• Published 29th Dec 2016
  • 1,725 Views, 3 Comments

My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V - DakariKingMykan

An Alien Armada has surrounded United Equestria, and an evil Dragon is on the loose

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Episode 14: Insect in Shining Armor


After several long days of harsh training, Phoebe was actually showing impressive improvement. Even Jetar could not deny it as they sparred in the desert and she managed to hit him several times.

Even Pheobe’s stingers now flew much faster when launched and caused bigger explosions than before.

She was even becoming skilled in the ways of the staff, by using a simple metal rod Jetar had given her.

As the two sparred, the leap along the rocky pillars, and lunged at each other, punching and kicking. Phoebe even managed to trip Jetar up off his feet and then hold him at close point.

“Well done, princess!” said Jetar.

Even though Phoebe was impressed, she still felt it would take more than this to please her father. “I want to keep going.”

“Very well…” said Jetar “And this time, I’ll make it more challenging for you.” He concentrated hard and shouted “VIGOR UP!” and his body emitted a soft glow of red light as his muscles expanded slightly. Now he was a lot stronger than before in both power and defense.

Phoebe gazed in awe and worry at him.

“Well…?” said Jetar.

Phoebe struck at him hard with her staff, but she only seemed to do half the damage as before, allowing him to strike her back with twice the power as before, knocking her to the ground.

“What? You’re not giving up already, are you?”

Phoebe then sprinted upright and fired her stingers at him, causing him more damage. “I’m just getting warmed up.”

Jetar smiled proudly, and the two continued their session.

Meanwhile, after days and days of brainwashing, Shining Armor was nearly ready to be awakened and given the powers of Saber.

“Stag, Slick!” he bellowed.

The generals came before him and bowed. “You called, your grace?” said Slick.

Pinsar nodded “We are nearly ready to send our newest warrior into action, but in the meantime, the both of you send down another one of our soldiers to keep the ponies occupied.”

“I have just the one in mind, sire.” said Stag “Mosquitops: With his powerful ability to absorb energy, the ponies will be rendered too weak to do too much.”

“Excellent suggestion.” said Pinsar, and he gazed down at Shining Armor “Even if the ponies somehow manage to gain an upper hand, they’ll be too weak to stand up to Shining-- I mean, Saber reborn.”

Stag and Slick exchanged looks of interest at the thought, but Pinsar snapped sharply at them “What are you waiting for? GET GOING!!”

The generals winced softly, and then bowed and were on their way, while Stag muttered under his breath “Just you wait, Pinsar. Your time is coming.”

Slick heard him, and still was not keen with all this.

Meanwhile, with Scaley’s reign of terror done with, the security tighten was lifted, and the guards could resume their normal duties while the civilians didn’t have to be escorted or watched all the time as closely. However, the normal martial laws and war regulations were still in affect with the Insectos still out there.

Still, life carried on, especially for the friends. Spike and Rarity were legally married now, and their friends were still highly disappointed by what they did by eloping.

“We’re disappointed too.” said Spike.

“That was really not the wedding I ever dreamed of having.” said Rarity.

“Ah, come on, it’s not too late.” said Buddy Rose “You can still have a proper wedding.”

“Yeah…” agreed Starla “Think of as a confirmation ceremony, in front of witnesses to make it totally official.”

Pinkie bounced with giddiness and threw a load of confetti around chirping “I can even put together the coolest wedding reception ever.”

It didn’t take much for Rarity to agree to that. She practically leapt up and down stammering and giggling with glee while stomping on Spike’s foot.

He didn’t mind much as he was more in agreement to go through with it. “All right, we’ll do it.”

So the wedding was back on again, only this time Spike and Rarity promised to wait until after the war was over.

Starla and Krysta informed Lightning about this.

“Ah, that’s good…” he said “…But in the meantime we still have a lot to take care of. Cadance’s baby is due in less than a month now.”

“How’s she doing?” asked Krysta.

Lightning looked very concerned as he explained “She’s alright for now, but the doctor says the pregnancy is still unstable. She needs to take it easy.”

