• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 436 Views, 1 Comments

The Rise of Wraith - JusSonic

A new group rises as a group of unlikely heroes stands in their way.

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Chapter 04: Stopping a Wraith!

Chapter 04: Stopping a Wraith!

The scene begins to open around a strange dark, damp, dungeon theme within the temple tome that the Monster Hunting Agency were in from a different part. But since most of them were caught, they were brought down in this area to be interrogated for information, which the Agents of Wraith will be using to get anything else out of them. Much of the pony bunch were cuffed to chains connected to the walls to be restrain from going anywhere. While right now, the first victim of torture was Halse as the Armor Horus was being induced with magic shock treatments to inflict slow pain on the creature.

“Oh man, these guys aren’t letting up!” Flash cringed in seeing this action not be let up.

“Indeed, these acts of torture are very un-sportsmen-like.” Time Turner nods off in seeing that this action is very cruel.

“Are they gonna do the same thing to us?” Derpy asked off in feeling a bit concern about this.

“We must not let our tongues twist, be whatever they do, do not lose hope & slip out something we must hold.” Zecora issued off to say this in speaking her rhymes to not lose face here.

After a bit, the agents stop the shock torture they were giving to the blindfolded Halse while steam was coming off from so much electricity.

“Man, this Armor Horus sure is tough!” One Wraith Agent stated off in seeing how tough it was to get this guy to fall.

“The leader says to torture these guys till they talk, so…continue.” Another Wraith Agent suggested this off in what they are told to do.

“Grrrr….” Halse growls off in sensing these guys were not through even for an Armor Horus that has tough endurance to take such a torture section.

“Stop it!” Lyra shouted off to the guys that were gonna continue.

“That’s enough!” Bon-Bon yelled off that she wants these guys to cease their action.

“Hugh? They actually care about some Horus!” One Agent of Wraith exclaimed in having heard the mares care about some creature.

“Well I think it’s about time they too were not left out of the fun.” Another Wraith Agent suggested this about what they should do here.

“Do your worse if you can, you won’t be getting anything out from lips that dare not open for what you wish to hear.” Zecora said sternly to the minions.

“Oh brother, does this zebra ever get tired of rhyming?” One Agent of Wraith rolled his eyes in having to hear more rhyming things from Zecora.

“Zecora is right, we won’t say a word!” Flash issued off to say this with much determination in his voice.

“Oh, then what if we skip you & torture your little mare pal here?” One Agent of Wraith remarked off to stare from the guy over to Sunset, making the mare yelp with fearful thoughts.

“Hurt Sunset Shimmer & you’ll be the ones that pay!” Flash threaten these guys of what’s gonna happen if they hurt the one he cares for a lot.

“Flash.” Sunset softly spoke in feeling touch by such caring emotion.

“Enough horsing around, lets hurry up & get to work.” One Agent of Wraith snaps off that this was stalling them & they should get started on the torture work.

Much of the gang were gonna have to steel themselves in seeing that these Agents of Wraith guys were about to begin their own torture sections now. But just then, the place begins to shake a bit while arms are going off.

“Hey-hey, what’s the commotion now?” A Wraith Agent that felt like they were gonna be starting here, just got pulled out of what they almost were gonna do because of an alarm.

“Enemy has breach the base, there’s some unknown creature is in the base.” One Wraith Agent came into the torture room to issue the matter of something as come & is causing trucks.

“What kind of creature would be foolish enough to storm in here?” The Wraith Agent in charge of the torture room questioned this logic of who be stupid to come to them.

Soon from a magic screen appears in the room, showing a battle outside that was in progress. Agents of Wraith are seen being flung one part of a room to another as one crashes right near the camera. The agent start shooting again as the creature pounces the guys as it shows what is before those in the torture room to about recognize it.

“Hey, isn’t that a Kirin Dragon?” Derpy asked off in seeing what the creature was on camera.

“Why yes, I believe his name is Azure!” Time Turner exclaimed in recalling the name of that dragon.

“Hey, you hear what that cross-eye pony said?” One of the Wraith Agents asked off in what Derpy said.

“Impossible! A Kirin Dragon has not been seen in thousands of years!” The second Wraith Agent protest the idea of there being such a creature.

“Well this Kirin belongs to a certain pink pony your organization captured along with the others. And I can pretty much guess he is pretty angry at the ones who have her.” Bon-Bon stated off to mention this in having a feeling why a Kirin is here, because of what these guys have down.

