• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 11th, 2018


A somewhat deranged author who likes science and writing stories with way too much dialogue. Recently got it through her thick skull that she was a girl.

Comments ( 13 )

That was very Twilight, and very sweet. :twilightsmile:

Ah, this just made me happy.
Can't wait to read the next part!

I'm sorry but... this just doesn't work. Something bugged me all along and it really crystallized during this chapter. Applejack, hell none of them, can be post-op trans. When they used the Elements of Harmony on NMM the Elements restored them to peak form. Bruises, strains, exhaustion, dirt, hell even Rarity's tail. Surgical alterations are, technically, damage. If any of them were post-op they would have been 'healed'... either into their original gender or a healthy member of their current gender... depending on whether the Elements read their DNA or their soul/mind for the template. Personally I'd say soul/mind given that that is what the Elements connected to, and since Rarity's tail was styled. Even if that instance wasn't enough, being too much to change then, there is the battle against Tirek. When their bodies were converted into energy and entered the Tree of Harmony? Before being reformed?
Of course this is also a powerful argument against the whole 'RD is sterile from the stress of a foalhood Rainboom' I've seen around... though admittedly not since Tirek.

6570045 There are two flaws with that idea. Firstly, like you said, the elements may repair physical damage by assessing the soul/mind. If so, why couldn't the elements "repair" Applejack as post-op trans because that's what she thought of herself as?

The second issue is that while this is a decent argument based on what's seen in the show, we have no clue how the elements legitimately work. Hell, they may be sentient, read AJ's mind, and realized she wanted to be female. This could theoretically explain why Applejack gets wet in this chapter, even though she thinks she can't. Maybe the elements "upgraded" her surgery? I wouldn't be surprised if in the future they find out that she can get pregnant.

TL;DR, your point is self-defeating, and we don't really know that much about the elements of harmony.


TL;DR, your point is self-defeating, and we don't really know that much about the elements of harmony.

That is the dumbest 'TL:DR' I've ever seen. Why? Because you just lectured me about how I was wrong by REPEATING MY OWN ARGUMENT!

Hell, they may be sentient, read AJ's mind, and realized she wanted to be female. This could theoretically explain why Applejack gets wet in this chapter, even though she thinks she can't. Maybe the elements "upgraded" her surgery? I wouldn't be surprised if in the future they find out that she can get pregnant.

Now why does that sound so famil- oh right, because I said that. Upgraded her gender swap surgery? You mean like making her a fully functional mare?

If any of them were post-op they would have been 'healed'... either into their original gender or a healthy member of their current gender... depending on whether the Elements read their DNA or their soul/mind for the template. Personally I'd say soul/mind given that that is what the Elements connected to, and since Rarity's tail was styled.

Oh look, there it is. Where I said the exact thing you are saying as an example of how I'm wrong.

If so, why couldn't the elements "repair" Applejack as post-op trans because that's what she thought of herself as?

Because then they wouldn't heal/restore at all. Because injured people think of themselves as injured BECAUSE THEY ARE! Rarity knew she was a mare with a bobbed tail and Twilight had just reminded her of that. She was fully expecting that to be long term, that is what made her act generous. Furthermore the entire point of gender reassignment surgery is that the patient thinks of themselves as the new gender at a fundamental level. Applejack isn't going around constantly thinking of herself as a fake mare, as you are implying. It is true that we don't know all the exact details of the Elements but we do know they fix shit. That is why my comment accounted for both possible definitions of 'fixing' Applejack. Do you know the physiological/biological differences between a limb/organ removed with a sword/claw/tooth/axe in battle and one removed with a scalpel in an OR? Here is a hint; absolutely nothing.

6574427 Hmm, sorry if I came off as argumentative. (Yeah, that TL;DR thing sounded kinda dickish in retrospect, even if I was right, and I stress the if.) All I'm trying to say, is that yes, they could have made her a fully functioning mare. As of yet, I haven't noticed evidence in the story to indicate that she isn't, other than Applejack saying so, which could be attributed to her not knowing that the elements did so. And as for the elements fixing things, I do understand where you're coming from, but I think Discord is a good example of them not fixing something. Considering he's "good" now, I think it's a bit odd that they somehow managed to return Luna back to normal from Nightmare, but they apparently decided that Discord just wasn't worth saving? All I'm trying to say there is that the little logical flaws like that (that will be inherent to any media, really) leads me to say, "Huh, I don't actually know how the elements work."