“If only Shining Armor were here.” said Starla “Or if we could we get him back…”

Lightning shook his head “Even with all the information we’ve gathered so far from capturing Insectos, we still don’t have enough to guide us. Right now it would be foolish to try to get onto Pinsar’s ship. We’ll just have to wait and hope for something.”

All three of them wondered how Cadance was feeling now…

She was out of bed and getting some fresh air on the terrace, but missing her husband dearly and wishing he’d come back to her.

(Just the music)

I'll be here waiting for your return
I miss you dearly every day
It hurts, but I’ll keep trying
to keep myself from crying
Knowing you’ll come back to me someway

I'll be here waiting for your return
I hope it doesn’t take too long
I’m standing here with our baby
hoping that just maybe
You can hear me praying in this song

I’ve lost so many loved ones in my life
And yet I’ve struggled forth through thick and thin
One thing that helps me through is being your wife
mother to your child
makes waiting worth the while

I'll be here waiting for your return
My courage helps me stay on track
And I know you… and me
and our newborn baby
We’ll be happy, and brighten up the black
Nothing will make me crack

I know I’ll get you back…
I know I’ll get you back…
I know I’ll get you back

Meanwhile, down below in the village, the crystal ponies were going about their business and enjoying the day. When suddenly…!

A large mosquito like Insecto appeared. “I am Mosquitops!” he shouted.

A pony screamed, and others saw the creature as well and began to run in panic.

Mosquitops snickered at the all the panicking “Yes, run… fear makes me hungrier, and the running boils the blood.”

Finally he caught a stallion unicorn as he ran by. The pony fussed and struggled trying to escape, but this only amused Mosquitops “Don’t worry, I won’t bite… too hard.”

“No, let me go!” cried the pony, but her already got struck in the arm and lost a bit of his energy as Mosquitops fed on it, growing slightly stronger and leave the pony to pass out in the street. “Who’s next?!” shouted Mosquitops.

“You are!” Lightning shouted.

Mosquitops turned round and saw him and Starla standing there; transformed

“This is all? Two little ponies…?” Mosquitops laughed.

“Who said there was only two?” snapped Starla, and right at that very second, Krysta appeared through a portal along with the rest of the gang, all transformed as well.

“U’gh! IT just had to be a mosquito!” groaned Rarity “I loathe mosquitos.”

Mosquitops didn’t take kindly to that! “Insolent wretch…! You make me sound like a common parasite!”

“Watch out…” Lightning said as he scanned the creature “He’s energy-absorbent. If he’s bites you he can steal your power.”

Before anyone could say or do anything, Mosquitops zapped them all with a blast of unicorn magic he had stolen from the stallion he had bitten.

“Whoa, I guess you were kidding.” said Rainbow.

Mosquitops laughed “So young, so fresh. So full of energy! Where to begin? The male offers a hearty robust flavour. Rich and healthy…!”

The twins held their stomachs in disgust.

“Ay’-Ay’-Ay’… I think I’m going to be sick!” groaned Dyno.

Myte almost actually threw up, but held it in.

“On the other hand…” Mosquitops said as he eyes the girls “The female offers a sweet, delicate bouquet. Very refreshing...”

The girls were all disgusted and outraged “Can we swat him now?” Applejack asked.

“Right…” said Lightning.

Mosquitops growled and summoned the Stingars “Get them!”

The bugs lunged forth, and the ponies rushed into battle.

Rarity kicked and punched each and every Stingar in her way “You ugly things!” she groaned “You wretched parasites! Get away from me!”

She nearly got jumped from behind, but Spike leapt in and hacked the bug in two with his sword. “Nobody takes my wife by surprise!”

Rarity smiled at Spike and he nodded at her.

Fluttershy and Rhymey stood together as the Stingars approached. The nodded at one another and lunged forth.

Rhymey back-flipped three times and kicked a Stingar hard in the chest, sending it soaring up towards Fluttershy, and she kicked it towards three other Stingars bowling them down like pins.

“That had to hurt.” said Fluttershy.

“It is overt.” rhymed Rhymey.

The twins were surrounded by a ring of Stingars, but it didn’t seem to bother them. Back-to-Back they stood and joined hands. They began to spin round and around on the spot…


Shooting their flames, from above they looked like a pinwheel-firework, and the Stingars were blasted to bits.