The guys in the room began to think about this before some of them had their eyes shrink a bit while there is sweat coming down them. The Agents of Wraith start to recall the flat mane pink pony that looks like Pinkamena, to think she had something like a Kirin Dragon around. Then something busted into the torture room by smashing the door down. When the smoke clears way, there was one Azure the Kirin that stuck its head in while it growls at some of the scared Agents of Wraith that start backing into a corner in fear.

“I can guess Pinkamena's group found out what happened & now you’re here.” Bon-Bon spoke off towards the Kirin Dragon in having to guess what was happening thus far.

“I went ahead, the others will be here soon to join up with some other pony in a getup like a spy.” Azure explained this off to the others about a few things & detailing someone that sounds familiar to them.

“That pony is Solid Snake, he is helping us out.” Bon-Bon explained this to Azure in understanding who he was referring to.

“Speaking of which….Could you help us out since your here?” Lyra asked off in thinking this guy can get them out of this pickle state.

“I was thinking you would’ve been able to get out.” Azure raised an eyebrow in pondering about the matter of helping out those that need help or can get out themselves.

“Well we are still new to this spy agent stuff, but we might know where they’re holding the others captured, including Pinkamena too!” Derpy exclaimed off to sheepishly say this stuff while just stating this other part here.

“I was planning to get you out anyway.” Azure stated off to say this as he slashes & bites the chain restrains along with the anti-magic collar stuff, thus freeing the group.

“It’s a good thing Ponyville is lucky to have a great friend & a good ally like you on our side when we need it.” Bon-Bon complimented the Kirin Dragon for being the right helpful type in certain moments.

“Lead the way to the captured ones & our foe that must pay.” Azure asked off that he needs to be guided to find those still held captive while taking on the main enemy.

“I do believe we overheard one of the guards say that the other captives they took in are asleep a few rooms over.” Time Turner exclaimed to say this about what they know so far from having overheard some discussion.

“Then we should be able to find them, right?” Derpy exclaimed in what they outta be doing now.

“Then we best not delay, every second counts.” Flash issued off in what they need to do now.

“Then let us be on our way, before the enemy can move ahead with their next feat.” Zecora issued off her rhyming words of what they best do.

“Will we be able to move, this temple is kinda not too large for a Dragon like Azure’s size. And it might bring the roof down with the others still inside.” Sunset stated off to say that they have to be careful with Azure joining, his big body could bring down this place before they can learn where the others are.

“Oh if that’s a problem, I can get smaller for the tight spaces. I just went a little wild is all,” Azure stated off to say this about what he did & will change things.

With that decision now made, the group are soon seen leaving the torture room while leaving the agents that were too scared to move behind. But when the group left, the agents looked to another in thinking this will not set right when their leader learns about this. The scene goes dark while many things are just getting started here…


Within the main temple’s tome, the Agents of Wraith have already finished their setup plans. The artifact Spectre was place in the spot where many of the agents were preparing the conditions as their leader Burns was watching this begin to take into the next stage event.

“Is everything set?” Burns asked in wanting to make sure everything is in order.

“Yes, the timing of activation is now.” An Agent of Wraith responded off that all things are set.

“Good, proceed without fail.” Burns issued off that the operation shall go on without a hitch.

“Yes!” The other agents of Wraith responded off in unity.

“Sir, our forces are being pushed back!” Then one agent ran in to alert the leader with news of something happening.

“That Dragon is making a mess!” Another agent from nearby also responded about the Kirin Dragon causing some ruckus.

“Reports are coming in! The agency prisoners have escaped!” Then a second agent issued off to warn those that their captive prisoners they got today are free.

“Tch, again, such annoyances.” Burns scoffs off in being annoyed by such news of those that should be detain are active again.

“What are the orders?” One agent asked off in what they should do about this.

“Batten down everything, I want this plan to go off without a hitch. Failure will not be tolerated!” Burns issued off an order in not wanting anything to disturb his plan.

“Yes, sir!” The other agents responded off in having heard this, as some were about to head off to perform the task.

“Kaboomfruvhmmm…./GRUUAAUGHHH!” Just then without warning, an explosion went off behind the agents that got them screaming off backwards.

“What?” Burns looked back in what the commotion is as the others stared puzzled.

“Sorry, but your plan is about to go up in smoke.” Then entering from the smoke around was…Arsenal with his eyes gazing at the bunch.

