• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,128 Views, 88 Comments

Derpy Love - Muffin Derper

A clutsy Pony has a crush on somepony else, but has a hard time expressing her love.

  • ...

Chapter 13

“Um, Trixie doesn’t think she can go in......there.” Trixie stood trembling in front of the dark and expansive Everfree Forest. Frozen in place where she stood in fear. Twilight glanced back at the pale blue mare in slight annoyance.

“Trixie, it’s a long enough walk to the old castle as it is. We don’t need you making it any longer. It’s just the woods there's nothing to fear.”

“Oh right, other than the Timber Wolves, and Nightmare Moon. Oh and the Ursa Major. Yes nothing to fear at all.”

Twilight stood there staring Trixie down. Her right ear twitched as she was trying to keep calm and not go off on there mare.

“I understand that Trixie. But I need you in order for this plan to succeed. No please for the love of Star Swirl get it together!” Twilight huffed as she turned her head back forward and resumed walking into the gaping mouth of Everfree.

Princess Celestia walked up next to Trixie. “Twilight’s right Trixie, yes, she could have been nicer about it. But she is right. I understand you’re scared, but also remember two of the most powerful Ponies are here with you. Beside I believe you underestimate yourself.”

Trixie stood there looking up at the tall Alicorn, her gaze shifting from her to the mouth of the forest. She kicked at the dirt a few times before she took a hesitant step. Celestia extended one of her wings and wrapped it around the frightened mare to comfort her as they walked into Everfree.

“I still don’t know about this.”

Celestia looked down at Trixie and smiled softly at her. “I know, baby steps Trixie.”

Rainbow Dash flew through the skies of the Wonderbolts training grounds. She banked and turned into the formation and joined the rest of the wonderbolts as they practiced their routine.
“Hey, Rainbow. I need you to do me a favor for me.”

Rainbow Dash turned her head to look at the pony talking to her only to come muzzle to muzzle to Luna standing in front of her. Slowly everything shifted into a different scene and both of them were standing in front of each other. Rainbow Dash glanced around only to find an endless void of nothing.

“Ummm, where are we?” Rainbow Dash looked around again trying to figure out what had happened.

“I brought you to a blank plain within your mind.” Rainbow opened her mouth to protest what she thought was an insult. But Luna cut her off. “Listen I don’t have much time. Derpy and I have been kidnapped by Nightmare Moon. Twilight is walking straight into her trap, and I fear, no I know her intentions do not bode well for Twilight. Derpy is alive and fine. But I need you to warn Twilight. Go to the Everfree Forest, that is where you shall find her.”

Luna reached over and smacked Rainbow Dash on the forehead, which in turn knocked Rainbow Dash out. The last thing Rainbow Dash could hear was Wake Up.

Rainbow Dash springed to life in a flurry of wings and feathers as she jolted awake. Causing herself to roll off of the cloud she had been napping on and plummet towards the ground. Disgruntled from being awoken so suddenly it took her a few moment before it clicked that she was free falling, although it didn’t take her long. She landed on the ground before she bolted back towards the sky causing a rainboom in her wake as she sped off to the dark forest that lingered on the horizon.

The scenery was blurring past her as she left a rainbow colored streamline in her wake. It didn't take long before she reached the edge of the forest. Her magenta eyes frantically searching the landscape below her trying to spot Twilight. I hope I’m not too late. She pitched her wings to the right to lower her altitude so she could see through the foliage a bit better. After a few minutes of searching around she spotted the white flank of Celestia and tucked her wings in and dive bombed down.

“I don’t remember it being this far into the forest. Celestia are you sure we are going in the right direction?” Twilight was looking back at her mentor waiting for her answer. She was almost positive that they had gotten lost.

Celestia raised her head up and scanned their surroundings. Her right ear twitched and she side stepped to the right as a pale blue blur smashed into and tackled Twilight to the ground. Celestia started to chuckle.

Fire lite in Twilight’s eyes, on any other day this wouldn’t bother her; as it was a normal occurrence with Rainbow Dash. But her patients had but stretched too thin over the past 24 hours. “What the hell Rai-.” Rainbow Dash stuffed her hoof into Twilight's mouth.