The boys slapped each other a high-five.

Mosquitops was enjoying seeing all the ponies fight. “Yes, fight…” he hissed “It warms the energy.”

Suddenly, several of the ponies rushed him, tackling him to the ground, only for him to spring back up and flinging them off him.

“Get him!” shouted Lightning.

The ponies all charged forth. One-by-one, some of them jumped into attack, but were then blocked and punched hard, then it was two-by-two.

Lightning was the last pony to try, and he got struck hard.

The others all ran up to him. “Lightning!” cried Buddy Rose “You okay?”

“All considering.” replied Lightning.

Mosquitops laughed and said “I think that’s enough warming up; I’m starving!”

He dove straight for the team, and they scattered.

“Take this!” shouted Krysta as she aimed her wand at him, and fired a light-beam that hit him good and hard, but instead of damaging him; Mosquitops actually absorbed the energy through his proboscis… like sucking milk through a straw.

“Oh, no!” cried Krysta.

“Oh, yes!” hissed Mosquitops as he felt the power flow through him.

“He can absorb any enrgy that’s thrown at him too!” cried Pinkie.

“A’rgh! Can’t we ever get a break?!” whined Artie.

“Look out!” shouted Starla.

Mosquitops fired the absorbed magic at everyone. Sparks flew everywhere as they all fell off their feet.

Buddy Rose had just gotten to his feet, when Mosquitops grabbed him, and bit him, sucking a bit of his energy away.

“Buddy!” cried Applejack.

Mosquitops threw Buddy down.

“Whoa!” Buddy groaned “Feelin’ a bit woozy.”

Mosquitops snickered and turned to face the others. “LEAF SWARM!”

Everyone gasped and began swerving and dodging all those razor-leafs.

“Hey! That’s my move!” shouted Buddy.

“This is so not good.” said Rainbow.

“Let’s try fighting him physically.” suggested Pinkie.

“Right!” said Lightning “Let’s go!”

He rushed in first, and threw many punches and kicks, actually hitting Mosquitops, but Mosquitops still fought back and knocked him away.




Buddy, Artie and Rhymey lunged in and fought valiantly, striking the monster hard.

“Coming through!” hollered Rainbow as she came soaring in like a missile, and head-bashed the bug so hard and knocking him down onto his back.

“It’s working! We’ve got him on the ropes!” cried Spike.

Rainbow landed by the fallen insect and scoffed with a smug expression “Had enough?”

Mosquitops lifted his head up, and then by surprise, he extended his proboscis, striking her hard in the neck.

“Rainbow!” cried Lightning.

Her energy was absorbed, and Mosquitops gained a good deal of strength back, while Rainbow fell to her knees feeling weary.

“You really think I can be beaten that easily?” hissed Mosquitops “We mosquitos are full of surprises, and you never know when we’ll strike…” he paused and eyed at many of the others “…Until… IT’S TOO LATE!!” and with that, he didn’t actually have to extend his proboscis, but had power enough to absorb the energy from afar.

Everyone, even Spike had a bit of their power stolen, and Mosquitops now looked bigger and bulkier than before. “Yes!! Power!!” he shouted “I LOVE IT!!”

Even in their weariness the ponies could tell they were in deep trouble, but blasting him was out of the question.

“Maybe we can try our Valkyrie power?” said Fluttershy.

“No, don’t!” shouted Starla “The power that surrounds you in that form is pure energy. He’ll just absorb it.”

“Well, we’ve gotta do something, or he’ll squash us like regular bugs!” cried Artie.

Mosquitos moved in closer and closer and was about to make the first strike, when suddenly…!



Something struck at his head; a star-shaped shuriken blade, and then came a voice. “Stop right there.”

Everyone gasped.

“That voice!” cried Rarity.

“Could it be?” asked Dyno.

“Is it?” added Myte.

Everyone turned and saw a very unusual creature; defiantly an Insecto. All green, and wearing red armor, and he wore a wicked mask over his face, and in his hand he held a fierce looking saber.

“I will take it from here.” he hissed in that voice.

The ponies all scanned the voice frequency with their visors, and the sound patterns and other things matched perfectly.

