• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,126 Views, 88 Comments

Derpy Love - Muffin Derper

A clutsy Pony has a crush on somepony else, but has a hard time expressing her love.

  • ...

Chapter 12

“So does everyone understand their position in the plan?” Twilight looked back and forth between Celestia and Trixie. Both nodded in turn at Twilight. Twilight was about to speak again, but Celestia opened her mouth first.

“Twilight, I still feel uneasy about this. Are you sure this will work?”

“No, but it’s the best chance we’ve got, and that’s good enough for me.”

“I will not stand for that answer! We need to be 100 percent sure about this. You haven’t seen the full power of Nightmare Moon. I have. I just can’t stand to see you get hurt.”

Twilight walked up to the taller Alicorn and rubbed her face into her swan like neck before looking up into her eyes.

“You have always treated me well, taught me well. I know you see me as your own foal, but you have to let go every once in awhile. You taught me that. Please, just trust me this one time. Let me show you it was not all for nothing. Just be ready to pull me back when it’s time.”

Celestia looked down at Twilight, her eyes starting to become glossy as Twilight’s words settled into her mind. You’ll never know how proud you have just made me. You’ve learned and grown so much in the short time you’ve been in Ponyville. Celestia nodded her head.

“You’re right Twilight. I’m sorry I even doubted you. I’m still antsy over this whole situation, so if nopony else has anything else to say...” Celestia paused and looked at both Twilight and Trixie. Seeing no objections in their faces, she continued. “Let’s go get my sister and Derpy back, and put all of this behind us.”

Spike had stayed quiet for so long that all three ponies had forgotten that the tiny dragon was even there. When he finally opened his mouth, he could visibly see each pony jump at the sound of his high pitched voice.

“Umm, what am I gonna do, Twilight?”

“Err, uh. I haven’t thought of that yet. I guess we can drop you off at Derpy's and have Doc watch you. Will you be ok with that Spike?”

Spike stood there for a moment, his claws scratching the back of his head. He seemed unsure about the idea.

“Can I go to Rarity's instead?” The tiny dragon looked up at Twilight and pleaded with his eyes.

Twilight stood there gazing back at the baby dragon. After a moment, she walked over to a stack of parchment and with the flare of her horn, picked up a quill and began to write.


Something has come up and I need to you watch Spike for me. I should be back within a day to pick him up. However, if I fail to return within two days I would hope you’d take care of him for me. Enclosed in the envelope Spike has is a note that explains everything. Only open it if I don’t return. I’ll explain everything when I get back.


Twilight Sparkle

Twilight finished writing the second letter and placed it in an envelope and gave it to Spike.

“Alright, just make sure you give these to her when you arrive at her door.” Twilight paused for a moment before she brought Spike in close for a tearful hug. “No matter what happens today remember, I always have and always will love you.” Twilight placed a kiss on Spike's cheek, which caught Spike off guard. Twilight never did that.

“Twilight, are you going to be ok?”

“Yes, Spike. I’ll be fine.” No, Spike. I don’t know if I will. But you don’t need to know that. I love you too much to break your heart. Twilight wiped a tear from her eye and hugged Spike one last time. “Alright, run off to Rarity’s. And be safe.”

Spike gripped the letters tight to his chest as he turned to walk away. He couldn’t figure out why, but he felt there was more to Twilight’s words than there seemed to be. Did he sense, dread? He shook his head to clear it of the horrid thoughts before exiting the Library and heading to Rarity’s.

As soon as Spike shut the door, Twilight dropped to her knees. Rivers of tears flowed down her now stained dark lavender cheeks. Her body shook violently as she sobbed. The situation had slammed her in the face with reality, and it did so painfully and brutally. Her heart was torn in two. One side wanted to rush after Spike and hold him close forever, but the other side wanted, no, needed to go save Derpy.

She laid on the floor, a puddled mess, hugging her stomach tightly to stop the horrible pain in her gut. Twilight was scared. She wouldn’t admit it to anypony, but she was. She had no idea how this was going to pan out, but she had to try. Still, it nagged at the back of her mind.

What if I don’t come home? Ever again?

Twilight looked up at Celestia who wore a pained expression. It relit the fire in Twilight’s soul and pulled her back to the task at hand. She slowly got back on all her hoofs, steadied herself, and looked at Trixie and her teacher.

“Let's go get Derpy and Luna back.”

“Come on out of your hiding place, you coward!” Luna sat alone screaming into the abyss. Trying to call out her tormentor.

“Well, well, well my dear. Looks who's grown a backbone. And what can I do you for you, my misfit?”

Fire lit in Luna’s eyes. Rage filled her body, but she still had to keep a level head. She sat in silence waiting for her flare-up to calm down. She would be damned if she would let Nightmare win with her head games this time.

“I want to barter.”

“And what do you have that I could possibly want?”

“But first my terms.” Dark mist slowly crept around Luna. It slowly took form of a tall pony. Nightmare Moon’s face appeared next to Luna’s from behind.

