• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,127 Views, 88 Comments

Derpy Love - Muffin Derper

A clutsy Pony has a crush on somepony else, but has a hard time expressing her love.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Twilight left Spike to ogle Rarity as she walked out of Sugarcube Corner. She couldn't understand why Derpy was acting this way lately. They were really good friends, and got along fine. The thought kept nagging at her brain and she was determined to figure out why her friend was acting this way. She actually enjoyed Derpy's company, unlike most of Ponyville who tolerated her. Derpy was so full of life and always had a smile on her face no matter how bad her day was going. Yes she was clumsy, but that was what made her unique.

The golden orbs that never faced the same way, the way her mane clung to her neck when she was working. Although she wasn’t athletic like Rainbow Dash, Derpy was firmly toned in muscle from carrying her mail satchel almost everyday. Without realising it Twilight’s cheeks turned to a deep purple as she thought about her friend.

She thought back to when they had their first encounter.

It was bright and sunny day in Ponyville. Pegasi were moving clouds around getting ready for the upcoming sprinkles in the late summer.

Birds were singing in the trees overhead while the sun broke through the canopy that cover the local farmers market. Twilight was making her way through the crowds as she picked up the various things she needed on her list for the night's dinner. She was walking away from Carrot Tops stand when Rainbow Dash landed next to Twilight.

“So Twilight I was wondering If I could borrow one of your Daring Do novels?”

“I don’t see why you can’t. Go on ahead and head to the library, Spike is there and will help you get it.”

“Not done shopping then?” Twilight shook her head. Rainbow Dash took off and Twilight resumed her shopping.

As she walked up to AppleJack's stand she was blind sided. The impact sent twilight a good ten feet. When she looked up she could see a golden crossed eyed sweaty gray pegasus, with a blonde mane that currently had dirt and twigs in it, in a mailmare outfit.

“Gosh I’m sooo sorry, I wasn’t paying attention and ran into the tree line.” Her expression was one of worry as she looked Twilight in the eyes. Unknown to both parties a spark was ignited in both of them at that moment.

“Way to go Derpy, how are you even allowed to fly?” Twilight felt a wave a anger swell up from deep within her, and she had no idea why.

“I said I was sorr-”

“Sorry doesn’t help my smashed cart an-”

“You leave her alone!” Every pony turned to look at Twilight. “Derpy was it? Come on let's go get you fixed up.”

Twilight helped Derpy pick up her stuff and trotted off towards her house. She looked over at the gray mare and noticed that there was fear in her eyes. It pained Twilight to see it.

“Please don’t be angry with me.” Derpy’s ear were pinned back against her skull and her wings fluttered with uneasiness.

“Why would I be mad? Mistakes happen. Are you ok, you landed pretty hard.”

“My fletlock hurts a little bit but other than that I’m fine. I think.” Twilight started to giggle a little bit. Derpy looked over at her with confusion all over her face.

They eventually came up to Twilights house, which also served as the town's public library. Twilight opened the door and lead Derpy inside.

“Are those muffins I smell?” Derpy’s ears perked up.

“Yes those are. Would you like one?”

MUFFINS! I mean, yes please thank you.”

She was so caught up in her thoughts that Twilight almost missed the bubble flank of Derpy rushing across the street. Twilight trotted up the street trying to see where Derpy went. But She was moving too quickly for Twilight to keep up. She spotted Apple Bloom. Maybe she knows where Derpy lives. "Apple Bloom, wait up."

Apple Bloom looked over her shoulder towards Twilight, "Hey Twilight! What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Derpy Hooves. You don't happen to know where she lives do you?" Apple Bloom nodded with glee. She grabbed Twilight's tail and started Dragging her.

"Its this way, come on I'll show you." Apple Bloom looked back at Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo. "Go on without me girls, I'll meet you at the Clubhouse." Apple Bloom turned her attention back to Twilight. "So why you tryin to find Derpy?"

Twilight looked down at Apple Bloom. "Well, she's been acting weird around me lately. And this morning at Sugarcube Corner she accidentally bumped into me, and darted out the door before I could ask if I've done something wrong." Apple Bloom started giggling at Twilight. I don't understand how that's funny? "What are you giggling at?"

"You." Apple Bloom continued to giggle as they reached a house. It wasn't anything fancy, thatch roof and wooden exterior just like most of the houses in Ponyville. "Well this is her house. Good luck Twilight." With that Apple Bloom galloped off.

"Thanks Apple Bloom." Twilight turned and faced the door. She didn’t know why but she suddenly felt very unsure if she should be doing this. Her heart started to beat faster. Twilight felt confused and it frustrated her that she couldn’t figure out why. She could hear two ponies inside talking. She took a breath in, and exhaled slowly. Twilight raised her hoof and gently knocked on the door.

"Coming." The door opened and there stood a colt, not a mare.

"I'm sorry I was under the impression this was Derpy Hooves house."

The colt started laughing. "You got the right address Lassie, I'm Derpy's roommate. Doctor Whooves. Come in." Doc Stepped aside to allow Twilight in. When she walked in she saw a gray blur dash towards the back of the house. Whats with this pony? She made her way into the living room.

"You're more than welcome to have a seat while I go fetch Derpy." Twilight took a seat on the couch and watched as Doc walked down the hall towards what she assumed was Derpy's room. She looked around the room. Shocked to see that wasn't in total disarray from Derpy's clumsiness. That was probably because of Doctor Whooves. There was muffin decor strewn about the house, at least to what Twilight could see. But there was also a mixture of odd gadgets and Relics. She guessed this was Doctor Whooves belongings. She tried to keep to herself but couldn't help to overhear their conversation.

