• Published 29th Dec 2016
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My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V - DakariKingMykan

An Alien Armada has surrounded United Equestria, and an evil Dragon is on the loose

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Episode 10: Webs of Danger


Ever since her grounding, Princess Phoebe had decided she had taken more than enough of her father’s neglect. However, realizing she did indeed require more experience before she could fight another big battle again, she decided to leave the ship.

“Why should I stay where I’m not appreciated or respected?” she complained to herself. Finally she got into a small craft, and launched out into space. “I’ll train hard, and I’ll become the greatest insect in the galaxy. Then, father, then you’ll see just how truly capable I am.”

Soon, her parents received word that their daughter was missing.

“What do you mean missing?!” snarled Pinsar.

“She can’t be…” cried Ladybird.

“I assure you, your majesties...” said Slick “The princess is not in her royal bedroom. We have already searched the palace, as well as the entire ship. She doesn’t seem to be anywhere!”

Ladybird was growing worried. “Oh, Pinsar… you don’t believe that she…?!”

“Phoebe would not be so foolish, after her last experience and I warned her.” said Pinsar.

Just then, Stage came in, with a look of concern on his face. “Your majesties, one of the Stingar sentries has just found this.” He held up a letter, which Pinsar made come to him at once.

“Dear father…

It has become obvious to me that you don’t have any confidence in me at all. So I am leaving you and the armada, to venture out until I can finally prove to you that I am a worthy fighter.

If you are furious when you read this… I’m not sure I even care.

Goodbye, and Good luck… you will need it!!


Ladybird began to cry, and Pinsar, he clenched the letter in his fist, actually setting it a blaze in flames, and shouted his loudest “…PHOEBE!!!!!

In the New Crystal Empire, Lightning and his entire team were at the Crystal Palace helping out with some much needed chores and fill in for sentry duties.

Cadance was still bedridden due to her pregnancy, and Shining Armor just couldn’t handle all the work himself, even with the palace staff, especially with the lack of guards around due to the security lockdown.

“Thanks for helping out, you guys.” said Shining Armor.

“It’s okay. We’re glad to help out.” said Lightning.

“Yeah, besides, in another month or so, you’ll have much more to worry about than just this.” Starla teased, referring to the baby foal coming.

Shining Armor blushed, and felt both excited and nervous at the same time. “I… better go check on my wife.” and then he went off.

The gang couldn’t help but giggle at how funny he had acted, but they, too, were equally as excited for the new baby to arrive.

Artie was especially excited, and he led them all to the nursery, and pointed at the cradle, which he designed. It was carved out of wood, and had golden brass bars all around it and a few painting of flowers on the wood parts, just perfect for a new royal infant about to be born.

“Oh, how simply divine!” cried Rarity.

“It sure is…” said Artie “They even paid me in advance before I started, and when I was finished, I also gave them their deposit back. I wanted them to think of this as a baby gift from me.”

“Oh, that is so thoughtful of you.
It really was a nice thing to do.” said Rhymey.

“It ought to be for the week I put into it, working hard day and night.” Artie muttered softly under his breath.

While the gang all got back to their duties, Shining Armor was already by his wife’s side.

Cadance was very glad he was there. She had gotten so bored from lying in bed almost all the time. The only times she ever got out was for the bathroom, or a breath of air, or getting up to get a book off the shelf.

Her magic was non-resourceful due to her pregnancy and how her body was more concentrating on it. Whenever she tried to levitate something, it would barely float, and then just drop down like a rock. This also rendered her other powers temporarily out of whack too.

Not that it mattered. She had already read every single book on the shelf, and had already done all the normal paper work she could do in bed. The worst of it was, sometimes she slept so much during the day it made it hard for her to get any rest at night.

“I feel I’m going crazy just lying here like this.” she said.

Her husband pecked her on the cheek “I know it must be hard, but you have to take care of the baby.”

Cadance sighed as she rested her head on her husband’s chest, and stroked her large belly and softly saying in her mind “I won’t let anything happen to you, my child.”

Meanwhile, Pinsar launched many search parties out on a super search for Phoebe, even sent several of the armada ships out to strengthen the search.