With a snap of her jaw she manically said, “I’ll bite!” Luna didn’t move muscle. She sat still and slowly turned her head to face Nightmare Moon.

“Release Derpy, no harm must come to her. I’m the one you want not her.”

“Oh, my poor misinformed misfit. You see, I don’t want her. I need her. With her I get Twilight, and she holds the true power. So again, what could you possibly give me to outweigh that?”

“My soul.”

Nightmare Moon let out a ear percing unsettling laugh. “Oh you still are naive! I don’t need your soul. I’M DEVOURING IT! Each day I eat a little of you from the inside. You forget, I am you, and you are me!”

“You must be truly mad if you think that is true! You are nothing but a dark entity that invaded my mind. You are NOTHING BUT A PARASITE!”

Nightmare Moon started to slowly circle the sitting Luna.

“Invaded? You let me in. You called out, and cried for me. You invited me in. And your mistake was allowing me in. I’ll never leave you. Think about it my dear, who was the jealousy crazed mare who cried out to me in the first place? All those years ago.

“You’re twisted in the mind and neurotic to the bone if you believe that, Nightmare! I was young and impressionable then. I am not the same mare I was over a thousand years ago.”

Nightmare Moon stood behind Luna and let out a manic laugh.

“You are more naive and pathetic than I had thought if that is your line of thinking. You’re a waste of an Alicorn, and of the power you hold as well. No matter, the one I want is on her way. And there is nothing you can do to stop it.”

Nightmare Moon slowly shifted back into mist form and floated away. “I’d get comfortable if I were you. This is going to be a long, lonely, miserable life for you. And poor Derpy.”

Fire relit inside Luna’s eyes. Rage filled her to the brim as she lashed out towards the moving mist.


“Do try it my dear, it’ll be funny to watch.”

As the dark mist drifted into nothingness, Derpy slowly walked up to Luna who was laying on the ground in defeat. At first Derpy just laid down next to her in silence, unsure of how or what to say to her. But it was Luna who broke the silence first.

“You heard all of that, didn’t you?”

“Luna, you’ve done all that you can. If it comes to my death, so be it. But I want you to know that I don’t blame you for any of this. If this had been a few months ago, I may not have been so willing to welcome death with open hoofs. But, even though it was brief, I had Twilight. And the knowledge that she’s not giving up warms my heart.”

Luna looked at Derpy with confusion. “How can you be so calm and positive in a time like this?”

Derpy looked up into the abyss, but to any who were looking, it was clear Derpy saw something else. “For the first time in my life, not one but two mares accept me for who I am. And that brings me great joy and happiness. I consider you a friend now Luna, and Twilight is my lover. Yes, it’s sad I won't be able to spend my final days with her. But I’d rather die beside a friend than be alone.”

Luna sat in silence for a moment before she spoke up again. “I believe I can agree with that. I will say it is much nicer to have company this time around. And if our fates end here, I can live with that.” Luna paused and looked over to Derpy. “You're right, I’d rather die beside a friend than alone. But I still have one regret. There is a mare who pushed her way into my heart, and it wasn’t too long ago either. But I regret that she does not know any of this.”

“I’m sure you’ll find a way before our final demise, Luna. Do you forget? You are the Princess of the Night, and the Holder of Dreams. You’ll figure something out if it means that much to you.”

Luna was dumbfounded. Why haven’t I thought of this earlier? Of course, I can still speak to ponies in their dreams. Maybe, if Nightmare hasn’t gained full control yet... Luna Jumped up and grabbed Derpy in a crushing hug. a flurry of kisses landed on her cheek.

“Luna, Luna! I need to breathe here!” Derpy struggled to get out of the death grip the Alicorn Princess had her in.

“HA! Thank you Derpy. All hope is not yet lost! There might be a fighting chance still.”

Nightmare Moon paced back and forth in the old Throne room of the ruined castle. Derpy’s lifeless body laid off in the distance by one of the old thrones. Nightmare Moon was arguing with herself.

“This isn’t good. Luna is starting to fight back.”

“Why do you worry, your mind games are working, she was sulking in defeat when we left.”

“I know this, but that bitch Derpy is lifting her spirit even as we speak. I speak? I no longer know. For madness has driven me to the brink of insanity. Luna by herself I can mange. But not this one they call Twilight Sparkle. She is powerful, far too powerful.”

“So kill her you fool. The cards are in your favor, move the pawns you have gathered for the reasons you have gathered them. Make her kneel and beg for her life. And while you're at it, take out the one they call Celestia as well. She’ll prove a thorn in our side later in life.”

“Yes. Yes. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, I see it now. You are brilliant! Soon Equestria will be mine, and Twilight Sparkle. WILL. BE. NO. MORE!”

Author's Note:

Ahhh, we are getting closer. Sorry this one took a while to get out. Life just keeps getting in the way. And it doesn't help that I'm being stressed the fuck out. But thats my problem, not yours. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter.