• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,128 Views, 88 Comments

Derpy Love - Muffin Derper

A clutsy Pony has a crush on somepony else, but has a hard time expressing her love.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Twilight laid in blackness feeling sore in every inch of her body, each limb feeling like they weighed several tons each. A picture of her right leg moving came into mind, but the limb was stubborn and didn’t move. She tried to open her eyes, but her eyelids felt like lead and refused to move. She tried to recall what happened, but nothing came to mind. Every time she tried to think, a sharp pain ran through her brain. Twilight tried to move her body again, but it once again refused her. Slowly, two voices made their way to Twilight's ears. Although she couldn’t tell who they were, she could make out what they were saying. One sounded childish and slightly hysterical, while the other was feminine and had the tone of somepony who was wise from living a long life.

“I didn’t know who else to turn to; I’m sorry for pulling you from your duties.”

“Think nothing of it Spike. I’m glad you sent for me.”

Spike? Why was that name familiar to her.

“So, what happened to Twilight to bring this on?”

“Well, before she started to babble incoherently she said something about dark magic. After that, there was nothing intelligible. Mostly grunt and groans. Apparently Derpy had stayed the night, and she wasn’t anywhere to be found.”

Derpy, D-derpy, Derpy? It all rushed back to Twilight. DERPY! She’s been kidnaped, I must find Derpy! Twilight forced her eye’s open, ignoring the tremendous amount of pain it took to move her eyes. Twilight gritted her teeth as she forced her body to move. Groans of pain escaped her mouth while she slowly, wobbling, rolled over to get her legs underneath her.

“Looks like somepony is finally coming to.” Twilight let out another cry of pain as she shuffled her hooves to stand up. “Try not to move so suddenly. You don’t want to get l-”

Twilight tilted her head up only to be met with a wave of nausea and a spinning room, crashing back down to the ground with a grunt.


“D-D-Derpy, must find Derpy.”

“Twilight, please come over here and sit down. We have more problems on our hooves beside your missing marefriend.”

Twilight looked up at the blurry mare in front of her. After a few moments of straining her eyes, a tall, swan-like pony came into view. The tall pony had a pair of angelic wings and a tall horn jutting out of her head. Princess Celestia? The ethereal mane that constantly flowed with a breeze which couldn’t be felt wrapped around a maternal face, with two magenta eyes staring back into Twilight's violet orbs.

“Wha-what are you talking about? Wait, why is Princess Celestia here?”

“Well, after you passed out I sorta freaked out and sent Princess Celestia a letter. I didn’t know what to do. You just fell over and stopped responding.” Tears started to fill the little dragon's eyes. Twilight walked over to Spike and pulled him into a hug.

“Spike, you did the right thing. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” Spiked looked up into Twilight’s eyes.

“But I’m not ashamed, I was scared. You’re the closest thing I have to a mother, and I-I, I thought I lost you.” The weight of Spikes words crashed into Twilight like a big wave breaking onto the beach.

Not once had Twilight looked at their relationship that way. As she thought about it, she only saw him as a helper, but it was true. She was the cause of Spike’s egg hatching, and it was her that had to take care of him while he grew up. She looked down onto the tiny dragon, her vision becoming blurry once again.

How much was I blind too? How far did I shove my nose into books that I blocked all of these feelings out? Twilight hugged Spike tighter as she felt the first few tears finally spill over her eyelids and fall onto her cheeks.

As Twilight hugged Spike her mind churned, and the more she started to doubt herself. Did she really deserve Spike’s loyalty? And for that matter, did she really deserve Derpy? Her closed attitude as a filly was starting to haunt her. What else did she miss out on during her younger years.

NO! I will not give into self pity and wallow in despair. I need to focus and find a way to get Derpy back. Twilight's train of thought shifted back to the task at hand. Twilight turned her head and looked up to the swan-like Alicorn that was her mentor.

“Princess Celestia, what can you tell me about Dark magic?”

“Well to begin with, it can only be conjured by powerful sorcerers like Star Swirled The Bearded or King Sombra. But no pony today can harness that level of power, not even you Twilight. Maybe in time, but not right now. Why do you ask?”

Twilight sat and pondered the princess’ question. Why did I ask? UGH! What happened before I blacked out! As Twilight struggled to recall what had happened, Spike spoke up.

“Um, Twilight. You mentioned something about your room smelling like Dark Magic.” Celestia’s eyes widened.

“How do you know what Dark Magic smells like?”

“When we faced Night...mare.......Moon,” Twilight stopped mid sentence as her eyes filled with horror, “oh no.”

“Twilight how do you know what Dark Magic smells like?!”

“When we faced Nightmare Moon I smelled something foul every time she would cast a spell. It was bugging me so I looked into it. Turns out Nightmare Moon uses Dark Magic.” Celestia collapsed upon the floor. Shaking her head slowly from side to side.

“No, it can’t be. You defeated Nightmare Moon.”

“That's what I tho-” There was a knock at the door. Annoyed, Twilight went to go answer it.

As she opened the door, there stood Trixie.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie has-” Twilight cut her off.

“Not now Trixie.” Twilight shut the door on Trixies face. Muffled through the door Trixie protested Twilight’s reaction.

“But Trixie know’s where Luna went! UGH!” Twilight stopped in her tracks and ran back to the door, swinging it open to find a pouty faced Trixie sitting on her plot with her front legs crossed in front of her. “Oh now you’ll listennn AHHH!”

Twilight dragged Trixie into her home with her magic and slammed the door shut locking it behind her.

Derpy found herself waking up in an unfamiliar place; all around her was nothing but a white plain. It stung at the eyes to look around at the bright abyss. Derpy was confused; she couldn’t tell if she was awake or still dreaming. The ashen pegasus called out, but nopony answered back. Her head swiveled around taking in the scene that spilled out before her. A faint sob reached her ears and they perked up, rotating around to try to pinpoint the source of the sound.

