• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,128 Views, 88 Comments

Derpy Love - Muffin Derper

A clutsy Pony has a crush on somepony else, but has a hard time expressing her love.

  • ...

chapter 7

Luna sat alone in her room with nothing but her thoughts. She stared at the ceiling, tracing the constellations that had been placed for her enjoyment. She let out a long sigh wishing she could look at the real ones, but she’d have to wait for nightfall. A soft knock at her door pulled her from her mind.

“I wish to be alone.”

“That bad, Lulu?” Luna looked up to her older sister.

“Someone else has won her heart.” Celestia looked at Luna with sorrowful eyes.

“Well these things tend to happen, and all you can do is either sit and wait for her or move on and try to find somepony else.”

“At this moment, I don’t know what I’ll do. Just give me some time, Tia. Please.”

“Well, when you are ready to talk Lulu, all you need to do is ask.” Celestia gave her little sister a warm smile and turned to leave.

“Tia, I-uh.” Luna paused and pondered if she should tell her sister that she heard that voice again. But there was no hate in her heart. “Never mind. I’ll see you at dinner?”

“Yes, until then.” Celestia exited the room leaving Luna alone again. She returned her gaze to the ceiling and started to think once again.

‘We shall see about that.’ What does she mean by that? It made no sense to Luna; how could she manifest again with no hatred in her heart toward anypony. Luna shook her head to rid her mind of such troubling thoughts. Glancing at her open window, Luna let out a long sigh.

“Well, it is a beautiful day, why waste it dwelling in here.” With an unfolding of her wings and a powerful downwards stroke, she took to the air and out of her bedroom window.

Twilight was awakened by somepony knocking at her door. She lifted her head and winced when the sunlight hit her eyes. Although Twilight didn’t have much to drink the night before, she was still exhausted and wanted nothing more than to lie in bed all day.


“Blast it.” Twilight let out an audible groan, “Coming.” Twilight yawned as she tried to wake herself up while making her way down the stairs to the front door of the giant oak tree she called home. As she made her way closer to the door, Twilight noticed that it was Rarity. What is she doing here? Twilight unlocked the bolt and opened the door.

“Good Moooorning!” Rarity almost sang the two words. “So, was last night a smashing success?”

“Uh, it was ok? I guess.” Rarity walked in and turned to Twilight with a disappointed face.

“OK? It was ok? I hardly believe that is the case. Here it is almost eleven o’clock, and you weren't even out of bed yet. I think a certain somepony had an amazing night.” Twilight scoffed at Rarity before answering her.

“Alright fine. I had a pretty amazing time with her last night.” Twilight ended her sentence with fillyish giddiness.

“So?” Twilight looked at Rarity with uncertainty.

“So what?”

“Oh, come on tell me about it Twilight. Give me the gossip.” Rarity’s eyes grew wide in anticipation.

“Well, she did get me to dance at one point, but that ended up with us breaking one of her lamps.” Rarity squealed with glee. “And I might have, uh, also kissed her.”

“Oh Twilight, so is it official? Are you two a couple now?”

“I don’t know, we haven’t really talked about that. I mean come on Rarity, it’s only been one date.”

“Don’t be so modest Twilight. You can be a couple after one date.”

“Well, I’m only going to take things one date at a time. And we’ll figure things out together.”

“Does that mean you guys already have a second date planned?” Twilight paused and rubbed her hoof on her chin.

“Not yet, but I do have something in mind.”

Derpy paced back and forth in the living room glancing up at the clock every five seconds. She wore a worried expression as she looked at the clock. Oh, where could he be? It’s not like him to be out this long. It was pushing two in the afternoon and Doc still hadn’t come home yet, which was a cause for concern to Derpy. He never took this long on anything.

She wandered into the kitchen when her timer went off. She opened the oven door and pulled out a sheet of Lemon Surprise muffins. It was the fifth sheet she had baked today. It wasn’t unlike her to bake every now and then, but she tend to get carried away was she was nervous or worried. As she was setting them on to the counter, the front door opened.

“And just where have you been mister!? You left at six last night, and here it is almost two in the afternoon.” Doc stopped in his tracks, and the angry mare rounded the corner into the living room, her wings fluffed up in agitation.

“Well, I’ve had an interesting night, what can I say, lass?” Derpy impatiently tapped her front hoof.

“You went to the bar last night didn’t you?”

