• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 435 Views, 1 Comments

The Rise of Wraith - JusSonic

A new group rises as a group of unlikely heroes stands in their way.

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Chapter 02: What's a...Wraith?

Chapter 02: What’s a…Wraith?

The scene starts in showing that Celestia was heading off somewhere within Canterlot Castle, when suddenly…Loud nois es & strange shaking motions catch the mare’s attention as if there was a strange commotion.

“Something’s happening?” Celestia stated off in what was going on before gasping a bit. “Oh no, the artifact!” This must be an attack to steal the artifact that they are holding onto.

Celestia was seen using her magic horn to teleport herself directly to the room in where something has happened. However, but the time Celestia enters the picture, there was nothing but a mess & many of the dozen dressed suspicious looking ponies scattered all over while the Monster Hunting duo along with Halse & Daring Do let off light sighs of relief that such things were well over.

“What happened?” Celestia asked off in seeing what was left over here; apparently she missed the fight & settlement of what happened.

“Well, on the down side, the place is a little messy.” Lyra pointed off in stating about the mess that was made from stopping these guys.

“And the upside?” Celestia raised an eyebrow in what the rest of the message to report was.

“The artifact is safe!” Bob-Bon pointed out that the artifact they needed to keep safe is, well, safe…

“So how did this all come to be?” Celestia asked off in getting back to how things even became like it is now.

“Well, we were first surrounded. Then these guys were asking we hand over the artifact.” Lyra pointed off in how things went for them during the first half of what went down.

“Which of course, as you can see, they didn’t get by.” Daring Do smiled off with confidence that they managed to stop any theft in its tracks.

“It’s most likely because we had help from…our manager of our agency.” Bon-Bon pointed off to a direction of who helped them out of this tight jam.

Then eyes turn to the corner in where leaning on the wall, was Solid Snake, a stallion who’s a real pro in the career of being an undercover agent & a spy. It would appear that it was thanks to his extra help that this little problem got cleaned up in a quicker pace than before.

“Celestia asked me & Octacon to be involved, considering what’s gone on.” Solid Snake issued off to mention how he ended up getting rolled into this.

“We had them about handled, then Snake came in, & well, it was kinda wow in how he’s a real pro.” Lyra stated to explain how they were doing well, then Solid Snake got in & that’s when things really was moving along.

“Maybe in a few years, most of you can be too.” Solid Snake stated off about the young agents here that given time, they can handle such things.

“What about their objective, just who are these mysterious ponies?” Halse asked forth in looking over the mysterious dozen ponies they took down.

“It’s not like we can ask them to tell us anything.” Bon-Bon raised an eyebrow in knowing about a certain thing that isn’t as easy as it sounds.

“Let me handle this & just follow along, we’ll get somewhere.” Solid Snake stated off to say this that he’ll handle the part of what needs to be done.

Many had heard this while Solid Snake approaches to grab a nearby squad lackey to shake him up a bit, which was causing the guy to slowly regain his senses.

“Ugh…Uaaagh!” One of the mysterious masked squad ponies moans from slowly waking up, but he’ll wish he hadn’t.

“Alright pal, start talking, who are you jokers & who are you working for?” Solid Snake grabs the guy in starting to get down to the interrogation to get the enemy to spill everything.

“Ugh….you can kiss my flank for all I care for, I’ll never tell!” The squad guy made a remark statement of not telling these guys nothing.

“Wow, guy’s not breaking down so easily.” Daring Do stated off in seeing how someone is not willing to talk.

“You better start talking, cause we got a carnivore here that just love to meet you.” Solid Snake stated off to mention this sort of thing without warning.

“Carnivore?” Bon-Bn & Lyra replied off a bit baffled, do they have someone here who is like that?

“Ever met an Armor Horus that when it’s famish & doesn’t eat something, it resorts to taking on something with a little more meat on the bones.” Solid Snake explained this to the strange masked squad guy of his group about meeting such a creature that is hungry.

“Armor Horus….me?” Halse asked off puzzled, Solid Snake was referring to him, what could he be planning here?

“You…you’re lying, that guy doesn’t look like a carnivore!” The squad guy replied off in starting to feel a bit frighten while hoping that stuff was a lie.

“Wanna bet?” Solid Snake issued off that the guy here doesn’t believe him.

“Ugh….” The squad guy yelps in not sure if he was thinking of doing that.

