously can’t be right.” said Rhymey. Then the ponies tried to scan what the creature really was, but their signals got jammed, as if the creature was shielded from it. This meant they couldn’t detect how powerful the creature was either, but regardless, they could plaining see the creature starring down the bank and it drew its sword ready to cause some serious trouble. Lightning gave the signal, and all the ponies jumped out from their hiding spots. “Freeze!” Lightning shouted. The creature turned round, and many of the search lights shined on it, and the alarms sounded. Many civilians were awakened, and opened their windows to see what the matter was. “Look!” “It’s the Dragon Knight.” “He was going to rob the bank.” “I thought they arrested him already.” Spike could hardly believe what he saw. He rubbed his eyes and pinched his cheek to be sure he wasn’t dreaming. Other Starfleet officers came soaring in completely surrounding the area. Many of them gazed at Commander Lightning with angry faces, now realizing he never actually captured the Dragon Knight, but now was not the time for scolding. “Identify yourself!” Lightning demanded, but the creature narrowed its eyes, and then sniffed the air, sensing that Spike was hiding in the bushes near the edge of the road. Before anyone could react, the creature zipped past the fighters, ramming them all hard knocking them over, and made its way right to the bush. Spike barely leapt out from hiding just in time before the creature sliced the bush to pieces with its sword. “Whoa! Talk about a close-cut.” All the civilians and other officers saw Spike, and barely could believe it. “There’s two of them?!” “Then he was telling the truth.” “But then, who’s that?” Spike was relieved; obviously more than enough proof had been gathered to get him off the hook, but for now he stared the imposter down, and looked ready for a fight. “Dragon Power!” Once he was transformed, he immediately drew his sword. “Let’s go!” called Lightning. “No!” shouted Spike “Let me handle this. It’s my score to settle.” The officers protested, but Lightning silenced them and ordered them all to stay back. “Okay, Spike, you have your chance, but we’re here if you need us.” “Be careful, my dear.” cried Rarity. Spike nodded at her and then faced the creature down. The two knights held their swords and paced in soft steps eyeing each other down. Then, the imposter began to speak, in a feminine voice… “You show great courage, for one who is a disgrace.” Spike blinked once. “So you are a girl. I could smell your pheromones.” The girl sniggered softly “I’m impressed; you’ve developed your senses… well nearly that is. Now, show me what you’ve got.” Spike said nothing, and the two knights clashed their swords, parrying out each other’s attacks skillfully, and dodging fatal blows. Fluttershy could hardly watch this, and buried her face in Rhymey’s chest. Rhymey held his wife close and watched as the duel continued wondering along with the others who the imposter was, and what did she want. Most importantly, why did she set Spike up? The knights continued to clash in their duel. “You have skill with the blade.” said the imposter, and their blades clashed in a lock. The two knights struggled hard against the force. “That’s not all I’ve got.” Spike said, and he kicked the imposter hard in the chest sending her back a few steps. “DRAGON FLAME-WHEEL!” Curling himself up in a wheel of fire, Spike rushed at the imposter, but she actually blocked him with her cape, halting him dead in his tracks. “Do you see that?!” cried Rainbow. “She’s actually stopped Spike’s flame-wheel attack.” added Starla Next thing anyone knew or saw, the imposter flicked Spike off her, and then took in a huge breathe. “BLACK FIRE!” and unleashed a wave of black flames that hit Spike full force and knocked him off his feet. “SPIKE!!” Rarity shrieked. He got back up on his feet almost at once, but was really angry now. That’s when he and the others witnessed the imposter’s armor change to a black color. “There’s no confusing them now.” Lightning said. “Who are you?” Spike asked. The Black Dragon Knight snickered and hissed “For now I am just your opponent. I disguised myself as you in order to draw you out into the open, and what a surprise; you’re pathetically predictable, like a moth to the flame.” “Excuse me?!” growled Spike. “You are a disgrace to the species of dragons. It was time you were put in your place.” Spike growled and rushed forth again, but the Black Dragon Knight swerved and punched him hard in his helmet, and then grabbed him by the cape and yanked him into a neck-lock. “No, Spike!” cried Rarity. “Lightning!” cried Starla “Go!” shouted Lightning, and he and all the ponies rushed forth, but the Black Dragon Knight raised her sword with her one free claw and shouted “DARK LIGHTNING!” The blade of her sword, unleashed a massive swarm of powerful lightning bolts that actually struck every single pony and caused them all to crash down. “Guys!” cried Spike. After just that one hit, all the ponies looked as if they had been through ten hurricanes, and their suits powered down. Spike tried to struggle free, but the Black Dragon Knight held him tightly, and then whispered in his ear “…We’ll meet again.” Then she shoved him hard to the ground, and when Spike looked back round, she had gone; vanished without a trace. Spike angrily grunted and punched the ground. Then he powered down his armor, and ran over to help the others. The civilians came out form their houses to help out as well. “Rarity. Are you okay?” asked Spike. “I’m fine, my love.” she said. Soon all the fighters were back on their feet, but never had felt such an attack in a long time. “Man, that girl, whoever she is, she sure packs a punch.” said Rainbow. “But who is she?” asked Fluttershy. “Whoever she is or, or why she’s here, She is defiantly wicked, that much is clear.” said Rhymey. Starla shook her head softly in dismay “This always happens…” she said “First one enemy appears, and then another one shows up.” Lightning nodded and noted that the Black Dragon Knight only seemed to be interested in Spike, but as to why wasn’t fully understood yet, but at least now he all the proof he needed to help get that order on Spike’s capture lifted. All the civilians approached Spike and offered him their most sincere apologies. “We should have known it wasn’t you.” “It’s awful how that evil twin tried to frame you.” “Can you ever forgive us?” “We’re awfully sorry.” Spike smiled warmly and nodded. With all the danger pretty much over, the night patrols went back to their duty, and Lightning and the others all decided to head home to bed. If there was any more trouble, they would be alerted at once. At home, Rarity and Spike had already slipped into their new bed they shared. Actually, instead of one giant mattress, it was actually two smaller mattresses. Rarity liked her bed extra soft, and Spike liked his a little harder, and each mattress had its own set of sheets and covers, this way each of them wouldn’t disturb one another’s comforts and Spike wouldn’t have to hear Rarity complain about the covers being uneven much. Two beds, merged together under the four posters, it was like a shared king-sized bed, just perfect for them as they would be married soon. Spike sat upright deep in thought for a moment. “Are you alright?” Rarity asked. Spike looked at her and she could see the worry in his eyes. “She’s going to come after me, that Black Dragon Knight. I’m afraid you and the others might get in trouble too.” “Then we’ll simply have to face it together.” said Rarity. Spike shook his head “I don’t know. You all felt it, I felt it… she’s really strong. You guys barely took that attack of hers. I don’t know why I could though.” Rarity placed her hand on his shoulder “Even though I don’t know much of what it’s all about me, I would rather fight alongside you. You shouldn’t have to face this alone.” Spike felt a little better and smiled at her “Thanks… and thanks for sticking by me through this whole mess.” She smiled and moved in closer “Anything for you, Spikey-Wikey.” And she placed her lips over his. Spike wrapped his arms round her, holding her close yet gently. How he really enjoyed moments like this with her and being lost in each kiss. “I love you.” she whispered. “I love you.” she whispered back. Then they both drifted off into a quiet sleep. (Promo) In our next episode, Grand Ruler is starting to feel a bit irritable as he tries to maintain his cool about his past trauma. Meanwhile, Pinsar sends down the hideous Burly Beetle to really pound the heroes into dust. How will the heroes handle this battle, and how will they gain the information they require? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Beetle Beating”) > Episode 4: Beetle Beating > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE FOUR Word of the Black Dragon Knight being on the loose was alerted to the public, even though she was only after Spike for whatever reasons, the ponies and others creatures were told be more cautious than ever while outdoors. At least Spike was now fully cleared of all charges, but he still wondered who this creature was, and what did she want with him. Unfortunately, it was nearly impossible to know where she came from, as Starfleet’s technology couldn’t seem to detect her, and Spike would sniff the air heavily everywhere he went trying to locate the scent, and that didn’t help either. Best chance was to wait for her to reveal herself again, and then try to see what she was after. In the meantime, there were still other things to worry about as well, such when and where Pinsar would launch his next attack. Grand Ruler and Celestia were in their private office. Celestia was reading all the letters of friendship reports sent to her by ponies and replied to a few she liked most, while her husband was going over loan applications and tax rebate documents. He would read them over and decide which were truly necessary to approve; be they for a good cause, or just plain needed desperately. All those that didn’t really seem to need it all that much were politely rejected and send back with a letter explaining why. Once the papers were all sorted out, it was simply a matter of approving the pile of approved applications. He would stamp each one with a special seal he and Celestia always used as a symbol of the approval, and then send the letter on its way through the slot to be mailed back to the applicants...but while he was working, he began to have more flashbacks of way back when Starlight Braveheart was killed and all the other ponies in the first confrontation with the Insectos. Then, strangely he felt he could hear Celestia calling him. “Celesto…? Celesto…?” He snapped out of his trance “Yes dear?” “I think your hand is more than approved.” “Huh…?” He gazed down to realize that while entranced he had stamped his own hand several times. “Oh…” As funny as it looked, Celestia resisted any urge to giggle. It didn’t take much to know he was haunted by his past again. “Darling, I know how you feel, but it happened a long, long time ago.” Her husband sighed softly “The past may be gone, but the memories remain. They will never disappear no matter what happens.” His wife honestly didn’t know what to say to him. Lately he seemed to have been slipping off into his past at random moments the past week. At tea time, he was pouring milk and accidently pour it into the sugar pot. Then at meal times, he hardly seemed too hungry to eat. At least when he helped Celestia with Castor and Leilani he seemed less agitated by the memories, but Celestia really wished there was something she could do to help him. She even wrote a plain letter to Lightning explaining the situation and how she was a little worried about him. *Mykan’s POV* Lightning was with Starla, Krysta, Pinkie Pie and Artie at the café having breakfast. I was with them too and we all read the letter. Pinkie sniffed sadly “Poor Grand Ruler…” “I know how he feels…” said Lightning. He never forgot when the evil Serpentari destroyed his home planet, Harmonious, and killed all his people. He couldn’t wait to find her and get revenge, and even after he did, it didn’t really change that much. “Yeah, I can dig that.” I said “I felt the same way when Titan’s goons killed my girlfriend. Even though we won the battle, Michelle was forever lost.” A small tear tried to leak form my eye, and I wiped it, trying to keep brave. “Too bad we can’t go up there and actually give it to Pinsar full force.” said Artie. “We’d never get past the armada.” said Starla “They’d shoot us to bits before we even had a chance to get close.” “Besides…” said Krysta “Even if we did get onboard the mothership, it’s two miles wide, and the castle on top of it is twice the size of New Canterlot palace. Without any blueprints or information, we’d get lost.” “All the information we have on the Insectos is hopelessly out-of-date. They won’t help us much.” added Lightning. “We can hardly use what little we can scan with our visors.” “We all know what’ll happen if we try to capture them.” said Starla “Pinsar would just destroy them from within. There’s got to be a way for us to get what we need to know.” Sadly, nobody had a clue, “Well, I always think well when I make things.” Artie said, and he got up and picked up a brown paper bag that contained quarts of salt. “Making another one of you big artworks today?” asked Starla. “Yep, it starts in a few minutes, in town-square.” Pinkie leapt for joy “I just love it when you make big things. What are you going to make today?” “Come on over and I’ll show you.” “What is this…?” asked Lightning “We’re supposed to be thinking of what to do about the Insectos. “Ah, come on Lightning.” said Krysta “A little break never hurt, and maybe we’ll think of something by watching.” Lightning sighed, but complied. *POV Ends* Meanwhile, Pinsar was gazing frustratingly down at the planet. It really aggravated him that his vast armada, capable of such destruction could do nothing as long as the barrier was shielding the planet. “United Equestria would be ours now if not for that barrier blocking us out.” He grumbled, and then he turned to the others “Does anyone have any bright ideas of what to do now?” “Calm yourself, my dear…” said Ladybird “As of now I have already commissioned Commander Brutus to lead the next attack.” Stag and Slick shuddered nervously. “Brutus?” cried Stag “But my queen, he is one of our burliest warriors, and very quick-tempered.” “Exactly…” said Pinsar “Which is exactly what makes him an excellent choice to send down. Well done, Ladybird.” Phoebe scoffed in her throne and softly grumbled “I could told you all that.” “What was that, Phoebe?” her father sharply asked. “Nothing, Father…” Phoebe quickly said. Her father was not convinced, but he had no time nor interest to deal with her for now. “I will brief Brutus myself before sending him off.” Then he left. “Mother, why… why doesn’t Father allow me to have the chances I desire?” Her mother sighed “Honestly, Phoebe, not this again?” “Well why not? I’ve been training well; I even have my own ideas that could really make a difference. I should be doing battle as well, but why don’t you or Father let me?” “You are simply not as experienced, Phoebe. You might be confident, but you have never actually fought a full-fledged battle yet.” “Your mother is quite right, your highness.” said Slick “Overconfidence is the first step towards all failure.” Phoebe gazed at him sternly. “I don’t recall asking for your opinion, Slick.” Slick said nothing more, and Stag was really annoyed by the Princess’ attitude, but no one said anything else after, and Phoebe went right back to sulking. *Mykan’s Pov* Meanwhile, lots of ponies had gathered in town square, eager to watch Artie’s new artwork. A large clear box with a black solid floor was there, just right for what Arite planned to do, and there were photographers and reporters waiting to take pictures for the covers of articles and magazines. Artie then took the contours of salt into the huge box with him. “Well, here goes something…” he said. Soft soothing music began to play, and Arite began to dump the salt out of its containers in neat rows and lines. (4:23-7:03) The box would prevent any wind form blowing the salt around, and everyone could look right inside as he worked. He also used a soft push broom to help even out some of the lines, and to push away any excess salt sprinkled about to make things look neat. While he worked, many ponies gazed in awe at how he worked, and Lightning… inspired by the box, and the way Artie filled in certain spaces with loads of salt… he began to have an idea of what to do about the Insectos. By the time Artie had finished, he had produced a magnificent salt mural of Grand Ruler Celesto on the left, and Queen Celestia on the right, with their arms raised, both touching fingers together, with several stars around them, and blow them was words “Starfleet” and “Friendship” Artie stood tall and took a bow, signifying that he was finished. The crowds applauded, and took their photos of the mural. They had to make sure to get plenty, before all the salt had to be swept up and the box dismantled. Artie was complimented by fans, and interviewed briefly by the reporters. Finally, he managed to break from the crowds and get back with his friends and me. “Wow! It’s tough being popular.” he joked. “Not a bit…” Lightning said “You just gave me a perfect idea of how to deal with the Insectos.” Everyone gazed at him with curiosity, and almost, using his ticket-book and pen he drew them up a rather poor but understandable ideal. “All we need to do is construct a new type of capture-sphere.” “Of course…” said Pinkie “Why didn’t think of that… only-- what kind of sphere?” Lightning explained briefly, that their best chance was to develop a special capture sphere that could actually record the thought-waves and brain-patters of each captured victim, which they could use to gain valuable information. “But, can it be built?” I asked. “In theory it could.” said Krysta “We better get this to Professor Brain. He’ll be able to do this.” Suddenly, the alarm sounded, and Stingars appeared in the area. Many of the civilians began to run in panic. “Mykan, quick! Get the civilians to safety.” “Right!” I said and headed off to help the ponies while the fighters rushed into battle against the Stingars, without even having to transform. *POV Ends* One Stingar punched at Lightning, and he blocked it with his hand, and then kicked the bug down. Three Stingars shot their stingers at Starla, and she swerved and dodged all of them, then she spun and kicked all the Stingars down at once chortling “Triple-Play!” Another Stingar stared Pinkie Pie down, and she put up her dukes and acted like a boxer. “Come on, come on, show me what’cha got.” she teased. The Stingar punched her hard, and she just got right back up again. “You call that a punch?” She got punched again, and she got back up. “Come on, I could barely feel that.” The Stingar then aimed it’s stinger to fire at her, but Pinkie leapt up high and bounced directly on its head, knocking it out cold. “Gee… I wonder if I hit him too hard?” she joked. Krysta hovered in midair as a swarm of Stingars bounded straight at her, and she just stayed where she was until the last second, and used her powers to create a warp portal the Stingars dashed right through, and they emerged through a second portal, several feet off the ground, and they crashed into a huge pile. “I forgot to tell them about that step.” she joked. Arite leapt up and over, and two Stingars chased after him. One tried to jump him, and he ducked, causing the Stingar to crash, and he kicked the other one in the legs tripping it up. The other Stingar then got up and grabbed him from behind, and threw him into a lamppost. “Whoa!” he groaned “Okay, that does it!” Artie growled, and he charged furiously at the bug, and gave it such a kick that he sent it flying back hard and right into a garbage can. “Yeah…!” Artie cried for joy, but suddenly he felt as if someone was behind him. He looked round behind him and saw a huge burly creature-- a Hercules Beetle-- he grunted at him and punched him very hard and sent him skidding up the road. The others dashed over to help him up. “Artie, you okay?” cried Starla. “In a matter of speaking.” groaned Artie as he got up, and all the friends stared the big bug down. “So, you da ponies…?” he asked, and then chuckled tauntingly “Brutus has seen tougher courses of meat… when it’s dead.” The friends were not amused, but then Brutus huge claws curled into fists and were glowing as he shouted “GROUND CLAW!” and drove his fists into the ground, sending a ground shaking shockwave straight at them! “Jump!” shouted Lightning, and they all leapt up high just barely being missed. Brutus pounded his huge fists together and growled and snarled like a huge ogre, hungry for more and snarled “Come down, silly ponies! Fight with Brutus!” “Wow! Guy has some serious issues.” said Starla. “Well, I’d say it’s time we toughened up.” said Lightning “Ready?” “Ready!!” the other shouted. “STARFLEET MAGIC!!” Then Pinkie transformed; “Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!” “Oh, pretty… lame.” taunted Brutus. The group was growing annoyed with all his mocking them, but they knew they would have to be cautious. They didn’t even have to scan him to realize he was as strong as he looked, maybe stronger. “I’ll go in first, you guys cover Me.” said Lightning. “Be careful.” said Starla. Lightning rushed forth, and aimed a powerful punch at the big bug, ad Brutus punched his fist back… CLANG!! Both of them were forced back, but Lightning groaned and held his aching hand. “It’s like punching a thick iron-plate. “Ha-Ha-Ha…” laughed Brutus “You silly, and weak…” and he swung hard at Lightning with his several fists. Lightning dodged and back-flipped to evade them. “Let’s try blasting him!” said Artie. Starla and Krysta agreed, and launched powerful rays from their horns. Each shot hit Brutus head-on, but barely even made him flinch, but he did laugh at them. “Brutus big burly beetle; Powerful Insecto Commander. Your weapons useless. Not make much dent.” “And your speech leaves much to be desired.” spat Krysta. Brutus’ eyes flared in anger “You no talk that way to Brutus! Brutus teach you!” Pinkie bounced along with her dukes up “I’m not afraid of you.” she cheekily said. Brutus then dug his claws hard into the ground and actually lifted up a huge chunk of it in a boulder. “Uh, oh…” Pinkie said. “Run!” shouted Starla. The team dashed off as Brutus threw the giant boulder, over their heads, and it crashed down just in front of them, making the ground quake softly. “Did you see how far he threw that?!” cried Artie. Brutus snarled and slammed the ground again. “GROUND CLAW!” The ponies all jumped up and hovered in midair, but unfortunately, a Hercules Beetle was also capable of flight, and Brutus leap right up there and began to punch and knock them all back down to the ground hard. Each of them hit the ground so hard making small shapes of themselves in the dirt. “Ooh, that hurt.” groaned Pinkie. Lightning brushed the dirt from his face, and decided enough was enough, and he changed into an Enticorn. Brutus was amazed, but all he did was laugh “You think simple lights can beat Brutus? You ain’t seen nothing.” “It’s you who’s seen nothing.” Lightning sneered. “Go get him, Lightning.” cheered Krysta. Lightning zipped straight at Brutus, but Brutus’ horn began to glow brightly. “STRENGTH SAP!” Lightning felt himself slowing down. “Huh? What’s happening?” He collided right into Brutus, but he grabbed him with all four of his arms, and began to absorb Lightning’s strength as if he were sucking sap from a tree, making himself stronger than ever, and Lightning weaker. “No, Lightning!” cried Starla. “We gotta help him!” added Artie. They all dashed over, but Brutus, having had his fill already, threw, Lightning straight at them, knocking the gang down like bowling pins. Lightning also de-energized back into his normal self and was now just wearing his regular uniform. “I can’t beat him even as an Enticorn?” he said in shock. Brutus laughed loudly as his horn glowed with all the energy he had absorbed. “I don’t like the looks of this!” cried Krysta. Brutus then unleashed the energy he absorbed right at everyone, causing sparks and explosions all around them and they all fell over. The others had taken such a hit that their suits were starting to run low, and about to de-energize. Brutus’ horn began to glow again. “Watch out! Don’t let it hit you!” cried Lightning. “STRENGTH SAP!” Krysta warped them all out of the way just before they all got zapped. “Stand still!” shouted Brutus, and he fired again forcing Krysta to wrap the ponies again, and again, and again…! Krysta was starting to grow tired and groaned “I… can’t keep this up… much longer.” Brutus began to stomp closer towards the group. “Brutus waste enough time with you…” and his horn began to glow again “…Time to say bye-bye.” This looked as if it was going to be huge, and the others didn’t know what to do. Brutus then fired a huge beam from his horn, and the others braced for the blast, but the blast never hit them. *Mykan’s POV* When the smoke cleared, there I was standing between the bug and my friends holding my shield up; thanks to its special ability allowing me to absorb certain types of magic and energy fired from enemies. “You thought you were the only one who could absorb energy, huh?” I sneered. Brutus growled angrily and then watched as I used my shield to transfer all that energy back into the others, thus re-energizing their strength and power. “Mykan, way to go.” said Artie. “Thank, Mykan. We owe you for this.” added Lightning. I smiled bravely at my friends, and watched them all transform again. “Now, let’s try this again…” said Lightning. “Brutus not scared!” growled Brutus “Brutus smash you all pieces! GROUND CLAW!” We all dodged those powerful shockwaves, and then Brutus picked up another huge boulder and threw it at us. “Not this time…” said Artie, and he leapt up high; “COLOR KICK!” Now that he was fully re-energized, his powerful kick actually shattered the huge rock to bits. Brutus roared angrily, and prepared to sap us all again, but Pinkie Pie had an idea and dashed around, and around and around him in furious circles making him dizzy. “He may be strong, but he’s not too smart.” Brutus shook off his dizziness, and now he was furious! “BRUTUS MAKE YOU SORRY!!” he shouted. “STRENGTH SAP!” “Oh, no ya don’t!” snapped Krysta, and she teleported Pinkie out of the way, and I appeared--using my teleportation belt-- in her place. I held up my shield, absorbing the power, and repelled it right back at Brutus. Brutus roared in anguish as he felt his own strength being compromised. Now he was weaker than before, but still able to fight. The gang all rushed in, punching, kicking and bashing at him; now able to deal him damage. Brutus then grabbed us all, some in two of his claws, and the rest in his other two claws. “UH-OH!” we all cried, and he slammed us all together hard, making our heads spin. “This has gone on enough!” Lightning snarled, and suddenly he had an idea, and whispered it to me. “Got’cha.” I said. The others wondered what we were up to, but still they battled on, while I ducked out of sight. They punched and kicked, and blasted at the big brute, but he managed to evade their attacks and knock them all down again. “Does this guy ever quit?!” groaned Starla. “Brutus never quit!” he snarled “Brutus finish you! Make King Pinsar happy! YOUR WORLD WILL BE OURS!!” Suddenly…! “G’ARGH…!” From out of nowhere, I had leapt in, and cut off his horn using my Sword of pure-soul, having enchanted it by believing my purity and in my friends. “No!” shouted Brutus “Horn gone! Strength weakening…!” “Aha! So that’s your weakness. Just as I thought.” said Lightning. “Go, guys!” Now, without his horn, and his strength depleting, the friends and I were able to really do some damage. Artie got out his Super Staff and really let him have it. “Brutus not give up! Must fight for king!” He summoned all the power that he could and picked up a huge piece of ground, larger than any other he had lifted, but it was so big and with his depleting strength, he was struggling to keep it up. Starla saw this as her chance and armed her bow “STARLIGHT ARROW!” and fired straight at the rock, causing it to shatter and burry Brutus like an avalanche. “Now’s our chance.” said Lightning. “I’m ready.” Artie said as he set his staff on “Capture” Still not afraid, Brutus foolishly charged forth, just as Lightning powered up “UNIFORCE!!” Brutus stopped dead in his tracks and then put up his defenses trying to resist the power, but it was no use; the force began to blast away at his armor and leave him wide open for Artie’s finisher. “SUPER STAFF SPIN!” Whirling his staff like a propeller, the staff began to charge up with energy, and Artie rushed forth and struck hard. Brutus growled and shrieked, and then he fell over and exploded-- and he reappeared trapped in a capture-sphere. We all ran over, and I picked it up, but just as we all gazed down at tiny Brutus, his body glowed and then was vanquished within, which upset and outraged us all as we gazed up at Pinsar’s ship. *POV Ends* Queen Ladybird was fuming in frustration “It can’t be. It’s utterly impossible. A big and powerful brute getting smashed by a group of puny creatures…?!” “I’m beginning to lose my patience as well.” grumbled Pinsar. As much as he knew his soldiers were expendable and willing to perish to keep the armada’s secrets safe, it really angered him having to destroy them himself… mostly due to their failure rather than loyalties. “Now, now, let us try to keep calm.” said Slick. “Agreed, getting angry will not defeat our enemies any faster.” added Stag, but Pinsar glared furiously at them “And who are the two of you to make any suggestions? If it weren’t for your insubordination we wouldn’t be in this situation now, would we?!” “Some hired help they are…” Phoebe muttered softly. Then, she tried once again to appeal to her father to let her try and come up with a plan, but her father refused. “But father…” “No buts!” snapped Pinsar “I will let you have your chance when the time is correct and not before! Understand?” “Yes, Father.” Phoebe sighed, but deep down she was really getting annoyed with the attitude she was given and said softly to herself “There’s got to be a way for me to prove myself.” *Mykan’s POV* Not too much damage was done, and several Earth Ponies had already patched up and refilled all the holes made in the battle. As for us, we all settled down a good hearty lunch, and the guys promised me all I could eat plus a whole cake, and the tab was on them; they’re way of thanking me for helping in the battle and saving them. I practically pigged out on nearly all my favorite foods on the menu. “Wow, and I thought I had a ravenous appetite.” said Pinkie. “Sorry… but all that fighting really made me famished.” I said with my mouth full. The waiter came with the bill, and my portion was pretty shocking. “Galloping Galaxies!” groaned Lightning. “Now, now… you guys promised.” I said. “So we did.” Starla sighed. “Maybe next time we’ll just give you a medal.” said Artie. “It’ll be less expensive.” added Krysta. Still, aside from all this, we had beaten another of Pinsar’s henchmen, but this war had barely begun. Hopefully if all our patience, planning, and maintaining vigil would pay off and we’d gain the upper hand. (Promo) The Cutiemark Crusaders are taking a census for a school report, but Spike is beginning to feel a bit distraught for not knowing his roots. Things only worsen when the Black Dragon Knight returns to cause more havoc and battle with Spike, and even offers him a dark and crafty deal. How will Spike and his friends fare against the Black Dragon Knight this time, and what proposal has she for Spike? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Dragon’s Honour.”) > Episode 5: Dragon's Honour > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE FIVE As the sun rose to start a new day in United Equestria, many ponies and other creatures stepped out of their homes, ready to start their daily routines. A nice song played as even Lightning and the gang sang along as they started their days. Everyone seemed so happy, or excited that day... however, Spike seemed a little down in the dumps as he sang his own verse to the song. As Spike walked sadly down the path on his beat, he was being watched from dark places by his enemy; the Black Dragon Knight. Who knew what sinister plot she was concocting? Later that day Rarity was hard at work preparing for her wedding. Today she was working on the Flower-Filly dress; one for Sweetie Belle, and one for her each of her friends, The Cutiemark Crusaders. “Hold still, Sweetie Belle.” Rarity said “Remember, a dress is only as perfect and as still as the one who wears it.” Sweetie didn’t get that, but she complied “How much longer do I have to? My legs are getting tired.” “I just have a few more pins to put in.” her sister said, and then a moment later, she was done, and removed the sample fabrics from her little sister. Sweetie practically flopped off the stool, and rubbed her legs to warm them up. “I think you’re spending too much time on all this.” Rarity double gasped in shock! “Sweetie Belle! This is my wedding we’re talking about. The day I have long since dreamed of since I was your age, and I want every bit of it to be as perfect as I imagined it. So much to do and so little time.” Her sister shrugged, but she was looking forward to the wedding herself. She and her friends would get to be the Flower Fillies again, and having Spike as a brother-in-law, she thought that would be fun, even if Spike was a dragon. But that all wasn’t for some time, and she had a school project to work on. The assignment was to figure out the best way to learn about someone and get to know them, and Crusaders decided to learn about others by taking a small census-- asking questions All four of them went around town asking all their friends, or other ponies they knew a set of simple but official questions as references for their work, and each participate was to sign their questionnaire as proof. Scootaloo and DD were flying about looking for someone else to interview. “With all these signatures, we’ll have the best report in class.” said Scootaloo. “I just hope we can find someone else to talk to.” said DD. They were about to get their chance when Rainbow Dash zoomed right past them, making them spin like tops and they softly plopped onto the ground a few feet below. Rainbow zipped right back to them “Whoa! Sorry about that girls. I guess I was going a little too fast.” “I’ll say you were.” said DD “Getting some training in?” “Aw, yeah… we Starfleeters and Wonderbolts have to be ready for anything. Plus, I can’t go a day without flying.” Scootaloo really admired her dearly or such dedication and coolness. “Say, Rainbow Dash, would you participate in our census for our school project.” “Sure I would.” The girls smiled and got their clips boards ready “Just some simple questions here…” said Scootaloo “First Question: What is your name?” Rainbow’s feature changed and she felt a bit awkward “But… you already know my name. “Well, know that…” said DD “It’s just that in a census all the questions have to be very official. Just play along, okay?” “Okay…” she cleared her throat “Major Rainbow Dash.” As she answered the questions, the girls wrote them down on their clipboards, and checked off boxes. The other questions were… and Rainbow answered them. Where do you live? “New Cloudsdale, United Equestria.” What it your favorite color? “Is Rainbow a color…? Oh, heck, I’ll just say Blue.” What is your favorite word? “Speed.” ‘Cause I got the need for it.” The final question was a fun one: “Do you know how to dance?” “You bet I do…” said Rainbow, and suddenly got down into a groovy disco beat as music played and lights flashed from out of nowhere. The girls even jived with her. Rainbow was then asked to sign the questionnaire sheet as proof they interviewed her, and the girls were very grateful. “Thanks, Rainbow.” Said Scootaloo. “Anything for you kids. Well, gotta fly…!” and she took off like a speeding comet. “I wonder how the others are making out.” DD wondered. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had collected many signatures from many ponies who were obliged to help out with their project. “I can hardly wait for your sister’s weddin’ day.” Said Applebloom, which made Sweetie Belle sigh “It’s hard enough to get Rarity to stop talking about it.” “Well, sorry, but ya know how excited I get, especially since we’re the Flower-Fillies, again.” That was exciting to think about, for they and their friends had been Flower-Fillies at many prestigious wedding already. “Do you think maybe that’s our specialty?” Sweetie Belle asked with excitement, but she and Applebloom looked at their flanks. “Nope… still nothin’.” They both sighed, and then continued on their way. As they walked through town they suddenly could see Spike walking up the street, and he looked awfully glum. His shoulders were slumped forward and his head was hanging low, and he was softly singing… “Who am I? Got the blues I Who am I? Da, da, dun, dun dye…” With his patrol rounds complete, he sat on a bench by himself, and looked glummer than ever. The girls hated seeing someone so glume, particularly a good friend. The others came along with all their signatures, but could see there was a problem already. “What’s with Spike?” asked DD. “He looks like he lost his best friend.” said Scootaloo. “You know what this means, girls…” said Applebloom. “It’s up to us to try and cheer him up.” added Sweetie Belle. All four of them joined hands together and declared their name “CUTIEMARK CRUSADERS!!” Spike was sulking miserably on the bench, and he gazed down into his claws, and then he looked down and saw his reflection in a small puddle. He stared grimly at his face and shook his head in dismay. “I’ve seen happier faces in a frowning contest.” said Applebloom. Spike looked up “Oh, hey girls…” “Why so glum?” asked Scootaloo. “Oh, it’s nothing really.” The girls were not convinced. “That sounds like a pretty big nothing.” said DD “Come on, Spike, you can tell us, and we want to help.” Spike didn’t see any harm, but then again “I don’t think anyone can help me out of this one.” he said. “Try us…” said Sweetie. Spike hesitated for a moment and finally let it out “It’s just… after all this time, I still don’t know who am.” The girls felt confused. “But we know who you are, and so does all of United Equestria.” said Scootaloo. Spike shook his head “I mean who I really am. Where did I come from? Who were my family? What would I have been if things were different?” Now the girls understood, and honestly were drawing the same blank as he. Even with all the information ponies now had about dragons, none of it could give Spike the answers he sought. He was found as an egg by Celestia, and given to Twilight when he hatched. It was she who named him Spike… Just thinking of that made him really miss Twilight more, even though she was never able to fully help him find the answers. Nobody he knew had the answer to his past, not even their Royal majesties. Even Celestia, who found him as an egg, could hardly tell him anything. “Did you talk about this with Rarity?” asked Sweetie, but then she realized “What am I saying? All she wants to talk about is the wedding.” “No, we talk about it.” Spike said “And of course, I don’t regret what I am today. I know I’m lucky to be who I am, and marrying Rarity soon.” he said “I just really wish I knew more, that’s all.” He thanked the girls for their concern and then left, still looking a little grim. “Poor Spike…” said DD “I wish we could help him.” “Maybe we can.” said Sweetie Belle “We can help him try to find some answers.” Applebloom didn’t seem so keen about the idea “But you heard him; if no one else could find answers, how can we?” “Well, we can try…” said Scootaloo “After all, remember our motto: Never to give up.” Remembering that well, the group agreed to begin their new quest to help Spike, and they did their club cheer again. “THE CUTIEMARK CRUSADERS!!” The first place they went was the town library, which was much bigger than the old Golden Oak Library Twilight once had, before it go torn down, but all her old books, tomes and parchments were donated to the library, as well as many books from Unicornicopia, containing stories and many text-books with information all over the galaxy. The girls looked through many Equestrian history books as they could, but were soon overly exhausted from all that information. “Find anything yet?” asked Scootaloo. Sweetie yawned and said “Only how incredibly tiring this is.” Lightning and Starla came along, having returned some books they borrowed for their studies. Krysta and her adopted son, Prince Twink “My goodness, look at you girls.” said Lightning. “I never thought you had to study this much for a project.” added Starla. They knew about the girls’ little census, having already been interviewed themselves. “This isn’t for our project.” said DD. “We’re trying to help Spike.” added Scootaloo. The girls told them everything, and the gang all understood completely. “I know how he feels.” said Krysta “I remember when I didn’t remember who I was and where I came from.” This was the first time Twink ever heard of this. “You didn’t remember?” His mother shook her head, but the story was a bit too long, and Twink was a little too young to understand. “You’ll understand when you get older, dear.” “As for Spike…” Starla said “It’s nice you girls want to help, but for once, even I don’t think it’ll be so easy to get answers this time.” Lightning nodded “I’ve studied many of these books over, and never found a clue, but and every chance I get I keep looking for something that may help Spike, but I just never found it. I may not ever find it, and maybe neither will Spike.” The girls felt a little discouraged. “I’m not trying to be mean girls. It’s just that… sometimes, no matter how hard you try to look; some things are just lost and may never be found. There’s either no proof to back it up, or it just doesn’t exist, but still, if you want to try… that’s good too.” The girls decided to keep on trying, and Lightning and Co headed for the front-doors. Meanwhile, Spike headed back to the boutique, and he felt little better now that he was home where he lived with his bride-to-be, but the second he laid his claws on the door, he suddenly smelled that familiar scent. “It’s her…!” he hissed softly. Inside, Rarity was coming down stairs when she could see him through the windows just standing on the porch, still as a statute. She opened the door. “Spike… what are you?” “Shh…” he said and he continued to sniff the air “It’s Black Dragon Knight. She’s close by, I know it.” The both looked around and Rarity moved closer to him “You should get inside with me.” “Except for one problem…” said Spike and he quickly spun round and punched Rarity hard sending her flying hard into a tree “…You’re not Rarity! I can smell the difference!” The real Rarity came walking down the street, returning from a shopping spree with bags of fabric and stuff to make the wedding outfits with. “Spike!” she cried “What in United Equestria is going on here?” Then she could see her imposter stand up and she gasped and stammered. “It… it looks like… ME!!” The imposter Rarity’s eyes glowed red and she ROARED furiously and transformed into the Black Dragon Knight. Rarity screamed! “Silence!” shouted Black Dragon Knight “You try my patience with that horrid sound!” “What do you want here?” cried Rarity. “From you… nothing… it’s he that I’m after. A matter of Dragon’s Honour, which he has none of.” Spike extended his claws and snarled furiously. Rarity walked up to his side, but he held out his arm telling her to stay back “Let me handle this…” “But Spike…” “Just do as I say!” he said firmly. Rarity practically winced at his attitude, having never seen this side of him before. Spike then walked towards his enemy. “How horribly disgraceful…” she said “You stand yourself up to defend that ugly rotten creature.” Rarity’s features hardened “Ugly? UGLY?!” she shouted “You see here you--” but before she could continue, Black Dragon Knight fired a small black flame near her, causing explosions and knocking her in the mud, getting it all over her nice clothes and all over her shopping. “Rarity!” cried Spike. “Make that ugly, rotten, and annoying.” hissed Black Dragon Knight. Rarity was covered from face to toe in mud, and her shopping was all splotched. She burst into tears whining and bawling. Spike had had his fill now. “Dragon Power!” He transformed and drew his sword. “No one pushes Rarity around like that in front of me and gets away with it!” Black Dragon Knight drew her sword and the two dashed toward each other in a duel. Rarity, though still feeling really upset about her appearance and ruined shopping, ran to the nearest lamppost by her property, unlocked the big red box, and sounded the general alarm. Lightning, Starla and Rainbow heard the alarms. “That’s coming from over by Rarity’s place. Let’s move!” The ponies hustled off, and Twink felt excited to see some action, but Krysta wouldn’t allow him to follow. “Aw, mom…” “No, Twink… you’re much too little, and this is too dangerous.” said Krysta. “Ah, gee, I just want to have a little fun.” “This is not fun.” Krysta said. Twink, pouted, but then again he just didn’t understand the dangers all that much for a fairy his age. Spike and Black Dragon Knight were brawling like crazier; more fiercely than when last they had fought. They’re battle even took to the skies as they flew about clashing their blades, and clawing at one another. Poor Rarity couldn’t bear to watch this, and tried to transform, but could barely find her energizer-insignia under all the mud on her armor. So she flew up as she was. “I’m coming, Spike!” she called. Black Dragon Knight saw her, and kicked Spike away hard, then drew in a huge breath “BLACK FIRE!” The shot barely missed her and caused her to start sailing towards the ground. “Rarity!” cried Spike. He tried to dash down to save her, but Black Dragon Knight zipped right in front of him and punched him hard sending him higher into the sky. Rarity continued to fall, but at the last ten feet, she was scooped up by Rainbow Dash. “And the Dash completes another save!” she boasted. The others arrived just as Rainbow set Rarity down. “Are you alright?” asked Starla. “Never mind me!” cried Rarity and she pointed up, and everyone could see Black Dragon Knight. “Oh, it’s you again.” she scoffed “This does not concern you, so I’ll say it once; stay out of my way.” “Let’s get her!” shouted Lightning, and all three of them charged up at her. Three on one, but Black Dragon Knight fought mercilessly; slashing, and kicking them all away from her with ease and such strength. Rainbow got knocked like a baseball, and was sent soaring through the clouds. “STARLIGHT ARROW!” Starla fired her shot, but Black Dragon Knight simply stood and took the direct hit… and nothing happen. She didn’t even flinch. “Pathetic!” she hissed, and zipped forth. Starla threw her fist forth, but her Black Dragon Knight quickly zipped again, and appeared behind her. Starla turned just in time to get socked right good and hard. Lightning was furious, and rushed in, furiously punching and kicking, but Black Dragon Knight skillfully swerved and evaded each blow, and managed to grab his fists in her claws with such crushing force. Lightning struggled and fussed to break free, but it was no good. Black Dragon Knight snickered, and then flexed her neck and head-bashed Lightning hard, sending him skidding along the ground and crashing into a big tree. Rarity gasped hard! All three of her friends looked really beat after just a short battle, and she still couldn’t seem to wipe the mud away from her energizer-- the more she tried, the more muddy it got, not to mention making her dirtier-- it was no good for her. Black Dragon Knight gazed pitifully at all the ponies. “Are you about done being foolish yet?” Rainbow bolted upright “I’ll show you foolish!” she roared. Black Dragon Knight turned round and saw the angry pony zooming straight at her shouting “SONIC RAINBOOM!” KAPOW!! Colored smoke, everywhere! The friends looked forth, and saw Rainbow walking woozily out from the clouds. “Rainbow!” cried Lightning as he and Starla went up to her. Rarity, however, realized something odd about how Rainbow looked and was acting, and realized! “Wait!” she cried. Lightning and Starla skidded to a halt to gaze back at her, and that was when Rainbow attacked them both hard; punching Lightning and kicking Starla into the mud with a splash, splattering more mud onto Rarity. “UGH’LL!!” she groaned. Lightning and Starla wiped the mud from their visors, and saw the colored smoke had cleared, but there were in fact two Rainbows Dashes, the second one was all weary and exhausted after her attack had obviously failed. The other Rainbow sneered sinisterly, and then changed into Starla, laughing like a crazy hyena. Then she transformed into Lightning, still laughing. “She… she can shapeshift!” cried Lightning. Starla tried to scan the fake Lightning, but her visor was being blocked out by some external force. She then tried to scan her real husband, but the same force prevented her from scanning him as well. “Your little scouting trick won’t work…” Fake Lightning hissed “Not as long as I’m around here.” Suddenly, Fake Lightning got pelted by swarms of fireballs raining down from above, and actually damaged her and knocked her off her feet. The friends all looked up and saw Spike, finally coming down from way up in the sky shouting “Leave my friends alone!” Fake Lightning clenched her fists and dashed up, changing back into Black Dragon Knight. The two knights clashed at each other, and the ponies could barely believe it. They were hardly able to scratch the evil creature, and yet Spike was proving to be quite the formidable fighter. Spike swerved and managed to kick Black Dragon Knight hard in her stomach plate sending her flying backward, but she managed to point her sword at him… “DARK LIGHTNING!” …and hit him hard! Rarity screamed! The two Knights got back to their feet, both panting softly and glaring each other down. “Look at you…” hissed Black Dragon Knight “All this might and power, and you choose waste it.” “I don’t waste anything!” growled Spike. “Ha! Don’t make me laugh. We are both fearsome dragons, yet I remain loyal to the traditional dragon honour, and you choose nobility.” “You mean that’s what this is all about? You’re upset that I’m not like other dragons that act scary and cause mayhem and chaos? Who steal from others for their own greed and other things?” Black Dragon Knight nodded “You are a disgrace to all dragons, just as the original one who possessed your power was. I remember all the battles we had.” Spike gasped when he realized she was referring to the original Dragon Knight, his mentor, the very one who bestowed this power on him. “You fought the original Dragon Knight? But… that was centuries ago! What kind of creature are you?” Black Dragon Knight refused to answer, and sniggered at him. “Answer me!” shouted Spike. “My, my, such temper, and yet you remain noble.” hissed Black Dragon Knight “I could crush you like an egg right here and now, but seeing you in action and what you’re capable of, I will offer you a choice…” Spike blinked once “What’s that?” “Renounce your nobility and any ties you have to these worthless creatures…” she referred to the ponies. “Who’s she calling worthless?” grumbled Rainbow. “…Forget about them, and join with me. Realize your true place in life. With my powers and your skills, imagine what we could accomplish together. We would be unstoppable, and the world would be ours.” The ponies felt disgusted. “No, Spike! You can’t!” cried Rarity. Spike felt equally as disgusted. “You’re out of your black hearted mind. No deal!” “Don’t be so hasty, give it some thought.” “Why should I?” “Because…” and she leaned in close and whispered into his ear “…I can help you find the answers you seek.” Spike’s heart skipped a beat and he was at a loss for words. “Think it over, will you, or you could refuse, and we’ll duel each other, hurting many of your so-called friends, disrupting the peace until neither of us is standing, is that what you want?” Spike was so confused and at a loss for action, he could hardly find it in himself to move. Black Dragon Knight began to back away and moved in back behind the shed saying “Think about it… Noble one.” then she was gone. Spike and the ponies snapped back to their senses and raced round to the back of the shed. “She’s gone.” said Starla. Spike clenched his claw in frustration, but his mind was aching with confusion and loss. “I think we all need to talk.” said Lightning. A while later, after everyone was cleaned up; Rarity was finally relieved to get all that mud off of her and was wearing her bathrobe and clean clothes underneath. They all discussed the full seriousness of what they had all witnessed and experienced. “She can look anyone she chooses.” said Starla “And she blocks out our visors so we can’t scan who’s real and who’s fake.” “Whoa!” cried Rainbow “This is so not cool. I mean, she could be anywhere. She could be anyone!” “It’s worse than that…” Lightning said “It means we can’t trust anyone we see, not even each other.” A soft moment of silence followed, and Rarity stood up “Now, wait. We’re overreacting. I know all of you, and you all of me?” “Yeah, and I can tell you guys are the real deal.” said Spike, he sniffed the air, and sure enough the scents were perfectly normal. “Yes, right now we know…” said Lightning “But what about the next time when we see each other? Spike you may be able to smell out who’s who, but we can’t do that, our senses aren’t like yours.” Nobody could argue with that. “What are we going to do then?” asked Rainbow. Lightning hated what he was about to do, but he knew the regulations, and the situation called for it “For starters… Spike, Rarity… I’m sorry, but I’m hereby ordering you to postpone your wedding.” Spike winced in shock, but Rarity… She gasped…! …and overdramatically fainted over the couch. “Rarity!” cried Spike, and he helped her up. “The wedding… is off?!” she groaned near tears. “Rarity, I’m sorry, but we can’t take any chances.” Lightning said. “He’s right…” Starla said “It’s only going to get worse now that she knows where you both live.” Spike felt really sick with grief to his stomach. “I understand.” he said sadly. Rarity couldn’t find her words, and just felt as if her heart had crumpled; after all the work, the plans, and the big day just a few weeks away… it all went up in smoke. “It’s just for a while…” said Rainbow “How long could this go on for anyway?” Now Rarity felt like letting out her emotion, but not in front of the others “Please…” she cried softly “I just want to be a lone right now.” and she softly went up the stairs. A tear ran down Spike’s cheek, feeling bad for her. He then clenched his fists angrily and softly swore on this toward the Black Dragon Knight, wherever she was “…I’ll get you for this. If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll get you!” Everyone felt very bad for all this, but there really wasn’t much that could be done now. …as for Rarity, she was up in her and Spike’s bedroom, lying flat on the bed and softly crying into her pillow. (Promo) In our next episode; Grand Ruler and Professor Brain tend to completed their project and produce a special capture-sphere to use on the Insectos, but things don’t really go as well when Princess Phoebe goes behind her father’s back to impress him, deciding to launch her own plan of action against United Equestria by intoxicating the atmosphere, and the alarms don’t give warning. Will Phoebe earn her father’s respect? Are the ponies doomed to suffocate? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Gasp for Gas”) > Episode 6: Gasping for Gas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE SIX Word spread fast that the wedding was called off, and there was disappointment everywhere you would look. Those who had already received their invitations early were more than disappointed, preferably Pinkie Pie; she had been looking forward to the big party at the end, and the big celebration for her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were disappointed that all their catering hopes were dashed for the next while. Still, this was not the half of it, after a meeting with Lightning and other officials; ultimately, with no other alternative, their majesties had no choice but to issue a tighter lockdown than ever. Officers were assigned to every home. No civilian was permitted to leave without being escorted by the guards. There were even guards posted at schools, the markets. Why even the guards had other guards watching their backs. This was to help keep a watchful eye on everyone in case the Black Dragon Knight would try to impersonate anyone again. Civilians were still allowed to go about their business and live their lives, but still, this was a strain on everyone, especially for children, always being watched as if they were under suspicion. Most children, and adults, though upset by the arrangement were more than understanding, but others were not. “This is crazy!” “You can’t keep watching us like this!” More and more protests were lashed, but to each and every one of them came the same answer. “We realize this must be difficult, but try to understand; this is for your own safety. Until we are sure the threat of the Black Dragon Knight is resolved, things will have to remain as they are. If the Black Dragon Knight finds you and impersonates you, there’s no telling what she could plot?” This did not make the protestors any friendlier, but they ultimately had no choice but to comply and adjust to the change. Even the friends were being treated like tyrannical dictators, even though they were acting out of care and concern. While out on patrol, Rhymey and Fluttershy were scoffed and hissed at. “Jailers!” “Rebels!” “How can you do this to us?!” Fluttershy could hardly take it all; to her it was like bullying ponies laughing and taunting at her. She felt almost near tears, but her husband calmed her. “I feel as bad as you, Worse even, I do. I hate seeing everyone so mad And I wish that things weren’t so bad.” Fluttershy held his hand tightly, and nodded sadly at him as they both continued their patrol. Many other protesters would tend to pass by Lightning and Starla’s place scoffing at it, knowing Lightning was home and dissing him for having suggested the lockdown. Lightning simply ignored them, but in actually he felt just as upset with himself over this. He hated seeing everyone so cooped up, or being watched all the time, but there was nothing else that could be done until the threat was resolved. “Are you okay?” Starla asked. Her husband sighed “Sometimes being a commander isn’t fun. I just hope this lockdown won’t have to last too long.” Meanwhile, Princess Phoebe was bored. Sure she loved being waited on twenty-four seven, and the Stingars would pamper her non-stop like they were now; bringing her drinks, giving her a manicure on her human hands. Finally, she bolted upright and smacked two of the Stingars down “URGH!! I can’t stand this!” she growled “Father just won’t listen to me or give me a chance.” She looked down at United Equestria through her bedroom windows. She knew the armada was still powerless to do much as long as the barrier shielded the planet. “Stupid ponies!” she hissed “I bet even I could take them all on at once.” Then suddenly, it hit her “Instead of attacking them separately in groups, why not try and wipe them all out? I need a way to wipe them all out but without them realizing it or being able to stop it in time… but how?” She picked up a bottle of her favorite perfume, and began to spray herself. The Stingars found the smell to be awful and backed away from her, much to her delight… and that’s when it dawned on her. …but she would need help, and knew just who could do the job with her. She crept to the throne room, and found nobody there. Beneath her father’s throne was a large, very large ledger, with the list of all the ships, soldiers, shifts, just about everything there was for the entire armada. Phoebe suddenly found the name she was looking for and what ship to go to. General Slick came into the room. “Princess…?” She jumped. “You startled me. Don’t ever do that again?” “What are you doing with the royal ledger?” “That is none of your concern.” “Anything that has to do with your father or his family is my concern. Perhaps I shall tell your father.” He turned to exit, but Phoebe zipped right in front of him, making him jump. “If you must know, I am going on a mission. One that will prove to my stubborn father that I am more than capable of being the fighter he dreams of.” Slick was outraged. “Your father left strict orders that you were to not deal in such matters!” “Exactly why should go.” said Stag as he entered the chamber “I couldn’t help but overhear, and I support you Princess. Should you… I mean to say when you succeed; your father will be most pleased. It wouldn’t surprise me if he no-less than compensated with say… your very own starship. ” Phoebe liked that idea, but Slick could not believe his comrade. “Neither of you are to tell my father of this, is that clear?” Phoebe practically threatened. Both generals complied, and Phoebe went off to put her plan in action. “Have you lost your senses?” snarled Slick “When his majesty hears of this he’ll have such a raging fit.” Stag snickered “Oh, well… if it happens, it happens.” Slick could not believe what he heard, or how his partner was behaving. Meanwhile, Goldwin was watching people in the streets through his telescope. As much as they tried to go on with their lives, they felt so awkward having the guards near them and watching their every move…Dyno and Myte, were there among them, filling in for a couple of sentries, and obviously not liking their jobs. Other ponies had to go home and pretty much stay home unless they had something important to take care off, it really made him feel sad. Queen Celestia approached him, not liking what she could see herself. It really broke her heart seeing how uncomfortable all the civilians were, and even more so that she and her husband and sister were the ones who passed the law. “I feel terrible.” she said “I wish there was something we could do to make it better.” Goldwin agreed “I know how some of them feel, being all cooped up all the time; just like how I can’t leave the palace.” “Oh, I’m sorry, Goldwin. I guess in all this stress and trauma I didn’t think about that.” “It’s all right…” Goldwin said “What keeps me going is the belief that one day there will be a way to bring me fully to life, and I won’t have to stay in the palace all the time, and I won’t have to wear my magic mask…” …without thinking, Goldwin foolishly took his mask off, and he turned into a golden statue. Celestia couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh, Goldwin, you silly thing.” She said as she took his mask and placed it back on his face. Then she cleared her throat and recited the magic phrase… “Powers of life, now begin awaken the magic from within!” Goldwin changed back to normal. “Your majesty…?” She smiled smugly at him “You took your mask off.” He blushed “Oh… yeah, I did.” He felt very silly. “Um… how’s Grand Ruler coming with his project?” “Oh, he and Professor Brain are still in the lab working on it.” said Celestia “I think I’ll go check on them. Oh, but first I have to put the children down for their nap.” After she left Goldwin continued to look at all the unhappy faces down in the village, still feeling sorry for them all, but at least they would be able to venture out soon. “Gee, I really wish I could be like them.” Goldwin said, and he began to sing a soft song as he wandered all over the palace. Come along with me through my world It’s beautiful palace, my world. It’s so divine! There’s a lot to see in my world So many wondrous things waiting to unfurl And it’s mine. Everywhere I go, each sight and sound entrances me My feet then began to spin and dance… With that, he began to dance, twirl and leap about as he wandered all around, all the way up to the tallest tower of the palace, and there, he walked out onto the terrace, gazing down at the world beneath and beyond. Oh, this is the end of my world For out there beyond the grounds it’s their world …one day soon I’ll be free to go see, It’s all there for me in the light of the sun and moon. While all this was going on, deep beneath the palace, far below the ground was a secret refinery that helped maintain all the activity that occurred from deep within the bowels of the planet. This way thing like unnecessary earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, temperatures of the soil and other things could be dealt with and crises could be avoided, but also, the air pockets from within the planet could be maintained to help keep oxygen flowing around the planet; almost like a full operational air-conditioning unit built into the planet. Usually the place was under heavy guard, but with most of the guards busy protecting the civilians, the place was now only manned by its technicians and regular security. All the ponies were working hard maintaining their stations to ensure than nothing whatsoever went wrong. Even the smallest of dangers could lead to a lethal disaster for the entire planet and all that inhabited it. The second anything went wrong, the warning alarms would alert the station, and if the problem was more severe, the general alarms would sound all over the planet; warning every creature of the imminent danger. The alarms were also doubly secured with special detections systems to warn of sabotage, if anyone tried to put the alarms out of action… these backups, however, where not protected! All the technicians went about their business checking the systems and maintaining properness in the levels and gauges, and the security guards did their rounds. One of the technicians was at the power controls in the generator room, checking off everything on his clipboard as “A-Okay” Suddenly, he heard a soft scraping sound. “Who’s there?” he called out. Then he could hear a soft buzzing sound. Now he knew something was wrong, and dashed over to sound the alarm, when suddenly, he was grabbed by a long tentacle… “No! Help!” he shouted, and then suddenly there was a faint hissing sound, and he was knocked unconscious. The creature that grabbed him was a female insecto; a stink-bug like creature wearing a poison shielding mask. She was very charming, but very wretched, and had just used her special gas to knock the pony unconscious, allowing her to swipe his key-card. She was then joined by several Stingars and Princess Phoebe; all wearing masks as well and holding other key-cards they had swiped from other guards on the surface, which they used to enter the refinery undetected. “You serve me well, Poisandra.” said Phoebe. Poisandra nodded “It is an honor to serve you, Princess.” Then she snapped her fingers, instructing the Stingars to disable the warning alarms and their backup systems. The Stingars then worked carefully, taking out the backup system first, and then sabotaged the alarms perfectly so they wouldn’t go off. “Excellent…” said Phoebe “Now, let’s begin.” Poisandra nodded, and shouted “POISON PODS!” and spewed form her sac several cocoons roughly the size of baseballs, which were massive stink-bombs. “Once I slip these into the main intake shafts, they will spread my toxin all over the planet. Slowly but surely the oxygen in the air shall be consumed.” The gang all made sure their poison-mask were fitted good and tight so they wouldn’t get hurt from the fumes. Then, they all worked together slipping the cocoons into the main shafts. It would take a little while from the fumes to take effect, but Phoebe only main concern was to prove herself to Pinsar. In the palace laboratory, Grand Ruler and Professor Brain had completed the new capture-sphere, and when used to capture a creature, it would record and transfer their thought-patterns and brainwaves into data. Now they were ready to run a test, just when Celestia came into the lab to witness it. “Well, here we go.” said Brain. The test was simple. They used the sphere to capture a monster dummy that had a special crystal containing old data on it. The dummy was captured successfully, and within a few seconds the data was recorded. “It works fine.” said Celestia. “No, not really.” her husband said. “What was the time, Professor?” “Precisely five point two-seven seconds, your majesty.” “Well, it can work on other monsters…” said Grand Ruler “But if we captured an Insecto, Pinsar would have already destroyed it. It’s just not fast enough to capture the data in time.” “Can you increase the power?” asked Celestia. “We most certainly can, and we must.” said Brain “It should work perfectly before long.” “I hope so…” Grand Ruler muttered. He looked rather tense; he was having another one of his traumatic flashbacks of when Starlight Braveheart was killed by Pinsar and his troops. He snapped himself out of it almost at once “I’m alright.” His wife and the professor were very concerned about him, but didn’t say a thing. “Well, I better go check on the children again.” Celestia said, and she placed her hand on Grand Ruler’s shoulder “Don’t overexert yourself.” Her husband smiled and kissed her on the lip softly “I won’t.” As Celestia headed for the door, she stopped and sniffed the air. “…Is it stuffy in here, or is it just me.” “No, we feel it too.” said Brain. “It’s probably just from our work.” added Grand Ruler. Then Celestia left, but really, the stuffiness was growing worse. The temperature inside the palace and all around the village was heating up like being in a giant steam-room, and it was getting very hard to breathe. Many of the ponies were already starting to lapse into unconsciousness from lack of oxygen. The danger had already reached New Ponyville too. Lightning began to cough and wheeze. “What’s happening…?” he groaned. “I… I feel… faint…” cried Starla “Dizzy…!” then she collapsed. “Starla…” groaned Lightning, but then he collapsed as well. Rhymey and Fluttershy were flying home, when they started to feel faint too. “Having… trouble… breathing…” groaned Fluttershy. “I… don’t… feel well. I’m going to have a dizzy spell!” added Rhymey, and both he and his wife slowly drifted right into a tree, just resting on the limbs. Back in New Canterlot, the Spanish Twins were coughing and wheezing. “Dyno! Que está pasando *What’s Going On?