• Published 29th Dec 2016
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My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season V - DakariKingMykan

An Alien Armada has surrounded United Equestria, and an evil Dragon is on the loose

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Episode 25: Part 2: Big Bonds

“Previously on Starfleet Magic…”

After Lightning awakened from his standstill, the team made preparations to infiltrate the Insecto mothership, only to then be informed that the planet-barrier was weakening. Cadance also received a gift from the spirit of her son, and the team set out without Lightning.

However, upon their arrival they quickly fell into a trap and became separated, while now each group fights a seemingly impossible battle, Cadance is on the verge of death from whom was once her husband, while the battle continues on the planet, weakening the barriers even more!


“Say goodbye…!” Saber snarled as he thrust his sword forth for the kill, but at the last second, Cadance raised her hands, and before Saber knew it, he was blasted clear off of Cadance and thrown hard into the wall.

“What’s this?!” cried Ladybird.

Saber collapsed onto the floor, severely weakened after that one hit. He felt more outraged and confused though. “What was that magic? I’ve never felt anything like it.”

Cadance slowly stood up and removed her mask, glaring at Saber deeply. “It’s a magic only a mother shares with her child, even in death, it is a bond that is unbreakable.”

“Saber, get up!” shouted Ladybird.

But Saber could hardly even struggle to get up.

Cadance began to make her way towards him, when suddenly she was blasted at formt he corner of the room by Phoebe and Jetar.

“Forget about us?” Phoebe snickered.

“Striking a fighter when he’s down, have you no honour?” Jetar mocked.

Ladybird decided to join them in the fight as well, but Cadance didn’t seem to mind that she was outnumbered. “Even if there were thousands of you, you won’t stop me!”

Phoebe’s features hardened. “Oh, let me at her!”

Then the battle began, but Cadance was moving more swiftly than ever; dodging their attacks and striking them all hard, but the trio managed to strike her in return, making the fight virtually even.

While in other parts of the ship, things were not going well for the other two groups.

Slick and his army of copies continued to fight hard at the space-ponies.

Starla punched one Slick, but then two more attacked her back.

Buddy Rose whipped and lashed at many more with his whip, only for his whip to get caught by another row of Slick. Together, they yanked hard on the whip, pulling him in, and all kicked him hard right into the wall.

Artie got tripped up.

Rhymey’s sword was knocked out of his hand, and he was conked hard.

The Slick’s even picked up one of the twins each and carried them away from one another.



This way, since they were not together, their power levels were cut in half, making them easier to beat on, and even if they fought back, their powers were very weak.

“Give it up, ponies.” hissed the many Slicks.

“Never!” shouted Starla.

“We’ll find some way to beat you.” added Buddy Rose.

The many Slicks just bashed them and the others again, hardly even giving them a chance to think or react.

Artie was growing very annoyed. “He’s stomping all over us like bugs!”

“How much more can we take of these thugs?” rhymed Rhymey.

The space ponies continued to fight, and they continued to get beaten.


The Valkyries and Spike were really starting to feel the exhaustion getting to them.

They had managed to take out at least a-hundred of the Stingars, but that was hardly even a small tick compared to the many more than were left.

Rainbow could hardly lift her sword up and was shaking. “Can’t… give… up!”

“We each only have a bit of power left!” panted Pinkie “We can’t make it; not like this.”

Altogether, the Stingars launched their explosive stingers at the gang, knocking them all over in the many small explosions, and they all de-transformed.

“So much for that!” cried Applejack.

“Spike!” said Rarity “Can’t you change into the Majestic Dragon?”

Her husband shook his head “I can’t, my energy’s too low, and besides there’s not enough space in here. I could break the ship open and we’d fall into space.”

The great row of monsters were stomping their way towards them.

Fluttershy was trembling harder than she had ever remembered and suggested “We better teleport out of here.”

“For once, I actually agree with you.” said Rainbow.

The monsters all lunged forth just as the gang activated their emergency transports, and they were gone.

Down on the planet, when one group of fighters grew tired, reserves were sent in while they still had lots of strength left to continue, giving the first team a chance to rest and recharge, but the ever ensuing army of Insectos didn’t seem to get any smaller, and the more the battle continued, the more power was used, meaning the barrier was weakening worse than ever.

“We can’t go on like this much longer!” shouted Grand Ruler.

Celestia looked up at the armada, through the fading barrier, and she turned to face her husband, she said nothing, but he gazed at her, both of them thinking the exact same thing.

Princess Luna could feel what they were thinking, and she was deeply concerned “You cannot go up there now.”

“We must!” said Grand Ruler “If the barrier is going to fail, at least we won’t let the planet be blasted to bits.”

“Take over command, Princess Luna…” said Celestia “We’ll do all that we can, but if things get worse, take the soldiers and leave here at once.”

Luna reluctantly agreed to her sister’s wishes, and then watched as Celestia and her husband formed their fusion, turning into Grand Celestial Ruler.

They rocketed up to the sky, passing right through the barrier. Their supreme magic protected them from the teleportation powers of space.

They gripped their scepter tightly and glared at the armada.

The other Insectos on the many thousands of battleships spotted them and prepared to open fire.

The Ruler shouted “Meet your maker, Insecto Armada!” and fired a huge blast from their scepter, shooting straight though three ships at once, blowing them up.

The bits of debris flung in several directions striking other ships nearby, damaging them and causing them to crash on the moon.

The armada fired with all that they had, but The Ruler swerved, dodged, and blocked every shot. This caused many of the ships to accidently blast each other down, and gave The Ruler a better chance to shoot even more down.

“If we had known sooner that we could have, we would have done this long ago!” The Ruler sneered.

While on the far side of the planet, where the mothership was…

Cadance was still fighting against the royal party, but even with the power of the Mother-Child Bond, she was starting to feel the toll of the fight getting to her as she was still outnumbered.

She threw a punch towards Ladybird, and she blocked it, and then zapped her hard with the magic from her necklace.

Jetar zapped her with his ray-gun, and Phoebe… first she punched her “That was for my father…!” then she kicked Cadance “That’s for all that you’ve put me through!” Then she zapped her with her scepter “And that’s just for fun!”

“Excellently done.” said Jetar.

Phoebe winked at him in a flirtatious manner.

Cadance looked badly beaten. Her face was all bruised, and she was panting heavily.

Ladybird snickered “You ponies have been the most worthy enemies we Insectos ever encountered. For the record, fighting was enjoyable, but for destroying my beloved Pinsar, as well as all else, may your doom be as most sufferable as it possibly can be!”

She prepared herself for the kill when Saber got up shouting “No! I wish to take out this one!”

He was standing tall with much of his strength return, and he glared at Cadance fiercely “Once I have slain her myself, she will no longer be a threat to me with her existence.”

As much as Ladybird didn’t like him stopping her in her tracks like that, she figured “Why not. After all, her last thoughts will be of you slaying her.”

She stepped aside and told Jetar and Phoebe to do likewise.

“This oughta be sweet.” hissed Phoebe.

Jetar nodded and held her hand. She glared at him and her lips curled into a sneer, but then she smiled and gripped him more firmly.

Saber held his sword in one hand, his sickle and chain in another, and all his spare hands held shrunken blades. His antennae were charged up and ready to fire also. He wasn’t sparing anything this time.

“You!” he sneered “…Prepare for your end!”

The Insectos and Jetar looked on with glee and excitement, and they watched as Saber looked ready to strike.

Cadance looked deeply into his eyes “Shining Armor, I know you won’t it.”

Her voice and her words made him stop and feel strange again.

“Oh, no you don’t!” snarled Ladybird, and she began to pour more magic into the brainwashing, but strangely it wasn’t holding as strong. “What’s this?”

