• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,127 Views, 88 Comments

Derpy Love - Muffin Derper

A clutsy Pony has a crush on somepony else, but has a hard time expressing her love.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Twilight’s head pounded with a sharp pain through her temple. Her mouth was dry and her throat was raspy. She slowly looked around trying to figure out where she was. The room was bare for the most part. Just a sitting chair in the corner, a bed and a nightstand. On the night stand was a lamp and a picture of a little filly. The picture it self looked odd, the filly wasn’t centered. It almost looked like the picture had been cut. It was the only picture in the room. It felt sad and Twilight couldn’t understand why. Derpy walked in and was being too chirpy, and loud this morning. The light shining through the window was killing her eyes. Why do pony’s drink this shit?

“Uhhh, my head. OW it hurts to talk.” Twilight rubbed her head with her hooves.

“Well thats what ya get for drinking so heavily.” Twilight looked up at Derpy with groggy eyes as the marching band in her brain kept playing.

“Where’s Rarity? Did she wander in here with me?”

“Rarity is still asleep on the couch. But I suspect she won't be for long, if that look in Doc’s eyes has anything to do with whatever is brewing in his mind.” Derpy started to giggle.

“I'm sorry about all this Derpy. Really I am.” Derpy paused within her task and turned to look Twilight in the eyes.

“Why are you sorry? This may sound weird but I’m kind of glad you had a drunken escapade that ended up in my house. Besides Doc, you’re my only other friend Twilight. It’s nice to have a little unexpected things happen from time to time.” Twilight shifted her gaze to the picture on the nightstand.

“Who’s the filly in the picture.”

“Oh thats me when I was younger. It was Pa’s favorite...” Derpy’s eyes had an empty expression in them while the gray mare looked off into the distance as she stopped speaking mid sentence. “Anyway, I’m making waffles and pancakes. Hope you like em. Bathrooms just down the hall on your left. Feel free to take a shower.”

Off in the distance Twilight could hear a scream.

“AHH! Ohh, you ruffenant! Didn’t you know it isn’t proper to wake a lady like that!” Well Rarity was now up. Twilight rolled her way off of Derpy’s bed. Every joint in her body felt stiff and sore. What did I do last night? She pushed open the door and turned left to head for the bathroom. A nice hot shower sounded nice right now. Derpy poked her head around the corner.

“Oh and don’t worry about Spike, he’s over at Applejacks.”

“Thank you Derpy.” Twilight entered the bathroom and started up the shower. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her mane was a mess, her eyes were bloodshot. She looked like how she felt, like shit. The mirror started to fog up from the heat of the water.

She turned around a walked into the shower, water poured over her face causing her mane to cling to her neck. Twilight let the warm water run all over her body, washing away every sore spot and ache she felt. The lavender mare let her mind wonder as she tried to relax. Her thoughts twisted and turned in her mind. Shifting from her lonely life, to the gray mare she now how an interest in. But no matter how hard she tried her mind always came back to the lone picture sitting on Derpy’s nightstand. Why didn’t she have any other family pictures. Come to think about it, it’s the only picture I’ve seen in this house.
Derpy seemed hurt when the subject of the picture was brought up. Twilight shook her head. If Derpy wanted to talk about she would’ve said something.

“I can’t believe you goosed me to wake me up.” Rarity gave Doc an icy glare.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help meself. It was jus beggen for a good goosen.” Doc couldn’t help but to snicker at the alabaster mare trying her damndest to make him feel guilty with the glare he was getting from her.

“Well I shall get you back for that, mark my words. Most Colts would've gotten a hoof to the face”

“Ah but I’m not a colt lassie.” Rarity snorted.

“Well by your actions you could’ve fooled me.” CLANG!

“Ohh, what the hey! Will you two stop acting acting like schoolyard fillys. I’m trying to cook breakfast here.”

“Ya know, that cooks better when it's on the burner.”

“Doc I swear to Celestia and Luna I will throw this saucepan at you.” Derpy waved the saucepan in her hoof at doc to emphasise her threat.

“Why do ya have to act that way? I was jus tryin to help. Lord knows we don’t need ya setting fire to the house again.” Without warning Derpy sent the saucepan flying in Docs direction. It smashed along the side of his face and tossed him out of his chair. Rarity fell over laughing just as Twilight came around the corner.

“What did I just walk into here?”

“Me keeping a promise. Rarity now that Twilight's done you’re more then welcome to use the shower.” Derpy turned back around and resumed cooking as Twilight took a seat at the dining room table.

“Thank you darling, I will take you up on that offer, and Doc. Be a dear and keep your snout and self out of the bathroom. I can’t be held responsible for your bodily harm.” Rarity troted off toward the back of the house.

“Derpy you wouldn’t happen to have coffee would you?” Twilight’s head was still pounding but she no longer felt as sore as she did when she first woke up.

“Yuppers I do, how do you take it?”

“A little bit of cream with some sugar please. So Doc, how did you meet Derpy?” Derpy set down a cup of coffee with some cream and a container of sugar then wandered back into the kitchen.

“I’ve known her most of me life. But I was traveling around equestria a few years ago when I got a letter from her. Long story short I showed up here in Ponyville and moved in with her after she had a falling out with her, er um last roommate.”

Derpy was putting Twilight's coffee down on the table and turning back around to head into the kitchen. She wasn’t really paying attention to their conversation but her ears perked up at the mention of Derpy sending a letter to Doc. Don’t open your mouth stupid. She doesn’t need to know about that. Panic set in as she tried to motion to Doc to shut up.

“....falling out with her, er um last roommate.” Doc gave Derpy a sheepish smile. Derpy just shook her head at him.

“Twilight? Darling would you come here please?”

“Coming Rarity.” Twilight got up a headed off to the bathroom. When Twilight was out of sight Derpy rushed over to Doc and slapped him in the back of his head.

“What the HELL were you thinking?!? She doesn’t need to know about my mother you knucklehead! Anypony doesn’t need to know for that matter.”

“OW! I wasn’t going to tell her. But if you want to get close to her that question is bound to come up. I bet she already asked about the only picture you have in your room already didn’t she?” Derpy didn’t answer. The gray mare just stared into her friend's eyes. “That's what I thought Lassie.”

Derpy snorted and turned away. Her face was heating up from anger as her wings fluttered. She looked back and shot daggers at Doc. “Foods ready y’all.”

Author's Note:

I will admit I was having fun in the last chapter and I honestly just wanted to write a hang over scene. Plus some more Derpy Back story