*?!” “I… I… Ay’-Ay’-Ay’…” Dyno could hardly answer as he collapsed along with his brother. Celestia struggled to get up the stairs. She was sweating very badly and had several wet spots all over her gown. Her mane was all droopy instead of flowing. Her husband and Professor Brain were now just starting to lose to the pressure. Brain already collapsed. Even Goldwin was starting to fade out, and took off his mask so as not to inhale the toxic air. As for Celestia… she final reached Castor and Leilani’s nursery, and just opened the door to find her children were already unconscious. “Castor… Leilani…!” she cried, but her voice could barely be heard in the thin atmosphere. Finally, she plopped down, flat on the floor. Meanwhile, Queen Ladybird could see everything. “All the ponies are suffocating.” She said with glee “Darling, your master plan is working perfectly.” Pinsar, already more than confused by all this, asked “What are you talking about, my dear? I haven’t come up with any plans to attack the planet yet.” Now his wife was confused. “If not you, then… who’s doing this?” Pinsar then noticed the royal ledger was not properly under his throne, but sitting on it. He picked it up, and smelled it with his antenna. That unmistakable perfume scent… and then, it got worse when one of the Stingars entered the chamber, and buzzed and clicked in its own language explaining to him that the Princess was not anywhere to be found, and Poisandra was not tending to her ships on schedule. Pinsar’s rage began to boil “PHOEBE…!!” Phoebe, still unaware of the trouble she was in, was feeling very content with what she had done. “By this time, even the strongest of them shall have passed out.” Then she instructed the Stingars and Poisandra to follow her back to the surface to see if it was time to move in and crush the planet while they could. Meanwhile, Grand Ruler was still struggling not to pass out from the pressure. He woozily made his way over to the vent shaft, and his three golden horns glowed magically, warning him of the toxins in the air. He tried to sound the alarms, but they didn’t work. “Sabotage!” he growled. “Must… warn… Lightning…!” He mustered up all the strength he could to send himself as a magical hologram to New Ponyville… At that moment, Krysta appeared, having returned from her home planet, Luminous, and unseen by the armada, to find Lightning and Starla collapsed on the floor, and she began to choke. “Hey… what is this? There’s no air here!” she groaned. Then she remembered the emergency respirators, including some just her size in the emergency first-aid kit. Once she had it on, she quickly touched Lightning and Starla’s energizers in specific sequences, activating their own respirators. “Come on, guys wake up!” cried Krysta. Lightning and Starla slowly began to come round. “Krysta…?” Lightning groaned. “What’s going on?” asked Starla. “You tell me.” said Krysta. Just then, Grand Ruler appeared in holographic form. “Lightning, are you alright?” “Yeah… all considering.” said Lightning. “Now, listen to me, all of you. There’s something wrong with the atmosphere. The air-support system has been sabotaged. I want you all to start helping others. Activate emergency oxygen program. I’ll warn the rest of the planet.” “Yes, sir.” said Lightning. The hologram vanished, and the friends all got up and headed outside. They saw many ponies lying unconscious all over the place, even Rhymey and Fluttershy stuck in the tree. Grand Ruler’s royal alicorn voice echoed along the air as he announced. “Attention: All inhabitants. Activate Emergency Oxygen Program. Repeat; Emergency Oxygen Program. All Chief Officers, report the condition of your personal.” Since there was no way to activate everyone’s respirators one-at-a-time, that was what the emergency program was for: Lightning went to the nearest lamppost, and above the Redbox where the alarm was, was a remote box with buttons like a telephone. Lightning unlocked the cover, and punched in a special-code. Instantly, a powerful satellite dish like object emerged from the lamppost and began emitting sonic frequency waves that magically activated respirators, making them appear on everyone. Dyno heard the message and managed to struggle up enough strength to get his respirator activated. Once he caught his breath, he quickly activated Myte’s “Come on, Myte. Breathe!” Soon, the twins activated the emergency programs all of New Canterlot, putting respirators on all the creatures, as were other officers. Grand Ruler was already going about saving the palace personal, and made his way to the nursery. He quickly gave the children their masks, and then his wife. “Celestia…! Wake up. Come on, breathe.” She started to stir, and was gaining her strength back. “Oh, Celesto…” she peeped. Her husband repeated his message again, using the magic of his horns to send it across the planet. “All inhabitants: on emergency oxygen. All Chief Officers, report the condition of your personal.” The Insectos could hear the message, and they were outraged. “No!” growled Phoebe “How could anyone have survived it?!” She then glared angrily at Poisandra. “You let me down…!” But Poisandra remained calm and assured her “I have not failed you yet, your highness. There is more than one way to conquer this planet.” She leapt up high in the air. “RED MIST SACKS!” and began to spew out more special cocoons, which spewed red smoke in the air. She snickered wickedly, and Phoebe grinned with delight. The twins could see them. “We may have guessed they were behind all this.” sneered Dyno. Myte nodded “I already sent Lightning an instant letter, but who knows when he’ll get here, and all the other officers are still reviving the civilians.” “Looks like we’re on our own, bro...” The air was getting redder as the poison continued to spread around. Poisandra snickered wickedly “It’s only a matter of time now. Even if those silly ponies figure what’s going on, by then it will be too late.” Phoebe grinned again and felt really proud with herself “I will see that you are compensated well, when my father praises me, that is.” Poisandra liked the idea. Suddenly! “Hold it right there!” shouted a voice. The bugs all peered through the smoke and saw the twins, fully transformed, and still wearing their respirators. Phoebe scoffed “Only two? I’ve seen a pack of termites more challenging than this.” “Yeah, well we’ve seen better challenges getting out of bed.” scoffed Dyno. Phoebe grunted and shouted at the Stingars “Get them!” The Stingars lunged forth. The twins nodded at one another, and jumped into battle, punching, kicking and knocking those miserable bugs down to size. “Dyno, behind you!” cried Myte as a Stingar raced towards his brother. Myte then leapt up high and kicked it in the chest, knocking it to the ground. “Gracias, bro. Now let’s deal with these two twits.” Phoebe and Poisandra stood ready to fight, but suddenly, the twins began to feel funny; really drowsy. “Now what?” groaned Dyno. “It’s this fog...” said Myte. “Correct you are…” hissed Poisandra “Those fancy masks won’t help you. This poison enters through the pores of the skin. It has no effect on us, however. We insectos spent ages building up our immunities to such elements.” Phoebe glared at the boys “Very slowly the poison is spreading all across the planet, and your precious little race won’t be so lucky this time.” She was right, all over New Canterlot the ponies were starting to feel the strain, even with their masks, it didn’t help. “No! We won’t let this happen.” said Dyno. “We’ve got to keep trying.” added Myte. They both got up and dashed at the two creatures, but in their weakening states, the ladies hardly had to put too much of a struggle and attacked them ruthlessly. Still, the boys refused to give up. Having earlier scanned the poison finding it was not inflammable; they joined their hands together “BOOM-BOOM FIREBALLS!” Their fireballs launched, and the ladies batted them all away with their multiple arms. “Easy pickings!” sneered Phoebe, and she thrust her human hands forth, and launched her finger nails, which were also powerful stingers, that exploded all around the twins, knocking them down. They tried to get up, but Posiandra leapt up high and shouted “PULSE PODS!” unleashing powerful explosive pods. Sparks and explosions blew all around the boys, knocking them down. Now the boys were really exhausted and could hardly get back on their feet. “I honestly can’t say which I will find more amusing.” said Poisandra “Be it you perish from the battle or from the poison. Either way, you’ve lost along with your pitiful planet.” The poison was continuing to spread, and more ponies were feeling the strain. Phoebe was practically leaping with joy. “Father will be so proud of me when he sees all the chaos and destruction I’ve caused, and on my first time, too.” Then she began to approach the twins, preparing for the kill. The twins tried to get up, but were far too weak from the ordeals. Phoebe then extended her stinger fingernails ready to strike, when suddenly she was blasted by powerful pulses. “What’s this?!” snarled Poisandra. There, through the smog stood Lightning, Starla, Rhymey and Fluttershy, all transformed and looking just as strong as ever. Since the poison hadn’t affected them yet, they were entering the battle fresh. Krysta even showed up with a flock of her fairies from Luminous. “Okay, now…” she shouted. Heeding their queen’s order, the fairies began to use their warping magic to contain the smog in magical orbs, making it clear to see. “My beautiful poison!” cried Poisandra. “My beautiful nails!” whined Phoebe. The others were growing annoyed. “You sure do whine a lot.” said Lightning “Now you’re going to pay for messing up our planet.” The others agreed, and they all charged into action. “WARD SWORD!” shouted Rhymey. “Coming through! Have at you!” he shouted, and wielding his sword skillfully, he began to slash at the evil duo, making more sparks fly and sent the ladies rolling along the ground. “Don’t hide behind me!” shouted Pheobe “Get them!” “PULSE PODS!” shouted Poisandra. “STAR SHOWER!” Starla quickly unleashed her cluster of star projectiles to counter the pods; this gave Lightning the chance to dash through and attack the ladies, sending the rolling along the ground again. Fluttershy had brought one of her special medicines to Dyno and Myte. “Here, drink this.” She said, handing them each a bottle of red liquid. It tasted rather nasty to the boys. “Ay’ Es horrible!” they groaned. “I know, but it’ll help you get your strength back.” said Fluttershy, and she was right; almost at once did the boys start to feel fit and fine. The ladies charged again, and were once again knocked back by the team. “Now, I’m really steamed!” growled Poisandra. “You thought we were tough before, now get ready for the big one!” added Phoebe. “Just you try it!” snarled Lightning. “Hold it!” said Dyno. “They’re ours now. We owe them this much.” added Myte. “Just a minute…” Lightning said, and he tossed them something in the form of glowing light that was absorbed into their energizers. “Grand Ruler finished the new sphere. It should work.” “Nothing you have can save you!” snarled Phoebe, and she launched her stingers, but everyone dodged. “UNIFORCE!” Lightning shouted, and he blasted the ladies hard. Pheobe was thrown back hard, and Poisandra was knocked right in front of the twins. “Let’s do it!” said Dyno. “I’m with you.” said Myte. Poisandra got up just as the twins activated their “Capture-mode” feature on their suits, joined hands, and charged up their finisher. “BOOM-BOOM FLARE!!” Poisandra was engulfed by the flame-wall, followed by the exploding transformation, and she was encased in the new capture sphere. “VIVA!!” shouted the twins. “Monsters come and go, but you won’t stop me so easily!” shouted Phoebe. The team stood ready for more, when suddenly, Phoebe was teleported away, and at the same time Poisandra was destroyed within her prison. “What happened?” asked Fluttershy. Everyone just assumed that it was Pinsar yanking his daughter back to the mothership. “I got a feeling she’s in big trouble.” said Starla. …and indeed she was. No one had ever seen Pinsar so infuriated before as he spoke severely with his daughter for disobeying. “I just don’t know what we’re going to do with you, young larvae!” Even Ladybird was very upset with her daughter. “I couldn’t be more ashamed with you, Phoebe.” “But my plan almost worked.” cried Phoebe. “Well, almost doesn’t cut it!” sneered her father “If you had continued the battle the way you were, you would have been defeated for sure.” “I was only trying to prove myself to you. You never gave me a chance.” “Pheobe, we have told you this millions of times; you are simply not ready, and today...” snarled Ladybird “And today was further proof of your inexperience and inadequacy.” “I’m over a-thousand years old… I’m not a larva anymore!” “Enough!!” shouted Pinsar “You are confined to your room until further notice.” Phoebe felt crushed and infuriated. “But father…!” “NOT ANOTHER WORD!!” shouted Pinsar “AND I AM NEVER...NEVER TO HEAR OF YOU WANDERING OFF INTO BATTLE AGAIN… IS THAT CLEAR?! Feeling very hurt and betrayed by her father’s shouting, Phoebe angrily stormed off “Out of my way!” she thundered as she shoved two Stingars down. Pinsar slumped down into his throne. “What am I going to do with her?” Ladybird placed her hands over her husband’s shoulders “Never mind, my love. I can understand where she’s coming from this. In our pursuit for power, we never did pay that much attention to her.” Pinsar simply scoffed, and decided to ignore the situation for now. He looked down at the planet below and swore the ponies would pay yet! Little did he realize that Stag and Slick had been spying on the whole thing through a couple of peepholes in the wall. “Never have I seen the king so frightfully stern.” said Slick. Stag, however, judged Pinsar’s attitude more as worry than anger. “I think that’s all I needed to know.” he muttered softly. Slick didn’t like the look in his comrade’s eyes. “He wouldn’t…?” he said to himself, and he hoped dearly the answer was No. Now that Poisandra was gone, her poisons lost all effects and just faded away into nothing. Technicians also looked into the shafts in the refinery and found the burnt out cocoons. After much needed repairs to the systems, and cleansing of the air, all was fine again, and Grand Ruler made the announcement… “Attention all inhabitants: Air support reactivated. Oxygen restored to normal. Switch back to your normal air-support.” All the ponies and other creatures took off their respirators and in a huge scent of freshness. Thankfully there were no serious casualties during the crisis. The gang all met in the palace with their majesties. “This was a close call.” said Lightning. “And it won’t happen again.” said Celestia “We’ve just ordered for the technicians to install more backups and precautions so no one can try anything like this again.” Her husband nodded “Just the same, I’m glad to see our newest invention worked.” “Well, only slightly…” said Starla, and she held up the, now, empty sphere. “According to the readout, the sphere was only able to capture a little bit of data; nowhere nearly enough to tell us much of what we want to know about the Insectos.” “Well, different Insectos have different thoughts. “We’ll have to keep gathering until we have lots.” said Rhymey. “Almost like putting the pieces of a puzzle together.” added Fluttershy. Everyone agreed. “Still…” Grand Ruler said as he walked to the window “This war is only just beginning. We all must remain on constant vigil. No telling what sort of tricks and traps Pinsar has up his sleeve.” Everyone noted the sense of upset in his tone and watched him eye at Pinsar’s ship threateningly. “Is he alright?” Krysta whispered to Celestia. “I don’t think I can tell anymore.” Celestia said. She was really getting worried about her husband’s emotional health. All this because of an incident that happened to him a millennium ago; if only she knew how to help him come to terms with it, but this was something he had to do for himself. “I just hope he doesn’t go crazy.” Lightning whispered to the others, and everyone, even Celestia shared that hope with him. (Promo) In our next episode: The Cutie Mark Crusaders continue in their efforts to help Spike, as well as their own priorities, and then decide to bait a trap to catch the Black Dragon Knight themselves, though DD is very reluctant to join. Things goes horribly wrong when the girls find themselves in a hard place, and to make matters worse, Spike considers leaving his friends to protect them, but will he actually do so? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Be Brave or Be Fool”) > Episode 7: Be Brave or Be Fool > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE SEVEN The tight security was maintained, and the civilians were starting to grow used to it, though still hardly enjoying or approving of it. It seemed to work, as there had hardly been any appearances from the Black Dragon Knight, though this was just dismissed as an eye-of-the-storm. Aside from her and the Insectos, a new problem had arisen in the royal family. Ever since the air was contaminated; Cadance had also suffered from the effects of the toxic air. Everyone, especially Shining Armor was concerned about what effects this would have on her pregnancy, and sure enough… it had! The baby was still fine, but from lack of oxygen and passing out produced instability in the pregnancy. Dr. Penny Sillon had visited with Cadance, and given her expert opinion, she ordered Cadance to be bedridden until the time of the birth, which was a month and half away. “I am sorry, your highness…” said Penny “But you must avoid shock, stress, and major forms of activity. Otherwise you could cause further damage to yourself and the child.” Cadance felt a little downhearted, but she reluctantly accepted. “I’m sorry, honey.” said Shining Armor “I know it’s going to be hard, but…” “You don’t have to say anything.” his wife said “I promise, I’ll be good.” She then stroked her large belly “…Especially for you.” Shining Armor and Penny smiled. Word of this had not gone public, their supreme majesties did not wish for the public to know and add to the stressful times. Only Lightning and the team were informed of this, even Pinkie Pie was informed, but she already solemnly swore not to tell a soul. …Though this was very stressful for her, keeping something so incredibly serious to herself, like when she had to not tell anyone that Cadance was pregnant in the first place, but that was another short story. For now, she was just enjoying having the privilege of serving tea to their majesties at the Cake’s café Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia were visiting New Ponyville that day, on an unannounced visit, just for a short break. Celestia had highly and rather forcefully insisted on it, saying her husband needed a break from all the stress he was under and felt some fresh air and getting off work for a bit would do him good. “Here’s your tea…” said Pinkie. “Thank you.” said Celestia. Grand Ruler nodded thankfully. As Pinkie poured the tea, she whispered, “I haven’t told anybody about you-know-what.” “Shh, Pinkie!” said Grand Ruler, and he whispered softly into her ear “No one should even guess about... you-know-what. So try not to even talk about it, okay?” Pinkie pretended to zip her lip and said nothing. Then she walked off to wait on the other tables. Though they were both exceedingly worried about Cadance and the baby, their majesties shrugged it off, and began to relax. Just then, The Cutiemark Crusaders came along, being escorted by Applejack and Buddy Rose due to the escort law, and the girls couldn’t believe their eyes. “Sweet Apple Pie…! Their majesties are here.” cried Applebloom. Applejack and Buddy Rose were surprised too. “Well I’ll be a hog tied to a red wagon.” Said Applejack. “Must be one of their unofficial visits.” added Buddy Rose. “Maybe we should interview them.” suggested Sweetie Belle “I don’t know…” said DD “They might not be interested, or even have time.” “Oh, I’m sure they will…” said Buddy Rose. “You won’t know until you ask anyway.” “Go on, girls.” said Applejack, and she gave them a slight shove forward. As the girls got closer, they all felt nervous. Scootaloo softly muttered to herself “Okay, relax…cool… calm…” Suddenly, they were halted by the bodyguards. “I’m sorry, but you may not go any further.” one of them said. “But we just want to ask them if they’d like to take part in our census.” said Applebloom. “Their majesties do not have time for such idle trivialities.” said the other guard. “Let them pass.” Celestia said. The guards were shocked, but the girls were delighted and walked right through. They bowed to their majesties as they reached the table. “You’ll really let us interview you both?” asked Sweetie. “But of course.” said Grand Ruler “Applejack and Buddy Rose already told us about your project, and how they helped you out. I think it’s very productive what you’re doing, also quite harmless.” “You may do us both.” said Celestia. The girls felt so giddy they almost forgot how to breathe, but they managed to pull themselves together and began asking the questions. Applebloom: “Your names please?” “Queen Celestia Galaxia Sunrise.” “Grand Ruler Celesto Arron Goldenite.” Sweetie Belle: “Address?” “We live at the royal palace in New Canterlot.” “That’s as best as we can put it.” Scootaloo: “What are your favorite colors?” “White” “Yellow” DD: “What are your favorite words, and why?” “My favorite word is “Harmony.” It’s what I fight for and live for, and I use it to ignite and enflame my courage and confidence in all things.” “My favorite word is “Stars”. They’ve always been there to guide me, and I have faith in their wisdom.” The girls were really getting giddy as they checked off and wrote on their clipboards, and then came the final question which they all asked at once “Do you know how to dance?” Their majesties snickered softly, and got up from their chairs. Their horns glowed, and the area around them and all the other spectators at the café changed into the scene of a beautiful field at night. (0:31) (I just really like the music) Some drums began to beat in the distance, and a soft musical tune began. Their majesties demonstrated by dancing along, and in a soft twirl, their outfits transformed magically in ballet wear. Everyone watched as their majesties danced so gracefully, and seemed to be adding more stars to the sky, in a constellation of a large alicorn. They took a bow at the end, and everyone applauded. The images faded as their majesties returned to their table. “That was marvelous.” cried Sweetie Belle. “Way cool.” added Scootaloo. Their majesties thanked the girls, and signed the census. “Keep up the good work, girls.” said Grand Ruler. “We were glad to help you.” added Celestia. The girls ran along feeling very excited and very pleased with themselves. Having just interviewed their majesties, they were entitled. “See girls, that wasn’t so tough.” said Applejack “Getting’ yourselves all tensed up for nothin’.” “I think we’re about done.” said Scootaloo. “We’re going to have the best school report in class.” added Applebloom. “If by best you mean lamest.” Scorned a voice the girls wished they hadn’t heard. They turned and saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “Do you mind?” said Sweetie “We’re having a private conversation.” “Too bad, this is public place.” scoffed Diamond. “Yeah, besides, you have such big mouths, everyone within a ten-mile radius can hear you.” added Silver. The girls felt embarrassed and blushed. “That’s enough, from you two.” said Applejack “We got enough problems to deal with without you makin’ fun of others.” “Shouldn’t you-two be working on the project as well?” asked DD “It’s due tomorrow.” The naughty fillies sniggered and Silver said “Oh, we’ve got our project done, and it’s going to make you four look--” she stopped when Diamond held her mouth shut. “You’ll find out, soon enough, Cutiemark Crummies.” Buddy Rose looked deep and sternly into her eyes and said “Mind your manners, young filly.” Feeling a bit intimidated, Diamond walked off still holding Silver’s mouth shut. The girls didn’t trust the two at all. “Never mind them, girls.” said Buddy “You just stay focused on your own project.” Sweetie Belle sighed “I wish I could, but it hasn’t been easy.” She explained that ever since Spike and Rarity were forced to call off their wedding, Rarity hadn’t been feeling or acting well. She’d been spending a lot of time in her room sewing nothing in particular. “She won’t even give in to orders for new dresses for her job. I’m worried about her.” The others felt concerned, even Applejack felt sorry for Rarity. “How’s Spike takin’ it?” “Not very well…” replied Sweetie “He’s just as upset, but he hasn’t withdrawn like Rarity has. They both still go on patrol, but then as soon as they come home it’s back in the corner.” Now the other crusaders felt really bad for Sweetie. Scootaloo grunted “Urgh… that Black Dragon Knight! I really hate her for what she’s done.” “I hear ya…” said Applebloom “I just wish I could meet her face-to-face, just once, why I’d--” “Whoa, easy there, sis.” said Applejack “You’re gettin’ way ahead of yourself.” “Applejack’s right…” added Buddy Rose “Leave the Black Dragon Knight to us officials. This is far too dangerous even for you girls to meddle with.” “We understand…” said DD. The other girls nodded; though deep down, all three of them were still thinking of how to get back at the Black Dragon Knight. When Sweetie Belle was escorted home, she found Spike outside near his little monument to Twilight Sparkle. She didn’t like to pry, but she couldn’t help but overhear him praying to Twilight’s spirit for guidance. “What should I do, Twilight?” He asked “I don’t to have to leave, but I can’t just put the others in danger, especially not Rarity and Sweetie Belle.” Sweetie’s jaw dropped open and her heart go slightly off beat. She swerved round the corner with her back to the wall of the house. She knew she just had to tell Rarity, now, but then she realized that in her emotional condition, this was probably the last thing she needed to hear. But she needed to tell someone about this? Later on, she and the other Crusaders met at their treehouse, after being escorted by Applejack and Buddy Rose, under the impression from Sweetie Belle that they were going to talk more about their school project. Once the girls were alone, not really in danger being so close to home, the meeting began. “Why are we havin’ this meetin’ now?” asked Applebloom. “To talk about the school project…” said Scootaloo. “That… is it, right?” “No, actually that’s a lie.” said Sweetie, and she explained to the others what she overheard from Spike. “What?!” cried DD “He can’t just leave. That’s just what the Black Dragon Knight wants him to do.” “And what about Rarity?” asked Scootaloo “She’ll be crushed!” “I know, but I just can’t tell her, she doesn’t need it right now.” said Sweetie. “Well then, what are we supposed to do?” asked Applebloom. Sweetie thought about it, and suddenly she gasped in delight “We could capture the Black Dragon Knight ourselves.” The others gawked at her, hardly blinking their eyes. “Say again…?” said Scootaloo. “Don’t you see? We could lure her into a trap, and catch her. Then Spike wouldn’t be in trouble anymore and everything will be okay.” The girls were now gawking at her with their mouths hanging open, then Sweetie realized herself “What am I saying?!” DD shook herself to her senses and replied “You want us-- a band of ordinary school-ponies, with no experience, super-strengths, or super special skills to capture a demonic creature of such power and fury!” “It’s crazy!” cried Applebloom. “It’s nuts!” added Scootaloo. “I know…” said Sweetie “But, it is for Spike and Rarity. They don’t deserve to suffer like this. I just want to help them.” The girls knew she had a point there. “And just how would we trap her?” asked Scootaloo. Sweetie pondered a moment “Well… I uh… we could… um…?” DD had already had more than enough and didn’t care whatever plan she came up with. “I’m sorry girls, but for once you can count me out of this.” She turned to leave the treehouse. “DD!” cried Sweetie “Don’t tell anyone!” “Oh? And why shouldn’t I?” snapped DD “We’ve done some crazy things before, but this… this is…” Sweetie’s features hardened “This is still the Cutiemark Crusaders, and we don’t tattle on one-another, remember?” Applebloom and Scootaloo kept gazing back and forth as the other two exchanged protests. “I don’t want Spike to leave! Rarity would never stand it.” “She’d also never stand if we got hurt, or destroyed.” The others felt their ears shooting with steam, and finally, Sweetie gave in “Fine! If you want tattle on us, go right ahead. But if you really want to help my sister, and my future brother-in-law, and really prove you’re a true crusader, then meet me tonight, in the open fields by the orchard, tonight!” DD didn’t know what to say. Her mind was all tied in knots, and before she or even the others could say anything, Sweetie had already gone. “What now?” asked Scootaloo. “Do we do it, or not?” added Applebloom. Poor DD still couldn’t find it in her heart to really tattle, but she knew she couldn’t just let Sweetie get into all this danger. All three of them didn’t know to go for it or not. All the rest of that day, they each pondered and pondered. Applejack and Buddy Rose noted how tensed Applebloom and DD seemed as they all finished the day’s chores. “You girl’s okay?” asked Buddy Rose. The girls didn’t even respond. “Hello…? Anyone home in there…?” said Applejack. Still the girls, didn’t respond, and just walked off. Applejack and Buddy knew those looks; something was bothering them; something very big, and possibly dangerous. About an hour before sunset, Sweetie was busy, working hard to perfect the bait for the trap. Rarity and Spike of course were too wrapped up in their down-hearted moods to notice. Soon she was called inside for dinner, the one of few times Rarity and Spike would actually talk to her without letting their moods slow them down. Still, at eating time, they hardly touched their food much, and when Rarity and Spike looked at each other, it was with a very sad glance. Spike seemed even sadder than ever this time as he gazed deep into his love’s eyes. “Are you okay?” Rarity asked finally breaking the silence. He nodded sadly and said “I’m fine.” but in truth, he was still unsure of what to do about wanting to leave. Only Sweetie could sense this, but she said nothing, still not wanting to cause more grief. After dinner, she went to her room, and found a letter on her bed. It was a red letter that she and her fellow crusaders sent back and forth to one another using a secret code only they knew of. The letter read… “Great On Internship, Now Give All Heart, End All Doubts” As they were school ponies, they preferred the only typical, method—taking the first letter of each word and seeing the real message “Going Ahead” Sweetie’s heart began to race, but it was on for sure. Later on, after it got dark, Sweetie snuck out of the house. Rarity and Spike were out on their night patrol. She slipped out through the back of the house, to avoid being seen by all the guards in the street, and managed to make her way to New Sweet Apple Acres. With so many guards out already, there was no possible way to put a guard everywhere. She met up with Scootaloo on the way, and they managed to make it into the fields. “Where are the others?” Sweetie whispered. “I don’t know, I thought they’d be here. You said they would in your letter.” Sweetie was confused “My letter? But you guys sent me the…” she couldn’t understand it, and before she could say anything else. “Psst!” someone said. The girls turned round “Who’s there?” whispered Scootaloo. “It’s me…” said DD, and she crawled out of the shrubs. “I couldn’t let you go through with this alone.” The girls were somewhat grateful, but now all they needed was Applebloom. “She said she’d be along later.” said DD “We didn’t say anything to anyone.” “Okay, let’s set up.” said Sweetie. …DD, smirked wickedly while the girls’ backs were turned. Meanwhile, Applebloom was quietly tiptoeing down the stairs, which squeaked softly with her every step. CREAK! She jumped, and then sighed in relief. She finally managed to make it to the door, still not believing she was really going along with this crazy plan, but she too got a note from the others saying to go ahead with it, and she couldn’t let them just go at it along. She finally made it outside the door… …and three flashlights shone on her, making her gasp hard. It was Applejack, Buddy Rose and Big Mac was with them, and they didn’t look at bit pleased. “Nice night, huh…?” “Eeyup…if ya like sneakin’ out.” added Big Mac “I’m not sneakin’ out…” Applebloom said, but her excuses didn’t fool the others a bit “We know what you’re up to.” said Buddy Rose. That’s when DD walked out from behind him with a guilty look on her face. “DD…? You didn’t…?” “…Sorry, I just had to tell.” DD said sadly. Both she and Applebloom felt so ashamed. “Where are the others?” Applejack asked in a demanding voice. The others had finished setting up the traps. Sweetie Belle had spent the rest of the day creating a very poor, but life sized version of Spike in his Dragon Knight outfit, built from bits of scrap and metal, and old scarecrow stuff she had back home for arts and crafts. A stronger net made from powerful diamond filament threads that she took from Rarity without her noticing, was all set near the dummy. “How’s this going to work again?” Scootaloo asked. Sweetie explained… “The Black Dragon Knight will see the dummy, think it’s Spike, and she’ll try and attack it, and when she does, she’ll trip the net, which will rise up and catch her. Even she shouldn’t be able to break through it.” DD thought it was a very clever idea. “We should check to make sure that it’s perfectly set.” she said. The others agreed, and looked the dummy and the net all over-- giving the dummy a little poke made the net quiver. The two gave a big thumb up, and that’s when DD shot the dummy with a magical pulse from her horn, trigging the trap, and Sweetie and Scootaloo were caught and tangled in the net. “Hey!” shouted Sweetie. “DD, what are you doing?!” snarled Scootaloo. DD snickered and transformed; it was Black Dragon Knight all along. The girls gawked in shock and fear. “Did you honestly think you could deceive me with such trickery?” she scolded. She then revealed that she had been aware of their trap all along, having disguised herself as a little birdy, and listened in near the treehouse during their meeting. She was the one who sent those letters, hoping they’d all buy it, and set up the trap so she could use it to her own advantage. “So, in a way, I should thank you. Once Spike hears about your predicament he’ll come.” The girls struggled to break free, but the diamond threads were too strong for them. Sweetie’s magic couldn’t even put a dent in it. “It’s no use, we can’t break it!” cried Scootaloo. “HELP!!” Sweetie screamed. That’s when Applejack, Buddy Rose and Big Mac came rushing over the hills, and more officers who heard Sweetie’s scream came soaring in. “You better them go, ya hear?!” snarled Applejack. Black Dragon Knight could only laugh at her. “And if I do not…?” “Don’t try us!” snarled Buddy Rose. The other officer’s began to move in closer. “DARK LIGHTNING!” Black Dragon Knight blasted them all down to the ground with such ease and swiftness. “When will you filthy creatures learn; no puny ponies can match my power!” Applebloom and DD were forced to stay home, under protection of more guards, and they could see the whole thing happened through their binoculars. “Sweet Apple Pie! She just creamed them all like a horse swattin’ flies.” cried Applebloom. “I told you this was a bad idea.” said DD. Both of them felt very worried for Scootaloo and Sweetie. Big Mac whispered to Buddy Rose and Applejack. “If you two can distract her, I’ll try and bust the girls out.” The others were dearly concerned about Big Mac’s own safety as well, but seeing no other alternative, Buddy Rose and Applejack transformed. “Starfleet Magic!” “Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!” …And they charged into action. “Fools!” snarled Black Dragon Knight as she slashed at them both with her sword. The two managed to land on their feet and charged at her again, punching and kicking, only for Black Dragon Knight to evade and counter their every move. While that was all happening, Big Mac made his way to the net where the girls were trapped. “Good thing I know my knots.” he said and he skillfully managed to untangle the noose. Black Dragon Knight could see this, just as the girls made their way out. “No!” she shouted, and shoved Applejack and Buddy Rose away. “Hurry!” shouted Big Mac, and he and the girls began to run for it. “BLACK FIRE!” “LOOK OUT!!” shouted Buddy Rose. Big Mac saw the flames coming, and gave the girls a huge shove out of the way, but got hit himself, and fell to the ground. Applebloom saw everything from the house. “BROTHER!!” she squealed. “Oh, no!” added DD. “Big Mac!” cried Applejack. The smoke cleared, and Big Mac was lying on the ground. He was very much alive, but his leg hurt very badly; possibly broken. Applejack and Buddy Rose were officially pushed over the edge. “I’ve had it with you!” Applejack snarled “…Valkyria!” and she began to change into her Valkyria form, increasing her power and strength. As for Buddy Rose, he concentrated hard on all his inner strength and his body began to glow. “Not, so fast!” snarled Black Dragon Knight and she lunged forth while they both were still powering up. “They’ve gotta power-up faster!” cried Sweetie, but it was already too late. “DARK LIGHTNING!” The two got struck hard, and keeled over for the count. “No!!” Sweetie and Scootaloo cried. Black Dragon Knight snickered as she walked towards them. Applejack and Buddy Rose were still alive, but very weak after that hit and could hardly find enough strength to move. Black Dragon Knight reached them, and poised her sword at them, ready for the kill! “NO, DON’T!!” screamed Sweetie, and just as Black Dragon Knight was about to strike, she got hit by a bombardment of fireballs and a beam of powerful light. She looked behind and saw Rarity, in her Valkyrie outfit, and Spike transformed as well. When they found Sweetie Belle wasn’t in bed after arriving home and the saw the brightness of all the attacks from the region, they figured something was wrong. “Leave our friends alone!” Rarity demanded. Black Dragon Knight hesitated and then cackled “Certainly, I have no need for them now.” She approached the two, but keep her eyes fixed on Spike “So, what about my generous proposal? Are you in, or are you out?” Spike clenched his fist angrily and declared “It’s you who’s out… out of your mind!” “WRONG ANSWER!” snarled Black Dragon Knight, and she charged forth at the two. Rarity and Spike drew out their swords. Everyone watched in awe, and fear, and much to their shock and amazement, even though it was two on one, Spike and Rarity didn’t seem to hold out too well. Black Dragon Knight was able to parry their blades with such expert fencing skills. Rarity and Spike stood together and nodded at one another, both charging up their weapons. “DRAGON KNIGHT SABER… IGNITE!” “HARMONY BEAM!” Both slashed their powerful blades at Black Dragon Knight, and it seemingly worked as the sparks and explosions engulfed her, but when the smoke had cleared, they could see the only caused mere a few scratches, but nothing at all serious. “I don’t believe this!” cried Spike. “How can she possibly be this strong?!” added Rarity. Black Dragon Knight snickered and sneered at Spike “This is your last chance, boy. If you want answers and more, say you’ll join me.” “Never!” growled Spike “Get it into your head. I am a noble dragon, and always will be. I’d never turn against my friends willingly.” Black Dragon Knight didn’t really seem angry, but she did look rather strange, as if she knew something they didn’t. “Then you have made an unfortunate decision.” She began to fade away as she vanished, warning Spike “The next time we meet, I will spare no mercy, and that goes double for those who dare get in my way again.” Then she was gone, again! Spike angrily stomped his foot hard into the ground, making a soft quake. Everyone felt very concerned now, but right now, though Applejack and Buddy Rose, as well as the other officers were okay, Big Mac needed serious medical attention. Soon, everyone was at the hospital, and Dr. Penny came out with Big Mac, in a wheelchair. His leg was all plastered up. “You’ll stay off your feet for a few weeks.” Said Penny “And that means no farm-work.” Big Mac sighed, and was not looking forward to weeks of boredom. The crusaders felt very bad, and tried to apologize, but he angrily looked away from them. “An apology isn’t going to cut it this time, girls.” said Buddy Rose. “But it wasn’t our fault. Black Dragon Knight tricked us.” said Scootaloo. “That’s not the point.” sneered Applejack “What were y’all thinkin’, goin’ against the Black Dragon Knight, You could’ve been killed!” “Thank goodness, DD had the courage to tell us.” added Buddy Rose Sweetie Belle finally decided to come clean. “We know, it’s just that... I didn’t want Spike to leave us.” “What?” Rarity cried softly. “Spike…?” Now it was time for Spike to come clean, and he admitted “I was thinking of leaving. I figured since Black Dragon Knight is only after me, and I don’t want the rest of you getting hurt. I just can’t stand anyone else getting involved in my problem. Now, after what I’ve seen… maybe I should leave for sure.” “I don’t think it’ll matter now, Spike.” said Buddy Rose. “You’re forgetting… Black Dragon Knight now knows how loyal you are to us; she may try and use us to get to you, no matter where you went.” Spike now realized that was true. There was no place he could run, not to protect himself, or his friends. “Spike…” Rarity said, placing her hand to his face “Remember what you promised me, we’d face this together.” He did remember, and he never broke a promise to anyone willingly. So, he ultimately decided “… I won’t leave.” Still, that did not excuse the girl’s behaviours. “Sweetie Belle, if you were this concerned about Spike and I, why didn’t you just talk to us?” Her sister’s features hardened “Why do you think? I’m tired of coming home and seeing the two of you moping around. You’ve been so distraught ever since your wedding was called off; you’ve both been neglecting me. I hate seeing you two like this, and I was just trying to help.” Rarity and Spike felt ashamed, now realizing how ridiculous they had been acting. “Still, Sweetie Belle, that’s no excuse for what you and the others tried to do.” said Buddy Rose “If you felt something was wrong or bothering, you should’ve come to us or any other grownup your trust.” “That goes for all of ya…” said Applejack. The crusaders held their heads down in shame, and were prepared to face any punishment they were going to be given. “We’re disappointed in you, girls. Very disappointed.” said Buddy Rose. For their actions, all four of the girls were to do all of Big Mac’s chores until he his leg got better every day after school and bright and early on the weekend, and while at home they were to go straight to their rooms, and no dessert after meals. The girls agreed to this, though they weren’t looking forward to such harshness. Still, at least Sweetie Belle was relieved, as she got what she wanted after all… Spike was going to stay, and both he and Rarity promised to try and snap out of their brooding. She couldn’t help but smile. (Promo) In our next episode: Pinsar hatches a plan to gain information from Starfleet, by sending a tiny insect into Lightning’s brain, but the plan goes awry when the bug lands in Pinkie Pie’s brain instead. So it’s up to Lightning to shrink down and enter Pinkie’s brain to save her from a horrible fate, but also avoid causing his friend more serious damage. How can Pinsar turn this fowl up to his advantage, and what will become of Pinkie? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Pinkie and Brain Bug”) > Episode 8: Pinkie and the Brain Bug > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE EIGHT “Where is he?!” thundered Pinsar “If he doesn’t show up here in the next few moments, Stag and Slick, I shall hold the two of you responsible.” Stag and Slick shuddered softly. “A-thousand pardons, your highness…” Slick said “Captain D-Bug said he would be along once has finished preparing the control-device.” Pinsar sighed irritably “Well he better make sure it works. This new plot of mine must not be blundered.” “But of course, sire…” said Stag “That is why we are only to obliged to be going along on this daring mission as well.” Just then, the throne room doors opened wide, and in marched an insect with machine parts built into him; a regular cyborg insect. Reason being, he used to be a whole Insecto, but got serious injured in a battle a long time ago, and had cybernetics built into him, which made him stronger. To which he did not object to. He bowed to his king and queen “You majesties, I am happy to report that my device is complete. Ready to try it when you are.” “Excellent…” hissed Pinsar “I needn’t remind you the vital importance of this mission. It may be our only chance to finally gain the upper-hand in this war.” He tapped his staff twice on the floor, and the computer monitors switched on revealing plans to send the device to Lightning Dawn’s brain. “It’s ingenious, my love.” said Ladybird “To think, all of Starfleet’s most valuable points of information will be ours for the taking.” “Indeed so, my sweet…” said Pinsar “We will soon know more about our enemy than they know of themselves, including the secrets of how to disarm the barrier around the planet.” “But sire… if you will permit me…” said Slick “Why not simply go for someone of greater intelligence, like Queen Celestia, or even Grand Ruler Celesto himself.” “An excellent suggestion, but easier said than done.” replied Pinsar. He tapped his staff again producing tested simulations of the possibilities “You see, if we attempted to take of the brains of either their majesties, their supreme alicorn magic and strength of resistance would reject the infection and lodge it out. Therefore, Lightning Dawn is a more suitable option. For he has no natural magic with which to resist, but he still has valuable information we desire.” He tapped his staff again, and the images fades. “Now, go out there, and do not fail me this time.” The three bugs bowed and walked off with a squad of Stingars, leaving Pinsar and Ladybird to laugh wickedly at the thought of their triumph. Lightning and Starla were nearing the end of their patrol rounds, flying here and there, and all around everywhere. They then turned to look at the big clock in town and it chimed twelve. “That’s it…” Lightning said “Patrol’s over.” “But the beginning of our lunch-date…” his wife said flirtingly. They both soared down to the Cake’s café, and took their seats at a table they had reserved, which Pinkie was just finished setting. “Wow, talk about bang on time.” Lightning and Starla giggled, and then placed their orders, but Lightning made a special request with his lunch-- an apple, orange, blueberry smoothie. One of his favorite beverages, and very healthy too. “Okie Dokey Lokie.” said Pinkie “Back before ya know it.” then she scuttled off. However, not one of them nor did anyone else notice, D-Bug and his party were in the back. “Okay, do your thing.” said Stag “And this had better work.” “I assure you, General, it will.” said D-Bug, and he pulled out a small remote control. First pointing it at himself, and then at the generals and the Stingars. In a flash, they all shrunk down to a size smaller than a raisin. “Quite impressive.” said Slick. “Phase one, complete.” said D-Bug “Now, for phase two. Come!” The gang followed him through the air-vent which lead into the kitchen where Mr. Cake was finishing preparing Lightning’s smoothie, blending all the fruits together, and pouring it into the cup, and putting the straw in. That’s when the bugs, unseen by all due to their tiny sizes, slipped into the straw near the top. “Okay, Pinkie. It’s all set.” said Mr. Cake. Pinkie bounced into the room and took the trays and was back outside in an instant, rushing right past Mrs. Cake. On the way, Pinkie couldn’t help but gaze at the strangeness of Lightning’s drink. It looked pretty gross with all that mashed fruit-juice in it, but it did smell nice. “Should I?” she said softly to herself. “No! No! That wouldn’t be right or fair to Lightning.” …and she took a small sip through the straw anyway. The bugs, unaware of this, got sucked through the air, and using their wings, they battled their way through the air current, avoiding getting pulled into the stomach and made their way up through the face, heading for the top of the head. It was a wild and twisting ride, but at least there was air they could breathe since the body constantly carried oxygen all over, but it was pitch black inside due to lack of light. So the bugs all wore special visors that made everything seem normal to them as being in the light. Finally, the party arrived at their destination… the brain! “Wow!” cried Slick. “Incredible!” added Slick “Magnificent!” said D-Bug. What they saw, almost resembled that of a mountain landscape, but the veins and nerves connections gave it an almost nightmarish look. The brain itself was rather soft and squidgy for them to step of, but just about right for what they needed to do. “There…!” said D-Bug pointing to a small area near the top. “That’s the spot. The central nerves system that controls the body and where thoughts come through.” They all set down. Slick and Stag used their special communicators to contact Pinsar. “We have landed safely, Sire.” said Slick “We have begun setting up preparations for the takeover.” “Excellent…” said Pinsar “Just make certain you know what you are doing.” “Fear not, your majesty.” said D-Bug “My calculations are never wrong.” After Pinsar signed off, D-Bug ordered the Stingars to help set up his equipment, but the Stingars began to bumble and stumble around. Even getting mad with one another and giving each there a shove, right into the veins, and squashing directly into the nerves of the brain. At the same time, Lightning and Starla had just finished their lunch, and were ready to pay the bill. “Give our regards to the Cake’s, Pinkie.” said Starla. “Okie Dokie Locust.” said Pinkie. Lightning blinked once in confusion “Uh… don’t you mean “Lokie?” Pinkie felt confused now “Yeah, I’m sure that’s what-- She sells Sea-shells by the Seashore.” she quickly covered her mouth in shock. Lightning and Starla’s eyes were bulging. “Pinkie, are you feeling alright?” asked Lightning. Before Pinkie could answer, she felt a small twitching in her head, and not like her Pinkie sense, she kicked the table over on its side, then leapt up high onto another couple’s table and bounced around like some crazed break dancer. “Pinkie!” cried Lightning “Pinkie, cut it out!” “I… I can’t…!” cried Pinkie, and she continued to frolic about, scaring all the other customers away. “Pinkie, joke’s over!” snapped Starla. “I mean it…” cried Pinke “I’m… not… doing this… help me… sto-o-o-o-op!” She began to whirl round and and around on her foot like some cartoon character doing a tornado spin, knocking over many tables, scaring more customers away... then finally... she came to a total stop, and fell right onto the ground. “You okay, Pinkie?” asked Lightning. “What happened?” added Starla. Pinkie shook her head “I don’t know… it was like I lost complete control of myself. It was actually kind of fun. Hee-Hee…!” The others were worried and could already tell this was not normal Pinkie Pie behaviour. “Come on…” said Lightning “We better get her to the hospital and have Penny look at her.” Inside, Stag and Slick managed to get the Stingars under control, threatening to blast them to bits if they didn’t fly right. “We don’t want to arouse suspicion!” snapped Stag. “Calmness…” said D-Bug “Even if they become aware of our little intrusion, by then it will be too late. We’ll already have gotten what we desire before they can react.” Later on, Penny was just finishing up Pinkie’s physical. “And again…” she said. Pinkie took in a huge breath and let it out slowly. “Hmm…” “Well, what’s the word, Penny?” “Well, her heartbeat’s a little faster, but then that’s to be expected when you’re so energetic. Other than that she’s perfectly fine. All her signs are normal.” This really confused everyone. They were sure something was wrong. “Pinkie, did you feel anything funny before you started frolicking about?” asked Penny. “Well, my head ached a little, and it twitched, but, I’ve never felt it do that before, not even with my Pinkie Sense.” Penny acted strange and silently said “I wonder…” She led everyone to a special examining room and told Pinkie to lay down on the table, and then she aimed a powerful object at her head. “This electronic microscope will let me look inside more closely than an X-ray will. It’s perfectly painless.” “And that’ll show you what’s wrong?” asked Starla. “Maybe, but right now I’m just guessing.” She fired up the machine and told Pinkie to hold perfectly still. A small green beam of soft light fired at Pinkie’s head, and she could see right inside. Inside, the bugs could see the light. The Stingars panicked softly. “What’s happening?” cried Slick. “No, we’ve been detected!” growled Slick. Penny gasped softly, and didn’t bother to look around much more. “Well, what is it?” asked Lightning “What did you see?” Penny fearfully shook her head with concern saying “Stag and Slick are inside Pinkie’s head!” Everyone’s mouths dropped open, and their eyes widened in shock. “Stag and Slick…?!” snapped Lightning. “…In Pinkie’s head?!” added Starla. Penny nodded “Yes, and they’re not alone. They’ve got a whole squad of Stingars, and they seem to be in the process of controlling Pinkie’s brain from the inside, but don’t ask me why. I don't even know how they got in there to begin with.” Pinkie Pie began to quiver and chatter with fear. “Bugs in my brain?!” she cried “But I… I…” she began to whine and cry like a frightened child “Help me… please… get them out!” “Pinkie, Pinkie, calm down.” said Starla. “Calm down?! How can I calm down? I have bugs in my brain! BUGS!!” The others hated seeing her in such a panic, and couldn’t blame her. “How do we get them out?” asked Lightning. “Well, I dare not try surgery…” said Penny “I don’t want to risk doing any more damage that those guys already have… but I think there may still be a way.” She explained how she and her group of medical scientists were in the process of developing a special shrink-ray, which they intended to use to test a theory. If ordinary medicines could not cure deadly germs fast enough, it was likely feasible in theory to shrink a team of ponies down to size, send them into the body and battle the infection themselves, guaranteed for a faster recovery. “It’s only experimental, and we still have a few bugs to work on, but it may be our best option.” A brief moment of silence followed, and Lightning stepped forth “I’ll go in.” Starla looked at him with concern. “I have to…” Lightning said “I don’t see what else will get those guys out.” “I’ll go in with you.” said Starla, but Lightning disapproved “You better stay out here with Pinkie, if what I fear may happen will happen…” He whispered into her ear, not wanting Pinkie to hear for fear of frightening her, and he whispered to Penny the same thing. Pinkie picked at her ear and tried desperately to listen to what was being said. Starla agreed to stay with Pinkie, and was instructed not to let her outside of the room. “Come, we better hurry.” said Penny. Starla gave Lightning a huge passionate kiss for luck, and hoped things wouldn’t get even worse. Inside, the Stingars had finished setting up the station for D-Bug. It was just a simple arch way made from metal poles and wires that connected into the brain-cells. “At last, we’re all set.” Said D-Bug, and he stepped in, under the arch, and connected wires form his own circuitry into the machine and began to harness data and seize control. “I will contact the king at once, and make sure that he is ready on his end.” said Stag. On the mothership Pinsar was growing rather impatient when the call came in. “Report, General Stag. I’m losing patience.” “Begging your majesty’s pardon, but we have seized control of the brain. At your signal, all the data you desire and more shall be yours.” Pinsar snickered. “It’s finally happened, Ladybird. Finally, our armada will virtually have a free hand in this battle.” “Oh, Pinsar… it makes my pheromones twitch with excitement.” his wife said. Her husband nodded, “And now, the secrets of Starfleet are mine!” he tapped his staff to activate the transmission, but much to his surprise when the data came through on the voice and audio print, it sounded like… “Okay fuzzy-wuzzies, remember, it goes: Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye.” “Fuzzy-Wuzzies?” said Pinsar in confusion. “Stick a cupcake in my eye…?” added Ladybird “Darling, that can’t be right.” Pinsar shook his head saying “What is this? That voice… it sounds female.” In the hospital room, Pinkie kept spouting more and more random sentences against her control. “Responsibility is my middle name: Pinkie Responsibility Pie… I love you more. No I love you more! I LOVE YOU MORE!!” Starla was really getting worried “It’s happened, they’re seizing control of her brain from within. Hurry, Lightning!” In another room in the hospital, Penny had fired up the shrink-ray and was prepared to shrink Lightning down. He was already transformed. “I’m ready.” he said. Penny nodded “Now remember, the effects are only temporary. We haven’t worked out all the bugs yet. You have to get out within thirty minutes, or you’ll re-expand inside Pinkie.” Lightning shuddered at such a thought “Don’t worry, I’ll go as fast as I can.” “Okay, here we go.” said Penny. The ray was fully charged, and she fired the beam at Lightning shrinking him down. She quickly rushed over and could see him waving his arms at her. She then held out a simple tiny turkey baster, that she and her fellow doctors used for ear conditions, and Lightning flew right into the tip. Pinkie twirled around a few times, and began to flap like a chicken, humming and tapping to the chicken dance singing… “Look at me, I’m a chicken. Not a bird or a duck See me flap and see me cluck Bawk-Bawk-Bawk-Bawk” She barely snapped herself out of it. “Okay, this is getting tiresome.” she groaned. That’s when Penny quickly dashed into the room, and pointed the baster inside Pinkie ear and gave it a simple squeeze. “Good luck, Lightning!” Pinsar was growing frustrated. “What is going on here?!” he thundered “This isn’t the data I desired.” “I don’t understand.” said D-Bug “All of my machinery is working perfectly.” Pinsar gripped his staff tightly. “Quickly, run the recorded voice through the audio-tapes, and try to find its match.” The Stingars nodded, and got straight to work, and in almost no time, the results were in and the screens displayed the picture. “Pinkie Pie...?!” cried Ladybird. Pinsar growled furiously “YOU MISERABLE INSECTS!! YOU’RE IN THE WRONG BODY!!” The generals, and D-Bug were equally as outraged, and confused as to how this mess happened. “Pinkie Pie doesn’t have the information we require, other than what we already know.” cried Slick. “Perfect! Another well-laden plan down the drain.” sneered Stag. D-Bug suddenly had an idea “Wait… perhaps we can still use this to our advantage. I am still able to control the girl’s every thought and every move.” Pinsar heard this, and he began to see the advantage “Yes, we can destroy them using their own tactics. ...Engage the new plan at once.” “Yes, my lord.” Ladybird seemed very pleased “Well, well, darling. It seems this is not such a disaster after all.” The two shared an evil snicker. Pinkie began to jiggle and quiver again. “Pinkie, are you okay?” asked Starla, but her answer was a huge punch in the face, which sent her crashing through the wall. “Pinkie!” cried Penny, but then she got shoved hard. Starla got up, and was surprised Pinkie was able to hit her that hard. Pinkie then leapt over to Starla, grabbing her, and Starla struggled to break free. “Pinkie!” “Ugh… Uhn… Sorry, Starla… I can’t control myself!” Pinkie groaned, and she punched Starla even harder sending her crash through three more walls and out into the main lobby, much to all the staff and other patients fight. It became obvious that the Insectos were not only in full control of Pinkie, but using her brain nerves to dramatically increase her strength. After all, strength was said to be a thing of the mind. “Get back, all of you!” she cried, and everyone began to run just as Pinkie burst through the hole in the wall, and snarled at Starla like an evil creature. “Prepare to be destroyed little pony.” she growled. “I have to get her out of here!” cried Starla, and she dashed out the door. Pinkie followed her outside in the open, and Starla quickly sounded the alarm to warn others to stay away from the hospital. “It is useless.” Pinkie hissed “You wouldn’t want to hurt your friend now, would you?” Starla really didn’t want to, but both she and even Pinkie knew there was no other way. “Pinkie, I’m very sorry about this, but I can't let you hurt others.” and she punched her hard, sending her skidding along the ground. She felt more hurt than Pinkie did after doing that. “It’s okay, Starla.” Pinkie said for real, but then her voice suddenly changed. “You’ll pay for that!!” Pinkie lunged at her, and Starla flew way up high into the air, and Pinkie followed her, and the two engaged in a big brawl in the skies. Pinkie threw many punches and kicks while Starla did her best to block. Finally, she missed and got kicked hard in the gut and was sent soaring backwards. “STAR SHOWER!” All her shots blasted at Pinkie hard and the two fell to the ground, just barely being able to land on their feet. “What’s, holding back?” sneered Pinkie. “Lightning, please hurry!” cried Starla. Inside, D-Bug was really enjoying himself making Pinkie do such horrible things. Stag and Slick were equally as amused. “You serve us well, D-Bug.” said Stag “Now is an appropriate time to destroy our opponent.” “And then, we proceed to conquer the rest of the planet.” added Slick. “Yes, generals. It will be a pleasure.” said D-Bug, but just as he was about engage the controls, making Pinkie fight more fiercely than ever. “Yes!” Stag and Slick hissed, when suddenly they were blasted at from behind. With a fearsome battle cry, Lightning leapt over their heads and landed before them. “Lightning Dawn?!” cried Stag. “Impossible!” cried Slick. Lightning sneered at the evil insects “You bugs picked the wrong brain to mess with!” Confused and furious at how he was here, the generals angrily ordered the Stingars to attack. Lightning knew he had to fight carefully so as not to accidently cause more damage to Pinkie’s brain. He managed to successfully knocked out all the Stingars, causing them all to harmlessly vanish, and then proceeded to attack the generals, but they were a lot tougher than any of the monsters had faced. Slick, living up to his name, evaded Lightning’s attacks, and with his four arms he punched and bashed him hard towards Stag, who slashed at him multiple times with his sword. Sparks flew everywhere and Lightning rolled along the surface of the brain. That’s when he could see D-Bug and his machine, controlling Pinkie’s brainwaves. “So, that’s how you’re doing it.” He got up to rush him. “Come no closer!” shouted D-Bug “Just as I control your friend, I can cause massive harm to her body from here. Attack me, and your friend dies.” “Pinkie is a member of Starfleet.” said Lightning “She’s prepared to give her life if she has to.” “But the question is, are you willing to sacrifice her, Commander?” said Stag. “And let’s not forget your wife.” added Slick “How much longer do you think she can endure all this?” “Starla!” Lightning muttered. Outside, Starla was doing her best to keep Pinkie at bay, but all this fighting her friend was really not doing her any good. She threw a punch, but missed, allowing Pinkie to catch it and flip her over, and then kick her rolling along the ground. “Any last words?” Pinkie hissed. “Pinkie Pie… please… I know you’re still in there.” cried Starla “Try and fight it.” “Enough of your bleating!” snarled Pinkie, and she looked ready for the kill as she grabbed Starla by the neck “Say goodbye…” Suddenly, she began to moan and groan. “What’s happening?!” cried Stag. “What are you waiting for? Destroy her now!” spat Slick. “I’m trying…!” cried D-Bug. Pinkie let Starla go and collapsed to the ground, clutching her head in pain. “No! This can’t be happening!” shouted D-Bug. “Come, Pinkie! Fight it!” cried Lightning. As Pinkie continued to struggle, she remembered all the wonderful things about her friends, and all the times they shared, and how she really loved them all, no matter how crazy she sometimes acted, and they loved her just the same. “Get… out… of… my… HEAD!!” All that power sent strong signals to her brain, which began to overload D-Bug’s machine. “No!!” he cried as the whole thing shorted out and was ejected, which also damaged him badly in the process. “All right, Pinkie!” Lightning cheered. “This is impossible!” shouted Stag. “How could she have broken free?” asked Slick. Lightning stood and glared at them both. “You were only in control of her mind and body, but Pinkie’s heart and soul are a lot stronger than anything you could understand.” The generals growled furiously, and D-Bug struggled to get back onto his feet. “CAPTURE BLASTER!” shouted Lightning, and he grabbed his weapon tightly. “Time to bust your brain! FIRE!” He aimed carefully and shot D-Bug high up, up, where he exploded softly without causing damage to the brain, and he was imprisoned in the data-sphere. He was soon destroyed by Pinsar’s magic, and with that, the remains of his broken device vanished too. In the force of the explosion, the shrink-remote was thrown into Slick’s grasp, but it was badly damaged and only had just enough to restore the generals to normal size. They had no choice now but to retreat. “We’ll get you for this, Commander!” shouted Slick. “Count on it!” thundered Stag, and they both vanished and we’re gone. Lightning snuffed at their cowardice, but suddenly he began to feel a little funny; his body was almost ready to start expanding to its normal size again. “Galloping Galxies! I gotta get outta here!” There was only one way that was the fastest to get out, but it was rather gross too, but he had no choice. He followed the passage ways of the veins and the nerves down Pinkie’s head and into her face. Flapping his wings faster than ever he soared swiftly along… the nasal passages. He was literally up Pinkie’s nose, but he had no time to worry about the sickness most would feel! He could feel his body starting to grow. “Come on… Come on!!” Pinkie’s nose began to tiwtch, and she let out a great big… “AH… AH… AAAAAAH… CHOOOOOO…!!!” sneezing Lightning right out just as he fully expanded to normal size and landed on the ground, and all covered in… …that stuff! “…Gesundheit.” he groaned wearily. Starla dashed over to him and almost wanted to jump on him and hug him to pieces, except what he was covered in “Oh, Lightning…” she groaned feeling grossed out by the mess he was in. Lightning could only plop to the ground in relief and disgust, but Pinkie was ultimately cured. Pinsar was furious when Stag and slick returned. “An extraordinary performance, Generals.” he sneered deeply “First: you enter the wrong body, and then just when it seems victory is in our grasp, YOU LET IT SLIP AWAY AGAIN!!” The two generals shuddered in fear. “Forgiveness, majesty…” cried Slick “We will secure you victory yet.” Pinsar roared in outrage and stomped off in a huff. Ladybird shook her head in disappointment. “You two had better start showing better results, I’d hate to think of what shall happen to you if this continues!” then she walked off to catch up with her husband. Stag gripped his sword angrily and muttered “I’ll show you both results… very soon.” Slick was now fully convinced… …Stag was plotting treachery to their majesties! Lightning had a good long shower, and he donated a good sum of his money to pay for the minor damages to the hospital. Pinkie, however, she just couldn’t stop apologizing for all the trouble she caused. “Pinkie, it wasn’t you’re fault.” Starla said “You were being controlled and doing things against your will. Besides, I’m only sorry that I had to fight you.” Pinkie understood why she had to. She would’ve done the same, under orders. “Just come here…” she said, and gave her a huge hug. Starla hugged her back. Lightning smiled proudly, and Penny blew her nose with a hankie and wiped her eyes. It really was a beautiful sight to see such happy friends. (Promo) In our next episode: It is actually during the same day, where the Cutiemark Crusaders are losing confidence in themselves, and things don’t improve when Diamond Tiara seems to embarrass them all in class by seemingly stealing their census report. It is then, that Mykan Stevens tells them all a story of how he was once troubled and nearly lost confidence as well, but will it be enough to help the girls regain their spark? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next episode: “Crusading Confidence”) > Episode 9: Crusading Confidence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE NINE On the day Pinkie became infected by D-Bug, was the first day of the Cutiemark Crusader’s punishment; Up at dawn, and then off to New Sweet Apple Acres to do Big Mac’s chores until his broken leg healed. Applebloom and DD were used to early rising, but Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo defiantly had problems with it. It was very hard for them to stay awake, and even harder to do all the heavy farm chores due to not being fully awake. Loading the hay-wagons, fetching water, picking apples and bringing back the bushels, and even caring for the animals—milking the cows, herding the sheep, feeding the chickens and getting their eggs. Easily, the dirtiest job was feeding the hogs and getting so messy it finally shook them all awake. Applejack allowed the girls to shower, and did make breakfast for them all. Then, despite their exhaustion, it was off to school, under the escort of Buddy Rose. The girls were so wiped from their morning work that they didn’t feel much like playing in the playground. “And you do this sort of stuff every day?” asked Sweetie Belle. “Eeyup.” replied Applebloom “Only it’s not always this tough when everyone pitches in. Usually Big Mac handles all the super heavy work.” “And we still have to work after school too.” said DD. “Don’t remind me.” groaned Scootaloo. Still, it wasn’t all that. The girls had been feeling a bit downhearted lately, since their trap didn’t actually succeed in catching the Black Dragon Knight, even though Spike promised not to leave New Ponyville. Applebloom, Sweetie and Scootaloo felt more downhearted; fearing they would never get their cutiemarks, after all the things they had been through together, still nothing happened. “We’re gonna be Blank-Flanks, forever.” groaned Sweetie. “I’ve been telling you that for how long now?” asked Diamond Tiara as she and Silver Spoon came along. “Took you geeks long enough to admit It.” teased Silver. “We’re not admitting anything!” snapped Scootaloo. “Funny, then why did you say you’ll never get your cutiemarks…” said Diamond “I know the truth hurts.” The girls were getting angry, but the bell rang and it was time for class. “Later, Blank-Flanks...” chuckled Silver as she and Diamond walked off laughing at the girls. The girls decided not to let it bother them, and felt they would get back at those two with their report, which was due today. They had collected a lot of signatures from their census, and really felt that they had the best report in class. “All right Colts and Fillies…” said Cheerilee “I hope you all remember, today we present our reports on how you feel the best way to learn about things about someone. Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon, you’re up first.” The girls walked with pride to the front of the class room, and Diamond cleared her throat. “The best way, and possibly the only way to really get to know someone is asking questions.” The crusader’s winced softly. “Silver Spoon and I went around town asking questions to other ponies. For example, did you know that Queen Celestia’s favorite color is white?” This awed the class, but shocked the crusaders. “She’s stealin’ our report.” Applebloom cried softly. “And did you know that Grand Ruler’s favorite word is “Stars.” said Silver Spoon. On and on they went, telling the exact same things the crusaders had taken with their census, word-for-word. The girls could not believe their ears, while the rest of the class, even Cheerilee applauded the seemingly honest work Diamond and Silver had used. “That’s very impressive, ladies. Defiantly worth and A…” The crusaders just sat at their desks with their mouths opened wide, and Diamond silently glared at the girls naughtily. Finally, Sweetie Belle bolted upright and shouted “YOU STOLE OUR REPORT!!” The entire room went silence. Cheerilee’s features hardened “Really, Sweetie Belle. Is that the tone of voice we use when in class?” “But Ms. Cheerilee, it’s true.” said DD. Diamond acted insulted “We didn’t steal anything.” she said “I’d never steal anything, especially another student’s project.” “But we can prove it…” said Scootaloo, and she and the others handed Cheerilee their notes and all their census sheets complete with signatures. All the papers looked exactly the same; even the signatures were identical. The only difference was, Diamond and Silver had marked theirs with dates on them, from a week ago, something to crusaders neglected to do. “So, you’re trying to steal from us.” said Silver, and she pretended to get all sad moody “How could you girls?! All we wanted to do was give a nice report to the class.” Cheerilee wasn’t sure what to believe, but since the crusaders could not really prove Diamond and Silver cheated, she had no choice. “I’m sorry girls, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to fail you on this report for cheating.” “WHAT?!” the girls cried in shock. All the other students laughed at them. “And furthermore…” said Cheerilee “All four of you will stay after school and wash the blackboards.” The girls simply could not believe this. “Great, more work…” groaned DD. At lunch, the girls didn’t feel too hungry to eat their lunches; too embarrassed and too angry and outraged… They caught a glimpse of Diamond Tiara and Silver sitting atop the jungle-gym, and they stared back, and stuck their tongues out at them. As angry as the girls were, they didn’t want to get into even more trouble than they were already in. “How in the hayfield did they get a hold of our census results?” Applebloom wondered aloud. “However they did it, I doubt we can prove It.” said Scootaloo. “Yeah, just like when we blew it with our trap.” said DD. “Well at least some of us didn’t tattle.” scoffed Sweetie. “Are we going to start that again?” DD said gruffly. The girls broke into a soft squabble. *Mykan’s POV* I was going to be teaching the second half of class that day, educating the ponies about the human world where I came from. I had just arrived on the school grounds and saw them arguing. “Hey, hey, hey…” I said “What’s with you girls? Just yesterday you were a close club, and now you’re playing who can shout the loudest?” The girls felt more embarrassed than ever, and apologized to me. “Sorry, Mr. Stevens…” I sat down near them “I think you should be apologizing more to each other than to me.” I was well aware of the little stunt they tried to pull with their trap, and I was just as shocked as anyone when I found out, and I didn’t approve at all of their actions, even with their good intentions. “I knew I should’ve told, but I didn’t want to be a tattletale.” said DD. I put my hand on her shoulder and told her “Well, it is true, no one likes a tattletale, but of course if you see or know someone’s doing something really dangerous, you should always tell a grown-up straight away. That’s not being a tattletale. That’s being sensible.” The girls agreed, but still they didn’t feel any better. “Now our report is ruined.” said Sweetie “And we can’t prove Diamond and Silver cheated.” “Hmm, sounds to me like you girls are lacking your confidence. That’s not a good thing.” The girls looked up at me. “Well, can you blame us?” asked Applebloom “Nothin’’s been goin’ right with us.” I could see this needed a little extra boost, so I decided to tell the girls a story of when I was about their ages. Long before I came to United Equestria… When I was eight years old, I was already doing work at a high school level. My grades were very outstanding because I was fascinated by arts and sciences that I just couldn’t get enough. I would spend all my free time studying my books, and doing extra-credit assignments, even though I was content with this, deep down, I did feel rather lonesome. I was transferred to High School before I even knew it, and it was pretty awkward, a boy my age at a school with kids who were much older and taller than I was, and believe me, I did get taunted and teased a lot for it. “Who let the baby in here?” “Daycare is that way, squirt.” “Oh, look at these books. Shouldn’t you be reading mother goose instead?” It became obvious to me that I wouldn’t be making friends with people like that, and then again, I wouldn’t want them as friends anyway. I soon found out how boorish and demeaning these teens really were. Most preferred to slack in their studies and pull pranks on people rather than focus on their education. Very few students were like me, and they got picked on a lot; getting hit with spitballs, and paper-planes, and whenever they tried to stand up to themselves, it just got them in deeper trouble. I tried to befriend those kids like me, but they too wouldn’t give me the chance; saying I was too small, or that they didn’t want some little kid helping them. How do you like that? Even among misfits I was misfit. Still, I tried my best not to let it get to me. Sometimes, I even sang a song of how I preferred to be myself instead of living up to other people’s expectation. (Just the music: 0:20) I don’t mind much, being nerdy as such When I don’t fit in well with the crowd Being like the rest, it’s really not the best When I like who I am, I feel proud. Some tease and taunt, but it’s not what I want Cuz I know that I’m right and they're wrong Studying in school is what I judge as cool That’s why I’m singing this song. Humans are the same creatures But it’s just physical in most features We’re not all the same, and sometimes that’s a shame Acting cool may bring some smiles But studying’s better in a while Oh different peeps have different styles. Then, things went from bad to worse… As I went to school one day, I went to my first class and saw someone had drawn on the blackboard a poorly drawn stick figure that was supposed to resemble me, with my finger up my nose. Everyone laughed at me, but I didn’t find it funny at all. So I went up to the board and erased it, not knowing that I had been set up again. When it came time to hand in our assignments, I handed mine in without even looking at it, and at the end of class I was told to stay behind. The teacher was very cross me, and then she showed me why. The assignment that I handed in was a photograph of her, in the school shower--some of the staff liked to take their showers at school instead of at home, feeling it was cheaper. “Can you explain yourself?!” she sneered at me. I couldn’t understand it myself, and then I realized that obviously one of the bullies in the class had switched my book when I was erasing the blackboard, and I was betting it was a Gary, who picked on me more than most did. He was a below average student with failing grades, and he didn’t seem to care much about that, but I couldn’t really prove it was him. To make matters worse, I found my real folder containing my report in my desk with my real assignment. So at least I got to turn it in, but still, for the photograph, even if it were meant as a joke did not get me off the hook. I tried to vouch for myself, but I had no proof, I couldn’t even be sure that it was Gary who did it. Lots of bullies in class had it for me, and I couldn’t explain how I got the photograph or the other folder that it was presented in. Despite the teacher wanting to believe I was telling the truth, until I could come up with any proof, I was sentenced to a month of detention. I told my folks about what had happened, and they… actually believed me. They knew that I had always been a good boy and would never stoop so low, but still, with no proof to back up my story, they couldn’t really help me. They tried to talking with my teacher, and it was the same story. Unless I could get proof, I was guilty. My confidence was really hitting an all-time low, and worse, every day at school I was bullied mercilessly by Gary and others. Some would take pictures of me and post them online the internet labeling me a peeping tom for the picture, and others would call me names like… “Picture Peeper” “Hey dude, I didn’t know you had the hots for older women.” “Hey let’s call the cops on him.” I was growing so outraged that I wanred them that I would tell if they didn’t stop. This only made them mock me more. “What, you wanna be a tattletale?” “Didn’t they teach you manners, or we going to have to.” That last one of course was a threat of getting beaten up if I told, and of course there was no way a kid like me could stand up to such big teens like them. Everywhere I went I was laughed at, pushed, and teased… I just wanted to curl up in the corner and cry, and I did… …I felt so alone, and I began to feel it was time to face facts that I just didn’t belong in high-school. I wanted to drop out. Then, one night, I had a strange dream… There I was in a strange world, it was just like Earth, only it was a horrible sight to behold. “What is all this?” I asked. Then, mysteriously, I was approached by… myself, or rather the last bit of my confidence that wasn’t ready to give up. “Take a good look…” he told me “You want to stop trying? Well imagine what others would be like if they just gave up the way you wanted to.” He led me to all sorts of places. A dilapidated hospital; “Why would this place close?” I asked. “Why else…?” said my confidence “The doctors and nurses tried their hardest, but some patients they just couldn’t save, and they grew tired of trying to find ways to help them and just gave up not wanting to see any more of them die.” As if I already didn’t find that crazy enough. The town library was all closed down, and books were being used by hobos and homeless people… to light their fires. My confidence told me “People didn’t care much for reading, or for education. So they just stopped reading and the library wasn’t needed anymore. That goes double for schools, colleges, all of it.” Everywhere I looked, more and more places were falling into decline and horrible messes, and it was all because people stopped trying and gave up on the things they loved. …that’s when I woke up, and said to myself “No, I’m not going to quit. I’ll find a way.” I thought and I thought, but I couldn’t come up with a clue. But the very next day in school, the teacher handed us all back our graded assignments. Of course I got a perfect score, but mysteriously, Gary got a perfect score too, which stunned us all, even the teacher. Gary wasn’t the kind who liked to study. He could barely keep his eyes focussed on the pages. The teacher however, again, couldn’t see any evidence for cheating. “Very impressive, Gary.” She said to him, and Gary acted all smug. I was not convinced, and then suddenly, she dropped the paper as she handed it to Gary, and the paper landed near me. “I’ll get it…” I said, and I picked up while looking at the answers “Wait a minute… something’s wrong.” “Wrong…?” asked the teacher. I made up a lie saying that “Gary you put in this equation wrong. X isn’t the equal to 45.” “Back off, squirt, it is so.” he protested. “How is it?” “I don’t have to answer you, I already passed the test.” The teacher was growing impatient with us both. “Both of you, enough!” she snapped. “With all due respect, ma’am…” I said “I just don’t see how Gary got 45 as the factor of X.” “Shut up!” snapped Gary “It’s 45 because it was on your paper when I took it and…” he stopped right there, but it was already too late. The teacher looked grimly at him and took what he said as a confession that he had in fact taken my test assignment and copied off it. “So, you studied for once, did you, Gary?” she asked in a mocking tone. Gary began to stutter and stammer as he tried to make up an excuse, but in his fidgeting, his digital camera fell out of his jacket pocket, and was flicked on revealing that he had the original image of the teacher in the shower. “I am very disappointed.” the teacher said. She confiscated his camera, gave him a failing grade, and instantly issued him two whole months of detention. As for me, I was cleared entirely. From that moment, on, I used my own wit to my advantage on anyone who tried to bully me again. When they tried to throw paper planes or spitballs at me, I would move slightly out of the way so they would miss and hit the teacher instead. Those who tried to steal my study notes again ended up stealing fake paper I had made with all the wrong answers to each question, resulting in them failing miserably. Even bullies who tried to chase me, usually ended up not looking where they were going and would trip over their own feet, or run into each other, which I found very humorous. “Why outrun someone when you can outwit them.” I also told about the students who took pictures of me to grownups and posted them online, resulting not only in the bullies getting suspended from school for both bullying and cyberbullying, but they also had to answer to criminal charges from the police. I became one of the toughest kids on campus, and all because I did better things than fight or make a scene. I was just too smart to be outwitted, and soon, no one dared to pick on me again. The girls thought that was an amazing story. “You really are clever, Mr. Stevens.” said DD. I smiled at her, and then reminded her and the others “Those who lie usually get found out about, but sometimes, you have to give a lie a little nudge to expose it.” “You mean we should trick Diamond and Silver like how you tricked Gary?” asked Applebloom. “Well, almost…” I replied as I got up “But sometimes, the best kind of trick is when someone tricks their own self.” Then I walked off. *POV Ends* Mykan’s idea really inspired the girls, and at once they began to formulate a plan to bust Diamond and Silver. *Mykan’s POV* By the end of the day, I wrapped things up. “So, I’d like your definitions of how Christopher Columbus discovered America handed in on Monday morning. That’ll be all.” Most of the students got up to get their knapsacks and leave, but Cheerilee gave the crusaders the look to remain seated as she filled up buckets with soapy water for their washing the blackboards. “Later, girls…” Diamond teased. “Try not to get soapy fingers.” added Silver. That’s when Scootaloo noticed something stick out from Silver’s pants pocket. “What’s that…?” she said as she reached for it. “Hey, no!” cried Silver, but out from her pocket dropped a few cards with the answers from the census, all over the floor. “What are those?” asked Cheerilee. “Oh, they’re nothing, really.” Silver said as she frantically tried to gather them all up, but Cheerile had already grabbed one of them and examined all the answers from the census without the questions on the actual papers, and they were written rather poorly as if Sliver was in a hurry. I took a look at one of the other cards, and then I noticed something else sticking out from Silver’s other pocket. “And what’s this…” I said as I pulled out what appeared to be a mini tape-recorder, but it obviously wasn’t Silver’s as it had a picture of Diamond’s cutiemark on it. Diamond nervously tried to tiptoe out. “Hold it right there, young filly.” said Cheerilee “I thought I told you enough times never to bring your tape-recorder to school.” “I can explain…” Diamond said nervously. “Oh?” I said “And I also suppose you can explain this…” I took out the tape which was labeled “Census Answers.” Both Silver and Diamond were both sweating like crazy, and they were finally ultimately busted when I played the tape and we all heard the voices of the crusaders interviewing others and getting their answers to the census. “So you were spying on us!” sneered Scootaloo. “You hid nearby and recorded us, and then stole our report and claimed it as your own.” added Sweetie. Diamond and Silver tried to make their excuses. “We did not!” cried Daimond. “We were, just recording... nature sounds… yeah.” added Silver, but Cheerilee and I didn’t buy it at all. “It seems I owe you and apology, girls.” Cheerilee said to the crusaders “You get an A-plus for your good efforts and providing a good example of how to get to know someone.” The crusaders leapt with joy and slapped high fives. “And as for you two…” said Cheerilee “It’s one thing to spy on others, it’s something else entirely different and just as bad to cheat on assignment, and worse to lie to your teacher.” She put Diamond and Silver to work cleaning the blackboard, and also gave them a week of after-school detention for cheating and lying. “This is all your fault!” Diamond spat. “You told me you wanted them back.” protested Silver. “After… school… not bring them to school!” As they continued to bicker, I escorted the girls out of the school, and gave them kudos. “Good job, girls. You handled that very well.” The girls couldn’t help but smile at me. Then, Buddy Rose and applejack arrived to escort them all back to the farm “Ready for your afternoon chores, girls.” asked Applejack. “There’s a lot that needs to be done.” added Buddy Rose. The girls’ happiness faded into sulking. I couldn’t help but chuckle softly, but then the alarms sounded from in town, in the direction of the hospital; due to Pinkie Pie going on a rampage because her brain was out of control. We all ran back into the school for shelter while Applejack and Buddy Rose went off to help protect the other civilians nearby. (Promo) In our next episode: Princess Phoebe decides to run away in hopes of becoming stronger, which badly worries and aggravates Pinsar. To make matters worse, Pinsar decides to ultimately capture Lightning and use him for a dastardly plot to unleash a great power. Will Lightning be able to avoid Pinsar’s plot, and will Pinsar ever see his daughter again? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Webs of Danger”) > Episode 10: Webs of Danger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE TEN Ever since her grounding, Princess Phoebe had decided she had taken more than enough of her father’s neglect. However, realizing she did indeed require more experience before she could fight another big battle again, she decided to leave the ship. “Why should I stay where I’m not appreciated or respected?” she complained to herself. Finally she got into a small craft, and launched out into space. “I’ll train hard, and I’ll become the greatest insect in the galaxy. Then, father, then you’ll see just how truly capable I am.” Soon, her parents received word that their daughter was missing. “What do you mean missing?!” snarled Pinsar. “She can’t be…” cried Ladybird. “I assure you, your majesties...” said Slick “The princess is not in her royal bedroom. We have already searched the palace, as well as the entire ship. She doesn’t seem to be anywhere!” Ladybird was growing worried. “Oh, Pinsar… you don’t believe that she…?!” “Phoebe would not be so foolish, after her last experience and I warned her.” said Pinsar. Just then, Stage came in, with a look of concern on his face. “Your majesties, one of the Stingar sentries has just found this.” He held up a letter, which Pinsar made come to him at once. “Dear father… It has become obvious to me that you don’t have any confidence in me at all. So I am leaving you and the armada, to venture out until I can finally prove to you that I am a worthy fighter. If you are furious when you read this… I’m not sure I even care. Goodbye, and Good luck… you will need it!! --Phoebe” Ladybird began to cry, and Pinsar, he clenched the letter in his fist, actually setting it a blaze in flames, and shouted his loudest “…PHOEBE!!!!! In the New Crystal Empire, Lightning and his entire team were at the Crystal Palace helping out with some much needed chores and fill in for sentry duties. Cadance was still bedridden due to her pregnancy, and Shining Armor just couldn’t handle all the work himself, even with the palace staff, especially with the lack of guards around due to the security lockdown. “Thanks for helping out, you guys.” said Shining Armor. “It’s okay. We’re glad to help out.” said Lightning. “Yeah, besides, in another month or so, you’ll have much more to worry about than just this.” Starla teased, referring to the baby foal coming. Shining Armor blushed, and felt both excited and nervous at the same time. “I… better go check on my wife.” and then he went off. The gang couldn’t help but giggle at how funny he had acted, but they, too, were equally as excited for the new baby to arrive. Artie was especially excited, and he led them all to the nursery, and pointed at the cradle, which he designed. It was carved out of wood, and had golden brass bars all around it and a few painting of flowers on the wood parts, just perfect for a new royal infant about to be born. “Oh, how simply divine!” cried Rarity. “It sure is…” said Artie “They even paid me in advance before I started, and when I was finished, I also gave them their deposit back. I wanted them to think of this as a baby gift from me.” “Oh, that is so thoughtful of you. It really was a nice thing to do.” said Rhymey. “It ought to be for the week I put into it, working hard day and night.” Artie muttered softly under his breath. While the gang all got back to their duties, Shining Armor was already by his wife’s side. Cadance was very glad he was there. She had gotten so bored from lying in bed almost all the time. The only times she ever got out was for the bathroom, or a breath of air, or getting up to get a book off the shelf. Her magic was non-resourceful due to her pregnancy and how her body was more concentrating on it. Whenever she tried to levitate something, it would barely float, and then just drop down like a rock. This also rendered her other powers temporarily out of whack too. Not that it mattered. She had already read every single book on the shelf, and had already done all the normal paper work she could do in bed. The worst of it was, sometimes she slept so much during the day it made it hard for her to get any rest at night. “I feel I’m going crazy just lying here like this.” she said. Her husband pecked her on the cheek “I know it must be hard, but you have to take care of the baby.” Cadance sighed as she rested her head on her husband’s chest, and stroked her large belly and softly saying in her mind “I won’t let anything happen to you, my child.” Meanwhile, Pinsar launched many search parties out on a super search for Phoebe, even sent several of the armada ships out to strengthen the search. “But sire, she could be many thousands of dimensional lightyears away by now.” said Slick “Why she could be anywhere in the entire galaxy, if she even is still within the galaxy.” Those words made Queen Ladybird weep even harder, which angered Pinsar immensely “See what you’ve done now?!” he growled as he tried to comfort his wife. He then glared very sternly at Stag and Slick “Hear this, and hear me well, we want our daughter back. I don’t care if you have to search every square inch of this dimensional universe. JUST FIND HER, AND BRING HER BACK!! UNDERSTAND?!” The generals bowed and then dashed off, leaving their majesties to wallow in despair. “Oh, Pinsar… what if she’s run into danger?” cried Ladybird. Her husband was very outraged and frustrated. “I’ve always given her everything she’s ever wanted, and she runs out on me?!” The pain and anguish just ate away at him. Someone needed to pay for this… the ponies, and he had a perfect idea of how to do it. “Send for Spinner at once!” he thundered. “I lost someone important to me… therefore, so shall the ponies, and I know just who it shall be!” The gang was taking a break for lunch and thought they’d have a picnic in the royal garden, all the flowers and other plants looked so beautiful as the sunlight bathed them all in warmth. Applejack and Buddy Rose had spent the whole morning wedding the garden and re-fertilizing the soils. “I could almost stay here forever.” said Fluttershy, but still, even though it was a beautiful day, the armada was still way up overhead, which made the gang worry slightly about when and where the next attack would strike. As the twins stretched out and looked up at the sky… “Qué…? Some of the insecto ships are missing?” said Dyno. “Si, you’re right…” said Myte “Look, there go a few more.” Everyone watched as several more battleships headed off into space. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but act all cocky “Guess they’re finally getting it into their heads; they don’t mess with us.” Everyone else was not convinced, mainly due to the fact that Pinsar’s ship was still where it was, and just a few less ships didn’t really mean much of anything. Lightning began to wonder and worry if maybe they were going out to try and conquer more planets. “Thank goodness, Grand Ruler sent messages to all the other Starfleet forces about the Insectos.” he said. “Maybe they’re just going to look for something?” Pinkie suggested. “Yeah, a whole lot of trouble, if you ask Me.” said Spike. Meanwhile, Spinner, a spider creature-- though he was actually an arachnid, not an insect-- came before Pinsar. His shell was like thick armor, and as well as his four human limbs, he had eight extra, very long and strong arms. “You know what you must do…” said Pinsar. Spinner bowed and said “Yes, your highness. No one has ever been able to escape my powerful webs. Lightning Dawn will be captured at all costs. Those who interfere will be destroyed.” “Good…” said Pinsar “Once we have Lightning Dawn in our midst, the next phase can begin. Go, and do not fail me.” Spinner bowed and left, leaving Pinsar along with Ladybird, both of them still deeply concerned on the whereabouts of Phoebe. After flying for a lengthy amount of time and quite a-ways from United Equestria’s star system, Phoebe’s pod ran low on fuel, and she had no choice but to set down on Kakkara; a desert and gulch planet, rich with valuable minerals, and a prospectors dream. The planet also had many vast deserts with few towns set up away from the major cities. All the towns had basic western type scenes, but there were all kinds of creatures from every corner of the galaxy. Some were just visiting; others lived there, while others were just in town to seek their fortunes. She stepped into a nearby town, and marched straight into a Saloon. The entire place went silent, as everyone inside gazed at her. They could tell she was one of those powerful insectos, but some didn’t exactly think she looked so tough. She walked sinisterly past the crowd, threateningly gazed at everyone as she passed and made her way to the bar. “What’cha takin’…?” the barkeeper asked. “…Sugar-water, on the rocks.” Phoebe hissed as she paid for it. She got her drink almost instantly. “Anyone who wants to live, scram! I just want a nice quiet drink! GET OUTTA HERE…!!” Practically the entire saloon was emptied in a split-second, even the barkeeper fled, but Phoebe felt she was not alone. Phoebe turned and saw three powerful, humanoid like alien men with purple skin. “You got death-wishes?” she sneered at them. The aliens, unintimidated, approached her, looming over her naughtily. “So this is one of them Insectos I’ve heard of.” one of them said. “She doesn’t look very tough to me.” said another. “She looks more like a spoiled-princess. Look at that crown.” the third said as he reached for Phoebes’ tiara, but she grabbed him with two of her free arms and threw him hard across the saloon. She then stood fiercely as the other aliens stood ready to brawl. She put up a valiant effort, and managed to give the big brutes a few good bashings, but one of the aliens threw a glass straight her. She blocked it with her human hand and shouted “You broke one of my nails!!” While she was distracted, all three of the aliens ganged up on her and gave her a good beating before carrying her out of the saloon, beyond the town entrance and throwing her beyond the border. Everyone in town laughed at her, and insulted her… “She’s no powerful Insecto, she just looks like one.” “Oh, no, she’s an insect alright, just the thing nobody wants.” “If you ever come back, we’ll destroy ya!” Now outcast into the desert, Phoebe was very embarrassed, and upset with herself. “Who am I kidding? I’m no warrior! I’m nothing but a common pest, but I’ll find my strength and develop my skill, then they’ll see… and they’ll pay!” She sighed irritably as she walked through the hot desert. Meanwhile, Spinner had landed in the New Crystal Empire. “Now, let’s see… what would draw Lightning Dawn into the open? Ah, yes... STICKY WEB!” He began to spin huge threads and began to ensnare many of the ponies in town near the palace. The web was so sticky; they couldn’t seem to break free. The town’s ponies began to scream, and run in panic, and the alarms finally sounded. Lightning and his entire team, all transformed arrived on the scene. “Eww… a spider!” groaned Rarity “I despise spiders.” Spinner’s eyes narrowed angrily “We’ll we spiders hate ponies even more, but enough of that. You, Lightning Dawn, shall now surrender yourself to King Pinsar at once.” “Fat chance of that happening.” said Lightning. “I was not giving you a choice!” shouted Spinner “I see I will have to take you by force. Stingars…!” A whole swarm of bugs appeared all around. “Let’s go!” shouted Lighting, and the fight was on. Lightning kicked two Stingars down. Rainbow Dash faced five at once. “This is kiddy play.” she joked and she charged forth, knocking them all down like bowling pins “STI-RIKE!” Pinkie bounced on the heads of three Stingars “Eeny… Meeny… Miny…” all three of them went down, and Pinkie landed gracefully on her feet. “What do you know; No Moe.” Rarity hated the bugs so much, she didn’t even give them the chance to get near here and just used her horn to zap and blast them all away. She still shuddered grossly. Fluttershy and Rhymey broke free from the battle and tried to help the ponies tangled in the webs, but after scanning it with their visors; they could already tell if they touched it, they’d get stuck too. “Stand back, I’ll try and hack.” Rhymey said as he held out his sword, and gave the web a huge hack. The threads didn’t stick to his blade as its surface was resistant, but they didn’t cut either. “It’s as tough as steel.” cried Fluttershy. Spinner then dropped down right in front of them, hissing “Indeed it is…” and before Rhyme or Fluttershy could react… “STICKY WEB!” The two of them were bound and tangled too, and couldn’t break out. More of the gang charged at him, but Spinner used his eight free arms to knock them all aside, and as they tried to get up, he blasted their feet with his webbing. “What is this stuff?” shouted Buddy Rose. “I can’t move. My feet are stuck.” added applejack. Only Lightning, Starla, Spike and Rarity were still free, as well as Krysta. Spinner snickered softly “Make it easier on your, Commander, and surrender willingly. You don’t want to subject your friends to more torment, do you?” Lightning growled, and gazed at how helpless his friends looked. “We’ve gotta try and get the others free.” he said. “But Lightning, we can’t just leave you unguarded.” said Starla. “She’s right…” added Spike “I don’t know what Pinsar wants with you, but I can bet it’s nothing good.” Rarity nodded, and they all stood in front of Lightning like a shield, which he found flattering, but more insulting to his honor. “Krysta, warp him out of here.” said Starla. “Now, wait just a minute…!” snapped Lightning “I’m commander of this unit, and I’m not abandoning my responsibilities.” “Sorry, Lightning… but this is for your own good.” said Krysta, and she teleported herself and Lightning inside the palace throne-room, where hopefully Spinner wouldn’t see him. Lightning was furious “Krysta! You send me back down there, now!” he thundered. As much as Krysta hated what she was doing herself “I’m sorry, Lightning, but for once I just can’t, and I won’t.” Lightning could see there was no reasoning with her, and he tried to jump out the window-- the barrier could only stop things from coming in, not going out-- but every time he tried, Krysta just warped him right back inside again. “Krysta, cut it out!” “Never!” she shouted “This is for your own good. You could get captured if you go out there.” “I know, but the others…!” Most of the others were still stuck in the webs, while Starla, Rarity and Spike were still staring Spinner down. “This is pathetic.” Spinner hissed “You don’t really think you can keep Lightning from me, do you?” The trio stood their ground. “Spike…” Rarity whispered “You try and free the others.” “But I can’t just leave you two alone.” Spike protested. “We’ll be fine, just go.” said Starla. Spike dashed off, and the girls lunged at Spinner. Rarity tried to kick him from behind, but his shell was too strong, and he grabbed her with one of his arms, throwing her along the ground. “STARLIGHT ARROW!” As the arrow loomed straight at him, Spinner shouted “ACID VENOM!” Spinner spewed out a load of venom that hit the arrow and actually melted it away, much to Starla and Rarity’s shock. “Well now…” Spinner sneered “I wonder how it’ll affect you.” He began to spit out more bursts of his venom, forcing Rarity and Starla to dodge it fiercely. As for Spike, he already faced the others, and knew his sword wouldn’t penetrate the web. “I hate to do this to you guys, but it just might work.” he said. “Hurry!” cried Artie. Spike then drew in a huge breath and let out a focussed fiery blast directly at everyone’s feet. The others held out as best they could in the heat. “Easy guys… I’ll have you out in a minute.” Spike said, miraculously still being able to breath his flames. “I hope that’s not too long.” Pinkie groaned with her teeth clenched. “Easy, Pinkie… Keep it together.” said Artie. Inside the palace, Lightning was still trying desperately to get outside, and Krysta continued to warp him back every time. “You’ll face a court-martial for this, Krysta!” “You’ll face worse if you go down there and get caught.” protested Krysta, and she continued to keep him at bay. Spinner could hear all that from way down below, and decided he had wasted enough time. He swatted Starla and Rarity down hard. “You wretched insect…!” Rarity snarled. “Now, now, my dear pony, you should know that spiders aren’t insects, but I have no time for this anymore.” He gazed at the palace, even though it was protected by the force-field, he knew of another way to get in, and he dematerialized into hundreds of tiny spiders and burrowed under the cracks in the walkway. “No!” cried Starla “We’ve got to get inside!” “But we can’t get through the shield.” said Rarity. At that moment, Spike freed the others from the webs, and all the ponies never felt so relieved, all of their feet were practically scorching, but now was no time to worry about that. Shining Armor peeked out over the terrace of his and Cadance’s room, and saw everything, and noted that Spinner was trying to sneak inside. “What’s going on?” Cadance asked, and she moved to get out of bed. “No, stay in bed.” he said “I’ll check this out.” Cadance had no choice but to comply, and Shining Armor sent two other sentries present to watch over her before rushing downstairs. Cadance prayed that nothing serious would happen! Krysta was starting to grow tried and couldn’t keep holding Lightning back much longer. Even Lightning was starting to tire out from being warped so many times. The two gazed at each other fiercely, but still not willing to give in. “Let… me… through!” Lightning demanded. “Not… on your… life!” Just then, Krysta spotted a few small spiders crawling out from cracks in the walls, and then more, and more. “Lightning!” she cried. Lightning spun round and saw all the spiders clump together, and Spinner appeared. “The time has come” said the spider to the fly.” Lightning couldn’t believe he managed to slink through the barrier. “I have a little loose thread to finish with you.” Spinner hissed. Many of the guards rushed in to seize Spinner, but he trapped them in more webs and Krysta too. She didn’t have much power left and couldn’t warp herself out, or get Lightning to safety. “Why you…!” Lightning thundered, and he charged forth, but Spinner kicked him hard right into Cadance’s throne. “Lightning!” cried Starla. “It’s no good…” groaned Lightning “I’m too wiped from all the warping.” Even still, Lightning had a little strength left to avoid getting caught in any webs Spinner threw at him. “You can run all you like, but you can’t escape your fate little pony.” Spinner said. Lightning had no now, and leapt out the window through the barrier. “LOOK OUT BELOW!!” he hollered, and he landed safely on his feet, but nearly collapsed in exhaustion. “Lightning!” cried Starla. The entire gang rushed over to him. “Are you okay?” asked Fluttershy. “Never mind that…” Lightning panted. “Yes, never mind indeed.” hissed Spinner, who had followed them outside, through the barrier--again, the barrier only kept things from going in, not out. “I must admit, I’m impressed that you all escaped from my webs, but don’t think for a minute that you’ve actually won.” The whole gang stood in front of Lightning, shielding him again. Spinner sighed “Oh, please, must we repeat all this?” “Let’s get him!” shouted Buddy Rose, and he and all the others dashed into battle, but Spinner fended them off with his eight strong arms. His armor protected him against their attacks from behind, and then deciding he’d had enough of their meddling… “ACID VENOM!” he blasted them all hard, and the venom caused many sparks and explosions, knocking them all to the ground. “No!” cried Lightning as he saw all his friends lying on the ground, moaning and groaning in immense pain. Spinner then eyed at Lightning “And now, for you, Commander! We have a little appointment with King Pinsar.” “Lightning… Run!” cried Starla, but Lightning was far to wipe to even stand up as Spinner approached him. Suddenly, he got blasted from above. “Huh?” Shining Armor landed near Lightning. “You leave him alone, you hear me?!” Spinner growled angrily “I’m getting frightfully tired of these delays!” and he lunged forth in attempt to get Shining Amor out of the way. The two brawled hard, but even Shining Armor couldn’t stand up to the powerful spider, especially on his own. Lightning hated seeing this, and did his best to concentrate every last ounce of strength he had into the Uniforce “It’s not much, but I’ve gotta try!” Spinner tossed Shining Armor hard onto the ground, “Enough of this!” he shouted and when he turned to face Lightning, he could see him running towards him with his horn glowing. “No!” shouted Spinner and he held out all eight of his strong arms out to intercept. Shining Armor also got up and powered up as much of his magic as he could, and dashed at him. The two ponies collided into Spinner, resulting in a big explosion. Even Cadance could feel the rumbling from her bedroom, and shuddered nervously. Everyone covered their eyes as the flames faded, and then gawked in shock at the leftover smoke. “Lightning?!” cried Starla. “Shining Armor!” squealed Fluttershy. The smoke cleared, and much to everyone’s extreme horror, not only was Spinner still standing, but he had with him a fully spun cocoon with his captive inside. “No!” cried Starla. Spinner smirked at everyone. “So long…” and then he vanished with the cocoon. Everyone was filled with outrage, shock, and mostly sadness. “He didn’t…?!” cried Dyno. “He did!” cried Myte. Starla felt her tears starting to flow “Lightning…” she cried softly and she fell to her knees ready to bawl her hear out. “Starla…!” Lightning called, and he limped around from the corner. “Lightning…!” Starla cried. Having found enough to strength to dive over and hug him tightly “Honey, I thought you were caught.” “I know, but you don’t have to choke me!” Lightning groaned. The others were ever so relieved… “Wait…” said Rainbow “If you’re here… then… that means…” It was already obvious to everyone who Spinner ran off with. Onboard the mothership, Shining Armor lay unconscious on a stretcher, bound by a force field, and Pinsar wasn’t exactly pleased. “How could you have nabbed the wrong one?!” he sneered at Spinner. Spinner was being held bound by Stingars, but still not intimidated “A-thousand pardons, my lord. The explosion made it difficult to see. I was certain I had Lightning with me.” “Silence!” growled Stag “The King had given you specific orders, and you failed to carry them out!” “Enough!” shouted Pinsar “Let him go.” All the bugs were confused. “But sire…” said Slick. “I said, let him go!” retorted Pinsar “We’ll simply have to make do with what we have. Perhaps our guest here will work just as nicely. Once we brainwash his pitiful mind of all the memories of his friends and loved ones, we can then give him the great power I have kept hidden all these ages.” The bugs gasped in awe. “You’re majesty…” cried Slick “Surely you do not mean…” Pinsar not only was serious, but he used his staff to materialize an evil looking insect-mask. “Behold; the Mask of Saber, one of our finest warriors.” He remembered how Saber was one of the greatest generals he had ever had to serve him when the Insectos carried out their will, destroying planets and purging life from them. Saber was indeed a powerful fighter, easily able to make mints-meat out of anyone who opposed him. Except for Pinsar and his family, he was practically one of the most powerful fighters in the entire force. But alas, even the best were not totally invincible. While battling to seize control over another a planet, Pinsar was personally supervising and leading the attack himself against the planet’s race of warriors defending their home. A race almost as powerful as Starfleet, but not quite as powerful to match… Pinsar’s forces were badly trampled, and Pinsar himself was injured, and he would surely had been destroyed if Saber had not valiantly leapt in to stave off those warriors himself, giving Pinsar enough time to escape to safety with his remaining survivors. In the end, the warrior race fell to the Insectos might, but of the bugs were lost that day… even Saber. All the remained was his great general mask, which housed all the power he had left behind. “I had kept this ever since that day…” Pinsar said “Waiting for when someone to come along and be worthy to possess it other than myself.” He then gazed down at Shining “However… I’m certain you all understand my reasons now.” Indeed, all the bugs did understand, though Stag felt outraged at Pinsar for deeming him and Slick as unworthy over some dead general’s spirit. “I’ll show you the true meaning of worthy. Just you wait.” he said in his thoughts. Slick noted Stag’s frustration, and could tell he was thinking all bad thoughts, this concerned him deeply. As for Pinsar, he also hoped that his search parties would find his daughter soon. He couldn’t bear to assume the worst. Phoebe had been wandering through the desert for a long time, and was really getting tired. So tired, she finally collapsed and lay flat on the sand as the sun set. Then, from out of nowhere, this stranger came along and found her, and took her away with him to who knew where? Meanwhile, the gang was faced with a most grieving task, and wrote a letter to their supreme majesties explaining the situation. “No.” cried Celestia. “Impossible… it can’t be!” added Grand Ruler, but there was no mistaking it, and this really hurt them both inside, but they couldn’t even begin to imagine how Cadance was feeling, if she had been told yet… Indeed, she had been told, and she was in tears. “He can’t be! Not Shining Armor.” she sobbed. All this sadness was not good for her or the baby, but rather than telling her to calm down, which of course would be pointless in the present situation, the court physician came and sedated her so she fell asleep to reduce the stress. All the others felt so sorry for her. Fluttershy and Rarity could hardly fight their tears, and hugged Rhymey and Spike deeply. The only tiny bit of hope they had was Shining Armor was captured, so it was possible he was still alive, but why, and what would Pinsar do to him. Lightning couldn’t stop feeling this was his fault, and he promised he’d get Shining Armor, for Cadance. Now he had a big vendetta to pull on Pinsar just as Grand Ruler did. …they all did. Lightning growled softly as he looked up at the armada. “Pinsar… I promise… you’ll pay dearly for this!” (Promo) In our next episode: Lightning fears for Cadance’s health and happiness, and begins to work extremely too hard in his duties. So Starla recommends he be sedated and take time out from his work. This gives Pinsar a new idea to send down Spinner along with the ferocious ZZ, in attempt to put everyone to sleep and render them all defenseless. Can the ponies survive such a devious plot? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Bed Bug’s Bite”) > Episode 11: Bed Bug's Bite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE ELEVEN All of the New Crystal Empire was aware of Shining Armor’s abduction, and all felt horrible for Princess Cadance, especially since the birth of her foal was nearing, and naturally some ponies blamed Starfleet for the inefficiency they showed. The gang merely ignored this, especially Lightning; for he had way too many more important things to worry about now. With Cadance bedridden, and Shining Armor gone, Lightning was, under regulations from their majesties, by his rank as Supreme Allied Commander, to, again, assume the role of acting regent of the entire New Crystal Empire; a job he was once again was not thrilled of having due to the circumstances surrounding it. He never forgot the time he was forced to assume command when Shining Armor was suspected of treason, and incarcerated, which devastated Cadance too badly for her to focus. Now it was far more serious than ever, and Lightning still felt responsible, seeing it was him that Pinsar initially wanted; but as to why, he still had not a clue. No one did. Now he was working harder than ever, doing paper work, bills, taxes, rebates, organizing events for the Empire, and having meetings while Cadance rested. He hardly stopped to rest or even eat. Starla was with him as his assistant, but she was growing really worried. “Lightning, you have to slow down.” she told him for the umpteenth time. “I don’t have time, honey.” he said “I still have to finish these tax documents, then the supreme staff council is meeting in an hour, and I still have to organize when the pegasi should bring forth that rain shower this afternoon.” He rushed off before his wife could say another word. Starla was really growing frustrated with him, but she couldn’t blame him. Lightning felt he owed the Empire this much, and was determined to keep things running on schedule for both Cadance and Shining Armor. Cadance was also another one of his number-one priorities; making sure she remained healthy and didn’t let her sadness gets to her. Stress was no good for the baby. Cadance was still feeling very miserable, missing her husband. All she ever did now was stare at her wedding picture of her and Shining Armor, wishing and praying he’d come back to her. “My love…” she cried as she clutched the photo to her chest “Please be alive, I can’t bear if I lost you too. I’ve lost too much already!” She referred to all her loved ones that she had lost especially Twilight and Fratello. There was a knock at the door, snapping her out of her trance. “Come in…” she called. It was Starla. “Thought I’d check and see how you’re coming along?” Cadance smiled sadly “A little tearful, but I’m holding. How’s Lightning doing?” Starla looked sad and worried, and told her everything. “Sounds like he really feels guilty about this whole thing.” said Cadance Starla sighed “It’s these things; I suppose only a wife notices and feels. I really want him to take it easy before he hurts himself even more.” “I have the problem with Shining Armor all the time.” said Cadance, it made her a little sad talking about her husband, but she whispered something into Starla’s ear. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” asked Starla. “It always worked for me.” replied Cadance. Lightning finished his paperwork, had the meeting with the supreme council, but he still had so much to do and was feeling dangerously exhausted. “Come on, wake up!” he groaned as he slapped himself awake. That’s when Starla came along with a cup of water in her hand. She held out to him “Thought you’d be thirsty.” Too tired to care, Lightning practically gulped it down, only then to realize the distinctive taste in the water. “Starla…! You didn’t…” His wife nodded “This is for your own good.” she said, but Lightning was already starting to drop off and could hardly hear her. He just plopped onto the floor sleeping like a baby. Starla sighed in relief that he was finally asleep, and she brought him to their room and tucked him in bed. She also instructed the guards not to let anyone disturb him. “Finally, some peace and quiet…” Starla said. Meanwhile, after the two days, Shining Armor was still being treated to the brainwashing. “What’s taking so long?” Pinsar thundered. “It appears that his memories and pureness are stronger than we thought, Sire.” said Slick “We’ve increased the level of brainwashing, but it will take time yet.” Pinsar gripped his staff tightly in frustration “I can’t wait much longer. I’ll have to send Spinner back to United Equestria, perhaps he can finish the team off himself.” “An excellent idea, sire.” said Slick but may “But might I suggest that our agent, ZZ goes with him?” Pinsar liked the idea “Yes, of course. ZZ’s powerful powder can put anyone who comes into contact with it into such a deep sleep. How can the ponies possibly stand to battle if they’re asleep?” He snickered wickedly. “Pinsar…” Ladybird said, as she poked her head through the door. She sounded very down. “Is there any news yet about Phoebe?” Pinsar’s sadness began to haunt him again, and he shook his head “No, my dear, nothing yet. I’ll tell you the moment I hear anything.” His wife nodded softly and then left. “Pheobe… where are you?” Pinsar muttered softly “How can you make me and your mother worry like this?” Pheobe was so exhausted from her wandering the desert; she literally slept for two whole days, but was finally starting to awaken. “What… What’s happened? Where am I?” “You are in my tent.” said a male voice “I found you collapsed in the desert, very close to death. So, I brought you here.” He was simple humanoid alien, with red and black toned skin, and he wore desert garbs with armor plating. “Well, thanks, but I don’t need help.” snarled Pheobe. The man could sense her frustration as well as her attitude. “My name is Jetar.” “I don’t care, huh…? Wait, you mean the great intergalactic bandit, Jetar?” Jetar nodded “I see my reputation is more well-known than I thought.” He prepared some herbal tea and some warm soup from foods and goods he had stolen. “It is true…” Jetar said “All my life I have robbed people across the cosmos of their goods and supplies, try as they may, they have never apprehended me, and those who dare to challenge me meet with their eternal reward.” “Really?” said Pheobe “I’m slightly impressed, but if you’re really that good then why are you living out here like a peasant?” Jetar sniggered “Don’t be so quick to judge. I’ve stolen more than enough treasures and goods to have settled down and retire long ago, but I could never give up the thrill, the game, the fun in it all. My reputation is well known throughout the galaxy, and I could never throw it all away.” Now Pheobe was really impressed. “Wait, if you’re all that you claim, then why did you decide to help me? You could have just left me to perish.” Jetar grinned sinisterly. “Because, I can tell you’ve been through a lot, and that you seek more, just as I do. I can help you become greater than you ever dreamed possible.” Pheobe was stunned, and unsure whether to accept this offer or not, but then again she owned him her life, and would really pay off to learn from an expert like him. “Show me.” she said. Jetar sniggered softly. Meanwhile, Spinner appeared in the New Crystal Empire. His presence frightened the ponies, and they began to yell and scream in panic. Starla could hear all this from the palace, and sounded the alert, and also sent for reinforcements. Spinner just stood where he was, while all the ponies around him continued to run in panic as they headed for the nearest shelter, but suddenly, they all began to quiet down and just fell right to sleep in the streets. …This meant a great deal of civilians were still outdoors and unprotected by barriers around the buildings. A whole army of guards and sentries charged straight at Spinner, but as they got closer to him, they, too, just fell to the ground, sound asleep. The entire area was full of sleeping ponies, much to Spinner’s delight. “Spinner!” shouted a voice. Spinner turned round and saw Starla, transformed, standing behind him. “Only one, this time…? And here I was expecting a bigger reception.” Starla was already more than furious, and began to charge at him, when her visor began to warn of something unnatural in the air… but too late. “Hey…” she groaned “What’s… happening… I feel…” and she plopped to the ground. That’s when Spinner was joined at his side by a common fly-like Insecto: ZZ, and she was most pleased with the results of her pheromones, but she made sure to wear a mask herself to protect herself from the effects. “Out like a light…” she said “It never fails.” Spinner loomed over Starla. “Perhaps King Pinsar will like it most if we delivered to him another pony as well.” “Don’t bet on it!” shouted Buddy Rose. The bugs turned and saw he, Applejack, Rhymey and Fluttershy, all transformed. They were the only ones available as the rest were busy back in New Ponyville securing a lockdown from the danger. All the ponies gazed angrily at Spinner “Give us back Shinin’ Armor!” snarled Applejack. “I’m afraid we can’t do that.” said Spinner. “Actually…” said ZZ “I can make you see him… in your dreams! SLEEP POWDER!” and she spewed out a small cloud of her pheromones. “Look out!” cried Fluttershy as she and the others leapt out of the way. She didn’t even have to scan it to recognize what it was. “Watch out, don’t breath in that cloud, you’ll fall into a deep sleep.” “I think we all get that already, Fluttershy.” said Buddy Rose. ZZ fired again, and the gang dodged. “Let’s get our respirators on.” suggested Applejack, but Rhymey disagreed, having scanned the Sleep Powder… “If it touches us at all, Then to sleep we’ll fall.” “You are correct…” hissed ZZ “And of course, Spinner and I are immune to this, so don’t bother trying it on us.” Spinner then spun his webs at everyone’s feet, locking them in place again. “Oh, no…! Not this again!” groaned Buddy Rose. “Time to say night-night….” Spinner teased, and let ZZ step forth. “SLEEP POWDER!” “No!” screamed Fluttershy. Rhymey had an idea that would help. “DRILL QUILL!” and fired his feathery quills in a gust of wind, blowing the cloud of powder away. “Way to go, Rhymey!” cried Applejack. ZZ was outraged, but she and Spinner were far from distraught. “We don’t actually need to put you to sleep.” ZZ said. “Indeed not…” added Spinner “The old fashioned way is always best.” The gang struggled and pulled to break free from the webs, but it didn’t work, until Fluttershy and Applejack thought of something that would. “You ready, girl…?” “Um… I guess.” They both concentrated hard until their cutie-marks began to glow brightly, and they shouted “VALKYRIA!!” and donned their Valkyrie forms. The bright lights form the transformation heated the webs and shattered it around themselves and the others. …Even Starla was free, though she was still asleep. Now Spinner and ZZ were getting angry. “You’re little resources won’t save this time.” snarled Spinner “Stingars, rise!” The swarm of Stingars appeared of nowhere. “You girls get those overgrown flies. We’ll deal with the other two bad guys.” said Rhymey. “Right!” said the girls, and the team split up. With their swords and shields, and skillful training, the girls made quick work of the Stingars. “Take this!” snarled Applejack, as she slashed at two of the bugs. “And this…!” added Fluttershy as she hit two more. The remaining Stingars tried to fire their stingers at the girls, but they raised their shields blocking the attacks and sent them right back again. While the guys fought against the insects. ZZ, although not very big and burly like Spinner, was pretty slick and dodged Rhymey’s sword slashes, and she kicked him hard. As for Buddy Rose, he managed to use his whip to tie up all eight of Spinner’s arms, but Spinner just gave a huge yank, pulling him in, and bashing him hard with all eight fists at once. “Whoa! Talk about packing a punch.” he groaned. “You’re beginning to look a little tired.” teased Spinner “I think it’s time they took a long nap.” “Yes…” hissed ZZ “SLEEP POWDER!” “LEAF SWARM!” “DRILL QUILL!” Rhymey and Buddy Rose both launched their attacks to try to blow the cloud away. “ACID VENOM!” Spinner launched his venom to melt away the attacks, letting the cloud get through, and the boys began to drift off to sleep. “Boys!” cried Applejack. “We’re coming!” shrieked Fluttershy. Spinner then leapt in front of them and knocked their swords from their hands, and then their shields, and then shoved them down hard. “SLEEP POWDER!” The girls instantly fell asleep too. Dark storm clouds were coming in, and only Spinner and ZZ now stood amongst a crowd of unconscious ponies. “That was almost amusing.” said Spinner. “In any case…” hissed ZZ “I’m ready to proceed and put the entire planet into a deep sleep. Once is accomplished, King Pinsar should conquer this world with ease.” Spinner agreed “The both of us will be made heroes among our fellow Insectos.” The two shared an evil laugh, when suddenly it began to rain all around them. “Rain?!” cried ZZ “Oh, no!” “What?! What’s wrong?” asked Spinner, but he soon got his answer as the ponies began to stir in their sleep; the water was washing all the powder away, and helping them regain consciousness. Starla was the first to come to. “What… where am I?” she groaned, but it all suddenly came back to her, and she realized the rain falling “It’s the rain shower Lightning arranged.” Soon her friends began to awaken, as well as all the other ponies in the street. “I cannot believe this!” growled ZZ. “In all these centuries I never imagined simple water would stand up to my Sleep powder!” “Will you be quiet!” snarled Spinner “They’re starting to come to.” “Wrong!” snapped Starla, and she was seen standing with the others “We have… and this time, we’re taking the both of you out.” “Ha!” snapped Spinner “We’ll show you who takes out whom.” The team and the bugs rushed forth, but even still, though ZZ could no longer put any of them to sleep, they still had their fighting skills and strengths to use. “STICKY WEB!” The team dodged the threads. “This isn’t working. They’re both too strong.” cried Fluttershy. Spinner fired another web, which the team dodged, and that gave Starla an idea, and she lunged straight at Spinner alone. “Starla!” cried Applejack. “What are you doing?!” hollered Buddy Rose. She stood gazing at Spinner and put her dukes up. “Come on!” she grunted. Spinner hissed at her, and threw his fists like crazy. Starla managed to actually block and evade all eight of them. “You’re beginning to try my patience!” growled Spinier “STICKY WEB!” “Now!” snapped Starla and she leapt right up, and out of the way, causing the web to miss, and head straight for the others. “Look out!” shouted Fluttershy, and she and Applejack quickly raised their shields they had recovered. The webs bounced off the shields and zoomed straight back at the bugs, ensnaring them. They growled and fussed about trying to get free. “Well I’ll be a…” said Applejack. “They’re both bound under wrap. …Caught in their own trap.” chuckled Rhymey. Starla smirked. The two bugs desperately struggled to break free. “You see what you’ve done?!” snarled ZZ. “This is humiliating!” growled Spinner. The ponies all rushed in and began to hack, blast, and beat the bugs down to size, until they were weak enough to capture. “We got this.” Buddy Rose said. “Nothing to it But to do it.” added Rhymey, and they both charged up their finishers. “WHIPLASH STRIKE!” “THRASH SLASH!” They slashed at the two bugs hard, and the monsters exploded in a huge BOOM, and they both then reappeared in the capture spheres, only to be destroyed seconds later by Pinsar, but the sphere’s still managed to gather what little information from the minds of the captives as they could. “Ye-Haw!” sheered Applejack. “We did it!” cried Starla. BOOM!! Thunder shook the skies. “Um… do you think we can get out of rain now?” asked Fluttershy Pinsar was not pleased that the plan had failed, not to mention so incredibly poorly because of a little rain. “Great ones are surrounded by idiots. I am no exception.” he growled to himself “But then again, once Shining Armor is fully prepared… the real battle will commence.” He had no idea that Stag was spying on him, secretly looking forward to the day. “Yes, Pinsar, a pity you won’t be around too much longer.” Meanwhile, Phoebe had just completed her first day of training with Jetar, and she was exhausted. “No, more…” she panted “I can’t… keep up you.” Jetar was not impressed “You call that a fighter’s attitude? It’s no wonder you were overcome so easily. A true fighter struggles through all the obstacles waged against them… and thrives to go back for more each day. You need to forget about your looks and pitiful things if you want to toughen up to impress your father.” Phoebe didn’t like how he was speaking to her. “If my father were here now…” “Well the fact is, he isn’t!” snapped Jetar “I had to learn how to survive on my own. My father, also a thief like me, was captured and executed when I was very young, and my mother died of heartbreak, leaving me to fend for myself. I wouldn’t expect a princess like you to understand that.” Phoebe wanted to argue, but she couldn’t because he was right. “Still, at least you didn’t have to grow up with your father always neglecting you, and brushing you off, and treating you like you didn’t have what it takes.” Jetar was silent for a moment, and then he said “Perhaps… or perhaps you are confused.” “What makes you so sure?” Jetar looked up at the starry sky, and said very deeply as he looked deep inside himself “All true parents care for their children.” Those words really affected Phoebe and made her rethink her thoughts about her father’s ways. Meanwhile, the rain had passed, and it was getting close to nightfall when Lightning finally woke up. He felt much better after having a good rest, and now he and the gang, even Cadance were sitting down to dinner and they told him all about things. “So, you guys actually saved the empire from a double Insecto attack, I’m both pleased and proud, but still not so thrilled about you drugging me, Starla.” “Don’t you start with me about that again.” said Starla. Cadance agreed with her I’m happy for all the things you’ve done Lightning, and I know you mean well, but you don’t have to hurt yourself for it.” The others all agreed as well. “You really need to learn to take it easy once in a while, Lightning.” said Buddy. “I work my tail off on the farm each day, but even I know when it’s time for a break.” said Applejack. Rhymey nodded… “I have a heavy schedule too, There’s many things that I do. Every other day, I manage my café And I help Fluttershy through and through.” His wife agreed “We’ll get Shining Armor back, but until then, we all have to be brave and keep ourselves together.” Lightning nodded “You’re right. You’re all right.” Starla pecked him on the cheek. After dinner, most of the others decided to turn in early, they had a very hard day. “Wait? What am I supposed to do?” asked Lightning “I’ve been sleeping all day, I’m restless.” “Sorry, honey, but we’re all wiped.” said Starla. “Goodnight.” said Fluttershy. Then they were gone, off to their rooms. Cadance had to go back to bed too, even though she didn’t feel sleepy. “It’ll be okay, Lightning.” Then she was gone, leaving Lightning alone. “Oh…” he sighed “…It’s tough being me.” (Promo) In our next episode: Spike and Rarity decide to elope to New Las Pegasus for a quick and easy marriage, despite their friends’ protest. But Black Dragon Knight sees this as the perfect opportunity to set up the final confrontation with herself and Spike, and also reveals who she really is and what she desires. Will Spike and Rarity be able to successfully get married, and just who is the Black Dragon Knight really? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Part 1: Here comes the Pride!”) > Episode 12: Part 1: Here comes the Pride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE TWELVE One dark and full moonlit night, Black Dragon Knight stood on a clifftop. Her cape fluttered in the breeze, but all she could think about was… “The time has come… the time for the ultimate battle for Dragon’s Honour.” Her eyes glowed red with wickedness. Days had gone by and there had been no activity from the Insectos, which was a big relief for everyone, but nothing to really relax about, for the Insectos would strike again. In the meantime, Babs Seed was visiting New Sweet Apple Acres, while her parents went away on business. Big Mac was still in a cast, but Applejack and Buddy Rose gave the crusaders some lenience in their punishment, only because Babs was visiting, but they still were required to do at least some of the work. Babs offered to help, not minding at all. “I can’t believe you guys actually tried to catch the Black Dragon Knight.” The girls all sighed, they were tired of hearing about it, but no one would let them forget it. “Didn’t do much good though.” said Applebloom “The whole plan went kablooey, and we still ain’t nowhere nearer getting’ our cutiemarks.” “I see you still don’t have yours either.” said Scootaloo. Babs looked down her own pants at her flank, which was still indeed blank, just like the front of her clothes. “Well, I’m still trying…” she said “I remember the Code of the Crusaders: no giving up.” The girls then noticed Sweetie Belle had been awful quiet all day. “Is everything okay?” DD asked. “Huh? Oh, sure, everything’s fine. Yeah, nothing wrong at all.” The girls gave her a look saying they were not convinced. “I can’t tell you, and this time I made a promise I wouldn’t.” “Is it something dangerous?” asked Scootaloo “You remember what Mr. Stevens told us…” “I know, I know, but it’s not really dangerous… at least I don’t think it is.” “What is?” said Buddy Rose. “What are you girls up to now?” Applejack asked, with a rather cold expression “You got something else you’re not tellin’ us.” Sweetie Belle refused to say a word. “I promised not to and I gave my word.” she huffed. As much as Applejack and Buddy Rose respected other people’s secrecies, after what happened before, secrecy often meant trouble if the girls were involved, and the way Sweetie was acting meant it was huge. “Okay, back up now…” said Granny Smith as she came along “Ol’ Granny Smith has a way of gettin’ the truth out.” “Uh, oh…” said Applebloom “Here it comes.” “She’s toast.” added Babs. Scootaloo and DD were confused, and told them just to watch and see. “Look into my eyes young filly…” said Granny. “No!” snapped Sweetie “I won’t look, and I won’t tell.” “Fine, I have other means of gettin’ to the core of the apple.” She then looked Sweetie from head to toe, which made Sweetie feel a bit awkward. Granny continued to look carefully, and could catch a few nervous pulses in Sweetie’s veins, and the constant movement of her pupils. Sweetie began to sweat, and finally “Okay, I’ll tell you, but if I get in trouble for this, you all owe me.” She explained everything, and Applejack and Buddy Rose had to tell Lightning immediately and teleported straight to the New Crystal Empire. “They’ve WHAT…?!” snapped Lightning after he was told. “It’s true…” Sweetie Belle said “I heard it as much myself.” Two nights ago, she was going downstairs for some milk to help her fall asleep, when she heard Spike and Rarity conversing in the living room in front of the fireplace. “Spike, I really don’t want to do it.” “I know, but I just can’t bare it any longer. So much is happening; I’m worried of the worst that could happen to you or me at all.” “But Spike… I spent so long working on all the dresses, and perfecting every single plan. I really wanted it to be beautiful.” “So did I and I still do, but…Rarity, listen to me… I love you, more than you’ll ever know, and if something happens to us, well… at least we can say we were married.” There was a long silence, and Rarity did her best to fight back the guilty tears coming to her eyes. “Are you okay?” Spike asked. “Oh, Spike…” Rarity cried “I will never forgive myself for this, but… all right. We elope to New Las Pegasus and return as newlyweds.” “But we can’t tell the others.” Spike said “They’ll put up a fuss, and Lightning, he’d never allow it… …understand, Sweetie Belle?” Sweetie gasped and was shocked they both knew she heard everything, and so she promised not to tell. “I can’t believe they’d do that.” said Starla “After all the planning Rarity did.” “Don’t they realize what a chance they’re taking?!” cried Lightning “When did they leave?” “Just last night…” replied Sweetie Belle “They took the train to try and keep low, and hoping they wouldn’t attract attention from the Black Dragon Knight. The ceremony should start at midday today.” Lightning couldn’t allow this “KRYSTA!!” he hollered. She popped almost instantly “What’s happening?” she asked. Lightning then tasked Starla of leading a mission. “Round up all the others, warp to Las Pegasus, and, Find Rarity and Spike and get them back to New Ponyville before the Black Dragon Knight tries to get to them.” The others all agreed. “Wait, aren’t you going too?” asked Scootaloo. “I can’t…” Lightning regretted to say “As acting-regent of the New Crystal Empire, I’m duty-bound to stay here and look after things. I can’t just leave the empire unattended, but if anything serious happens beyond control, I’ll see if I can do anything about it.” With that settled, the first thing the team did was warp the crusaders back to the farm. “You girls behave yourselves, we shouldn’t be gone too long.” said Buddy Rose. “And this time, we mean it.” added Applejack. “Come, let’s go get the others.” cried Starla, and the girls watched as the gang disappeared as Krysta warped them all away. All five of the girls felt pretty worried. “Anybody else feel like I do?” asked Applebloom. “Yeah, something pretty big is about to happen.” said Babs. “And not a good thing…” added Sweetie. Still, they were told to remain behind, and they had no way of getting to New Las Pegasus anyway, all they could pretty much do was get back to work on the farm chores. Thanks to Krysta’s teleporting, the gang arrived in New Las Pegasus very swiftly. Pinkie couldn’t help but bounce all giddy and excited at the all the sights and sounds. “New Las Pegasus is so fabulous!” she squealed. “I’ve never seen so many colors at once.” said Artie “It’s like so many different paintings all jumbled together.” “Unfortunately, we haven’t time for sightseeing.” said Dyno. “Si, we’ve got to find Spike and Rarity.” added Myte. “Well, where should we even start?” snapped Rainbow “There must hundreds of wedding chapels around here.” “If I know Rarity, she’ll want to have picked the most eloquent chapel she and Spike could find.” said Applejack. “Right…” said Starla “We’ll all split up and cover more ground, and then second any of you find them, send out a homing beam so we can all regroup.” The team agreed and they split up in groups of two. Fluttershy and Rhymey… The twins by themselves… Applejack and Buddy Rose… Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie… And Artie stuck with Starla, but they had Krysta by their side too. “How’s it feel to be in charge, Starla?” Artie had to ask. “Well, I’m shaking, but that could be because I’m worried. Let’s go!” A song began as the gang searched all over the bustling metropolis. (Just the music) [Starla] Where are they? [Artie] Where did they get to? [Krysta] They’re around somewhere, I bet you. [Pinkie] Look at those cakes, and games to play. [Rainbow] *Grabs her and drags he along* We haven’t got time to goof all day [Fluttershy] I hope we find them, before it’s too late. [Rhymey] If only they had stayed and wait. [Applejack] We gotta find Spike and Rarity [Buddy Rose] But how… [Dyno] And where… [Myte] …it’s clear to see… [ALL] They’re somewhere in this big city! The gang searched high, and low, and even asked other ponies in the street if they had seen their friends. Pinkie Pie foolishly even looked in the garbage cans. [Rainbow] Pinkie… They won’t be in there. [Pinkie] …Ya never know. [Krysta] We gotta find ‘em, so don’t be slow. [Artie] If Black Dragon Knight finds them first… [Starla] I don’t want to think of the worst [Buddy Rose and Applejack] This really ain’t so easy. [Twins] We just looked there… [Rhymey and Fluttershy] …this isn’t fair. [ALL] They’re somewhere in this big city! [The Guys] So many chapels, but which one… [The Girls] …this isn’t fair. [ALL] They’re somewhere in this big city! [Fluttershy] This city is just so big [Pinkie] *Takes a Bite out of a fig* Mmm… here, try this fig [Rainbow] *Freaking out* If we don’t find them soon I’ll… FLIP… MY… WIG!! [Starla] Look at the time… [Artie] …It’s almost noon. [Krysta] Our friends’ll be getting hitched real soon. [Dyno] We’ve covered the air and all the ground [Myte] But still no sign where our friends are bound. [Fluttershy] We better move quickly [Rhymey] We’ve come so far… [Applejack] Like a needle in a haystack [Buddy Rose] Even so, we’ve gotta get both our friends back [ALL] They’re somewhere in this big city! [ALL] They’re somewhere in this big city! Starla’s group was growing tired from all the flying they did. “We must’ve searched every single glamorous chapel in the city.” said Artie. “I wish Lightning were here to help us.” said Krysta. “Hey!” cried Starla “Look down there in the street.” They all could see their friend, Abra Kadabra, and his right-hand assistant, the all-Powerful and Redeemed Trixie, performing a big magic show in the streets, and thought of asking them if they’d seen their friends. Abra and Trixie were just finishing their show with a special trick of their own, more of a daredevil trick. Abra was standing on top of a twenty foot tall diving platform, and jumped right off it, right into a pit of flames. The flames were very real, as Trixie demonstrated by burning a sheet of paper in them. The crowd yelped in shock when Abra disappeared through the fire, and Trixie then used her actual magic to make the flames go out, and then then levitated Abra out of the pit, revealing he was perfectly fine. The crowd thundered with applause and threw flowers and money at the duo as they took a bow. After the crowds had ceased, Abra and Trixie decided to go out to lunch to celebrate another swell performance. “Abra… Trixie…!” Starla called. “Hey!” Trixie called. “Why, hello, my dear friends.” Added Abra “How lovely to see you all again. To what do we owe this pleasure?” “Actually, we here on a task.” said Starla. “Have either of you seen Rarity and Spike?” asked Artie. “Yes, we have.” said Abra. The gang’s eyes lit up with hope. “We saw them as they passed down the street about half an hour ago.” said Trixie “They were headed into that casino over there.” The gang looked and saw a rather second-class place called “Clyde’s Casino, Hotel and Chapel.” With a picture of the owner, a Clydesdale Earth Pony. “But we couldn’t stop and say high because we were in the middle of our show.” “I really can’t tell why they’d want to go there.” said Abra “They never gamble, and Rarity would never approve of a place as that.” “Sorry, no time to explain!” cried Krysta, and she and the others dashed for the place, leaving Abra and Trixie most confused. “What’s gotten into them?” Trixie wondered. Abra hadn’t the foggiest. Once arriving at the doors of the building, Starla sent up a beam of light from her horn, knowing the others would see it and come by. Then, they rushed right into the casino, but got halted by the front door greeter and the body guards. “Hold it! Are your name on the list?” she asked. Starla and Artie pointed to their badges, and Starla held out the order with Lightning’s official seal on it. “Starfleet. We’re on official business here.” The greeter heeded the order and let them pass. “Where is your wedding chapel?” asked Artie. “Go to the back of the casino, and then walk straight the hallway. You can’t miss it.” The gang rushed off, hoping they weren’t too late. “It’s no wonder we couldn’t find them before.” Artie said. “Well, they did say they wanted to not raise suspicion and unwanted attention.” said Krysta. Meanwhile, the wedding was very small, very simple, and defiantly not what Rarity had in mind at all. Right now she would had been thinking of marvelous ways to beautify the place with curtains, carpets, frilly ribbons and stuff, but she really feeling downhearted. Here she and Spike were, about to be quickly married, in a legal, yet ceremony. No guests, none of their friends were there, no reception. Rarity and Spike weren’t even wearing proper wedding attire, just their plain uniforms, although Rarity was wearing a simple white flower in her mane. “I feel terrible.” she said softly. “So do I.” said Spike. The mister cleared his throat and asked softly “Are you two ready?” Spike and Rarity nodded and joined hands as the ceremony began. It was short, and simple, and Spike ringed Rarity’s finger. He had saved up a lot from his Starfleet paychecks and bought her a golden ring with a miniature heart-shaped fire-ruby on top. Rarity smiled very sadly, but she was very thrilled and enchanted to have it, and wiped a tear from her eye. Spike could only smile at her with love as his own eyes filled with tears. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” the minister said “It is done.” Rarity and Spike slowly moved in closer to kiss, when suddenly Spike stopped and sniffed the air. “What is it?” asked Rarity. Spike sniffed some more “We’ve gotta get out of here!” Rarity’s eyes widened, and just as they were about to run, the lights went out, and the windows shattered, and she appeared before them. Rarity gasped, and the minister fainted. The big doors to the chapel burst wide open as the gang busted through. “Spike, Rarity…!” cried Starla. Black Dragon Knight quickly spun round and threw a small capsule at all the friends, only Krysta managed to fly free before it blew, but all the ponies passed. “Guys!” cried Spike. “Oh, my!!” added Rarity, and before she and Spike knew it, they too had been knocked out cold. Black Dragon Knight laughed wickedly and magically scooped the unconscious gang up. Krysta saw everything, and she knew she was helpless on her own. “I’ve got to get Lightning!” she cried, and she teleported off. She arrived in the New Crystal Empire almost at once, and you can bet that when Lightning heard, he was shocked and very angry, but not at Krysta. “I knew this would happen! Where did she take them?” “Oh… Um… Well…” “You didn’t follow her?!” “I was in a panic, I had to go for help quickly, I wasn’t thinking.” “U’RGH!!” Lightning slumped in his seat. “I’m so sorry, Lightning.” cried Krysta. “Never mind…” Lightning said calmly “We’ll just have to try and find them the old fashioned way. Gather as many of your fairies as you can.” Krysta nodded and teleported off, and Lightning got busy calling every available guard, every available wonderbolt, flyer, tracker, until he had a vast army to search every millimeter of the planet. “Starla… please, let you and the others be okay!” Many ponies begun to fly off in all directions as the search began, and the Crusaders could see it and knew about the search as well. Big Mac wheeled by in his wheelchair “Don’t you girls be gettin’ any ideas now. This ain’t no picnic for you.” “He’s right…” said Granny Smith “Wait, we’re havin’ a picnic?” “We’re not going, don’t worry.” said Sweetie Belle. “We’re staying right here.” added Scootaloo. The other three nodded, but Granny Smith and Big Mac promised they’d been keeping sharp eyes on the girls. “If you girls so much as even think of steppin’ one foot outta’ here; you think you got it rough now, just you wait.” said Big Mac. The girls scowled. “Boy, he really read us out.” said Babs. “I’m worried though…” added Applebloom “The others ain’t come back yet.” “I hope they’re all right.” said DD. Spike was starting to come too, and it felt a little warm. That’s when he realized he was in what looked like a lava world, filled with volcanos, pools of lava, jagged rocks, and other mountainy landscapes, but Spike knew United Equestria well, and could tell they were obviously no longer there. “Where am I? What is this place?” “Welcome.” Black Dragon Knight said. Spike turned and saw her standing right behind him. “…Welcome to the last place you’ll ever see. You are now being held in a dimensional warp that I created to serve as my hideout, and just the right place for what is about to occur. You and I are going to settle our score once and for all!” Spike was already more than enraged. “Where are the others?!” he snarled. Black Dragon Knight snickered and snapped her fingers. That’s when the others all appeared, bound by firey-like manacles at the base of a volcano. “Spike!” shouted Artie. “You let them go!” demanded Spike. “Certainly... But only on the condition that you agree to face me… to the death!” Spike gasped, and the others as well. “Spike, don’t do it!” cried Rarity. “I don’t understand…” Spike said “Why… why would you go to all this trouble?! Why fight me just because I choose to live differently? Who are you?!” Black Dragon Knight snickered and she felt the time was perfect, and she lifted off her helmet, and Spike and the others could not believe what they saw… She had the same purplish scales like Spike, and even the same spines, only hers were red, but her eyes… they were the same greenish color as his. “My name is Scaley, and yes… it’s true… we are blood related. I am your big sister.” “AH…!!” The others all gasped in the same tone of shock. “Spike has a… a sister!” cried Fluttershy. “They look just like one another.” said Dyno. “They must be blood related!” added Myte. “But how can this be? A family member be an enemy!” said Rhymey. Spike said nothing and was still gawking at Scaley. “You wanted answers to who you are…” she said “It’s time you knew, and for starters I think you may ought to know this, but the original dragon knight who created your powers was also in our family… he was our father!” Spike gasped again. He was feeling so incredibly shocked it was making his headache, but he could hardly speak. Scaley continued with her story. *Scaley’s POV* As I had once said; we dragons are known for our ferocity, and make our life out of scaring, stealing goods, and living without much a care in the world. Unfortunately, our father was among the few who chose to avoid this sort of lifestyle, and preferred nobility, it was almost as if he were born with a piece of his brain missing. So he created the Dragon Knight Powers in an effort to battle evil and injustice. I had already reached maturity, but you were still just an egg, so you knew nothing of this. Perhaps you would have been as disgusted and disgraced as I was. I enjoyed the feel of power, and the will to frighten others, and so, I ran away from home and joined a band of evil dragons, carrying out a dragon’s true honor. We scared many of the ponies, and robbed them of their goods, and in time, I even stole a few spell books and learned a thing or two about the magic they possessed, enough to develop a few powers of my own. This was so wonderful, that I even sang about it… My destiny was clear now. I would rise among the ranks of all, and become queen of the dragon race; the most powerful being on this entire planet… if our father had not objected to this and challenged me into combat. Our battle was fierce, and a great war of dragons had erupted; the Nobility against the Proud!” With so very few noble dragons, it was no difficult task for those of pride to vanquish their enemies. Even our own mother was foolish to try and reason with us all, and she meet with her eternal reward… when I destroyed her! *POV Pauses* The ponies all gasped… “You killed your own mother!” cried Starla. “That is the sickest thing I’ve ever heard!” snarled Rainbow Dash. “How could you do such a thing…?!” growled Buddy Rose. “Ahem…!” snapped Scaley “To continue…” *POV Resumes* Now all that remained was to ensure that my father was out of the way, but your egg was lost. I had knowing of where you had gotten to. Our father fought against me, in what had to have been the fiercest battle in the war, I managed to injure him, and corner him many times, but ultimately he defeated me, and used his pure power as well as the help from a few magical unicorns to seal me away in a powerful seal, and buried me deep underground. For centuries I just remained in complete solitude and boredom, being stuck in the same place year after year, not being able to move an inch. When Equestria was destroyed in The Great War, even then my seal did not break, but it was beginning to weaken. Finally, when the Insecto Armada arrived and began to bombard the planet, the lasers hitting the ground fully disrupted my seal, allowing me to escape. *POV Ends* Scaley stared her brother down “I must admit, I was surprised to learn that you were born into this age, but seeing what you became, what you fight for-- the nobility, the pureness-- you were just like our father, and owned his power, and not only are you in love with one of those ridiculous ponies, you married her just now!! Of all the disgraceful dragons I have ever seen, you are the worst of them all.” Spike, overwhelmed by shock, confusion, and near disbelief, fell to his knees with a downhearted expression. “All this time… I’ve been wondering who I am, wondering where I came from and who my family was… only to find they were betrayed, by our own flesh and blood; my own sister!” Scaley snickered wickedly “Poor pitiful, you. If only you had hatched and were in my care, I would have trained you to act properly. I gave you a chance to spare yourself, but now… I’m afraid it is time we separated the right from the ridiculous!” Spike clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth as he stood with blazing eyes. “Family or not… you are my enemy, and for what you’ve done to me, to my friends, and all others before us… I will never forgive you! …DRAGON POWER!!” He transformed and drew his sword. The ponies could only watch in horror. “I guess this is it…” said Pinkie. “The ultimate battle of the dragon knights.” added Artie. “Spike…! Be careful, darling!” Rarity muttered as a tear of worry rolled down her cheek. …To Be Continued! (Promo) In our next episode: The battle of the two dragons begins, and truly heats things up, especially with the ponies’ lives on the line. Meanwhile, Lightning’s search is having little to no luck at all in finding the location of the Dimensional Warp, but the Cutiemark Crusaders do, and when no one will listen; they end up marching straight for the danger zone again! What the results of this fearsome fight be? