• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,128 Views, 88 Comments

Derpy Love - Muffin Derper

A clutsy Pony has a crush on somepony else, but has a hard time expressing her love.

  • ...

Chapter 9

The sun was just starting to rise in the sky as the train pulled into Ponyville Station, and Twilight helped Doc unload all of Derpy’s belongings. Twilight looked over at Doc, who was still shaken up from seeing her lose it.

“Hey, sorry about what happened back there. I kinda went a little overboard.”

“No, it’s fine. In all honesty, she had it coming. Karma was itching to bite her in the plot.” Doc grabbed the last bit of luggage and placed it onto the cart they had rented. “ So....are ye coming back with me to the house or are ye going to head home?”

“Neither, I'm going to get the pendant restored and give it to Derpy as a present. But I guess I could come help you unload it all.” Doc hitched himself to the cart and the both of them started to walk through Ponyville.

They both walked in silence, each one reflecting over events in their own way. Doc was just happy that this trip was almost over, but Twilight silently chastised herself for losing her cool. It had been a while since she had gotten that angry. It made her uncomfortable knowing that she possessed powerful magic, and that at any moment she could let loose and wipe out half of a town. It was something the she talked to Celestia about often while she was in school.

Not many knew that Twilight herself had demons she battled everyday. It was a big part of the reason she shut herself away from the public and kept to her books. Well, until she moved to Ponyville.

She looked up at the morning sky and cursed her natural-born talent. There were days when she wished she was just an Earth pony or pegasus; the burden of being a unicorn was just too much at times.

They neared the Jeweler's Shop, and Twilight motioned Doc to stop.

“I’ll be right back. I just want to drop this off then we’ll be on our way.” Twilight pushed open the door and entered the shop.

“Why, good morning Miss Sparkle. What can I do for ya?”

“I was hoping you could restore this pendant for a dear friend of mine. Her mother threw it into a fire, and she hasn’t seen it since. I want to surprise her with it.” Twilight handed the pendant over to the jeweler.

“Hmmm, this wouldn’t belong to The Hooves’ would it?”

“Yes, actually it does. How’d you know?” A soft smile of appreciation came across the stallion’s face.

“My grandfather made this for Derpy’s grandmother. It was a wedding present. Sadly, I can not return the metal to its original finish. It’s been burned too badly, but I can repair it.”

“Anything you can do would be appreciated. Um, how long can I expect this to be, and what will be the cost?” The stallion rubbed his chin while he thought about it.

“Well, you could pick it up tomorrow morning, noon at the latest. And because it's for Derpy, I’ll just charge you ten bits. My grandpa wouldn’t be happy if I charged full price for her. One last thing, you don’t happen to have any of her father's ashes with you, do you?” Twilight's jaw dropped in shock.

“H-h-how?” Twilight shook her head. “Um I don’t know, Let me go ask Doc.” Twilight stuck her head out the door and asked Doc if he had grabbed Derpy’s father's ashes. After a confused look and a nod of his head, he handed her the urn. Twilight took the urn from Doc’s grasp and returned inside the shop.

“You see Miss Sparkle, I was the one who altered it to allow for the placement of ashes. It was Derpy’s father's dying wish.” Twilight put the urn on the counter. The stallion reached in and removed some of the ashes, placing them into another jar. “Thank you, but like I said you can pick it up tomorrow.” Twilight took her leave and exited the shop.

“You ready Doc?”

“Yes, Lassie.” The two continued their walk back to Derpy’s house. As they walked, Twilight found herself thinking about her big brother, Shining Armor. It had been a while since she had last seen him. Maybe I should take a trip to go see him, and I’ll ask Derpy if she wants to tag along.

“So Doc, was Derpy’s mother the reason for the lack of family photos – or family anything in her house?”

“From what I know, yes, but part of the blame lies with Derpy as well. That mare can be as hard headed as an Earth pony when she wants to be. The only thing those two share in common.” Doc chuckled at his own bad joke. “Don’t get me wrong, Derpy wanted to have the things that were her father's, but she was too stubborn to confront her mother about what was rightfully hers and what not. So her house has lain barren.”