“Shining… Armor…” Lightning muttered.

They all scanned his DNA and vital signs, which were badly scrambled with Insecto and pony DNA, but no doubt, the pony DNA was a perfect match.

“It’s really him.” said Krysta “But… what’s happened to him.”

“I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s anything good.” said Lightning.

Mosquitops was furious “How dare you interrupt me during my moment of triumph!”

“I was sent by the king…” said the creature “I am to test my new found abilities against the enemy.”

Mosquitops, more infuriated than ever, combined all the absorbed energy he had into one massive attack and fired a huge beam straight at him.

“SHINING AMROR!!” shouted Lightning.

Cadance could hear his shout and she bolted upright in bed. “Shining Armor…?” She carefully got out of bed and made it out to the terrace were she could see everything happening down below.

As the smoke from the explosion cleared, everyone could see the creature was perfectly fine.

“What?!” cried Mosquitops.

The creature snickered. “You’ll find I’m not quit on the same level like you normal Insectos. You can’t hurt what you don’t hit.”

Before the shot had hit him, he had stepped casually to the right, letting the blast hit the ground near him, and the resulting shockwaves and explosions didn’t bother him a bit.

Mosquitops growled angrily and rushed at him ready to strike him again, but the creature’s antenna began to glow, and he grabbed a sickle on a chain and threw it hard at Mosquitops, binding him hard.

“That should prevent your interfering for a while.”

Mosquitops tried his hardest to break free, but the chain was really strong, almost stronger than he was.

“Shining Armor!” snapped Lightning. “What’s happened to you?”

The creature gazed at him gruesomely. “You are mistaken. I am not this Shining Armor you speak of.”

The ponies all exchanged looks of concern.

“What do you mean? Of course you are.” said Pinkie “We just scanned you.”

“Pinkie…” said Starla “I don’t think he really does remember. I think the Insectos must’ve messed with his mind.”

“Shining Armor, please, try to remember who you are.” said Spike.

“I know who I am!” snarled the creature “I am Saber; new leading general and loyal warrior to King Pinsar. His majesty ordered me here to meet with the enemy and engage in battle so he may step closer to conquering this planet.”

Cadance saw and heard everything, and she could not believe it a bit. “He’s working for Pinsar?”

“Snap out of it, boy!” shouted Applejack “You’re not thinkin’ like yourself.”

“Enough of this chattering!” growled Saber as he grabbed his sword “Show me what you’ve got!”

Lightning tried to reason with him, “No, wait… Shining Amor…!”

…but it was no use.

Saber attacked and slashed at them all hard, sending them all rolling in different directions. “I guess we’ve got no choice.” said Lightning.

The others were not keen on fighting him, but Lightning was right, and the brawl began.

Saber proved to be quite the ruthless foe, for any attack that was waged against him he blocked it with his sword, or kicked it back, which gave him the chance to strike back hard.

Applejack charged at him, and he zipped out of the way, and surprised her with a kick to the stomach.

Artie and Rhymey rushed in with their weapons. Saber blocked them both at once and repelled the boys back.

“Charge!” shouted Rainbow as she, and many others rushed forth.

Saber stood where he was and his antenna began to glow and spark.


He fired a huge burst of electrified energy at the gang. Explosions went all over sending all the ponies flying.

Now only Lightning, Starla, Rarity, Spike, and Krysta were left standing.

“He’s beating us so easily!” cried Spike

Lightning was more concerned about what to really do. He didn’t want to have to take extreme force, not against his dear friend, but Shining Armor just wouldn’t stop battling, not even for a minute.

“Stalling is a sign of weakness!” he snarled as he leapt in and knocked away Spike’s sword, and kicked him hard.

Rarity tried to zap him with her magic, but he swerved and dodged her every move and got socked hard in the face. “A’RGH!! My beautiful face!” she whined “This better not have left a mark.

Saber just kicked her aside.

Starla stepped forth!


She launched the biggest cluster of stars that she could, and yet Saber held his sword, whirling it round and around swiftly, blocking each and every one. Not a single star got through.

“This guy’s like a wall.” groaned Krysta.

Lightning and Starla both lunged forth, punching and kicking at Saber, but he just countered their every move and struck them with his sword, knocking them down again.