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: Part 2: Duel of the Dragons”) > Episode 13: Part 2: Duel of the Dragons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Previously on Starfleet Magic…” Spike and Rarity ran away to New Las Pegasus for a quick wedding ceremony. When their friends found out about this from Sweetie Belle, they set off to look for their friends, only to arrive too late as Black Dragon Knight captured everyone to force Spike in a fight to the finish, but not before revealing herself as Scaley, his long lost elder sister. Meanwhile, Lightning dispatched as many helping ponies as he could try and locate their friends before something extreme occurs. EPISODE THRITEEN The search for the missing fighters continued, and by the point half of the inhabitants of the planet were searching, even some civilians offered to help, but they were still no closer to finding a trace. Even some dragons offered to help in the search and searched all over their lands, even inside the volcanos. They found more gemstones, and plenty of lava pits, but no sign of Scaley or the fighters. Lightning still had to remain in the New Crystal Empire as the reports came in, but he did also alert their supreme majesties, and they sent every available guard they could to join the search, and kept in touch with Lightning with their holographic images. Right now, one of the sentries and Krysta’s fairy guards came into the throne room. “Well, anything yet to report?” Lightning asked anxiously. “I’m afraid not, sir. We’ve searched every inch of this empire. We found nothing.” “Same goes with us…” said the fairy “It could be even possible they are no longer on this planet, or even in this dimension.” Lightning disproved the suggestion “They can’t be, the Insecto Armada would have seen them and opened fire on them if they tried to venture into space.” “We’ll have to keep looking…” Celestia said “Check every place once over, and then once again.” “And don’t forget to check the most inconspicuous of areas as well.” added Grand Ruler. The guard bowed and he and the fairy guard went off to rejoin the search. Krysta gripped her wand in frustration “It’s all my fault. If only I had watched where they had gone to, we’d have found them already.” “Krysta, I know you’re worried.” said Lightning “I’m worried too, but you can’t keep blaming yourself like this.” “Lightning is right…” Grand Ruler said “Blaming yourself isn’t really going to help us find where they are, but we will find them…somehow.” “We must go now…” said Celestia “Search or no search we still have other duties to tend to.” Their majesties vanished, leaving Lightning and Krysta to ponder over if their friends were still safe. In the dimensional warp, the two dragon knights, Spike and Scaely, stared each other down. “No mercy!” hissed Scaley and she lunged straight at Spike. He dodged causing her to miss, giving him the chance to strike her, and she zipped out of the way causing him to miss as well. All was silent for a moment, until Spike could smell her essence, and quickly whirled round as she tried to attack from behind, blocking her sword with his. The two went at it hard, parrying and thrusting their blades at one another. Scaley kicked Spike hard in the chest sending him rolling along the ground. “Spike!” Rarity shrieked. “Not so loud! We’re right here!” groaned Buddy Rose. Spike got up quickly… “BLACK FIRE!” Only to get knocked down again by Scaley’s attack. “Oh, I can’t watch!” cried Pinkie as she shut her eyes tightly. Scaley laughed as she stomped towards Spike “Like I said, nobility gets you nowhere.” She pointed her sword straight at him “Take a deep breath, for it’s going to be your last.” “Spike!” cried Rarity. Just as Scaley was about to strike, Spike grabbed her arm in his claw, and kick-flipped her up and over him… “DRAGON FLAME!” And he fired a huge burst of flames at her knocking her down again. “Maybe you don’t know as much about nobility as you think! DRAGON FLAME-WHEEL!” He lunged straight at her, and she blocked him with her cape, engaging in a struggle. The two knights bounced off one another, and charged swinging and parrying their blades. All the ponies could do was watch helplessly, some of them were astonished by the way they were brawling. “I’m almost too scared to even look away.” said Fluttershy. “I’ve practiced fencing all my life But I’ve never seen such struggle and strife!” added Rhymey. “Never mind that…” groaned Rainbow as she struggled herself to try and break free “We’ve gotta get out of this somehow.” They all pulled with all their might, but the flame-like manacles that held them down were just too strong. “We can’t reach our energizers.” said Starla. “Let’s try our Valkyrie powers.” suggested Pinkie. “Couldn’t hurt to try.” agreed Applejack. The girls concentrated hard with all their might…but nothing happened. Their energies didn’t boost, their cutiemarks didn’t glow. Scaley saw this feeble attempt and couldn’t help but scoff at them “Sorry, but as long you’re in my domain, we go by my rules.” The battle ground began to glow, and Spiked gazed down at the huge Dragon Symbol glowing beneath his feet. “What is this?” he asked. “I call in the Dragon’s Seal; a powerful spell I cast upon this place making it so that only dragons can use any power here. Every other creature type is totally powerless. There’s nothing more your friends can do except watch you fight your last battle.” Spike growled in anger, and charged at Scaley. “DARK LIGHTNING!” “Not this time!” Spike sneered, and he skillfully swerved around every single lightning bolt that shot at him. “BLACK FIRE!” As the flame stream launched straight at him, Spike shielded himself with his cape and kept right on charging forward. CLANG!! Their sword clashed together in a lock, and the two knights struggled and pushed to gain control, but of course, Spike was a little tired after dodging all those blasts, which gave Scaley the upper hand, and she knocked on his arms and kicked him hard sending him soaring up high. “DARK LIGHTNING!” Not a single shot missed, and sparks and small explosions emitted all over Spike. Rarity couldn’t help but shriek in horror. The others all gawked in shock as they saw Spike drift to the ground. His armor was a little dented and had scorch-marks all over it, but Spike still managed to get to his feet. “GRR… Impossible!” growled Scaley “You should be begging for mercy by now!” Spike scoffed and said “It takes more than that to keep this dragon down.” “This is not over!” snarled Scaley, and the battle continued. Meanwhile, the search was still having no luck in locating Scaley’s hideout. The Cutiemark Cursaders were just coming back with bushels of apples they had picked from the orchard. They were starting to feel tired, and needed a break. “I really wish Applejack and Buddy Rose were back.” panted DD. Just the mention of those names made all the girls fell more worried than ever, and more wishing they could do something to help. “Even if we could help, remember what Big Mac said.” said Babs. “U’rgh!” groaned Sweetie Belle “I’m sick of feeling like this; so useless.” In her frustration, she kicked one of the empty bushel baskets down the hill into the open field ahead. Then it rolled straight up over a rock, and seemingly landed down on the other side of it, out of sight. “Hey!” snapped Applebloom “What’cha do that for?” “I’ll go get it.” said Scootaloo “Anything to get away from all this whining.” And she flew down into the pasture to where the basket had rolled to, but strangely, when Scootaloo got to the rock, it was there, but the basket was nowhere to be seen. “But… I’m I saw it land over here.” she said “There was no evidence that it was carried off or broken into pieces.” She landed firmly on the ground and began to scout around the rock, when suddenly her hand mysteriously went right through the ground. “Whoa!” she yelped as she retracted her hand. “What the…” she felt along the ground again, and her hand sank right through. She moved in closer and dipped her head through the space, and there… she could see it all…! The volcanic landscape, the friends bound to one of the rock walls, and in the middle of it all were Spike and Scaley, still brawling more fiercely than ever. The two knights collided into each other, and again, and again, each time more forceful than the last, and the engaged in another blade-lock. “You… won’t… win!” snarled Scaley. “I know you won’t… because I will!” Spike retorted, and they both breathed their flames at each other, and at such close range… BOOM!! The resulting explosion threw them both to opposite ends across the field. “Don’t give up, Spike!” hollored Buddy Rose. “Yeah…! Show this Scaled-Freak who’s the top dragon.” added Applejack. The battle continued. Scootaloo pulled her back out, shocked and astonished by what she had seen. “Scootaloo!” said DD, making her jump. She looked behind and saw all the others standing there. “What’s takin’ you so long?” asked Applebloom. Scootaloo wasted no time and told the girls to take a peek, and they were just as shocked and astonished as she was seeing the two Dragon Knight’s battle it out, both of them were starting to wear out, but neither was willing to admit defeat. The girls pulled their heads out of the hole. “We have to tell someone, now!” cried DD. The girls franticly rushed back, and saw Big Mac wheeling himself along. “Big Mac!” cried Applebloom “Hey, you girls are supposed to be workin’. We got a big crop to get in.” “We found Applejack!” cried Babs. “And Buddy Rose!” added DD. “We found them all, they’re right in the field.” said Sweetie. Big Mac looked out into the pasture, but he couldn’t see a thing, as the girls weren’t specific, he thought they were just being silly and tyring to get out of doing their chores. “Nice try girls. Now, you better get on back to pickin’ apples, unless you wanna do my chores longer after I get better.” Then he wheeled off without giving the girls a chance to explain. “Let’s try Granny Smith.” suggested Scootaloo. The girls rushed round the back, only to find Granny fast asleep in her rocking chair, and talking to herself in her sleep. “You call that a… apple pie? I’ve seen… burnt toast with better crust.” Applebloom sighed. “Ain’t that just like Granny?” Most of the farmhands were all out working their fields, and others were out helping with the search so there was no one nearby. “Let’s try sending a letter to Lightning.” suggested Sweetie Belle. “That won’t help.” said Scootaloo “He’ll be too busy with the reports and stuff to read it in time.” It was then the girls realized there was no other alternative, though they also agreed this pure danger they were walking into, but they had to at least do something to try and save their friends since no one else would help or even listen. They all put their hands in the center and shouted their name, “THE CUTIEMARK CRUSADERS!!” The grabbed a long length of rope, and grabbed a shovels, rakes, even a baseball bat to use as weapons, they grabbed their scooting helmets as well as their knee and elbow pads. “I cannot believe we are doing this!” said Scootaloo. “I can…” said DD “I just hope we know what we’re doing.” Together they actually were able to lift that huge rock and put the rope under it to weigh it down. “Well, come on…” said Sweetie “Let’s do this… on three.” The girls all nodded in agreement, and shouted “THREE!!” before jumping through the warp. Luckily, they did not go unnoticed, for Krysta happened to be flying by while on the search. She saw the whole thing. “No mistakes this time.” she said, and she warped straight back to Lightning to tell him. The girls landed on top of a rock pillar, unseen by anyone. The others were too far away to see them, and the two knights were still brawling, and looking more exhausted than ever, yet still not willing to give in. The girls had no time to admire the sights or the battle, and had to try and get to the ponies. They tied off their guideline, and then quickly climbed down the soft slope of the pillar. Applebloom nearly slipped off, but DD grabbed her and gave her leverage. “Take it easy.” whispered Sweetie “Easy for you to say…” said Applebloom “Look at this place, it’s a major nightmare.” “And hot too…” groaned Babs “My feet are sizzling.” The girls began to slink around, hiding behind the rocks. “DARK LIGHTNING!” “DRAGON FLAME!” The two attacks collided resulting in a big explosion, but Scaley leapt right through the smoke, tackling Spike to the ground, and they both slide right near the edge of the field by the lava pools. “Spike!” cried Rarity. “He’ll be fried to a crisp.” added Starla. The others continued to struggle and pull in attempt to break loose, but to no avail. Spike was sweating badly while Scaley laughed at him as she strangled him. She even kicked away his sword so he couldn’t try and grab it. The sword soared through the air, landing on the far side of the mountain near the crusaders. The girls could already tell they wouldn’t be able to break the seal that held their friends. Sweetie Belle and DD found that their magic didn’t work here in this world. “Now what do we do?” asked Scootaloo. “I guess we didn’t plan ahead for this one either.” said Sweetie. Babs sighed “Do you girls ever plan anything all the way through?” Before any of them said anything else, they saw something flicker round the side of the mountain they were near. “What was that?” asked Applebloom. “Let’s check it out.” said DD. Spike glared up into his sister’s burning eyes “I always wondered what my family was like…” he growled “But I never dreamed of this…!” Scaley snickered “At least you didn’t have to live the nightmare of being related to the disgraceful! The lousy! The goody-two-shoes high and mighty that makes me sick to my stomach! Well, finally I can put the last of that dream to rest. Brother or not… give my regards to father and mother when you see them!” “SPIKE!!” screamed Rarity “DON’T GIVE UP!!” Her words helped him start to gain another wind, just as Scaley prepared for the kill, raising her sword high up. Spike looked deep inside him, concentrating all his purity, and his body began to glow. “Huh? What’s this…?!” cried Scaley, and she was suddenly thrown off him as the light got stronger and Spike began to transform. Everyone then gazed in awe as he emerged in his strongest from… The Majestic Dragon! “Incredible!” Scaley said under her breath “The rumors I’ve heard were true. He is able to tap into father’s greatest power.” Meanwhile, the girls had crept in back of the mountain and found what was making that glowing; a large aqua-green crystal that seemed to be pulsating softly. “What do you think it is?” asked Scootaloo. “I don’t know, but Rarity would love this.” Sweetie joked. The others weren’t amused, but Babs held up her bat and softly tapped the crystal, and it gave a small jolt and glowed softly. “It must be some kind of power-source.” said DD. Suddenly, the bright lights from back round the other side of the mountain distracted them, and they all rushed over to see. The other ponies were feeling more confident now that Spike had transformed. “That chica doesn’t have a chance now.” said Dyno. “Él va a aplastar a su *He’ll Crush her* like an egg in an omelet.” Spike gazed down sneering deeply at Scaley “A Dragon’s heart is not measured by how much he loves, but by how much he is loved by others. Something you fail to understand, and will now be your downfall.” Scaley laughed softly, and then burst out loud laughing manically. “What’s that girl laughin’ about now?” wondered Applejack. “My downfall…? I don’t think so…” said Scaley “You see, I did study and develop my own magic, and I’m sure you and your friends know the first rule: Things are not always… WHAT THEY SEEM!!” and with her shouting, she began to glow brightly… …at the same time, the magic gem glowed for the crusaders to see. Then, in a flash of dark flowing energies, Scaley had transformed into an exact, but darker copy of the Majestic Dragon. “Oh my!!” cried Fluttershy “Am I seeing what I think I spy?!” rhymed Rhymey. The others were all virtually speechless. “This can’t be!” cried Spike “You have a majestic form as well?!” “Majestic? Hardly…” scoffed Scaley “But it no longer matters. It’s time we settled this like true dragons.” “So be it!” growled Spike, and he began to tap into his special ability to absorb the darkness in attempt to weaken Scaley, but much to his surprise, just as she looked like him, she had an exact reversal of that ability, causing the two forces to cancel each other out. Scaly laughed at him, enraging Spike to soar right at her, biting and clawing. Scaley roared fiercely as she bit him in the neck, and bashed his face with her claw. “FLAMES OF DARKNESS!” shouted Scaley, and she fired a huge burst of black fire from her mouth, hitting Spike directly, but in his spinning he managed to bash Scaley in the face with his huge tail, and then he swerved right up and head-bashed her hard in the gut. The battle waged on, and on as the dragons thundered and roared like something out of a horrific nightmare. The battle became so intense that the entire dimension was starting to quiver. The lava pools bubbled furiously, and gas-pockets began to erupt from the ground. Worse than that, the volcano the ponies were bound too was quivering as smoke started to spew from its mouth at the top. “Uh… guys… I think we’re in big trouble.” said Artie. “Gee, what was your first clue!” snarled Rainbow. The lava would only flow down their side of the mountain, and roast them all alive, and they still couldn’t break free. Spike saw this, and tried to rush over to help them, but Scaley flew straight at him, bashing him away hard “I am far from through with you.” “Let my friends go!” shouted Spike “I agreed to fight you and we are…” Scaley laughed “You Fool! You’ll have to defeat me before you can try save them!” All this was really stressing Spike out. That volcano was going to blow any second, but he gazed down at all his friends, and then his eyes fell upon Rarity. “I’ve gotta try…!” he said, and he and his sister continued to brawl. They bit… they clawed… they tail-bashed and head bashed, and even blew their flames at one another. The volcano was nearly ready to blow. “SPIKE, HURRY!!” shouted Buddy Rose. “GET US OUT OF HERE!!” squealed Pinkie Spike glared his evil sister down. “What say we finish this now, go at it with everything we’ve got?” “Fine by me…” hissed Scaley “I’ve waited long for this moment for my ultimate victory over you nobles!” The two dragons charged up as much as they could and unleashed their forces. “FLAMES OF DARKNESS!” “FLAMES OF LIGHT!” The two forces collided into each other in a perfect standoff right in the middle. Both Dragons struggling to pour on more energy…! The crystal was pulsating brighter than ever now, and the Crusaders grabbed all their rakes, shovels and bats. “Ready…?” said Applebloom. “Go!” shouted Sweetie, and the girls began to hack, bash and whack at the crystal hopping to shatter it or at least disarm it, but the Crystal hardly even got scratched. Still they kept on trying. As for Scaley “Say goodbye, little brother!” and she actually managed to fire huge beams form her eyes, hitting Spike in the face, causing him to ceasefire and get hit by Scaley’s attack, and sent him crashing to the ground. “No!!” cried Rarity. “Get up, Spike!” hollered Artie. But Spike’s energy was running low, and Scaley moved towards him saying “Once and for all… Goodbye!” The crusaders continued to pound at the crystal, but it still wouldn’t shatter. “This isn’t working!” cried Scootaloo. “We need something stronger!” added Babs. Suddenly, DD could see Spike’s sword just across from them. Even though they could not use the Dragon powers, they could still lift up the sword. It was very heavy, but the five them managed to hold it up. “Okay, on three!” said Sweetie. “THREE!!” the girls shouted, and they charged forth with the sword, crashing it into the crystal, actually damaging it and causing it to actually shatter. The lava was starting to pour over the top of the volcano and seep towards the gang. “WE’RE DONE FOR!! DONE FOR!!!” screamed Pinkie. “No…” cried Fluttershy. Rhymey gazed at his wife dearly. “Fluttershy, know that I love you. Even as I perish, my heart is true.” “I love you too!” Fluttershy sobbed. Rarity’s tears were falling in earnest. “Goodbye Spike… at least we can say we wer earried for a short while.” Starla felt the worst, as Lightning didn’t know where she was, and she wished she could see him one last time before she perished. “Goodbye… my love!” she cried softly. “Again!” shouted DD. “THREE!!” The girls charged and struck the crystal again, damaging it further. “One more time!” shouted Applebloom. “We can do it!” added DD. Applejack thought she could hear her sister’s voice “Applebloom!” Buddy Rose looked around “DD…?” Scaley had Spike at her mercy, and was ready for the ultimate big kill. “It’s a shame I have to do this. We would have made a great team had you chosen the proper path!” she held up her claws, ready to slash! “THREE!!” The girls charged at the crystal with all their might, striking it hard and causing it to shatter and burst in a huge flash of light that threw the girls back round the mountain. The others saw them… “Applebloom! Babs!” cried Applejack. Rainbow and Rarity gasped. “Scootaloo!” “Sweetie Belle!” “DD!” cried Buddy Rose. That’s when the manacles around the ponies vanished, and they all slid down the mountainside and dashed away just before the lava could engulf them. As for Scaley “The Power Source!” she thundered, then she began to glow and clutched herself in pain as she felt her power getting weaker, and the entire dimension around them began to warp and shift. Spike saw his chance and kicked Scaley of him! His sister gazed frightfully at him, and before she could do anything at all… “FLAMES OF LIGHT!” He launched all the power he had left in him straight at her, and Scaley was unable to do a thing with her power source shattered. She screamed long and loud as the light engulfed her! The dimension weakened without the crystal, and with Spike it shattered into a huge glow of light… …which Lightning and his oncoming forces could see form very far. “What’s that?!” he wondered “Hurry!” he shouted, and he and his forces rushed forth. When the dimension had ceased, the force of Spike’s powerful attack had thrown everyone clear just in time, and they were all laying on the ground of the pasture. Many of the locals, including Granny Smith and Big Mac rushed to the scene to see everyone was okay. The ponies were fine, the crusaders were fine, but just a little battered from being thrown back. Spike was alright too, and was now is normal-state again. As for Scaley, she was still alive too and she was coming to. Her helmet was gone, her armor was all dented and rusted, her cape was tattered, and all her magic powers were gone. She could still see her sword and reached for it, but Spike stepped on her arm, and glared down at her furiously. The others felt this was going to get really bad. “Oh, no… look away girls!” cried Rarity as she and the others made the girls look away. Lightning and his forces arrived just in time “Spike!” he shouted, but Spike didn’t even look at him. “Go on… finish me!” sneered Scaley “It’s what you want isn’t it!” Spike was breathing angrily and stared her deep in the eyes “Family or not! After all the things you’ve done, all those you’ve hurt and killing our own parents… you don’t deserve to live!” He drew in a huge breath… “SPIKE!!” cried Rarity, and she and the others watched as Spike let out a huge roar and a burst of flames… destroying Scaley’s sword, much to Scaley’s confusion. “But I already told you… I’m not like you. I am a Noble Dragon, and proud to be. I hope someday you can understand that.” With that, he stepped off of her, and walked away, letting Lightning’s forces apprehend Scaley, preparing to take her away. “Make sure she’s locked up and totally secured!” Lightning ordered. “YES, SIR!” hollered the soldiers. “Lightning!” Starla cried as she dashed over. “Starla!” he cried, and he ran over and held his wife dearly. “I thought I’d never see you again…” she sobbed softly. “I’m sorry I couldn’t have been there sooner.” Lightning said. He looked up at Krysta and smiled thankfully at her, and she smiled back. As for Spike, he was absolutely exhausted, and collapsed to his knees. “Oh, Spike…!” cried Rarity as she ran over to help him up “Darling, you had me so worried, but… oh, you were so wonderful out there.” Spike could only smile at his wife, and then he gazed at the crusaders and he didn’t think he could ever be able to pay them back for what they did back there. Buddy Rose and Applejack however looked sharply at the girls. “What were you girls doing in there?” Applejack said. The girls could hardly believe her tone of voice after all that happened. “We saw where you were, and you were in trouble.” said Applebloom. DD nodded and added. “We tried to get help but no one believed us, or helped us so we thought…” “You thought you’d come and save us yourselves…” Buddy Rose cut in “…and you DID save us all. We are proud of you for it, and we owe you big for this, but right now… what I’m about to say may seem totally hypocritical, but I want all to solemnly promise us something on your word of honour…” The girls nodded nervously, and Buddy Rose told them very strictly… “When we tell you to never to meddle in these situations, don’t you ever step out of line again, understand?” The girls promised and agreed, this time they meant it. “We realize you girls meant well…” said Applejack “And like we said, we do owe ya, but there will come other situations like this, and you may not be so lucky the next time. We’d hate to think of what would happen if you girls got hurt or killed.” “Believe us, we all understand.” said Sweetie. “We’ll never ever deliberately put a toe out of line again.” added Babs. “…Unless, we have no other choice like in some situations.” Even the others couldn’t disagree to that, and regardless of the seriousness, everyone couldn’t help but laugh. Suddenly, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Babs all began to glow in a mystical light. Everyone gazed in awe. “Could it be…?” cried Rarity. “It’s finally happening.” said Fluttershy. When the light had faded, there, on the front of the girls clothes appeared marks- identical three-toned shields, red, pink, and purple, and each one had a symbol in the middle for each respective girl. Applebloom: A red apple. Scootaloo: A Pegasus wing. Sweetie Belle: A Star Babs: Three Seeds. The girls could not believe their eyes, and though it was usually not right to do, they just had to drop their pants in front of everyone. “Galloping Galaxies!” cried Lightning. “Amazing!” added Starla. The girls could hardly believe it, but they leapt up and shouted, “WE ALL GOT THE SAME CUTIEMARK!!” The marks that represented their courage, honor, loyalty, and unlimited amount of caring they had shown to others, especially to Spike and the others for saving them. DD of course did not get one; she was a space alicorn and could never have one because of the super magic blocking it out, but she was very happy and excited for her friends. “You did it! You finally got them!” She ran over and hugged her friends dearly. The girls just had to break into song and sing “We’ll Make Our Mark” “All right everyone!” said Pinkie “Get ready for the biggest cute-ceañera celebration ever! Everyone cheered and before long there was a big party held in the streets as the song continued. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow all embraced the four girls, never able to feel happier for them. “Hey, can I join in.” said DD as she came up to the group, and the girls noticed that the front of her armor was an identical mark like theirs with the Starfleet Insignia in the middle, something very special that Artie made for her quickly. “I also got this…” she said as she rolled down her pants slightly revealing she had gotten not a cutiemark, but a matching tattoo on her flank where her mark would be. Some of the others couldn’t believe Buddy Rose actually allowed her to have that. “Hey, we owe her that much and more.” he reminded them. It was harmless enough anyway. “I wanted to get it not as a sign of talent and destiny, but to show how much you girls mean to me.” The others all had tears in their eyes at such a sentiment. “So can I stay in the club?” The girls all shared a laugh and continued their song to the end. A big picture was taken in town, and sent back to their supreme majesties who couldn’t be relieved the battle was over and ever so happy for the girls. “APPLEBLOOM…!!” “SWEETIE BELLE…!!” “SCOOTALOO…!!” “BABS SEED…!!” “DAPHNE DIL…!!” “…THE CUTIEMARK CRUSADERS!!” Everyone cheered for joy and happiness, and the party continued. As for Spike, he suddenly thought he could see Twilight Sparkle's angel round a corner. “Twilight?” he cried softly, and excused himself from the crowd. “Spike? Where are you going?” asked Rarity. “I’ll be right back.” he called out to her. He went round the corner of Carousel Boutique, and sure enough, there she was standing on Spike’s monument stone of her. “Twilight...?!” She smiled lovingly at him “Hi Spike…” He reached out to hug her, forgetting that she was just an angel-spirit, and he passed right through her. “Sorry.” Twilight said “But… I’m here because there’s someone here who wants to talk to you for a moment.” That’s when the original Dragon Knight’s spirit appeared before her. Spike gazed at him in awe “Are you… are you really my…?” The knight removed his helmet revealing his striking close resemblance to Spike “My name is Fang. In life I was the noblest of all dragons. Spike… I am your father.” Spike’s eyes flooded with tears, he didn’t even notice the others were all gathered round the corner and could see everything. Another dragon’s spirit joined Fang by his side. She was very beautiful, with silvery shiny scales, and eyes as golden as the son. “Mother…?!” cried Spike. She nodded lovingly at him “My little boy. Seeing you and what you’ve become fills my spirit with eternal joy.” Spike really felt like crying now. “I’ve been wondering for so long… wondering who I was, and where I came from, and now… I… I!!” He bowed his head softly letting out his emotion. “Spike…” said Fang “I realize this is difficult for you, but the time has come for you to understand.” He explained that it all happened during the dragon’s war centuries ago. Scaley had defied the family’s honor and in her outrage of her father’s nobility and power, she used her vile resources to design an inferior copy of all his weapons and powers. Despite this, her ruthlessness knew no bounds and she killed her own mother right before Fang’s eyes. Saddened by his wife’s death and fearful for his unhatched child, Spike, Fang took Spike’s egg, cast a spell on it, preserving it and burying it deep in a mountain side. “I did not wish for you to be born in such times of such bloodshed and such frightfulness. I had always hoped that you would one day be discovered and be born into a world of nobility and be raised in kindness… my wish came true. You are a true noble dragon, and I did not make a mistake bestowing my powers to you.” Delphine nodded and said “The fact that you had the chance to destroy Scaley but chose not to was truly an action of pure heart, and honor that only the noblest. Just as when your father decided to not destroy Scaley, but seal her away, not wanting to become like her and slay his own family.” That felt deep, very deep. “Mother… Dad…” Spike said “Please don’t leave me alone.” His parents smiled “You are never alone, Spike.” and he pointed behind him at the entire gang. “Just remember who you are, and what you choose to be.” Spike raised his hand and his mother raised hers, but just like before, he passed right through her. This made tears come to his mother’s eyes “My son, take great care of yourself.” She and Fang began to disappear along with Twilight “Sorry, we have to go.” she said “I love you all, especially you Spike.” This brought tears to everyone’s eyes as they watched the three spirits fade away. Fang took one last look at Spike “Good luck… my son.” Then, they were gone, and Spike began to cry softly again. “Oh, Spike…” Rarity cried as she walked up to him and held him close, but Spike’s tears were actually more of joy than sorrow. He finally got a load off his chest and now knew all he wanted to know for so long. “…I’m okay.” That was all he could say. (Promo) In our next episode: Pinsar sends the powerful Mosquitops which has the dreaded power to absorb the ponies’ powers and use them against them. Things then go from bad to worse when Shining Armor finally returns, but is no longer on their side and does battle with them. Will the ponies be able to overcome such horrifying difficulties? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next episode: “Insect in Shining Armor”) > Episode 14: Insect in Shining Armor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE FOURTEEN After several long days of harsh training, Phoebe was actually showing impressive improvement. Even Jetar could not deny it as they sparred in the desert and she managed to hit him several times. Even Pheobe’s stingers now flew much faster when launched and caused bigger explosions than before. She was even becoming skilled in the ways of the staff, by using a simple metal rod Jetar had given her. As the two sparred, the leap along the rocky pillars, and lunged at each other, punching and kicking. Phoebe even managed to trip Jetar up off his feet and then hold him at close point. “Well done, princess!” said Jetar. Even though Phoebe was impressed, she still felt it would take more than this to please her father. “I want to keep going.” “Very well…” said Jetar “And this time, I’ll make it more challenging for you.” He concentrated hard and shouted “VIGOR UP!” and his body emitted a soft glow of red light as his muscles expanded slightly. Now he was a lot stronger than before in both power and defense. Phoebe gazed in awe and worry at him. “Well…?” said Jetar. Phoebe struck at him hard with her staff, but she only seemed to do half the damage as before, allowing him to strike her back with twice the power as before, knocking her to the ground. “What? You’re not giving up already, are you?” Phoebe then sprinted upright and fired her stingers at him, causing him more damage. “I’m just getting warmed up.” Jetar smiled proudly, and the two continued their session. Meanwhile, after days and days of brainwashing, Shining Armor was nearly ready to be awakened and given the powers of Saber. “Stag, Slick!” he bellowed. The generals came before him and bowed. “You called, your grace?” said Slick. Pinsar nodded “We are nearly ready to send our newest warrior into action, but in the meantime, the both of you send down another one of our soldiers to keep the ponies occupied.” “I have just the one in mind, sire.” said Stag “Mosquitops: With his powerful ability to absorb energy, the ponies will be rendered too weak to do too much.” “Excellent suggestion.” said Pinsar, and he gazed down at Shining Armor “Even if the ponies somehow manage to gain an upper hand, they’ll be too weak to stand up to Shining-- I mean, Saber reborn.” Stag and Slick exchanged looks of interest at the thought, but Pinsar snapped sharply at them “What are you waiting for? GET GOING!!” The generals winced softly, and then bowed and were on their way, while Stag muttered under his breath “Just you wait, Pinsar. Your time is coming.” Slick heard him, and still was not keen with all this. Meanwhile, with Scaley’s reign of terror done with, the security tighten was lifted, and the guards could resume their normal duties while the civilians didn’t have to be escorted or watched all the time as closely. However, the normal martial laws and war regulations were still in affect with the Insectos still out there. Still, life carried on, especially for the friends. Spike and Rarity were legally married now, and their friends were still highly disappointed by what they did by eloping. “We’re disappointed too.” said Spike. “That was really not the wedding I ever dreamed of having.” said Rarity. “Ah, come on, it’s not too late.” said Buddy Rose “You can still have a proper wedding.” “Yeah…” agreed Starla “Think of as a confirmation ceremony, in front of witnesses to make it totally official.” Pinkie bounced with giddiness and threw a load of confetti around chirping “I can even put together the coolest wedding reception ever.” It didn’t take much for Rarity to agree to that. She practically leapt up and down stammering and giggling with glee while stomping on Spike’s foot. He didn’t mind much as he was more in agreement to go through with it. “All right, we’ll do it.” So the wedding was back on again, only this time Spike and Rarity promised to wait until after the war was over. Starla and Krysta informed Lightning about this. “Ah, that’s good…” he said “…But in the meantime we still have a lot to take care of. Cadance’s baby is due in less than a month now.” “How’s she doing?” asked Krysta. Lightning looked very concerned as he explained “She’s alright for now, but the doctor says the pregnancy is still unstable. She needs to take it easy.” “If only Shining Armor were here.” said Starla “Or if we could we get him back…” Lightning shook his head “Even with all the information we’ve gathered so far from capturing Insectos, we still don’t have enough to guide us. Right now it would be foolish to try to get onto Pinsar’s ship. We’ll just have to wait and hope for something.” All three of them wondered how Cadance was feeling now… She was out of bed and getting some fresh air on the terrace, but missing her husband dearly and wishing he’d come back to her. (Just the music) I'll be here waiting for your return I miss you dearly every day It hurts, but I’ll keep trying to keep myself from crying Knowing you’ll come back to me someway I'll be here waiting for your return I hope it doesn’t take too long I’m standing here with our baby hoping that just maybe You can hear me praying in this song I’ve lost so many loved ones in my life And yet I’ve struggled forth through thick and thin One thing that helps me through is being your wife mother to your child makes waiting worth the while I'll be here waiting for your return My courage helps me stay on track And I know you… and me and our newborn baby We’ll be happy, and brighten up the black Nothing will make me crack I know I’ll get you back… I know I’ll get you back… I know I’ll get you back … Meanwhile, down below in the village, the crystal ponies were going about their business and enjoying the day. When suddenly…! A large mosquito like Insecto appeared. “I am Mosquitops!” he shouted. A pony screamed, and others saw the creature as well and began to run in panic. Mosquitops snickered at the all the panicking “Yes, run… fear makes me hungrier, and the running boils the blood.” Finally he caught a stallion unicorn as he ran by. The pony fussed and struggled trying to escape, but this only amused Mosquitops “Don’t worry, I won’t bite… too hard.” “No, let me go!” cried the pony, but her already got struck in the arm and lost a bit of his energy as Mosquitops fed on it, growing slightly stronger and leave the pony to pass out in the street. “Who’s next?!” shouted Mosquitops. “You are!” Lightning shouted. Mosquitops turned round and saw him and Starla standing there; transformed “This is all? Two little ponies…?” Mosquitops laughed. “Who said there was only two?” snapped Starla, and right at that very second, Krysta appeared through a portal along with the rest of the gang, all transformed as well. “U’gh! IT just had to be a mosquito!” groaned Rarity “I loathe mosquitos.” Mosquitops didn’t take kindly to that! “Insolent wretch…! You make me sound like a common parasite!” “Watch out…” Lightning said as he scanned the creature “He’s energy-absorbent. If he’s bites you he can steal your power.” Before anyone could say or do anything, Mosquitops zapped them all with a blast of unicorn magic he had stolen from the stallion he had bitten. “Whoa, I guess you were kidding.” said Rainbow. Mosquitops laughed “So young, so fresh. So full of energy! Where to begin? The male offers a hearty robust flavour. Rich and healthy…!” The twins held their stomachs in disgust. “Ay’-Ay’-Ay’… I think I’m going to be sick!” groaned Dyno. Myte almost actually threw up, but held it in. “On the other hand…” Mosquitops said as he eyes the girls “The female offers a sweet, delicate bouquet. Very refreshing...” The girls were all disgusted and outraged “Can we swat him now?” Applejack asked. “Right…” said Lightning. Mosquitops growled and summoned the Stingars “Get them!” The bugs lunged forth, and the ponies rushed into battle. Rarity kicked and punched each and every Stingar in her way “You ugly things!” she groaned “You wretched parasites! Get away from me!” She nearly got jumped from behind, but Spike leapt in and hacked the bug in two with his sword. “Nobody takes my wife by surprise!” Rarity smiled at Spike and he nodded at her. Fluttershy and Rhymey stood together as the Stingars approached. The nodded at one another and lunged forth. Rhymey back-flipped three times and kicked a Stingar hard in the chest, sending it soaring up towards Fluttershy, and she kicked it towards three other Stingars bowling them down like pins. “That had to hurt.” said Fluttershy. “It is overt.” rhymed Rhymey. The twins were surrounded by a ring of Stingars, but it didn’t seem to bother them. Back-to-Back they stood and joined hands. They began to spin round and around on the spot… “BOOM-BOOM FIREBALLS!!” Shooting their flames, from above they looked like a pinwheel-firework, and the Stingars were blasted to bits. The boys slapped each other a high-five. Mosquitops was enjoying seeing all the ponies fight. “Yes, fight…” he hissed “It warms the energy.” Suddenly, several of the ponies rushed him, tackling him to the ground, only for him to spring back up and flinging them off him. “Get him!” shouted Lightning. The ponies all charged forth. One-by-one, some of them jumped into attack, but were then blocked and punched hard, then it was two-by-two. Lightning was the last pony to try, and he got struck hard. The others all ran up to him. “Lightning!” cried Buddy Rose “You okay?” “All considering.” replied Lightning. Mosquitops laughed and said “I think that’s enough warming up; I’m starving!” He dove straight for the team, and they scattered. “Take this!” shouted Krysta as she aimed her wand at him, and fired a light-beam that hit him good and hard, but instead of damaging him; Mosquitops actually absorbed the energy through his proboscis… like sucking milk through a straw. “Oh, no!” cried Krysta. “Oh, yes!” hissed Mosquitops as he felt the power flow through him. “He can absorb any enrgy that’s thrown at him too!” cried Pinkie. “A’rgh! Can’t we ever get a break?!” whined Artie. “Look out!” shouted Starla. Mosquitops fired the absorbed magic at everyone. Sparks flew everywhere as they all fell off their feet. Buddy Rose had just gotten to his feet, when Mosquitops grabbed him, and bit him, sucking a bit of his energy away. “Buddy!” cried Applejack. Mosquitops threw Buddy down. “Whoa!” Buddy groaned “Feelin’ a bit woozy.” Mosquitops snickered and turned to face the others. “LEAF SWARM!” Everyone gasped and began swerving and dodging all those razor-leafs. “Hey! That’s my move!” shouted Buddy. “This is so not good.” said Rainbow. “Let’s try fighting him physically.” suggested Pinkie. “Right!” said Lightning “Let’s go!” He rushed in first, and threw many punches and kicks, actually hitting Mosquitops, but Mosquitops still fought back and knocked him away. “VINE WHIP!” “SUPER STAFF!” “WARD SWORD!” Buddy, Artie and Rhymey lunged in and fought valiantly, striking the monster hard. “Coming through!” hollered Rainbow as she came soaring in like a missile, and head-bashed the bug so hard and knocking him down onto his back. “It’s working! We’ve got him on the ropes!” cried Spike. Rainbow landed by the fallen insect and scoffed with a smug expression “Had enough?” Mosquitops lifted his head up, and then by surprise, he extended his proboscis, striking her hard in the neck. “Rainbow!” cried Lightning. Her energy was absorbed, and Mosquitops gained a good deal of strength back, while Rainbow fell to her knees feeling weary. “You really think I can be beaten that easily?” hissed Mosquitops “We mosquitos are full of surprises, and you never know when we’ll strike…” he paused and eyed at many of the others “…Until… IT’S TOO LATE!!” and with that, he didn’t actually have to extend his proboscis, but had power enough to absorb the energy from afar. Everyone, even Spike had a bit of their power stolen, and Mosquitops now looked bigger and bulkier than before. “Yes!! Power!!” he shouted “I LOVE IT!!” Even in their weariness the ponies could tell they were in deep trouble, but blasting him was out of the question. “Maybe we can try our Valkyrie power?” said Fluttershy. “No, don’t!” shouted Starla “The power that surrounds you in that form is pure energy. He’ll just absorb it.” “Well, we’ve gotta do something, or he’ll squash us like regular bugs!” cried Artie. Mosquitos moved in closer and closer and was about to make the first strike, when suddenly…! SLASH!! “G’ARGH!” Something struck at his head; a star-shaped shuriken blade, and then came a voice. “Stop right there.” Everyone gasped. “That voice!” cried Rarity. “Could it be?” asked Dyno. “Is it?” added Myte. Everyone turned and saw a very unusual creature; defiantly an Insecto. All green, and wearing red armor, and he wore a wicked mask over his face, and in his hand he held a fierce looking saber. “I will take it from here.” he hissed in that voice. The ponies all scanned the voice frequency with their visors, and the sound patterns and other things matched perfectly. “Shining… Armor…” Lightning muttered. They all scanned his DNA and vital signs, which were badly scrambled with Insecto and pony DNA, but no doubt, the pony DNA was a perfect match. “It’s really him.” said Krysta “But… what’s happened to him.” “I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s anything good.” said Lightning. Mosquitops was furious “How dare you interrupt me during my moment of triumph!” “I was sent by the king…” said the creature “I am to test my new found abilities against the enemy.” Mosquitops, more infuriated than ever, combined all the absorbed energy he had into one massive attack and fired a huge beam straight at him. “SHINING AMROR!!” shouted Lightning. Cadance could hear his shout and she bolted upright in bed. “Shining Armor…?” She carefully got out of bed and made it out to the terrace were she could see everything happening down below. As the smoke from the explosion cleared, everyone could see the creature was perfectly fine. “What?!” cried Mosquitops. The creature snickered. “You’ll find I’m not quit on the same level like you normal Insectos. You can’t hurt what you don’t hit.” Before the shot had hit him, he had stepped casually to the right, letting the blast hit the ground near him, and the resulting shockwaves and explosions didn’t bother him a bit. Mosquitops growled angrily and rushed at him ready to strike him again, but the creature’s antenna began to glow, and he grabbed a sickle on a chain and threw it hard at Mosquitops, binding him hard. “That should prevent your interfering for a while.” Mosquitops tried his hardest to break free, but the chain was really strong, almost stronger than he was. “Shining Armor!” snapped Lightning. “What’s happened to you?” The creature gazed at him gruesomely. “You are mistaken. I am not this Shining Armor you speak of.” The ponies all exchanged looks of concern. “What do you mean? Of course you are.” said Pinkie “We just scanned you.” “Pinkie…” said Starla “I don’t think he really does remember. I think the Insectos must’ve messed with his mind.” “Shining Armor, please, try to remember who you are.” said Spike. “I know who I am!” snarled the creature “I am Saber; new leading general and loyal warrior to King Pinsar. His majesty ordered me here to meet with the enemy and engage in battle so he may step closer to conquering this planet.” Cadance saw and heard everything, and she could not believe it a bit. “He’s working for Pinsar?” “Snap out of it, boy!” shouted Applejack “You’re not thinkin’ like yourself.” “Enough of this chattering!” growled Saber as he grabbed his sword “Show me what you’ve got!” Lightning tried to reason with him, “No, wait… Shining Amor…!” …but it was no use. Saber attacked and slashed at them all hard, sending them all rolling in different directions. “I guess we’ve got no choice.” said Lightning. The others were not keen on fighting him, but Lightning was right, and the brawl began. Saber proved to be quite the ruthless foe, for any attack that was waged against him he blocked it with his sword, or kicked it back, which gave him the chance to strike back hard. Applejack charged at him, and he zipped out of the way, and surprised her with a kick to the stomach. Artie and Rhymey rushed in with their weapons. Saber blocked them both at once and repelled the boys back. “Charge!” shouted Rainbow as she, and many others rushed forth. Saber stood where he was and his antenna began to glow and spark. “STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE!” He fired a huge burst of electrified energy at the gang. Explosions went all over sending all the ponies flying. Now only Lightning, Starla, Rarity, Spike, and Krysta were left standing. “He’s beating us so easily!” cried Spike Lightning was more concerned about what to really do. He didn’t want to have to take extreme force, not against his dear friend, but Shining Armor just wouldn’t stop battling, not even for a minute. “Stalling is a sign of weakness!” he snarled as he leapt in and knocked away Spike’s sword, and kicked him hard. Rarity tried to zap him with her magic, but he swerved and dodged her every move and got socked hard in the face. “A’RGH!! My beautiful face!” she whined “This better not have left a mark. Saber just kicked her aside. Starla stepped forth! “STAR SHOWER!” She launched the biggest cluster of stars that she could, and yet Saber held his sword, whirling it round and around swiftly, blocking each and every one. Not a single star got through. “This guy’s like a wall.” groaned Krysta. Lightning and Starla both lunged forth, punching and kicking at Saber, but he just countered their every move and struck them with his sword, knocking them down again. The team felt as though they had been through a hurricane, and were really starting to feel the toll of the battle. “Miserable creatures.” hissed Saber “I’ve known lice that put on a better battle than this.” “Shining Armor, just listen to me!” “Silence!” shouted Saber, and kicked him across the ground. “Lightning!” cried Starla as she dashed to him. The others all dashed over, still not knowing what to do. “It’s no use.” said Buddy Rose. “They’ve really brainwashed him good.” Saber glared furiously at them all and slowly walked forth ready for more… When suddenly, Mosquitops finally managed to break loose from the chain; by burning off a lot of his energy and shrinking down in size… “Oh, great, more bad news!” groaned Applejack. Mosquitops was raving mad, and glared at Saber. “I don’t who you think you are, but no one gets in my way of my goals and gets away with it.” Saber stood where he was, unintimidated. “Am I supposed to be afraid?” Mosquitops growled and charged, but Saber just lurched out of the way. Mosquitops charged again, and Saber dodged, again, and again, and again…! The gang couldn’t believe they were seeing the two Insectos fight each other, only Saber wasn’t really doing much fighting but just kept dodging every attack waged at him, and then threw his first and only punch, sending Mosquitops skidding across the ground. “I’ll… get you… for that!” He looked very weary, having burned way too much energy. “Now’s our chance…!” cried Lightning “Get him!” “I got him.” said Spike, and he set his sword to capture. “DRAGON KNIGHT SABER, IGNITE!” His blade blazed with fire as he made a circle in the air, and then slashed three times. Mosquitops couldn’t absorb all this energy in his weakened state, and he fell back down, exploded, and was imprisoned, only for Pinsar to destroy him in seconds. “That’s one of them down.” said Lightning, then he and the others gazed back at Saber. “That trick won’t work on me that easily.” he thundered, but as he charged for more action, he began to glow softly as Pinsar spoke to him through soundwaves. “Saber, report back to me at once. You’ve done enough for one day. This was only a test!” Saber, not wanting to disobey his king sheathed his sword. “Consider yourselves fortunate, but we shall meet again, and next time, it will be the last!” Then he was gone, vanished into thin air back to the mothership. The others felt a mix of outrage and deep concern, and Lightning looked up at the palace. “Oh no…!” The others looked up and saw Cadance standing on the terrace. She just stood there with a look of mixed features on her face, shock, sadness, concern, only the slightest bit of relief. The gang flew to up to her. “You saw…?” Lightning asked. She nodded. “You heard…?” She nodded again. “… and you know.” She nodded yet again, and tears began to flow from her eyes, but her expression remained the same. Meanwhile, Saber stood before their majesties and couldn’t but question Pinsar “Sire, why would have called me back? I could have finished them off right then and there.” “Because, you need time to grow accustomed to your powers.” said Pinsar “You may have shown great skill, but you mustn’t underestimate the resources of our enemies. I made that mistake once, and I don’t intend to duplicate it.” Saber bowed “I understand, my lord. I will not disobey.” and then he walked off to train and prepare for his next battle. As for Pinsar, he thought he could see something outside the ship, but it was just a shooting star. “Darling, what it is?” asked Ladybird. “I thought…” he paused “It was nothing.” But his wife could tell, for she had also seen the shooting star and for a moment though it was Phoebe finally coming home. There was no more denying it, Pinsar really missed his daughter, and as he looked out into space hoped with all his might that she was okay. “…Pheobe.” Stag, spying in through the room, noted this and finally felt he could formulate a plan to get rid of Pinsar for good, though Slick did not like this one bit. Grand Ruler and Queen Celestia came the crystal palace, after Lightning sent them a report and asked that they come for Cadance’s comfort. She really needed it, and trying her hardest not to sink into woe. Even Celestia felt the same as she did and tried to brave her tears as she held her niece close “It’ll be all right, Cadance.” “How do I know…” Cadance said tearfully “I’ve been through this before…” She recalled the battle with her brother, Fratello, when he was a robot and a fierce enemy. There was nothing she or any of the others could do to help him, so they had no choice but to ultimately destroy him… and Cadance was the one who did it. She never forgot that day, it still played over and over in her head… *Flashback From Starfleet Magic: Season 2* Suddenly he began to shout in pain as he felt the robot’s programing trying to take him over again. “If I’m to go down, at least you will die too!” he snarled as he raised his other arm and prepared to blast her, but Fratello still managed to hang on, just barely and did all he could to hold the robot back. “Cadance!” he shouted “Hurry! Destroy me! I can’t hold him off much longer!” “Brother, No!” cried Cadence. Tears were starting to form in her eyes and she began to have flashbacks of all the loving wonderful times she had with her brother before he was taken away trying to protect her. “I can’t… I won’t!” “You must!” “I will destroy you!” shouted the robot. Cadance was still finding it so difficult to do as her brother begged, but of course there was no other way, and if she didn’t he’d destroy her and then escape to create more robotic monstrosities and everything would start all over again. “SISTER… PLEASE!!” His blast was ready to fire. Cadance then shut her eyes tightly and screamed! BANG!! A big shot was made a thunderous bolt of lightning shook the skies. Cadance and Fratello just stood at opposite distant ends from one another. Neither of them moving, or making a sound. Suddenly, Cadance gasped and fell to her knees. Her crown had fallen off and landed alongside of her. She was clutching her aching chest and was struggling to breathe… while her brother smiled at her wickedly. “Thank… You…!” Cadance had shot him clear through his body, forming a large hole through him. The hole began to spark and flare like crazy as Fratello fell over backwards, and his body went up in a massive explosion, and was really gone! *End of Flashback* Remembering this made Cadance really want to let out her emotion, but she was able to barely hold it in knowing it would be bad for her pregnancy. “I just don’t want to go through that again. I don’t want us to have to destroy Shining Armor.” Her uncle came up to her and said “…We don’t have to.” The others came into the room, having had discussed everything they learned with his majesty, and according to all the readouts and data they had collected, Shining Armor was only brainwashed, and his mixed DNA could be easily dealt with. So they wouldn’t really have to destroy him there time… there was still hope. Cadance felt her faith and hope slowly returning, but her uncle warned her not to get too excited. “It still isn’t that simple.” he told her. Celestia already understood what he meant, but Cadance was still confused. “Cadance…” Celestia said “Pinsar has brainwashed Shining Armor with a method that is unknown to us, but as you and the rest of you saw, it is very powerful, and Shining Armor truly can’t seem to remember who he is.” “Well, can’t we just magic him back to normal?” Spike asked. “That would be far too risky, Spike.” said Lightning “I’ve read about brainwashing and mind-control. Until we have more information, we’re not even sure if magic will really work well. Even then if we’re not careful, we could cause serious physical harm to Shining Armor.” Cadance felt that sickening feeling returning to her again. “Is there… anything we can do?” “We’ll try everything we can…” said Grand Ruler “In the meantime, we must keep our guard up. I realize how strongly you all must feel, as do I, but Shining Armor is classified as an enemy now. We mustn’t let him carry out Pinsar’s evil will.” “We understand your majesty.” said Rarity. “I guess we have no choice.” added Fluttershy. Rhymey nodded and said… “Be he our friend or a common foe, He’s not the Shining Armor we know. We’ll do what we can to make things right, Until then, we have no choice but to fight.” Everyone agreed, but weren’t looking forward to all this. Grand Ruler clenched his fists. “Pinsar!” he snarled softly. Even Celestia couldn’t hide her own outrage at how truly wicked Pinsar really was. Now everyone was in the same boat, all vowing that he would pay dearly for this and more! (Promo) In our next episode: Stag puts his plan of mutiny and treason into effect by lying to Pinsar that ponies have taken Phoebe hostage which forces Pinsar to take the battle into his own hands and with Saber by his side. Facing against the most powerful Insecto and their former friend prove nearly too much to take, and Grand Ruler can no longer seem to fight control of his emotions. Will Pinsar reclaim his daughter, or will Stag claim his secret success? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Passing the Crown”) > Episode 15: Passing the Crown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE FIFTEEN All the friends were going through intensive training to beef up their strengths and improve their speeds. Saber, or rather Shining Armor was already tough enough form their first encounter, and they were more than confident he’d be a lot stronger and fight more ruthlessly when they next met. Not to mention, the Insectos themselves were becoming stronger and more devious. Lightning even trained in his Enticorn form in hopes of being able to use it just right in battle, for his strongest form could only destroy evil, it could neither heal nor capture, just destroy! So he was trying to learn to control is in case he had to use it. The problem was, it wasn’t like holding his normal strength back. While training the dojo, even his weakest of punches went clear through twenty feet of thick solid steel, Most creatures in his path would had been vanquished after an attack like that. He tried and tried to hold back as much he could, but he was unable to hold back anymore, and he ended up transforming back to his normal form. “It’s no good…” Lightning said “If I use my Enticorn powers on Shining Armor, it may destroy him.” “Well, we’ll just have to come up with something else.” said Starla. The others all agreed, and training continued. The girls even trained in the Valkyrie forms, Rhymey and Spike, with their expert knowledge of the sword, showed them some neat fencing moves to improve their skills, and the girls even showed them a couple of moves that impressed the boys too. “If only Cadance could fight by our side…” said Rarity “With her love magic, she could probably help counteract the brainwashing waves on Shining Armor.” “Rarity, she can’t, you know that.” said Artie. “Remember her magic still isn’t working right due to her pregnancy, and she was told to stay in bed anyway.” “Besides, we’re not even sure if magic will help anyway.” said Dyno. “Si, until we know more about what brainwashing was used, we dare not try anything.” added Myte. Everyone felt very concerned, but they had to keep their faith and believe they would succeed. “Come on, back to training.” said Lightning. While they were all training, Celestia and Grand Ruler were training as well. Princess Luna trained with them as well. All three of them were in the dojo and using magic-simulators to simulate powerful enemies they had fought in the past. Including Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, even Titan! All their levels were set to maximum, which made them top contenders. The two sisters fought vailiantly against their enemies. Princess Luna especially fought hard against Nightmare Moon, having programed it to be able to taunt her. “Look at you and the spineless efforts you show. You could have had so much had you remained as glorious as I am.” Luna clenched her fists “I was like you once... but I will never forgive myself for it, and that goes double for what you are!” She fired a huge burst of magic at her opponent, and actually struck her hard, destroying her in a pixelated explosion. “I am not evil.” Luna said. Celestia battled, again, the evil alien that once possessed her and all the ponies, and sent them to attack the human world and invade Equestria of old. (Yugioh Spiez: Operation Duel: Final Season) Evil Celestia snickered, and held out a power spell card “I activate the spell “Megamorph” which doubles my power!” With that, the simulation grew in size and strength and fired a huge burst of magic at her, but Celestia was not intimidated “I remember how this works, and I know how to counter it!” she said. She cast a powerful spell of her own from her horn “I use the power of “Mirror Force!” which will deflect your attack right back at you.” With that, she fired her own power at the simulation, destroying it with ease. As for Grand Ruler, he was literally on fire, ruthlessly attacking every simulation waged against him, and he looked very sweaty too, but his anger only seemed to rise with each victory he claimed and he wouldn’t stop… …until finally, Celestia and Luna, realizing he would knock himself to bits, shut down all simulations. “Celesto! Please… that’s enough.” said Celestia. Her husband was panting furiously, and dripping enough sweat to fill up a glass. “I have never seen you so disturbed.” said Luna “Is it Pinsar?” “Yes… it is. I know how ruthless he is, and yet I never actually fought him face-to-face. I only know so much of him now, but not enough to actually simulate him as an opponent. He will be unlike most enemies that I or either of you has ever faced. I just fear for everyone’s safety.” That’s when his memories flashed at him again; the time when the Insectos killed many of his warriors, his good subjects and people… and especially Starlight Braveheart. He could still here his voice in his final moments. “It was an honor to serve, and fight for you. To protect our world, and help others… …Goodbye… my… friend…” “Starlight… NO!!!” Grand Ruler angrily punched his fist hard into the floor, making a huge hole; he could hardly feel the force from the blow as the pain from his memories was too strong. “What I would give to meet Pinsar face-to-face, even for one moment!” “Oh, Celesto…” Celestia said as she held him close to her, comforting him. Luna did the same. Meanwhile, a squad of Stingars made it to Kakkara, and found the missing craft from the mothership. They took as a great sign that Princess Phoebe had to be somewhere on the planet, but they had to find her first, and after several days, her scent was not very strong. They split up into groups and went off to search. Meanwhile, in that same town, and that same saloon, those three aliens that whooped Phoebe before were enjoying their drinks and cracking jokes with one another, when Phoebe burst right through the doors. The entire place went quiet again as everyone stared at her, but the three aliens whispered to one another… “Look… it’s that same wimp we trounced the other day.” “You’d think she’d have learned her lesson by now.” Phoebe made her way to the bar and ordered another cup of sugar-water. The aliens got up from their seats and walked over to her. “Well, look whose come crawling back.” The other snickered, but Phoebe didn’t even respond to them. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Phoebe’s drink as placed right before her by the barkeeper, and she eyed it, but also eyed the aliens, suspecting trouble. Ever so slowly she reached for her drink, and just as her hand was millimetres away, one of the aliens purposely knocked over the glass. “Aw, look at that… all over the counter.” He laughed and laughed, and Phoebe finally stood up and punched really hard, sending him flying across the room and into the wall. The other two gasped in shock, and other people in saloon got up and fled, not wanting to get caught. The barkeeper had had enough of this. “Get out of my bar you…!” he snarled at Phoebe while pointing a shotgun at her. Phoebe snarled, and in a swift movement, she yanked the gun from the bar keeper and actually tied it up in a knot, making it useless. The aliens could now see Phoebe wasn’t kidding around, especially when she held her quarter-staff threateningly and sneered “I’ve a score to settle with you punks.” “Bring it on, you little tick!” All three of the aliens charged at Phoebe, and she actually dodged all their attacks, and then punched, kicked and swatted them back hard. “Hey! How did she get so strong?” Phoebe sniggered at them, angering them greatly, and the brawl continued. While all that was happening, Jetar watched from outside through the window, and he was very impressed by how well his training had paid off for Phoebe. The way she showed those brutes no mercy and really gave them the beating they deserved. “She has come a long way in such a short time.” he said to himself. Meanwhile, on the Insecto mothership, Pinsar was in Phoebe’s room, which had not been occupied since his daughter jumped ship. As he gazed all around at everything, memories began to play back of Phoebe, ever since she was a little larva; all he ever did was concentrate on rebuilding his armada and training his soldiers for revenge against Starfleet. Even though he did his best to provide for her, he hardly spent much time with her, and was hardly there for her while she was growing up… When she first learned to talk… When she grew her wings and learned how to fly… Even when she went through puberty… The only times he ever did spend time with her was she allowed her to watch him march the soldiers, build the ships and test weapons, but he wouldn’t actually allow her to learn to too much of this as he didn’t want her to get hurt. He never even allowed her tutors to teach her too much about warfare and how to be a proper Insecto warrior. All he ever did was shelter her, take no interest in things she did, and scold her whenever she would talk back to him. All this because she was his only child, and he didn’t want anything bad to happen to her; but all it did was teach her to resent him and runaway. “What have I done?” he said sadly. Ladybird saw him, and walked into the room, missing her daughter just as much. “You did provide for her, but deep down you were always busy.” she said to him. Pinsar gripped his staff tightly in misery. Stag and Slick were walking down the corridors. “This is it.” Stag said “The perfect plan to get that windbag, Pinsar out of our webs for good.” “I still wish you would reconsider.” said Slick “His majesty does not deserve this.” Stag’s featured hardened “No, he deserves worse! For so long as I can remember, we spent many centuries serving under that parasite, and all he ever gave us was attitude and grouchiness, even when we did something right it never pleased him, and now he has that Saber character, and acts as if we don’t matter at all! Well, I’m not going to put up with this any longer. You and I could be so much more without following that fool’s below-average dictatorship. Now, are you with me?” Slick hesitated, still very keen with this, but true he didn’t like the way he was always treated by Pinsar, even if he was in the right too. “Fine… I’ll say nothing.” “You better not, or we’d be sent to our dooms before we could even react!” Slick gulped. The two then found their majesties as they exited Phoebe’s bedroom. “Your highness!” cried Stag. He was acting all worried and concerned “Thank goodness I’ve found you. I have disturbing news.” “What is it?!” growled Pinsar. “Your highness…” said Slick “We have found your daughter.” Pinsar and Ladybird gasped. “Phoebe!” cried Ladybird. She felt faint. “Where…? Where is she?” Pinsar asked in a rather demanding voice. “The ponies, sire…” replied Stag “They are holding her captive in the New Crystal Empire, and the refuse to release her.” Pinsar growled loud and angrily. “Darling…?!” cried Ladybird. “No mistakes this time. I’ll go down there and get her back myself. The two of you and Saber shall accompany me.” “Yes, sire.” said Stag “Of course your majesty.” added Slick “Shall inform General Saber to join us as well?” “Yes, do that. I’m going to need all my best hands for this assignment.” The generals bowed and ran off. “Great, he’s taken the bait.” Stag whispered “It won’t be long now.” “Darling, I wish to go with you.” said Ladybird. “No, my dear; you must stay. Someone must be here to help manage the armada. I promise you, I will get our daughter back.” The two hugged warmly, and then Pinsar ran off. Ladybird was still very worried and fear not only for her daughter’s supposed safety, but her husband as well. It had been a very long time since either of them had actually battled. Meanwhile, Lightning and the gang had long since finished their training and most of the gang had gone back to New Ponyville to resume their regular jobs. Buddy Rose and Applejack worked at the farm… Artie tended to his art gallery, giving public dedications to new submission… Rhymey had to manage his café, while Fluttershy tended to feed the animals… The twins had gone back to their mines to begin as directors of a digging project for more jewels… Rarity and Spike were busy re-planning their wedding… And Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were both maintaining weather control. Ever since Pinkie became a Pegasus, it was one of the many things she had to learn. Lightning and Starla both were feeling a bit homesick and wished they could return to their little house in New Ponyville. Staying in the Crystal Palace was fun, but it just wasn’t home to them, especially with so much to worry about and ten times the work they both had to do. “I never thought I’d say this…” Lightning said “…But for once, I’m actually bored.” “Tell me about it.” said Starla “I can’t even begin to imagine how regular royals do this every day.” “You just get used to it… I guess.” said Krysta “It’s even harder when you’re a parent. Trying to balance work, duty, and kids-- It happened to me, it’ll happen to you two.” Lightning and Starla both blushed. “I don’t think we’re ready for kids yet, Krysta.” said Lightning. “Right, defiantly not.” agreed Starla. They both gazed into each other’s eyes, thinking one day perhaps it would be a nice idea to have a child of their own, but for now, they brushed it off. They hadn’t even been married for a year and their duties and Starfleet lives were rather dangerous. For them at the moment, children were out of the question. “Still… that doesn’t mean we can’t be affectionate.” Lightning said. His wife smiled lovingly at him. Krysta turned round, so as not to peek. Lightning and Starla were about to kiss, when suddenly something came right through the window like a meteor, surprising the both and causing them to bock heads. “Ow!” “Ooh…!” Krysta looked down at the object. “It’s a note… from the Insectos!” “What’s it say?” asked Lightning. Krysta read the note… “Attention, Commander Lightning Dawn, this is an ultimatum… Bring Princess Phoebe to the New Crystal Empire power plant in one hour, or we will march our forces through every city, every village, and there will not be much standing left when we leave. …Pinsar!” As concerned as the friends were, they were most confused. “What does he mean “Surrender Phoebe?” asked Starla. Even Lightning had no idea, but he couldn’t risk the safety of so many. “Krysta, go round up the others and bring them here. We’re all going to have to check out the power plant.” “Right…” said Krysta and she whisked off. “Shouldn’t we inform their supreme majesties about this?” asked Starla. “We should, but I received this letter earlier from the queen.” he held up the letter “She said that Master has been feeling really feeling stressed out, and she’s trying to help keep him calm. I really don’t think it would be safe to tell him.” “Lightning… you know you have to.” Lightning was aware, but he really didn’t want his master to suffer much more. So rather than writing a direct letter to the Royal Palace, he informed one of the guards to alert their majesties if things started to get rough. “Remember, you’re only to inform them if the situation is absolutely dire.” “Yes sir.” Once Lightning had arranged for the guards to watch over the palace, he and Starla flew off to the power plant on the far side of the empire. Near the very edge where the warm comfort of the Empire border the snowy mountain regions. From here, the wind was very strong and blew the windmills constantly to generate electricity, but the plant also harnessed sunlight and moisture to produce vast amounts of power and energy to supply the entire empire with extra power for homes, schools and other buildings. But Lightning had already informed the director of the plant that danger was imminent at the very location, and all hands were to evacuate the entire premises. Only he and his entire team would remain to investigate. The team all met outside the plant and walked inside. Fluttershy felt her legs quivering at how quiet it seemed. “Oh, I don’t like this.” she whimpered. Pinke’s Leg felt pinchy “Uh-oh… that means something scary is about to happen.” This made Fluttershy whimper more, and Rhymey held her close, but he too felt a bit nervous. Suddenly, everyone heard a loud screeching noise, and they all jumped, but it turned out just to be a mouse running scared when he saw them all. “EEK!” cried Rarity, and she jumped into Spike’s arms. The others all gawked at her. “What…? I can’t stand mice.” “First bugs, then mice… what else don’t you like.” said Artie. “We’d all like to know…” teased Applejack. Rarity felt insulted. “Okay, okay, knock it off.” scolded Lightning. They came into a big room where many of the plant’s generators stood. Soft humming sounds were heard-- the sounds of the power flowing-- but the rest of the room was big and wide like an arena, with windows high up in the roof. “There’s no one here.” said Dyno. “Wait…!” snapped Myte “You feel that?” The ground began to rumble softly and the roofs above were busted wide open as Stingars leapt into the place. The team looked ready to brawl, but suddenly, Stag, Slick and Saber appeared. “We meet again.” hissed Saber. “Shining Armor!” cried Lightning. “I told you, my name is Saber!” he snarled “But never mind, allow me to introduce his royal majesty; head of the Insecto Armada, and soon-to-be ruler of this universe… King Pinsar!” That’s when he appeared in the center of the room, right near all three generals and the Stingars. The ponies could hardly believe their eyes “It’s him…” said Buddy Rose, and he looked real mad as he glared furiously at all the ponies. “So, finally we meet.” he growled “You ponies have changed much over the centuries, but enough of that. Hand over my daughter to me or face the consequences.” “We don’t have your princess.” said Lightning. “We haven’t seen her in a long time.” added Starla. “Sire, they lie…” said Stag “You must not believe a word they say.” Pinsar sneered angrily at the ponies “This is your last chance! Give Phoebe back to me.” “We just said we don’t have her!” snarled Spike. “GRR… VERY WELL!!” shouted Pinsar, and he poised his staff and fired jolts of lightning at the team without even shouting out his attack. Sparks and small explosions flew everywhere, and the alarms at the plant sounded. At once, all the transformers were sealed off by barriers-- as part of the emergency system-- so as not to get damaged. The gang all could see Pinsar was a real hot head. “A small sample of how powerful I am…” hissed Pinsar “Since you refuse to give Phoebe back, I’ll just have to break you all limb-from-limb.” “Are you hard of hearing!” snapped Rainbow “We… don’t… have… Pheobe!” Still, Pinsar did not believe. “It’s no good, We’ve said all we could.” said Rhymey. Lightning agreed “If that’s how it has to be, so be it. It’s time we got back at you for invading and blasting our world anyway!” Everyone stood, and they all nodded signifying they were ready, and they all transformed. “STARFLEET MAGIC!!” “HARMONY HOUR! FRIENDSHIP POWER!!” “Dragon Power!” Lightning stood at the head of the group and declared “Now, Pinsar, you and your Insecto army will answer for your centuries of wickedness!” Pinsar laughed almost hysterically “That’s what they all say, and in the end they end up as ashes spreading along the breeze. GET THEM!!” The generals and the Stingars all charged forth. “GO!!” shouted Lightning. Everyone rushed forth. The twins, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie dealt with the Stingars; punching, kicking, and flipping them all over and knocking them to bits. “One, two, three and kick!” shouted Rainbow as she kicked two Stingars down. “Ever play bouncy?” asked Pinkie “I’ll show you…” and she hoped along the Stingars’ heads, conking them out. Rhymey, Fluttershy and Artie fought against Stag. The evil general swung his blade, but Rhymey and Artie countered him with their weapons, allowing Fluttershy to kick him hard in the gut, but he wasn’t done by a longshot, and fought back ruthlessly, slash at them all. Even when the boys managed to block his sword, he just hit them with his other free arms. “Quite handy, wouldn’t you say.” he teased. “Now we’re mad!” growled Artie. “We’ll mess you bad!” rhymed Rhymey. Fluttershy growled, but very softly, not very threatening at all. “I need to work on my confidence.” she said. Applejack and Buddy Rose fought against Slick, but the sly praying-mantis proved to be quite a foe with all his martial arts skills. Every time the ponies charged at him, he karate-chopped them hard… Finally Applejack got her rope, and Buddy Rose held his Vine Whip, and the two lassoed all six of Slick’s arms together. “Let’s get him!” shouted Buddy. Even with his arms tied up, though, Slick was still fast on his feet and dodged their every lunge, every attack. Applejack tried a buck-kick, but Slick flipped up and spun round and around, and kicked her hard. “Dagnabit, this guy’s nuts.” groaned Applejack. Slick, using his pincers to slice the ropes off his arms, glared at her “Am I… or are you the ones who are crazy for challenging us.” Buddy and Applejack sneered angrily and lunge at him again. Spike and Rarity fought against Saber, and he proved to be just as ruthless as ever, swinging his sword, and dodging their attacks. Finally, Rarity managed to grab onto him and hold him down a bit “Please, Shining Armor, you’ve got to try and remember.” Saber growled and groaned trying to ignore her words, and he punched her clear off him, throwing her to the floor. “STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE!” He fired his beam straight at her, but Spike leapt in the way, striking the energy hard with his sword, canceling it out, but got hit with recoil. “Are you okay?” he asked Rarity. His wife nodded and got to her feet. “There goes a saying…” hissed Saber “Those who stay together, pay together!” and he threw a number of his shuriken-blades, which Spike and Rarity dodged and evaded, just barely. “Not to worry, I’ve got plenty!” snarled Saber, and he threw more blades, but Krysta showed up and created several warp portals which sent the blades back at him. Saber defended himself easily by slashing each blade down with his sword. “Shining Armor, this isn’t you.” Krysta said “You’re not an Insecto, you’re one of us.” Saber growled annoyingly, and then he actually began to have very small flashbacks play in his memory, but they were too blurry and strange for him to understand at all. “Silence!” shouted Saber “You are messing with my mind! I know who I am, just as I know you’ll all be destroyed!” he lunged forth to battle it out more. This left Lightning and Starla to face Pinsar alone, and you could bet he was every bit as powerful and formidable, and was merely only using half his power and skills to block all their attacks and stick them hard with his staff and free arms. He threw them both to the side and then zapped them with power from his staff, knocking them down hard. “U’rgh… I’m getting old for this.” he groaned. “Whoa!” groaned Starla “He sure is tough.” “It’s worse than that.” said Lightning as he scanned him; Pinsar was so powerful, there was zero-percent chance of capturing him. “Where is Phoebe?!” snarled Pinsar. “We don’t know where she is!” shouted Lightning. “YOU LIE!!” screech Pinsar, and he began to power