• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 2,128 Views, 88 Comments

Derpy Love - Muffin Derper

A clutsy Pony has a crush on somepony else, but has a hard time expressing her love.

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Chapter 3

Derpy rushed home with glee after hearing Twilight's answer. She flew with the speed and precision that would rival Rainbow Dash. A golden streak following a gray blur through Ponyville. Alarmed cries could be heard as Derpy made her way home. When she got home she rushed through the door and tackled Doctor Whooves to the ground hugging him and giggling with joy.

"She said yes. SHE SAID YES! Oh Celestia she said yes!" The gray pegasus was buzzing with excitement.

"Who said yes to what? Yur not makin sense." Doc was looking confused at Derpy.

"Twilight, she’s coming to dinner tomorrow." Derpy let out a loud gasp. "She's coming to dinner." She darted into the kitchen and flung open all the cupboards and the refrigerator. Stuff went flying here and there. Finally Derpy popped her head up with a pen in mouth, and notepad in hoof. Fiercely writing with her mouth. Seeming contempt with whatever she wrote down. She bolted for the door. Until Doc step in her way. She dug her hooves into the ground but had too much momentum and crashed into him. After a few seconds they both picked themselves up off the ground.

"You do know the market is closed right now right?" Derpy gave him a confused look. "It's night time."

"Oh, yeah." Derpy calmed down a little. "Guess I got carried away." She walked over to her mailbag and set the note inside so she wouldn't forget it tomorrow. "Well, I'm off to bed Doc. Good night."

"Night Derpy." She made her way down the small hallway and entered her room. She plopped down and settled in for the night.

Her mind went adrift at the possible scenarios that could happen tomorrow. But one thing was for certain to Derpy. She was going to tell Twilight just how she felt about that mare. With that as her last conscious thought she slipped into sleep with a smile on her face.

Twilight was feeling great that Derpy had asked her over for dinner. But why did she feel this happy? It's just dinner with a friend, that's all. Right? At least she hadn't insulted Derpy. She still had a hard time understanding why the gray pegasus has been acting strange. Maybe that's why she invited her to dinner. The conundrum racked in her brain, but she'd get her answer soon enough.

She turned her head to look at the bookshelf that was carved into the giant oak that she called home. She pulled a book off one of the shelves with her magic and trotted over to her couch and sat down. She opened the book and began to read. Normally reading came with ease to Twilight. It relaxed her mind and put her to ease allowing her to think with a clear head. Tonight on the other hand, she was having trouble focusing on the book before her. She found herself staring blankly at the page. Blurred in her eyes as if she was trying to see thru the book. This went off and on for twenty minutes until it came to her attention that her focus was elsewhere deep down in her sub conscience.

She sighed as she closed the book and set it down. No point in trying to read with a wondering mind. Instead she turned her focus to the events of the day to try and find the meaning behind it. She thought back to the morning when Derpy ran into her. An odd sensation erupted from her stomach as she thought about Derpy. But she didn't mind it any attention. Twilight picked up a glass of water with her magic.

Her thoughts turned to when Princess Luna had called her away, when it seemed that Derpy was going to tell her something important. That was another pony who concerned her. Luna had become, possessive of Twilight lately. If anypony got too close to her while in Luna's presents she'd lose it. What is with everypony acting out of character around me lately? It's like they all have crus-. She cut that thought off with an audible gasp of shock as the glass she had been holding fell to the ground with a crash.

It was all so clear to her now. How could I be so dumb?! She chastised herself with a groan. Spike glanced up at her.“Um, Twilight, are you ok?” Twilight looked over at Spike as her spilled out sideways.

“Yeah, just realised how much of an idiot I am when it comes to the real world.”

She look back at how painfully obvious it was. Derpy's blushed covered face came into to Twilight's thoughts, along with the reddening of her own cheeks.

“Spike, make sure you go to bed at a decent time, I got some things to take care of.” Before Spike could even ask a question Twilight teleported out of the living room.

Twilight walked up the stairs leading to the door at the Carousel Boutique. She got to the door and lifted her hoof and knock on the door. From behind the door she could hear Rarity complaining about if somepony knew what time of the night it was.

“Twilight darling do you know the hour?” Rarity had answered the door in a robe and a sleeping mask on her head.

“I know Rarity, but I need help with something.” Twilight nervously shifted her weight on her hooves waiting for her to answer. Rarity’s eyes widen when she took in Twilight’s body language.

“Oh. Oh yes yes, come in.” Rarity lead Twilight in to the boutique. She closed the door behind her and started to head for the stairs. “Just take a seat I’ll be right back.” With that said she troted off up the stairs.

Twilight walked into the room and took a seat on the sofa. After a few moments of sitting there in silence Rarity walked into the room, robe and sleeping mask nowhere to be seen.

“Did you really have to put makeup on?”

“Do you really have to ask when we both know the answer to that?” Rarity eyeballed Twilight for a moment.

“No I guess not.” Twilight looked down at her hoofs for a few minutes before continuing.

“So what is it I can help you with dear?”