The team felt as though they had been through a hurricane, and were really starting to feel the toll of the battle.

“Miserable creatures.” hissed Saber “I’ve known lice that put on a better battle than this.”

“Shining Armor, just listen to me!”

“Silence!” shouted Saber, and kicked him across the ground.

“Lightning!” cried Starla as she dashed to him.

The others all dashed over, still not knowing what to do. “It’s no use.” said Buddy Rose. “They’ve really brainwashed him good.”

Saber glared furiously at them all and slowly walked forth ready for more…

When suddenly, Mosquitops finally managed to break loose from the chain; by burning off a lot of his energy and shrinking down in size…

“Oh, great, more bad news!” groaned Applejack.

Mosquitops was raving mad, and glared at Saber. “I don’t who you think you are, but no one gets in my way of my goals and gets away with it.”

Saber stood where he was, unintimidated. “Am I supposed to be afraid?”

Mosquitops growled and charged, but Saber just lurched out of the way.

Mosquitops charged again, and Saber dodged, again, and again, and again…!

The gang couldn’t believe they were seeing the two Insectos fight each other, only Saber wasn’t really doing much fighting but just kept dodging every attack waged at him, and then threw his first and only punch, sending Mosquitops skidding across the ground.

“I’ll… get you… for that!”

He looked very weary, having burned way too much energy.

“Now’s our chance…!” cried Lightning “Get him!”

“I got him.” said Spike, and he set his sword to capture. “DRAGON KNIGHT SABER, IGNITE!”

His blade blazed with fire as he made a circle in the air, and then slashed three times.

Mosquitops couldn’t absorb all this energy in his weakened state, and he fell back down, exploded, and was imprisoned, only for Pinsar to destroy him in seconds.

“That’s one of them down.” said Lightning, then he and the others gazed back at Saber. “That trick won’t work on me that easily.” he thundered, but as he charged for more action, he began to glow softly as Pinsar spoke to him through soundwaves.

“Saber, report back to me at once. You’ve done enough for one day. This was only a test!”

Saber, not wanting to disobey his king sheathed his sword. “Consider yourselves fortunate, but we shall meet again, and next time, it will be the last!”

Then he was gone, vanished into thin air back to the mothership.

The others felt a mix of outrage and deep concern, and Lightning looked up at the palace. “Oh no…!”

The others looked up and saw Cadance standing on the terrace. She just stood there with a look of mixed features on her face, shock, sadness, concern, only the slightest bit of relief.

The gang flew to up to her.

“You saw…?” Lightning asked.

She nodded.

“You heard…?”

She nodded again.

“… and you know.”

She nodded yet again, and tears began to flow from her eyes, but her expression remained the same.

Meanwhile, Saber stood before their majesties and couldn’t but question Pinsar “Sire, why would have called me back? I could have finished them off right then and there.”

“Because, you need time to grow accustomed to your powers.” said Pinsar “You may have shown great skill, but you mustn’t underestimate the resources of our enemies. I made that mistake once, and I don’t intend to duplicate it.”

Saber bowed “I understand, my lord. I will not disobey.” and then he walked off to train and prepare for his next battle.

As for Pinsar, he thought he could see something outside the ship, but it was just a shooting star.

“Darling, what it is?” asked Ladybird.

“I thought…” he paused “It was nothing.”

But his wife could tell, for she had also seen the shooting star and for a moment though it was Phoebe finally coming home.

There was no more denying it, Pinsar really missed his daughter, and as he looked out into space hoped with all his might that she was okay. “…Pheobe.”

Stag, spying in through the room, noted this and finally felt he could formulate a plan to get rid of Pinsar for good, though Slick did not like this one bit.

Grand Ruler and Queen Celestia came the crystal palace, after Lightning sent them a report and asked that they come for Cadance’s comfort.

She really needed it, and trying her hardest not to sink into woe. Even Celestia felt the same as she did and tried to brave her tears as she held her niece close “It’ll be all right, Cadance.”

“How do I know…” Cadance said tearfully “I’ve been through this before…”

She recalled the battle with her brother, Fratello, when he was a robot and a fierce enemy. There was nothing she or any of the others could do to help him, so they had no choice but to ultimately destroy him… and Cadance was the one who did it.