up, and fired an even bigger shockwave form his staff, hitting everyone in the room, even his own generals, and damaging the room itself. The force as so strong it could see all the way from the Crystal Palace, and the guard Lightning had warned could tell this was an extremely dire moment. So he sent warning to the Royal New Canterlot Guards. Captain Emerald Shaina received the message and practically burst into the throne room in panic. “You’re majesties!” she cried “Word from the New Crystal Empire; Lightning and his unit are being attacked… by the Insecto King!” Celestia gasped in horror. “PINSAR...!!!” Grand Ruler shouted “I won’t let you hurt Lightning!!” “Celesto… Don’t!” cried Celestia, but her husband, no longer able to hold back his emotions, had already teleported away. “I’ve got to follow him!” cried Celestia “Take over, Princess Luna.” “Yes sister, but please, do be careful!” Celestia nodded, and then vanished. All the friends felt really weak after that shot, and the generals finally got to their feet. “Sire, please try and control yourself.” said Saber. Pinsar was panting angrily and heavily, and he looked ready for more. The friends managed to struggle to their feet, getting their second wind back. “Pinsar…! You’ll find we’re a lot tougher than we appear to be.” Lightning said, and he concentrated hard and good and managed to transform into his Enticorn form. “What is this?!” snarled Pinsar. Lightning snickered and remarked “It’s us coming back from the depths of defeat.” Then he uses his power to give a little more energy to his friends, restoring them back to full strength. The Equestrian girls all thought now was a good time as ever to unleash their power. They concentrated hard and their cutiemarks began to glow. “VALKYRIA…!!” They all shouted, and donned their Valkyrie forms. “Generosity!” “Laughter!” “Kindness!” “Loyalty!” “Honesty!” “Impressive!” hissed Pinsar “But then again, I’m full of tricks too!” He raised three of his free tentacles and struck all three of his generals, giving them some energy back form himself, and then he powered up a lot unleashing his full might. “This feels wonderful!” said Stag. “I feel I could take on a whole army.” added Slick. Saber gripped his blade tightly. “Let’s go!” he shouted. The full charged forces all dove at one another, fighting and brawling more fiercely than before. Lightning and Pinsar took their battle to the skies outside. Pinsar swung his staff, and Lighting zipped out of the way. Then Lightning attempted to punch him, but Pinsar zipped out of the way. The two kept exchanging them same moves back and forth, until finally they managed to strike each other at the same time. Lightning got struck across the chest and Pinsar got socked hard in the face. “That must be the first time in a-thousand years anyone actually hit me and it hurt.” hissed Pinsar. “And I’m just getting warmed up!” said Lightning and he let out a thunderous roar, changing up his power even more, and lunges straight at him, striking him hard in the chest, but Pinsar managed to grab him his tentacles, punch him several times with his remaining free tentacle, and throw him down to the ground really hard, making a huge crater with rocks. Pinsar hissed and snarled at the rock pile, but Lightning burst right up through the rocks, punching him hard in the chin, sending him soaring high up, and then he blasted him hard with multiple uniforce-pulses. As Pinsar got hit form all ends, he managed to point his staff at Lightning and zap him. The two were still nowhere near ready to give in and continued to brawl. While the generals faced all the others down in the plant. The fight seemed perfectly even this time, even for Saber. With the supercharged Starfleet fighters and the Valkyries, attacks went all over the place. “LEAF SWARM!” “PAINT BOMB!” Stag tried his best to counter all the attacks, but the explosives combined with the leaves caused a large veil of dust to appear. “Where are they…?!” snarled Stag, but he got his answer when the boys lunged through the veil and kick him hard. In the midst of it, Stage lunged his sword through the wall, exposing high voltage wires and other transformers that were unshielded. Slick faired a little better, with his multiple arms and slickness he managed to make several hits on some of the Valkyries, only for them to hit him many other times in return. Pinkie screeched like a warrior as she charged forth and struck Slick clear across his chest, knocking him down. “You… got… me…” he groaned, and keeled over. “Did we get him?” asked Applejack, but it turned out he was only playing dead, and punched all of them upwards “That answer your question?” snapped Rainbow. The rest of the team went after Saber, in attempt to try and hold him down and get him to remember, but it was no use. “You can’t hold me down!” Saber growled, and he forced everyone off of him. “Get him!” shouted Spike. Everyone rushed on. Saber managed to block and repel them all one-by-one, only for them to get back up and strike him by surprised, actually managing to knock him down. He got right back up again. “Now’s our chance!” shouted Starla “PULSAR LASER!” “DRILL QUILL!” “BOOM-BOOM ROCKETS!” “DRAGON FLAME!” Saber managed to dodge most of the bombardment, but he still got hit by the rest. “I… mustn’t… give up! I must fight for the king!” He got back up in an instant. “I’ve never seen such determination.” said Rarity “If only we could make him remember.” added Fluttershy. Saber roared and lunged at them all again. Meanwhile, Lightning and Pinsar were still brawling hard, and though Lighting was holding him at bay well, but he was beginning to tire out and he really needed some help. “You will suffer immensely for having toyed with me!” snarled Pinsar “Not to mention all the other soldiers I’ve lost because of you and your kind.” “Hey! What do you mean?” snapped Lightning “You’re the one who keeps destroying them. Don’t blame us for something that you did.” Pinsar only blasted Lightning for that remark. The huge bolt of energy flew straight at him, and he shielded himself with his arms trying to hold his stance, but this gave Pinsar the chance to lunge forth and hit him hard in the gut with his staff, throwing him off balance, causing the blats to shoot right down the to the ground. Lightning got to his knees and looked way up at the evil insect. Pinsar laughed and pointed his staff right down to shoot again, when he got blasted at by two strong magical beams. He looked just ahead of him and there was Celestia, in her own Valkyrie form, and her husband was fluttering alongside her. He glared deeply at his enemy. “King Pinsar!” Pinsar glared back at him “Grand Ruler Celesto. So finally we actually meet face-to-face. I can tell you are real, ever since you blew up my ship and nearly stranded me in deep space!” “I too have very angry memories of you, and what you did to my people, especially Starlight Braveheart.” “You are truly evil, Pinsar…” added Celestia “We will not allow you to continue with your treachery.” Pinsar roared and tried to zap at them, but the two dodged and lunged at him. Even though Pinsar had already been through a lot, he fought well, and blocked all their assaults and struck them both hard, but their majesties would not give in, and Lightning, having found more strength, joined them in the brawl. “Master!” shouted Lightning, and he formed a huge ball of uniforce in his hands, and kicked to him like a soccer-ball, Grand Ruler kicked to Celestia, and she bounced it off her shield straight at Pinsar, but he swung his staff like a baseball bat, knocking the ball into the sky where it exploded harmlessly, but that’s when the others all rushed in from many sides and angles and struck him hard, really damaging him. “Give it up, Pinsar!” shouted Lightning. “Never!” shouted Pinsar “First I shall eliminate all of you, and then my armada will march in, and reduce this pitiful planet to dust! I will be the most powerful creature all the dimensional universe!” “Not if we defeat you first!” shouted Grand Ruler, and he lunged forth engaging in a huge rush with Pinsar; both of them punching and kicking like crazy. Celestia and Lightning could hardly believe this, but eventually, Grand Ruler missed a shot, and Pinsar slashed him hard in the arm! His blood gushed forth. “NO!!!” Celestia screamed. “MASTER!!” shouted Lightning. Everyone gazed up and saw it all, and Pinsar, being ruthless, slam kicked Grand Ruler down, down, crashing him to the ground. Celestia was so outraged that she charged forth with everything she had, hitting Pinsar’s staff with her sword engaging in a struggle of extreme power, and of course, she managed to overpower and stuck him hard, and then kicked his staff out of his hand. The staff whirled as it tumbled and slammed right into the open walls near the wires and transformers, but nothing happened. Pinsar then struck Celestia hard in the gut and sent her crashing into Lightning. The two fell down and crash near Grand Ruler, who saw everything. “You see, ponies!” Pinsar snarled “You can’t destroy my dreams, but my dreams can destroy you!” He soared down back into the plant retrieve his staff, and the second he laid his hands on the metal, Grand Ruler stood up right, glowing furiously. “Have I got a shock for you…!” Pinsar turned swiftly and saw Grand Ruler flaring with power as if he were on fire. “…YOU MISERABLE BUG…!!!!” and in his rage, he shot a huge beam that hit the wires and fuses boxes, starting a power electrical current that conducted through Pinsar’s staff. “D’AAAAAAAAARGH…!!!” So much voltage, Pinsar lit up, sparking and exploding like a lone firework show, and he couldn’t let go of his staff. Still glowing furiously, Grand Ruler began to rush forth. “EVERYBODY OUT!!” screamed Starla. Everyone, even the Generals rushed out of the plant. “FOR STARLIGHT BRAVEHEART…AND ALL THE REST YOU HARMED!!!” Grand Ruler declared “TEN-FOLD… UNIFORCE!!” “Oh, my!” cried Celestia, and she quickly summoned a huge spell from her horn, shielding everyone inside protective domes of light, even the insectos, and formed a huge force field around the entire plant. Grand Ruler launched his powerful force right at Pinsar striking him hard, resulting in a huge explosion that carried to all the other transformers in the room, blowing them out in an even bigger explosion that could be seen all across the entire planet. Thanks to Celestia’s force-field, the explosion did not spread, but the power plant was blown to bits causing a blackout in the entire New Crystal Empire. Celestia disarmed the barrier, and everyone was okay. As for Grand Ruler, having blown out all that strength, and loss of blood from the gash on his arm he fell over on his back panting very deeply. As for Pinsar, he lay there amongst the rubble of the plant. Every inch of him was scared and bruised, two of his tentacles were cut short, and one was cut off entirely. His cape was all tattered, and he looked very badly scorched. “Sire!” cried Saber. “Your majesty!” shouted Slick. Stag said nothing, but pretended to be concerned, when really he was delighted; everything went exactly as he had hoped. The generals helped their ailing King up. In his weakens state, Pinsar wearily gazed at the team. “Curse… you… Curse you… ALL!!!” he thundered “Know this… I have lost… but where I have failed… my forces… shall… succeed!” “Sire!” cried Slick. “Quickly, back to the mothership!” said Saber, and they all vanished. Grand Ruler could only think triumphantly. “I’ve done it…” he said to himself “I’ve won the revenge of Starlight, and all those from way back.” Celestia came and scooped her weak husband in her arms. “We better get him some help.” Lightning suggested. Celestia nodded. Meanwhile, Phoebe had already ultimate thrown those three aliens out of the saloon, the same way that she had been thrown out before. “Do you wish to continue to try me?” she hissed at them. The aliens cowering like scared cats, ran for the hills. Jetar applauded. “Wonderful, a grade-A performance, Princess...” “Only thanks to you, Jetar. Perhaps I can return now, and show my father how strong I’ve become.” She remembered all the times her father ignored her, and was hard on her. The same things she had thought every day since her training began…only, now she was fully beginning to realize “He was trying to protect me. He really did care for me.” Jetar nodded “All true fathers care for their children.” Phoebe made up her mind and decided to go back to the armada, and Jetar decided to go with her, now swearing his allegiance to her, and wanting to be there for support. That’s when the Stingar crew, waltzing into town saw her, and were more than willing to escort her and Jetar to the armada. “Shall we go then?” Phoebe nodded. A long time later, Grand Ruler was in the Royal Sickbay in the royal palace, his arm had been stitched and bandaged, and all he needed now was rest. “I can’t believe it.” said Krysta “He really did it. No more Pinsar.” As much as the others were delighted, they knew fully well this meant that the armada would only be madder than ever, and would spare nothing to get revenge. “Guys, we’re still not through this yet.” Lightning said. Everyone agreed, and then Celestia asked them all to leave. She wanted to be alone with her husband. “Celestia…” he groaned wearily. “Celesto…” He looked very ashamed, and tears were forming in his eyes. He had let his emotions run wild and it turned him into a raging and careless monster. “What have a done? I could’ve caused so much damage.” “Shh, it’s alright, no one else was hurt.” she said to him “The power plant is being rebuilt as we speak, it will not take long, and I’ve already converted emergency power to the New Crystal empire.” Her husband smiled, but his tears were really falling now. “How could I have let this happen? I’ve never lost such control of myself in my life. I just wanted to beat Pinsar so bad, I wasn’t thinking of anything else.” Celestia felt her own tears coming now. “It’s alright…” she said “You behaved just as anyone would hand, you can only stand so much, and this is just what I was scared of. I tried to make you control yourself, but it only made things worse. I’m so sorry, Celesto.” She bent down and hugged him warmly, and he hugged her back with his good arm, both of them softly letting out their emotions together. “I’m sorry… Celestia…!” Meanwhile, Pinsar’s injures were far too severe, and his energy was fading fast. “Oh, Pinsar…” his wife sobbed “I should never have let you do that.” Pinsar, though weak, still managed to hold his wife’s hand. “I’m so… sorry Ladybird… my emotions got the best of me. I wanted to bring Phoebe back to you, instead… I’ve now made things worse.” Ladybird could not bear this. “I can’t lose you my love! Please don’t leave me all alone!” “You won’t be alone.” said Pinsar “See to it, that she is well cared for, my generals.” The three generals nodded, but Stag silently held his hand behind his back with the crossed fingers. (Skip to 1:46: Picture it like this) “Daddy!” cried Phoebe. Ladybird looked up “Phoebe!” Her daughter ran up to her and her mother hugged her dearly “Oh, honey, you’re back!” Jetar stood where he was at the door, shocked by what he was seeing. “Is it… really you… Phoebe?” Tears were streaming down Phoebe’s face as she knelt by her father’s side, stroking his hand. His grip felt very weak. “Daddy… I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I ran away!” “It is me who is sorry. All those ages I neglected you, and I ignored you as you grew up. I should never have tried to keep you so sheltered.” “It’s okay…” sobbed Phoebe “I know now. You did for me. You were only trying to protect me.” “But I can protect you no longer. You and your mother must go on without me.” “Oh, Pinsar!” sobbed Ladybird. “Stag… Slick… Saber… reassure that both my wife and daughter… will be well cared for.” “Yes sire.” Saber said sadly. “As you wish, my king.” added Slick. Stag merely nodded without saying anything; though he was secretly disgusted. Pinsar could feel his time was now, yet he held both his wife and daughter’s hands dearly “With the… powers I now pass onto you both. The dimensional… universe will be yours… and Starfleet will fall… be powerful rulers my dears! …I… love… you… both…! …Uhn!” “Father?!” cried Phoebe. His eyes closed, his hands and tentacles dropped down. “…No!” “…Pinsar!” sobbed Ladybird. She and her daughter held each other began to cry deeply. Slick and Saber hung their heads low, clenching their fists. Many of the Stingars were crying as well, as Pinsar’s body vanished into a million of sparkling lights, and he was gone. However, around Ladybird’s neck appeared a black and yellow beaded necklace with large amber pendant, and Pheobe’s quarter-staff transformed into a powerful sceptre with a shiny amber dome atop it. Inside the amber pendant and the amber dome were small figures that represented Pinsar. His power now resided in them. “Goodbye, my love…” said Ladybird. “Father…” Phoebe sneered “I promise, I will not let you down!” (Promo) In our next episode: Phoebe and Ladybird test their newfound powers out by giving a powerful spell to an insecto that bites Lightning causing every girl pony to fall in love with him, but all the males to turn against him, making it extremely difficult to avoid the actual threat when Phoebe tried to avenge her father. Can Lightning overcome the obstacles set against him? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Bitten by the Love Bug”) > Episode 16: Bitten By The Love Bug > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE SIXTEEN Hearts and Hooves Day, a time to celebrate the joys of passion and love for one another, be it family or that someone very special in your life. Cheerilee had already decorated her school-house with pink streamers, red hearts, and had a nice little banquet ready for the children; heart-shaped cookies, and pink peppermint milkshakes, cupcakes, and she even went as far as to make Hearts and Hooves cards for all her students. “There, I think everything’s ready.” she said. *Mykan’s POV* That’s when I came into the classroom. “Morning, Cheerilee.” “Good morning, Mykan. What do you think?” “Oh, this looks marvellous. The kids are really going to love this.” As I helped Cheerilee with final setups, we talked a bit, and she told me the story of the time Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo gave her and Big Mac a love-poison, turning them both into baby-talking weridos. I couldn’t help but laugh with Cheerilee “Well, at least their hearts were in the right place, they were only trying to help Me.” said Cheerilee. “Ah, sometimes you don’t even need help from stuff like that.” I said. I told Cheerilee about Valentine’s Day, celebrated on my home-planet Earth. “My father used to tell me, “This was the time of year everyone gets bitten by the Love Bug." I didn’t believe in it of course, I was just a kid, not very fond of the whole thing…” “And then… you changed?” I nodded “When I met my Michelle, I didn’t know how it happened but, I just didn’t care. I was in love for real, and I never forgot that feelings; my first, and only love. You don’t ever love anyone quite like that again.” That’s when my sadness began to show. I missed Michelle so much… ever since she was killed by Titan and his goons; and she saved my life. My hung real low, and I did my best not to let my emotions out. “I’m sorry, Mykan. I didn’t mean to make you feel…” “It’s alright…” I said “I can’t ignore what happened. It’s part of who I am, and I have to live with it…. every single day.” I thought of all the times I had with my lovely Michelle, as a very deep and haunting song played in my mind and my inner voice sang to it. …it all ended at the memories of her funeral, which really broke my heart. “Are you okay?” asked Cheerilee. I took in a huge breath and felt my joy returning “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Soon the children arrived, and the party began. Cheerilee was almost skeptical to sip her milkshake, until the crusaders assured her there was no love poison this time. They learned their lesson from before. *POV Ends* All around town, the magic of Hearts and Hooves day was going around. Spike was actually serenading Rarity like something out of a fairy tale as she stood atop their place like a princess in a tower. Rhymey and Fluttershy were walking with their arms wrapped about each other’s wastes. “I love you…” she said to him. “I love you too.” he rhymed All around, many ponies and their special someone’s were really going steady, and those that didn’t have special someone’s, they just seemed too happy to care, and it was soon revealed why… Pinkie Pie had spent a really long time making so many Hearts and Hooves for every single pony she knew, and even ones she didn’t know. “Nobody should feel sad or lonesome today.” she said. As many ponies passed by the Café, they all thanked her wonderfully. Some of the children even came up to give her a flower, and she would respond by giving them hugs. Cranky Doodle and Matilda passed by and thanked Pinkie for the sweet thought. Dyno and Myte thanked her too. “¡Muchas gracias, Chica” said Dyno. “I’m beginning to love these Equestrian customs.” said Myte. Pinkie and all the others were well aware that back on Unicornicopia, the space alicorns didn’t have Hearts and Hooves day, or Hearths Warming, or any of that stuff. Those were strictly Equestrian holidays, not theirs. Plus they were always too busy fighting bad guys and saving the galaxy to have time for that stuff, and those who had lost their loved ones; it would just make them feel really hurt and sad. “Never mind…” said Pinkie “Now it’s time to celebrate and have all the fun in the world.” That’s when Lightning and Starla appeared at the café, via Krysta’s magic. “Hey, so you finally managed to get a break?” asked Dyno. “Or did you beg Cadance for mercy?” teased Myte. Lightning shook his head and said that Cadance practically demanded Lightning take a little time off to spend time with his wife that day, and she could handle small bits of work. “I hated to leave her all alone, especially today…” he referred to the fact that Shining Armor was not with her “But she insisted I come out.” “Now, that’s enough…” Starla said “Busy body or not, it’s my Hearts and Hooves day too, and I plan to make the most of it with the one I love most.” and she pecked him deeply on his cheek, making him blush, and the others giggled. Meanwhile, Phoebe was gazing down at the planet, knowing fully well what was going on, and it made her sick to her stomach. “Look at that!” she groaned “All that lovey-dovey mush!” The real reason she was upset was because she hadn’t gotten over her father’s death, neither did her mother. “Steady, honey. We’ll get them for what they did, I promise you.” Jetar came up to them “Begging your pardons…” he said “I think I may have just an idea.” “You, Jetar…?” asked Ladybird “How is that…?” “It’s quite simple really; since they all just love all the love and much they give, why not give them all they want and worse.” Phoebe liked the idea and knew just the Insecto to help them. “This will be a perfect opportunity to test the magic Father left me. Thank you, Jetar.” Jetar bowed to her “I just feel I owe you so much. If only I had returned you here sooner…” “That will do, Jetar.” said Ladybird “I am pleased to have you in our services, and I know my husband would have been grateful too.” Jetar bowed to her, and left. But Stag was not growing fond of any of this, and now he was secretly plotting how to get rid of anyone else still loyal to Pinsar, and then he would fully takeover the armada. Slick, however, was still very skeptical about all this, and deep down was infuriated with Stag for leading into that trap, but still…. He said nothing. A few minutes later; La-Diva, a ladybug like Insecto, that resembled Ladybird, but shorter in size and instead of spots on her shell, they were heart-shaped. “Forgive my asking your majesties, but why would you call upon my services? Except for my fighting ability, the only power I have is to make other fall in love.” “We are aware of this…” said Ladybird “Which is why we intend to give an enhancement using the magic that my beloved Pinsar left with us.” With that, both she and Phoebe cast small beams of light on La-Diva, and when the light faded she didn’t feel or even look any different. “Just wait until you bite someone, then you will see.” said Phoebe “And I think I know just who the first unfortunate victim should be.” Later on, La-Diva made it down to the planet, but kept well out of sight to avoid being seen. “Aha, there’s the commander…” she hissed softly as she saw Lightning heading into the outdoor restroom cubicles. She hid in the trees nearby and waited for him to come out, and when he did La-Diva held out her hand, and fired a soft shot into Lightning’s neck. “Ouch!” groaned Lightning “What was that?” “Bullseye…” hissed La-Diva, and then she vanished. Lightning thought her heard a voice but he couldn’t see anyone, as he left the restroom area, he ran right into Cupcake as she was passing by with a tray of food, spilling it everywhere. “Oh! Oh, I’m sorry, Mrs. Cake.” “That’s quite alright…” said Cupcake, but when she looked up at him “Huh…?” her cheeks went red. To her, she felt as if she was gazing at a world class baker and confectioner and very handsome too. “Uh… Mrs. Cake, why are you looking at me like that?” Lightning asked. “I… I… just never realized how handsome you are.” She acted in a warm daze, and reached up to touch his face, which crept Lightning out. “I’m going to go back to my table.” And he walked away from her rather quickly. “Oh, what a shame…” Lightning could hardly shake himself awake by what just happened. “What was that all about?” Then he saw Pinkie coming up to him. “Hey, Pinkie is Mrs. Cake alright?” “Last time I checked she was.” replied Pinkie, then she took one look at him and gasped “But I think something’s wrong with me! You look so… so…” To her, Lightning looked like a circus ring master; ready to show all the fun in the world. Pinkie acted like lovesick zombie and was moving in close and reaching out for him and began to hug him by the legs “So handsome, so cute!” “Pinkie…!!” Lightning snapped as he tried to shake her off him, and he lurched free, and almost fell right into Starla at their table. “Lightning, what’s happening?” she asked, but she took just one look at him “Ah?!” To her, Lightning looked like a handsome astronaut in a helmetless spacesuit with a cape flowing amongst the stars. “Why are you looking at me like that, Starla?” “I can’t help it, you’ve gotten so incredibly handsome!” Starla practically shrieked “You are so totally my type now, honey!” “What? You’re saying I wasn’t before?” Starla grabbed Lightning and pulled him under the table in attempt to make out with him right in the middle of all that public. She was really out of control, and Lightning could hardly break himself free. Krysta appeared to escort Lightning back to the Crystal Palace. “What in the dimensional universe?!” she freaked. Lightning poked his head up, “Krysta, you’ve gotta help! Get Starla off me!” But Krysta gasped, and screamed in delight when gazed at him. “So young…! So handsome! So fresh! Come here, I won’t bite, at least not too much.” Lightning finally freaked out, and ran for it, but the girls and even Mrs. Cake began to chase him. “Come back, my love!” cried Starla. “Come back and try this shortcake I made for you!” shouted Pinkie. “Lightning, please! We just wanna love you!” added Krysta. “I didn’t properly apologize to you. Please let me make it up!” said Mrs. Cake. Lightning managed to give them the slip by hiding behind a tree as they ran right past. He was relieved to have gotten away, but never had been so baffled before. “What’s gotten into them?” Then he saw Rhymey and Fluttershy passing along. “Hey, guys!” he called out and dashed to catch up with them. “Lightning…?” said Fluttershy, and when she saw him, she fell for him too. “Oh, no… not her too!” groaned Lightning. Fluttershy saw Lightning as calm, and quiet male version of her, and equally as timid. “Oh, don’t be afraid…” Fluttershy said “I’ll take really good care of you.” she was acting little rougher than usual. Rhymey was confused, and when he gazed at Lightning, he saw him as rude and snobbish guy taunting him. “Hello, Rhymey. Going to speak in lame rhymes again? It’s no wonder Fluttershy is ignoring you and would much rather prefer me.” Rhymey felt his rage boiling… “You dare you say such a thing! I’ll teach you, Lightning!” Before Lightning could question, Rhymey punched him hard across the face. Lightning was only knocked back a bit as Rhymey wasn’t as strong as he was. “What was that for?!” Rhymey was growling furiously at him, and drew out his sword. “You think it’s funny to steal my wife?! I’LL END YOU AND YOUR MISERABLE LIFE!!” He thrust at Lightning, but Lightning dodged it. “Rhymey, what are you--Stop this at once! I’m not trying to steal Fluttershy!” Rhymey didn’t seem to care and just continued to attack him, while all Fluttershy could do was ogle at Lightning in a romantic daze. Rainbow Dash was soaring overhead with Applejack on patrol, and they could see the problem. “What in the name of Nellie?!” snapped Applejack. “Let’s get down there.” said Rainbow. They raced down to the field, and Rainbow kicked Rhymey’s sword clear out of his hand. “What in the hotel bill has gotten into you, boy?!” snarled Applejack and she lassoed him up. “Lightning, you okay?” asked Rainbow “Whoa…!!” To her, Lightning look like a cool wonderbolt saluting as the sun shone behind him “Affirmative soldier! Carry on.” “What a hunk!” cried Rainbow. Applejack gazed at Rainbow wondering what was up with her “You look like you swallowed a bug.” Then she looked at Lightning and fell under the same spell. To her, he looked like a proud farmhand, with big muscles. “Reckon everythin’ looks fine with you.” “Well, hello there sugar-cube. Goin’ my way.” “GALLOPING GALAXIES…!!” Lightning shouted as he ran for it. This alerted the attention of other ponies in the area; all the girls fell head-over-heels with him, while all the men suddenly acted like Rhymey and threatened to beat him to the ground. Dyno and Myte kept throwing their fireballs at him Even the Cutiemark Crusaders, though very young, fell for him too. “Come with us, Lightning.” “Let us make you an honorary Crusader!” Even Cheerilee went gaga for him and held out a huge bouquet of flowers to him. “Please, accept these as a token of my undying love, snuggy-wuggy sugar-bear!” As for Mykan, he saw Lightning as a version of Titan who was laughing and taunting at him that Michelle was dead, and he threatened to cut him in half with his sword. “I’VE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!” Lightning shouted, and he zoomed away at full speed. All the men were still under the heavy influence, and all planned to track him down and finish him off, while all the girls threatened to find Lightning first and make him theirs. As for Lad-Diva, she appeared in the middle of the empty school yard cackling wickedly. “Oh, wow, this is turning out better than I thought. With all the ladies fawning over him, and all the men hunting for him, the poor fool won’t have a chance when the real fun begins.” She laughed wickedly. As for Lightning, he was hiding inside a cloud high over New Ponyville. It was the only safest place to be where no one could find him, or even see him. “What is with everyone?” he wondered “All the ladies love me, and all the men hate me so much that they want to destroy me?!” His neck felt a little itchy from where he felt that little sting earlier. “Wait…!” he tapped his energizer in a sequence which activated his visor without him actually having to transform completely. He removed his visor from his face and made it scan the bite on his neck. Then he replaced his visor and read the data. “Awe…” According the available data, he was bitten by La-Diva; a ladybug Insecto who’s powerful sting was well known; for when it struck someone every one of the opposite gender would fall madly in love with, but nothing about why it made all those of the same gender hate him. “…It’s gotta be a spell.” Lightning further examined the bite, and magical qualities were detected within. It had no effect on the Insectos, but all other creatures-- All the ladies would love him, and all the men would hate him; Sort of a scramble of the emotions. Reason being: There was always only a thin line between love and hate! “So, anyone who sees me will either love me to pieces, or want to smash me to pieces. I’ve got to find a way to break this spell.” Suddenly, he had an idea “The spell only works if they can see me.” He also remembered Professor Brain’s old invention, the invisible spay-paint. The one thing that would help him, but the problem was it was kept in the lab in the palace in New Canterlot, and he wouldn’t dare show himself around there if anyone saw him. He didn’t even want to begin how it would feel if the entire royal guard army saw him; half were stallions and half were mares. The Professor… even their royal majesties. He wouldn’t have a chance. There was only one other alternative. He floated his little cloud over Spike and Rarity’s place. They were two whom still hadn’t seen him and weren’t under the spell. Spike was still serenading Rarity with a lute and she was still enjoying, when they both saw a little cloud settling down into the yard. “Psst… Spike, Rarity!” “Lightning, is that you?” Spike asked as he tried to reach into the cloud, but Lightning inched away from him. “Lightning, whatever are you doing in that cloud?” asked Rarity. “Shh! I can’t let either of you see me, but I need Spike to do me a favor.” and he passed Spike a letter he had written. “I need you to send that to the royal palace at once.” “What?” asked Spike “What for?” “Just do it! I’m in a big trouble and that’s why I can’t let you see me.” After Spike sent the letter, he told his friends what was wrong and why he couldn’t let them see him. “Now half the village is after me, and if either of you take as much as one glimpse of me you’ll fall under the spell too.” “Oh, my!” cried Rarity. “That’s just crazy.” added Spike “There’s got to be a way to break this.” “There is…” said Lightning “According to my data banks, we’ve got to find and stop that Insecto, but I can’t make a move until I get the spray paint. What if the mob sees me?” Rarity and Spike immediately agreed to help hunt for La-Diva, and at the same time, keep Lightning safe from being seen. They had all just left the yard, and could already see Lightning wasn’t kidding about the spell. The mob had turned all of New Ponyville into a two-sided town. On one side, the ladies had built shrines, busts, and painted large pictures of Lightning, and were talking about how cute he was, but some were actually fighting over who would find him and be with him. “Listen! Lightning’s all mine!” snarled Pinkie. “Um, you mean mine.” growled Krysta. “No way…” sneered Starla, and she held up her left hand “Observe the wedding ring. I’m his first and only!” Fluttershy was panting furiously and shouted “He’s… going TO LOVE ME!!” Lightning shuddered from within his cloud. While on the other side of town, all the men had built Lightning Scarecrows, and set them to burn, chanting… “Down with Lightning, he will pay! He’ll never live to see another day!” All of them were sharpening weapons, lightning torches and preparing to really let Lightning have it if they found him. “We’ve got to find that bug and fast.” cried Spike. A sick laughing sound was heard, and La-Diva appeared right behind them “You don’t find love, it finds you.” she teased. “Guys, be careful. Don’t let her bite you!” said Lightning. La-Diva could only laugh at him, the way he was hiding in the cloud. “What’s the matter, too hot for yourself to handle. Personally I don’t blame you.” Spike and Rarity nodded at one another, and they both transformed. “Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!” “Dragon Power!” “Okay, bug-breath, let’s rumble!” snarled Spike. La-Diva snickered and summoned the Stingars “Attack!” Rarity and Spike lunged straight into battle. Spike hacked his way through the menacing bugs with his sword. Rarity, punched, kicked, and shoved every Stingar out of her way. She almost got jumped on from behind, but Lightning stuck his hand through the cloud and was able to blast the bugs with small uniforce pulses. “Even stuck in a cloud I can be dangerous.” Suddenly, a shock of energy hit his cloud, evaporating it exposing him. Spike and Rarity quickly looked away from him, but the mob heard the commotion and saw him. “There he is!” screamed Rainbow! “Get him!!” shouted Dyno and Myte! “Oh, no!” cried Lightning. Not wanting to hurt any of the ponies, he had no choice but to take to the skies, at least half the ponies wouldn’t be able to catch him. “So, we meet again my sweet.” Pinkie said as she fluttered alongside him. “Yike!” Lightning soared away from her and ran straight into Fluttershy. “You’re so cute when you’re terrified.” Lightning soared off again, “What’s the rush lover-boy?” Rainbow called as she tried to catch up with him. He zipped away before she could catch him, but then got lassoed by Applejack “Got;cha…” she cooed, but Lightning broke free. He dashed away from her, and ran smack into a crowd of angry boys, including Rhymey and the twins; all of them snarling at him and ready to club him. “No more Mr. Nice Guy! We’ll kick you in the fly!” growled Rhymey. The men all lunged at him, but Starla came rushing in. “STAR SHOWER!” She actually attacked them and stepped in front of her husband “Don’t any of you lay a hand on him, or I’ll destroy you all myself.” Then she turned to Lightning and caressed his face with her finger “Don’t worry, darling. My love will protect you.” Though this was creepy, he did need protection, but he really wasn’t keen on her attacking the men. “Starla wait… you don’t have to…!” but she already lunged into action, attacking all the men ruthlessly. “Starla stop!” cried Lightning. Some of the men managed to get through and lunged after Lightning, and he had no option but to at least defend himself. So he began to swerve, dodge, and if necessary, repel them off him. La-Diva laughed at all that she saw. “Looks like your friend is up to his ears in trouble; just as the two of you will soon be.” “Don’t count on it!” snarled Rarity. “Let’s party!” added Spike and the rushed into action, but La-Dive proved to be quite the fighter, and punched them both hard. Spike swung with his sword, but she blocked it, and kicked him in the gut. “You dare hurt my husband!” snarled Rarity, and she screamed like a mad-pony rushing forth like a bull with her horn poised way in front. “Toro! Toro!” La-Diva teased as she waved her shell like a cape, and swerved causing Rarity to miss, and she got hit from behind. “Rarity!” cried Spike. “Too bad, now feel my bite!” she launched her stings at Rarity, and she rolled along the ground out of the way. “This is making me nauseous!” she groaned. Spike suddenly had an idea, and just in time as Rarity got struck hard in the leg. “No!” she cried. “Yes!” hissed La-Diva, and she turned to face Spike. “Take a good look at your precious now. You’ll find her irresistible.” “Spike, do not look at me!” cried Rarity. Instead of looking straight at Rarity, Spike took his helmet and spun it round backwards covering his eyes. “If I don’t see her, the spell won’t affect me.” La-Diva growled and charged forth, “But you won’t see this coming!” and she aimed a powerful punch to him, but Spike swerved and slashed her hard with his sword. “I may not be able to see you, but I can still tell where you are with my other senses.” Rarity got onto her feet and sneered with a cheeky smirk “You see, my dear… you cannot outwit Starfleet.” La-Diva growled, and then managed to bite Spike in his neck, but thinking quickly, Rarity shut her eyes tightly and kept them closed. “Rarity, use your other senses.” Spike reminded her. His wife nodded, and the battle continued. Though using their other senses helped to avoid the spell, it still slowed them down a bit, letting La-Diva hit them more easily. As for Lightning, he couldn’t keep up defending himself much longer. Suddenly, a letter appeared before him with a small box next to it; from the royal palace. It was the spray paint, and the note read… “Use it well …Professor Brain.” Lightning wasted no time in spraying himself just as the mob lunged at him again. Almost instantly, he faded away and vanished into thin air. “Where’d he go?” asked Dyno. “I don’t know.” rhymed Rhymey. “He’s gotta be here somewhere.” said Myte. The girls were all frantically searching for him too, but Lightning, still holding the sprayer, flew down to the battle zone, far away from them. “I love this stuff.” He landed on the ground just as Spike and Rarity both got struck hard and knocked to the ground. “…And now to finish you!” La-Diva snarled, but before she could try, she got punched and pummelled by seemingly no one, but it was actually Lightning. “There goes an old saying…” Lightning said “Too much of anything, even love is not always a good thing.” La-Diva knew where he was by the spray-bottle and tried to lung at him, but Lightning just zipped out of the way each time. “Sorry, but you can’t fight what you can’t see or catch.” Lightning teased. He made his way over to his friends. “Hang on, guys. Here’s a little gift from Professor Brain.” Then he sprayed them both, and they vanished. Then Lightning threw the bottle down. Now invisible, Spike could turn his helmet back around and Rarity opened her eyes. “This is extraordinary.” Rarity said “Let’s finish this job.” added Spike. Without being able to see them, La-Diva didn’t have a chance. Rarity zapped her with magical pulses. “DRAGON FLAME-WHEEL!” Spike knocked straight into sending her skidding across the ground. “CAPTURE BLASTER!” Shouted Lightning, and he fired, hitting her full-force. La-Diva roared and snarled as she fell over and exploded, reappearing in a capture-sphere. Phoebe couldn’t believe her eyes. “No! How could they have won?” “I must vanquish La-Diva before they capture her brain-waves.” cried Ladybird, and using the power he husband left her, she managed to destroy La-Diva before much information was taken. “Whose idea was this?” Ladybird demanded to know. Jetar came forth and bowed in shame “I am to blame, my lady. I accept full responsibility for this blunder.” “No…” Phoebe said which surprised everyone. “We may have lost today, but we got to test our new powers. With a little more practice, I’m sure we’ll get it right, and smite those miserable ponies.” “Well said, Phoebe…” said her mother “In which case, we shall carry on.” Jetar thanked Phoebe for sparing him. “You didn’t have to do that, you know.” “I know, so what.” Phoebe said, and she left. Jetar began to think very deeply. “What is happening to me? I haven’t been my usual tough self. I trained Phoebe, perhaps I could overpower her and yet…I-- …Oh, no… could it be? Is this love I am feeling towards her?” He couldn’t deny it was real, but he also shook himself back to reality feeling that Phoebe would never love him. …would she? Meanwhile, with La-Diva gone, the effects of the bite wore off. This was heavily evidenced by how all the affected ponies walked around all confused with what was going on, and why there were so many things resembling Lightning around. Lightning, Rarity and Spike were still invisible, having sent Professor Brian a thank you note and asking him to send the other spray that would make them visible again. Still, just because they couldn’t see each other, didn’t mean they couldn’t feel one another. “I can’t believe we acted so silly.” said Rainbow. “Actually, I can.” said Fluttershy. Rhymey felt very bad and said “Lightning, I am very sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” “We could’ve hurt you real bad.” said Dyno. “Can you forgive us?” asked Myte. Since they couldn’t see him, Lightning said “I’m smiling now. You guys weren’t yourselves; you don’t have to be sorry.” Applejack felt relieved it was over “After this, I don’t think I ever care to celebrate Hearts and Hooves Day again.” “But I can…” said Pinkie, and before anyone knew it, she had placed a huge cake on the table, and confetti and heart shaped balloons were everywhere “HAPPY HEARTS AND HOOVES DAY!” “Well, I guess a little never hurt anyone.” said Spike. He couldn’t see Rarity, but felt her kissing him deeply on the cheek. “Well said, Spikey Wikey.” The others didn’t need to see Spike to tell he was blushing. Suddenly, Starla felt Lightning holding her face. “What…?” “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, my sweet.” He said, and brought his invisible lips to hers. Starla couldn’t help but close her eyes and kiss back, but it looked like she was kissing thin air. “Now that’s one for the books.” teased Krysta, and everyone agreed it looked funny. (Promo) In our next episode: The brainwashing on Saber is beginning to show signs of weakness, and in order to stop it, he is sent back down to attack the New Crystal Empire, along with Jetar, and Phoebe herself joins the battle. This puts the entire empire in extreme danger, including Cadance, and just when she is reaching a most critical stage of her pregnancy. Will the team be able to fend off against this onslaught without consequence? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Desperate Efforts!”) > Episode 17: Desperate Efforts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE SEVENTEEN One morning, it was very cloudy after the night’s rain, but the pegasi were scheduled to soon clear things up and be a warm and sunny day, but to Lightning, right now he just didn’t have a care about it. This was the single worst day of the entire year for him; one that he despised more than any other… …His Birthday! He did not wish to celebrate, be given any gifts; he didn’t even want anyone to wish him “Happy Birthday” at all, and everyone knew exactly why. Eighteen years ago, on the day of his fifth birthday, the evil Serpentari invaded his home-planet, Harmonious, searching for the Star Stones to gain more power. When she didn’t find it, she decided to obliterate the planet to ensure that the stones would not wind up there later. She unleashed her fury upon the planet. The Harmonian ponies didn’t stand a chance. They had no magic, no weapons, and their world was far outside of the Starfleet zone and unprotected. Lightning’s mother, in her dying moments, shoved her five-year old son into a warp portal which transported him to another planet to safety, and then… young Lightning watched helplessly as his planet exploded into space dust, leaving him all alone. Despite he was fortunate to be where he was today, he still could never forget the horridness he witnessed, and he could never celebrate his birthday again; for that would mean celebrating the death of his family, his people… his entire world, and how he was helpless to save them! Every day on his birthday, he would take just a little bit of time to mourn the loss of his loved ones. In one of the many cemeteries within New Canterlot, there was a large special monument wedged into the ground, Lightning had requested it as a memorial to all those of Harmonious, especially his parents. He went there today with two wreaths of flowers. One he placed by the Harmonian monument, and then… just nearby it was another monument, that to honour Twilight Sparkle; yet another he couldn’t save, and never forgot how she died in his arms. That’s where he placed the other wreath. It really wasn’t his fault that they all died, but still, the feelings ate away at his very soul. He removed his cap, and bowed his head as his tears began to flow. “I’m so sorry…” he said to the monuments “If only I could’ve helped more. I miss you all so much.” A very sad and haunting song began as he stood under the cloudy skies, and a soft breeze blew. He began to sing… His past was gone, but his memories remained. They would never disappear, no matter what he nor anyone else did. The song ended, and a tear fell from his eye, splashing on the ground. Starla and Krysta, who had come with him that morning, stood at the entrance to the cemetery. Both felt like crying after hearing the song and seeing how miserable Lightning looked right now. It reminded Starla of how she missed her folks, even her father, though he was never all supportive. In the Royal Palace, Grand Ruler and Queen Celestia could see and hear Lightning, even from there. Both of them knew exactly how he felt; being royal supreme leaders, they lost so many friends and soldiers over the ages. Even though they had recently defeated Pinsar and won the revenge of many that changed nothing and never would bring their friends back. Grand Ruler held his wife close. “He has lost so much. I can’t help but worry about him.” Celestia sighed “Oh, Lightning… Just know that you’re still loved by many, and you’ll be alright.” Soon, the weather cleared, and it was sunny and warm. Lightning went back to the New Crystal Empire to resume his duties as acting regent. Krysta had to return to Luminous to attend to her own royal duties, but the rest of the gang had come that day, worrying if Lightning was okay. “I’m fine… really.” Lightning said with a sad… a sad smile. “You sure about that?” asked Buddy Rose. “Yeah, I mean I go through this all the time, I’m practically used to it. Right now I’m more worried about Cadance.” “Why? What’s wrong with her?” asked Rainbow. Lightning explained that she had been having a few stomach cramps, which the court physician said was natural, only it made Cadance very uncomfortable, and she was having a few mood swings, again, this was natural. “Oh, just think…” said Fluttershy “In a few more weeks, she’ll have a new baby.” Pinkie couldn’t help but bounce with glee chirping “I’m so excited! I’m so excited! I’m so excited!!!” The others were happy for that, but they were more unhappy that such a blessed event was coming and things were still not A-Okay, especially with Shining Armor still in the hands of the Insectos. Shining Armor, or Saber, was training hard to get stronger and swifter. He had not felt the same ever since Pinsar was struck down, and was determined to avenge his king. However, today he was feeling rather strange. Those blurry images were constantly playing in his mind, yet they were still so blurry that he couldn’t make them out. “What is happening to me?” he wondered “Why do these images play around in my mind? I must focus. I must avenge the fall of the king!” He continued to train, and was getting his groove back, but he was suddenly interrupted when the Stingars came in, and buzzing in their native language told him that Queen Ladybird and Princess Phoebe had summoned him. He picked up his sword and followed them out of the dojo, but his head began to ache again as those same blurry images flashed in his mind again. They left as quickly as they had come, but Saber was growing quite annoyed. Once the court was all assembled, Ladybird announced her plan to launch an all-out attack against Lightning’s unit. “We are going to test them to the outmost limit of their strengths. Should you defeat them, that is fine as well…" Phoebe, you shall go and take charge of this attack.” “It’ll be a pleasure…” Phoebe said as she stroked her sceptre “I’ve wanted to get back at those ponies for some time.” Slick and Stag were excited. “We shall accompany you.” said Slick. “Together we shall be victorious.” added Stag. But Phoebe scoffed at them both “As if I’d take you two bunglers along, which is why I choose Jetar and Saber to accompany me.” Stag and Slick were livid, but Jetar and Saber felt honoured. Jetar was especially anxious to meet these ponies that had caused the armada so much trouble. “I have heard of Starfleet before, but never had the privilege to encounter them.” Phoebe grinned wicked at him “Then you’ll also probably have the privilege of breaking them all into bits.” Jetar bowed to her “Anything for you, Princess.” …he tried his hardest not to blush. Saber, well aware of Jetar’s obvious feelings, was not amused. Stag took note of this though and began to formulate it into his plan of mutiny, much to Slick’s discomfort. “Let’s go.” hissed Phoebe. As the team left the throne room, Saber felt another flash in his mind. “Saber, is something wrong?” asked Ladybird. Saber shook himself out of it. “I am alright, my queen.” he said, and then he left with the others. Ladybird, however, was not convinced and began to have doubts about the brainwashing. “Perhaps it is starting to weaken.” she thought “We will have to keep a close watch on him at all times.” She clutched her necklace-- the pendant with the likeness of Pinsar inside. “You will be avenged, my love!” Cadance was sitting upright in bed, stroking her large belly, and practicing her deep breathing. She couldn’t wait for her child to be born and hold it in her arms, but she still wished that Shining Armor was with her. There was a knock at her door. “Enter!” she called in a rather snappy voice. Lightning came in “Well, sounds like somebody didn’t have a long enough nap.” Cadance felt sheepish. “Sorry.” “Just came to see if you were alright.” Cadance admitted she was alright physically, but she didn’t have to say; it showed well enough she was worried about Shining Armor, and really wished he could be there for that blessed day. “We’re doing the best we can, Cadance.” said Lightning “If only he would just give us a sign, something that could tell us if we can undo the brainwashing.” He stopped when he could see his words were upsetting her. “Oh, I’m sorry…” She hesitated for a moment. “Lightning…? I know this may seem weird to ask but… if Shining Armor doesn’t come back in time for the birthing of my baby. Will you… be there by my side to help me?” Lightning felt his cheeks turn pink “M-M-Muh- Me?!” Cadance figured he’d react like that. “It’s just; this is so strange, and a little scary to me. I would like someone brave and strong by my side to help me through it, and I know my aunt or uncle could also do but, well… I thought I’d ask you first. You’ve done so much to help by running the Empire.” As flattered as Lightning was, he was still very skeptical about it. He had never seen a foal being birthed before, and traditionally it was the father’s role to be there. Then again, giving the circumstances, and seeing as Cadance really was asking him for support… “…Alright. I’ll do it.” he promised “I won’t let anything to happen to you or the baby.” Cadance smiled warmly at him. Then the alarms sounded. “Uh-Oh, I better go!” Lightning said “I’ll send the guards to look after for you.” Cadance nodded and watched him take off at a fiery pace as the force fields around the palace energized. Lightning dashed to the throne room and asked “What’s going on?” “Take a look.” Starla said. Lighting saw a large army of Stingars invading the village below. There were really a lot of them, more than a simple swarm than they usually faced. “Thank goodness everyone was evacuated in time.” said Artie. “Let’s go down there and swat those buggy-eyed creeps!” sneered Rainbow. “Right!” said Lightning, and they all transformed. “STARFLEET MAGIC!!” “HARMONY HOUR! FRIENDSHIP POWER!!” “Dragon Power!” The Stingars were marching through town, breaking everything in their path; lampposts, benches, mailboxes, stands, displays, anything that was not shielded by the barriers. When they looked up and saw Lightning and his entire unit soaring down into battle. Many of the Crystal Guards and other Starfleet officers in the near area joined in the fight to even out the odds. “ATTACK!!” shouted Lightning. Stingars and fighting ponies everywhere; what a horrific sight it was. Blow after blow was exchanged, and the Stingars managed to overpower a few guards, only to then be defeated by the Starfleet ponies. Rainbow saw a whole swarm of Stingars gathered in one place, and she soared way up high, then came crashing down, down, down!! “SONIC RAINBOOM!” KAPOW!! All the bugs were blown away. Rainbow flipped for joy “Yeah! I’m lovin’ this!” “BOOM-BOOM FLARE!!” Dyno and Myte activated their finisher, and wiped out another good portion of the army. Rarity and Spike were surrounded by a ring of bugs, but they nodded at one another and decided to try a new move they had come up with. Spike grabbed hold of Rarity’s arms, and began to swing her round, and around like a hammer-throw, and Rarity kicked each and every one of the Stingars right in the face and down they all went. Rarity and Spike smirked at one another. Starla fired her arrows at each Stingar as they approached her, and even showed off her masterful skills. A straight forward shot! A backward shot! A double shot! Then there was her favorite; the septuplet bank-shot, in which her arrow banked off many objects and around many corners, seven times until it hit the Stingar right in the chest. “It’s all in the wrist.” she teased. The battle waged on, and half the Stingars were wiped out, when suddenly, magical blasts bombarded the area. “Look!” cried Pinkie. Everyone could see Phoebe marching through the smoke, along with Saber, and Jetar was by their side, holding a ray-gun. “It’s Phoebe…” said Buddy Rose “But, who’s that with her?” Everyone scanned him with their visors; he wasn’t an Insecto, but he didn’t register in the database. “So these are the Starfleet fighters you told me about.” said Jetar. Phoebe snickered “Yes, soon to be piles of ash blowing across the wastes of this planet.” The guards promised to deal with the rest of the Stingars so Lightning could deal with the Insectos. Lightning and his team stood, eyeing the three evil invaders furiously, and Phoebe glared just as angrily back. “It’s time you answered for what you did to my father!” “We had to defend ourselves!” snarled Lightning “Perhaps if you and your family weren’t so wicked, you wouldn’t be having this problem.” “Silence!” snarled Phoebe, and she fired a powerful blast at them. The gang all scattered out of the way, and the fight was on. Saber jumped into action against Fluttershy, Rhymey, Rarity and Spike. Saber held his sword in one hand and his sickle and chain in another. In his spare arms, he held his shuriken blades. “Shining Armor or not, Let’s give it all we’ve got.” Rhymey said, and he held his sword tightly. The others sadly agreed. “Very admirable…” hissed Saber “But it will vail you naught!” he jumped up high in the middle and three his blades, hitting all four of them at once. Sparks flew everywhere. “Get him!” shouted Spike. The four of them punched, kicked, and Spike and Rhymey slashed their swords while Saber blocked their every attack with his weapons and his free hands and strike them back. “Just as I figured; you’re all as pathetic as ever!” he hissed, then suddenly “Argh!” he clutched his head as if he were in pain. “What’s happening?” cried Rarity. “It looks like he’s got a headache.” said Fluttershy. “Hey, do you think maybe it’s his memories?” said Spike. Rhymey was positive it was and tried to reason with him… “Shining Armor, I know you can hear me. Try to fight strong and set yourself free!” The images in Saber’s head became slightly clearer, but hardly enough to make out. “No!!” he thundered “STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE!” “Look out!” shouted Rarity, and she and the others dodged. “I don’t know what sort of trickery this is!” growled Saber “But they, and you… will plague me no longer!!” While that fight went on, Jetar stood glaring at Buddy Rose, Applejack, Artie, and Pinkie Pie, and he motioned for them to come at him. “Go!” shouted Buddy, and then all lunged forth, while Jetar simple sidestepped, ducked, and swerved out of the way. Applejack threw a huge punch at him, and he caught it in his hand. “Impressive!” POW! He socked her hard across the ground, right into Pinkie, outraging the others. “COLOR KICK!” shouted Artie as he leapt up and thrust his glowing feet forth. Jetar put his arms out front, catching Artie and bouncing him right off, then shoot him with his ray-gun. “Amateur!” Buddy Rose then used his whip to lasso his arm and yank him in close, and kick him hard causing him to drop his gun. “Maybe we’re not as amateurish as you think!” Jetar only could laugh “No, you’re even worse. I don’t need a gun to fight you.” He pulled out a pair of plasma daggers and rushed forth. Slashing at all the fighters and knocking them down before they even had a chance to try and throw a single punch. “Wow! This guy’s intense!” groaned Applejack. “Yeah, and he’s tough too.” added Pinkie. Jetar only laughed “That would be one of the many reasons I have avoided capture for so long! In the dimensional universe, only the strong will survive.” “It takes more than just strength to survive!” said Buddy Rose. “Yeah, it takes heart and it depends on what you fight for.” added Artie. Jetar scoffed at their bleating “Puh! I’ll take ruthlessness and cunning over goody two-shoes any day.” The others growled and lunged at him for more. While Phoebe was facing against the remaining teammates all at once, and her new powers as well as the training she learned from Jetar, she was more vicious than ever. She kicked Rainbow hard, batted Starla with her scepter and then used it to blast the twins. Now Lightning was going at her, punching, kicking and sending his own zaps of the uniforce at her, but Phoebe actually countered it with her own power and was able to force it right back at Lightning, resulting in a huge explosion! “LIGHTNING!!” the others cried. Phoebe laughed maliciously “That’s one less of you to worry about.” Suddenly, a huge burst of light blew the smoke away as Lightning stood in his Enticorn form. “You were saying…?” he hissed. Phoebe growled in outrage. “Don’t you ever stay down?!” “No, he doesn’t!” shouted Dyno. “As long as we have a reason to fight, we’ll just keep coming right back again.” added Myte. Phoebe had heard enough and lunged at Lightning, and he zipped out of the way causing her to miss, and then he reappeared behind her and bashed her hard, sending her right into Rainbow. “Catch, Starla!” and she kicked her hard towards Starla. “STARLIGHT ARROW!” Starla fired her shot, but Phoebe was actually able to swerve and avoid it, and hit Starla hard with her fist and sent her crashing into the twins. “I think I’m warmed up enough now.” she snarled, and her scepter began to glow, along with her body as her power increased and her muscles expanded. The force of the power surge was so great that it caused a small earthquake that loosened a lot of rocks inside the palace, and Cadance could feel the surge from her bedroom. “What’s happening?!” she shouted. Bits of dust and small rocks began to fall from the ceiling. “Princess, we’ve got to get you out of here!” cried one of the guards. Then both he and his colleague helped Cadance out of bed and ran her out of the bedroom. While down below, Phoebe now look viler than ever as her body glowed orange with vigor. “Try attacking me now, if you can.” she teased. “This cannot be good.” said Rainbow. “Get ready!” Starla said. Phoebe lunged forth. “PULSAR LASER!” “BOOM-BOOM ROCKETS!!” Such a barrage of attacks, not a single shot missed, but not one did so much as a speck of damage. Phoebe lunged out and slammed her fist into the ground causing a huge explosion, knocking the ponies away hard. “Take that!” shouted Phoebe “Thanks to this new power, my strength has increased ten-fold.” Lightning began to charge up as well, increasing his own power. “So be it then, power-to-power!” Both he and Phoebe glared at one another, and then lunged forth in an extreme brawl. Their attacks collided with such fury, such power; they caused miniature explosions upon contact. Jetar could hardly believe what he was seeing himself. “I’ve traveled all across the cosmos and never seen such power.” “LEAF SWARM!” shouted Buddy Rose and he unleashed his razor-leafs. Jetar held out his arms in from again trying to withstand the bombardment. “PAINT BOMB!” Artie threw his explosives in, which blew right at Jetar, actually knocking him back, allowing Pinkie and Applejack to soar in hard and give him a double-punch to the face, knocking him over and causing him to drop his knives. “Had enough yet?” asked Pinkie. “Or ya thirsty for more?” added Applejack. Jetar growled and sneered “Jetar never gives up!” and he bolted upright ready for more. Saber was still proving to be a very tough cookie as he slashed and bashed the fighters down several times, while they hardly managed to even scratch him. “I don’t see why you continue to try when you know it’s hopeless to defeat me!” “That’s because we know no bounds. Whatever happens, we stand our grounds!” said Rhymey. “We’ll never give up! Not while we can still fight.” added Fluttershy “And I can’t believe I’m actually saying that.” Saber admired their courage, and suddenly his head began to ache again, as he remembered hearing these phrases before, only not with the Insectos, but from some other place and time! “Quick, get him while he’s distracted!” shouted Spike. “Right!” snapped Rarity. The friends all lunged forth and attacked Saber mercilessly, finally dealing him a good amount of damage and sent him soaring backward right in the barrier round the palace, which shocked him upon contact! He landed with a huge thud on the ground, right directly on the secret panel causing the emergency remote box to pop out on its pillar. He gazed at the box, and despite never seeing it before, it looked rather familiar, and the emergency code actually ran through his mind. “Strange, why do I feel like I know this?” he said silently. Realizing he needed refuge to heal from his sudden shock, he actually managed to break the code and disarm the palace’s barrier. “Oh, no!” cried Fluttershy. “He’s going to enter the palace!” shouted Rarity. “What?!” cried Lightning as he watched the whole thing and fearing Cadance was still inside. “STOP HIM!!” Many of the fighters, even he tried to rush for the palace, but Phoebe and Jetar blocked their way. “We’re not through with you punks yet!” snarled Phoebe. Jetar snickered wickedly, and the gang was forced to fight with all their might to try and break free. While Spike and the others were only ones who managed to make it inside. “Where did he go?” asked Spike. “Let’s spread out and look.” suggested Rarity. The other agreed, and split up. As Saber ran through the corridors of the palace, the alarms sounded warning the guards of the intrusion. The entire army ran into action and found Saber, but he managed to bash, pummel and knock out any and all guards that dared to cross his path, and he continued to run along his way hoping to clear his mind…. But actually, running through the palace only made the aching stronger. “Why do I feel like I know this place? I’ve never been here before, yet it’s like part of me always has.” Finally he emerged in the throne room, and took one glace as Cadance’s throne, and the throne next to it. This caused more images in his minds to become clearer, and he swore he could almost see someone’s face. Still… it wasn’t good enough. As the guards rushed Cadance along the way in attempt to get her to safety, they had to pass through a walkway directly over the throne room, and Cadance looked down and she saw him. At once, she froze up with mixed feelings coursing through her, knowing that was him… her husband down there. “Princess!” shouted one the guards. This alerted Saber, and he looked up, and their eyes met. “Awe…?” He just stood where he was, gazing right at her, feeling he knew her somewhere before, or rather her face was the one that seemed most familiar. Then he saw as the guards dragged her along to rush her away. Saber quickly leapt up high, smashing through the floor right in front of them. All three of them stopped and inched backwards away from him. The two guards stood out in front to defend Cadance. “Come no closer!” shouted one of them. “We warn you!” cried the other. He just grabbed both their lances and gave them each a shove hard into the wall, knocking them unconscious. Cadance was now totally unprotected. She could not use her magic to make so much as a flicker, let alone save herself, and her heavy stomach made it too hard to fly. Saber continued to slowly step forth, gazing into her eyes confused and yet astonished. “Who are you?” “Shining Armor, it’s me, Cadance.” “…Ca… Dance…?” She reached out to try and touch his face, but he inched away from her. “Shining Armor, honey, please, you’ve got to remember me?” The images in his mind we’re becoming more and clearer by the minute. Flashbacks of the Royal Canterlot Wedding, and all the romantic times they had. He reached out, and actually touched her face “Cadance?” “Yes… yes.” The others all made it into the throne room, and saw them, but were astonished the way Saber was acting. “He’s starting to remember!” cried Spike. The others all gazed with hope returning. Saber was starting to actually smile as he caressed his wife’s face. “…Cadance.” While Ladybird could already see what was happening from the mothership. Her fears were correct; the brainwashing was wearing off. “Oh, no you don’t!” she sneered, and activated her magic pendant, and it glowed brightly, sending power down to the planet… …right to the Empire, into the palace, and striking his head. “D’AAA-AAARGH!!” “Shining Armor!” cried Cadance. The others all gawked in fear. Saber’s evil began to show again. “I am not Shining Armor, I am General Saber!” he snarled wickedly. “And you… you are starting to bug me!” He raised his sword, ready to strike her, but Rhymey leapt right in the way blocking with his own sword. “Princess, Do as I say! You must get away!” Cadance ran for the way she came in, and Fluttershy came to escort her down into the main throne room, off the bridge, leaving the others to face Saber. While outside, the others were starting to lose steam, even Lightning was, but so were Phoebe and Jetar. “This has been amusing, but now it’s time we said our goodbyes!” snarled Phoebe. “After you, my princess.” said Jetar. Even with all their powers combined separately, they wouldn’t stand much of a chance. “Guys, quickly…” cried Lightning “Transfer all your available power to me! I think I’ve got a shot.” Feeling it was worth it, the others transferred what energy they could spare, causing their suits to de-energize, and all of them to sink to their knees in fatigue. “Let’s take ‘em down!” growled Phoebe as she and Jetar lunged forth. With the power he had in him, Lightning summoned up all he could, and lunched forth with his fist glowing brightly, and he punched Phoebe super hard in her gut, sending her soaring, tumblinf backward hard. Still, she managed to get just enough focus to fire a huge burst of power at him, which collided into him and sent him crashing straight for the palace. “Lightning!” cried Starla. “Princess Phoebe!” cried Jetar as he raced to catch up with her, Phoebe was okay, but she was exhausted and very injured. “Princess, we must go back to the ship!” “No! Not when I’m this close to avenging my father!” As much as Jetar wanted to help her, he knew she wouldn’t survive if she pushed herself too far, and so he activated her teleporter, and they both vanished. Lightning had crashed right through the walls of the unshielded palace and landed right in the throne room. He was now in his normal form in his normal uniform and felt very weak as if he was going to pass out with hardly too much power left in him. Yet, he could see the battle waging on. Saber struck Rarity hard, causing her suit to de-energize and she collapsed from exhaustion. “DRAGON FLAME-WHEEL!” shouted Spike. He bashed straight into Saber and sent him slamming into the walls which loosened more rocks and supports. One the boulders fell smack onto Fluttershy’s head as she and Cadance passed by. WHOMP! She was out cold! “Fluttershy!” cried Cadance. Now she was totally backed into a corner with no place to run to. “Cadance…!” Lightning cried as he struggled to get up. Saber saw this, and thought it the perfect opportunity as he charged up all the power he had into his antenna and aimed it straight at her. “What?!” cried Lightning. *Slow motion* “STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE!!” The blast fired directly towards Cadance, and she still was helpless to defend herself. She gasped as the blast got nearer. “NO…!!” shouted Lightning, as he found just a tiny boost of energy left to spring himself forth, leaping in front of the blast just in time to take it! Cadance, Spike and Rhymey gawked in extreme shock. As Lightning endured the immense pain, his determination actually kept him strong. “I’LL… PRO… TECT… YOU!!!” The blast was finished, and Lightning, ever so exhausted and sore, collapsed onto the ground. *Regular Speed* He was not dead though, just extremely weak and could hardly move at all, much to Saber’s shock and outrage. “Such determination!” he grumbled, and while he was distracted, Rhymey and Spike came in with their weapons glowing, and the struck him hard, resulting in powerful explosion right there in the room. All three of them were thrown in opposite directions, and Rhymey and Spike were now de-energized, and very weak. Saber lay on the ground, weak and frail. “You… have not seen the last of me!” he thundered, and he disappeared. The throne room was in a huge mess, and Cadance was the only one left standing. Yet all she could do was gaze at Lightning ever so thankfully. If he hadn’t defended her at the last second, she would have been destroyed for sure. Lightning weakly gazed up at her and smiled… …but out of the corner of his eye, he could see a large stone column teetering over right behind her. “CADANCE………!!!” She looked behind at the very second… WHOMP!! It crashed right on top of her, knocking her out cold, and she began to bleed. “NOOOOOOOOOOO…………!!!!!” Lightning screamed so loud he could heard for miles, and the others didn’t like the sound of it at all! Hours later, every single one of them was brought to the sickbay at New Canterlot Palace. Dr. Penny was summoned to help try to stabilize Cadance especially. Lightning was in bed and hooked to many machines to heal his injures and restore his strength, while some of the others were in other rooms, recovering from their attacks, but they would be okay. As for Starla and the gang from outside, they were very fortunate to have escaped with the least serious injuries. A lot of them were just resting, but Starla was with Lightning, by his side. Their majesties were there with them, while they anxiously waited for word on Cadance. That was all Lightning could think about as well “Please… please be okay!” he cried “Lightning!” cried Starla “Don’t, you need to take it easy.” “She’s right, you’ll only hurt yourself more.” added Celestia. Dr. Penny finally came in. “Doctor, is Cadance alright?” Grand Ruler asked. Penny sadly nodded “She’s stable now. She was very lucky; we were only barely able to bring her out of it.” Celestia stepped up and was almost afraid to ask “And the baby…?” Penny remained silent and looked very sad. “Is it…?” Grand Ruler asked with deep concern. Tears were flowing down Penny’s face as she softly shook her head. Everyone expressions sank into extreme and painful shock and despair. “No!” cried Celestia. “It’s not true! Tell me it isn’t?!” cried Grand Ruler. Penny could hardly hold in her emotions. “I’m so sorry, but the shock from the impact caused premature birth defects. The child was… stillborn!” Lightning literally felt his heart painfully shatter to bits. “Oh, no…! No!” Tears were cascading down his face. Starla’s too. Even their majesties couldn’t hold her. “May we see Cadance?” Celestia asked tearfully. Penny nodded while dabbing her eyes with a hankie “She really needs you now. Excuse me!” and she went off to cry by herself. Their majesties left, and Lightning and Starla could see them going into the room ahead, and they could see Cadance through the window… bawling like there was no tomorrow. Her aunt and uncle came in, and held her tightly, joining her in the sorrow. Starla and Lightning gazed at each other through their tearful eyes, and Lightning buried his face into his wife’s chest, letting out the deepest and most sorrowful sob he had ever sobbed, and she cried right along with him! (Promo) In our next episode: As the planet bewails the loss of the infant, Lightning’s condition worsens as falls ill with grief, and plunges into a total standstill, rendering him completely out of action, and the others all in deeper despair than ever. This gives Ladybird the idea to kick them while their down, by sending the dreaded Buzz Saw to dispose of them while her warriors heal. How serious is Lightning’s condition, and will the team have the courage and stability to fight for their world? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “The Day Lightning Stood Still”) > Episode 18: The Day Lightning Stood Still > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE EIGHTEEN The news spread fast about the birth of Cadance’s child. She had a son, that didn’t make it. All of United Equestria fell into a deep state of depression and sorrow. Many ponies wept for Cadance and her loss. Some ponies didn’t bother to even go to work, and those that did were far too upset to concentrate on the simplest tasks. Even Mykan was feeling way down hearted. As he tried to pour his coffee that morning, he missed and spilled the scalding water all over his hand burning himself, but he could only feel about half the pain, as he couldn’t stop thinking about the tragedy. All across New Ponyville, there was not a place you could look where you wouldn’t see a sad face. Fluttershy, wearing a large bandage across her head from where she got conked by the boulder, couldn’t stop weeping and cried a stream of tears. Rhymey and the other animals tried to comfort her, but all they wanted to do was weep along with her Artie sat in the corner of his house, away from the windows with all his paintings surrounding him, and clutching one close to him. Pinkie Pie had drunk nearly a dozen milkshakes in attempt to drown her sorrows, and while it did make her feel chilly, it didn’t make her feel any better. Mr. and Mrs. Cake understood how she felt, and they too felt the strain starting to get to them. Thankfully, Pumpkin and Pound cake were much too young to understand why everyone looked so down. Rainbow Dash couldn’t find her spark to fly any faster. In fact, even a little bird was flying faster than she was. The Twins sat outside their mine. Next to them, their mine carts were overloaded with jewels and golden rocks, after having recently struck it really rich, and yet… they didn’t care a bit. Both of them deeply broken-hearted for Cadance; all they wanted to do was sit by their carts, and search through their feelings. Rarity and Spike hadn’t come out of their room, and Rarity couldn’t stop weeping. Spike remained at her side to comfort her, but he, too, felt as upset as she did. NEither of them had felt so upset since Twilight had died. Even at New Sweet Apple Acres, the crusaders were trying to help out with the chores, but they lost focus, and fell to their knees. Applejack and Buddy Rose ran out to them, and soon were comforting the sobbing girls, and felt like sobbing themselves. Even Applejack couldn’t hold her tears back this time. Even at New Canterlot Palace, things were no better. Goldwin was a golden statue, and around him hung a sign which he wrote before removing his mask: “Don’t wake me up. I just want to be a statue right now” At least while he was a statue, he couldn’t feel sad. At the foot of Cadance’s bed, her little baby colt; a white unicorn pony with a soft blue mane, lay in a little basket, but he was very dead. The doctors had already tried everything, but not even the most powerful magic would do anything. Cadance was so incredibly heart-broken and crushed, she had grown ill with grief, forcing the doctors to sedate her to keep her calm so she could try and heal, even though they knew this would be a tough case. Who could blame her? She lost her parents, her brother, then Twilight… and now this, as well as Shining Armor not being there. It wasn’t fair! How could someone so beautiful be cursed with so much pain and grief? Their royal majesties were all heart-broken for the loss of their grand-nephew, and even more hurt now that Cadance was sick. It was almost as if she didn’t want to live anymore! Celestia still tried to be brave as she put her own children down for their nap. Castor and Leilani were confused… “Mama sad…?” asked Castor. “Why…?” added Leilani. They were too young to understand, and she did not wish to tell them at all for fear of frightening or upsetting them. She smiled sadly and stroked their little heads saying “It’s okay, my little darlings. Just go to sleep.” Her sleepy kids let out two little yawns and went out like lights. Their mother kissed them both on their foreheads. She really loved her little angels. And as she left the nursery, and shut the door, she suddenly backed against the wall and slid down to the floor, sobbing softly into her hands. Her mane and tail stopped fluttering and sparkling, which only happened when she was really, really downhearted. Her husband and her sister heard her, and came to her side, feeling just the same. Their manes also were not sparkling, and Grand Ruler’s cape wasn’t fluttering. All three of them knew this would never truly heal even with time. Sad to say, there was even worse to come... As Starla and Krysta went to visit Lightning, who was still recovering in the sickbay; Starla walked very slowly, hardly able to feel her steps as she was so hurt. “If you want, I can just warp you there.” Krysta offered. Starla nodded sadly “Please…” Soon they appeared in Lightning’s room, only to gasp in shock at what they saw. Lightning was lying in bed, clutching his chest and gasping as if he was in pain. “Lightning…?!” cried Starla. Then she watched as her husband just collapsed flat onto the bed. “Lightning!” She and Krysta dashed over, and Starla put her ear to his face “He’s not breathing!” “I’ll go get help!” cried Krysta. Pretty soon, Lightning was hooked up to life-support and a respirator to help give him air. Their majesties heard the new and were there with the others. “He’s alive.” Penny said “He’s just in a standstill.” “Oh, no…” cried Grand Ruler “I’ve seen those before.” Everyone gazed at him, and Starla fearfully asked “Is it… serious?” “Not so much as critical, but it is still frightening and horrible.” He explained that what he and the doctors called a standstill was another word for the deep comatose like state Lightning had fallen into. It was sort of like a disease, almost like what Cadance was suffering from, but worse. Lightning had fallen in such a severe state of shock, despair and a loss of confidence from the stillbirth, all coupled with the obvious trauma from his past, that his body just shutdown… …almost as if he were dead! Tears were cascading down Starla’s face. “Will he… will he wake up?” “It’s hard to say.” replied Grand Ruler “Lightning is trapped in a veil of profound darkness deep within in his mind, and he’s finding it difficult to escape. He needs to find his confidence and regain his will to want to live again, but it’s not known how long that could take. It may take years.” Starla’s blood ran cold, and Krysta nearly dropped her wand. Celestia placed a comforting hand on Starla’s shoulder “We’ll do all that we can for him, but you have to try and be brave. He would want that, and he needs it to help him recover.” Starla wiped her eyes, and then gazed down at her husband. He looked so lifeless as he just lay there. Nobody said a thing. What was there to say? Cadance lost her baby, and now both she and Lightning were totally out of action, though at least Cadance was still stable, though barely. Grand Ruler then began to have that sickening feeling there was more to come! On the Insecto mothership, Ladybird was actually amused by all the suffering and anguish going on, but also a little distraught. “It serves them all right!” she sneered softly as she stroked her pendant. “They say “What Goes around Comes around.” And I intend to bring them much more!” Saber, Phoebe and Jetar had recovered from their previous battle, and they too had heard about the suffering going on. “So, Lightning Dawn is no longer able to fight?” sneered Phoebe “This is just the opportunity we’ve been waiting for.” Jetar agreed “With their most powerful fighter out of action, the others will be easier targets to strike.” “Indeed we shall…” Ladybird said as she appeared before them all “As we speak, I have chosen the mighty Buzz Saw to go down to the planet.” “Ah, yes…” hissed Saber “His diamond-alloyed blades can cut through even solid rock. Imagine what it could do to the ponies flesh…” Phoebe shuddered with delight “I’m getting shivers already.” In the meantime, the trio decided to keep training to beef up their strengths, and to try and keep Saber from having anymore relapses of his actual identity and lifestyle. As long as Ladybird kept the spell from her necklace going, it wasn’t very likely he’d have any more flashbacks. Meanwhile, Stag was really growing fed up with all the attention the trio was getting while he and Slick were neglected, cast aside and constantly ignored. He was sharpening his sword furiously grumbling “I’ll show them who the top bug is.” “What’s happening to you?” asked Slick “You’re becoming more vicious than old hornets with a bite.” Stag glared at him angrily, but said nothing. He needed to formulate a plan of how to eliminate the rest of the royal party. Meanwhile, Starla was back in new Ponyville. With both Lightning and Cadance out of action, Princess Luna was now minding the New Crystal Empire, and she didn’t have to be there anymore. She was sitting with Krysta at a table at the café, with a cup of tea at her hands, but all she could think about was the tragedy, and Lightning’s condition. Fluttershy and Rhymey, and Spike and Rarity came up to her; all of them looking glum. “We heard about Lightning.” Spike said. Starla’s features saddened even worse. “I wanted to come home to New Ponyville, but not like this.” “Oh, you poor dear...” Rarity said as she passed her a hankie. She dabbed her eyes. Krysta sighed miserably “How can this all be happening?” “We tried our best, but it wasn’t enough. I don’t know much more I can take of this stuff.” said Rhymey. Fluttershy held his hand firmly, she felt worse than most of them. “If I had just gotten Cadance to safety quicker, none of this would have happened.” “Fluttershy, it’s not your fault.” Spike said “If you want to blame someone, blame those nasty Insectos. They’re the cause of all this.” “Spike is right…” Rarity said, and she angrily clenched her fists “I swear, I will not rest until every last one of those miserable bugs is squashed for this treachery!” Her eyes were searing with flames, indicating she could not be more serious. Suddenly, they all heard the distant sounds of ponies screaming and running in panic. “We better look into this.” said Starla. The others agreed; despite the tragedies, United Equestria and Starfleet still had to go on, especially when there was danger afoot. “I’ll go help the civilians.” said Krysta, and she flew off leaving the rest of the gang to look into the disturbance. They all ran against the crowd of panicking ponies into a nearby clearing, and they couldn’t see anything scary or unusual, but they could hear something that sounded like a swarm of flies buzzing. It got louder, and scratchier. “That’s not the sound of bugs!” cried Krysta. There was a loud booming sound, and the others all gawked at a huge pile that was being used to pave the streets. The rock pile began to crumple as a large burly Insecto forced his way through it. Rarity and Fluttershy couldn’t help but scream at the sight of him. He was a very scary looking bug, his arms were long Buzz Saws, and his back was covered in spindles. He even wore one of those horrid hockey-like masks over his mask, making him look really vicious. He even roared viciously. “I am Buzz Saw!” he snarled “I am strong! I am master of the blades!” His saws began to whirl and screech furiously. “Let’s do it!” said Starla. They all transformed successfully, but the ponies’ visors warned them…! “Our power-levels, they’re down by half!” cried Fluttershy. “It’s because we’ve been so distraught, So our full powers, we have not.” said Rhymey. “We’ll have to make do with what we’ve got then.” Spike said as he drew out his sword. Buzz Saw growled as he stood ready to brawl. Spike jumped up high for a huge attack, and Buzz Saw batted him hard with his arms, striking him hard across the chest, and he crashed on the ground. “Spike!” cried Rarity. She and the others dashed forth, only to get bashed, and slashed and shoved away hard. “WARD SWORD!” Rhymey tried his best, and managed to parry a few attacks, but each blow felt more forceful than usual due to his sore feelings of the tragedies, and he got struck many times. He swung his sword hard blocking Buzz’s arm. “…Give up?” His answer was a swift kick in the chest, sending him rolling along the ground “You miserable pup…!” Buzz only growled, but more of delight; he made the same sounds for joy or anger. Rhymey and Spike both lunge at him with their sword, but he managed to hold them both down, and using his blades, he actually broke their swords in half! “No!” cried Spike. Rhymey growled fiercely, then he and Spike made their swords vanish so they could magically repair themselves, leaving them both unarmed. “Quick! Let’s try a double magic attack.” suggested Starla. “I’m with you.” agreed Spike. “PULSAR LASER!” “DRAGON FLAME!” Starla and Spike combined their attacks into one searing waved of flaring energy, but Buzz revved up his saws and actually slashed right through that energy like it was made of paper. “I don’t believe it!” cried Starla. “Well, believe this!” shouted Buzz “CRACKIN’ CUTTERS!” Several miniature cutters were launched from the giant ones on his arms and flew at the others like homing missiles. The gang did their best to dodge them, but the cutters swerved and turned and always kept beaming on them. They all got hit, sparks flew everywhere. Rarity even saw a small bit of her mane snap loose. “You… ruined… my… MANE!!” she shouted. She could feel her confidence starting to burn with her rage, and she charged towards Buzz furiously. He swung at her, and she sneakily ducked under, avoiding the blades and head bashed him hard in the chest sending him slamming hard into a tree. The others all blinked once in shock, and Rarity was panting heavily. Buzz angrily cut the tree down in one swift slash. “Hey!” snapped Fluttershy “That poor tree!” Buzz only roared, which frightened her to hide behind Rhymey. “SPINDLE SHOOTER!” The spindles on his back shot like missiles… for that’s exactly what they were. “Look out!” cried Spike, but sparks and small explosions already blew all around the team, knocking them all over. Buzz laughed wickedly “You get the point?!” he joked. The gang all lay about injured and a little weak. Their power levels had dropped significantly, and were now down a quarter. “It’s a shame your pitiful commander isn’t here to see this and the horrible mess you’re in, but don’t worry I’ll make sure you’re there to greet him on the other side!” Starla grew infuriated that he would talk about Lightning like that, and she got out her bow. “Starla, it’s no use!” cried Rarity. “STARLIGHT ARROW!” Her shot flew straight at Buzz, and as expected, he slashed the arrow. “U’rgh!” growled Starla. “My turn again.” growled Buzz. “Run!!” cried Fluttershy. “CRACKIN’ CUTTERS!” The cutters chased the gang down, actually getting at them from behind like something in a funny cartoon. “Yike!” “Ooh!” “Eek!” “Yeowch!” Now their powers were reaching critical levels, yet all they could do was hide in a ditch out of sight. “I’ll find you miserable little freaks!” shouted Buzz. He revved up his blades “Even if it means cutting this whole village down to size!” He began to cut down more trees, lamppost, and even tear up the streets. Even the solid rocks were slashed to bits. The friends knew it was only a matter of time before they were found. “I really wish Lightning were here.” said Fluttershy. “Well, he isn’t…” snapped Rarity “It’s up to us to stop that creature!” “But how?” asked Spike “Our weapons are useless against those saw blades, and any energy we throw at him, he just cuts right through it.” Starla thought deeply, and realized the only hope was to go for the old clichéd maneuver. “We’ll have to get him to hit himself.” “Oh, really… that old move?” said Rarity “He’ll be expecting us to try that.” Rhymey then remembered an old strategy he came up with once. “Listen carefully to what I say, I think I may have a better way. Instead of working side-by-side Maybe our paths we should divide.” The others caught onto to his idea; instead of all going at Buzz in the same way, they would trick him up and try to distract him separately. With their powers fading fast, they agreed to try it. “Where are you?!” thundered Buzz as he busted up a huge stand of fruit. “Come out!” he sawed down a string of lampposts. The team all leapt out from within the ditch. “Hey, saw-head…!” Starla called “Did you miss us?” “Funny…” snapped Buzz “Last time I checked, I kept hitting you square on, like I will again; CRACKIN’ CUTTER!” As he launched his cutters… “…Now!” shouted Starla, and they all split up with two blades following each of them. Rarity then zipped back and attempted to attack Buzz, but he dodged, and also swerved to avoid the blades following Rarity. Fluttershy then soared in aiming a flying kick. Straight for his head, but held his arms out and flung her off him, and twirled in a pirouette style to avoid the blades again. “You don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying, do you?” he called out “You’ll never get my blades to hit me.” Rhymey, Spike and Starla all charged at him, with the blades following them. “SPINDLE SHOOTER!” “Watch it!” cried Starla, as she and boys ran about dodging the missiles with such agility and made their way through, and lunged to attack Buzz, but he swung his arms and batted them all off and away, and still managed to dodge his own flying cutters. “This is actually quite amusing…” snarled Buzz “…But I got a mission to complete.” He revved his blades at full power and charged forth at the entire gang and swung at them, and they dodged; zipping here and there and all around him. “Over here…” teased Spike. “You missed me…” added Rarity. Buzz was growing angry and continued to swing at them so recklessly. “You couldn’t hit me with that broadside. Not even if I were fifty feet wide.” Rhymey mocked. “Why you…!!” he swung again, and Rhymey zipped out of the way, causing Buzz to strike a power-pole with electrical wires in it, which shocked him and caused him to spark and flare. He managed to pull himself out, but his blades were all charred and bent from the shocking. “Hey, Buzz…” Fluttershy called. The second he turned round; he caught a quick glimpse of the gang standing right behind him, and the quickly ducked down causing his own cutters to strike him hard. “It worked!” cried Spike. “Now let’s finish him.” added Rarity. “Gladly...” Starla said as she grabbed her bow tightly “I have just enough power to do it.” Buzz didn’t care even his saws were all banged up, and foolishly charged forth just as Starla readied her finisher. “GALACTIC PROJECTILE!” She fired her super shot, hitting Buzz square-on. He roared and howled loudly as he fell over, exploded, and reappeared in a capture-sphere, only to, again, be destroyed in just seconds by Ladybird’s magic. Still, the others were joyed that they won the battle. Starla looked right up at the sky, directly at the mothership calling out to the Insectos “You won’t beat us that easy! We’ll fight you to the bitter end!” Ladybird heard all this while viewing the monitors, and she blasted the screens in outrage. “This is extraordinary! What does it take to break these ponies?!” “Mother, please… calm yourself!” cried Phoebe. Her mother took a few deep breaths and calmed down. “We will destroy them.” Phoebe said “Each failure brings us closer to ultimately striking them where it hurts them most.” Jetar came up to them “Perhaps… but still, if they were to gain enough information about us, then they would probably strike us when we would least expect it.” “Jetar is right…” said Ladybird “We cannot allow those fools to gain any more information. We must destroy them quickly while they remain in the dark!” Saber wielded his blade furiously and said “All the more reason for us to press on with training and preparation! They will never know what hit them!” They all cheered at the thought of their assured victory… …unaware that Stag heard everything and was grinning ever so wickedly “So simple… now I know how to get rid of them, and I won’t even have to get my hands all that dirty.” Slick didn’t have to ask and could already tell what Stag was plotting. A good part of the street needed so serious cleanup, and the power-poles needed repairs. Fortunately, the pony technicians and others were able to find some of their strength to brave their sadness and it wouldn’t be long before things were okay again. Still, despite the overall victory and the guaranteed restorations, nobody was really ready to move on just yet. The gang visited Lightning at the royal palace. Thanks to the respirators and life-support, he was still stable, but his heart-rate was very low while his brain-activity was quite high. “He looks so white…” said Fluttershy. Rarity gawked at her awkwardly “He always looks white.” “I think she means pale.” said Spike “I can see it too.” Rhymey sighed… “He looks so still, He’s lost his will.” “No…” Starla said and she softly caressed her husband’s cheek. It felt so cold, but there was a slight bit of warmth she could feel. “He’s still in there, I can feel it. You’ll be alright, honey. You’ve got to.” Their majesties could see them from the opposite room, and they both felt down for Lightning, but even more down as the turned to look at their niece. Poor Cadance looked a little pale as she just lay there. The doctors said this was natural, but she still would be okay after a good long rest; at least physically. Her uncle softly stroked her hand and felt very hurt for her. “You poor thing…” he cried every softly “You did not deserve any of this.” As for Celestia, she couldn’t help but walk over to the crib which and unwrap the blankets that completely covered the body of her infant grand-nephew. Even in death, the little colt looked so adorable; it only brought more tears to her eyes, and anguish to her heart. She would give her very own life force if it meant the child could have another chance, but it wouldn’t work anyway. Her husband walked up to her and softly replaced the blankets, feeling it was better not to look at the child. Celestia agreed to this, but it still hurt her very much, and began to sob ever so softly into his chest as he held her tightly. (Promo) In our next episode: Cadance awakens but is only further distraught at the loss of her child. Meanwhile, Stag betrays his fellow Insectos by secretly giving plans and valuable information to the ponies which could aid them in the quest to stop the armada, while Saber is sent down along with the dreaded Termitor With the information collated, the entire team runs into battle, again without Lightning, and attempt to snap Shining Armor back to his senses, but will they really be able to succeed? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next episode: “Return of the Ninja!”) > Episode 19: Return of the Ninja > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE NINETEEN Deep within Lightning’s conscience, his poor mind looked as if it were surrounded by endless thick blanket of dark fog; A perfect befitting of the hopeless and despair he was trapped in. “How could this happen?” he kept saying to himself as he kept replaying those images over and over. Now the baby was dead, before it even had a chance to begin! And that was hardly the half of what was bothering him; “I failed Cadance. I promised I wouldn’t let anything happen to her any the baby, but I let her down… and this time I really tried. I tried with all I had. I let down someone who was important to me… again; first my family, then Twilight, and now this!” All this sadness continued to strengthen his withdrawal. He couldn’t even reflect on all the good things he had done for so many. Until he could regain his confidence, he’d never escape. Meanwhile, Stag was in his chambers drawing on long sheets of paper; copying things from manuals and anything he knew from his own experience. Slick came in and took at a look at one of the prints. “These... these are photostats of the entire armada.” Stag sniggered “Yes, marvelous aren’t they? I’m quite certain the ponies will appreciate them just as well.” Slick’s blood turned cold. “The ponies…?! You intend to-- have you lost every bit of your senses?!” “Will you be quiet!” snarled Stag “If the royal party hears of this, it will spoil everything.” Slick understood now. “This is all part of your twisted plan to get rid of them.” Stag admitted. “Why do them in when I can make others do it for me, but they’ll need this information to at least have a chance.” Slick had finally reached. “You have gone much too far! I won’t stand for this!” he dashed off for the door, but Stag rushed up blocking his way, and pointing his sword threateningly at him and sneered “You’re not going to tattle on me now are you?!” “Why shouldn’t I?” remarked Slick “It’s bad enough you plot this treachery, what if you doom us along with it?” “You worry too much…” said Stag “Even if the ponies don’t manage to defeat the royal party, they’ll all be too wiped out to defend themselves. That’s when I… or rather we will march in and finish them for good.” Slick wanted to refuse, but Stag then reminded him of what was on the line. “Look out there…!” he snarled “An entire armada that should rightfully be ours! Some of those ships will be yours, Slick, and we won’t have to take harshness from authority anymore! The galaxy can be ours, and one day the entire dimensional universe! Now, are you with me?!” Slick tried his best not to give in, but the temptation was far too great. Stag chuckled softly “That’s better.” The two then continued to make up more plans of the armada to send to Starfleet, but they only included things the ponies would need to know. They didn’t want to give away absolutely everything. A few days passed, and many ponies were starting to feel the sadness lifting from their hearts. They would never stop feeling upset for Cadance and the loss of her baby, but it was better that they learned to accept it, live with it, and move on with their own lives. …They could not just spend their every waking moment wallowing in despair; that wouldn’t help anything, nor would it be right. Sad to say, Lightning’s condition showed no sign of improvement, but at least it wasn’t worsening. Grand Ruler and Celestia checked on him every day when they went to check on Cadance as well. They hated seeing him like this, and there still nothing really they could do. “I really wish you were awake.” Grand Ruler said “We need your help more than ever now.” Celestia nodded in agreement and added “Aside from all that, you’re a good pony, we all really miss you. Please come back to us soon.” Just then, the court physician came in with a soft smile on his face. “Pardon me your majesties… Princess Cadance has awakened.” Their majesties eyes lit up slightly. “May we see her please?” Grand Ruler asked. The doctor nodded, and their majesties left to see their niece. She was very awake and very tired. She was sitting upright in bed with a disheartened look on her face as she clutched her stillborn child in her arms, which brought tears to her eyes. “Cadance…” Celestia said softly as she and Grand Ruler sat on the bed near her. She didn’t look up at them, she just couldn’t. Her tear-filled eyes were fixated on her child. “I just wanted to hold him… just once.” she spoke in a very sad tone “My poor little Amando!” “Is that what wanted to name him?” her uncle asked. Cadance nodded… She and Shining Armor talked it over a lot over the months, not knowing if their child was a girl or a boy, but they did decide on names. Their child was a boy, and so they agreed on the name… Mio Figlio Amorevole, Amando. The name Amando alone meant “Lovable” but his entire name really meant “My loving son, Amando” Just as Mi Amore Cadanza meant “I love Cadance” And Il Mio Caro Grande Fratello: “My Dear Big Brother” “We wanted to carry on the family’s tradition; using Italian phrases for our names.” She began to quiver as more tears fell from her eyes “…All that time… spent on nothing!” She bowed her head and clutched her little Amando close, softly letting out her emotion. Her aunt and uncle said nothing, but held her close, both on the verge of tears themselves. Things didn’t go better as the doctors decided, the best thing to do now was to take the child and… …prepare it for… it’s burial. “No, not yet, not this way.” cried Cadance. “There’s something that needs to be done. I want my child baptized before anything happens, and I at least want Shining Armor to be here, home again.” Her aunt and uncle agreed. Nothing would be done with Amando’s until Shining Armor was returned at least, and that would not be easy. Their majesties talked it over a lot in their royal master bedroom, but so far, the only hope they had of getting Shining Armor back would be to take the battle to the Insecto mothership, but at the moment, though Starfleet gathered much valuable information from the Insectos that were captured, it was nowhere near enough to tell them all the needed to know. …They still didn’t even know how to even get aboard the massive ship; dimensional pathways only connected to other planets and moons, not vehicles. Even then, as was remembered, the ship itself was two miles wide, and the royal palace stop it was wider than the Royal New Canterlot palace. “It’s no good…” Grand Ruler said “To send the team up there now without proper information would mean suicide.” Celestia sighed in dismay “Well, I guess that means we just keep going until we’ve gotten enough information, but that could take a very long time.” Grand Ruler was growing frustrated, and he wanted nothing that to find a way to blast that armada out of the sky, after Shining Armor was saved of course. “I shall appeal to the gods for their advice.” he said, and he was about to begin concentrating, when suddenly, the warning alert sounded, and Captain Shaina announced from one of the castle turrets. “Alert! Alert! Unidentified object launched from alien mothership. Man all battle-stations!” Their majesties raced to the window and could see the object; a bright glowing ball, that seemed to be heading straight towards the palace. “It’s coming right at us!” cried Celestia. “Prepare to intercept! Arm, all weapons!” shouted Grand Ruler. Just as the guards were readying the cannons, Shaina received a report from the tracking-station, and announced “Object verified. It is not a weapon. Repeat: not a weapon.” “Hold your fire!” shouted Grand Ruler. “Not a weapon…?” asked Celestia. Even her husband was confused. The object flew straight into the palace courtyard, where added harmlessly, and in a flash, all that was there, was a simple wooden crate. The guards examined it closely, and the crate showed no signs or scans of danger at all. Inside, was nothing more than long rolls of paper, blue-prints and other things as well. There was also a small not that said… “Use this well. It will help you.” …it did not say who it was from, despite the knowledge it was launched from the Insecto mothership. “We must summon the team at once.” Celestia said. Her husband nodded. Meanwhile, Queen Ladybird was furious! “Who gave the order to launch anything from this ship!” she thundered “Well… I’m waiting!” All the Stingars shuddered in fear, but they no clue of knowing who did it. “It is a most puzzling mystery, my queen.” said Stag, though he was just pretending to be concerned. “Perhaps we should go down and investigate just what the object was.” Phoebe scoffed, but then said “For once you may have actually suggested something smart.” “Princess, my number-one priority is to the safety of this armada, and the protection of the royal family.” Jetar thought Stag sounded a little too smooth with his words, but Ladybird already ordered the investigation. “Stag, Slick… the both of you will go down, with Saber leading.” The two generals winced softly, but Saber bowed thankfully “It will be honor, your majesty. I promise not to let you down this time.” Ladybird nodded “But just for extra strength and search powers, you’ll have a fourth member joining you; Termitor!” In marched a Termite-like Insecto, wearing greenish armor, and big muscles too. He wore a thick pair of shades. He had a very serious expression on his face. Al the Stingars couldn’t help but awe at him. He spoke in a deep Austrian accent “Take a picture, it lasts longer. Let’s get this part started!” He marched forth and shoved both Stag and Slick aside. Then he stopped at the door, gazed at everyone and said “…I’ll be back!” Stag grumbled as he got up “Why that big, burly…!” “Oh, come on!” snapped Slick as he and Stag headed off to catch up. Saber had a bad feeling about this as he left. “Those two better not foul things up again.” Jetar however was still noting Stag’s odd attitude. “Are you alright?” Phoebe asked. He snapped out of his trance “Yes… I am fine, my princess.” “Your Princess…? That has the meaning of property or ownership.” Jetar felt embarrassed, trying to juggle his romantic interest “I apologize… your highness.” Then he went off. Phoebe sighed “What’s with him now?” Ladybird sniggered softly “My dear, even a blind man with a cane can see it.” Phoebe was finally starting to get the impression “Jetar…? He can’t… he doesn’t. Does he?” she then brushed it off. She had no real feelings for him; he was just one of her underlings now. …at least, that’s how she wanted to feel, but she could feel her cheeks turning pink. Still, she did her best to deny. Meanwhile, the gang and their majesties were in the briefing room of the royal palace, and had gone over the many photostats and blueprints that were found in the crate. Professor Brain was with them analyzing the prints as well. “Oh, I say, I’ve only dreamed of seeing such designs before.” he said “This is fascinating, most fascinating.” “Fascinating maybe, but really perplexing.” said Starla. “Why would the Insectos send us secrets of their own armada?” asked Rainbow Buddy Rose sniffed the air in an acting matter “This has the definite scent of a trick. What else could explain it?” Artie examined every single drawing and, with his expertise, he confirmed that it was all made and drawn up by hand, as in not the original prints. “But still, the details are so fine, right down to the last bit.” Pinkie looked hard at the pictures until she felt something straining in her eyes. “Sorry, I just don’t see it.” The others still had no clue to believing that these were legitimate, and it would take time to fully understand. “Still, what if they are real?” asked Dyno. “Maybe…” said Myte “And if so, this can really let us bust the armada wide open, and really let them have it.” “I’m afraid we dare not try anything yet.” Grand Ruler said. Celestia agreed and said “We’ll need to gain proof of whether or not these documents are legitimate, and until then, we shall carry on normally.” Everyone else agreed, but Rhymey was distracted by a note he had found, and it was actually written in rhyme. He read it out loud to everyone… “If you want save your friend from the magic that was cast, Simply combine the power of love with images from his past. But this alone will not be enough to set him fully free. The source of the magic must be destroyed to release him entirely.” “Do you think it’s talking about Shining Armor?” asked Fluttershy. The others felt convinced, but still. “It could just be another trick.” said Spike “They know how desperate we are to get him back. “You are quite right, Spike.” said Rarity “As much as I’d like to believe in this ray of hope, we cannot go further without any proof.” Applejack grumbled softly to herself “Well duh, that’s what we’ve just been agreein’ to.” Krysta then noticed that Starla was looking a bit down again, and acting very quiet, obviously thinking and worrying about Lightning “Don’t worry, Starla. Lightning will be okay.” She looked up and smiled sadly “I know he will. It’s just I wish he were here right now. I miss him, and we do need his help.” “He’ll be okay.” Krysta said “Trust me, I’ve known him a lot long than you, or any of the others have, and he and I have been in all sorts of tough spots, and we always managed to pull out of it… well, except that one time on Brogan.” “Ah, yes… I remember that well.” Grand Ruler said “As I keep saying; the past may be gone, but the memories remain, and nothing said or done will truly make them disappear. All of you must remember this so you can all learn from your pasts. Never ignore what happened, where you came from, and how you got to where you are.” The others agreed to this wholeheartedly. Then came the alarms, the disturbance was just outside, near the palace. “Go!” said Grand Ruler. The team out from their seats and dashed out the windows. The second they were gone, their majesties raised the shields. Cadance was resting when the alarms woke her and the shields went up, and could see through the window near her bed… The team, all transformed, rushed through the field near the front of the palace and could already see Stag, Slick and Saber. “You three…!” shouted Starla. Saber scoffed “Well, well, we expected you here sooner. You’re starting to lose your touch.” Applejack’s head throbbed “Oh… let me at ‘em!” Buddy Rose held her back, for the moment. “Now, now, no need for such temperament.” said Stag “We just came to have a look around your palace for something launched from our ship.” “As if we’ll let you do that.” snarled Pinkie. The Insectos sniggered. “We were not giving you an option.” said Slick. “Let’s get ‘em!” shouted Starla, and just as they all began to rush forth, the ground before them burst in a huge cloud of dust. “Oh, and I just had this uniform polished!” groaned Rarity. The dust settled, and there stood Termitor, and he looked deathly raring to go for a brawl. “Who wants to go first?” he sneered while flexing his muscles, and snapping his pincers. The team could tell just by looking at him, he was very strong and they would have to be cautious. The three generals snickered. “While you deal with them, we’ll gain entry into the palace. I remember the emergency shut-down code.” The gang didn’t seem to react much to that. “Go!” shouted Starla, and they all charged forth, and jumped on the huge termite, punching and kicking hard, but he just stood there taking every blow, hardly even flinching. He even yawned in boredom. “Had enough yet?” growled Pinkie. Termitor grabbed her by the tail, and then whirled her round and around like a ball-and-chain, smashing her into the others knocking them all away, and then softly placing the very dizzy Pinkie on the feet. Poor Pinkie was so dizzy, she had stars around her head making tweeting sounds, and she could barely keep her balancing. “Gee… what pretty colors.” she groaned, and then she collapsed. The others all got back onto their feet, but were amazed by how much stronger Termitor was than they thought. “Let’s try and blast him!” suggested Krysta. “Right! Powers ready.” cried Starla. “PULSAR LASER!” “LEAF SWARM!” “PAINT BOMB!” “DRILL QUILL!” “BOOM-BOOM FIREBALLS!!” “DRAGON FLAME!” Rarity simply shot magical pulses from her horn, Krysta fired blasts from her want, and all the others, being pegasi, gathered a whole bunch of thunder-clouds that struck lightning at him. Not a single shot missed. There was enough power to have blown a huge chunk out of the neighborhood had the barriers not been up, and yet… when the smoke cleared. “Look!” cried Artie. “You gotta be kidding me!” groaned Rainbow. Termitor stood where he was, still hardly even scratched from all that power. “You call that power?” he scoffed “My mother hit me harder just to discipline me.” “This guy’s like a rock!” said Spike. Termitor began to snap his pincers in a threatening manner. “…I don’t that look he’s got!” cried Fluttershy. Termitor jumped forth, aiming his fists and his pincers at everyone. They barely managed to dodge him causing him to punch huge craters in the ground, and his pincers grounded rocks, trees, even solid metal into tiny pieces. Finally, he managed to grab Rarity and held her up high, choking her. “No!” shouted Spike, and he charged forth with his blade at the ready. “Put her down!” and he began to slam, whack and drive hiss sword right at Termitor. Sparks, flew everywhere, but all he felt was annoyed, and dropped Rarity and began to chase after Spike furiously, and cornered him. “Big mistake there.” he snarled. He lunged forth and opened his pincers wide, but Spike leapt up and right over him just in time, causing him to bit into the solid rock of the wall. Spike landed safely on the other side, and then watched with the others as Termitor easily broke the wall to bits, freeing himself. “None of our attacks are working!” cried Dyno. “There’s gotta be a way to get this dude.” said Myte. “Hey, let’s try our Valkyrie forms.” said Rainbow “Then we can drain him of his energy until he’s weak enough to capture.” “Yah… think again!” growled Termitor “ACID GUSH!” out from his head he spewed a long trail of green gooey acid that splattered on everyone, and in just a few seconds, the acid began to burn away at them. “WHOA!!” shouted Rarity. “This stuff burns!!” added Buddy Rose. “The pain’s getting higher! It’s like I’m on fire!” shouted Rhymey! Sparks and small explosions blew right all over them, and knocked them all over, much to Termitors delight. He laughed wickedly as he saw the gang squirming on the ground, burned and charred as they struggled to try and find their strengths. “Come on, guys…!” groaned Starla “We can’t… let him… beat us like this!” The others knew she was right, but they could all barely find the strength to get up. Meanwhile, the generals made it to the barrier around the palace without any trouble. The fighters just ignored them all completely, and Saber found the emergency remote-box. “This was too easy.” said Slick “Why would they not even try to come after us?” “Who cares?” sneered Stag, but he spoke softly to him so not to be overheard “And once we’re inside, you don’t let a word out of what we did.” Slick was growing fed up with all this silence, but as he was equally as guilty for helping Stag and not coming forth with the truth to begin with, he didn’t want to begin to think of the consequence that would befall him. So he agreed to say nothing. However, Saber was growing furious; when he tried the code that he remembered, nothing worked. “The code…! It’s been changed!” “What?!” snapped Stag. “They must’ve anticipated this!” “We can’t break the barrier down.” cried Slick “Somehow we’ve got to get in.” Cadance could see the generals down below, but kept her eyes fixated on Saber, knowing he was really Shining Armor. She really wanted to go down there and try to make him remember, but then again her friends were in danger too and needed serious help. Of course, now that she was no longer pregnant, and had rested well over the past few days, despite her overwhelming with anguish of Amando, her magic was working fully well again. “Cadance…” her uncle said. She turned and saw him and her Aunt Celestia standing at the door; both their horns were glowing as they maintained the barriers around the palace and the entire sector. She gazed at them both with extreme determination in their eyes, and they could both see she was raring to go. “You’ll need this…” Celestia said as she handed her niece a simple small chest, and inside was Cadance’s magic Ninja medallion. She clutched it deeply and said very bravely “…For Amando.” Their majesties agreed. The fighters just managed to get back onto their feet, but they still felt badly weakened, and Termitor was stomping his way towards them and prepared to finish them off for good. “Hasta la Vista, baby…! …ACID GUSH!” Suddenly, just as the acid spewed out, a large barrier formed round the gang, shielding them from the blast. Everyone looked up and saw Celestia landing near the barrier, having conjured it with some of her magic; careful not to overexert herself so she could maintain the bigger barriers. “I think that’s enough of your attitude for one day.” she sneered, and as her barrier around the gang disappeared, it actually healed and reenergized them back to full power. “Wow! I feel totally energized!” said Buddy Rose. “Me too...” Applejack. The three generals were not amused “Hey, you can’t butt in!” snarled Stag. “Let’s get them!” growled Saber, but just as he and the others dashed forth, several shots bombarded all around them. It was Grand Ruler, and next to him was Cadance, in her Ninja form, for the first time in a long time. Grand Ruler allowed her to deal with Saber alone, while he would deal with the others. “Be very careful.” Unable to speak as long as she wore her suit, Cadance nodded in agreement, and they jumped into action. Saber took a good look at Cadance, and his mind was beginning to go crazy again, feeling he had seen this creature somewhere before. While on the mothership, Ladybird could already sense that he was starting to slip. “Oh, no you don’t!” she sneered, and poured on the spell from her necklace. Her powers worked, and Saber roared furiously “I will destroy you!” and he lunged forth, throwing his shuriken blades, which she countered by throwing her own blades. Saber swing his sword at her, but she skillfully and swiftly dodged his every blow, but she made no attempt to strike him back, hoping to wear him down enough for her real plan. As for her uncle, he stood before Stag and Slick, and the recognized him instantly. “You destroyed our king!” growled Slick. Grand Ruler clenched his fists, still feeling a bit guilty for the way he behaved during that battle. “I did what I had to so I could defend my world and my people, despite my character flaws and overbearing actions, and I’ll deeply regret those.” Slick clenched all his fists furiously “You… will PAY FOR IT!!” he shouted, and he and all the generals charged at him together, but Grand Ruler, zipped out of the way in the nick of time and came in from many directions , punching Slick and Stag furiously. In almost no time, the two generals were badly roughed up, while he hardly even got scratched. “You two are ridiculous as you were a-thousand years ago.” he jeered at them “Such is to be expected when you work for evil, invade wholesome worlds, and destroy innocent beings just for your own cruel pleasure! You make me sick!” He began to glow as furiously as he did when he beat Pinsar, much to the generals’ fears, but then he calmed down again. He made the mistake of letting his emotions run wild before, and didn’t intend to do it again. He blasted them both with his horns and imprisoned them into spheres, but when he picked them up, the data being captured made him realize something was off. He gazed deeply into the spheres, and used his own magic removing the puppet blocks, which destroyed the two figures inside “Puppets! It wasn’t them!” The sphere however, still worked in giving a little information. As for Termitor, he angrily glared the ponies down and looked ready for more. “Let’s rock this house!” he thundered. Celestia and the Equestrian ponies all stood together, and nodded at one another. They concentrated until their cutiemarks glowed and they shouted “VALKYRIA!!” They donned their Valkyrie forms and shouted out their elements. Celestia: “Magic!” Rarity: “Generosity!” Rainbow: “Loyalty!” Pinkie Pie: “Laughter!” Fluttershy: “Kindness!” Applejack: “Honesty!” Celestia pointed her sword up at the sky and declared “We are…!!” …and all of them joined in declaring their names “...THE VALKYRIES OF HARMONY!!” Termitor was not impressed and laughed mockingly “Ha, ha, ha! You think that some silly costumes and puny weapons can stop me? Well, they can’t…!” and he charged forth. “Ladies…” said Celestia as she pointed her sword out in front, and the others pointed theirs right by hers, and they all unleashed their magical binds of light that grabbed Termitor from all ends, holding him still. “Hey!” he growled “What is this?! Let me go!” “…Now!” shouted Celestia, and she and the Valkyries poured on much magic into their beams which began to drain his energy making him get weaker by the second. Celestia turned to face the Starfleet ponies and Spike “Now’s your chance.” Starla and the others nodded. “Let’s combine all our attacks!” The others agreed, and got their weapons ready. “GALACTIC PROJECTILE!” “WHIPLASH STRIKE!” “SUPER STAFF SPIN!” “THRASH SLASHE!” “BOOM-BOOM FLARE!!” “DRAGON KNIGHT SABER… IGNITE!” All those powerful attacks struck and bombarded Termitor like a hurricane. He roared and growled ferociously as the power engulfed him, and when the light faded… he was still standing! “I don’t believe this guy!” growled Rainbow. “No, wait… said Krysta. Termitor was standing, but he felt really beat. “You… cannot… beat me!” he growled as he tried to lurch forth and continue the fight, but his body began to spark and flare, and he fell over backwards groaning “…Maybe… you can!” He exploded and was imprisoned. The gang rejoiced, but the battle was not quite over yet. Cadance was still struggling with Saber, dodging all his attacks, but still made no attempts to hit him back. The others all dashed over in attempt to help her, but Grand Ruler appeared before telling them all to stop. “Let Cadance handle this.” “Take this!” shouted Saber as he threw his sickle and chain at Cadance, but she, using her ninja skills, vanished into the ground, causing the chain to swerved and wrap around Saber instead. Cadance burst through the ground right before him, and she finally removed her mask, revealing her face and allowing her to speak. “Shining Armor, please remember!” Saber broke free from his chain and snarled “Don’t try this again on me, you… you…!” but he couldn’t find his words, just gazing at her face brought on his memories again, stronger than ever. Ladybird could feel the force clashing with her spell “No! I won’t let you!” she snarled as she poured on more power. Saber’s eyes glowed red as the magic started to get to him. “Must… destroy you!” he growled. Cadance could see this would call for everything she had, and so she looked deeply within herself and channelled all the power into her love magic, and fired at him. He roared and bellowed as the magical force engulfed him “No! Stop! Let me go!!” “Please, let this work!” Cadance said to herself as she continued to pour on more magic. As Saber continued to fight against the force, more and more memories began to flow through his mind, and they were all as clear as day! His past with his family! Becoming Captain of the Royal Canterlot guard… Being a good brother to his sister, Twilight… Marrying Cadance, his one true love! Fighting King Sombra… He even remembered all the other events leading to the present… The Great War… Equestria being destroyed and then reborn as United Equestria… All the enemies fought since then, even the death of his dear Twilight. …still, the only true memories he could see the best were that of all his friends, and his beloved wife, and the mother of his child. Finally, in a bright flash of light, the Insecto mask slipped off his face falling to the ground, and he transformed into Shining Armor. …he collapsed flat on the ground by his mask. Everyone gawked in shock and worry, but surely enough it looked as if it had worked. “She’s done it!” cried Rarity. “He’s back to normal!” added Artie. Cadance smiled in relief, but then, right before her eyes, Shining Armor and his mask were enveloped in a dark light, and they disappeared. “No!” cried Cadance. Grand Ruler hung his head low. “…It’s Queen Ladybird! She’s taken him back to the mothership to brainwash him again!” Cadance fell to her knees and angrily punched the ground. Her tears began to fill her eyes “I was close… so close!” Everyone hung their heads low, moaning in shame and distraught feelings. Shining Armor, still unconscious form the ordeal, was once again placed on that table, and the brainwashing spell was set in motion again. “Now all those blasted memories will have to be erased from his mind again.” grumbled Ladybird “Those wretched ponies!” Phoebe angrily clutched her scepter, and turned round furiously to zap the real Stag and Slick, draining them of a little energy. “You miserable pests!” she snarled “You sent puppets of yourselves down there without informing us!” Her mother was equally as furious “Give me one good reason why I should not vanquish the two you for disregarding orders!” “Your majesty, please!” cried Slick “We only acted out of concern.” “It’s true…” added Stag “We did not expect interference from their majesties, and had we not sent those puppets down, it would have been us that would have been defeated in battle, and much information would had been lost!” “Not good enough!” thundered Phoebe, and she zapped them again. As much as Ladybird was infuriated, she stopped her daughter “They are right, Phoebe.” “But mother…!” “No buts! I’m willing to let it slide this time…” The generals felt relieved. “…But be warned; the next time either of you disregard regulations and the call to duty, you’ll spend the next century crawling through soils on a barren asteroid! Now get out of our sights!” The generals bowed and scuttled off, and as they walked down the corridors, Slick was in a near panic. “We nearly got busted in there. I can’t take it anymore!” “Be still!” snarled Stag “Everything went exactly as I planned, including that little… scare in there. The wheels have been set in motion, and now it won’t be long before the final act begins, and we take the scene, and they take their final curtain.” The two continued to walk off… unaware that someone had been hiding in the shadows and heard their every word… Jetar… and he were not a bit pleased with what he had heard! He muttered softly to himself “Plotting mutiny against the queen and the one I love… I think not!” Meanwhile, everyone met up in the royal palace. Princess Luna had returned, now that Cadance was fully recovered, at least physically, and she was willing to resume her royal duties. Still, the events of the battle that day left her with even more distraught feelings deep down. Her aunts and uncle were deeply sympathetic with her. “We’re so sorry, Cadance.” Celestia said. “Don’t be, it’s not your fault.” she said “I’m not going to give up anyway. I will get my husband back, and make those horrid creatures pay for what they’ve done to him… to me… and to all of us!” Everyone agreed to all this, and Grand Ruler spoke on everyone’s behalf. “We will be brave, we will be strong, and we will win. Evil can never hope to achieve true victory, no matter what tricks they pull. The good and righteous will always triumph.” Everyone nodded bravely, and Starla thought deeply to herself as she thought of her husband, lying in bed. “We’ll all be brave, especially for you, Lightning.” (Promo) In our next episode: While trying to decipher the blueprints, the team discovers a map to two planets that could provide the answering to their mysteries, which means the team will have to divide into two groups and venture forth, but upon arrival, they realize that they’ve run into the middle of crisis, that may sour any chances they may have of getting answers. What sort of surprises and adventures will our heroes find? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Intrusion, Illusion, and Confusion: Part 1”) > Episode 20: Illusion and Confusion: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE TWENTY The New Crystal Empire was very happy to have their princess back, but no real celebration was held, due to the fact that everyone still felt sorry about baby Amando, and that Shining Armor was still not back yet. Still, Cadance was happy to be home, and eager to get back to her duties. She knew it was the right thing to do and she couldn’t spend every day moping. By her throne were several cute little gift baskets from her friends, all welcoming her home, and again, extending their sorrows for the tragedy. Cadance felt a little happy, but she couldn’t fight her sadness, even when she passed by the nursery, she couldn’t help but walk inside over to the crib, and look inside at how it would’ve looked so nice with her little son in it. She couldn’t help but cry softly, feeling so helpless and alone, but she knew she had to get herself together, especially for someone else… Before she had left New Canterlot she paid a visit to Lightning’s room, having heard what happened, and seeing he was still completely out of it. He did so much for her, and ran the Empire, and she’d never forget what he did for her the day of the tragedy. Had he not leapt in the way of Saber’s blast to save her, both she and the baby would have been destroyed. “Lightning, I know you tried your hardest, and you did save me.” She softly caressed his cheek, it felt so cold. “It’s not your fault, and I’ll never hold you in any disregard for what you did and what you tried to do. I know you can hear this… please come back soon.” She leaned down and softly pecked his head. Cadance snapped herself out of her woe, knowing she had to be brave. …there was work to be done. And so, the days went by, and there was no activity from the Insectos, thank goodness! Today however, the gang was invited to discuss recent viewings of the information collated from the Insectos. “The evidence surrounded these is become quite substantial.” Grand Ruler said and he held up the note that Rhymey had read the other day “Do you remember this?” “I remember it well, All the words I can still tell.” said Rhymey, and he recited the first part of the note… “If you want save your friend from the magic that was cast, Simply combine the power of love with images from his past.” “Exactly…” Celestia said, and she used her magic to show images of when Cadance almost saved Shining Armor with her love magic combined with his memories, just like the note said… …right up to the point where Shining Armor vanished and was taken back to the mothership. “I remember the rest of the note…” Starla said. “But this alone will not be enough to set him fully free. The source of the magic must be destroyed to release him entirely.” “…And Queen Ladybird is the one who is controlling the magic.” said Rarity. “Which means, we’ve got to get her to save Shining Armor for good.” added Spike. Everyone began to see the connection of how the note was accurate, which meant that the documents and blueprints were most likely legitimate. “There is more…” Grand Ruler said, and he opened a map in the center of the table “This was found only this morning. It’s a map that leads to two planets; Tiamo, and Hedra.” The gang had heard of those two planets. Tiamo was within the Starfleet juristicion of the galaxy, and well protected by other forces, which were obviously unaware of the maps. It was a planet where the inhabitants were humanoid like creatures, who lived like the Asian ponies in New Horn Kong; preferring to live in peace, but they did accept Starfleet’s services to help keep them well-protected and stave off evil. Then there was Hedra, a beautiful, lush meadow planet outside the juristicion. Starfleet had visited it before, trying to convince the inhabitants to allow their services to help keep them protected, but the stubborn creatures insisted they required none, for they put all their faith in a simple golden pinwheel, which they believed had magical powers and brought them good luck. “What do these planets gotta do with these blueprints?” asked Applejack. Grand Ruler held up another not that he found attached to the map. “It explains that on these planets, we will find those who can ultimately confirm the blueprints are accurate, but exactly how, we don’t know.” “That’s where you all come in.” said Celestia “You’ll divide into two groups and venture to these planets, and once there it will be your mission to locate those who can help us, but how is entirely up to you.” Rainbow bolted right up from her seat going “Whoa-Whoa-Whoa, hold on a minute! How are we going to even get past the armada?” “She’s got a point.” said Dyno. “Si, those ships will shoot anything that even tries to leave the planet.” added Myte. “Oh, not quite everything.” said Krysta “They never detected me; I’m too small for their trackers to spot.” “Exactly…” said Starla “I thought of that too, and I think I know how we can pull it off.” Before long, the entire gang went to New Ponyville to visit Dr. Penny at the hospital. She was informed of the situation from their majesties in a letter they had sent. “So, let me see if I understand this…” she said “You want to use my shrink-ray so you can travel to other planets?” “Yes.” replied Starla “It’s the only way we can sneak past the armada.” “Look, Penny, we wouldn’t be asking you into this if it wasn’t that important.” added Buddy Rose. All the others nodded in agreement. “I understand that…” said Penny “But even if it does work, how will you even get back? Remember the shrink ray’s effect is still only temporary.” “Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered.” said Pinkie “You didn’t think we’d just gallivant off without thinking this through would you? Huh? Huh? Huh?” Penny winced softly each of those three times. “Alright, I’ll do it; I just hope you realize what you’re really doing.” “Don’t worry, Penny. We’ll be okay…” said Fluttershy “…I hope.” Once everyone was shrunk down, Krysta, using her magic, created two powerful space-warps for the two teams to travel, while she remained behind for the creative idea for the return trip. Fluttershy felt a little scared to be so tiny, but Pinkie bounced and flew all about with glee and joy. “This is so amazing!” she cried “Look how big everything seems. It’s like a giant playpark.” Applejack grabbed her by the tell telling her “Not now, Pinkie. We’ve got work to do.” The teams were set… Heading for Tiamo were Starla, Artie, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Spike. Heading for Hedra were Buddy Rose Applejack, Rhymey and Fluttershy, and the Twins. Six friends on each team, and they were ready to go. “Are we ready…?” asked Starla. Buddy Rose nodded “Ready as we’ll ever be.” “Good luck guys.” Krysta said. The ponies bid each other farewell and good luck, and then off they went, right off into space. Just as they were all very tiny, so were the dimensional pathways that carried them across space, and it worked; they flew right past the vast armada of spaceships without being seen, and it was nothing but clear sailing from there. The teams flew off in different directions as the planets were each in a different system. In just a matter of moments thanks to the super speeds of the warps, they arrived safely at their destinations, and the effects of the shrink ray wore off. Starla and her team arrived on Tiamo. It was already late at night, and the stars were shining so beautifully. As for the land itself, there was a whole town miles ahead and very active for the late hours. The sight of it was almost exactly like New Horn Kong. Many ordinary buildings and stands were around, but also in the suburbs there were many pagodas like houses and temples all around. Many of the inhabitants were humanoid creatures. Men had blue toned skins, and women had pink. The colors seemed faded for those who were elderly, and they all wore kimonos, and other Asian like attire. Rarity’s eyes glittered like the stars “It’s all so beautiful.” she cried. “Uh, oh, here it comes.” Rainbow sighed. The others all felt the same, and sure enough, Rarity went off babbling about all the inspirational things she saw. “I could start a whole new fashion line with those types of outfits, and the Asian designs would add excellent textures.” “Think of how famous I could become.” Artie muttered. “Oh, think of how famous I could become.” “I can just see it now.” Spike grumbled. “I can just it now!” Starla had taken enough and whistled loudly. “Rarity, we’re here on a mission, not a shopping spree.” Rarity cleared her throat and re-focussed her attention. “Yes, of course.” “So, where exactly should we check out?” asked Rainbow. “Ooh-Ooh-Ooh…!” Pinkie cried as she raised her hand “Let’s just ask around town. Someone should know what we’re talking about.” The others agreed, and headed right to town. Meanwhile, the others had already landed on Hedra, and it was mid-morning there, and the skies were bright and blue, and the planet was every bit as beautiful as was described. “Wow…” Fluttershy cried as she admired all the beautiful fields of green grass, and the many wild flowers. There were even the same kinds of animals found in United Equestria; rabbits, birds, even insects too. Everyone thought it was so lovely here. “If we didn’t have to go back, I wouldn’t mind staying here.” said Buddy Rose. Rhymey felt the same, but he then said… “It doesn’t make sense though; this planet seems a place of bliss How could the Insecto Armada be linked to a place like this?” “Just what I’d like to know.” said Applejack. They all looked all over the place, and suddenly Dyno could see a village far ahead. “Maybe someone who lives there knows.” he said. “Qué estamos esperando? *What are we waiting for?* said Myte “Let’s get going.” They all flew towards the villiage… All the homes were giant trees made into houses, and tree-houses in the trees. Some were even oversized toadstools, about the size of Fluttershy and Rhymey’s cottage. As for the inhabitants… Some were pixies, only they were the same sizes as a normal being, not tiny. Others were furry dumpy little dwarf trolls. Covered from head to toe in fur, and not really ugly, but cute, and very friendly looking too… except… …all over the village there was not a happy face to be seen. Everywhere some of the dwarfs were groaning and moaning sadly, some of the little pixy children were crying, and others just looked plain-down hearted and worried as they loomed over their gardens, which had not yet sprouted or anything, it was all plain and barren. “Oh, my!” cried Fluttershy. Seeing all those sad faces brought tears to her eyes “I can’t stand to see such nice creatures upset.” Rhymey hated seeing his wife in tears, and handed her a hankie. “Be steady my dear, We’ll find out what’s wrong here.” Not looking where she was going, Applejack stepped on what turned out to be a green troll, sleeping in the grass. “Ow!” groaned the troll. This scared everyone else. “Hey, watch it!” snarled the grumpy creature. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” said Applejack “You look just like the grass.” The troll would have complained more, but he took one look at the gang and their energizer-insignias. “Hey, you’re all from that funny Starfleet place, ain’t ya?” “Yes…” said Buddy Rose “We’re here because…” “Let me guess, you want to offer us protection again, well we don’t need it… at least we didn’t before.” “That ain’t why we’re here.” said Applejack “And… what do you mean not before?” Fluttershy approached the troll and softly asked “Please, can you tell us why everyone is so sad around here?” The troll looked very grim “Everyone’s sad, because the magic golden pinwheel that watches over us and gives us all has been stolen!” He explained the whole deal… On Hedra, it was springtime all year around, and it never got any cooler or hotter, and just had regular weather patterns. “All that we have come to know; we owe it to the magic pinwheel. Whenever it spins, always something wonderful happens, it even helps the seeds we have sown to make our gardens grow, and it brings us the rains to keep our rivers and lakes full and clean, but now the magic pinwheel has been stolen. Nobody knows where it is, and today is the day when the entire village gets together for the great ceremony. Every year on this day, the pinwheel blows for the longest and strongest, and we all give thanks to it by singing our traditional song. It is only after then that the magic from the pinwheel makes our gardens sprout and the rains come forth to nourish the lands.” He pointed to a huge tall tree at the back of the village. Atop it was a resting place where the pinwheel once stood. …But now, as I said, the pinwheel is gone, and if it’s not returned by sundown today, our gardens won’t get the nourishment they need, the weather will not bring the rains, and our very way of life will be threatened by famine and sadness.” As much as the friends felt sorry for all the sadness, they couldn’t help but feel everyone was acting a bit silly over an object that obviously had no control of the weather, or the plant life or anything really… …but it was in vain they tried to convince the troll and the people of this. “Your weather patterns are natural.” said Dyno. “Si, it’s not the pinwheel that gives you all this.” added Myte. Many of the creatures heard what they had to say, and did not like it a bit. “How dare you scoff the magic pinwheel?” “The pinwheel gives us hope, and basks us with good fortune.” “Now that it’s gone, nothing has gone right, and our gardens don’t grow, and there has been no rain!” Buddy Rose tried to reason with them all, but the creatures weren’t interested and drove the gang out of their village and threatening them to never return. Now out in the meadows again, the gang was very cross. “That was very rude, They’ve put me in a bitter mood.” grumbled Rhymey. Fluttershy felt more concerned for all the creatures “How can they think this pinwheel of theirs will really give them all this? Maybe, it really is magical?” Buddy Rose shook his head “No, it isn’t. I’ve read about the histories documented into this. The so-called magic pinwheel is nothing more than a golden statue. It has no magical properties whatsoever.” “Well, obviously, they don’t believe that.” said Applejack “All they need to do is wake up and realize that they can do their own jobs better themselves, and they’ll still get the good they want.” Everyone agreed to that, but suddenly Dyno realized “A’rgh! Idiota! We totally forgot to ask anyone about the blueprints!” Everyone gasped realizing he was right. “Oh, no!” groaned Myte “That’s what we came for in the first place. Now we may have jeopardized the mission.” “Well we can’t go back to the village now.” said Applejack “There’s no way those guys will listen to us.” Just then, Fluttershy had an idea. “Maybe… they’ll listen to us if we bring back the pinwheel?” There was a long moment of silence, and Fluttershy felt embarrassed and hid her face behind her mane. “I’m sorry! It was a dumb idea…” “No… it wasn’t.” said Buddy Rose “I think it just might help us fix everything.” Everyone began to see the ideal, but Rhymey pointed out. “There’s just one problem that I still see, We have no way of knowing where the pinwheel must be.” Everyone held their heads low in dismay. Now what could they do? Meanwhile, the others had made it into town. They stopped to question a man, who was wheeling a barrow full of pumpkins, but all the man just stared at them with a shocked expression; preferably at Spike, and he didn’t say a word or even blink his eyes. Then he walked away with this barrow almost quickly. “What’s with him?” asked Pinkie. They continued to walk into town and tried to question a lady in a stand, selling fruit, but she gave the same expression; staring at them awkwardly, preferably at Spike, and did not answer them. “O-kay…” Rainbow said. They stepped deeper into town, and suddenly… everything went totally silent, and every single person stopped right where they were and gazed over at the gang, all with the same expressions of shock, or worry. “What are they staring at?” asked Starla. Spike looked one way, and then another and realized “They’re all staring at me.” “Well, what’s with them? Haven’t they ever seen a dragon before?” said Rarity. Suddenly, the alarms sounded, and just like back at home, everyone dashed for their homes or the nearest shelter. The barriers around the buildings automatically activated since neither Grand Ruler nor Celestia were present. The town square was totally deserted, leaving only the gang left. They looked high, low, and all around. “I don’t see any danger.” said Artie. Suddenly, they all could hear and then see a flock of Starfleet officers rushing into town and surrounded them all in a threatening manner; preferably at Spike. “Uh, guys…!” cried Spike “What’s happening?” Just as the gang were about to speak up… “Stop!” called a voice… one that Starla and Artie recognized. “Lay down your arms. They are not enemies.” They all looked up and saw the leader of the squad, an elderly purple space alicorn stallion with the code, VK6Y. “That’s General. Mac Speed.” said Starla. “He was one of our tutors at the Starfleet Academy back on Unicornicopia.” added Artie. The other three felt relieved that they were at least among a friend. Mac fluttered down to the group, and saluted to everyone, and then shook hands with Starla and Artie “It’s been a long time you two, and I’m very glad to see how well you’ve come.” “Thank you sir.” said Starla. “I must say…” said Artie “We remember you got transferred the day we graduated, but we had no way of knowing you were here on Tiamo.” “Well, thank goodness I recognized you, and we’ve avoided this little problem.” said Mac. Mac nodded, and then alerted his troops to be at ease, and cancel the emergency. Mac then saluted to the other three “I must apologize for the inconvenience, but someone sounded the alarm fearing there was trouble.” “Yeah, but what was it all about?” asked Rainbow. “And why did they all freak out when they saw me?” added Spike. “A simple answer…” said Mac “You see the people of Tiamo fear of dragons.” Spike felt shocked at those words, and the others felt the same. “I’m afraid so…” said Mac “To them, dragons are sign of ill-omen, and bringers of bad luck.” He explained a story of ten years ago, long before Starfleet discovered planet Tiamo… An evil dragon creature from another planet came and spread chaos and terror everywhere he went. For ten straight days the people of Tiamo lived in fear and panic, and many began to suffer the consequences of the destruction and chaos. This great event was thereafter dubbed as “The Ten Days of Darkness” and it all started with that dragon. On the night of the tenth day, a brave warrior of Tiamo, fought with all his might to slay the beast. The battle ended in suicide, but the dragon was defeated, and the people of Tiamo began to rebuild their lives, but to them, the sign of the dragon or anything resembling a dragon was considered nothing but trouble to everyone. This information was kept secret amongst Stafleet and not released to general public knowledge. If it got out, then more enemies of Tiamo would use this fear of dragons to their advantage. “Eventually, Starfleet explorers discovered Tiamo, and establish negotiations with the kind people. Realizing Starfleet’s reputation, they asked that Starfleet protect their planet against future attacks, and that’s pretty much all there is to know.” The others were in awe at such a story, but Rarity still found it outrageous “My darling Spike is not an ill-omen.” She said as she held her husband’s arm. “Yeah…” Spike said “I don’t mean them any harm.” “That was what we have tried to explain to the people over and over…” said Mac “But ultimately we cannot force them to believe or change their minds, but still you’ll find that once they all get to know you better, they are very kind and generous creatures.” “Speaking of which…” Starla cut in, and she explained about their mission. “I know someone whom you can ask.” said Mac “If you go back out through town and head over the hills just beyond the horizon, you’ll find the home of Ping-Lo. He is a very wise man, and knows many things of Tiamo. Perhaps he can help you. I must get back to tending to my forces. We must maintain watch over this planet for any signs of trouble, but if you need us, you know what to do.” “Yes, sir…” said Artie “And thanks again for everything.” They all saluted to him, and he saluted back “Good luck to you all…” and then he zipped off really fast. “Wow, that must be why they call him Mac Speed.” said Rainbow. “…Not really.” said Starla. It didn’t take long at all to reach over the hills by flight. “Hey, look…” cried Pinkie. Everyone could see a temple and a small home near it, which was obviously what they were looking for. A gong sounded as everyone landed near the front of the temple. “My goodness… this place is fabulous.” said Rarity “Why you could just do so much with it.” “Do you think anyone’s home?” asked Pinkie. “Well, gongs don’t just sound themselves.” said Artie. The door was open, so they all walked right in. Inside, were all basics they would find in an oriented temple; statues, columns, large talisman scrolls. “Awe…” everyone said together. “This place must be centuries of years-old.” said Starla “Hey, look at this.” said Artie. Everyone huddled close to him and they all viewed a tapestry splash-panel; a picture that told a story of action with the images, and it obvious was telling the toy of the Ten Days of Darkness. Spike looked at the drawing of that wicked dragon and sneered “It still makes me sick knowing most dragons were like him.” Suddenly, there was a soft sound coming from somewhere in the temple, as if someone were moving about. “Who’s there?” Starla called “Show yourself!” Out from behind a column, a pretty young girl wearing a red and yellow kimono stepped out and bowed to them all. “Welcome, strangers...” she said “Welcome to the temple of my father, Ping-Lo.” “Uh, thank you Miss…” Artie said. “I am Sango-Chi, daughter of Ping-Lo, whom waits to speak with you.” The others felt they could trust her, and she did say they were welcomed. Soon, they were all brought to the small house by the temple, where Sango’s father greeted them all. “Greetings members of Starfleet.” he said “I am Ping-Lo, wise and honorable man, and keeper of the temple. And I present my daughter, Sango-Chi.” Everyone bowed in the traditional greeting to the two. “We’re pleased to meet you.” Starla said. “I too am please, but I am also concerned…” said Ping-Lo “Your coming here and your entering of the temple with the company of a dragon means evil.” “The dragon is a sign of ill-fortune to us all.” added Sango. Rainbow sighed “We know, we’ve heard.” Spike stepped forth and said “You don’t have to be scared of me. I’m a noble dragon and I’m a member of Starfleet. I fight evil, not cause it.” Rarity looped her arm around him. “My husband speaks the truth.” Ping and Sango were shocked and somewhat amazed. “You have joined with this dragon.” said Ping “Very unusual, but Ping-Lo understand the bonds of true love.” Rarity and Spike smiled lovingly at each other. Spike then offered to show Ping and Sango what else he was capable of. “Watch, you’ll like this.” said Rainbow. Spike stood in the middle of the yard… “Dragon Power!” …and he began to transform! Sango held her father tightly as the lights shined whimpering “Sango afraid! The dragon is glowing.” “This cannot be good.” said Ping. “Oh, it’s good all right.” said Starla “Look…” The two saw Spike fully transformed and how handsome and courageous he looked in his armor, and his cape fluttering in the breeze. “What do you think now?” asked Pinkie, and she fluttered her eyes hintingly. “I… like your dragon.” said Ping “He remind me of the brave warrior that slayed the beast in the Ten Days of Darkness.” Spike them moved over to a large piece of wood near a pile of chopped blocks. With one arm he tossed the huge wood into the air, and leapt up high and gave a huge blow with his fist, chopping it all into a neat pile of little logs for the fires. Ping and Sango could not help but applaud. Spike took a bow and then untransformed. “And you use these gifts to bring good to others?” asked Ping. “Oh, sure…” said Spike “I help to fight off evil forces and protect the innocent, and that brings us to why we’re here in the first place.” “Oh, right…” Starla said, and she explained about the Insecto Armada, and handed Ping one of the blueprints she had brought. Ping confirmed it was indeed, legitimate. “My great, great grandfather was once a technician, working on another planet. Those evil creatures, they come, and they demand more parts and sources for their monstrous desires, or they would destroy him. My ancestor provided services, and then he runaway to Tiamo to live in peace, to forget.” “Our live in peace for many generations.” added Sango “Then came the Ten Days of Darkness, and we never feel the same again.” The friends were very sorry to hear that, but at least they had positive confirmation that the prints were accurate. Suddenly, a soft breeze picked up, and Ping looked worried about something. “What is it?” asked Starla. “A cold wind; that means danger is afoot.” The others looked around, and they couldn’t see anything, until two men entered the yard holding huge hydrogen-bazookas, powerful enough to blow up the entire yard. “All will stand still please!” said one of the men. “Honourable, Ping-Lo right.” Said the other “Disaster has fallen on you.” Not wanting to risk the safety of Ping and Sango, the friends did as they were told “Do you know these gentlemen?” asked Rarity. “We name, Chang and Chin.” said Chang “And yes, Ping-Lo know us both.” added Chin. “Indeed, I do…” sneered Ping “And had I known that these ponies and their dragon meant you would come, perhaps I have would have driven them away, though I like them all.” “Gee, thanks a lot.” grumbled Rainbow. “What do they want?” asked Artie. “They wish to destroy our temple.” said Sango. “Destroy it?!” snapped Spike “But what for?” The two bad men snickered, and Chang said “Tell them, honourable Ping, tell them of the treasure you keep.” “Treasure?” asked Pinkie “You mean like gold, and jewels?” “Oh, it is a mere legend, relating to the Ten Days of Darkness.” replied Ping. He explained how it was believed that during the Ten Days, thieves and looters hounding on strugglers and survivors concealed treasures they had stolen throughout the land, and over the years the villages were reformed and the homes and temples were built right on top of the very spots where said treasures were buried. “Tonight at midnight, we will blow up the temple.” said Chang “It is of little use to anyone anyway.” “But somewhere beneath it, we shall find the great treasures.” added Chin “We will be rich beyond our wildest dreams!” “But there is no treasure.” said Sango. “We say there is!” snapped Chang. “And to make doubly certain there is no interference, you’ll all be coming with us as our prisoners.” said Chin “Come this way, all of you, and try nothing.” Still not willing to take a chance and risk any damages to the house, the temple, or injury to their friends, the gang had no choice but to comply. Hopefully they could come up with a plan to make everything okay. To Be Continued…! (Promo) In our next episode: The team on Herdra have a lead to find the golden pinwheel, which leads them to an army of powerful mole-creatures that mistake them for enemies and rise to the attack. Meanwhile, Spike realizes it’s up to him to save the temple from disaster, but without causing worse than intended. How either team pull off against the obstacles set before them? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Intrusion, Illusion, and Confusion: Part 2”) > Episode 21: Illusion, and Confusion: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Previously on Starfleet Magic…” While questioning the legitimacy of the blueprints, a map was discovered leading to two planets. The team decided to split into two groups and venture forth for more information. Upon arrival, the first discovers that the people of Tiamo fear dragons, but narrowly avoid trouble, only to run into two trouble-making men who intend to destroy Ping-Lo’s temple, and hold everyone prisoner. Meanwhile, the second group got into a misunderstanding with the people of Hedra who had lost the golden pinwheel, leaving our friends outcast and hopelessly drawing a blank. EPISODE TWENTY-ONE On Hedra, the villagers were still moping and feeling very distraught of their beloved pinwheel being stolen… While the ponies were all still out in the meadow, and still with not a clue of what to do about locating the so-called magic pinwheel. “I guess we didn’t think this as deeply as we thought.” said Applejack. “Well, in fairness, we were under supreme anxiousness for answers.” said Buddy Rose. Still, this didn’t help them get any clues of what to do. Suddenly, Fluttershy looked ahead at a patch of flowers, and thought she could see what looked like a small animal. She moved in a little closer, and moved the flowers open to reveal a little mole-like creature. It looks lost a little frightened. “Oh, hello…” she said sweetly to the little creature “Are you lost?” The little creature inched away from her. “Don’t be afraid, I’m not going to hurt you.” The creature then began to wail and whine, making Fluttershy wince. “Fluttershy!” called Buddy Rose as he and the others dashed over to her. The whining of the mole was very annoying, that they all covered their ears. “What’s got this critter troubled?!” shouted Applejack. “I was just trying to be friendly.” cried Fluttershy. Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet began to rumble softly, and it turned out they were standing on a camouflaged trapdoor, which opened wide and made them all fall through the ground, through a long tunnel slide. And they all crashed into a big pile on top of one another. After a small struggled, they pulled loosed and got onto their feet to discover they had fallen into some kind of subterranean city. The walls gleamed with shiny minerals that gave off glows as bright as sunshine. The houses were all made of stone, while others were dugouts and burrows. In the distant back of the villages was a large tower, obviously the home of royalty. “Wow! Check it out.” Buddy Rose exclaimed softly “Ay’ Carumbra!” cried Dyno “Look at this place.” “Even our mines don’t look nearly as cool as this.” added Myte. “I wonder if this is where that little mole I saw comes from.” Fluttershy wondered aloud. “Then I guess he wasn’t really very lost, was he?” said Applejack. “Let’s take a look around. Who knows what could be found.” said Rhymey. They were about to set off, when suddenly they were surrounded by many more mole-creatures, about their size; jumping out from all directions and pointing lances at them. “Intruders!” shouted one “What are you doing here?” “Our sentry outside warned us of intruders on Hedra.” said another. Rhymey stepped forth saying… “There’s no cause for alarm. We mean none of you any harm.” The moles saw the insignias on the ponies’ armors. “They are from Starfleet!” “They must’ve been sent by the Pixies and Trolls of Pinwheel Village.” “Whoa, now, hold your horses!” snapped Applejack “Nobody sent us here, certainly not them rude folk up there.” “You lie!” snarled a mole “You’ve come to take back the golden pinwheel.” The ponies all gasped at those words. “You stole the golden pinwheel?” asked Buddy Rose, but his question only further made the moles believe the ponies were hostile. “To the attack!” they all shouted. “No, no… please wait!” cried Fluttershy, but the moles already charged forth, and the ponies had no choice but to at least defend themselves while trying to convince the creatures otherwise. While back on Tiamo… Chang and Chin had marched everyone far in the field where no one would see them with a good view of the temple from afar, and had everyone locked up in a large cage; a very special one that with enchanted bars that not only rendered the ponies’ magic powers useless so they couldn’t transform or do any magic… “Do not try and touch the bars.” said Chang “They are highly energized, and will cause fatal harm.” Chin demonstrated by throwing a small rock at the bars, and it blew up in soft bang upon contact, making the others jump. “Sango not like this! Sango afraid…!” Her father held her close, comforting her, and then asked the two men “You will not harm us?” “If you behave yourselves, then we will have no need.” Chin said with a wicked sneer. “Take a good long look at your precious temple, Ping-Lo. It is the last you will ever see of it.” Ping was very angry, “But why… why ae the two of you so greedy for a treasure that does not exist?” “Of course it exists!” snarled Chang “In any case, what is one old temple compared to gold and jewels worth a fortune? It is hidden somewhere under the temple, and rest assured, we shall find them.” Chin snickered “In exactly half an hour, it shall be midnight, and then… we destroy the temple.” “But why wait so long?” asked Pinkie. The others tried to hush her so as not to give the men any ideas, but the two men snickered. “There is a good reason why.” said Chang “Tonight at midnight, it will be exactly ten years since the Ten Days of Darkness came to a close, and tonight most of the people of Tiamo celebrate this night with fireworks.” It dawned on everyone. If the men waited until midnight, then most other people would be off celebrating or enjoying their own fireworks shows to notice the temple being blown to bits all that much. “We have brought our own fireworks as well.” said Chin “This will help to further distract anyone who might be watching nearby, and you all will be able to watch them as the temple falls.” Starla clenched her fists angrily and said “You two won’t get away with this!” “But we will…” said Chang “And then we will be rich beyond our wildest dreams.” “Come…” said Chin “We must prepare. Leave these fools to bask in the darkness.” Then they left, leaving the friends deeply concerned! Meanwhile, the mole people were still fighting at the others, but the ponies, while fighting to defend themselves; they made no attempt to hit back. One mole charged at Buddy Rose with his lance, but Buddy swerved and caught the lance, trying to hold it and the creature at bay “You’ve gotta believe us! We’re not here to hurt you!” “We believe no one!” shouted the mole, and he punched Buddy hard in the gut, but he didn’t feel much as the moles were not as strong as he was. The twins stood together as several moles surrounded them. The moles then charged forth, but the twins leapt up high at the least second causing the moles to crash into one another. “Listen to us, we’re not your enemy.” said Dyno. “We just want to know why you took the pinwheel.” added Myte. “So you can snatch it back and give it to those fool villagers! Forget it!” snarled a mole. Applejack swerved, dodged, and flipped out of the way of each attack, and then using her rope, she lassoed a whole gaggle of moles together. “This is getting’ us nowhere…” she said “We came here because we’re trying to deal with the Insecto Armada.” The moles gasped. “Insectos…?” “Did you say “The Insectos”?” Rhymey used his sword to parry the mole’s weapons, and some he even knocked out of their hands, but those pesky critters just kept right on coming at him and Fluttershy. “Please! We don’t want to fight you!” cried Fluttershy. “You can’t trick us!” snarled a mole. “Please don’t fuss! Just listen to us!” said Rhymey. He got tackled from behind, and out fell a blueprint of the Insectos spaceships, which the moles seemed to recognize at once. “Wait!” cried one of the moles, and he picked up the print and looked at it “Perhaps we should take them to the emperor. He will know what to decide for certain.” The other moles reluctantly agreed and ceased fighting. “Come with us, and don’t try anything.” said another mole. The ponies promised the moles they had nothing to worry about, and they all walked off with the moles leading them towards the grand palace. The palace looked even bigger up close than it did from afar. “How did you build all this?” asked Dyno. “Quiet!” snarled a mole “We refuse to answer you.” “Easy!” snapped Myte “He was only asking a question.” “Once we are certain you mean us no harm, we will answer anything you wish to know.” “I’m beginning to have second thoughts about these guys.” Applejack muttered to the others, some of them agreed with her. Soon they entered the palace, and were brought to the royal courtyard where his majesty, Emperor Digger sat waiting for them. He was a bigger and more muscular looking mole than the others, and he was gold and silver armor and a golden Laurel Wreath on his head. The ponies could also see, there, in his hands, he was clutching the golden pinwheel. The ponies said nothing, not wanting to make a scene, but they were forced by the other moles to bow to the Emperor. Digger was informed of the situation. “You are all representatives of Starfleet.” “Yes, we are.” said Buddy Rose. “And you’re trying to defeat the Insecto Armada…?” The very mention of the name made every mole shudder in fear. “Yes…” replied Buddy Rose “We’re trying to save our planet, and the many other worlds we defend throughout the cosmos.” Digger shut his eyes, and thought deeply. Fluttershy quivered nervously. The others felt a bit uneasy too, but then Digger smiled and said “An enemy of the Insectos is a friend of mine.” The ponies smiled in delight and relief. “Please, let me see the blueprints you have brought.” The gang handed him all the prints they had brought, and he looked them over thoroughly and confirmed they were legitimate. “These prints are details of the armada’s coatings of each ship. Power thick alloys surround each ship to deflect the teleportation energies of space, and make the ship extremely powerful against most opposing attack powers.” “How do you know all this?” asked Applejack. Digger gazed at her deeply and answered “Because our ancestors supplied those evil beings with the alloys we mole dug up.” He explained how a few centuries back, an army of Insectos raided on Hedra, in search of precious metals to help redesign their monstrous battleships, promising not to harm anyone if these conditions were met. Not wishing for much trouble and pain, the moles gave in and supplied all the metals they could, only to realize the Insectos were as crooked as they were devious; they did not keep their word, and using their malicious powers and technologies, they caused massive rockslides and avalanches that hurt many of the moles. Thankfully, no one was killed. “In the midst of the chaos…” Digger said as he held up the pinwheel “…the royal family trinket was lost.” “You mean the golden pinwheel belongs to you?” asked Fluttershy. Digger nodded and explained that it was created even more centuries back, and passed down in the royal family from generation to generation, as a symbol of how their belief in peace and justice made the world go round, just like a spinning pinwheel. “Our people searched and searched, but never found it, until it was discovered it had been found by the pixies and trolls of the over-world. They seemed too had fallen under some crazy impression that the pinwheel held magic qualities that brought forth the rains, and calmness, and made their gardens grow. We tried to convince them of otherwise, and that it was nothing more but an ordinary golden trinket that had no powers, but they refused to believe us, and rudely cast us out.” “We know that feeling too well.” Dyno murmured. Myte then asked “So you decided to steal it?” Digger nodded “We moles are a peaceful race, but will fight to defend ourselves. Not wishing to start a war, we calmly and silently took the pinwheel back. We wish for those over-worlders to realize they have been acting foolish, and only then perhaps would they relinquish any and all ties to this pinwheel so that I may keep it here where it rightfully belongs.” The gang even activated their visors to scan him, just to be safe, and sure enough he was telling to total truth. “We realize your reasons for what you have done, But that still doesn’t make it right in the long run.” said Rhymey Digger held his head in shame “We, too, realized this, but we just saw no other way. Those stubborn over-worlders need to realize the truth and we felt this was the only way.” The ponies now realized that even if they were to give the pinwheel back, that wouldn’t do much. The pixies and trolls would act foolishly under false pretenses, and perhaps they would from an angry mob and declare war on the moles. “We can’t let that happen.” cried Fluttershy. “I got an idea…” said Buddy Rose, and he huddled everyone close and whispered his idea. Everyone felt it probably would work, but they would have to wait until sundown to put into action. Meanwhile, it was getting close to midnight, and the gang were still trapped in their cage. Starla could look up at the stars and tell the time by their potions and the planet’s rotation “Just ten more minutes, then it’ll all be over.” Sango had tears in her eyes as she held her father, and her father felt ashamed, both of them could not bear the thought that soon their beloved temple would be no more. Even though they said nothing, and didn’t even hint it, Spike could partially feel that they were secretly blaming him for all this, and this made him feel both guilty and determined not to let it happen. Then, he suddenly realized that although the bars of the cage were highly energized, they were still just metal, and that the anti-magic force didn’t have any effect on his fiery breath as that was natural, not magical. He walked up closer to the bars. “Spike, whatever are you doing?” asked Rarity. “Yes, what are you doing?” added Ping. “Just stand back…” Spike said “I hope this works.” He waited until everyone backed away, and then he drew in a huge breathe and unleashed his flames as hard as he could. The bars turned red with searing heat. He blew more fire, and the bars got brighter and hotter. Panting heavily, but undeterred he drew in one final, really deep breath and gave it all he had. The bars melted away making a huge hole large enough for everyone to escape. Pinkie leapt out first “Wee! We’re free! We’re free!” she cried. Rainbow dashed out, tackling her to the ground covering her mouth and sneered “Will you keep it down! Do you want them to hear us?” Pinkie nervously shook her head. Ping and Sango felt relieved to be out of the cage and were very thankful towards Spike. “You have saved us…” said Ping “My daughter and I will forever be grateful.” “But what will you do about the temple?” asked Sango. “Don’t worry, I’ve already thought of a plan.” replied Spike “If it works, I guarantee Chang and Chin will get the living pants scared off them.” The others were very intrigued, and Starla allowed Spike to continue. “Meanwhile, I’m going to head back to town to alert General Mac and his party, we may need backup.” “We’ll stay here and keep Spike covered.” said Artie. Everyone agreed and Starla flew off. Rarity led Ping and Sango away and promised to watch other them. “So what exactly is your plan?” asked Rainbow. “Listen closely…” Spike said and he huddled everyone together to explain. A few minutes later, Chang and Chin had a few boxes of fireworks near them as the stood on the hill a good distance from the temple. Neither of them knew, nor could they see in the dark that their hostages had escaped. “All is ready, Chang.” said Chin. “Good, Chin, good…” said Chang. The two men readied their bazookas, setting them on enough power to really cause some damage. “Only five more minutes to go, and then the temple will be blown to pieces!” said Chang. Neither of them knew that Spike was hiding directly behind them in the shrubs and he grabbed a stick with a sharp pointy end on it. Spike could hardly resist giggling, but held it in for what he was about to do, and then he jabbed Chang with the stick. “Ow!” he shouted causing him to drop his bazooka and it fired just past Chin, nearly missing him and frightening him deeply. The blast soared clear off into the sky and exploded harmlessly in the distance. “Are you insane?! You nearly shot me!” shouted Chin. “Me…?! Then how do you explain what poked me?” “Poked you?! It was not I who poked you!” “No… it was me!” Spike said as he leapt out through the bushes, and grabbed both their bazookas. “What is this?!” cried Chang. “He has escaped!” added Chin. Spike then threw both the guns up high, and blew his dragon fire at them, destroying them both in big explosions. The ground quivered a bit with the force of the blast, and shook the temple where the ponies were all inside. “Whoa!” cried Rainbow “Thank goodness that didn’t hit us.” “Hey, look at this.” said Pinkie, and she yanked on a huge cloth, pulling it off of a crate of TNT, with a remote-detonator attached to it. “Figures they’d try something like this.” said Artie “Luckily, I have a little idea…” He ran to the back of the temple and came back holding a huge box of fireworks he had found, and the others caught on to his idea. “…It’s time for a little artwork.” “Be quick, Artie.” said Rainbow. Artie then skillfully detached the remote bomb from the dynamite crate and placed it on the fireworks box instead. “Okay, hurry!” he said. The girls carried the crate of dynamite far away, out of the temple, and Artie placed the rigged box of fireworks outside in back and away from the temple. “I’m afraid those two crooks are in for a little artful surprise.” The two men were outraged, and Spike cheekily said “Looks like you won’t be able to destroy the temple now.” “That is what you are thinking.” sneered Chang. “You may have destroyed our weapons…” added Chin “But you have not stopped us yet. We have prepared a little backup.” “You see…” said Chang “We have planted dynamite inside the temple. In exactly one minute form now it will explode, and blow the temple to rubble.” “A pity you will not be around to see It.” hissed Chin, and he and Chang pulled out two small ray-guys. “We always carry spares.” Spike stood where he was, ready to take them on. The two men began to shoot at him, firing their rays at him mercilessly. Spike dodged each and every one, zipping from here to there, and he even taunted the two men. “Missed me… I’m over here… Oh, so close!” The men were growing furious and gave it all they hand, but in a swift motion, Spike snatched their guns out of their hands, and he popped them into his mouth and actually swallowed them, like the dragon he was. “Hmm, needs ketchup.” and he let out a burp “Excuse me.” The two men were outraged, but then they snickered. “Only ten more seconds.” said Chang, and he and Chin then counted backwards from five. At the count of zero, their bomb did explode, but far in the back of the temple, and fireworks went off like crazy. “What has happened?!” cried Chin. Spike smiled happily that his plan had worked. “We figured you two would have had a backup plan, so we came with one of our own.” “A-thousand curses on you!” growled Chang “You can your wretched Starfleet!” Just then, several rays of light shone on the two men, and they found themselves surrounded by the other ponies and General Mac pointing his lance at them. “Put your hands up, both of you!” The men knew that they were licked and had no choice but to go quietly. …more fireworks from all directions lit the skies as the celebrations began all over the planet, celebrating the tenth year since the Ten Days ended. Meanwhile… it was already close to sundown on Hedra, and all the villagers in Pinwheel Village were really growing concerned. There was still no sign of the magic pinwheel, which to them meant no rains for the gardens and no good weather for the planet’s climate. “What can we do?” cried a pixy. “There’s nothing we can do.” said a troll “We’re all doomed! Doomed I tell ya!” cried another troll. Suddenly, he felt a soft drop of water plop onto his nose, followed by another, and another… Everyone looked up, and saw rainclouds coming in from all over, and in almost no time, it started to rain. The creatures were surprised and could hardly understand it. To them, it was a miracle, but really they could not see through the clouds that it was Applejack and Fluttershy, as pegasi, they moved more clouds in to make more rain fall. After a little while, the others joined by their side and helped them to blow all the clouds away, making it clear just as the stars were starting to come out. “It’s… it’s a miracle!” cried a pixy. “It’s so magical!” added a troll. “No… it isn’t.” said a voice. The villagers turned and saw Digger and his army of moles standing together, and they could see Digger was holding the pinwheel. “…The magic pinwhee!” “Thieves…!” The creatures began to form an angry mob and charged at the moles, only to be halted when the ponies leapt down before the moles. “STOP!!” shouted Buddy Rose. “You again!” snarled the green troll. “They’re working with the moles.” said a Pixy. “I get it now…” said another “They were in cahoots with them all the time. They stole the magic pinwheel to try and mess up the planet.” “Hold your horses!” snapped Applejack “We did no such thing.” “We didn’t steal the pinwheel either…” added Fluttershy “Even though we knew where it was, we decided not to tell you for your own good.” The creatures were confused. “But the rain came back, because the pinwheel is here.” said a troll. “No!” snapped Dyno “We were the ones who brought the rain and made it go away. It’s just natural talent, but the weather would have brought the rains normally.” “Si!” said Myte “The pinwheel had nothing to do with anything. It has no magic!” “We tried to tell you and explain, But all you did treat us like a pain.” added Rhymey. The creatures were now starting to have mixed feelings, still trying to deny the truth. Digger then stepped forth and explained to them again “This pinwheel is just a golden trinket that belongs to me and my family. I understand how you may think it brought you all those things, but really, it had nothing to do with it.” Buddy Rose nodded “You all had the special abilities to make things go right yourselves all the time. You can water your own gardens, and enjoy the nice weather when it lasts. Sure bad storms may come, or it may not rain for days, but that doesn’t mean you’re doomed. All you have to do is try and believe in your own abilities, and then you’ll find there isn’t much you really can’t do.” The other ponies agreed, and the moles did as well. The pixies and the trolls were now no longer able to fight the truth backed up with all the evidence they had witnessed and been told. They all felt very silly, and ashamed for letting some mere object control them like a spell. They owed the ponies and Digger and his moles a world of apologies, but Digger could only smile and remark “Although I cannot condone such actions, I am still of a peaceful nature, and am I willing to forgive and accept, if you will forgive me for the way I had acted in taking the pinwheel.” “We forgive…” said a troll. “What’s rightfully yours is rightfully yours.” added a pixy. Everyone was starting to look more grim than grateful of things, but Fluttershy had an idea of how to make everything better for everyone… “Why don’t you all hold a Pinwheel festival every year on this day?” Rhymey agreed “Yes, you could all get together, and sing and play, A celebration of how you came together today.” The other ponies all agreed, and the moles, the pixies and the trolls just couldn’t refuse, and all shook hands with one another; the first step to all the making up they had to do. It was all agreed; the pinwheel would remained housed with Digger, as it rightfully belonged to him, but every year, the moles would bring the pinwheel to Pinwheel Village, like carry a torch to the big games, and once it was set, the Pinwheel Festival would begin, and everyone could just enjoy their time, playing, singing, dancing… …Who wouldn’t want that? The very first ceremony began that very night. The pinwheel was atop the tree, and the winds made it spin beautifully. Playful music began to sound as the traditional song began. The ponies really wished they could have stayed for the party, but they really had to get back to United Equestria. “You all behave yourselves now.” Buddy Rose told them. The trolls and pixies promised. “If ever there is trouble again, we will work together and try to sort things out.” said Digger “As for the offer, perhaps one day we will consider and let Starfleet come and join us in our new world.” “You’re all right, the lot of ya.” said Applejack. They exchanged final farewells, and the ponies headed through a portal and zoomed off into space. Back on Tiamo, the other team was preparing to leave too. General Mac Speed and his team would deal with Change and Chin, and Ping and Sango were forever grateful to the team, especially to Spike. “Though it is still believed that dragons are bad luck…” Ping said “We believe you are the exception to those stories. Thank you for everything you and your friends have done.” “Thanks to you, our temple is safe, and we are safe.” added Sango. She and her father bowed thankfully to the team, and they bowed back. “We also want to thank you for everything you’ve done for us.” said Starla “Now we can head back and finish the Insectos for good.” “But will they not try and shoot you down upon your return?” asked Ping. “Oh, don’t worry about that…” said Artie “We’ve got a little trick we’ve been preparing for this.” After exchanging final goodbyes, the team was off. “Good luck, Starfleet.” Ping said. Sango blinked once “…And thank you, Spike.” The two teams met up on a moon orbiting another planet just outside their star-system. They could see United Equestria and the armada from where they were, and now they had to wait for the signal. The Stingars were minding their posts, when the warning alarms sounded. “What’s going on here?” said Stag. The Stingars buzzed at him in their language, which of course he understood… “The ponies… heading this way?! Prepare to intercept.” “Arming weapons.” said Slick. The soon had the ponies in their sights as they headed towards the planet, and opened fire with the ships lasers, hitting the team and blowing them into space dust. “Direct hit!” cried Stag. The bugs were all joyful, but then the warning alarm went off again, and more and more signs were showing up on the radar. “This… this can’t right!” cried Slick “According to this, the entire area is full of ponies.” Sure enough, ponies were everywhere, many identical copies of them, that’s exactly what they were. Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia were using their magic to portray fake puppets of the ponies, knowing the Insectos would spot them and get distracted long enough for the real team to slip right past them and enter the planet safely. They reported straight to their majesties upon arrival with the good news about the blueprints. “Well done, everyone.” Grand Ruler said “Thanks to the confirmation, we are now one step closer to ridding our world of the Insectos.” “We’re also very pleased that you were able to help the races of those planets avoid certain catastrophes.” said Celestia “Once again, you’ve proven that some situations can be solved without much violence, and friendship can help a great deal.” She and Grand Ruler bowed to the gang, and they bowed back. “May I please go and see Lightning?” asked Starla. “Of course…” Grand Ruler said “You’re all dismissed. Get plenty of rest. We have greater battles approaching us.” The team agreed, and they all headed off, while Starla made her way to Lightning’s room. He was still out of it, and still didn’t look anywhere near getting better yet. She softly walked over and sat on the bed near him. “Lightning…?” Of course she got no response. She softly creased his forehead, it felt a little warmer than usual, but only because of the life-support, and the constant placing warm damp clothes over his head from time to time. “I know you can hear me. I just wanted to let you know that we’re back, and we’re all safe.” She really didn’t know what else to day; it was all the same stuff. She hoped he’d come out of it soon, and at this point, she didn’t care if he was awake or not…! She lowered her lips onto his and kissed him deeply. His lips felt cold and dry due to lack of use, and it felt strange that he couldn’t return her kiss. Deep down inside his conscience, however… Lightning could almost feel the warmth of his wife reaching out to him. “Starla…” he said softly “I want to come out, but I don’t know how. Please… help me!” (Promo) In our next episode: Stag and Slick are sent in one last attempt to destroy the ponies before they figure out too much about the armada, and are given a special gift from Ladybird and Phoebe. Stag becomes uncontrollably wild with all this new power, and even turns against Slick, after he finally stands up to him. How will the team and Slick be able to deal with Stag this time? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Big Bad Beetle”) > Episode 22: Big Bad Beetle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE TWENTY-TWO A whole week had passed, and Shining Armor was still not ready to get back into action. Cadance’s magic was much stronger than the Insectos realized and took that long to counteract. “Is there anyone willing to lead the next attack?” Ladybird asked. “No…” groaned Phoebe “Those miserable ponies have defeated most of our best soldiers, many of our other soldiers are cowering; every last one of them, worthless!” “Your majesties…” said Jetar “If you will allow, I will gladly lead another attack on the planet.” Ladybird suddenly had an idea “On second-thought, Jetar… you may have just given us a singular opportunity.” “What are you thinking, mother?” asked Phoebe. Ladybird snickered and huddled the other close to explain her plot, which they both agreed to. Stag and Slick were listening in from behind the door. “What are they saying?” Stag asked. “I can’t hear.” said Slick. When the royal party returned to the throne room, Ladybird summoned the two generals to appear before her. Playing it cool as usual, the generals bowed to her. “Stag… Slick…” Ladybird said “It has come to our attention that the two of you have been neglected lately, and haven’t had much action in the field. Therefore, we’d like the two of you to lead the next attack to the planet.” Stag and Slick bowed. “Your majesty, this is a task we take with full respect and honor.” said Stag. “But wait…” said Slick “What if all the ponies were to gang up on us at once. Even without Lightning at their side, they have proven to be powerful adversaries.” “No duh!” said Phoebe “That’s why we’re giving you these…” She raised her scepter and both it and her mother’s necklace began to glow. Two beams of light were fired at the two generals, and when the light faded, the two of them looked and felt much stronger, and were wearing armored suits consisting of chest plates, gauntlets, boots, shoulder pads; Stag’s sword had also changed into a double helix sword. “This feels… incredible!” cried Slick. He was able to move much faster, and even break solid rock just by tapping it with his hand without giving it much force. Stag was impressed by his new sword, and felt it had very special abilities his other sword didn’t. “Thank you, both of you.” Stag said, yet he secretly thought “First we’ll destroy the ponies, and then we’ll destroy you!” “Now, on your way…” said Ladybird “We have given you these gifts. Do not make us regret it.” Stag bowed and swore “We shall not fail you, my queen. Starfleet is as good as destroyed.” The two generals headed for the door… “Oh, Stag…” Phoebe said. “Yes, your highness?” “Have you had any luck in locating that traitor yet?” Slick said nothing, as Stag had warned him previously, though he really wanted to confess. “I assure you, Princess. We will find that scoundrel, and make him pay for what he has done.” “I should hope so…” said Ladybird “If there one thing I do not tolerate, it’s traitors.” After the generals left, Ladybird hissed softly “And one thing I hate more than traitors… is a liar.” Phoebe grinned, and she gazed at Jetar, and Jetar couldn’t help but snicker softly. As Stag and Slick walked down the corridors, Slick wondered “Why would their majesties give us all this wonderful power?” “Who cares…” said Stag “With this, how can we lose, and besides, our gain shall be their loss.” Slick stopped where he was, still very uncertain to go through with all this. “Are you coming or what?!” snapped Stag. “Okay, okay…!” Meanwhile, the blueprints were being studied more than ever, and the ponies now had practically the information they needed about the alien mothership; which doors lead to which room, how powerful the ship was, how it operated, and things like that. Unfortunately, there were still two vital things left. 1: How were they to even get aboard the ship? According to the blueprints, all the Insectos wore special teleportation devices on their belts, which served as their main means of transport. Sadly, these devices were not included in the package, and without one, the ponies had no way to replicate the teleportation. 2--An even bigger issue: Shining Armor was still on that ship, and they could not risk attacking the armada until he was safely returned. Still, they didn’t let this discourage them. They had gotten this far, and they would find a way… hopefully soon! For now, life continued. Krysta had some proclamations to make back on her home planet Luminous to keep her fairy guards ready for action when called to duty. Meanwhile the gang was at the New Crystal Empire, giving Cadance a hand with chores and other duties. Despite her ethics, it was still hard to run the place by herself. The others spent their time sweeping the floors, tending to the gardens, helping out in the kitchens, and helping Cadance organize events for the citizens of the empire. Cadance seemed okay, and was actually smiling from time to time. Pinkie Pie even told her a few jokes she planned to say at an upcoming festival for a comedy hour. “Did you hear about the thief who was reformed?” “No, what happened?” “He got rehabbed and now he only steals things beginning with A. “A Watch” “A purse” “A wallet.” Cadance giggled almost uncontrollably, and even fell over kicking her feet in the air along with Pinkie. The others could hardly believe how she was acting, but then again there would be a few moments when she would stand by an open window and just stare off into space. “Poor dear…” said Starla. “She’s still all upset about Amando.” added Rainbow. Artie covered her mouth and scolded her “Shh! Don’t let her hear you. It’ll break her up.” “It’s okay, Artie...” Cadance said “I was thinking about Amando anyway. I always do.” “I’m still sorry…” said Rainbow. Cadance turned and gave a soft smiled “I know you are, but it’s okay. I’m trying my best.” “Good for you.” Starla said “He would want it this way, for you to try and be brave and strong.” Cadance nodded and she walked off to visit her stillborn child, which was being kept frozen in suspended animation, so the body would not decay and stink up the place. The ponies still felt awful for Cadance. The others came in from their outdoor duties. “What did we miss?” asked Buddy Rose. “Not much.” replied Starla, but the others could read her like a book. “Oh, I feel so dreadful for the princess.” cried Rarity “I wish there were something we could do.” Spike shook his head “Rarity, you know just as well as we do there isn’t.” “At least we can be there for Cadance when she needs us.” said Dyno. Myte nodded “I can hardly wait ‘till we get our hands on those Insectos! They’re to blame for all this.” Everyone agreed with that completely, each and every one of them wished nothing more than to see the armada vanquished along with every last insect that came with it, even though that wouldn’t bring the baby back to life. “Come on!” Applejack suddenly said “We’re acting like paper-plates in the rain. There’s work to be done.” Rarity snorted “Really, Applejack? Have you no consideration for others.” “Course I do, but ya know, Granny Smith always said “Just because a loved one died, don’t you have to stop livin’.” “Um, actually I agree with Applejack, Rarity.” Fluttershy said. Rhymey nodded and said… “Applejack does feel sad too, But still live our lives, we do.” Rarity hated to admit it, but everyone was right, and she, too, didn’t like to be sad and grieving all the time, especially with her and Spike’s upcoming official wedding ceremony, which everyone was looking forward to. Even Cadance was looking to attending that, once she got the upcoming unpleasantness out of her way. As she gazed at her suspended child’s corpse, she couldn’t help but sing a soft song to her child in her thoughts, and imagined how different things would had been had he survived, and Shining Armor was back, and they’d be a real family! A single tear fell from her eye, and she just stood where she was, all silent and still, almost as if she had forgotten how to move. Little did she realize, a mysterious shining figure was watching her directly behind, but she was too wrapped up in her sadness to notice. Suddenly, the alarms sounded, snapping her out of her trance in a shock. The mysterious figure vanished at once! The team heard the alarms as well, and dashed out the window to the ground, and ran straight into Stag and Slick. “So, we meet again.” Stag hissed. “This time, it shall be for the last.” added Slick. Pinkie gazed at them deeply “Something sure seems different about you two.” The others could hardly believe she said that when it was obvious. “What? Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t seeing things.” The others sighed irritably. Stag and Slick snickered and exchanged wicked looks at one another. “Let’s go!” said Starla. “STARFLEET MAGIC!!” “HARMONY HOUR! FRIENDSHIP POWER!!” “Dragon Power!” Once they were all transformed, the team charged forth ready for the attack, but about halfway, the two bugs zipped right across and through the barrage of fighters. A split second after they stopped in their tracks did the sparks fly and all the fighters fell all over the place. “What was that?!” cried Applejack. “They moved so fast we could hardly react.” added Buddy Rose. “Then we’ll just have to get a little faster ourselves.” said Starla. Pouring on that extra bit of agility, the team lunges for the generals again, only for them to zip out of the way once again. “Watch out for them!” shouted Artie. The ponies kept their visions wide open, and Rarity could see Slick coming at her from the side, and she leapt up in a backflip out of the way. (Matrix Motion) Then she dove at him, but he zipped out of the way causing her to miss, and then she looked up too late as he came up to her and kicked her hard, sending her rolling along the ground, blowing several of the others down like pins. “You’ll have to be faster than that to catch me.” Slick taunted “This new power has increased our speeds ten-fold.” “I believe… we have noted that.” Rarity groaned. Stag snickered and his sword began to glow. “Let me guess… you’re powers have intensified too.” said Artie. Stag struck his sword hard into the ground shouting “STATIC SHOCKSTREAM!” and he sent a wave of energy along the ground, hitting all the fighters opposing him really hard with jolts of power. “Who’s next?” hissed Stag. The team all huddled together, and Rainbow suggested “I think it’s time we showed them some Valkyrie Power.” The others all agreed, and Starla said “We’ll try and keep them busy while you girls transform.” With that, the Starfleet ponies lunged into battle against the two generals, with their weapons at the ready. Artie with his staff, and Spike and Rhymey with their swords; all of them clashed with Stag, but Stag managed to parry them all their weapons extremely hard, and kick them away. “I can’t believe this guy!” growled Spike. Stag snickered and gripped his sword tightly. “Uh-oh…! Here we go!” cried Rhymey. Stag then charged forth and ran straight through the ponies, knocking them all away hard without giving them a chance to defend themselves. Starla, Buddy Rose and Spike weren’t doing so well either. “STAR SHOWER!” “LEAF SWARM!” “BOOM-BOOM FIREBALLS!” Such a barrage would have worked easily on most creatures, but Slick, with his upgraded skills and speed, waved all four of his arms like crazy, shouting karate cries, and actually chopped each and every single one so none of them actually hit him. “You’ve got to be kidding!” growled Dyno. Slick snickered and charged forth, all four of his arms were glowing and he shouted “WIND CHOP!” The ponies dodged him and he ran right past, but then he stopped immediately, turned round and karate chopped at the air, sending powerful cutter-like waves of energy at them. Sparks flew everywhere and they all fell down. The two generals were feeling very pleased with their results. “This is too easy.” said Stag. “We haven’t broken a sweat yet.” added Slick. That’s when a bright light shone, followed by the sound of the Equestrian ponies shouting “VALKYRIA!!” and they all transformed. Rainbow poised her sword at the bugs “Say your prayers, bug bozos!” Then she and the other Valkyries charged forth. Stage and Slick exchanged looks of humor, and all at once, the girls jumped all over them, stirring up a dust cloud, and the girls went crazy, attacking and brawling, only to suddenly realize the generals were gone. “Where’d they go?” asked Fluttershy. “Keep your eyes peeled.” said Applejack. “Right…” said Pinkie and she kept really focussed, in a crazy sort of way. The Starfleet ponies couldn’t see the generals either and began to scout for him with their visors, and Spike sniffed the air “I got nothing.” Suddenly, without much warning, the two generals leapt down from the skies, and unleashed their fury upon the team before they could react. “STATIC SHOCKWAVE!” “WIND CHOP!” Such power, such mercilessness, the team practically went down for the count. Their suits were all dented and torn a bit, sustaining more than ninety percent of damage. The two bugs were very content now. “My, how the tables have turned.” said Slick “How does it feel to fail, Starfleet?” hissed Stag. “You… should know.” growled Starla as she struggled to try and get up. The two generals could only laugh wickedly. “First I’ll destroy you, and then the royal Insecto party will be next.” hissed Stag. Slick’s features changed to worried. “I can’t believe you’d still think that…” he scolded “After all they gave us. Why the team wouldn’t be at our mercy if not for these powers.” Stag’s features hardened “Don’t give me that. I said I would destroy them and that’s that. You want to rule the armada don’t you.” The team could hardly believe what they were seeing, as the two generals quarrelled with one another. “Look up there, Slick!” snarled Stag “It’s a whole armada. Some of those ships can and will be yours, once we get rid of the Queen, the Princess and all those loyal to them!” Slick was finally pushed over his limit. “First the king, then the queen and the princess, and now half the army?! I won’t do it!” “What do you mean?” “I mean I won’t do it! As much as I love doing monsterous deeds, I’ll never be a party to this!” “Last chance, Slick! If your not with me, your agianst me!” “Then I guess I’m agianst you!” shouted Slick, and the two generals began to fight each other. “I don’t believe this!” cried Spike. While the two generals brawled with each other, one by one the ponies and Spiek were scopped up swiftly, and taken to a nearby warp portal. The two generals were too furious with each other to notice. “Slick, I can’t believe you, after everything we’ve been through together!” snarled Stag. “Some of which I didn’t even like!” protested Slick. “WRONG ANSWER!!” Stag shouted as he raised his sword, but then, he stopped and his body began to flare up in red flames. “What’s… happening… to me?!” Slick was frightened and backed away from him. While on the mothership, Pheobe’s scepter and Ladybird’s necklace were both glowing brightly. “It’s time…” Ladybird said. Pheobe grinned cheekily “You wanted power, Stag? Take it!” Stag screamed and roared as his body began to expand and transform, and suddenly he was about fifty feet tall, and a snarling, roaring beetle creature with heavy pincers, tentacles and even a horn. He roared loudly as the skies filled with evil clouds of darkness. Slick had never been so freaked out in his life, and nearly forgot how to move, except when Stag glared at him and aimed his tentacles ready to squash him. “Oh, no!” cried Slick “I’m getting outta here!!” He vanished just in time, but now Stag was free to really do some serious damage, and he began to snap whole forests with his pincers, make huge craters and earthquakes by smashing his tentacles into the ground, and then, his horn began to glow and he let out a spining streak of red-lightning waves that hit all the force-fields around the buildings. The sheilds did not break, but the houses did shake a lot, and all the civilians in side trembled and cried in fear with the quakes. Meanwhile, the gang had been teleported to New Canterlot Palace-- Cadance transformed into her ninja form and rounded everyone up as Krysta, having recently returned from Luminous, warpped them all to the palace to safety. Once there, their royal majesties renergized them all back to full power. “Looks like you all had a close shave there.” Celestia said. The team felt a little ashamed, but at least they were back to full power and still alive, thanks to Cadance and Krysta. Cadance removed her ninja mask and smiled rather strangley at the gang. “I guess we owe you big.” said Starla. “No, we’ll say we’re even.” Cadance said “You all helped out today in the empire.” “Speaking of the Empire, we should get back there quickly!” said Artie. “At once!” Grand Ruler said “Things have gotten much worse…” and he used his magic to show them all images of the giant Stag making a mess of the empire. “My empire!” cried Cadance! “Those poor forests, the animals!” added Fluttershy. “Sister! Brother-in-law!” Princess Luna called as she came into the room holding a chest that once contained the Elements of Harmoy “I believe you will need these.” She opened the chest to reveal the two halves of the Rainbow Rod. Once Lightning’s weapon, now their majesties’ key to their fusion power. Their majesties each took their respective half of the rod, but realize. “We can’t.” Celestia said. “She’s right.” Grand Ruler said “The sheilds would have to come down so we each can have enough energy to transform.” The team gasped at the thought. “But if you drop the shields…” cried Dyno. “…The New Crystal Empire be smashed ot bits.” added Myte. Cadance shuddered fearfully as such a thought. There was only one option! The team decided that they would have to try and lead Stag out of the empire and into the outer regions where it was wide-open and there, their majesties would be able to step in and really let Stag have it. “It’s our only chance.” said Cadance. “Well, shake a leg everyone.” Krysta said, and she formed another portal “All aboard for the next big battle!” “Good luck, everyone.” said Celestia. “We’ll join you when we can…” added Grand Ruler “But please, be very cautious.” The friends bowed to their majestes and then they all transformed again, and Cadance re-donned her mask as she followed them through the portal. “I know they will be successful.” said Luna. Her sister and her brother-in-law agreed. They didn’t want to think of how serious it would be if they failed. Stag had really laid serious waste to the empire. Never had their been so much destrutions and dilapidation. Yet the buildings were still all in one piece, on the outisde at least, but even their with the shields, and the reinforced special construction of each building… inside the civilians were all panicking and running about. Stag peeked through the shields right into window of a small house, frightening the family and their friends inside! He was about to smash at the sheilds some more when got zapped by a swarm of tiny, but powerful zaps from behind. He looked up and saw all ponies and Spike soaring towards him through the darkness. “All right, he’s spotted us…” shouted Starla “We’ve got to try and get him to follow us.” “Right… let’s move!” shouted Rainbow, and she and the Valkyries soared up ahead, all holding out their swords, and unleashing their binding-beams at him. They pulled and pulled with all their might…! “It’s no use!” cried Rarity. “It’s like trying to ask a baby to move a mountain!” added Applejack. Pinkie tugged and pulled all she could until she was out of breath “Nope. Not working.” Stag glared angrily at the valkyries and posied his glowing horn at them. “WATCH OUT!!” screamed Fluttershy. The valkyries just managed to let go of their grip and swerve as the red-lightning blasts were fired, nearly missing them all, and all the friends. Instead they struck more of the sheilds, frightening those inside. “STARLIGHT ARROW!” Starla fired her arrows like crazy, but it was like throwing a toothpick against a brick-wall. “Not even a flicker!” “Let’s shoot all together!” said Artie. Everyone fired their attacks and pulses together; Cadance even threw her magical ninja-pulses. It seemed to work, but Stag still didn’t seem like wanting to follow them, and he swung his many tentacles at them. The team swerved and dodged all over. “This isn’t working! We need more power!” cried Pinkie. Spike tried and tried, but despite the darkness around them, he couldn’t transform into his majestic dragon form. “It’s no good, I can’t trigger it off. The situation isn’t dire enough.” “What? Why that’s ridiculous.” grouched Rarity. Luckily, such power was on its way, as the sound of war trumpets echoed, and tons of other Starfleet ponies came soaring and rushing over the hills. “Look, the Wonderbolts!” cried Rainbow. “CHARGE!!” shouted Spitfire as she and her squadron came soaring through the darkness. Stag roared angrily as he found himself surrounded by many ponies from all ends. “GROUP FORMATION!!” shouted a Starfleet leader, and he and his team all huddled together, actually forming a giant fist. They launched themselves right at Stag’s huge head, hitting him full-force and actually knocking him down. “Our turn!” said Spitfire “Squadron, Wind-Storm positions; ATEN-TION!!” The Wonderbolts all stood in a line, and waited for Spitfire to signal. “…NOW!!” At once, the squad zoomed forth at such a speed, blasting a huge gust of wind at Stag, blowing him back hard, but the shields protected all the homes. “Keep it up!” shouted Starla. She and the others joined the rest of the ponies to charge up their powers into a huge Thunderous blast. “…FIRE!!” Such a huge combination of magic, energy, and power, such a powerful blast send the huge bug flying out of the empire, direct to the outer regions. “After him!” shouted Starla. Stag was now in the wide open fields, far from any major city. He was raging mad and looked ready to incinerate all the land around him with his power… …When a bright flash of light shone behind him. He slowly peered round while snarling, and there he saw The Grand Celestial Ruler, glowing brightly and glaring deeply at him. “You have done many horrible things, Stag…” they said in their dual voice “Its time you learned what real power is all about and what it can do if used correctly.” They held their magic scepter up high, and began to absorb power… All the ponies had gathered together and were offering their available energies to The Ruler, powering them up until they were glowing brightly. Stag was outraged and dashed over to strike The Ruler hard, only to receive a nasty jolt from all that pure energy, which knocked him back hard. The Ruler then soared up high, and flew round, and around in circles. Going faster and faster, and then they dove, and punched Stag square-on in his chest... and again… and again… Several times over, and finally, they raised their scepter up high as its tip began to glow and recited the magic chant… “Cosmic powers, hear our call Come forth now, and make evil fall Nevermore will darkness reign, Let peace and harmony replace the pain Now let be finished what has begun And through the darkness shall light now run Let hope shimmer burn bright… We summon forth the… MYSTIC LIGHT…!!!” (Skip to 9:02) The Ruler blasted Stag hard with their powerful magic. The giant beetle roared and screeched as his body began to jolt and spark, and in a colossal explosion, he was gone, or at least that part of him was. The Darkness lifted, and The Ruler then used their power to magically repair all damages as if nothing had happened. Then they defused back into Celestia and Grand Ruler. Nobody cheered though, all they did was gaze in the center of the field, and there was Stag, in his normal form. He looked badly beaten, and was covered in dirt and bruised from head to toe. Fluttershy felt nervous “Is he…?” A soft groan escaped from Stag’s through as he slowly began to stir. “After all that, he’s still goin’?!” cried Applejack. “I don’t believe this guy!” snarled Spike. Stag managed to get back to his feet. “You… haven’t… heard the last of General Stag!” he thundered “I’ll gather my strength and strike again. He found his teleporter lying undamaged on the ground near him. He picked it up and was able to activate it, but he was so weary from his ordeal that he dropped it, just as he vanished, leaving it behind. Everyone gazed squarely at the device, and Cadance stepped forth and picked it up as she pulled off her mask. “This is it…” she said with delight “This is what we need.” Her aunt and uncle levitated it over to their possession. “She’s right.” said Celestia “With this; we can finally plot an attack against the mothership.” Her husband agreed and looked up at the armada “The time for the final battle is near.” Everyone agreed hard, still not noticing that same mysterious spirit gazing at them afar. As for Stag, he made it back to the mothership, outraged that he had dropped his teleporter, but he was too weak to care much as he limped forth. He finally reached the throne room, and there was everyone else including Slick, and he finally collapsed. “I take it your battle did not go well, Stag?” Ladybird said, almost in a mocking tone. “Please…” groaned Stag “Help me…” Phoebe walked over to him and took his hand, and then she grinned wickedly and threw him straight at the wall. “What are you doing?!” cried Stag. “What do you think I’m doing; TRAITOR!!” Using her scepter, Phoebe cast Stag in a binding stream of energy. He tried to deny everything, but it was no use. “You have a very big mouth, Stag, as well as very little intelligence.” hissed Jetar. Stag gasped and growled angrily, and he finally began to realize that their majesties gave him and Slick the power, knowing they couldn’t win, and after everything else, Stag would be weakened, too weak to defend himself. Ladybird stepped forth glaring at Stag. “You lied! You lead my husband right into a trap which lead to his doom, and then we hear you planning mutiny against us?!” “No!!” cried Stag “I… I can explain! Slick, please, tell them!” Slick only joined the ladies by their side. “What are you doing?!” “Something I should have done… a long time ago! I’m going to watch you get what you deserve!” “You… YOU TRAITOR!!” “Who’s the traitor around here?!” snarled Phoebe. Her scepter and Ladybird’s necklace glowed brightly. “General Stag…” shouted Ladybird “You are hereby discharged!” “No… NO!!!” Stag’s screams could be heard even from outside the ship as he was obvious executed. Deep down, a part of Slick felt remorseful, and he remembered all the times and all the battles he and Stag had together before he went crazy with his idea of takeover. “Don’t think you’re off the hook.” snapped Phoebe. “My daughter is correct.” snarled Ladybird “As honourable as it was for you to turn against Stag, you should have done so sooner, then perhaps my husband would still be with us!!” Slick groveled as he bowed in fear and shame. “I realize my error, and that there is no excuse, but I promise… I will do everything in my power to make up for my own foolishness!” Despite the temptations to destroy him as well, knowing he could never really make up for Pinsar’s death, they decided to let him live, but his actions would be monitored every second. “And…” snapped Ladybird “This, by no means lets you even remotely off the hook. After we have successfully conquered United Equestria, and depending upon your behaviour and services… Then we shall decide your fate.” For now, they stripped of the powers they had given him. Slick never felt so relieved and backed away thanking them over and over as he exited the room. “Ahem…” Jetar said “I hate to interrupt, but you both are aware of the seriousness we are in now. I have had many battles in my travels, and I know when a great brawl is about to commence.” “He’s right, mother.” said Phoebe “The ponies will now have more than what they require to infiltrate us.” Ladybird clenched all her fists, but grinned wickedly “Well then… I think we can look forward to a well worthwhile battle, for the first time in centuries…and don’t forget, we still have our trump-card.” She referred to Shining Armor, whom at this moment was nearing his full evil capacity again, and nearly ready to be sent back into action. (Promo) In our next episode: While Starla celebrates her eighth wedding anniversary with Lightning, while he still sleeps so. Rhymey and Fluttershy then remember a time on their own Wedding anniversary when things went awry. Meanwhile, the mysterious spirit connects with Lightning’s inner conscience in attempt to help him realize his true will to live. Just who is this mysterious spirit, and how did Rhymey and Fluttershy’s anniversary go? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Happy An-Awry-Versary !”) > Episode 23: Happy An-Awry-Versary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE TWENTY-THREE Today was a special day for Starla, it had been eight whole months since she and Lightning married. They were among certain that preferred to celebrate their first year of marriage month-by-month. They didn’t go to extremes like getting huge gifts, or planning some extravagant event, other than a simple dinner, and then back home to be alone together. Even though Lightning was still locked in his standstill, Starla didn’t let it stop her from spending time with her husband in the sickbay during visiting hours, though she really wished he were awake. It had been nearly two weeks since he went down, and Starla was really getting worried; what if things got even worse? No! She couldn’t think that way. She wouldn’t! She had to be brave, and believe… “You’ll be alright, honey. I know you will be.” She clutched his cold hand softly. Her body temperature warmed his hand slightly, but he couldn’t, and didn’t grasp her back. Starla didn’t notice that that mysterious figure was standing right behind her near the far corning of the room. There came a soft knock at the door… …and the figure vanished immediately. Fluttershy and Rhymey came in. “Hi…” Fluttershy said. Rhymey brought some flowers from their garden at home to help brighten up Lightning’s room, and it was Starla’s anniversary too. “From us to you, It’s the least we can do.” Starla smiled thankfully. The friends wished Lightning was awake too, not just because the really big and final battle was near, but they really missed him and hated that he was so lost in the dark. “Poor Lightning…” said Fluttershy “He looks so miserable. I’m sorry you have to spend your anniversary like this.” Starla sighed and gazed down at Lightning. Rhymey really felt sorry for her. “Eight whole months since you two were wed, It must hurt you dearly to see him in bed.” Starla nodded “It does, a little…” she then gazed at her friends and smiled cheekily “But then again, it’s like how you two acted.” Rhymey and Fluttershy both gawked awkwardly and blushed. Fluttershy stammered “Oh, um… well…” Starla giggled “Come on, you two remember what you were like three months ago.” “Yes, I do… We acted very silly too.” said Rhymey. *Three Months ago* It was only three months after Starfleet had successfully defeated the evil Dark King and his army from the future. Long before the Insectos came, and well before Mykan Stevens arrived… even well before Lightning’s Starpops adventure in the human-world. Ever since the fall of the Dark King, all was practically blissful and steadier. The only major disturbances were petty crimes or domestic robberies, nothing that Starfleet couldn’t handle with ease. Sometimes even the pony police were able to handle the situations on their own. This meant more time to enjoy normal life, and knowing things would go steadier. Fluttershy and Rhymey had been married for nearly three whole months. Ever since, Rhymey moved in with Fluttershy, and her cottage was remodeled and expanded a bit, but it didn’t really look all that different, and was just perfect for a couple just starting out. Rhymey enjoyed his new married life, getting to help Fluttershy with the animals, help around the house, or just spend quality time with his wife. Other times he would have to leave and manage his café, Rhyme Time, but he knew Fluttershy could handle things herself. One morning, Rhymey had already gone off to work… While Fluttershy had decked the living room like an examine room and donned her doctor’s uniform. “All right everyone; it’s checkup day.” Every third of every month, Fluttershy, a certified vet, liked to examine every animal she cared for so they could live happier and healthier. All the animals lined up outside the door, and others who were already inside waited patiently while Dr. Fluttershy examined them all one-at-a-time. She weighed the bear. “Hmm, you’re a little overweight. You’ll need to go on a strict diet.” The bear grumbled in a sigh, but promised to behave. Fluttershy then looked after a bird and held a lounge depressor in its beak. “Hmm, can you try and tweet for me?” She let go, and the bird let out a very hoarse and dry tweet. “Oh, it’s okay; you just need to drink more water.” Even Angel had his turn… “Hmm, your heart’s very quickly, Angel; that’s perfect.” Angel smiled and they shared a little nuzzle. After all the animals were cared for, Fluttershy cleaned up the living room and changed back into her normal uniform, but while she was preparing a snack for everyone, she took a look at the calendar, and realized the day circled in a red heart was the very next day! “Oh, no! I’ve been so busy this week I completely lost track of time!” she panicked, and then curled into a worry position, and rocked on the floor. Angel was confused. “Oh, I haven’t had time to get a present for Rhymey. In two days it’s our three-month wedding anniversary, and I haven’t a clue of what to get him.” All this panicking and worrying made her start to sweat up a puddle on the floor. She didn’t want Rhymey to think she’d forgotten one the happiest days of her life; when they got married. For all she knew, Rhymey was probably already out getting her a gift. Cupcake stopped by Rhymey’s Café on her way home from grocery shopping for a short rest break, and a milkshake. She wore beautiful pearl necklace which she treasured so, and Rhymey thought were amazing to. She even let him have them to look at them more closely in the lights. “Major, aren’t they gorgeous?” Rhymey’s eyes glittered as he gazed at the stunning of the peals. “Every bead is a craft of art, I’d say this were a gift from the heart.” “Oh, they are…” said Cupcake “They’re also very old. They belonged to Carrot Cake’s grandmother, and she gave them to him to give them to me on the day we were married.” Rhymey thought that was very beautiful, and he suddenly had an idea. “Mrs. Cake, may I ask until after tomorrow, These pearls of yours, may I borrow? Fluttershy would love this dearly, I’d like to have them matched; as a gift for our anniversary.” Cupcake blinked once “Anniversary? Why, Major Rhymey, you’ve only been married three months.” Rhymey chuckled and explained, “For our first year, we thought we’d do every month, this stuff. We really didn’t think that waiting year would really quite enough.” “He’s got a point.” Lightning said as he and Starla came up to the bar. “We like to celebrate every month too.” said Starla “But we don’t crazy on gifts.” “Nope…” added Lightning “A gift is nice once in a while, but all we need is each other, that’s the greatest gift in any marriage.” He pecked his wife tenderly and she pecked him back. Rhymey and Cupcake smiled. “I sure wish Carrot Cake and I thought of that…” she said softly. “Well, I guess I can’t say no to such a lovely thought.” She lent Rhymey the necklace, but made him promise to keep it secret, especially from her husband. “He wouldn’t like it if he knew I just lent them to someone. I’m only doing this because you’re doing such a romantic thing.” “I’ll have them matched the next day. Then bring them back to you straight away.” So it was settled. Lightning and Starla liked how Rhymey was trying to be super romantic, but they did warn him… “Don’t push yourself too far.” Lightning said. “Yeah, you might end up in a bit of spot.” added Starla “That’s why we don’t bother get gifts for one another all the time.” Rhymey chuckled and said… “There’s just nothing more I can think of, Than to show affection to the mare I love.” It was getting late, and Fluttershy was pacing around the house so furiously her footsteps were leaving grooves in the floor, but she still couldn’t think of a nice gift for Rhymey. “What am I going to do?” she kept crying to herself over and over. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, which made her jump and hit the ceiling. Applejack was outside, holding one of her rope, when she heard the crash. “Well that didn’t sound right.” Fluttershy finally opened the door. “Um… Hi, Applejack. I’m a little nervous.” “Well, I was hopin’ you could help me, but maybe I’ll…” She turned to leave. “No, no, no, I can help you. What is it?” Fluttershy pulled on her rope, pulling on a snarling and grumpy goat that was trying to break free. “He’s due for a serious shear, but he doesn’t wanna cooperate. I was hoping if I left him here with you, you could settle him down.” The goat glared and snarled at Fluttershy, and while she rather wanted to think of a gift, she couldn’t neglect her friends in need. “I’ll try my best.” she said “Maybe I can even shear him for you.” “Aw, ya would? That’d be sweet of ya.” Fluttershy smiled, and Applejack walked off leaving the goat in her care, but the goat did not look too thrilled and put up a big fuss, and Fluttershy could barely hold him steady. Finally, she gave him a real big stare… …The goat didn’t stand a chance and completely caved in. “That’s better; now let’s get you settled in for the night.” She had him penned up in a small barn behind the house, and soon the goat was sleeping blissfully. “I’ll shear you tomorrow.” she said softly. Then she had an idea… “I can knit Rhymey a sweater!” She had studied knitting, but never actually gave it a try, but she felt she could do it. She even realized she could use the wool from the goat, feeling Applejack wouldn’t mind, and that would make it all more handmade and real effort put into it “A gift straight from the heart.” she said softly. “Oh, but I better do it without Rhymey knowing. It’ll be a nicer surprise.” When Rhymey came home late, he still had the necklace with him, but wanted to keep it a secret from Fluttershy to surprise her. He decided to hide it somewhere where she wouldn’t find it; he unzipped one of the cushion-pillows on the sofa and hid the necklace inside. “Rhymey.” He jumped in fright, and his wife jumped nervously too. “Oh, my… …Fluttershy.” “Oh, sorry…” The two then shared a giggle, and then sat down to dinner. “What were you doing by the sofa?” Fluttershy asked. He made a quick excuse… “Oh, it seemed a little out of place, So I was setting it back in its proper space.” His fib fooled her, and Fluttershy also was careful not to spoil her surprise for him. Later that night, long after they had gone to bed… The goat woke up in his stall to find the gate to his stall open slightly; Fluttershy got so wrapped up in the sweater idea that she forgot to make sure the gate was shut tight. She also didn’t leave enough hay for him to eat. So, goat just wandered out, and he made his way close to the house, where the window was open near the sofa. He took just one look inside, at the cushion where the necklace was hidden inside… and…! The next morning, Fluttershy and Rhymey discovered the cushion in ruins, and the trail of fluff leading all the way to the stall. “Oh, no!” she cried. “Oh, my goodness… Look at this mess.” said Rhymey. Goat looked and felt ashamed of himself already, but Flutteshy couldn’t blame him really. She forgot to feed him properly as well as close the gate. “It’s okay…” she said as she smothered the goat calmly. Rhymey forgave the goat as well, but then he realized he was late for his patrol rounds that morning. He quickly kissed Fluttershy goodbye and then took off on his rounds… …Silently remembering to have enough time that day to get the necklace matched for Fluttershy, for their anniversary that night. As soon as Rhymey was gone, Fluttershy waited a moment to make sure he wouldn’t come back in case he had forgotten something. Once she was certain he was really gone, she prepared the shear Goat. “Now just relax.” She said calmly “And soon we’ll have you all sheared.” Just one look at those shearing scissors make Goat flip out, and he ran past her, knocking her down, and he headed out of the stall. “Oh, dear…” She was hoping this would be easy, but apparently she had forgotten that Applejack warned her that Goat didn’t like to be sheared, and that’s when he always put up a fuss. “Oh, don’t worry. This won’t hurt you at all.” Goat didn’t feel any comfier and dashed off before she could reach for him again. “I guess this won’t be as easy as I thought.” She decided she’d have to try and catch Goat, and maybe then he’d cooperate. (0:30 to 0:43) Goat was actually enjoying this, and some of the other animals couldn’t help but laugh at how funny Fluttershy was acting, not that they could really help to begin with. Fluttershy wasn’t willing to give up. She needed that wool, and she was willing to get it even if she had to chase Goat all over the planet for it! Which she practically did, in a hilarious montage. Later on, Rhymey was just finishing his patrol rounds, not forgetting about how he wanted to desperately get that necklace matched. Suddenly, he could hear someone screaming down below, and he could see Cupcake on the run from several bad ponies that were chasing her. Suddenly, they had her backed into a dead-end alley. “Come on, lady. Give us your money.” “I keep telling you I haven’t any!” cried Cupcake. “I think she’s lyin’.” “Let’s teach her a lesson.” The three thugs moved forth, clenching and cracking their fists in a threatening manner, but before they could get any closer, Rhymey dropped down from above and stood before them. “Get out of our way, Punk!” Rhymey cleared his throat and pointed to his insignia-energizer, and that it had stars around it. “Hey, this guy’s with Starfleet!” “Let’s split!” They tried to run away, but Rhymey held them in place with his telekinetic-powers. They couldn’t move an inch. He then got out his sword and set it to capture. “THRASH SLASH!” HE slashed at all three of them, blowing them up, and then imprisoning them in capture-spheres. Rhymey picked all the spheres up and gazed shamefully and tauntingly inside at the crooks and scolded… “If you can’t do the time, Don’t do the crime.” Cupcake felt ever so relieved “Bless you, Rhymey. You and Starfleet...” Rhymey nodded thankfully and decided to escort her back to Sugar-Cube Corner bakeshop and café. “I can’t thank you enough, Rhymey.” Cupcake said for the umpteenth time “I feel I must repay you.” Rhymey shook his head “We are now evenly. For the necklace you loaned me.” “Oh, speaking of which, I need it returned tonight. Carrot Cake is taking me out, and I said I’d wear the pearls.” Rhymey understood, but first he had to drop off his prisoners at the Police Station where they crooks would be held in detainment until their trials or so. Then he would head to the jewelry shop to get the necklace matched. “Oka, but please hurry.” said Cupcake. “Say no more, I’m out the door.” Then he was off. He quickly managed to perform his task and dropped the prisoners off at a station, then he quickly zoomed home to the cottage. “Fluttershy, are you here?” He called out. “Are you home, Dear?” When no one responded and he couldn’t find her, he suspected she was out, probably shopping or out for a casual walk. Giving him the perfect opportunity to get out the necklace… …except, he had forgotten where he hid it! In all the excitement and rushing he did, it was only natural that he would forget it. So he frantically searched the house from top to bottom, and he asked Angel and the birds if they would help too. Together, they searched every nook and cranny; under the stairs, even in the root cellar. Some of the animals looked in the garden. By mid-afternoon, Rhymey gazed at the sofa and finally remembered he had hidden the necklace in the pillow-cushion… the one that Goat had shredded. His mouth hung wide open and his pupils dilated in shock. “No, no, no! Please don’t be so!” he cried as he frantically searched the area all around the house and the stall. He found the shredded cushion still in Goat’s stall, but the pearls were nowhere to be found which could only tell him that Goat had actually eaten them! “Oh… …No-o-o-o!” The animals huddled around him and could hardly believe it themselves. Now Rhymey had nothing to give Fluttershy that evening, and worse… …what was he going to tell Cupcake! He thought and he thought, but ultimately… “I’ll have to face up to my mistake. I better go and just tell Mrs. Cake.” Angel and the other animals agreed with him, and Angel patted him for luck. Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Goat were really getting tired, and Fluttershy had chased him all the way to New Sweet Apple Acres, near the orchard. Finally, Goat collapsed, but Fluttershy managed to keep going and finally caught him. Her weariness and her frustration; she looked in an awful mess. Her mane was all tangled and covered in dirt and twigs, and she looked a little dehydrated, but she wasn’t about to let that stop her now. “Now then, Mr. Goat, you’ve caused me enough trouble! I’m going to shear you!” She held the scissors in a near crazed state, and poor Goat was frightened! Suddenly, a lasso yanked the scissors out of Fluttershy’s hand, and Applejack stepped out going “Whoa, whoa! Hold your horses, girl. This here ain’t the Fluttershy I know. Why she’d never treat a goat like that, even a stubborn one.” This made Fluttershy realize how she was behaving, and she felt deeply ashamed, even near tears. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Goat.” she cried as she hugged the animal dearly, and goat licked her softly on the cheek as accept to her apology, as well as apologizing for giving her so much trouble. Applejack wiped a tear from her eye and sighed happily “Now that’s a bit more like it.” but she couldn’t help but ask “Why were you in such a hurry to shear him for?” “Well, I wanted to borrow his wool.” said Fluttershy “You see, I wanted to knit Rhymey a sweater for our anniversary tonight.” “Aw, shucks, ain’t that sweet.” Said Applejack, but then she realized “Wait a minute-- tonight?” Fluttershy nodded. “You wanna knit a whole sweater by tonight, and you didn’t even shear the wool?” Fluttershy began to feel worried “Is that… bad?” Applejack shook her head. “Fluttershy I hate to break your spirits, but it just ain’t that simple. Granny Smith told me everythin’. See, after the wool is sheared, then ya gotta wash it and hang it up to dry several days over to get it clean. Then it’s gotta be dyed… carted… and spun into yarn, and even then, even an expert knitter like Granny Smith can’t knit a whole sweater than fast. In about three weeks maybe, faster if she don’t eat or sleep, but ya just can’t rush this sorta thing.” Fluttershy looked down-hearted. All this time she was just acting like a big fool. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy.” “No, no… it’s okay… I guess, but what am I going to do about Rhymey?” Even Applejack hadn’t an idea. By sundown, Rhymey finally told Cupcake about the necklace, and she was simply devastated, and was now pacing about in a panic. “Oh, Rhymey this is terrible! Are you absolutely sure about this?” Rhymey nodded regretfully… “I searched and I searched that house square on. But there is no doubt, your pearls are gone. I don’t know what to say or do. I feel I really have betrayed you.” Cupcake could tell he was being sincere and felt just as badly as she did, but still, what was there to say. “Oh, what am I going to tell Carrot Cake?!” she cried. “Tell me what?” her husband said, having just entered the shop. His wife looked as if she’d swallowed a fly, and Rhymey decided to confess. “Mr. Cake, the necklace your grandmother gave you, On your wedding way when you gave them to your wife too. I’m afraid she loaned them to me… And I’ve lost them… I’m very sorry.” Carrot Cake only smiled and shook his head saying “No, you haven’t lost them.” The others were confused, and he could only repeat “You did not lose my grandmother’s necklace. Lucky for you, those were only based imitations of the pearls.” Now the others were shocked. “The necklace was a fake?” asked Cupcake. “What do you mean, Mr. Cake?” rhymed Rhymey. Carrot Cake explained as he gazed at his wife “I really do love you, Cup Cake, but don’t get me wrong, you’re not perfect just like the rest of us. You aren’t without your flaws…” His wife gawked in shock and near disgust. Carrot Cake then looked towards Rhymey “And one of those faults is she’s rather careless with jewelry. As much as I trust her in many ways, I’d never let her play around with a valuable string of pearls like that. So I did the smart things; I had some imitations made, and I locked up the real ones in a chest in our closet.” Rhymey felt ever so relieved, but Mrs. Cake was outraged and practically thundered, “What in the world are you talking about? I am certainly not careless!” “Oh?” her husband said “How about the time you forgot to take off your earrings before you went to bed?” She remembered; her earrings clipped onto the pillow, getting stuck her to her ears and pulling on her. “And then there was your wedding ring…” Sometime after all the ponies turned humanoid, Cup Cake wore her wedding ring on her finger like all married couples, but on occasion it would slip off and she wouldn’t notice. It fell down the sink drain… It once fell into the flour while they were baking cookies, and a little colt almost choked on it. There were even a couple of times she had forgotten that she never even put it on to begin with. Carrot Cake nodded, despite having already proven his point, “And just now, you lent that necklace to Rhymey and he lost them. Now need I say more?” His wife pouted, and grumbled to Rhymey “I hate it when he’s right.” Rhymey couldn’t help but chuckle softly, and Cup Cake hugged her husband, and he pecked her cheek. “I still love you anyway, honeybun.” “And I love you.” he said to her. Rhymey hated to interrupt… “I borrowed those pearls, and here’s why. I wanted to have them matched, for Fluttershy.” “Oh, that’s right!” cried Cup Cake “It’s their three month wedding anniversary, tonight. Maybe there’s still time to get it done.” “Well, we can try.” said Carrot Cake “But I’ll handle the pearls this time.” It was very kind of him to re-lend him the real pearls, but sadly all the stores were closed, and there was nothing any of them could do. So Rhymey was forced to go home empty-handed. The Cakes couldn’t help but apologize for putting him through all this, and Rhymey was still grateful for their help. Now he had to break the sad news to his wife. When he got home, he found Fluttershy weeping outside the cottage (Skip to 1:22) The squirrel offered her his acorn in hopes to cheer her up. “Oh, thank you, but I’m afraid a couple of little acorns won’t help my problem.” Angel the pointed behind her, and she looked over her shoulder and saw Rhymey. She looked away from him, to ashamed to face him. “Fluttershy… I…” “Just go away.” she cried “I don’t want you to see me right now…” “What is the matter with you? Is there anything I can do?” Fluttershy hesitated, until the animals gave her the hint to fess up, and she explained Rhymey everything about his gift and how it ended in disaster for her. “Now I don’t have anything for our anniversary. I’m so sorry!” She threw her arms around him and began to cry in on his shoulder. Her husband held her deeply and smiled saying. “It’s alright, Fluttershy Please don’t cry.” “What do you mean?” she sobbed. Rhymey explained to her how he messed up as well with the necklace. “There was nothing I could do either way So I have nothing for you, I’m sorry to say.” “You… you don’t?” He shook his head. Fluttershy wiped away her tears, and her lips curled into a soft smile, and before she knew it she and Rhymey began to laugh with one another. When they finally got it all out, they gazed deeply into each other’s eyes and shared a soft kiss before deciding to just spend the evening at home together. “I love you.” she said. “I love you too.” he rhymed. *Back to Present Day* Starla giggled softly “We told you so, didn’t we?” Fluttershy and Rhymey leaned casually against one another remembering it all well. “You and Lightning were right.” said Fluttershy “All we really needed is each other.” Rhymey pecked his wife tenderly, but then they both felt a bad for Starla and Lightning. “I hope that he’ll awaken, So no more sadness will be taken.” Starla nodded and gazed down at Lightning “I hope so too.” Deep in Lightning conscience, he was actually starting to think more and more about Starla and all the others, rather than the tragedy and his failure to prevent it, but it still wasn’t enough for him to find his will to escape the darkness around him. “If only I could really become strong-willed again.” he muttered sadly to himself. That’s when a strange voice said to him “Maybe you already are; but you fail to see it.” Lightning looked up, and around and all over, and suddenly, he could see that mysterious glowing figure, he was little too bright and faded to be seen too clearly, but Lightning vaguely make out that he was a pony, about half his height. “Who are you? More importantly, how are you even here?” “I think the more important question is: What are you doing here?” Lightning didn’t know how to respond to that, but the figure told him… “You have lost a great deal that was important to you, and you try your hardest to avoid this in future and make it so that others do not share the unpleasantness. In the end, everyone is not perfect, and we all cannot control everything that happens to us and to those around us no matter hard we try.” “I already know that!” snapped Lightning, and he began to feel down hearted again “I lost so much already, my family, my birth-planet Harmonious, my home-planet; Unicornicopia, I even lost a few good friends that I tried to protect.” He then saw faces of Fratello, Twilight, Flash Sentry, and though he couldn’t see it, he thought of Cadance’s baby, Amando. That hurt him the most out of it all. “You were unable to prevent those tragedies…” the figure said to him “However, you were able to prevent tragedies far more costly and deathly from occurring, and thus sparing many from a worse fate rather than emotional trauma, were you not?” Those words made Lightning start to rekindle with his confidence immensely. “In the end, I can’t save everyone, but I can do what I can so others can avoid a worse fate.” He also began to realize that lying in his standstill was obviously causing much grief and discomfort for everyone else, and that staying as he was would neither help him nor the others. Content that his task was complete the figure began to vanish, saying “There are many things you can do, and be sure to focus more on them than other things.” “Wait…!” cried Lightning “Who you are you? You didn’t tell me!” “Take great care, and help my mother to save my father from the enemy.” That was all the figure said before he vanished completely, and Lightning began to realize who it was… “…Galloping Galaxies!” Now he could actually his strength very slowly starting to return and the darkness was actually breaking up a little. “…I’ve got things to do!” (Promo) In our next episode: After Lightning finally awakens from his standstill, the time to infiltrate the Insecto Armada has come, and the first task is to sneak aboard the mothership to rescue Shining Armor, but the Insectos have been preparing too and have very many surprises in store for the team. To make matters worse, the barrier around the planet is beginning to weaken, which puts everyone in extremely dire situations. Just how will things turn out as plans fall into action? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next episode: “Part 1: Infiltration!”) > Episode 24: Part 1: Infiltration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPISODE TWENTY-FOUR Krysta was fluttering about on her own patrol rounds, and as she finished up, she passed by New Canterlot, and peeked into Lightning’s room in the Royal Palace, and what she saw nearly made little heart race. There he was… sitting upright in bed! “Lightning! You’re awake! How do you feel?” Lightning spoke in a groggily voice “What’s a guy gotta do to get food in this place?” Krysta dashed off yelling at the top of her little lungs “HE’S AWAKE!! HE WANTS FOOD!!” Of course, despite the fact she wasn’t being very courteous in a sickbay, where others were trying to sleep, even the staff was shocked and amazed to hear that Lightning was awake. Soon, Lightning was well fed, and all his friends came to see him, including their majesties and even Cadance. Starla threw her arms around Lightning planting kisses all over his face, he would have gladly returned her affection except his arms and legs were still a bit tired from lack of use. Luckily the doctors gave him special exercise bars and foot pedals to help him warmup and get his full strength back. Lightning also felt a bit ashamed with Cadance here. “I don’t know where to begin…” he said to her. Although her sadness showed, Cadance hugged him softly telling him “I know how you feel, but you saved my life, and I’ll always be grateful for that. Thank you, Lightning.” Lightning weakly raised his arms and managed to hug her back. A small tear leaked from his eye, but he didn’t dare mention who he believed he saw while lost in his mind, still a bit unsure, and he didn't want to upset Cadance Everyone thought that was sweet. Rarity even wiped a tear from her eye “We’re so glad you’ve recovered, Lightning.” said Celestia. “That goes without saying.” added Grand Ruler “You’ve been closer to death than ever before, are you sure you feel alright?” “No sweat…” Lightning said as he worked on his chin-ups “After a little bit of this I’ll be ready to get back into action.” “Speaking of action…” Spike said, and he looked at their majesties “How go the preparations?” Their majesties seemed a little worried. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongues?” asked Pinkie. “Well, there is good news…” said Celestia “Professor Brain has nearly completed work on the teleportation device. This will safely show you all aboard the Insecto Mothership.” “Well, that’s wonderful.” said Rainbow “It means we can finally go up there, get Shining Armor back, and then blow that armada out of the skies for good.” “Wait, Rainbow…” said Artie “I think there’s bad news too.” Their majesties nodded, and there was no other way to explain to them, so they said it plain a clear. “What?!” Lightning “The barrier around the planet is weakened?!” “I’m afraid so…” replied Grand Ruler “We figure it happened during the big battle with Stag, all the dark energy he conjured up, as well as all the power we used to beat him must have caused intensive shockwaves that have upset the transistors. Some of them are developing tiny faults in their circuitry.” Everyone felt their bloods turned cold. “For now everything is still fine…” Celestia said “But we don’t know how much more can happen before they finally give out.” Grand Ruler nodded and glared deeply with concern at everyone “It doesn’t have to said to tell you how serious this could be. We must put our plans into action at once and finish off the armada before the barrier may give out.” The others already were more than understanding. “If that barrier fails, we’ll be blasted to bits by those ships like when they first came.” said Dyno. “Well, what are we waiting for? Vamos! Let’s go!” cried Myte. Everyone dashed out of the room, but Lightning was told remain behind until he gained his full strength back. “It’s not safe for you to re-enter battle just yet.” Grand Ruler said. As aggravated as Lightning felt, he knew he had to comply. So he was left alone, and he sighed softly, but continued with his exercises. He took a glance outside his window and gazed up at the mothership. What he would give to be able to kick all of their miserable Insecto hides for all the trouble they caused, especially for hurting Cadance and killing her baby. It only made him want to exercise harder and faster. Meanwhile, the Insectos didn’t know about Lightning’s recovery, and dismissed any thoughts of him interfering anytime soon, but there was something else they were aware of…! “You are certain of this?” asked Ladybird. “Positively, your majesty.” replied Slick “Sensors indicate the barrier has been weakened, but unfortunately it is still too strong for us to open fire on the planet.” Phoebe was growing rather frustrated and gripped her scepter tightly “I want so much to get at those creeps for everything they’ve put us through.” “Steady, Princess…” said Jetar trying to calm her down, but Phoebe turned and snapped at him “Don’t tell me to calm down! Calm is killing me!” Jetar winced back a bit as if had come face-to-face with a cobra. “I’m sorry, Phoebe, but I agree with Jetar.” said Ladybird “The battle will come, but mustn’t be so hasty. Your father once made that mistake which blew us into space, and he swore he wouldn’t make it again. Neither shall we.” Thinking of her father made only made Phoebe feel more agitated deep down, but her mother was right. “I’m sorry, Jetar.” “Naturally, don’t be. I understand how you feel and would probably have acted no different.” Nevertheless, Ladybird had been waiting for this moment, and instructed the entire army to be ready for anything. She then stroked her pendant and gazed at the figurines inside. “The hour of your vengeance is near, my love. This planet and all who live on it will be blown to space dust!” Behind her, stood a figure with red glowing eyes, eager to assist in the upcoming battle ahead. As everyone prepared for the immense battle ahead, so much was being done as precautions. Krysta and her army of fairies were in charge of evacuating the entire planet to the safe-world planet. Grand Ruler and Celestia were taking no chances at all if the barriers would fail. All the ponies had been lining up in very, very long lines as Dr. Penny and her staff used their shrink ray to shrink many of the ponies in groups down to size, and then Krysta’s fairies sent them on their way. By doing this, the Insectos would not be able to spot or detect them. Of course, several unicorn ponies also knew how to cast shrinking spells, and it helped speed up the process. By this point, more than half of the planet’s entire populace was evacuated; All the ponies, yaks, dragons, griffons; everyone. Even many Starfleet personal, the minor officers headed off to ensure the populace’s safety. Only the mega officers, like Lightning and the team would remain behind to battle any invasions or chaos that was sure to ensue, but they were also prepared to leave if things got really messy. So Krysta had many other fairies standing by. The entire group was each given a teleporter, and their energizers were also empowered by their majesties for an emergency return transport, which would warp them out of the ship and take them back to United Equestria. “Be warned…” Grand Ruler “This can only be used one-time, and once only, so do not activate unless you are certain you need to return.” The gang understood, having already discussed their plan; their number one priority would be to get Shining Armor off of that ship, then the big attack could finally begin, but not until. Even Cadance was given permission to go, since her magic would help get Shining Armor back… they hoped. As Cadance was preparing for departure, she stroked her ninja medal, and remembered the last time she nearly got her husband back. This time she didn’t think it would be so easy. Even then… she’d have to break the horrifying news about their son. “How can I tell that?” She muttered to herself, and she remembered how excited and happy he was when she first revealed she was pregnant. How he would always go off saying he was looking forward to being a father. All this was making her feel really frustrated. She was suddenly snapped out of her trance when a bright light flashed into her room, and that figure appeared before her, much clearer than he was to Lightning. “Who are you?” Cadance asked. The figure stepped forward and looked deeply into her eyes. “Mother, it is I… Amando.” Cadance gasped and almost felt like fainting, but she couldn’t deny this cold strong resembled the body of her dead baby. “I… I can’t… Is it…?” “It’s alright; I understand how this must feel, but right now I need you to listen to me. Father is in great danger, and your power alone may not be strong enough to save him from the enemy’s clutches.” “I know… I’ve thought about that, but what can I do?” Amando’s spirit began to glow and he changed into a glowing golden orb. “What are you doing?” She suddenly got her answer as the ball forced itself into her, stunning her at first, but Amando said to her… “Mother, though I never had a chance to live my life, I am still your son, and that can never change. I am loaning you what little power I can give. When the time calls, use the Mother-Child Bond You must save Father!” Then his faded off, and all was quiet. Cadance wrapped her arms around her body feeling no different than normal, but her emotions were going crazy due to the fact she had seen the grown spirit of her son. She slowly rose to her feet, clenching her fists and stood tall and proud and thinking “I will save him… for you, my little boy.” Soon, all the teammates, except for Lightning were standing outside the palace. The Space Ponies were transformed, the Equestrians were in their Valkyrie modes, Cadance and Spike were both transformed too. “Are you all ready?” Grand Ruler asked. No one said anything at first, just exchanged looks of concern with one another. We’re they really ready to venture forth into a place they had only so much info on? Apart from the obvious, no telling who or what else they’d run into? “We’re ready.” Starla said, and she spoke on everyone’s behalf. “Good luck to all of you.” said Celestia. Then she held hands with her husband, and the two of them touched their horns together. At once, they conjured a spell to shrink everyone down to size, which would wear off in a very short time. Once they were all shrunk down. “Let’s go!” shouted Starla, and she and all the others activated their teleported, whisking off into the sky. Lightning watched them from his window, and never before did he feel so concerned, especially for Starla. “Please be careful… all of you!” The Insectos, again, could neither spot nor detect the fighter’s presence. The team arrived in a dark, and seemingly untidy room of the mothership and that’s when they unshrank and returned to normal size. “Where are we?” asked Fluttershy. “It looks like a broom storage utility room.” said Spike. “Really, and I thought these creatures had no class for sanitation.” scoffed Rarity. They could all see the door, but used their scanning and senses to detect any movement outside. Once the way was clear, they exited the utility room, and saw a three way intersection. Immediately, they headed down the central corridor. “Good thing we studied up on those blueprints.” said Buddy Rose. Carefully, and silently they slunk around corridor after corridor of the massive spacecraft, but little did they realize, they were already being watched…! …The second they had arrived and returned to normal size, their added weight was detected, and of course, thanks to the hidden cameras, Queen Ladybird could view them all from the monitors in the throne room of the palace. She snickered wickedly and remarked “Like a moth to the flame, I knew they’d come.” Phoebe and Jetar grinned sinisterly, yet neither any one of them sounded they alarms, for they were planning to have a little fun with their uninvited guests to soften them up a little. “You two, better get ready…” said Ladybird “I shall remain here.” The two nodded and went off. “Princess…” “What is it?” Jetar acted almost a little shy for what he was about to do, but he handed her a golden medallion. “It’s a lucky charm I’ve always had on me. I’m not really superstitious, but I’d feel honored if you had it during this battle.” Phoebe took the coin, and she didn’t really seem too impressed with it, but she looked in Jetar’s yes, and she began to see the deep trust and confidence he was showing her, or rather… the hidden feelings she was starting to realize. She smiled, and softly pecked his cheek. “Thanks.” Blushing, Jetar rubbed his cheek softly. He had never felt like this before towards anyone, but even a ruthless bandit like himself knew when it wasn’t worth trying to resist. As for Phoebe, she couldn’t help but think “He’s not so bad, and he did train me, and I owe him my life... Okay, maybe I do like him a little… more than a little…” She kept her face turned so no one could see her blushing. The gang continued to trek along the many corridors, and Fluttershy was feeling a little shaky. “Easy, my dear Try not to have fear.” Rhymey said. “I’m trying.” Fluttershy whimpered. The others all sighed softly. Then they came to a large directory sign on the wall, showing where many areas were… Engine Rooms-A-M. Engine Rooms-N-Z Soldiers Quarters Pantries At the bottom were directions on how to get to the royal palace, atop the ship, as well as how far away it was. “One-and-a-half miles?!” groaned Rarity “We’ve only traveled half a mile. I thought for certain we had come further. The ship looked so much smaller on the outside. “Okay, okay…!” groaned Applejack “Let’s just move on.” As the team moved out, Cadance stopped. “Cadance, what’s wrong?” asked Starla. Since she couldn’t speak, she placed her hand against the wall and began to tap her finger in Morse code, saying that she was sensing something terrible coming, but she wasn’t sure what. The halls were all clear; Spike could smell no Insectos nearby, but suddenly the lights went out, and the entire place went dark. Fluttershy couldn’t help but whimper. “Hey, who turned out the lights?” asked Pinkie. Suddenly, before anyone could speak or act, they all felt strange and in several flashes of light, they were all teleported away. Queen Ladybird sniggered. “Let the fun commence.” The space ponies found themselves believing to be standing in space. “What happened?” asked Dyno. “I don’t remember seeing this in any of the blueprints.” added Myte. Then he tapped his feet and sure enough it still felt like he was standing on a solid floor. He then fired a simple pulse from his horn, and it flew along and actual crashed as if it collided with a wall. Artie scanned the entire place with his visor. “This is some kind of virtual room. Everything here is just an illusion.” “Only half correct.” hissed a familiar voice. “Slick…!” Starla sneered. “Thought you’d seen the last of me, huh?” The team looked ready to face him, when suddenly a second Slick appeared. “Well, thankfully this will be the last I see of you!” A third one appeared, and a fourth, and more… “That goes for us!” they all said together. Soon, there was a whole army of Slick’s in the room with them, badly out numbering the seven ponies. “What’s going on here? Am I seeing things clear?” asked Rhymey. “How is he doing this?” added Buddy Rose. The Slick’s all snickered. Meanwhile, all the Valkyrie’s and Spike found themselves not in a virtual room, but face to face with what had to be the biggest flock of Stingars they had ever seen, and various Insectos, including ones in the same class as the monsters they had already beaten. “How many are there?!” cried Rarity. Pinkie tried and tried to count them but got flustered several times. “There’s a lot! A whole lot!” cried Rainbow. Spike got out his sword “I think it’s time we squashed this swarm for good.” “Spike, you can’t be serious?!” cried Rarity “We can’t take on all this.” Applejack disagreed and gripped her own sword “I’m up for this. Let’s party!” “Hey, that’s my line.” said Pinkie “But I’m always up for a party anytime.” Rainbow wanted in too, and Fluttershy and Rarity saw no other choice but to stand and fight. Meanwhile, Cadance, the last member of the party, she was given an extra special challenge all to herself. She was transported all the way to the palace throne room and landed with a thud on the floor wondering where she was. “Greetings, little princess…” She turned her head round… and saw her! “I am Ladybird. Queen of the Insecto Armada, and the widow of my beloved Pinsar…” She stroked her necklace, taking a moment to remember her husband. “Speaking of husbands… you remember Saber, don’t you?” A pair of glowing red eyes appeared in the darkness, and Saber stepped out into the open. “Shining Armor…!” Cadance cried in her thoughts. Ladybird snickered-- aware that Cadance couldn’t speak, but knew how she was feeling. “Ironic, isn’t it. You ponies destroyed my husband, now I’ll make your former husband destroy you. Proceed, Saber. Destroy this intruder!” Saber bowed to her saying “Consider it done, my queen.” Then he turned and gazed sharply at Cadance and charged at her with his sword at the ready, and she dodged at the last second. “It feels great to be back in action!” shouted Saber, and he pitched his shuriken blades, Candace did a twirl leapt to dodge them all and they hit the wall. Cadance decided to try her love magic at once, and blasted Saber with everything she had, but he didn’t even flinch, or even blink his eyes. “It’s not working!” she cried in thought “I can’t connect with his heart.” Ladybird’s necklace was glowing brighter than ever, shielding Saber from being manipulated. She laughed wickedly and scolded “You’re in my territory now, foolish pony. Before you fought him on the planet, but now that he’s here where my magic is more than ten-fold stronger, there’s not a thing you can do to break the spell I’ve cast. Your husband is an Insecto, now and forever!” Cadance was most disturbed. “Speaking of your planet…” hissed Ladybird “The final phase of our ultimate attack should be falling into place at this time, a pity you and your friends won’t be able to do anything to stop it.” Saber charged again and slashed Cadance hard across the chest making a bright shower of sparks, and knocking her down, and he lunged at her before she even got a chance to get up and pointed his sword directly at her neck. “It’s been, Princess, but now it all ends. At least your precious baby won’t be alone on the other side anymore.” Meanwhile, on the planet, all had been very quiet ever since the gang teleported up to the armada. The planet was evacuated except for all those fighters who stayed behind. Everywhere, all the fighters, even their majesties stood vigilant waiting for any signs of an attack. Grand Ruler was growing a little edgy as he muttered “Come on, what are you waiting you bugs?!” Celestia placed a comforting hand on his shoulder “Steady, dear. Steady.” Her husband calmed himself. Suddenly, Princess Luna looked up at the sky “Look!” From the hole on the barrier, everyone could see many hundreds of lights raining down from every other battleship in the armada above. Whole swarms of Stingars and Insectos emerged in the fields, flooding up the entire area. Celestia, Grand Ruler and Luna nodded in agreement, and shouted out for the counter-attack to commence! At once, the entire army dashed forth and began to brawl with that massive army of bugs. Grand Ruler raised the shields, but he, his wife and sister-in-law all joined in the brawl as well. Celestia, and Luna both transformed into their old fashioned warrior garments, not wanting to use up too much power too fast. “Let’s go!” shouted Grand Ruler, and he leapt down off the terrace with the ladies behind him. They each landed on top of three Stingars, conking them out, and then they rushed into battle to assist in any ways they could. All those bugs, the battle was very fierce indeed. Power blasts, explosions, attacks of all kinds went everywhere, yet the army of Insectos never seemed to decrease. The only one who wasn’t battling of course was Lightning. He was on the safe-world planet along with everyone else, and he was still a little bit weak to be up and about, but he was exercising harder and faster than ever, desperate to get his full strength back. “Lightning, take it easy.” said Krysta. “Take it easy?! How am I supposed to take it easy when all of my friends are way out there in the biggest battle of all, and I’m stuck here?” “Lightning, if you don’t calm down, I’ll have to sedate you.” Dr. Penny said. Unable to argue, Lightning calmed down a bit, but his edginess was really reaching its breaking point, not to mention his worrying about the others and how they were fairing. Sad to say, nothing was going swell for any of them! On United Equestria, the big battle was already starting to take its toll; the more the ponies and other creatures fought the Insectos, the more power they ended up using which sent more and more shockwaves that upset the transistors keeping the planet-barrier stable. “No!!” cried Grand Ruler “The barrier won’t be able to take this!” The ladies were very concerned “But we can’t stop battling or the planet we be destroyed still.” cried Celestia. “So… either way…” said Luna “Neither way looks good!” They had no choice but to continue fighting. The Valkyries and Spike were fighting like crazy, slashing and pummeling every single Stingars that came their way, but naturally… “It’s no use! There’s too many of them!” cried Rarity. “We can’t keep this up!” groaned Fluttershy. “Keep goin’!” shouted Spike. In the virtual-room, the many army of Slicks lunged forth all at once, and though only one was obviously real, all the other attacks felt as real still. All the slicks punched, chopped and kicked all the fighters ruthlessly. “How can this be?” said Starla “How are they doing this?” “I don’t know…” panted Buddy Rose “The scans don’t reveal anything. We can’t even try to tell which the real one is.” The many Slick’s laughed and one by one each explained. “This virtual simulator has been a gem to the training of us Insectos for ages.” “It helps us to challenge any kind of battling imaginable.” “One of its many functions is it can make any simulation appear and feel as dangerous as the real thing itself.” The ponies could hardly believe that. It totally didn’t seem plausible for simulations to actually cause harm, but it was happening for real, and if they didn’t figure out what to do and fast, they were defiantly going to get pummelled by Slick and his army. As for Cadance…! “Say goodbye...!” Saber thundered as he drove his sword straight at her for the kill! To Be Continued! (Promo) In our next episode; as the situation becomes dire, and hope starts to fade, Cadance begins to put the gift from her son’s spirit to the test and use the power of the Mother-Child Bond. But as the barrier continues to fade, and very little time left, Grand Ruler and Celestia begin to attack the armada themselves, blowing every ship they can out of the sky. But the Insectos are still not beaten yet for a secret is about to be unleashed, but exactly what is this weapon and how will it affect the battle? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next episode: “Part 2: Big Bonds”) > Episode 25: Part 2: Big Bonds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Previously on Starfleet Magic…” After Lightning awakened from his standstill, the team made preparations to infiltrate the Insecto mothership, only to then be informed that the planet-barrier was weakening. Cadance also received a gift from the spirit of her son, and the team set out without Lightning. However, upon their arrival they quickly fell into a trap and became separated, while now each group fights a seemingly impossible battle, Cadance is on the verge of death from whom was once her husband, while the battle continues on the planet, weakening the barriers even more! EPISODE TWENTY-FIVE “Say goodbye…!” Saber snarled as he thrust his sword forth for the kill, but at the last second, Cadance raised her hands, and before Saber knew it, he was blasted clear off of Cadance and thrown hard into the wall. “What’s this?!” cried Ladybird. Saber collapsed onto the floor, severely weakened after that one hit. He felt more outraged and confused though. “What was that magic? I’ve never felt anything like it.” Cadance slowly stood up and removed her mask, glaring at Saber deeply. “It’s a magic only a mother shares with her child, even in death, it is a bond that is unbreakable.” “Saber, get up!” shouted Ladybird. But Saber could hardly even struggle to get up. Cadance began to make her way towards him, when suddenly she was blasted at formt he corner of the room by Phoebe and Jetar. “Forget about us?” Phoebe snickered. “Striking a fighter when he’s down, have you no honour?” Jetar mocked. Ladybird decided to join them in the fight as well, but Cadance didn’t seem to mind that she was outnumbered. “Even if there were thousands of you, you won’t stop me!” Phoebe’s features hardened. “Oh, let me at her!” Then the battle began, but Cadance was moving more swiftly than ever; dodging their attacks and striking them all hard, but the trio managed to strike her in return, making the fight virtually even. While in other parts of the ship, things were not going well for the other two groups. Slick and his army of copies continued to fight hard at the space-ponies. Starla punched one Slick, but then two more attacked her back. Buddy Rose whipped and lashed at many more with his whip, only for his whip to get caught by another row of Slick. Together, they yanked hard on the whip, pulling him in, and all kicked him hard right into the wall. Artie got tripped up. Rhymey’s sword was knocked out of his hand, and he was conked hard. The Slick’s even picked up one of the twins each and carried them away from one another. “Dyno!” “Myte!” This way, since they were not together, their power levels were cut in half, making them easier to beat on, and even if they fought back, their powers were very weak. “Give it up, ponies.” hissed the many Slicks. “Never!” shouted Starla. “We’ll find some way to beat you.” added Buddy Rose. The many Slicks just bashed them and the others again, hardly even giving them a chance to think or react. Artie was growing very annoyed. “He’s stomping all over us like bugs!” “How much more can we take of these thugs?” rhymed Rhymey. The space ponies continued to fight, and they continued to get beaten. Meanwhile… The Valkyries and Spike were really starting to feel the exhaustion getting to them. They had managed to take out at least a-hundred of the Stingars, but that was hardly even a small tick compared to the many more than were left. Rainbow could hardly lift her sword up and was shaking. “Can’t… give… up!” “We each only have a bit of power left!” panted Pinkie “We can’t make it; not like this.” Altogether, the Stingars launched their explosive stingers at the gang, knocking them all over in the many small explosions, and they all de-transformed. “So much for that!” cried Applejack. “Spike!” said Rarity “Can’t you change into the Majestic Dragon?” Her husband shook his head “I can’t, my energy’s too low, and besides there’s not enough space in here. I could break the ship open and we’d fall into space.” The great row of monsters were stomping their way towards them. Fluttershy was trembling harder than she had ever remembered and suggested “We better teleport out of here.” “For once, I actually agree with you.” said Rainbow. The monsters all lunged forth just as the gang activated their emergency transports, and they were gone. Down on the planet, when one group of fighters grew tired, reserves were sent in while they still had lots of strength left to continue, giving the first team a chance to rest and recharge, but the ever ensuing army of Insectos didn’t seem to get any smaller, and the more the battle continued, the more power was used, meaning the barrier was weakening worse than ever. “We can’t go on like this much longer!” shouted Grand Ruler. Celestia looked up at the armada, through the fading barrier, and she turned to face her husband, she said nothing, but he gazed at her, both of them thinking the exact same thing. Princess Luna could feel what they were thinking, and she was deeply concerned “You cannot go up there now.” “We must!” said Grand Ruler “If the barrier is going to fail, at least we won’t let the planet be blasted to bits.” “Take over command, Princess Luna…” said Celestia “We’ll do all that we can, but if things get worse, take the soldiers and leave here at once.” Luna reluctantly agreed to her sister’s wishes, and then watched as Celestia and her husband formed their fusion, turning into Grand Celestial Ruler. They rocketed up to the sky, passing right through the barrier. Their supreme magic protected them from the teleportation powers of space. They gripped their scepter tightly and glared at the armada. The other Insectos on the many thousands of battleships spotted them and prepared to open fire. The Ruler shouted “Meet your maker, Insecto Armada!” and fired a huge blast from their scepter, shooting straight though three ships at once, blowing them up. The bits of debris flung in several directions striking other ships nearby, damaging them and causing them to crash on the moon. The armada fired with all that they had, but The Ruler swerved, dodged, and blocked every shot. This caused many of the ships to accidently blast each other down, and gave The Ruler a better chance to shoot even more down. “If we had known sooner that we could have, we would have done this long ago!” The Ruler sneered. While on the far side of the planet, where the mothership was… Cadance was still fighting against the royal party, but even with the power of the Mother-Child Bond, she was starting to feel the toll of the fight getting to her as she was still outnumbered. She threw a punch towards Ladybird, and she blocked it, and then zapped her hard with the magic from her necklace. Jetar zapped her with his ray-gun, and Phoebe… first she punched her “That was for my father…!” then she kicked Cadance “That’s for all that you’ve put me through!” Then she zapped her with her scepter “And that’s just for fun!” “Excellently done.” said Jetar. Phoebe winked at him in a flirtatious manner. Cadance looked badly beaten. Her face was all bruised, and she was panting heavily. Ladybird snickered “You ponies have been the most worthy enemies we Insectos ever encountered. For the record, fighting was enjoyable, but for destroying my beloved Pinsar, as well as all else, may your doom be as most sufferable as it possibly can be!” She prepared herself for the kill when Saber got up shouting “No! I wish to take out this one!” He was standing tall with much of his strength return, and he glared at Cadance fiercely “Once I have slain her myself, she will no longer be a threat to me with her existence.” As much as Ladybird didn’t like him stopping her in her tracks like that, she figured “Why not. After all, her last thoughts will be of you slaying her.” She stepped aside and told Jetar and Phoebe to do likewise. “This oughta be sweet.” hissed Phoebe. Jetar nodded and held her hand. She glared at him and her lips curled into a sneer, but then she smiled and gripped him more firmly. Saber held his sword in one hand, his sickle and chain in another, and all his spare hands held shrunken blades. His antennae were charged up and ready to fire also. He wasn’t sparing anything this time. “You!” he sneered “…Prepare for your end!” The Insectos and Jetar looked on with glee and excitement, and they watched as Saber looked ready to strike. Cadance looked deeply into his eyes “Shining Armor, I know you won’t it.” Her voice and her words made him stop and feel strange again. “Oh, no you don’t!” snarled Ladybird, and she began to pour more magic into the brainwashing, but strangely it wasn’t holding as strong. “What’s this?” Phoebe and Jetar were confused. As for Saber, he tried with all his might to find the nerve to strike Cadance, but he just couldn’t. “I must… destroy… my enemy!” “I’m not your enemy.” she said to him, and she reached out to touch his face, and he winced back. “Shining Armor…” “I am Saber! I am Saber! I… am…” Ladybird tried with everything she had shouting “No! He mustn’t remember!” but it was no good, his memories were already flashing back clearer than ever. Tears appeared in Cadance’s eyes “Shining Armor, I love you. I always will, and I know you know that.” Saber’s eyes began to fill with tears, no matter how hard he tried to fight them, but he couldn’t think of anything to say. Cadance, seeing this was the right time, held out her hand. “Please, I know you can; reach for me.” Saber still not understanding much why, he slowly reached out and placed his hand in hers. The second he made contact, his entire body was shrouded in rays of light as the evil was vanquished from him. At the same time, Ladybird’s necklace was shattered and fell to bits on the floor. “A’RGH!! TRAITOR!!” she shouted. Phoebe and Jetar shielded their eyes. The light faded away, and Shining Armor was back in his normal form. The mask containing all the power slipped off his face and landed near him. “Shining Armor…?” Her husband solwly opened his eyes. He spoke very groggily “Cadance…? What’s happened to me?” Cadance held him in a warm embrace “It’s okay, you’re no longer under their control. Oh, I’ve missed you so much!” Shining Armor was still a bit groggy but managed to hug her back. The others however were extremely outraged. Ladybird still had powers, even without the necklace. “Oh, how sweet…” she sneered “The two lovers reunited… BUT IT WON’T LAST!!” She and the others roared and lunged forth for the kill, but Cadance, still grasping her husband, activated her teleporter, warping them both away and taking the Saber Mask with them. The others missed and slammed hard on the floor. “GRRR… NO!!” shouted Ladybird. “I can’t believe they got away!” growled Phoebe. Even Jetar was furious “They will pay for this; every single one of them!” Suddenly, the ship shook violently as if something had struck it… bits of debris from the crumpling armada as the Ruler moved in to attack the mothership. (Skip to 1:18 and picture it almost exactly like this) “What was that?” snapped Phoebe. The space ponies felt the jolt as well, that quake started cause the virtual power to malfunction, diminishing Slick’s clones. “What is this?” cried the real Slick. None of the others answered. The other ponies saw and could tell. “It’s the real one!” shouted Buddy Rose. “GET HIM!!” shouted Starla. At once, all the ponies charged forth, slashing, punching, kicking and zapping the evil insect down to size until he was all mangled and injured beyond hope. “Curse you… Starfleet!! CURSES UPON YOU ALL…!!” “What is happening?!” cried Ladybird. Jetar could see outside. “It’s the Grand Celestial Ruler, heading this way!” “What?! The Grand Celestial Ruler?!” cried Phoebe. Eyeing the massive mothership, The Ruler quickly used their magic to message the space ponies. “Cadance and Shining Armor are safe. All of you get out of there! We are going to attack!” Everyone; the ponies, the Insectos, everyone gasped in shock, but the ponies were actually delighted. “Let’s split!” shouted Artie, and he and the others teleported away. “Oh, no!” cried Slick “I’ve gotta get out of here!” But it was already too late as the Ruler began to unleash their power upon the ship… …Busting right through the walls, and smashing everything in sight. All the Insectos and Stingars panicked and screamed as many of them met with their dooms. Even Slick was buried by the collapsing debris and consumed by the expanding fires of the explosions. The Ruler first destroyed all the engines, causing the ship to hurl out of control and ram its way through the armada, ramming all the ships in its path, destroying them instantly. In the palace… “We have to do something!” cried Phoebe. “There’s nothing we can do, not against that monstrosity!” said Jetar. The ship continues to hurl out of control as The Ruler continued on their rampage, deciding to attack the palace on top next. “Both of you get out of here, now!” shouted Ladybird. “Mother!” cried Phoebe. Ladybird, quickly reached into a secret compartment in the floor and held out a special key-card, giving it to her daughter “Take this, use it! It will help you defeat the ponies!” Then she prepared a set of escape pods. “Quickly! Let’s go!” shouted Jetar, and he dragged Phoebe along into a pod with him. The pod launched, and Ladybird wanted to make sure they had safely escaped before fleeing herself… …but too late! The Ruler smashed through the walls. The force of the impact destroyed all the remaining pods, trapping Ladybird Face to face with the giant Ruler, whom was glaring at her viciously. Deep within their conscience, Grand Ruler and Celestia felt all their rage and determination flaring up! “Queen Ladybird, it’s goodbye!” shouted Grand Ruler. “This is for our grand-nephew!” added Celestia. The Ruler swung their scepter hard… Ladybird screamed as the Scepter collided into her, and the entire throne room went up with a bang! Her scream could practically be heard for miles in space, and Phoebe felt her heart being sliced in half as she saw everything. “…MOTHER!!!!” Jetar could hardly believe what he was seeing either, and was so upset he couldn’t even speak! Phoebe was mixture of fury and sadness that she just screamed! She would not let her mother's death go un-avenged! The ship began to blow up as it hurtled towards the planet. The Ruler flew off and far away just in time as the ship collided into the barrier, and went up in a massive, colossal explosion!! The force of which sent out a huge wave that spread out, vaporizing so many of the battleships, and seemingly destroying the entire armada. The barrier had also finally taken too much and completely shorted out. All the transistors exploded in midair and burned away in the atmosphere, but fortunately, all the bits and debris had already been vaporized, leaving nothing to rain down on the planet. All the ponies leapt and cheered for joy, while all the remaining Insectos were devastated, and finally having no choice to admit defeat… The space ponies had already rendezvous with their friends on the planet just in time to watch it all happen from the beginning, and they leapt for joy toy, even exchanging hugs and victory dances. Pinkie Pie leapt for joy in the biggest Firework Leap she had ever leapt. “WEEE-HOOO… THIS IS JUST FANTASTIC!!” “Yay!” Fluttershy peeped “Wow, I sound better than ever.” She and Rhymey just hugged. Suddenly, there was a flash of bright Light, and Cadance and the still weary Shining Armor appeared. The team rushed over. “Is he okay?” asked Spike. “He’s just exhausted.” said Cadance. Her husband nodded, but suddenly he began to see. “Cadance, your stomach… did you…?” The others all began to feel deeply concerned, and a little sad. Cadance nodded her head “It was a boy…Amando.” Shining Armor almost felt like he could fly “A son…! I have a son!” He embraced his wife tenderly “We have a son!” Cadance felt her sadness staring to return. “Wait a minute!” Starla said, but Shining Armor was so happy he could hardly contain himself. “Shining Armor, listen to us!” said Buddy Rose. “I have a son!” he said for the umpteenth time “I can’t believe it! Where is he? Is he alright, I just have to see him…” The twins finally fluttered over to him and got his attention. “No! No you can’t.” said Dyno. “Why not?” A brief silence followed as everyone felt heartbroken already for what was about to be said, even the twins didn’t like having to say it, but Myte finally said “…Because… you don’t have a son.” Shining Armor felt his blood turning cold “What? What do you mean? Cadance, you just said…” “Shining Armor…” Rhymey shouted. He looked rather sad like the others. “I’m sorry for what I’m about to say But you must know the truth right away.” Shining Armor was officially feeling worried, and Rhymey began to explain… “You were brainwashed by the Insectos, you were not being like you You thought that you were Saber, a villain all the way through You attacked The New Crystal Empire, it was really quite a brawl. Into the palace you breached, you made it past us all. Then you ran into Cadance and your mind began to see All the memories of what you shared, just you and she. It looked as if you were coming back, but much to our disdain The brainwashing re-affected you, and you were evil once again. We fought our very best, we gave it our all and more. You managed to beat us all right to the floor. Then as Cadance was backed into a corner at last You charged up your power and fired a huge blast.” Shining Armor gasped, and gazed at his wife in horror, but the regretful and sad look in her eyes told him it was all true. “I didn’t! I couldn’t have!” Rhymey continued… “Cadance was helpless, she was really in a spot and fret But Lightning leapt in way, blocked the blast, saving her from the threat. Even Cadance was saved from it all, A very large column did fall. On top of Cadance it did crush In very large streams her blood did gush.” The story at that point was so painful, Rhymey could hardly go on, and he didn’t have to. Shining Armor could see that Cadance obviously made it through, but the baby…! He gazed at his, and he could see the tears in her eyes, which confirmed that Amando didn’t survive! “Dead… Amando?!” he began to speak through his sobs “No… I-- No, he can’t be!” He fell to his knees and cried almost uncontrollably, and Cadance held him tightly letting him cry. All the others felt just as bad. Many had tears in their eyes remembering how tragic it still was and always would be. Meanwhile, the Ruler was still in orbit, and very relieved that the armada was gone; especially since they use dup nearly all their power blowing it up. “The end of the Insectos.” they said aloud “They squandered their lives with senseless destruction and conquest. May their power never crawl forth again!” Suddenly, as sounds did travel through Dimensional Space because of the air flow, they could hear a soft noise behind them. They turned round and saw before them a giant robotic monster made from bits of debris and leftover battleships. Aboard this monstrous machine, Phoebe and Jetar and a few surviving Stingars sat in the cockpit and laughed wickedly. “Surprise-Surprise; we’re back!” Phoebe called out. “You didn’t really think you could get rid of us that easily, did you?” hissed Jetar. This was a little secret weapon the Insectos had already planned for, but never needed nor ever had to use, until recently. The key-card Ladybird gave Phoebe was a program that could bring forth and combine the debris and other ships into the huge Insectobot, armed with lasers, super strength, and powerful thrusters for flight. The Ruler couldn’t not believe it, but they held their scepter out ready to fire, but their power was so low, they could barely make a small stream. “Here, let us give you a hand, or rather a fist!” sneered Phoebe. Controling Insectobot with her scepter as a joystick, she made the powerful robot sock The Ruler hard, and sent them soaring like a speeding comet towards the moon, crashing on the surface. “Bang on!” said Jetar. “That was for killing my mother.” hissed Phoebe. On the surface of the moon, there was breathable air, and the gravity wasn’t as strong. The Ruler lay flat on the ground and magically de-fused. Grand Ruler and Celestia could barely find enough strength to just get onto their knees. “Are you alright, dear?” asked Grand Ruler. Celestia caught her breath, but she was shocked and concerned by all this. “This was not expected! We must warn the others.” Suddenly, there was loud booming sound, and the ground shook as Insectobot landed near them. It was heavy enough to walk normally, even with the moon’s low gravity. Phoebe was laughing at the helpless ponies wickedly and said “One small step for Insectos, one giant death coming up for the two of you!” Grand Ruler and Celestia were cast in the shadow of the giant robot, fearing for the worst! …To Be Continued! (Promo) In our final episode; Shining Armor comes to terms with his past actions, when he and everyone receive word of the trouble on the moon, but their powers weakened from the previous battle, and the moon’s gravity puts them all in an even greater disadvantage. Just when all hope seems to perish, help arrives at the last second, but will it be just enough to finally bring the war to a close? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Final Part: Actions Reward”) > Final Episode: Final Part: Actions Reward > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Previously on Starfleet Magic…” The great battle continued to take its toll on the heroes, so Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia decided to fuse into the Grand Celestial Ruler and destroy the Insecto Armada once and for all, just moments after Cadance had snapped Shining Armor back to his own self and they and all the others abandoned the mothership before it was blown to space dust, which also final decimated the barrier around the planet. However, having survived the destruction, Phoebe and Jetar unveiled a powerful Insectobot which they used to trap Grand Ruler and Celestia on the moon, with seemingly little to no escape at all! FINAL EPISODE Princess brought in the night, and the moon was shining brightly. While Shining Armor was still devastated and mourning the stillbirth of Amando, and Cadance continued to embrace him. “I know…” she said tearfully “I know, I can’t take it anymore than you.” The others said nothing. What was there to say? All of them felt equally as bad as the others. “My son… our son!” cried Shining Armor “…And I did it! It was my fault!” “That’s not true!” cried Cadance. Then, a glowing orb emerged from her as a voiced called out “…Mother is correct.” That’s when he appeared before everyone. Everyone gazed at him with their mouths hanging open. Shining Armor was astonished. “Are you…?” Amando nodded “Father, you are to blame for my unfortunate demise. Everything that you did was under the influence of the Insectos.” “He’s right, Shining Armor.” said Starla “You weren’t yourself, and you had no idea what you were doing.” “We can’t change the past. What’s done is done.” said Applejack. As much as the ponies would have scorned and jeered her for sounding rather insensitive, she was right, even Amando’s spirit knew this. He used his magic to levitate the Saber Mask into his father’s hands. “The control over you has been vanquished. You now possess the power of Saber, and you can use it for better.” Shining Armor thought that may never be possible. How could he use the very powers he once used to attack his friends and loved ones? The very power that cost him his son, and nearly cost him his wife too! “Whatever you decide, father, it will be you who chooses so.” said Amando. He disappeared back into Cadance before anyone said anything else. Shining Armor still wasn’t sure what to do. Suddenly, Princess Luna came soaring in, and she looked desperately worried. “My apologies, but there is great danger!” she cried. The others were confused, and before they had a chance to question. She told “Just moments ago I received a very faint message from my sister. She and her husband are trapped on the moon, engaging in a battle!” Starla got out her handy miniature super telescope, and pointed it at the moon; she zoomed in close and could see it all. She quickly raced back down to her friends. “What’s going on?” asked Buddy Rose. “There’s a giant Insectobot; it’s attacking their majesties!” The team gasped. Artie felt outraged “Just when you think we’ve beaten them, they pull a trick out from under their sleeves!” “We have to go up there!” cried Rarity “We’ve got to help their majesties.” One of Krysta’s fairy soldiers popped up. “I can get you there.” “But wait!” said Rainbow “We used up most of our powers fighting on the mothership. We can’t just rush into the battle.” “We’ve got no choice.” said Dyno. “Si, their majesties won’t survive in their present state. They need help.” added Myte. They all each had just enough power to transform after their brief rest, and though it wouldn’t last too long, they all agreed to go for it. “I’ll go with you.” said Princess Luna “I will not stand by while the Insecto survivors threaten my family.” “I’m going too.” said Shining Armor. Everyone gawked at him, and could see the seriousness in his eyes. “I owe those overgrown parasites for everything they’ve done to me, to you guys, and especially for my son!” He placed the mask on his face, and this activated his transformation, changing him back into Saber, but there was no evil in him this time. He held his sword bravely and pointed it at the moon. Cadance held his arm and stood by his side, magically re-donning her ninja mask. “Let’s go!” shouted Starla. “STARFLEET MAGIC!” “HARMONY HOUR!! FRIENDSHIP POWER!!” “Dragon Power!” Once transformed, the fairy soldiers wrapped everyone off to the moon, while all the other soldiers remained behind to take all the remaining Insectos into custody. While on the moon, Insectobot was all charged up and ready to fire. The Stingars gave Phoebe the signal when all was set. “FIRE!!” shouted Phoebe! From the robot’s huge eyes, two large, blue beams of strong energy fired, and struck their majesties in a huge explosion. “Direct hit!” Phoebe cheered. “YES!!” shouted Jetar. The Stingars cheered too, but as the smoke cleared, one of the Stingars pointed frantically outside, and both Phoebe and Jetar gasped. There was the small crater where the lasers had hit, but not a single trace of their majesties anywhere. “What?! No!” cried Phoebe. “They must’ve had just enough power left to teleport out of the way!” growled Jetar. Phoebe turned red with fury, but at least she knew their majesties could not have gone back to the planet without much power. “They’ve got to be around here somewhere. Begin scouting!” She was determined to find them and finishing them off while they were still weakened. “First they destroyed my father, and they destroyed my mother, along with the rest of our beautiful armada! I will not let them live for this!!” Insectobot stomped all over, crushing and blasting away all the rock formations in its path. Their majesties had teleported a little ways north from it and were hiding behind a large rock spire after just teleporting out of the path of fire. Now they were totally drained of any magic they had left, and even combined, they hardly had enough strength to fly. “It won’t be long before they find us.” cried Celestia. “I just hope Princess Luna got our message.” said Grand Ruler “Without help, we haven’t got a chance against that monster.” The robot’s tracking could detect their majesties life-forces emitting from behind the rock spire. “Now I’ve got you!” hissed Phoebe. The robot fired its lasers, disintegrating the rocks to ashes exposing the two powerless ponies. Their majesties had no place to run or teleport. “There’s no more protection.” sneered Phoebe “Prepare to meet your fate!” Insectobot was ready to fire again. The two ponies held each other in fear… When suddenly… just as the lasers were about to fire, a combination of attacks and magic formed into one colossal blast fired at the robot, tipping it off balance and casuing the blast to fire harmlessly into space where it vanquished into nothing. “What was that?!” shouted Jetar. As the Stingars straightened the robot out, they could all see the rest of the gang gathered outside. “Playtime’s over, kids!” Starla sneeed. “For once I agree.” added Pinkie “And I usually never agree to ending playtime.” Princess Luna gazed at her sister and brother-in-law. “Are you two okay?” “We are now.” Celestia replied. “Thank goodness you came!” added Grand Ruler. The Insectos were outraged, and even more when they spotted Shining Armor, in his Saber forum. “So, the traitor returns!” snarled Phoebe. Shining Armor angrily pointed his sword at them “Correction, I can’t be a traitor if I was never willingly on your team.” His anger was starting to show. “You turned me against my friends, you killed my son! I won’t let you get away with this!!” “We won’t either!” added Starla. Everyone else jumped in and cheered with determination. “Ha!” scoffed Phoebe “All your doing is setting yourselves up for us to crush! GET THEM!” “Spread out!” shouted Luna “They cannot follow us all at once!” Agreeing to this, everyone leapt off in many directions. Thanks to the moon’s low gravity, they were able to leap much further and higher. “If you think that old trick will save you, guess again!” thundered Jetar, and he hit a switch which made Insectobot fire a stream of missiles in all directions towards each and every fighter. “Watch out!” shouted Artie, and he and everyone ducked and dodged out of the way, but those missiles turned round and beamed right at them again. “Sure, they have to be heat-seeking!” groaned Rainbow. “If we can’t out run them, let’s destroy them.” suggested Spike. Many of the ponies used their super powers to destroy many of the missiles, and then lured the remaining missiles into colliding with each other, destroying themselves. “Not to worry, we’ve got plenty!” said Phoebe, and using magic from her scepter, Insectobot launched another swarm. “Oh, not again!” groaned Rarity. “Not this time.” said Dyno. “I’m ready.” added Myte, and the brothers joined hands and launched enormous fireballs into the air. The missiles followed them like a magnet, and all collided with each other, blowing up in a huge explosion, knocking everyone, even Insectobot back. Inside the Insectos didn’t seem worried at all. “Get us back up.” said Phoebe “I think we’ve toyed with them long enough.” As Insectobot got up again, all the fighters stood together. “Let’s blast ‘em now!” shouted Applejack “All together!” added Starla. “GALACTIC PROJECTILE!” “WHIPLASH STRIKE!” “SUPER STAFF SPIN!” “THRASH SLASH!” “BOOM BOOM FLARE!!” “STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE!!” Cadance and Luna fired their own super powers. And the Equestrians, and Celestia all stood together, despite that Celestia was weak, together with the Elements of Harmony residing inside, she and the girls could still fire the… “HARMONY BEAM!!” Grand Ruler hardly any power left, but gave what he could. All the colossal energy combined together, and yet, it wasn’t as big or as strong as they hoped it would be. It did strike Insectobot, but hardly enough to cause much damage. “It’s no use, our powers are all drained out!” cried Luna. “Their energies are down!” shouted Phoebe “…ATTACK!!” More missiles were launched. “Watch out!” shouted Fluttershy. The team scattered about, but with their energies nearing total depletion, and the moon’s low gravity, they couldn’t move as fast, and while the explosions didn’t hit them, the forces knocked them all back, causing their suits to de-energize. “No!!” shouted Grand Ruler. The others managed to get up, just barely, but this was just no good. “We can’t fight them well here; not like this.” said Spike. “But we cannot let them down to the planet either. They’ll blow up everything in sight. I really hate to say it but, I don’t see how we can win this fight.” said Rhymey. Phoebe and Jetar snickered wickedly. “If you can’t beat ‘em… then lose to ‘em.” hissed Phoebe. “Charging lasers to full power.” said Jetar. This really looked like it was it. “FIRE!!” The lasers charged and fired towards the gang, when suddenly, a powerful golden stream of power collided with the charge, negating it. “That’s… Uniforce!” cried Grand Ruler. “What?!” snapped Phoebe. Everyone turned and saw him, standing there with his golden horn glowing brightly. “Lightning!” cried Starla. Her husband smirked and said “Back… and fully charged!” The others could hardly believe it. Lightning felt relieved to have arrived just in time… While he was resting on the Safe World planet, he began to get the sick feeling that his friends were all in extreme peril. Like a nasty churn in his stomach and a shiver up his spine. He knew he just had to get to them, but Dr. Penny insisted he not since he still lacked the proper energy. This made Lightning realize, and feeling dumb for not having realizing it sooner; he remembered that he could absorb the special magic of the power of believing from all the ponies and all the other creatures on the planet with him. Every pony and every other creature gladly offered what energy they could spare, by looking deeply inside them and concentrating hard on all their courage, righteousness, and their believing and hope that victory would be assured. This gave Lightning more than enough power to launch himself out of bed, soar from planet-to-planet avoiding the teleporting magic, and arrive just in the nick of time. Phoebe and Jetar were outraged, and Lightning glared at them deeply in the cockpit. “I’ve got a little score of my own to settle with you bug-brains!” He then powered up and changed into his Enticorn Form. “Bring it on, punk!” snarled Jetar. “Even your Enticorn powers can’t beat out super Insectobot!” added Phoebe. The robot charged forth. “Oh, no…?” hissed Lightning, and he swung his fist really hard, knocking that huge metallic beats up, up, up and out into space! He leapt up and went after it with such speed; his Entity energies protected him from the power of space, and he kicked the robot hard, knocking it even further out! Inside, the bugs were all thrown about in the tumbling. “So, you wanna play, huh!” growled Phoebe, and she pounded on the controls, activating the thrusters, which gave the robot balance. Now it was ready to brawl. Lightning cracked his knuckles and smirked “It’s been a while, but let’s go.” The robot lunged forth and aimed a powerful punch, but Lightning zipped away, and punched them from the side. “Missiles, fire!” shouted Jetar. The missiles fired, and Lightning just stood where he was letting each one hit him, and hardly any damage was done to him at all. “Is that the best you’ve got?” he teased. The bugs growled, and Lightning unleashed a fury of uniforce-pulses. Sparked and explosions flew everywhere, and even damaged the robot’s huge eyes, disabling the laser attack, and also shorting out the robot’s thrusters, and threw it in a tumbling spin. Inside the cockpit, so many controls shorted out and sparked, and Phoebe’s scepter was thrown from its holding place and shattered. “No!!” cried Phoebe. “A’rgh!” growled Jetar as he tried all the controls “Totally destroyed! I can’t get a peep out of it!” Everyone could see it all from the moon. “Look at him go!” cried Shining Armor. “Hey, he’s coming back here.” said Cadance. Lightning landed near all his friends, and when asked why he came back; “Because I want us all to share this moment. We all have a bone to pick with those bugs, so let’s finish them together!” And with that, he transferred some of his power to all his friends restoring some of their strength. “Whoa, I feel totally energized!” said Buddy Rose. “This feels incredible!” cried Rarity. “Well, what are we waiting for?” said Rainbow. Lightning stood at the head of the team, Starla held his right hand, and was joined in a chain by all the space ponies and the Equestrians. Grand Ruler held Lightning’s left hand, and was joined by all the other royal members, and Spike. “Lightning, at your command.” said Grand Ruler. One-by-one, everyone nodded in agreement with him at Lightning, and Lightning began to charge up his power, along with all his friends and loved ones. “Alright…!!” All the ponies to his right nodded. “Ready…?” the others to his left nodded. “…NOW!!” …Combining all their energies together, the fired a huge mega beam of extreme magic direct at the damaged Insectobot. “OH, LOOK!!” screamed Jetar. “…Ah!” Phoebe looked out the viewport at the huge wave coming at them “…AAAAAAHHH!!!” POW!! The beam collided with the robot, slowly starting to break it up. “PRINCESS…!!” cried Jetar. “JETAR…!!” Phoebe actually dashed up to him and embraced him! “Princess… I… I have always!” She threw her arms around him, quickly kissing him, and he embraced her dearly as the cockpit exploded… …and the entire robot went up in a huge bang! However, they were not destroyed. All that powerful magic combined, the evil monsters were contained in extremely powerful capture spheres that appeared before the team on the moon. Jetar and Phoebe were frozen in suspended animation, still locked in their embrace. Lightning powered down, changed back to his normal form and scooped up the sphere. “As much as it was already justified to destroy you for everything you’ve done to so many. We wish you remain alive, so that every day you spend rotting in prison, you will understand the same pain you put us all through!” Everyone actually agreed; a very fitting punishment, almost as well as destroying them. Lightning saluted bravely and deeply, and everyone saluted with him. That’s when the spirit of Amando appeared again. “Well done, everyone.” Lightning recognized him almost immediately “I know you. You visited me in my standstill.” Amando nodded “You have done especially well, Commander Lightning. While your heroisms combined will never undo what has been done in the past, the future now looks safer for many.” “You’re right… I promise, I will give everything I can for whatever I can.” Amando nodded thankfully at him, and then gazed at his mother and father, both of whom gazed at him tearfully. Amando felt equally as regretfull and upset, but he knew this would change nothing. “Mother, Father… it is time. Now that you have avenged me, I can finally find my peace.” Cadance could hardly control herself. “I know you have to…” she sobbed “And I know we have to face this…” “But… But…” Shining Armor stammered “It’s just so hard! We don’t think we can ever get over this.” “You won’t have to…” said another voice. “He’s right.” Said yet another, and that’s when the Spirits of Twilight and Fratello appeared. “Twily…!” “Brother…!” Both spirits stood with the spirit of their nephew. Seeing them all together made everyone feel really down, but somewhat just a little comforting, at least Amando wouldn’t be alone; though it still didn’t feel all that good. “Losing a loved one is never easy, and the pain is overwhelming, but nothing can truly make it disappear.” said Fratello. Twilight nodded and added “We would’ve behaved no different were we still with you, but we do know what would not have changed, that we loved you and you loved us.” Tears formed in Celestia’s eyes “We did love you, and we always will.” she said. Grand Ruler shed no tears, but everyone could see the feelings in his eyes and hear the words he spoke from his heart “Your deaths have become a-part of us, and we will carry those burdens every day and night. It is what makes us, pure, understanding, and helps us to be brave and strong.” The three spirits nodded, and Amando declared… “You all loved, would have loved, and still do love us all as we did, would have and still do all of you. Nothing can, nor ever will even change that. Remember…” Everyone sadly and some tearfully promised to always keep that in mind. “I love you Twily…” “I love you Fratello, and we both love you, son!” “We all do…” added Lightning “…And we always will.” Everyone nodded and the three spirits smiled thankfully. “Farewell.” said Amando, and with that, he and the others vanished in a sparkling ray of light and were gone, leaving everyone else in silence and stillness. Soon, everyone was returned from the safe-world planet, back to United Equestria, all the damages were repaired, but before any celebrations could begin, there was still the case of having the service for Amando, and burying his corpse. Nobody in the entire planet had felt so painful since the death of Twilight Sparkle. It was so heartbreaking, especially for Cadance and Shining Armor. A small monument for Amando was set up in the New Canterlot Cemetery, right near Twilight’s and Fratello’s. Their supreme majesties were all devastated dearly by loss of their grand-nephew, and vowed to never let his death be in vain. The same went for Lightning. He owed Amando this much, still feeling guilty of being unable to save him when Cadance got hurt. Starla held his hand warmly, comforting him. He leaned against her sadly. About a week after the service, there was the traditional award’s ceremony. Everyone received promotions. The space ponies were all promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, except for Starla. For her excellent leadership and taking care of the unit during Lightning’s absence, both Lightning and their majesties well agreed she deserved to be forthwith promoted to the rank of Colonel, ranking higher than the others, except for Lightning. Everyone believed she deserved it well, and she was officially dubbed as second-in-command to the unit. The Equestrian ponies, they were promoted to First Class Majors, and Spike, he was a regular Major, but also received a special award for helping to vanquish Scaly. Professor Brain was awarded prestigiously with a golden prize of recognition in sciences and technology. After all, it was his barrier that helped protect the planet, or the armada would have obliterated it all from day one. Even though the barrier was now destroyed, the professor promised to fix it up “And this time… I shall leave naught to chance.” he declared. Even the Cutiemark Crusaders were awarded, for having saved the lives of Lightning’s officers and also putting an end to Scaly’s conquest. All five of them were awarded prestigious medals of honour, which Lightning, and their majesties were pleased to present to them. Applejack, Buddy Rose, Rarity, they found it hard to hold back their tears while they stood tall and proud, but Big Mac was already blubbering in happiness, especially with his leg all healed. Cheerilee and Mykan were in the crowd too and felt very proud for the girls. After the awards ceremony was over… “Now, let’s party!” shouted Pinkie, but just as she was about to blast off to get things started, Rarity levitated her back to the ground “Not just yet, Pinkie.” “Yeah…” added Spike and he gazed lovingly at Rarity “We still have one last thing to do.” Rarity grinned lovingly at him, and they shared a kiss in front of everyone …and before long, they were sharing their kiss at their official wedding, having officially being declared Dragon and Wife. Everyone cheered with extreme joy, even the few noble dragons were invited and offered their blessings to the new couple. A Dragon and a Pony; they had nothing against it. Celestia and Luna wiped the tears from their eyes, and Grand Ruler nodded proudly and sighed “Ahh… true love.” Shining Armor couldn’t help but blubber like a baby. “He always cries at weddings.” Cadance said. The others couldn’t help but laugh, but they were astonished as well. “They really did it.” said Dyno “I never thought I’d ever see it.” said Myte. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were both blubbering in happiness. “Babies…” Rainbow grunted. “Ah, go on, Rainbow, let it out.” said Lightning. “It’s okay.” added Starla. Rainbow struggled, and tried, but she came out blubbering like crazy. “It’s just so beautiful!” The others couldn’t help but laugh. Rarity’s whole family approached the newlyweds. Hondo Flanks hugged his daughter and pecked her on the cheek “Your beautiful, honey. I haven’t seen anything like you since your mother.” He got a nudge on the shoulder from his wife for that, but everyone shared a slight laugh. Cookie Crumbles gazed at Rarity and then to Spike. “Rarity, I always had such high hopes for you, but while he’s not a pony, you got yourself a fine guy here.” She shared a huge with Spike. “Ah, thanks, mom.” he said to her, and a tear rolled down his cheek. Calling her that really made him feel so much love, now he had a real family his own again. A Wife, a mother, father, even a little sister. “Perhaps someday it will grow bigger.” said Rarity. “Pardon…?” Spike asked. His bride winked at him, and he got the message. “What are they talking about?” asked Sweetie Belle, but none of the adults explained it to her since she was too young. Artie had just finished penciling in a rough sketch of the wedding party. “This’ll look awesome when I paint it in.” Krysta couldn’t help but pull him along saying “Never mind that now, Let’s party!” Everyone cheered as the celebration began, and a band was playing on the stage, and the lead guest singer was Rhymey. He sang a song that he wrote, and that everyone could dance too, but Spike and Rarity were especially honored. Fluttershy was even invited on stage to stand near him, as the message was also directed at her. Rarity and Spike danced well to the music, Rarity didn’t even mind that it wasn’t a classical song, she was just too happy to care, and it was a good thing she made her gown adjustable so the long skirt could detach revealing a shorter one. This helped as Spike twirled her and they did wild moves, eventually coming together in a kiss, and Rarity tossed her bouquet, and Cheerilee caught it. Big Mac was standing right beside her, and the two of them couldn’t help but think it silly. Other than that, it really was a happier day and time than any other recent ones. Who knew where the next adventure would come from and where it would lead. MY BRAVE PONY STARFLEET MAGIC SEASON V