As of yet, I haven't noticed evidence in the story to indicate that she isn't, other than Applejack saying so, which could be attributed to her not knowing that the elements did so.

Yeah, I was talking about this premise in general. Seen it before, will doubtlessly see it again. I was trying to avoid talking about this story in particular because spoilers of the chance that the author might already be doing just that.

And as for the elements fixing things, I do understand where you're coming from, but I think Discord is a good example of them not fixing something. Considering he's "good" now, I think it's a bit odd that they somehow managed to return Luna back to normal from Nightmare, but they apparently decided that Discord just wasn't worth saving?

I was actually talking specifically about them fixing their bearers, not just in general. They also have been shown to be limited in power depending on the bearers. More bearers means more interpersonal harmony between bearers to draw on.

If you can call just giving a rat's ass about anyone other than yourself being 'good'. There are a few individuals that he cares about now, both their well being and their opinions, so he is showing more compassion and restraint. That's it. But then he was never really 'evil' either. His villain status mostly came from his vast power. In fact Gilda is arguably more 'evil' than Discord, she just didn't have the power to really be a villain.

Implying that Discord was corrupted from his original nature? Because I'm pretty sure his canon backstory was that he was just a callous self-centered dick in general. Which would mean there wasn't anything to 'return him back to'... or do you mean forcibly changing his core personality against his will? Because isn't that why everyone called him evil? Going around inverting ponies' personalities and shit?

Luna's change into NMM is at least semi-canonically because of possession by a malevolent spirit. At which point the Elements 'fixed' the situation by expelling an outside force that was imprisoning her and stealing her body. Or more believably she had a mental breakdown from years of repressed emotional pain and stress that coupled with her magic(which can bring things to life) gave birth to an alternate personality, at which point they healed the mental schism reintegrating the two halves.

Is it bad that my first thoughts were Stephen Lynch's Song "Down to the Old Pub Instead"?

Can equines have periods? I assumed that the human menstrual cycle is caused by the fact that the human body ovulates with regularity, instead of in certain seasons.


Typically it's a bit more complex than that, but it has not been touched on in the show, so I took some artistic license.

quite honestly, I don't like thinking about sex, but I read this as part of the story, because I feel compelled to, and emotionally, this felt nice. I'm asexual and I don't feel anything about the sex itself, but the emotional stuff between Twilight and AJ felt so... i don't know, just... hearing someone feel loved like that is nice. Emotional intimacy is beautiful. Sex is weird and gross to me, but love is just perfect.

All these comments about the Elements healing/fixing Applejack seem reasonable enough at first glance, but there are two possible reasons why they might not have, that no one else seems to have addressed. Time and Cause.


All the assorted injuries and whatnot that the Elements fixed were, at most, hours old. Now obviously, there was more to their journey than was shown in the half-hour episode, but even if we're being extremely generous, I just can't see all that travelling from Story-Relevant-Event A to SRE-B, and so on amounting to much more than 24 hours.

On the other hand, Applejack's surgery was so long ago that of the Mane 6, only Rarity actually knows about it, and she--along with any other pony who lived in Ponyville at the time--has forgotten that Applejack was born and raised for some years as a colt. This suggests a minimum of many months, or more likely, years. The surgery may simply have been too long ago for the Elements to affect.


The other reason the Elements may not have affected Applejack's body is a little more involved. We saw in season 2 that the Elements undid all the chaos Discord wrought, when they returned him to stone. With that in mind, it's not unreasonable to believe that they undid everything NMM did or caused. In other words, Rarity's tail was restored because she only cut it off to help Steven Magnet, the river serpent. And he only needed that kind of help because NMM cut of half his mustache. Any bruises Rainbow received from the manticore's tail-slap were healed because NMM put the manticore in the girls' path, and possibly put the thorn in the manticore's paw, too.

In summary, everything that was undone only happened because NMM caused it to happen, if perhaps indirectly. But since AJ's trans status has nothing to do with Nightmare Moon in any way, shape, or form, it was left untouched by the Elements.

In short--I know, too late for that--the Elements are extremely powerful, but are not a panacea. They don't reshape the world to a perfect one with every use. So there are multiple reasons why they might have ignored AJ's surgery, in addition to the ones already brought up.

Oh this is sweet as hell, great work.

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