“Hey, isn’t that….” One agent yelps in knowing who has appeared.

“The Arms Stallion, Arsenal!” The second agent stated in recognizing the known guy here.

“But he was hit with a missile & busted out through the walls!” Another agent protest in stating what happened to this stallion.

“No normal pony would have survived that!” The other agent issued off to protest that Arsenal should not have survived that, so how…?

“You failed to account that I’m not normal.” Arsenal issued off to say this with a sly smile that spooked some of the agents a bit.

“Do not let him interrupt the plan, keep him down!” Burns issued off that he does not want the plan to be stopped by any means.

Now many of the agents of Wraith were soon charging forth in about to use their melee weapons to attack the pony, but Arsenal instead held up his cybernetic arm with a surprise in store…

“Shuriken Shooter!” Arsenal announced in showing a weapon connected to his right mechanical arm as it fires off spinning blue shuriken disk that were slicing things apart.

“Waaaughhh!” Many Agents of Wraith screamed from being sliced all around & scattered.

“Sorry, but you can sent a dozen of them & I still be on top.” Arsenal made a sly smile in making this claim about not being fazed.

“Use the heavy artillery, you fools!” Burns gave out the order for his agents to bring out heavier artillery.

That’s when many of the Agents of Wraith brought out heavy Gatling guns & missile launchers before firing them off. Multi explosions were happening around Arsenal’s spot, but when the smoke was clearing…a strange barrier of magic energy protected the guy.

“What!” One agent yelped in seeing what happened here.

“Not a scratch on him!” A second agent exclaimed in seeing what happened here.

“Super Invincibility!” Arsenal exclaimed off the name of the technique he used to protect himself. “Now I’m invulnerable from all threats for a good 4 minutes. Plenty of time to wrap things up.” He made a wise-crack smile in seeing with this, he’ll be able to clean up in under 4 minutes.

Now the showdown between Arsenal & the rest of Wraith was about to be underway here. The scene soon goes dark around now as we have a change of scenery now…


The scene changes to a different location in where it looks like a cell area within the temple’s tome. From there, we find the Mane Five & Pinkamena were strangely sleeping in cages at this time. But when the loud noises from what was happening outside, caused one of them to slowly wake up around this time.

“Hmmm….what’s all that racket out there?” Pinkamena’s tired self slowly spoke off in feeling like she woke up from so much loud racket.

Then without warning, the doors were busted one in where something was seen coming in, it was the Monster Hunting Agency along with Azure in his Pony Dragon Hybrid form…

“Look! There they are!” Bon-Bon pointed off in noticing who was here; the missing Mane Five & Pinkamena.

“We found them!” Lyra exclaimed to say in seeing they found those that went missing.

“Pinkamena, your here!” Azure The Kirin exclaimed to say this as he saw Pinkamena with much relief & joy.

“Hugh? What-what, did I miss something?” Pinkamena slowly asked off puzzled in thinking she was missing something here.

“What was the last thing you remember?” Flash asked off in what those that were taken lastly remember.

“I was in Sugercube Corner, then some weird smoke blew in & then….I was out cold.” Pinkamena stated off in recalling the last few things that she recalled before being knocked out.

“It would appear she & the others have been inhaling none stop knockout gas, they apparently are in no shape to fight.” Time Turner stated in noticing how the others like Pinkamena are faring.

“Azure, do you think you can take them back to Ponyville?” Sunset asked the Kirin Dragon to take these ponies back home.

“Well sure I can, but will the rest of you be okay?” Azure nods off to say this while pondering if the group will be alright.

“Do not fear, we shall do what can be done. We all have a part to play & yours…is helping our friends get back home.” Zecora spoke off her rhymes in stating this of what the Kirin Dragon can do.

“Alright, leave it to me, I’ll also find Golden Heart’s group & return back to Ponyville. Good luck!” Azure the Kirin Dragon nods his head in having heard this of knowing what he can do to help.

Now Azure quickly bust a wall with a flaming breath before transforming into his Dragon self & took off with everyone. But afterwards, loud noises above shook the area that made the group yelp, sounds like some battle is happening upstairs.

“You all heard that, right?” Bon-Bon asked off in what they just heard moments ago.

“Wow, what’s going on up there?” Lyra asked in being puzzled about this unexpected event.

“It sounds like there’s an unexpected commotion going on.” Time Turner stated in how it all sounds like to him.

“But by who?” Derpy asked in being puzzled about this thing.