Phoebe and Jetar were confused.

As for Saber, he tried with all his might to find the nerve to strike Cadance, but he just couldn’t. “I must… destroy… my enemy!”

“I’m not your enemy.” she said to him, and she reached out to touch his face, and he winced back. “Shining Armor…”

“I am Saber! I am Saber! I… am…”

Ladybird tried with everything she had shouting “No! He mustn’t remember!” but it was no good, his memories were already flashing back clearer than ever.

Tears appeared in Cadance’s eyes “Shining Armor, I love you. I always will, and I know you know that.”

Saber’s eyes began to fill with tears, no matter how hard he tried to fight them, but he couldn’t think of anything to say.

Cadance, seeing this was the right time, held out her hand. “Please, I know you can; reach for me.”

Saber still not understanding much why, he slowly reached out and placed his hand in hers. The second he made contact, his entire body was shrouded in rays of light as the evil was vanquished from him.

At the same time, Ladybird’s necklace was shattered and fell to bits on the floor. “A’RGH!! TRAITOR!!” she shouted.

Phoebe and Jetar shielded their eyes.

The light faded away, and Shining Armor was back in his normal form. The mask containing all the power slipped off his face and landed near him.

“Shining Armor…?”

Her husband solwly opened his eyes. He spoke very groggily “Cadance…? What’s happened to me?”

Cadance held him in a warm embrace “It’s okay, you’re no longer under their control. Oh, I’ve missed you so much!”

Shining Armor was still a bit groggy but managed to hug her back.

The others however were extremely outraged.

Ladybird still had powers, even without the necklace.

“Oh, how sweet…” she sneered “The two lovers reunited… BUT IT WON’T LAST!!”

She and the others roared and lunged forth for the kill, but Cadance, still grasping her husband, activated her teleporter, warping them both away and taking the Saber Mask with them.

The others missed and slammed hard on the floor.

“GRRR… NO!!” shouted Ladybird.

“I can’t believe they got away!” growled Phoebe.

Even Jetar was furious “They will pay for this; every single one of them!”

Suddenly, the ship shook violently as if something had struck it… bits of debris from the crumpling armada as the Ruler moved in to attack the mothership.

(Skip to 1:18 and picture it almost exactly like this)

“What was that?” snapped Phoebe.

The space ponies felt the jolt as well, that quake started cause the virtual power to malfunction, diminishing Slick’s clones.

“What is this?” cried the real Slick. None of the others answered.

The other ponies saw and could tell.

“It’s the real one!” shouted Buddy Rose.

“GET HIM!!” shouted Starla.

At once, all the ponies charged forth, slashing, punching, kicking and zapping the evil insect down to size until he was all mangled and injured beyond hope.

“Curse you… Starfleet!! CURSES UPON YOU ALL…!!”

“What is happening?!” cried Ladybird.

Jetar could see outside. “It’s the Grand Celestial Ruler, heading this way!”

“What?! The Grand Celestial Ruler?!” cried Phoebe.

Eyeing the massive mothership, The Ruler quickly used their magic to message the space ponies. “Cadance and Shining Armor are safe. All of you get out of there! We are going to attack!”

Everyone; the ponies, the Insectos, everyone gasped in shock, but the ponies were actually delighted.

“Let’s split!” shouted Artie, and he and the others teleported away.

“Oh, no!” cried Slick “I’ve gotta get out of here!” But it was already too late as the Ruler began to unleash their power upon the ship…

…Busting right through the walls, and smashing everything in sight.

All the Insectos and Stingars panicked and screamed as many of them met with their dooms.

Even Slick was buried by the collapsing debris and consumed by the expanding fires of the explosions.

The Ruler first destroyed all the engines, causing the ship to hurl out of control and ram its way through the armada, ramming all the ships in its path, destroying them instantly.

In the palace…

“We have to do something!” cried Phoebe.