“Er, no I did no-” Doc was cut off from a death glare from Derpy. “OK, yes I went to the Pub, but I swear I only had two drinks. Besides, that's not the cause of my interesting night.” Derpy scoffed at Doc.

“Well, you could've told me you would be out most of the day as well. You know I worry. I’m the only family you’ve got left, damnit.” Doc looked down in defeat.

“I know lassie, Uncle would be proud. Yer Mum too.”

“Don’t EVER bring her up in this household AGAIN! You know she’s as good as dead to me after the stunt she pulled.” Derpy’s eyes burned with rage after the mention of her mother. Shaking her head she walk toward the door. “I need to cool off and go for a walk.”

Derpy pushed past Doc and walked out the door, slamming it as she went. Doc looked at the door and sighed.

“Well, at least she baked muffins.” Derpy opened the front door and stuck her head in.

“Don’t even think about eating my muffins.” She slowly retracted her head while glaring at Doc the whole time. With an audible click, she shut the door. Derpy turned around and stood there staring up into the afternoon sky. Without any particular destination in mind, Derpy started to walk.

Her hooves carried her into town as she lost herself deep in thought. She paid no attention to the dirty looks she was getting from random ponies. She looked up and noticed she was walking by the town hall, her ears spilled out sideways as the memory of her smashing the roof came to mind. She shook her head and continued on. After a few more minutes of walking she found herself in front of the Ponyville Library.

“I wonder if Twilight’s in.” As she approached the door she could hear Twilight and Rarity talking about something. Her ears perked up when she thought she heard her name. She lifted one of her hooves and knocked on the door.

“Coming.” Derpy waited and wondered if this was a good idea. Twilight opened the door. Her eyes grew wide with glee when she noticed it was Derpy. “Oh, hey Derpy! Come on in.”

“You sure I won't be a bother?” Rarity poked her head around a bookcase.

“Oh don’t worry darling, I was just leaving anyway. I have to go get Sweetie Belle and pick up some fabrics for my new designer line.” She paused and looked over to Twilight. “I’ll be by tomorrow to drop off Sweetie Belle’s books.”

Rarity gathered up the books within her magic and made her way out the door. Once Rarity had left Twilight turned to Derpy to see that she had a hardened expression on her face.

“Is everything okay Derpy?”

“Yeah, I guess. Just, Doc got me irritated, that’s all.”

“Oh? It doesn’t have anything to do with Rarity does it?” Derpy gave Twilight a confused look.

“What do you mean by that?”

“He didn’t tell you did he?”

“Well, to be honest I didn’t really give him a chance too.” Derpy sighed as she sat down on the couch.

“And why is that?” Twilight paused before adding, “If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s fine”

“Well,” Derpy looked at the ground before turning her gaze to meet Twilight’s eyes. “He’s much more than a really close friend. He’s... he’s my cousin, from my father's side of the family. And quite frankly, he’s the only family I’ve got left according to me.”

Twilight gave Derpy a puzzled look.

“What do you mean by that?”

“My father died a few years ago, and my mother.... She, uh.” Tears started to swell up in Derpy's eyes out of frustration and anger. Twilight reached over and placed one of her hooves over Derpy’s.

“You don’t have to say anything you don’t want to.” Derpy glanced up at Twilight as she received a warm smile from the lavender mare.

Derpy struggled in her mind, fighting the urge to keep her past skeletons bundled up in her closet and the want, no the need to spill her pent up anger to a willing ear. With a sudden ferocity that startled Twilight, Derpy let the damn burst.

“THAT BITCH DESECRATED MY FATHER’S DYING WISH! She called me a pathetic waste of her time. She said my father was a fool for keeping me. She ripped the locket off my neck and threw it in the fire. It had my father's ashes in it.

“His dying wish was to have his baby girl given a locket that held his ashes so he could always be with her. But my whore of a mother destroyed it.” Derpy shuddered with every sob, tears streaming down her now stained gray cheeks.

Twilight sat in shock and looked at the grief stricken mare. Or was it anger? Twilight no longer knew which it was. All she knew was the mare who had her affection was in pain.

Twilight shifted her body and pulled the crying mare into her embrace. Derpy turned into her embrace and continued to cry on her partner’s shoulder.

A plan quickly formed in Twilight's mind to right this wrong. Sure, some ponies may not like what she was planning to do, but at this point Twilight no longer cared. All she wanted to do was stop her friend’s, no, her Derpy’s pain.

Author's Note:

I actually had fun writting this chapter. Hope y'all had a good new year