• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 435 Views, 1 Comments

The Rise of Wraith - JusSonic

A new group rises as a group of unlikely heroes stands in their way.

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Chapter 05: What Happens Next

Chapter 05: What Happens Next

We begin to open around seeing the Monster Hunting Agency flying as they were traveling from the path of where they managed to stop the Agents of Wraith from carrying out their evil plot. For now the group have just escaped from when the enemy leader, Burns Strato Breezefield almost succeeded in having the ability from the artifact; Spectre to read the minds of everyone in Equestria. At least with this evil plan put a stop, the spies are making their way back home for some well deserve rest…

“Everyone, can you hear me.” Octacon spoke out from the com-link that was reaching out to those flying.

“Octacon, yes, we hear you.” Bon-Bon replied off to say this that they can hear the guy just fine.

“How’d everything go? We’ve received reports the temple tome blew up.” Octacon stated off to ask while noticing what happened in the area the group was in.

“Yeah, about that….are we in trouble that we lost the Spectre in that explosion.” Lyra sheepishly asked this off in thinking they might be in trouble because the artifact they were supposed to keep safe got destroyed.

“Oh that’s right, we were so caught up we forgot!” Derpy yelps a bit in realizing the error of not recalling that.

“About that, we got the word from Celestia to not worry about something like that.” Octacon issued off to report this news for everyone to suddenly learn.

“Really? She’s alright with that?” Flash raised an eyebrow in hearing this while being surprised.

“She felt it, that something was making her leak out the knowledge she’s kept secret for so long, but in a split moment, you stop it, am I right?” Octacon stated off to mention this about what was going on before the action was stopped by those on the job.

“Quote so, we seem to have foiled Wraith’s objective without a second of a delay.” Time Turner stated off in knowing how they did things that helped settle things nicely.

“Now the times for peace have return, at least where our minds are now secure.” Zecora spoke out in a rhyme over the case of saving the minds of many from being read out.

“Any word from Snake?” Sunset asked about the other spy friend of theirs & how he was doing.

“Yes, he’s doing well, he wasn’t near the explosion, but he does feel like you caused one bang-up job.” Octacon stated off to say this with a smile in stating this report.

“Heh, guess that’s a compliment worth taking in what we managed to do.” Arsenal issued off to say with a sly smile in how that sounded like.

“Right now, Snake’s trying to figure out how many Wraith Agents managed to escape besides the main leader.” Octacon issued off about the members of Wraith that have not been taken or how many are loose.

“Does that mean that they’ll be back? We have enough trouble with the Three Lords or other major villains that show up out of the blue?” Sunset asked in feeling that they don’t want more problems with other villains or groups than those from the Three Lords.

“For now, all we can do is just wait & see, I guess.” Flash suggested in what they can do for now from what is happening that they won’t know until later on.

“I also have good news, currently, the Mane Five & Pinkamena are safely back & are doing well, also…” Octacon spoke out in giving some good news in the case before stopping.

“What is it?” Halse asked in sensing that there was something else the guy was holding back.

“The Sparkle Family have also appear to have shown up without warning & that was after a half hour of when something brightly flash over Rainbow Castle.” Octacon issued off to say about what occurred during the recent event for the Monster Hunting Agency group.

“What do you think happened?” Derpy asked off puzzled in having heard about such news.

“Hmm….it feels like during our entire action, it’s possible that something affected our world without us knowing it during the Spectre’s active use blocking it out.” Time Turner hums a bit to himself in trying to think for a moment about this whole thing about what happened during their case to crack; did it affect them somehow?

“Can you figure it out?” Arsenal asked off if Octacon can understand what happened.

“With time, yes, but that will not be easy.” Time Turner issued off to say this about how such things will take time to understand.

“We need to focus on the matter of where disaster is averted, instead of something else when it does not matter.” Zecora spoke in rhyme to say something here in which many were listening very closely here.

“I think she’s saying that we need to look on the good rather than anything that is bad.” Bon-Bon pointed off in stating what she thinks Zecora is trying to say.

“Yeah, let’s head on home & can’t wait until we get another case to solve as spies.” Lyra smiled off to say this in knowing that she really wants to get home before another case comes around.

“After this one, maybe we should just hang out, what do you say Lyra?” Bon-Bon smiled off to say this to her best friend about the idea.

“Okay, sounds good to me, we can hang out in Ponyville.” Lyra smiled off to simply say this about the idea that sounded so great.

“Oh, I can take us there too, what say you Time Turner?” Derpy stated to say this to her own passenger about the idea.

“Well, I am in no hurry, why not?” Time Turner shrug off to say that he doesn’t mind the idea at all.

“I too wish to return to where I belong, for while I live in a hut in a forest so far, Ponyville is as close to home as can be.” Zecora spoke in her rhymes in stating this off about being so close to friends from her home.

“Well I’ll wish you all a safe time, I’ll be heading off towards Canterlot for a bit, see you around.” Arsenal stated to simply say this in what they will do during that time.

“I shall drop you off then, no need to worry.” Halse issued off that he will help get Arsenal to where he needs to be no problem.

Having what they all wanted to say, many began to continue moving off as they flew closer to Canterlot & the Rainbow Kingdom. The scene begins to darken now as we will soon see what will be happening from here on out…


At this time hidden in an unknown dark forest, Burns Strato Breezefield & his very few surviving Wraith Agents were licking their wounds & trying to setup some mechanical equipment, if it didn’t steam up every time they try to get back into business. Pretty much, they are in a sorry state, lost many members, much equipment, & all because of some spies that interfered with their plans.

“Dang, not again!” An agent complained in seeing another system overheated on them.

“The leader is not gonna like this.” A second agent shook his head in seeing this was not good news to tell Burns about.

“Hey, here he comes now.” The other agent nervously pointed as Burns approached his remaining agents that yelp with fright.

“What’s the damage those spies did to us?” Burns asked off in wanting some answers to what he wants to know.

“Sir, the damage is very high.” One agent issued off to explain about what has occurred of the damages done to their group.

“And we lost a lot of our members.” A second agent stated off that they did lose a lot of members from their failed plan.

“It’ll take us weeks, even months to get Wraith back on track.” A third agent reported the matter of where they will need a lot of time to get their organization back up & running.

“Well that’s just perfect…” Burns rolled his eyes in feeling that things are really not working out for him.

An agent ask Breezefield,"Just out of curiosity, how did you get the name Breezefield? That sounds like a name that would be more appropriate for a Pegasus and you are an Earth pony."

Breezefield answer, "Well, since I'm going to kill you anyway or later if you think of making fun of me later for my answer, I'll tell you. Even though my late father was an Earth pony, my late mother was a Pegasus and I adopted her maiden name as my own surname upon reaching adulthood. After all, I might be in charge of an international clandestine organization determined to rule the world, but I still loved my mother. And I will pre-emptively remind all of you that anybody who dares to talk trash about her is all the more likely to have their demise be as slow and painful as possible."

“What do we do now?” Another agent asked off in what they do from here on out.

“Everything is in shambles!” A second agent exclaimed how their order is completely wrecked.

“We’ll start from the bottom & work back up. Those ponies have not heard the last of us.” Burns issued off to say this in what they will have to do, fix things to work their way back up from the bottom.

With that, Burns glared off across the horizon in feeling so much fury, time will only help slowly make his heart blaze for vengeance. As the scene begins to darken, Burns will have his revenge someday when his organization is rebuilt, someday that is….


Within Canterlot Castle, Arsenal was seen in the throne room where Celestia stood before the Arms Stallion. The guy was reporting everything to Celestia after being dropped off by Halse, the Armor Horus. After being able to give the details about what happened with the artifact Spectre & the Agents of Wraith, everything was clear for the Princess of the Sun to have heard it all.

“I thank you Arsenal, for helping Bon-Bon & the Monster Hunting Agency.” Celestia spoke up in thanking Arsenal in what he has done for them.

“Well, it was a surprise to work with such a strange team….haven’t done that since the Mane Six with the Equalizer.” Arsenal shrug off to state this about how it felt being with a team again.

“We also have notice about that one, the Equalizer was once Starlight Glimmer.” Octacon spoke out from entering the throne room along with Solid Snake to state out this matter.

“Wait, are you serious?” Arsenal raised an eyebrow in having heard this surprise fact out of nowhere about Starlight Glimmer & the Equalizer.

“Their patterns match of their objectives, no questions asked.” Octacon stated to say this while facing his glasses at the moment.

“But now Starlight Glimmer is starting over, so I would like it if she was listed as a now reform enemy to make sure that next time, she will not be judge so cruelly.” Celestia stated in requesting that any issues about Starlight Glimmer & from what she did in the past, she is considered a reform enemy & to be treated fairly.

“Well, at least she’s spared from what those poor saps of Wraith are gonna be living under hard times in Grimdark.” Solid Snake huffed off to say this about what the captured Wraith Agents are gonna be serving for the next few years in prison.

“By the way, you said Starlight Glimmer was trying to mess with history by changing the events in time travel?” Octacon asked off in wanting to know something that Celestia told him before.