“There’s nothing we can do, not against that monstrosity!” said Jetar.

The ship continues to hurl out of control as The Ruler continued on their rampage, deciding to attack the palace on top next.

“Both of you get out of here, now!” shouted Ladybird.

“Mother!” cried Phoebe.

Ladybird, quickly reached into a secret compartment in the floor and held out a special key-card, giving it to her daughter “Take this, use it! It will help you defeat the ponies!”

Then she prepared a set of escape pods.

“Quickly! Let’s go!” shouted Jetar, and he dragged Phoebe along into a pod with him. The pod launched, and Ladybird wanted to make sure they had safely escaped before fleeing herself…

…but too late!

The Ruler smashed through the walls. The force of the impact destroyed all the remaining pods, trapping Ladybird Face to face with the giant Ruler, whom was glaring at her viciously.

Deep within their conscience, Grand Ruler and Celestia felt all their rage and determination flaring up!

“Queen Ladybird, it’s goodbye!” shouted Grand Ruler.

“This is for our grand-nephew!” added Celestia.

The Ruler swung their scepter hard…

Ladybird screamed as the Scepter collided into her, and the entire throne room went up with a bang!

Her scream could practically be heard for miles in space, and Phoebe felt her heart being sliced in half as she saw everything.


Jetar could hardly believe what he was seeing either, and was so upset he couldn’t even speak!

Phoebe was mixture of fury and sadness that she just screamed! She would not let her mother's death go un-avenged!

The ship began to blow up as it hurtled towards the planet.

The Ruler flew off and far away just in time as the ship collided into the barrier, and went up in a massive, colossal explosion!!

The force of which sent out a huge wave that spread out, vaporizing so many of the battleships, and seemingly destroying the entire armada.

The barrier had also finally taken too much and completely shorted out. All the transistors exploded in midair and burned away in the atmosphere, but fortunately, all the bits and debris had already been vaporized, leaving nothing to rain down on the planet.

All the ponies leapt and cheered for joy, while all the remaining Insectos were devastated, and finally having no choice to admit defeat…

The space ponies had already rendezvous with their friends on the planet just in time to watch it all happen from the beginning, and they leapt for joy toy, even exchanging hugs and victory dances.

Pinkie Pie leapt for joy in the biggest Firework Leap she had ever leapt.


“Yay!” Fluttershy peeped “Wow, I sound better than ever.”

She and Rhymey just hugged.

Suddenly, there was a flash of bright Light, and Cadance and the still weary Shining Armor appeared.

The team rushed over.

“Is he okay?” asked Spike.

“He’s just exhausted.” said Cadance.

Her husband nodded, but suddenly he began to see. “Cadance, your stomach… did you…?”

The others all began to feel deeply concerned, and a little sad.

Cadance nodded her head “It was a boy…Amando.”

Shining Armor almost felt like he could fly “A son…! I have a son!” He embraced his wife tenderly “We have a son!”

Cadance felt her sadness staring to return.

“Wait a minute!” Starla said, but Shining Armor was so happy he could hardly contain himself.

“Shining Armor, listen to us!” said Buddy Rose.

“I have a son!” he said for the umpteenth time “I can’t believe it! Where is he? Is he alright, I just have to see him…”

The twins finally fluttered over to him and got his attention. “No! No you can’t.” said Dyno.

“Why not?”

A brief silence followed as everyone felt heartbroken already for what was about to be said, even the twins didn’t like having to say it, but Myte finally said “…Because… you don’t have a son.”

Shining Armor felt his blood turning cold “What? What do you mean? Cadance, you just said…”

“Shining Armor…” Rhymey shouted. He looked rather sad like the others.

“I’m sorry for what I’m about to say
But you must know the truth right away.”