“Perhaps it is an ally we thought was lost, but instead has return to us in such unexpected motions of devotion.” Zecora issued off to say this in having a rhyming answer for this question.

“It must be Arsenal. So he did survive.” Sunset stated off to say this with a smile across her face.

“Then we better join in, hey Halse, up for some payback?” Flash stated off to say this while helping get the Armor Horus free.

“I am, let’s do it!” Halse issued off to say this in getting himself ready to exact some vengeance.

Now the Monster Hunting Agency bunch were quickly gonna get their next A-Game on as they quickly leave the other cell room. The scene goes dark now as many things are bound to happen with what commotion is still taking place.


Back where Arsenal was, he had already taken care of many of the small fry types of Wraith Agents & there were only a few tougher ones still remaining. Right now, Burns was having many of his agents keep the good busy, but then Arsenal fired off more arrows that exploded around that caused many agents to back away.

“What’s wrong, running out of ideas?” Arsenal made a sly remake to state this in seeing how the table was turning.

“No, only to stall you. Behold!” Burns stated off to issue this before deciding to focus on the main event.

At the moment, the Spectre lights up as the light from above shines on it from being reflected. Now an invisible wave spreads out across Equestria as particles of different colors of many minds of living creatures are being pulled in.

“Now nothing can stop me from reading the minds of all secret information that every villain in Equestria would pay top dollar to learn.” Burns exclaimed in seeing that soon, he will have what will allow him to know every secret anyone in Equestria has that is worth their weight in gold.

“So that’s your game plan, hugh?” Arsenal raised an eyebrow in seeing what the villain here was planning.

“Yes, but the biggest secret is the location of the Mystic Shield, the Lords of Equestria will want that most of all.” Burns exclaimed in how he’ll use the information of reading minds to get the secrets of a certain shield.

“System is getting feedbacks!” An agent responded off to say this of what they are getting here.

“We’re separating the thoughts & secrets of everyone in Equestria.” Another agent issued off in separating the readouts from the minds the Spectre is picking up.

“You may as well give up now.” Burns smile doff in stating that the chances of turning things around are slim.

Then without warning, the floor busted off at this time which reveals the Monster Hunting Agency gang coming through before joining the moment.

“Super-Secret Spy Surprise!” Lyra issued off to say this in surprising many here.

“Nice of you to pop in.” Arsenal smiled off to see some familiar faces enter the scene.

“That’s right & now we’re here to clean somebody’s clocks.” Bon-Bon issued off to say this with a proud smile on her face.

“Where?” Derpy asked in looking around for the said clocks.

“It’s a figure of speech, Derpy.” Time Turner stated to remind the mare of what was said.

“Drat! It seems you can be as annoying as the heroes of Equestria!” Burns cursed in seeing this group was as annoying as the Mane Six bunch.

“We may be small, but together, we can come out strong.” Zecora issued forth to say this in rhymes about the matter.

“Now it’s time to stop your plans here & now.” Halse issued forth to say this in getting himself ready along with Sunset & Flash.

“We shall see about that, I still have my finest agents left.” Burns protest to say this that he is not out of the woods yet as he turns to his remaining agents that have yet to fall. “ATTACK!” Burns gave the order out to his more elite members to go forth & attack.

At this moment, the last & tough agents of Wraith began to head into the battle against the spies here. During the same motion, the background was playing ‘Secret Agent Man’ to spice up the drama motion happening. The agency group gets themselves ready as they get whatever objects around or use whatever they got to perform self-defense.

Song: There's a man who leads a life of danger
To everyone he meets he stays a stranger
With every move he makes
Another chance he takes
Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow

Flash charges forth with a spear he wields as he clashes with one enemy while Sunset fires a magic beam at another. Bon-Bon & Lyra dodge some hulking brute stallion that tries to throw some hooves punches, but they are too nimble for him. Then Derpy flies in to whack a metal bar on the brute’s head, only for the guy to chuckle off as if not feeling anything while it left a mark on the metal bar. Burns yelps as he sees Arsenal aim his next weapon off in firing it towards him as he dodges the shots before they hit.

Song: Secret Agent Man
Secret Agent Man
They've given you a number and taken away your name

Then some Wraith Agent took his derby hat off to throw it off like a boomerang attack. Time Turner saw this, as he saw three guys coming at him, so he duck down just as the derby hat came by & knocked three agents out of the park. Bon-Bon & Lyra were having trouble as the brute stallion had them pin down, Derpy bang the metal bar on the guy, but he was too durable that he laugh off the pain. But then the cross-eyed pony toss the object on the flying derby hat which its course went off that hit the back of the brute stallion’s head to knock him off, thus freeing Bon-Bon & Lyra.