"You're acttin like a bloody chicken, go out there and talk to her."

"But I'll get tongue tied again."

"I'll tie yur wings if you don't do it!"

"You wouldn't Dare!"

"I would, now get out there and talk with her."

Derpy appeared in the archway glaring back over her shoulder at Doc, her golden eyes almost slits. The feathers in her wings were ruffled. She turned her head to look towards Twilight and her whole facial expression changed as she sheepishly sat on the couch next to Twilight. Her gaze remind down towards the ground after she took her seat.

"You never answered my question Derpy, are you ok?" Derpy shifted her hooves and continued to stare at the ground.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, I guess. It’s something I'm use to by now." An awkward silence followed for a few minutes. Twilight could cut through the tension in the air with a knife.

"I've been meaning to ask, have I done something to offend you Derpy?" The question seemed to take the Pegasus by surprise. She jolted her head in Twilight’s direction with wide googly eyes. Shock was written all over her face as well.

"What makes you think that?!" Her voice had a bit of shock and disbelief in it. Which in turned confused Twilight. She glanced at Derpy’s wings as they twitched a little bit. Derpy's face redden when she caught Twilight's gaze.

"Well, you've been acting weird lately. And it seems that you’ve been avoiding me. And I can’t think of anything of why you’d be acting like this." Twilight watched as Derpy's eye widened either in horror or fear, she couldn't tell which. She than noticed that Derpy began to chew at her bottom lip. Panic came across her face.

Derpy whispered softly to herself, "Has it been that noticeable?" Her eye's began to dart all over the room in a panic. Derpy's heart and mind was racing. Twilight has notice her change in actions around her. Think, think! She looked back over to Twilight, a concerned look was upon her face.

"Derpy whats wrong? Is there something I should know-"

At that moment the door smashed open, there stood Princess Luna. "Twilight, we must make hast. Equestria needs your help." Twilight jumped up with a nod and rushed out the door. Luna turned and gave Derpy a pricing look. Her eyes turned to slits as she hissed, "Back off." Luna then teleported elsewhere.

"Wha-?" Derpy sat there confused as ever. Just than Doc rushed into the room.

"What was that noise?"

"Just Princess Luna." Derpy got up off the couch and headed for the door. "I'm headed to work, see you later tonight Doc." Doc nodded his head as she grabbed her stuff and headed out.

While she made her way to work Derpy kept pondering over what the Princess had said. Back off what? It wasn't making sense, but than again Luna was a weird one, even to Derpy. Her mind kept going in circles as she tried to connect what little there was to make meaning of Princess Luna’s words. Derpy shook her head in frustration and snorted. Nothing was making any sense. The thought went to the back of her mind when she walked into the post office.

Derpy's mind wander more than usual today. She just couldn't get Twilight out of her head. Her beautiful sapphire blue mane with the pink and purple highlights. Her big deep violet eyes that went on forever. How she seemed to be oblivious to anything unless it smacked her in the face, really really hard. She could feel her face turn red at just the thought. How could anypony not like her? She was so kind and willing to help others. And she never seemed to mind her clumsy self. Unlike others who were scared to be around Derpy in case something happened. Which in turn cause her to not have many friends. She shook the thought form her mind and continued with her day.

The moon began to rise as Derpy's work day came to an end, she had only a few more letters to deliver. Luckily they were on the way home so it wouldn't take too long. As she finished up her last delivery she spotted Twilight walking home with Spike. Why don't you go down there and say hi/or something? What harm would that do. Derpy corrected her course and flew down to meet up with Twilight and Spike. As she flew down she could feel her heart jump a little bit at the anticipation of talking to Twilight.

She neared the ground and went to land until one of her back hooves caught the ground and sent her into a face plant. Derpy tumbled forward sending her mail bag and hat flying in different directions. Both Spike and Twilight jumped at the sudden thud behind them. I can never do anything right. Derpy picked herself up off the ground and started to gather up her things until a purple glow wrapped around her mail bag and hat. Derpy looked up to see Twilight's horn aglow.

"Haven't you had enough crashing for one day?" Twilight giggled at her own comment. Derpy could feel her face blushing, but it wasn't just from embarrassment. She thought Twilight's giggle was cute.

"So-ah, h-how was the rest of your day Twilight?" Twilight began to levitate Derpy's things back on to her as she answered her question

"Weird actually. After Luna barged into your house, I ran off to Canterlot only to be informed that nothing was out of the ordinary today." She paused to think. "Luna kind of avoided the subject and kept insisting that I stayed and accompany her to dinner. Which I ended up doing, it's not like a Princess asks you to dinner very often."

Derpy's ears dropped at the last sentence. "Oh, w-well I was going to ask if you wanted to come over for dinner so I could apologize for this morning. But never mind." Derpy turned to walk away until Twilight stopped her.

"I'm free tomorrow night." Derpy's ears and wings shot up with excitement as Derpy rushed forward to hug Twilight. after a few seconds her actions sank in and she stumbled backwards and feel on her rump. She quickly got up, and awkwardly scratched her neck.

"Okay, so," Cough, "Guess I'll see you tomorrow night than." Derpy turned to walk away. One step at a time. I guess I really can do this.

Author's Note:

Heres the updated version of chapter two. I added some things. Hope you like this new version:fluttershysad: