• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 4,529 Views, 133 Comments

Big Mac: Licensed Stud Farmer - Mactacular

A Series of Somewhat Silly Shenanigans and Sex-sploits Surface as a Stoic Scarlett Stallion Secures a Stud license to Sensually Service Sex Starved mares.

Comments ( 23 )

Sweet chapter, glad to see this story got updated, thought I was wondering, what if Celestia had passed a law banning Studding but it was passed like 500 or more years ago, would ponies not even remember it and if so what were to happen if say that Twilight sent another Friendship lesson letter and even comments about Big Mac being a Stud. I wonder how Celestia or Luna would react to hearing something like that, about Big Mac going and becoming a Stud Stallion for Ponyville, of course I still hate how Granny Smith forced Big Mac into being a Stud, he didn't want to be one and now his Granny up and forced him to do it.

That would certainly be an interesting twist. If law like that had been passed 500 years, it's possible for it to be forgotten, espcially if it hadn't been properly enforced to begin with.

However, I think that if Celestia had passed such a law, there wouldn't be government endorsed studs like what Big Mac is. Even if everyone else had forgotten the law banning studding, for something to be endorsed by the government, it will have to have been approved by Celestia. So in the case of this universe, studding is legal, endorsed and willingly approved by the princess. Even if the government endorsed studs had been a thing before the law, she would have ended any government endorsement of studs as soon as the law passed.

As to how to the Princesses will react to Big Mac being a stud, we'll have to wait and see :raritywink:


Oh great now I've given you idea's for chapters with Celestia and Big Mac, I'm still upset how Granny forced Big Mac into being a Stud though, I would have thought that Big Mac would hold his ground and if Granny got too annoying that he would toss her into a retirement home just to get her out of their manes on the Farm, after all Granny is so old what good is she on the far, sure she know's how to make Zap Apple Jam but so do AJ, Bloom and Big mac, they really don't need that old Nag anymore on the farm. Also what if the Government endorsement for Studs had been slipped into law by Nobles without Celestia knowing about it, after all she had so much on her plate for the last 1000 years before Luna returned and was cleansed of the Nightmare that took her over.

It's possible for nobles to try to sneek something into legislation but I find it unlikely that a nation wide government endorsement of something she had deemed illegal would escape her notice. She has a lot on her plate but that would be a pretty major thing for her not to notice.


I'm just saying that something like this could be possible for her to miss if it isn't well know, like only the older generation of ponies know about it and keep it hushed, I still would love to see Big Mac blow his top at Granny finally and like I said before she shouldn't still be on the farm due to her age, she is just so old and not needed much anymore.

Not bad and Applejack got a good taste of karma here. I do wonder who will be next and if Big Mac will ever take off that ring at a mares request and get her pregnant?

“I’ll say,” the makeup replied after swallowing.

"The makeup, it speaks. Makeup tell me your secrets!"

“Thanks,” Big Mac replied before to ask.“

"This doesn't make sense. Might want to change it up."

so I've fixed those but the idea of sentient make up is hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

The make up knows all :derpytongue2:

Wonder how Sugar Belle is taking this?

*Pictures Rarity with a new brand of makeup called* "It Really Speaks to me."

*Rarity goes on date with handsome stud* Gurrl! You can do better than that!

Where is that voice coming from?

Chronologically this starts either late season 6 or early season 7. So well before Big Mac and Sugar Belle become a couple.

At moment Big Mac is single. If he had been in a relationship he would have put his hoof down against studding and Granny Smith would have respected his wishes. We may see Sugar Belle further down the road because I find the two to be frigging adorable but for now Big Mac is completely unattached.

Make up: Rarity that hat is gaudy
:raritydespair: : Who is saying such hurtful things?

hehehe yesss, more almost-naked apron AJ working. hopefully Pinkie can convince her to ditch the panties so she can do the same. I wonder if Pinkie tells the guys about that rule so that they can try to convince AJ. Then there will be two naked apron vendors! yisss

Finally, Big Mac gets a little Payback on AJ

It's less of getting angry at someone sleeping with your sibling as much as it is giving an awkward amount of info on what your doing. At least in the case it's someone your related to.If someone wanted to date my mom for example then that's no big deal and so long as both treat each other with respect it's not my business but I don't want to hear the guy tell me in detail what positions she likes best and how long they did last night, etc, etc.

Comment posted by Charzoid deleted Aug 11th, 2017

Overall, I like what I see so far. Looking forward to the next update.
However, and maybe you mentioned this I just forgot, are we going to see more studs in this story? I'm asking mainly out of curiosity more than anything else.

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Hope to get the next update done by next month now that Christmas madness is over.

It's not something that's been discussed. It depends in what context you're meaning.

Big Mac and Bulk Biceps are the only active studs currently in Ponyville but we'll definitely see both former studs and studs based in other towns making cameo appearances.

If you were meaning seeing other studs in action, Big Mac is focal point of the story so for the time being he will be the one getting the action we see, unless of course it's Big Mac doing a job along side another stud (Nothing planned yet but it's certainly not off the table).  With that said, if a particular match up not including Big Mac was put forward that grabbed my interest or if enough readers showed their interest in seeing that match up, I would be open to creating a guest chapter or a side story set in the stud universe for it.

I know you're asking more out of curiosity but did you have anything in mind?

I was mainly thinking of Big Mac simply meeting other studs and learning from them more than anything else; they wouldn't have to be main characters or even fully participate in chapters for me. This is all about Big Mac, after all. If I had to pick stallions who I think would be studs, active or not, it would be these stallions: Shinning Armor, Bow Hothoof(Rainbow Dash's dad), Fancy Pants, Zephyr Breeze(I only picked him because it would sound like he would do something like this based off his personality), Blueblood, and maybe Soarin.

Ultimately, this is your story and its your call; I know I'm still going to read it.

PS. As for mares I would like to see paired with Big Mac, here are a few I wouldn't mind seeing: Spoiled Rich(only because I can somehow see her or Filthy Rich hiring studs for Spoiled), Twilight Velvet, Marble Pie, Sugar Belle( I beg you since their ship is one of my favorites), Treehugger, Ms. Peachbottom, Ms. Harshwhinny, Moondancer, Windy Whistles, Stormy Flare(Spitfire's mom), Sapphire Shores, and Cherry Jubilee


How the next chapter is progressing for you?

I hope to have the next chapter up by the end of the week. Thank you so much for your patience.

Had a slight delay in getting the next chapter finished but I promise it will be up posted soon.

So ...by soon, how soon may we assume a new chapter update?

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