“I know you’re in a hurry to get the the sisters abandoned castle, but you’re walking into a trap.” The fire succeeded from Twilight’s eyes and was replaced by confusion.

“How did you know? Wait, how do you know?” Twilight's face twisted into a horrified sneer as the words came out of her mouth. Celestia started to laugh and shake her head.

“Because, my dear sister isn’t rolling over in defeat just yet. Let me take a while guess Rainbow Dash. My sister came to you in your dream and told you to inform us didn’t she?” Rainbow Dash nodded her head. “What did she tell you, exactly what she said no paraphrasing.”

“Derpy and Luna have been kidnapped by Nightmare Moon. Twilight is walking straight into her trap, and Luna fears her intentions do not bode well for Twilight. Oh and Derpy is alive and fine.” Twilight rushed her friend and began to bombard her with questions.

“Derpy's ok?! Define ok? Is she hurt at all, anything broken. TELL ME WHAT HAS THAT PARASITIC BITCH DONE TO HER!”

“Twi, twi. Twilight! I don’t know. That is all Luna had time to tell me.” The fire had returned in Twilight's eyes, causing Rainbow Dash to feel like she was looking into the gates of Tartarus.

Twilight looked down for a moment, then resumed her gaze with Rainbow Dash, the fire was still there but a mischievous look had crept in as well. “Rainbow, you didn’t happen to be able to see the castle while you were looking for us did you?”

“Yeah I did, we’re not to far from it now. Why, you guys lost?” Rainbow Dash threw head back. “Bah hahahahahaha. I can’t believe you guys got lost.” She finished wiping the tears away from her eyes and looked back at Twilight who now had a smirk on her face. “Uhh, Twilight, you’re starting to scare me.”

Twilight looked to her friend with annoyance. “Quite! Now look, I think I just might have crazy plan.” Twilight looked at Celestia, and Rainbow Dash, each in turn. Celestia had a horrid look on her face, and Rainbow Dash just looked lost. “ I have a plan, but, you’re going to have to just go with it and pray I’m right.”

Celestia stepped forward towards Twilight’s direction. “Have just one question. How-”

Twilight just cut her off, to Celestia’s annoyance. “Just trust me.”

“JUST ONE DAMN QUESTION TWILIGHT!” Celestia bellowed out her Canterlot Voice. She shook her mane and let out a sigh. “How sure are you about the success of your plan?”

“99.96 percent your highness.” Twilight fidgeted under her mentor’s stare. Celestia let a slow smile crawl across her face before speaking. “Well? What are we waiting for then?”

Twilight's jaw dropped as she stared at her mentor in shock. She cocked her head to the side, as a question ran threw her mind. Twilight paused for a moment before deciding on keeping her mouth shut. Celestia looked back at Twilight and smirked.

“SO what are we waiting for my little pony’s? If I remember correctly we have souls to save.” And with that Celestia held her head up high as she continued her venter into the forest toward what she once called home, so many years ago. As the swan like Alicorn pasted Trixie, she turned and looked at Twilight. Far in the back of her violet eyes a small ember glistened, like the northern star on a clear night. But something far more sinister lurked in the depths of those eyes. What is that mare planning? And why does even the thought of what it might be scare me?

All three of them resumed their walked and followed after Celestia. But Trixie was still fixated on what was gnawing at the back of her mind. Why did Twilight all of a sudden make her feel, uneasy. Like the cold grip of death was at her doorstep. Something in Twilight's demeanor had changed in the past couple of minutes. She had heard stories of just how powerful Twi-. Trixie’s eye shot wide open. THAT’S IT! Twilight is charging up her back up mana. Tapping into her excess magic, and prepping it. Never had Trixie felt so much power, not even when the Major incident happened had Twilight shown this much raw energy. Trixie couldn’t figure out what was worse. Not knowing what was making her feel uneasy, or knowing that Twilight was charging up getting ready for a battle.
The thought made Trixie shrink back into the abyss of her mind. She no longer felt so sure to be along on this adventure.

Trixie. Have faith.

Author's Note:

I know that this took longer then it should to get out. But hey shit happens, and so does life. Life is to blame for this delay.