“But sire, she could be many thousands of dimensional lightyears away by now.” said Slick “Why she could be anywhere in the entire galaxy, if she even is still within the galaxy.”

Those words made Queen Ladybird weep even harder, which angered Pinsar immensely “See what you’ve done now?!” he growled as he tried to comfort his wife. He then glared very sternly at Stag and Slick “Hear this, and hear me well, we want our daughter back. I don’t care if you have to search every square inch of this dimensional universe. JUST FIND HER, AND BRING HER BACK!! UNDERSTAND?!”

The generals bowed and then dashed off, leaving their majesties to wallow in despair.

“Oh, Pinsar… what if she’s run into danger?” cried Ladybird.

Her husband was very outraged and frustrated. “I’ve always given her everything she’s ever wanted, and she runs out on me?!”

The pain and anguish just ate away at him. Someone needed to pay for this… the ponies, and he had a perfect idea of how to do it. “Send for Spinner at once!” he thundered. “I lost someone important to me… therefore, so shall the ponies, and I know just who it shall be!”

The gang was taking a break for lunch and thought they’d have a picnic in the royal garden, all the flowers and other plants looked so beautiful as the sunlight bathed them all in warmth.

Applejack and Buddy Rose had spent the whole morning wedding the garden and re-fertilizing the soils.

“I could almost stay here forever.” said Fluttershy, but still, even though it was a beautiful day, the armada was still way up overhead, which made the gang worry slightly about when and where the next attack would strike.

As the twins stretched out and looked up at the sky…

“Qué…? Some of the insecto ships are missing?” said Dyno.

“Si, you’re right…” said Myte “Look, there go a few more.”

Everyone watched as several more battleships headed off into space.

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but act all cocky “Guess they’re finally getting it into their heads; they don’t mess with us.”

Everyone else was not convinced, mainly due to the fact that Pinsar’s ship was still where it was, and just a few less ships didn’t really mean much of anything.

Lightning began to wonder and worry if maybe they were going out to try and conquer more planets. “Thank goodness, Grand Ruler sent messages to all the other Starfleet forces about the Insectos.” he said.

“Maybe they’re just going to look for something?” Pinkie suggested.

“Yeah, a whole lot of trouble, if you ask Me.” said Spike.

Meanwhile, Spinner, a spider creature-- though he was actually an arachnid, not an insect-- came before Pinsar. His shell was like thick armor, and as well as his four human limbs, he had eight extra, very long and strong arms.

“You know what you must do…” said Pinsar.

Spinner bowed and said “Yes, your highness. No one has ever been able to escape my powerful webs. Lightning Dawn will be captured at all costs. Those who interfere will be destroyed.”

“Good…” said Pinsar “Once we have Lightning Dawn in our midst, the next phase can begin. Go, and do not fail me.”

Spinner bowed and left, leaving Pinsar along with Ladybird, both of them still deeply concerned on the whereabouts of Phoebe.

After flying for a lengthy amount of time and quite a-ways from United Equestria’s star system, Phoebe’s pod ran low on fuel, and she had no choice but to set down on Kakkara; a desert and gulch planet, rich with valuable minerals, and a prospectors dream. The planet also had many vast deserts with few towns set up away from the major cities.

All the towns had basic western type scenes, but there were all kinds of creatures from every corner of the galaxy. Some were just visiting; others lived there, while others were just in town to seek their fortunes.

She stepped into a nearby town, and marched straight into a Saloon.

The entire place went silent, as everyone inside gazed at her. They could tell she was one of those powerful insectos, but some didn’t exactly think she looked so tough.

She walked sinisterly past the crowd, threateningly gazed at everyone as she passed and made her way to the bar.

“What’cha takin’…?” the barkeeper asked.

“…Sugar-water, on the rocks.” Phoebe hissed as she paid for it.

She got her drink almost instantly.

“Anyone who wants to live, scram! I just want a nice quiet drink! GET OUTTA HERE…!!”

Practically the entire saloon was emptied in a split-second, even the barkeeper fled, but Phoebe felt she was not alone. Phoebe turned and saw three powerful, humanoid like alien men with purple skin.

“You got death-wishes?” she sneered at them.