“Hey Halse, want a treat? Dig in!” Solid Snake turn to Halse in asking if the Armor Horus was liking something to eat, maybe who he has.

“Very well…” Halse nods off in figuring out the plan to play along.

Soon Halse approached the two as it was starting to open its beaky mouth like it was about to swallow or take a bite out of something. Seeing what was happening, the squad lackey guy was starting to sweat a nervous storm that….he was gonna be eaten if he doesn’t squeal.

“AAAAHHHH! I’LL TALK! I’LL TALK!” The squad guy screams out in fear while giving in to say anything to be spared of this.

“Start by telling us who you are & why you came here.” Solid Snake looked at the guy in getting straight down to the most important stuff.

“Well, um….” The squad guy was a bit unsure of saying anything, but…

“I suggest you answer now, time is ticking.” Halse issued off to say this while glaring at the guy to answer fast…or else.

“Ah, yes!” The squad guy yelps in fear while responding to the threat. “We’re a part of a new secret criminal organization, Wraith.” He issued off in immediately answering the question of who they are to everyone.

“Wraith!?” Most of the others besides Solid Snake responded off in hearing this name of some organized order.

“Is that supposed to be Wrath?” Bon-Bon asked off in pondering about in terms of saying one word instead of another.

“But what’s with the ‘i’ in the word?” Lyra asked off in thinking someone made a spelling mistake?

“It stands for ‘World Rebels against Independent Truce & Harmony’, henceforth, W.R.A.I.T.H.” The squat guy explained the formation of letters that spell out a new crime organization. “I don’t have any details other than we were ordered to obtain the object by any means necessary while removing interference.” He issued off in what they were trying to do during the time.

“And just what are these interferences?” Celesta raised an eyebrow in wanting to get more out of this guy who seem to be holding something in.

“Ugh…” The squad guy looked a bit nervous in not wanting to say it, but was sweating in a tight spot.

“Either say something or your Halse’s next dinner.” Solid Snake issued this off that the guy can talk or be lunch, his choice.

“Gulp….it’s….The Mane Six…” The squad guy swallowed hard before saying the name of a group that earn much attention. “Our leader said to get them out of the way to insure they don’t interfere with the operation.” He stated in what their order was planning to do.

“So, it was you guys that sprung a surprise for them at Sugarcube Corner.” Solid Snake stated in seeing the truth has finally come out. “Where are they?” He grabs the guy in demanding more answers of those they kidnapped.

“We only drop them off to be contain, that’s all I know, I swear!” The squad guy exclaimed in having no more useful information than what he knows.

“What are the ponies you caught? Were they Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie & her lookalike, Pinkamena?” Celestia asked off in demand in feeling the taken ponies were indeed those that were reported had gone missing from the hyenas attack.

“Yes, that’s them, but we were also order to apprehend Princess Twilight, Prince Ben & the rest of the Sparkle Family in the Rainbow Kingdom, but no one can find a trace of them.” The squad guy explained doff about having taken those while having not found the Sparkle Family of where they went to.

“But still, this is terrible! They’ve taken the Council of Friendship!” Bon-Bon exclaimed in knowing this was pretty bad the Mane Five were taken.

“They even took Golden Heart’s sister, he’ll be mad when he find out.” Lyra stated how upset Golden Heart will be when he learns about this.

“Princess Celestia, if I may be bold to ask…should we gather a few warriors to help with this search & rescue?” Halse asked this off in thinking more help could be nice at this moment.

“Unfortunately, that’s impossible.” Celestia shook her head off in stating the task could not be possible.

“No surprise, Octacon just gave me the heads up, nearly all the Element Warriors from Ponyville & other locations were all gone to Stark International. But now no one’s seen what happened to them.” Solid Snake shook his head off in reporting that many allied Element Wielders the Mane Six group have come to know up till now are not around, they went to a location, but afterwards, nothing else came out of it.

“Then that means, we’re on our own.” Lyra yelps in realizing that they are on their own without strong backup.

“We’ll have to rally our group members to take this on.” Bon-Bon stated in knowing what this may call for of them.

“Snake, can you hear me?” Suddenly from Snake’s com-link, Octacon’s voice was heard that many could hear it too.

“Talk to me Octacon, you got anything?” Solid Snake spoke in the com-link in wanting any info that could be useful.