“Well I think I have a crush on a special somepony. And I’ve been invited to dinner tomorrow night, or later today. Anyway I have no idea what to do. I’ve spent all my time with my snoot stuck in a book that I have no clue what to do.” Twilight looked at Rarity with pleading eyes. Rarity started to squeal in delight after hearing the news.

“This is so wonderful Twilight! It’s about time you found yourself a colt.” Twilight shook her head at Rarity and looked sheepishly at the floor. Rarity gasped loudly and cover her mouth with one of her hoofs.

“Oh my, I did not know you were into mares Twilight.”

“Neither did I until a few hours ago.”

“Well does this special mare like you back?”

“I-I think so, but not 100 percent sure.” Rarity started to giggle again.

“Darling you have nothing to fear, all you have to do is be yourself. If this mare in question does like you, it means that they like you for who you are. Even with all of your, um-.”

“Hard headedness, or the fact i’m always reading or doing research on something?” Twilight looked at Rarity with a blunt expression.

“Well yes there is that, but I was going to say your unique personality. So may I ask who invited who to dinner?”

“She did, right after she got off work. Spike and I were walking home and she...ran into us.”

“Twilight, dear if she has the guts to ask you to dinner in front of Spike, she either just wanted a friend over for dinner, or she really likes you. im guessing it was the later seeing how you didn’t mention if Spike was invited.”

“No, he wasn’t invited. But what's the protocol to these? Do I bring something with me, do I get her a gift? I’m just so lost.” Rarity sat and thought for a moment.

“Well it isn’t very proper to show up empty hooved. I’d think a lovely wine would be appropriate to bring with you. But I would hold off on the gift idea for now. Later on down the road, if things get that far, you could bring a gift. But for now I’d say wine is the way to go.”

“Um, what kind of wine should I bring.” Rarity’s jaw dropped and her eyes went wide.

“Twilight don’t tell me you’ve never had wine!” Twilight's ears pinned to the back of her head.

“I haven’t had any alcoholic drink ever.”

“We are fixing that right now.” Rarity got up and trotted towards the kitchen. Twilight could hear the clanking of glass together as Rarity mumbled to herself shifting through her cupboard looking for something. Rarity came back into the room with a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses following her in a light blue aurora.

It had been a few hours after Rarity brought out the bottle of red wine. They had gone through that bottle and then Rarity brought out a bottle of bourbon. A decision they would both regret in the morning. Twilight still couldn’t get over the burning bitter taste of the bourbon.

“Pony’s actually want to drink this shit?”


“What? I jus don’t get it. It’s bitter and it burns.” Twilight was now seeing two Rarity’s and couldn’t keep her balance if her life depended on it. Her mind was muddled and her thoughts weren’t clear. She found herself having a hard time keeping a coherent thought. But somehow they managed to keep a conversation going.

“Yous still haven’t told me who your speci, special somepony is Twi.” Rarity started giggling for no reason.

“Oh, I haven’t? It’s Derpy. Oooo I have the greatest idea of ideas. Les go sneak into her house and say hi!” Twilight stumbled to her hooves and staggered towards the door. “Were going on an Adventura!”

“Twilight, no we couldn’t do that. Twilight, Twilight? Oh drat.” Twilight had already made her way out the door and was stumbling her way to Derpy’s house. Rarity followed suit not knowing what to do in her intoxicated state.

Derpy’s nose cringed in her sleep when something strong and bitter wafted into her nostrils. She could hear two different voices but she couldn’t make out who it was.

“Shhhh, we’re not suppsed to be here.”

“Oh calm down. It’s not like we’re going to steal sumthin. Well maybe this cute pony, but that’s it.”

Derpy’s ear twitched. Did she really just hear somepony call her cute, or was she still dreaming.

“ok ok ok, shhhhh. We are going to kidnap cute pony.” Derpy’s curiosity was up. So she decided to open her eyes to see who it was. The first thing she saw was two violet eyes staring back at her. She than looked to her right and saw another pair of eyes, but this set was pale blue. The stench of alcohol was in the air.

“Twilight, what are you doing here? And have you been drinking?”

“Uh-oh abort cute pony is awake I repeat cute pony is awake. Quick out the window.” Twilight went to move forward but she just fell flat on her face and passed out. Rarity stood there in frozen shock.

“How much has she had?” Derpy gave Rarity an accusing stare.

“Alright already, I might have given her a bit too much for her first time. But to be all fair I’m just as drunk so if we’re moving her to the couch les hurry up before I pass out too.”

“No she can have my bed tonight, you’ll get the couch. I’ll just crash with Doc tonight.” Derpy helped Rarity get Twilight onto the bed. After that she led her into the living room so she could sleep on the couch. Derpy turned away and went back down the hallway and made her way into Doc’s room. He was up, as usual.

“So whos our lovely drunken guests?”

“Rarity and Twilight. Rarity’s on the couch, Twilight passed out in my room so we put her on my bed and I was gunna crash with you. Seeing how you never sleep.” Derpy crawled onto Doc’s bed and pulled the covers over her. She called me Cute pony.

Author's Note:

I had alot of fun redoing this chapter