Twilight stared ahead, looking at nothing in particular, “...that’s so sad.”

“That is, until a love-fueled, pissed-off unicorn came along.” Doc shot Twilight a goofy smile, hoping to bring the mood up. But either Twilight didn’t hear him or just downright ignored him; he couldn’t tell.

“Who says I’m in love with her?” Twilight cocked an eyebrow at Doc.

“Seriously, Lassie? Hmmm, let’s see, you went to a different city just to retrieve someone’s belongings – forcefully I might add – all because her twat of a mother wouldn’t let her have it. And you called her yer lover.” Twilight’s cheeks burned as they turned a deep shade of purple. Looking again off into the distance, a soft smile came across her face.

“Now when I think back to when we first met I guess something has always been there; I was just too naive to see it. I’d do anything for that mare.” The pair of ponies got to the front door of the house. Doc unhitched himself, and they began to carry the items they retrieved into the house.

Twilight pulled a picture out of the cart. It showed a young filly Derpy and an older stallion.

“Was this Derpy’s father?” Doc glanced at the picture and nodded. Twilight walked into the house and headed for Derpy’s room. As she made her way through the door, the picture of a lone Derpy was still sitting on her nightstand. Looking at the picture, pain and anger tore at Twilight’s heart, but she pushed the feelings out of her mind. She took it and replaced it with the picture of Derpy and her father.

Not knowing if Derpy wanted to keep it or not, Twilight pondered where she was going to place the photo. With nothing else coming to mind, Twilight opened one of the drawers to the nightstand and placed the picture within.

Looking up at the clock, Twilight decided she needed to get back home. Spike would be getting up soon, and she didn’t want him freaking out that she wasn’t there. She turned around and walked out of Derpy’s room.

“Hey Doc, I need to be headed home. Thank you for doing this. And sorry again for losing it.”

“Don’t worry, Lassie, all is well.” Twilight was about to walk out of the house until Doc stopped her. “Oh and tell Derpy she needs to hurry up and get to work; she’s late enough as it is.” Twilight gave Doc a puzzled look.

“How do you know she hasn’t gone to work yet?”

“Well, her mail bag and hat are still here. And it’s not like her to miss work unless she’s really sick, but even then it's a big argument to get her to stay home.”

“Ok, I’ll let her know.” Twilight turned and left.

A short walk later, Twilight found herself in front of the Oak Library.

“Spike, Derpy, I’m home.” Spike met Twilight near the doorway.

“Why are you calling Derpy’s name? She's not here.”

“What do you mean she’s not here? She stayed the night.”

“Uhh, no she didn’t. She wasn’t here when I got home last night.”

“What were you doing out so late? Wait, what do you mean she wasn’t here when you got home?!” Twilight pushed past Spike and bolted upstairs to her room. When she opened her door, a foul odor assaulted her nostrils, and she gagged, nearly puking.

“W-why does it smell of dark magic?!” Twilight’s heart rate started to pick up and steadily rose. Her vision began to blur as she started to pace back in forth in the doorway. “This doesn’t make any sense. No unicorn has the strength to use dark magic these days. Necromancy sure, but this is-, this isn’t that.”

Panic set in her eyes, followed by anger. She moved with the ferocity and force she displayed earlier, but to no direction. She started to wheeze as she turned to face the stairs again.

“Um, Twilight?”

Twilight pushed past Spike again to rush down the stairs, and she frantically pulled books off the shelves. Flipping through them like a mad mare, Twilight could feel her heart jumping out of her chest, while her breathing became ragged and heavy. Her head spun every which way as she tried to gain her bearings. It hurt to think as her brain tried to cram 20,000 things in at once.

“Twilight!” Twilight could no longer hear Spike screaming at her to stop and calm down. Her mind could only process one thing before everything went black.

Find Derpy.

Author's Note:

Ok, I know the end of this chapter moves quickly, but just hang in there please, trust me here.