• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,128 Views, 88 Comments

Derpy Love - Muffin Derper

A clutsy Pony has a crush on somepony else, but has a hard time expressing her love.

  • ...

Chapter 8

The moon shone bright in the crystal clear night sky. Luna shifted her wings and banked left to come down for a landing; she flared her feathers out to catch the updraft as she softly touched down next to a lake. She turned and looked up at the moon.

“It truly is a beautiful night.”

“Yes it is, isn’t it. My dear Luna. The perfect night.” Luna looked around to see if there was another nearby, but she was all alone. Her eyes grew in fear.


Yes. What troubles you my dear?”

“You have no right to call me that, and besides, I will not fall prey to you again.” Luna heard manic laughter in her mind.

You naive child, you’ve lived for so long, but still you know nothing. I am forever stuck with you.”

“T-that's not possible; there is no hate in my heart.”

“True, but there is jealousy. And that’ll do just fine.”

Luna shook her head from side to side, fighting the agony and pain she was flooded with. She gritted her teeth groaning as a battle took place within her mind. She fell to her knees, still fighting the powerful being. Luna’s eyes shot open to reveal twin slitted pupils.

A scream echoed throughout the night.

“Derpy, just stay here for the night. I’ll go talk to Doc, and I’ll be back in the morning.” Twilight gave Derpy a quick peck on the cheek before turning around to walk out the door. “Oh, and you can sleep in my room. Its up the stairs straight ahead.”

Derpy wiped away the few straggling tears she had trickling down her cheek and nodded her head to Twilight. She darted forward and wrapped her hooves around Twilight's neck as she pulled her in for a kiss.

“Thank you, Twi.” She released her grasp on Twilight. Twilight turned around and walked out the door. Once outside, she headed towards Derpy's house.

A short walk later, Twilight approached Derpy’s house. She reached up and knocked on the door.

Doc answered it.

“Oh, hi Lassie. Er, Derpy's not here.”

“I know, I’m actually looking for you.”

“Oh?” Doc raised an eyebrow. “What for?”

“Well, I need help finding Derpy’s mom. You don’t happen to know where she is do you?” Doc stood there for a moment before nodding his head.

“Well how close is she?”

“She lives in Canterlot.” Twilight smirked at Doc.

“Looks like we’ve got a train to catch.” Twilight turned around and started to walk away from the house before looking over her shoulder at the stallion who still stood in the doorway. “Don’t make me drag you along.”

Doc quickly scampered out of the house and trotted after Twilight to catch up with her. Doc was silent the whole walk to the Ponyville Train Station, which bugged Twilight, but she couldn’t pinpoint why it did.

“Why did you let this happen?” Twilight startled Doc pulling him from whatever day dream he was having.

“I don’t kno-” Twilight reeled her head around to face Doc with flames burning in her lavender eyes.

“Don’t play that bullshit card with me!”

“I don’t know when it happened! I was in Manehatten at the time. All I know is that me Uncle died and me Aunt threw a shit fit at wee Derpy. They got into a fight and Derpy moved to Ponyville. That’s all I know.” Twilight sighed and rubbed the bridge of her snout.

“Do you at least know anything about a pendant?”

“Yes, I do. It was me Uncle’s mum’s. It was supposed to go to Derpy, but Auntie said that wee Derpy chucked it into the fire place and walked off. Which always sounded odd to me.”

“According to Derpy, her mother ripped the pendant off of her neck and threw it in the fire. It had her dad’s ashes in it.”

They had reached the train station, Doc went to find a spot to sit down while Twilight purchased a pair of round trip tickets to Canterlot. Doc set his plot down and rubbed his chin. I always wondered why she had little to nothing of his. Her mum wouldn’t let her have anything. Well that changes today! Doc looked up as Twilight approached him.

“We’re going to have to be forceful about this. She won't let anything go willingly.”

“That’s fine by me.”

The train pulled into the Canterlot Train Station. Both Twilight and Doc waited impatiently for the doors to open.

“She lives in the Diamond District.” The doors to the car opened up, and Doc and Twilight bolted out, galloping at full speed for the Diamond District.

“There it is, that house right there.” Twilight was shocked to see that Derpy came from a well-off family. She never acted like an uptight snob from Canterlot.

“You sure this is her house?” Doc nodded. As he went to go knock on the door, Twilight’s horn ignited and the front door flew off it’s hinges. “WHERE IS IT!?” Twilight barged into the house, scaring Doc at the same time. This was not the same pony that he had talked to this morning. He made a mental note not to piss off this unicorn.