“Yes, I’ve dug up some info & I think I found a clue about Wraith’s next move.” Octacon’s voice issued off in explaining something here that would earn some attention now. “Apparently there’s been some suspicious activity in Yanhoover of where some say mysterious looking ponies dress in what you described to me matches them perfectly.” He explained in where something strange is happening in a certain area in where those that are reported match the description of the dozen mysterious ponies in the room.

“Then that’s where we’ll head for. You all ready for some new experience?” Solid Snake stated off in where to go while checking the others if the new agents are up for this.

“Yes sir!” Bon-Bon & Lyra issued off in union of being ready to partake in this.

“I’m ready.” Halse issued forth in being ready as well.

“I wish you all good luck & take care of the artifact.” Celestia stated to say this in using her magic to levitate the Spectre artifact for the group to take along.

“Yep, they can’t get what isn’t here, another unexpected twist.” Daring Do smiled off in knowing the right ropes to keep dangerous artifacts out of evil clutches, is to not leave them in one place.

So now those apart of the Monster Hunting Agency was gonna be heading on off while Celestia & Daring do see the Royal Guards detain the dozen mysterious ponies that came bring in to rob from a royal princess. The scene begins to close here while we change sceneries for a moment…


The scene begins to focus on Bon-Bon, Lyra & Halse were able to gather up the other Monster Hunting Agency members, Derpy, Time Turner, Flash Sentry, Sunset Shimmer, & accompanying them was also Zecora & Arsenal. They had all arrived in a town known as Yanhoover during the time of day of where it looks like it was beginning to get a little foggy. But many were trying to not let the fog bother them, as they need to find what they are looking for.

“So where exactly is this hangout for these Wraith guys?” Flash asked off in where they can find the secret crime organization at their base of operation.

“We’re still trying to figure it out.” Lyra shrug off to say that they don’t know about that yet.

“But Snake said that from what can be known, these guys are an independent organization with no connection whatsoever to the Three Lords.” Bon-Bon pointed out of what they got in knowing about the new enemy has no connections to the top three villains in Equestria.

“Seriously, they aren’t in league with the Apocalypse Ponies, the Dark Mystics, even the Grimmore Army?” Lyra asked off surprised in being stump that a new evil organization is not aiding with an evil bunch like the Three Lords of Equestria.

“They apparently aren’t connected to them or any other villains of near equal threat.” Halse stated that whoever those called Wraith are, they are working on their own.

“So are these guys new or something?” Derpy asked off a question that was on the mind for one to ponder over.

“Whoever they are, they seem to be trying to achieve something?” Arsenal exclaimed to remotely state what this Wraith bunch are up to.

“Indeed, it seems these foes seek what you told, we must make haste to understand this race.” Zecora spoke in rhyme that they need to understand what the enemy seeks & do so quickly.

“Come, are you all in position!” Octacon’s voice was heard on a com-link device that Time Turner had on to receive calls.

“We are, any luck on your end?” Time Turner spoke forth to say this while asking for something on the other end.

“I’ve sent in Snake, he’s given the clear sign that you all can get in, but advises you to be careful.” Octacon issued off to say this about what was happening so far.

“Understood, we shall not be careless.” Time Turner nods off to say this in having heard this piece of news.

“Everyone, be careful.” As Octacon spoke this, his voice hung up his end of the com-link.

Without delay, everyone was trying to continue the search until finally, they spotted a suspicious pony in the same outfit heading to a secret entrance in the walls by pressing a brick pattern. After entering, the brick wall was beginning to close until magic cause it to stop as the others were seen going near to enter it, where they found a hidden path. They continue to follow along while watching out not to be seen before arriving near some door pathway, but only one path seem safest.

“This way….there looks to be an entrance at the top that isn’t occupied.” Arsenal signal the others to follow him in seeing where they need to go; as they did, they found themselves on a second floor to where below everything was…packed.

“Wow, you sure know how to sneak into places.” Flash raised an eyebrow in seeing how good this guy was in getting interlaces.

“Trust me, I’ve been in tighter spots than this.” Arsenal rolled his eyes to remark how he’s handle such situations like these before.

“We’ll take your word for it.” Sunset replied off to say in seeing that they can expect no less from this guy.

“Shh….something’s going on.” Arsenal then held up a hoof to hush the others, as he hears something & needs them to be quiet.