The aliens, unintimidated, approached her, looming over her naughtily.

“So this is one of them Insectos I’ve heard of.” one of them said.

“She doesn’t look very tough to me.” said another.

“She looks more like a spoiled-princess. Look at that crown.” the third said as he reached for Phoebes’ tiara, but she grabbed him with two of her free arms and threw him hard across the saloon.

She then stood fiercely as the other aliens stood ready to brawl.

She put up a valiant effort, and managed to give the big brutes a few good bashings, but one of the aliens threw a glass straight her. She blocked it with her human hand and shouted “You broke one of my nails!!”

While she was distracted, all three of the aliens ganged up on her and gave her a good beating before carrying her out of the saloon, beyond the town entrance and throwing her beyond the border.

Everyone in town laughed at her, and insulted her…

“She’s no powerful Insecto, she just looks like one.”

“Oh, no, she’s an insect alright, just the thing nobody wants.”

“If you ever come back, we’ll destroy ya!”

Now outcast into the desert, Phoebe was very embarrassed, and upset with herself. “Who am I kidding? I’m no warrior! I’m nothing but a common pest, but I’ll find my strength and develop my skill, then they’ll see… and they’ll pay!”

She sighed irritably as she walked through the hot desert.

Meanwhile, Spinner had landed in the New Crystal Empire. “Now, let’s see… what would draw Lightning Dawn into the open? Ah, yes... STICKY WEB!”

He began to spin huge threads and began to ensnare many of the ponies in town near the palace. The web was so sticky; they couldn’t seem to break free.

The town’s ponies began to scream, and run in panic, and the alarms finally sounded. Lightning and his entire team, all transformed arrived on the scene.

“Eww… a spider!” groaned Rarity “I despise spiders.”

Spinner’s eyes narrowed angrily “We’ll we spiders hate ponies even more, but enough of that. You, Lightning Dawn, shall now surrender yourself to King Pinsar at once.”

“Fat chance of that happening.” said Lightning.

“I was not giving you a choice!” shouted Spinner “I see I will have to take you by force. Stingars…!”

A whole swarm of bugs appeared all around.

“Let’s go!” shouted Lighting, and the fight was on.

Lightning kicked two Stingars down.

Rainbow Dash faced five at once. “This is kiddy play.” she joked and she charged forth, knocking them all down like bowling pins “STI-RIKE!”

Pinkie bounced on the heads of three Stingars “Eeny… Meeny… Miny…” all three of them went down, and Pinkie landed gracefully on her feet. “What do you know; No Moe.”

Rarity hated the bugs so much, she didn’t even give them the chance to get near here and just used her horn to zap and blast them all away. She still shuddered grossly.

Fluttershy and Rhymey broke free from the battle and tried to help the ponies tangled in the webs, but after scanning it with their visors; they could already tell if they touched it, they’d get stuck too.

“Stand back,
I’ll try and hack.” Rhymey said as he held out his sword, and gave the web a huge hack. The threads didn’t stick to his blade as its surface was resistant, but they didn’t cut either.

“It’s as tough as steel.” cried Fluttershy.

Spinner then dropped down right in front of them, hissing “Indeed it is…” and before Rhyme or Fluttershy could react…


The two of them were bound and tangled too, and couldn’t break out.

More of the gang charged at him, but Spinner used his eight free arms to knock them all aside, and as they tried to get up, he blasted their feet with his webbing.

“What is this stuff?” shouted Buddy Rose.

“I can’t move. My feet are stuck.” added applejack.

Only Lightning, Starla, Spike and Rarity were still free, as well as Krysta.

Spinner snickered softly “Make it easier on your, Commander, and surrender willingly. You don’t want to subject your friends to more torment, do you?”

Lightning growled, and gazed at how helpless his friends looked. “We’ve gotta try and get the others free.” he said.

“But Lightning, we can’t just leave you unguarded.” said Starla.

“She’s right…” added Spike “I don’t know what Pinsar wants with you, but I can bet it’s nothing good.”

Rarity nodded, and they all stood in front of Lightning like a shield, which he found flattering, but more insulting to his honor.

“Krysta, warp him out of here.” said Starla.

“Now, wait just a minute…!” snapped Lightning “I’m commander of this unit, and I’m not abandoning my responsibilities.”

“Sorry, Lightning… but this is for your own good.” said Krysta, and she teleported herself and Lightning inside the palace throne-room, where hopefully Spinner wouldn’t see him.

Lightning was furious “Krysta! You send me back down there, now!” he thundered.

As much as Krysta hated what she was doing herself “I’m sorry, Lightning, but for once I just can’t, and I won’t.”

Lightning could see there was no reasoning with her, and he tried to jump out the window-- the barrier could only stop things from coming in, not going out-- but every time he tried, Krysta just warped him right back inside again.

“Krysta, cut it out!”

“Never!” she shouted “This is for your own good. You could get captured if you go out there.”

“I know, but the others…!”

Most of the others were still stuck in the webs, while Starla, Rarity and Spike were still staring Spinner down.

“This is pathetic.” Spinner hissed “You don’t really think you can keep Lightning from me, do you?”

The trio stood their ground.

“Spike…” Rarity whispered “You try and free the others.”

“But I can’t just leave you two alone.” Spike protested.

“We’ll be fine, just go.” said Starla.

Spike dashed off, and the girls lunged at Spinner.

Rarity tried to kick him from behind, but his shell was too strong, and he grabbed her with one of his arms, throwing her along the ground.


As the arrow loomed straight at him, Spinner shouted “ACID VENOM!” Spinner spewed out a load of venom that hit the arrow and actually melted it away, much to Starla and Rarity’s shock.

“Well now…” Spinner sneered “I wonder how it’ll affect you.”

He began to spit out more bursts of his venom, forcing Rarity and Starla to dodge it fiercely.

As for Spike, he already faced the others, and knew his sword wouldn’t penetrate the web. “I hate to do this to you guys, but it just might work.” he said.

“Hurry!” cried Artie.

Spike then drew in a huge breath and let out a focussed fiery blast directly at everyone’s feet.

The others held out as best they could in the heat.

“Easy guys… I’ll have you out in a minute.” Spike said, miraculously still being able to breath his flames.

“I hope that’s not too long.” Pinkie groaned with her teeth clenched.

“Easy, Pinkie… Keep it together.” said Artie.

Inside the palace, Lightning was still trying desperately to get outside, and Krysta continued to warp him back every time.

“You’ll face a court-martial for this, Krysta!”

“You’ll face worse if you go down there and get caught.” protested Krysta, and she continued to keep him at bay.

Spinner could hear all that from way down below, and decided he had wasted enough time. He swatted Starla and Rarity down hard.

“You wretched insect…!” Rarity snarled.

“Now, now, my dear pony, you should know that spiders aren’t insects, but I have no time for this anymore.”

He gazed at the palace, even though it was protected by the force-field, he knew of another way to get in, and he dematerialized into hundreds of tiny spiders and burrowed under the cracks in the walkway.

“No!” cried Starla “We’ve got to get inside!”

“But we can’t get through the shield.” said Rarity.

At that moment, Spike freed the others from the webs, and all the ponies never felt so relieved, all of their feet were practically scorching, but now was no time to worry about that.

Shining Armor peeked out over the terrace of his and Cadance’s room, and saw everything, and noted that Spinner was trying to sneak inside.

“What’s going on?” Cadance asked, and she moved to get out of bed.

“No, stay in bed.” he said “I’ll check this out.”

Cadance had no choice but to comply, and Shining Armor sent two other sentries present to watch over her before rushing downstairs.

Cadance prayed that nothing serious would happen!

Krysta was starting to grow tried and couldn’t keep holding Lightning back much longer. Even Lightning was starting to tire out from being warped so many times.

The two gazed at each other fiercely, but still not willing to give in. “Let… me… through!” Lightning demanded.

“Not… on your… life!”

Just then, Krysta spotted a few small spiders crawling out from cracks in the walls, and then more, and more.

“Lightning!” she cried.

Lightning spun round and saw all the spiders clump together, and Spinner appeared. “The time has come” said the spider to the fly.”

Lightning couldn’t believe he managed to slink through the barrier.