Shining Armor was officially feeling worried, and Rhymey began to explain…

“You were brainwashed by the Insectos, you were not being like you
You thought that you were Saber, a villain all the way through
You attacked The New Crystal Empire, it was really quite a brawl.
Into the palace you breached, you made it past us all.
Then you ran into Cadance and your mind began to see
All the memories of what you shared, just you and she.
It looked as if you were coming back, but much to our disdain
The brainwashing re-affected you, and you were evil once again.
We fought our very best, we gave it our all and more.
You managed to beat us all right to the floor.
Then as Cadance was backed into a corner at last
You charged up your power and fired a huge blast.”

Shining Armor gasped, and gazed at his wife in horror, but the regretful and sad look in her eyes told him it was all true.

“I didn’t! I couldn’t have!”

Rhymey continued…

“Cadance was helpless, she was really in a spot and fret
But Lightning leapt in way, blocked the blast, saving her from the threat.
Even Cadance was saved from it all,
A very large column did fall.
On top of Cadance it did crush
In very large streams her blood did gush.”

The story at that point was so painful, Rhymey could hardly go on, and he didn’t have to. Shining Armor could see that Cadance obviously made it through, but the baby…!

He gazed at his, and he could see the tears in her eyes, which confirmed that Amando didn’t survive!

“Dead… Amando?!” he began to speak through his sobs “No… I-- No, he can’t be!”

He fell to his knees and cried almost uncontrollably, and Cadance held him tightly letting him cry.

All the others felt just as bad. Many had tears in their eyes remembering how tragic it still was and always would be.

Meanwhile, the Ruler was still in orbit, and very relieved that the armada was gone; especially since they use dup nearly all their power blowing it up.

“The end of the Insectos.” they said aloud “They squandered their lives with senseless destruction and conquest. May their power never crawl forth again!”

Suddenly, as sounds did travel through Dimensional Space because of the air flow, they could hear a soft noise behind them.

They turned round and saw before them a giant robotic monster made from bits of debris and leftover battleships.

Aboard this monstrous machine, Phoebe and Jetar and a few surviving Stingars sat in the cockpit and laughed wickedly.

“Surprise-Surprise; we’re back!” Phoebe called out.

“You didn’t really think you could get rid of us that easily, did you?” hissed Jetar.

This was a little secret weapon the Insectos had already planned for, but never needed nor ever had to use, until recently. The key-card Ladybird gave Phoebe was a program that could bring forth and combine the debris and other ships into the huge Insectobot, armed with lasers, super strength, and powerful thrusters for flight.

The Ruler couldn’t not believe it, but they held their scepter out ready to fire, but their power was so low, they could barely make a small stream.

“Here, let us give you a hand, or rather a fist!” sneered Phoebe.

Controling Insectobot with her scepter as a joystick, she made the powerful robot sock The Ruler hard, and sent them soaring like a speeding comet towards the moon, crashing on the surface.

“Bang on!” said Jetar.

“That was for killing my mother.” hissed Phoebe.

On the surface of the moon, there was breathable air, and the gravity wasn’t as strong.

The Ruler lay flat on the ground and magically de-fused.

Grand Ruler and Celestia could barely find enough strength to just get onto their knees.

“Are you alright, dear?” asked Grand Ruler.

Celestia caught her breath, but she was shocked and concerned by all this. “This was not expected! We must warn the others.”

Suddenly, there was loud booming sound, and the ground shook as Insectobot landed near them.

It was heavy enough to walk normally, even with the moon’s low gravity.

Phoebe was laughing at the helpless ponies wickedly and said “One small step for Insectos, one giant death coming up for the two of you!”

Grand Ruler and Celestia were cast in the shadow of the giant robot, fearing for the worst!

…To Be Continued!


In our final episode; Shining Armor comes to terms with his past actions, when he and everyone receive word of the trouble on the moon, but their powers weakened from the previous battle, and the moon’s gravity puts them all in an even greater disadvantage.

Just when all hope seems to perish, help arrives at the last second, but will it be just enough to finally bring the war to a close?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Final Part: Actions Reward”)