“Woah, it’s a huge gathering.” Derpy exclaimed from as they snuck into an empty balcony area, they look down to see many mysterious ponies in matching getups gathered around the place while focusing on strange ponies in the center round table.

“I didn’t expect them to be this big.” Lyra stated off in not have expected such a fine here.

“Somehow these ponies are like swarms, they gather round & are deadly when form as a whole.” Zecora spoke in her rhyme of stating how this group can be dangerous when so many are gathered in one spot.

“I’ll take your word for it, but who’s that pony in the center of that table with so many members looking to him?” Bon-Bon stated to say before focusing on one strange pony by the table with some important members.

“Probably the leader.” Arsenal whispered this out to the others in seeing what this display could explain.

Everyone focuses at this point to see the main leader of Wraith. The guy was mostly in some cloak in concealing himself like the others.

“What are we going to do now?” A blue cloak pony asked off in wanting an answer.

“We need the artifact!” A red cloak pony stated in what they need as if it was dire.

“The plan cannot be completed without it!” A purple cloak pony issued to say the importance of the un-obtain artifact.

“Curses! The best time for action & it’s been put to a stop!” A yellow cloak cursed off to say this in smacking his left hoof down.

“What shall we do about this, Burns Strato Breezefield?” An orange cloak calmly asked off in wanting to know, what they shall do about this.

Everyone was paying close attention to the pony whose name was heard as they watch carefully. This Burns Strato Breezefield lowered down his hood to show face as he appeared to be a stallion from a Earth pony species. He is black furred with a short blue mane and a short blue tail. He has yellow eyes, a scar on the left side of his face, he has the symbol of a skull in a shield as a cutie mark. From anyone’s best guess, this guy was somehow acting leader for Wraith.

“For now, decipher the clues for the tome of which the artifact must be place, only then will we gain what we want. Once translated, the item is next.” Burns explained the case with considerable thought about the manner of how they are to handle things without much need of panic.

“And what about those interlopers that stopped the Hyenas & a dozen of our agents?” The blue cloak pony asked off in recalling they had something stop those they sent out.

“They are only a small handful, they are not Mystics nor Element Wielders.” Burns waved off in not being worried about the matter of those that are hardly much a threat.

“It’s true, but I think only one of them our spies said helped them was Arsenal, the Arms Stallion.” The red cloak pointed out a major problem that a well-known stallion of skill has earn the attention of who got in the way.

“He’ll be tough to beat.” The yellow cloak pony stated in knowing Arsenal is something not to be underestimated.

“For now, just suit up the best countermeasures & as for the rest….either capture them or….remove from the picture.” Burns slowly stated off in saying this about what they will do now without having the plan be delay.

“Shall we get started then?” The orange cloak pony asked off in wondering if they should start right away.

“Yes, let us start….by capturing the spies watching us!” Burns issued off to say this while his eye gaze was focusing in a direction many seem to follow.

That’s when those that were ears dropping heard that became worried as they saw Burns look towards their direction as if stating; they are spies that need to be captured here.

“He’s spotted us!” Derpy yelps in seeing that they been found out.

“Oh dear!” Time Turner lightly yelps in realizing the situation has turn for the worse.

“But how?” Sunset asked in how they were even found out.

“Worry about that later, we have company!” Halse stated to say this while narrowing his eyes in a direction.

Soon without warning, many agents of Wraith began to come around to surround the group as they were about to head for the exit.

“Capture them! They know TOO much!” One Wraith Agent issued the order for the bunch to capture the group that know too much about their plan.

“Any ideas?” Lyra asked off in what they do against this situation.

“Just one, force your way through them!” Flash issued off to say this in knowing what they will have to do.

“Well, let’s do it!” Bon-Bon stated off to say this in knowing they got no choice now.

Now without warning, the Agents of Wraith were launching themselves at the group. Bon-Bon & Lyra were using a few teamwork maneuvers, same with Timer Turner & Derpy, Zecora threw in some portions that made the bunch sneeze. Halse used his Eagle Eyes to hypnotize & freeze his opponents while Arsenal unleashed his arrows that were exploding around. During the motion, one of the agents was knocked into a wall which knocked something it had to fall on the ground, a strange red crystal that the others managed to come across.

“Ah, the Memory Crystal!” A Wraith Agent yelped in seeing that crystal slipped from his grasp & was taken by the spies.