“Yes, but Twilight, my son Ben & her family helped reach out to her.” Celestia nods off to state about this case about what else occurred that the threat was settled, by peaceful means.

“Then that explains why the data we have about certain events have changed.” Octacon rubbed his chin to think about this from what happened when a matter concerning time travel was involved.

“What do you mean Octacon?” Solid Snake asked off in seeing his friend had something on the mind to be so serious.

“Well when the light from the Rainbow Castle happened, it was just after stopping Wraith by removing the Spectre artifact from the equation. Hidden during that commotion, it looks like something had changed.” Octacon explained the case about what occurred that they seem to never notice of when two unusual events took place, something weird may have happened in-between them.

“Hmmm…now that you mention it, there was someone I recall that was with Starlight Glimmer when she fought the Mane Six as the Equalizer, she had help from someone other than the Dark Mystics she associated with, but…I can’t recall him.” Arsenal rubbed his chin in trying to recall a certain moment of when he & the Mane Six fought the Equalizer that Starlight Glimmer don on, but she escaped from the help of someone, but it was not a Dark Mystic the mare was using for her own gain, but yet still…he doesn’t have a clue of who it was.

“And that’s also it, whoever that enemy was is long gone from the long living enemy list.” Octacon pointed out that something happened that a certain enemy just…vanished from their memory.

“So you’re saying they did something that affected one enemy?” Solid Snake raised an eyebrow in having heard this to be slightly curious.

“Not just one, maybe others. Last time, many Element Wielders went to Stark International, then came back just as the Sparkle Family did. They reported that some big battle occurred in a place called the Time Realm, where a Time Relapse happened that reset the time stream before it came crashing down.” Octacon explained about what was reported that Twilight’s time travel group encountered something & they along with some allies just made it out when everything was reset, somewhat, back to normal.

“Hugh, guess wrecking something in a time stream really does some wonky things.” Solid Snake rubbed his chin in having heard this to be slightly more intrigued about it.

“Then I guess since we’re alive, Twilight, Ben & the others with them somehow managed to keep us intact. But with some slight change unseen to the eye.” Arsenal stated to say about how things ended up for them & that it at least wasn’t too bad from some perspective view.

“This will take time…” Octacon stated off to say this about needing time to get such information gathered.

“For now, we must be glad that all things are well & I thank you all for supporting us.” Celestia stated to mention how glad she was of those that have helped out.

“Well, those monster hunting agents did pretty alright in a big way.” Solid Snake nodded off in mentioning this off which caught some attention.

“Why Snake, are you complimenting the new agents?” Octacon exclaimed to say in having heard this piece of surprise words of kindness.

“I said they did pretty alright, they still need a lot more work if they are gonna last.” Solid Snake stated off from informing about what Bon-Bon’s group did that was not too bad, still need a lot more work though.

“Whatever you say.” Octacon rolled his eyes in seeing how Snake was saving face by being serious & cool.

“So what happens next Celestia?” Arsenal asked off in what will happen from here on out.

“Now, we see how things will go, for many of us…” Celestia smiled off to simply mention this as being a positive looker of the case to come.

With that heard, many were in silent agreement on that, they will just have to wait & see how things go from here. Soon the scene begins to go dark from here, as a case in point has at least come to a nice closure here…


The scene focuses on where Bon-Bon, Lyra, Flash, Sunset, Derpy & Time Turner were hanging by a locate cafe area. They were discussing some new surprises during a little ‘routine’ that also followed a song & dance number. All the same, even after closing up the Wraith threat, learning about Starlight Glimmer being reform was something that many were feeling happy to hear Twilight reached out to her good side.

“Can you believe it, the times we once fought Starlight Glimmer…” Bon-Bon stated off in about to say something until she was cut off.

“I know, now we heard she’s now a new friend to the Mane Six group.” Flash stated to say this in how surprised he was to hear about a reform Starlight Glimmer.

“What’s wrong with that Flash, isn’t it better that she’s no longer an enemy?” Sunset asked her lover about what was wrong with such a thing.

“Of course not, I’m just surprised. The only other enemies that became reform were Nightmare Moon, Nyx, Discord, & well…you get what I mean.” Flash shrug off to lightly state about such matters that played out.

“Yes, but still, it might not be so bad.” Lyra stated off to say this in trying to look at things in a more positive view.

“Well, from what we heard, Starlight Glimmer is very good in her use of magic. Even to impress Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Time Turner stated off in mentioning how Starlight Glimmer could impress someone like Twilight who is very good in use of magic.