Derpy lifted her plot off the ground and walked toward the sound of somepony sobbing. The walk felt like it was taking forever, but the sound was getting louder so Derpy trekked on. In the distance, Derpy could start to make out what looked like a dark blue Pegasus bent over herself, sobbing heavily. As she got closer, Derpy thought she heard the mare say something in between the sobs.

“I-I’m s-sorry, I’m so sorry.” Derpy walked up and hesitantly reached her hoof out to place it on the mare’s shoulder.

“Excuse me miss?” The dark blue mare slowly turned her head and peered up into Derpy's walleyed amber orbs that struggled to focus at the pony in front of her. Princess Luna?!

“Derpy, please forgive me. This is all my fault.” Derpy cocked her head to the side confused at the Princess’ words.

“Princess Luna, what are you talking about?” Princess Luna brought both of her hooves to her face and covered her eyes as another powerful sob shook her body.

“Everything’s all my fault. From a mistake that I made a thousand of years ago which still haunts me and hurts pony’s I love to this day. It’s all my fault!”

“I still don’t follow.” Princess Luna locked eyes with Derpy once more; they were nothing but seas of pain and anguish.

“Nightmare’s back.” Derpy’s wings fluttered at her side with the mention of the name, but she was befuddled as to how that could be.

“I still don’t follow. You’re sitting right in front of me, how can Nightmare Moon be back if you're still, well, you?”

“Derpy, look around. Does this look like Ponyville? Let alone Equestria?” Derpy looked around her as Luna had asked. All she could see was an endless sea of white nothing.

“Well, no. Come to think of it, where are we? Last I remember, I was asleep in Twilight’s bed while she took off somewhere.” Where did that adorable unicorn go anyway?

“We are nowhere and everywhere. The Nexus between the Dream Realm and what you would call the Reality Realm. Trapped here by Nightmare Moon. All because of me.” Derpy sat down next to the saddened Princess and wrapped a leg around her shoulder.

“Do you blame yourself for everything that goes wrong? I mean, I understand you tried to bring eternal night to Equestria once upon a time. But all ponies make mistakes. Look at me. I cause problems all the time with my clumsiness. You’ve just got to brush it off and keep on trotting.”

Luna reached up and wiped away a tear that was rolling down her cheek as she turned to face Derpy. A soft smile came across Luna’s face as Derpy’s words sank in.

“I appreciate your kind words, but you don’t understand. I did do this. I let myself fall for somepony. And my jealousy of another who won said pony’s affections before me, even the tiniest bit of it, has given Nightmare just what she needs to manifest again and wreak havoc on all of Ponykind.”

Derpy sat there thinking, trying to gather the meaning of Luna’s words. Ok, but what does this have to do with me? She glanced over to Luna, whose cheeks turned dark blue as she averted her gaze as to not meet Derpy’s. Derpy looked down to stare at the floor, if there was one. She could swear she felt like she was on a cloud. She raised her hoof and scratched the back of her neck.

“Ok, I can’t make a connection. What does this have to do with me?”

“Twilight.” Derpy raised an eyebrow. Twilight? What does that mean. Then it struck her. It had to be it, it would explain why she hissed for her to back off that one day.

“You have a crush on Twilight? Wait, so does that mean you’re jealous of me? But why?

“You have something that I want. I don’t hate you, quite the opposite actually. I envy you, you did something that still baffles me. Blasted new world ideals and customs! But there was a tiny bit of jealousy.”

“Ok, but why did Nightmare kidnap me?”

“She’s going to use your body as bait to lure in Twilight.”

“Trixie slow down! Start again, slowly this time.” Twilight was getting impatient with Trixie, this was the fourth time they’ve gone over this, but Trixie was talking too fast.

“UGH! Trixie was in Canterlot trying to find something to eat, well, we’ll just skip that part. Trixie ran into Luna upon a roof. We were having a woe is us moment. Anyway, Luna and Trixie talked for awhile. Luna made Trixie feel better about Trixie’s plight in life. But Luna voiced a concern that something from her past has resurfaced and is now haunting her. She mentioned something about the Sisters’ old Castle in the Everfree Forest. Then she took off before Trixie could inquire more.”

Celestia was still laying on the floor in shock. I knew I should've made more of a point to talk with her. This is all my fault. We need help this time, but who can I call upon?

“Ok, so why did you come to Ponyville then?”

Trixie tapped her front hooves together as she sheepishly looked to the ground.

“Trixie may have a small crush on Luna.” Twilight rolled her eyes at Trixie, her patience was growing thin.

“I can’t hear you.”

“Trixie may have a small crush on the Princess! And Trixie was wondering if you could help us with our predicament.”

Twilight’s right eye twitched, causing her right ear to follow suit.

“Sweet Celestia, you’re joking right?! Derpy is missing, so is Luna, and you want me to play match maker?! Are you stupid!”

Trixie visibly winced at Twilight's outburst while nervously looking left to right.

“Well, Trixie understands that now is a bad time, but, maybe at some point in the future?” Trixie gave Twilight a nervous smile.Twilight walked up to Trixie muzzle to muzzle and looked her in the eyes, anger filling the violet eyes, prodding Trixie in the chest with her hoof to emphasize her point.

“You are going to come help us bring back Derpy and Luna. And then, maybe I’ll help you.”

Author's Note:

Sooo, yeah Trixie's here now. I was going to release a side story of the interaction between Trixie and Luna in Canterlot. I was working on it. Kinda still am. I still might publish it, maybe. It depends on if you want to see it or not. Anyway hope y'all like this chapter.