“Sorry for the interruption, but it seems we must depart, so while we depart, we shall take this as we depart.” Zecora spoke in rhymes to say this while having obtain the Memory Crystal from the enemies.

“Hugh? What’s that mean? Gwaaugh!” The agent guy asked this before he was knocked out by Time Turner’s electric stun device.

“She means we’ll take it off your hooves.” Time Turner simply put the subject on such a case.

“You think it’s important?” Derpy asked if such an object is really that big a deal that they take it.

“It may hold answers to what these guys are up to.” Time Turner explained to Derpy of learning what they can about Wraith’s intentions.

“I’ll clear a path! Tempest Wing!” Halse issued off to say, as he started to spin around to unleash his twister wind attack.

“Waaaaughhhh!” Many Agents of Wraith yelped from being blown away by a typhoon type attack from the Armor Horus.

“God job, now let’s split!” Arsenal issued of that they get going while the getting is good.

Now the group was quickly blasting their way through the last doors before leaping off to use magic or flight to help them down while others just used skills to land as best they could. Everyone went down an alley before the rest of the Agents of Wraith showed up, but missed the targets. The leader of the bunch approach as many turn to show respect.

“We’re sorry sir, they got away.” An agent stated off to apologize in seeing the spies got away.

“Do not worry, perhaps we can take advantage of the situation.” Burns stated off to mention this about using this as an advantage point.

“Hugh?” The agent responded puzzled when he heard this.

“Follow them & keep a close eye on them.” Burns issued the order of what to do here.

The others were a bit lost by the way this conversation was turning, but nod their heads. The scene begins to go dark around now as whatever is about to happen next, many are left to wonder what will happen next…


Outside, in the far reaches in Yan Hoover, the Monster Hunting Agency’s group were in a rental hotel room in a nice safe location that wouldn’t get any prying eyes around. Right now, Time Turner was using a device to have it scan the Memory Crystal & access any information stored inside it.

“Well Time Turner, what do you make of it?” Derpy asked off in pondering here.

“I’ve run it through with Octacon, we should be getting results soon.” Time Turner issued off to mention this about what they will be getting.

“I have.” Octacon’s voice is heard at this moment.

“What do you have?” Time Turner asked off in liking to know the info of the Memory Crystal of what it holds.

“A location, I’ll fill you in on the details while deciphering the encryption.” Octacon issued off about what location the group maybe heading towards.

“Thank you.” Time Turner replied off to say before hanging up.

“So we’re off to another location? Just peachy.” Arsenal stated off i knowing this will be another long travel for them.

“Well, they never say this stuff be easy.” Bon-Bon shrug off to say this with a little sigh about handling such things.

“Makes one wonder how the Mane Six are used to it.” Lyra stated how even their friends that handle such dangers are used to it.

“In due time, we learn to adjust, for now, we must not lose out on what we must.” Zecora stated in her rhymes about them doing their own part & not lose out.

“Zecora’s right, lets head to where this location is.” Flash nods off to say this in knowing what they need to be doing next here.

“Maybe Octacon can figure out where the Mane Five & Pinkamena are from the Memory Crystal.” Sunset suggested this off, they know that Wraith has the others, but where is another question.

“Perhaps Solid Snake is digging in to find out. He is more capable of this spy stuff than most of us.” Flash stated off in knowing that Solid Snake may find out where the others are & try to do his part.

“That seems to be the most, in anyway, we must hurry.” Halse stated to say this while suggesting they get moving now.

“Yes, time waits for no one.” Time Turner nods off to say this to everyone listening.

“Is that a time joke?” Derpy asked in thinking that was a joke.

“Well, something like that.” Time Turner rubbed his cheek to say it was, something like that.

The group then begins to move out with hopes of finding out more about the artifact with them, the Spectre & learn more about what Wraith is up to. For now they have a location to go to, & so, they are off as the scene begins to fade off now. What will they encounter next, that is something yet to be seen…

Author's Note:

And another story is done. Up next, the spy team tries to figure out what Wraith is up to, upon heading to a strange tome & learning the truth, the artifact Spectre is something to be considered cautious in the wrong clutches. However, the gang end up getting captured & the item they had taken away & soon the Agents of Wraith begin to perform some....unnatural means of torturing the gang. What will happen...stay tune to find out.