“Hugh?” Bon-Bon & Lyra looked puzzled in seeing this, that was just…unexpected.

Song: Beware of pretty faces that you find
A pretty face can hide an evil mind
Oh, be careful what you say
Or you'll give yourself away
Odds are you won't live to see tomorrow

Next to happen was Flash swinging to block his enemy that wielded a sword, as the guy was doing his best. But then an agent was gonna attack, but a sudden wind alerted Flash before he flew up to twirl his spear that knocks doff both attackers on the side. Some brunch were coming after Halse, but he used his Tempest Wing to create another twister that was blowing away the competition without fail. Sunset saw her chance to fire some spells that blinded the agents to give the others some chance.

Song: Secret Agent Man
Secret Agent Man
They've given you a number and taken away your name

While the Wraith Agents were blinded, Zecora took out some potions to throw them off that created havoc, coughing, sneezing, eyes welling up in tears, itching, anything one can think of. Then Zecora charged off to tackle & delivered a few good kicks that really left a mark on the agents & surprise a bit of her teammates that the shaman can fight.

Song: Swinging on the Riviera one day
And then laying in a Bombay alley next day
Oh, don't you let the wrong words slip
While kissing persuasive lips
Odds are you won't live to see tomorrow

Seeing what was going on, Burns ordered his magic users to fire off a horde of fireball spells which they did. But then Arsenal took the moment to use his cybernetic hoof arm to turn into his strongest weapon; the Hydra before firing a powerful blast shot that evaporated the fireballs. Then with the right timing, Arsenal continued his attack to go across all directions while the good guys duck, the enemies were inflicted with the damage.

Song: Secret Agent Man
Secret Agent Man
They've given you a number and taken away your name

“Triizziivhmmm…KABOOM…KABOOM….” But the blast beam soon touched the Spectre’s location as the moment it came in contact started to cause things around to blow up without warning. Burns saw this, the data they collected was blowing up & the artifact was destroyed & that caused a chain-reaction. Wraith’s leader started to turn & getaway before the rest of the Monster Hunting Agency arrived on the spot. Soon the song began to play out the last bit in instrument very.

“You cursed ponies, you have foiled my plans!” Burns cursed the group in seeing that his hard work, was now going up in smoke.

“It’s over Burns Strato Breezefield, you’re kaput.” Arsenal issued off to say that this was over, the leader of the Agents of Wraith is finished along with much of his mysterious pony bunch.

“Then as the old saying goes, he who fights & runaway, lives to fight another day.”

Soon the explosions happened that blinded everyone’s view as Burns Strato Breezefield was gone the next minute in using that smoke as cover for an escape.

“Drat! He got away!” Lyra cursed in seeing the main villain of the criminal organization escaped.

“Never mind that! We got bigger problems!” Bon-Bon stated to say in seeing they should be concern over something else.

“Like what?” Derpy raised an eyebrow in not following along the discussion.

“How about this temple is about to explode in a few minutes?” Time Turner pointed off that this place will go up in smoke if they don’t get out.

“I do believe our time spend here is up, now is time we take our leave here…before we overstay our welcome.” Zecora spoke in rhymes to issue off the current matter of their situation.

“Everyone grab onto me that can’t fly, the rest follow.” Halse issued off that the others that can’t fly hold onto him.

“Hold onto me Sunset.” Flash issued in wanting his love to hold him tight.

“You got it!” Sunset nods off to say in holding onto Flash.

Now in the last second, the spy gang was seen escaping the explosion by blasting out of the danger through an open hole in the wall. At the same moment, the entire temple tome was going up in eruption of explosions before it was no more. The group had done it, they protected the minds of Equestria from being misused for evil. Now the good guys are making their way back towards Ponyville, the scene begins to close off around this time as there is one more event to come before the Monster Hunting Agency can close this case…

Author's Note:

Well, we're done & we're about to see the final chapter. Having stopped Wraith's evil objective, the Monster Hunting Agency return to Ponyville while hearing that everything is all right. The Mane Five are home safe & sound, the Sparkle Family has too, & it seems like everything will be fine afterwards. What will happen once something that also took place had been resolve be for the young spies, well...that's a secret until then...