“No kidding, wow, she must be pretty amazing!” Derpy stated off to say this in being awed & impressed.

“Glad we survived against her.” Sunset sighs to say this that they didn’t fight such a pony who was so hard for Twilight to beat.

“She might have gotten stronger after a while.” Flash stated off to mention this about the terms of starlight’s stronger use of magic.

“Indeed, to be a hard foe in the magic usage department would make her hard to beat, especially when she tire out an Alicorn class like Twilight Sparkle!” Time Turner exclaimed how a unicorn like Starlight Glimmer was a match for an alicorn class like Twilight baffles the mind.

“Well, they say it’s better to be friends than to be enemies, right?” Derpy smiled off to simply say this as a good statement to live by.

“You know, that is very true.” Lyra nods of with a smile in happily agreeing on the subject. Lyra comment, "Maybe we can get Breezy angry enough to get careless by hitting him with a lot of 'Yo Mama' jokes."

“And what makes you say that?” Time Turner ask, puzzled by Lyra saying that all of the sudden.

“Not sure, just this feeling, I guess.”

“Well at least things are gonna be a bit more interesting from now on.” Bon-Bon stated off to say this about how things will go from here on out.

“What do you think will happen with Starlight Glimmer around?” Sunset asked in being curious about things with Starlight Glimmer joining the scene & being friends to the Mane Six.

“Who knows, for now….that’s for later, after all, we’re here to have a good time for stopping Wraith, right?” Bon-Bon shrug off to say this while changing the subject a bit.

“Right!” Derpy replied off to agree about that.

“Very true.” Time Turner nods off in also agreeing there.

“Don’t we know it?” Flash exclaimed to say this issue of the matter.

“Whelp, to our aid in helping Equestria.” Sunset held up a glass in making a toast.

“Cheers everyone!” Lyra exclaimed this off to all of them with a happy smile.

“Cheers!” The group spoke as they toasted their glasses in union.

Now the Monster Hunting Agency bunch were now just chatting & having a good time here. While the scene begins to go dark, many can tell that from a new experience from today, they did good as a working group even without the Mane Six or stronger allies like the Mystics or the Element Warriors to back them up. So who knows what the future might bring them, that in itself is a mystery to be solved another time. For now, everyone is happy from making a difference, & with that, will come a new dawning day…

The End

Author's Note:

Major Cast List

Andrea Libman: Bon-Bon/Sweetie Drops, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Pinkamena Diane Pie
Ashleigh Ball: Lyra Heartstrings, Rainbow Dash, Applejack
Peter New: Time Turner/Doctor Whooves, Squad Pony, Blue Cloak Pony, Various Agents, male unicorn mage
Tabitha St. Germain: Derpy Hooves, Rarity, Mrs. Cake
Vincent Tong: Flash Sentry, Red Cloak Pony, Various Agents, Old Pegasus stallion
Rebecca Shoichet: Sunset Shimmer
Brenda Crichlow: Zecora
David Hayter: Solid Snake
Christopher Randolph: Octacon
Crispin Freeman: Roy Arrow/Arsenal
Neil Kaplan: Halse the Armor Horus
Kevin Michael Richardson: Burns Strato Breezefield

Minor Cast List

Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia
Chiara Zanni: Daring Do
Brian Drummond: Mr. Cake, Purple Cloak Pony, Various Agents, Earth pony warrior
Rob Paulsen: Squad Leader, Yellow Cloak Pony, Various Agents, Another male Pegasus
Frank Welker: Orange Cloak pony

With special guest appearances by
Cheech Marin: Banzai the Hyena
Whoopi Goldberg: Shenzi the Hyena
Jim Cummings: Ed the Hyena, Minos the Ax-Wielder
Samuel L. Jackson: Azure the Kirin Dragon

There we go, that's the end of this story. Hope many enjoyed it, cause now it's finally over. Till then, hope many are having a Merry Christmas, & a Happy New Year! And now, the next fic…

“The Consequences: A short story that takes place after the Season 5 finale. Although Starlight Glimmer and Seekcurse has been stopped, the consequences of time travelling causes a major time change to the present, resulting in certain individuals to be erased forever, including one certain Dragon whose disappearance caused Spike to mourn and for him to be upset at Starlight.
Note: This marks the fact that Lorcan, Tadaka, Starlight Sparkle, Fred and Ed the Changelings, the Hole, Roclan, Michael Trotter and the rest of Billy Arratoon's OCs will never appear in my fics again.”

Looks like we will see the impact of the Cutie Re-Mark Remake (as well as my falling out with a certain author). Read, review and suggest!

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