“I have a little loose thread to finish with you.” Spinner hissed.

Many of the guards rushed in to seize Spinner, but he trapped them in more webs and Krysta too. She didn’t have much power left and couldn’t warp herself out, or get Lightning to safety.

“Why you…!” Lightning thundered, and he charged forth, but Spinner kicked him hard right into Cadance’s throne.

“Lightning!” cried Starla.

“It’s no good…” groaned Lightning “I’m too wiped from all the warping.”

Even still, Lightning had a little strength left to avoid getting caught in any webs Spinner threw at him. “You can run all you like, but you can’t escape your fate little pony.” Spinner said.

Lightning had no now, and leapt out the window through the barrier.

“LOOK OUT BELOW!!” he hollered, and he landed safely on his feet, but nearly collapsed in exhaustion.

“Lightning!” cried Starla.

The entire gang rushed over to him.

“Are you okay?” asked Fluttershy.

“Never mind that…” Lightning panted.

“Yes, never mind indeed.” hissed Spinner, who had followed them outside, through the barrier--again, the barrier only kept things from going in, not out.

“I must admit, I’m impressed that you all escaped from my webs, but don’t think for a minute that you’ve actually won.”

The whole gang stood in front of Lightning, shielding him again.

Spinner sighed “Oh, please, must we repeat all this?”

“Let’s get him!” shouted Buddy Rose, and he and all the others dashed into battle, but Spinner fended them off with his eight strong arms. His armor protected him against their attacks from behind, and then deciding he’d had enough of their meddling…

“ACID VENOM!” he blasted them all hard, and the venom caused many sparks and explosions, knocking them all to the ground.

“No!” cried Lightning as he saw all his friends lying on the ground, moaning and groaning in immense pain.

Spinner then eyed at Lightning “And now, for you, Commander! We have a little appointment with King Pinsar.”

“Lightning… Run!” cried Starla, but Lightning was far to wipe to even stand up as Spinner approached him.

Suddenly, he got blasted from above. “Huh?”

Shining Armor landed near Lightning. “You leave him alone, you hear me?!”

Spinner growled angrily “I’m getting frightfully tired of these delays!” and he lunged forth in attempt to get Shining Amor out of the way.

The two brawled hard, but even Shining Armor couldn’t stand up to the powerful spider, especially on his own.

Lightning hated seeing this, and did his best to concentrate every last ounce of strength he had into the Uniforce “It’s not much, but I’ve gotta try!”

Spinner tossed Shining Armor hard onto the ground, “Enough of this!” he shouted and when he turned to face Lightning, he could see him running towards him with his horn glowing.

“No!” shouted Spinner and he held out all eight of his strong arms out to intercept.

Shining Armor also got up and powered up as much of his magic as he could, and dashed at him.

The two ponies collided into Spinner, resulting in a big explosion.

Even Cadance could feel the rumbling from her bedroom, and shuddered nervously.

Everyone covered their eyes as the flames faded, and then gawked in shock at the leftover smoke.

“Lightning?!” cried Starla.

“Shining Armor!” squealed Fluttershy.

The smoke cleared, and much to everyone’s extreme horror, not only was Spinner still standing, but he had with him a fully spun cocoon with his captive inside.

“No!” cried Starla.

Spinner smirked at everyone. “So long…” and then he vanished with the cocoon.

Everyone was filled with outrage, shock, and mostly sadness.

“He didn’t…?!” cried Dyno.

“He did!” cried Myte.

Starla felt her tears starting to flow “Lightning…” she cried softly and she fell to her knees ready to bawl her hear out.

“Starla…!” Lightning called, and he limped around from the corner.

“Lightning…!” Starla cried. Having found enough to strength to dive over and hug him tightly “Honey, I thought you were caught.”

“I know, but you don’t have to choke me!” Lightning groaned.

The others were ever so relieved…

“Wait…” said Rainbow “If you’re here… then… that means…”

It was already obvious to everyone who Spinner ran off with.

Onboard the mothership, Shining Armor lay unconscious on a stretcher, bound by a force field, and Pinsar wasn’t exactly pleased.

“How could you have nabbed the wrong one?!” he sneered at Spinner.