She never forgot that day, it still played over and over in her head…

*Flashback From Starfleet Magic: Season 2*

Suddenly he began to shout in pain as he felt the robot’s programing trying to take him over again. “If I’m to go down, at least you will die too!” he snarled as he raised his other arm and prepared to blast her, but Fratello still managed to hang on, just barely and did all he could to hold the robot back. “Cadance!” he shouted “Hurry! Destroy me! I can’t hold him off much longer!”

“Brother, No!” cried Cadence. Tears were starting to form in her eyes and she began to have flashbacks of all the loving wonderful times she had with her brother before he was taken away trying to protect her. “I can’t… I won’t!”

“You must!”

“I will destroy you!” shouted the robot.

Cadance was still finding it so difficult to do as her brother begged, but of course there was no other way, and if she didn’t he’d destroy her and then escape to create more robotic monstrosities and everything would start all over again.

“SISTER… PLEASE!!” His blast was ready to fire. Cadance then shut her eyes tightly and screamed!

BANG!! A big shot was made a thunderous bolt of lightning shook the skies.

Cadance and Fratello just stood at opposite distant ends from one another. Neither of them moving, or making a sound. Suddenly, Cadance gasped and fell to her knees. Her crown had fallen off and landed alongside of her. She was clutching her aching chest and was struggling to breathe… while her brother smiled at her wickedly.

“Thank… You…!”

Cadance had shot him clear through his body, forming a large hole through him. The hole began to spark and flare like crazy as Fratello fell over backwards, and his body went up in a massive explosion, and was really gone!

*End of Flashback*

Remembering this made Cadance really want to let out her emotion, but she was able to barely hold it in knowing it would be bad for her pregnancy.

“I just don’t want to go through that again. I don’t want us to have to destroy Shining Armor.”

Her uncle came up to her and said “…We don’t have to.”

The others came into the room, having had discussed everything they learned with his majesty, and according to all the readouts and data they had collected, Shining Armor was only brainwashed, and his mixed DNA could be easily dealt with. So they wouldn’t really have to destroy him there time… there was still hope.

Cadance felt her faith and hope slowly returning, but her uncle warned her not to get too excited. “It still isn’t that simple.” he told her.

Celestia already understood what he meant, but Cadance was still confused.

“Cadance…” Celestia said “Pinsar has brainwashed Shining Armor with a method that is unknown to us, but as you and the rest of you saw, it is very powerful, and Shining Armor truly can’t seem to remember who he is.”

“Well, can’t we just magic him back to normal?” Spike asked.

“That would be far too risky, Spike.” said Lightning “I’ve read about brainwashing and mind-control. Until we have more information, we’re not even sure if magic will really work well. Even then if we’re not careful, we could cause serious physical harm to Shining Armor.”

Cadance felt that sickening feeling returning to her again. “Is there… anything we can do?”

“We’ll try everything we can…” said Grand Ruler “In the meantime, we must keep our guard up. I realize how strongly you all must feel, as do I, but Shining Armor is classified as an enemy now. We mustn’t let him carry out Pinsar’s evil will.”

“We understand your majesty.” said Rarity.

“I guess we have no choice.” added Fluttershy.

Rhymey nodded and said…

“Be he our friend or a common foe,
He’s not the Shining Armor we know.
We’ll do what we can to make things right,
Until then, we have no choice but to fight.”

Everyone agreed, but weren’t looking forward to all this.

Grand Ruler clenched his fists. “Pinsar!” he snarled softly.

Even Celestia couldn’t hide her own outrage at how truly wicked Pinsar really was.

Now everyone was in the same boat, all vowing that he would pay dearly for this and more!


In our next episode: Stag puts his plan of mutiny and treason into effect by lying to Pinsar that ponies have taken Phoebe hostage which forces Pinsar to take the battle into his own hands and with Saber by his side.

Facing against the most powerful Insecto and their former friend prove nearly too much to take, and Grand Ruler can no longer seem to fight control of his emotions.

Will Pinsar reclaim his daughter, or will Stag claim his secret success?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Passing the Crown”)