A cream-colored pegasus mare came around the corner to find out what the commotion was all about. A purple aura wrapped around her neck as she was pinned up against the wall. Twilight slammed her hoof into the wall next to the mare’s head.

“Are you Derpy’s mother?!” The cream-colored mare spat into Twilight's eye before speaking up.

“What does that retarded cunt want this time?” Twilight pulled her closer before slamming her back into the wall.

“She didn’t send me. You pissed off the wrong Unicorn! DOC!” After a few moment of waiting, Doc stuck his head around the door frame. “How much longer?”

“Err, a few minutes, I still have a few things to grab.” Twilight turned her gaze back to Derpy’s mom while a sinister smile came across her face.

“Perfect.” Twilight picked up the mare before slamming her into the ground. She started to walk toward what she guessed was a sitting room, dragging Derpy’s Mom on the floor. Making sure that she ran her into everything she could. She picked her up off of the ground and placed her into a chair, putting magical restraints on her.

“What is your problem with her? She’s your own daughter!”

“She’s a disgrace to the family name. Broken eyes, the balance of a foal. The mind of a filly. She’s been nothing but a retard and a burden to me.” Twilight extended her right front leg and smacked Derpy's Mom across the face with her hoof. While conjuring up a magical gag, Twilight fixed her mane and took a few deep breaths

“That ‘retard’ is my lover, you bitch. Now, this is what's going to happen. I’m taking what belongs to her. Anything that belongs to her. And you are not going to say anything about it. If you do I’ll be forced to come back here.”


“What was that?”


“I’m guessing you're saying ‘And do what?’ Well, for starters I’m not going to be as nice as I’m being right now. And after I kick your plot, I'm going to go run to my teacher – oh, did I tell you that my teacher is Princess Celestia? Oh, how could I let that slip my mind? Anywho, I'm going to have you banned from having any type of contact with Derpy, and if you fail to comply then I guess it's the jail for you.”

Doc sheepishly walked into the room where Twilight and Derpy’s mom were.

“Er, T-twilight, I’m ready to go. Are yer done in here?”

“Almost. I’ll be out in a few.” With a cheerful smile, Twilight turned her attention back to the mare in the chair. “Where was I? Oh yes,” Twilight leaned down ‘till she was nose to nose with Derpy’s Mom. “If I have to come back, I won’t guarantee that you’ll want to live when I’m through with you.” Twilight’s face lit up into another smile. “Have a nice day.” Twilight backed up and turned to leave. As she exited the house, she dropped all of the magical restraints.

“You okay Twilight?”

“I am now, let's go.”

Luna found herself floating in an eternal abyss. Everywhere she looked was nothing but empty space that stretched as far as she could see. This place seemed oddly familiar to her, and she didn’t like the feeling she was getting. Her eyes grew in horror as the realisation came over her.

“LET ME OUT! YOU DEMONIC WHORE!” A manic laugh echoed in the abyss.

“Well, well, well. It didn’t take you long at all to figure it out this time my sweet misfit.” Luna bared her teeth and snarled.

“Don’t you dare call me that!”

“Oh? And what position are you in to tell me what I can and can’t do? Just sit back and enjoy what I have in store for that pathetic mailmare and your precious Twilight.”

“You have no power, there is no hate in my heart.” The manic laugh echoed again.

“You are a fool if you think that to be true. Deep-down, locked away is hatred toward the gray one. Anger that she has something you want. You have lost your backbone, so I will do what you will not. I’m going to make Twilight MINE! And she will be my slave and help me bring eternal night to this forsaken planet.”

A single tear rolled down Luna’s cheek, but it was not from sadness. Sister forgive me.

A dark mist crept its way into Twilight’s room where Derpy was sleeping, engulfing everything but the bed. A dark figure loomed in the new-formed darkness by Derpy’s side. Two slitted, light-blue eyes stared with intensity towards the gray mare. Detestation burned in the narrowed slits, as rage filled the figure.

"You have taken what is ours. Stolen what we have sought after. We will have our way with Twilight Sparkle, without your meddling." Soon, the Darkness covered the room, but only for an instant. The Darkness slowly receded, followed by a menacing laugh. Derpy was no longer on Twilight’s bed. In fact, Derpy was nowhere to be found at all. It had gone silent in the room, nothing seemed out of place except for one whisper.

“I will not fall to madness again.”

Author's Note:

I wanted to push Twilight's character in this chapter. To take the fact that Twilight tends to lose her marbles from time to time, and go haywire with it. And Also I wanted to show just how much she really cares for Derpy. I also think I shall take a vacation from writing to let you all just sit and ponder what happend:trollestia: lol