Spinner was being held bound by Stingars, but still not intimidated “A-thousand pardons, my lord. The explosion made it difficult to see. I was certain I had Lightning with me.”

“Silence!” growled Stag “The King had given you specific orders, and you failed to carry them out!”

“Enough!” shouted Pinsar “Let him go.”

All the bugs were confused.

“But sire…” said Slick.

“I said, let him go!” retorted Pinsar “We’ll simply have to make do with what we have. Perhaps our guest here will work just as nicely. Once we brainwash his pitiful mind of all the memories of his friends and loved ones, we can then give him the great power I have kept hidden all these ages.”

The bugs gasped in awe.

“You’re majesty…” cried Slick “Surely you do not mean…”

Pinsar not only was serious, but he used his staff to materialize an evil looking insect-mask. “Behold; the Mask of Saber, one of our finest warriors.”

He remembered how Saber was one of the greatest generals he had ever had to serve him when the Insectos carried out their will, destroying planets and purging life from them.

Saber was indeed a powerful fighter, easily able to make mints-meat out of anyone who opposed him. Except for Pinsar and his family, he was practically one of the most powerful fighters in the entire force.

But alas, even the best were not totally invincible.

While battling to seize control over another a planet, Pinsar was personally supervising and leading the attack himself against the planet’s race of warriors defending their home.

A race almost as powerful as Starfleet, but not quite as powerful to match…

Pinsar’s forces were badly trampled, and Pinsar himself was injured, and he would surely had been destroyed if Saber had not valiantly leapt in to stave off those warriors himself, giving Pinsar enough time to escape to safety with his remaining survivors.

In the end, the warrior race fell to the Insectos might, but of the bugs were lost that day… even Saber. All the remained was his great general mask, which housed all the power he had left behind.

“I had kept this ever since that day…” Pinsar said “Waiting for when someone to come along and be worthy to possess it other than myself.” He then gazed down at Shining “However… I’m certain you all understand my reasons now.”

Indeed, all the bugs did understand, though Stag felt outraged at Pinsar for deeming him and Slick as unworthy over some dead general’s spirit. “I’ll show you the true meaning of worthy. Just you wait.” he said in his thoughts.

Slick noted Stag’s frustration, and could tell he was thinking all bad thoughts, this concerned him deeply.

As for Pinsar, he also hoped that his search parties would find his daughter soon. He couldn’t bear to assume the worst.

Phoebe had been wandering through the desert for a long time, and was really getting tired. So tired, she finally collapsed and lay flat on the sand as the sun set.

Then, from out of nowhere, this stranger came along and found her, and took her away with him to who knew where?

Meanwhile, the gang was faced with a most grieving task, and wrote a letter to their supreme majesties explaining the situation.

“No.” cried Celestia.

“Impossible… it can’t be!” added Grand Ruler, but there was no mistaking it, and this really hurt them both inside, but they couldn’t even begin to imagine how Cadance was feeling, if she had been told yet…

Indeed, she had been told, and she was in tears. “He can’t be! Not Shining Armor.” she sobbed.

All this sadness was not good for her or the baby, but rather than telling her to calm down, which of course would be pointless in the present situation, the court physician came and sedated her so she fell asleep to reduce the stress.

All the others felt so sorry for her. Fluttershy and Rarity could hardly fight their tears, and hugged Rhymey and Spike deeply.

The only tiny bit of hope they had was Shining Armor was captured, so it was possible he was still alive, but why, and what would Pinsar do to him.

Lightning couldn’t stop feeling this was his fault, and he promised he’d get Shining Armor, for Cadance. Now he had a big vendetta to pull on Pinsar just as Grand Ruler did.

…they all did.

Lightning growled softly as he looked up at the armada. “Pinsar… I promise… you’ll pay dearly for this!”


In our next episode: Lightning fears for Cadance’s health and happiness, and begins to work extremely too hard in his duties. So Starla recommends he be sedated and take time out from his work.

This gives Pinsar a new idea to send down Spinner along with the ferocious ZZ, in attempt to put everyone to sleep and render them all defenseless.

Can the ponies survive such a devious plot?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Bed Bug’s Bite”)