• Published 17th Apr 2012
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Just a day in Equestria - dave89898989

Electric Blue and friends make amazing adventures in Equestria, and mysteries are slowly solved.

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6 - The diary of humanity

"When I rule the world, you can either rule it with me or without me. I don't care if you do or don't, because you mean nothing to me anymore. I used to think you were a nice person, but then I peeled back the layers and I find the worst person to even want to love. What was I thinking? Nobody loves you. Not even your parents. They're gone now, but those deaths weren't my responsibility, so you have to thank me that I didn't kill them myself."

The man I saw in my flashback was talking to me, in such a horrible manner, which was sickening to watch. His features have changed from the last sighting of him. He was much paler, and his eyes were a deep, burning red instead of blue. He had scars, and pulsating veins showing at the sides of his head. He looked so... evil. So corrupted. But why? My human form started talking.

"I hate you so much right now, I always did. You're lucky you've even got a mouth, as I would have ripped it out of your putrid skull ages ago. People love me more than they love you. Look what you've become! You look so evil and disgusting! I never loved you; you just didn't want to see the truth! Because of the amount of deaths you've caused alone, there's no choice for me now but to end your reign of terror!"

I suddenly lashed at him with a sword, carved so elegantly, and yet it was disturbing how I was wielding such a weapon. He fought back, with his own sword, it releasing fire from the edge of the blade. It looked like he was too powerful for me, as my efforts to fight back only ended up with me faltering, scalded and agonised. But I just kept getting back up. So I used to be a valiant warrior. I could also use magic, as I heard myself reciting different words which I couldn't understand, but it caused balls of energy forming and being thrown into my enemy. He staggered, but only very slightly. He looked to powerful to face, but still, I kept on going. If only there was something I could do to save myself. This dream began to fade.

I awoke to a cheerful hum coming from a particular pink pony.

"Oh, good morning Pinkie pie, I haven't seen you in a while. Why are you here? How did you get in?"

"You always leave your door open Blue! You also haven't seen me much because I had a lot of work making double the amount of cakes for everyone as I had kind of a need for more sweet things than usual so I apologised to Mr and Mrs Cake but I just kept on eating and I don't know why!"

"Ok, well I understand that, I always want sweets as well. But what I don't understand still is how you just said all that without breathing, or why you're here. Could you please tell me?"

"Well I guess I just have big lungs or something but I don't understand myself sometimes and I came here to tell you that Twilight needs your help to clean up her library because Spike's away somewhere"

"Oh alright then, I'll go and visit her soon. And who's Spike?"

"Spike is Twilight's assistant and he's a dragon and you'll come to like him don't worry!"

I slowly raised my body out of the bed, where I noticed a complimentary cake sitting on a table. "Did you make this for me Pinkie?"

"Of course I did! I didn't want to seem selfish so I made all of my friends cakes as I haven't really seen anypony lately and I wanted to repay them for me not being there!"

"Oh I see, well this is definitely a generous offer. I thank you Pinkie pie."

"You're welcome but there's no time to dawdle, I gotta get you to Twilight's!"

I quickly took a small piece of cake and shoved into my mouth before getting dragged suddenly to Twilight's house. She was waiting outside her door, happy to see that I came, even if it was through Pinkie pie's pulling me there.

"I'm so glad you could help me out, Electric blue!" She shook my hoof formally. "I hope you're okay with cleaning!"

"I'll see you later girls!" Pinkie said as she bounded away.

"I don't see much of her lately" I said to Twilight.

"Neither do I... I wonder what she's really up to..." Twilight replied. "Anyway, come in, I have some organisation to do, and I need your help."

I stepped into the messy library, and quietly gasped.

"I'm sorry if I leave an impression on you, but it's not what you think, this messiness gives me more comfort to study. But seeing as I'm done with that for now, it's time to tidy up."

"Well, I'll clean up the right side, while you clean the left. Deal?"

"Okay, it's a deal. I really thank you for helping me out with this, just Spike's away and I can't work in this environment anymore."

I stacked books, up to five as that was the most I could carry, and put them neatly into the shelves. I turned to watch Twilight move everything around with her horn, so I tried to hide my jealousy. Wait, I used to know magic without needing a horn, so why won't it work now? All I have to do is remember the words...
"S... su... Subvolo." The books, to my amazement, lifted. but only for a few seconds.

"H....how did you do that?! When you aren't a unicorn?!" Twilight cried.

"I used to... I mean I read something about magic, and I practised it every night, and here's where I am now."

"That's just amazing! And what language was that?"

"I... don't remember, but that word meant levitate."

"That's fascinating! Please, demonstrate more!"

"I don't know if I can remember any more..."

"Oh, please try!"

"Hmm... I know! Vi pulsus."

A book jolted across the room. We both looked at each other, shocked.

"This is wonderful! We must tell the others!" Shouted twilight in amazement.

"Wait, let's keep cleaning up first."

"Alright, and then I want to see more magic from you!"

"How about this... Locum purum."

The room started to move itself around, putting books back into place, polishing the surfaces, and everything else in between. I must have a lot of magical potential to be able to do something as big as this. Just then a book landed on my head and fell to the floor. I looked at the cover, and it had a picture of a strange planet. The title was: "The memoirs of humanity" by Anne Ultrice. The name sounded so familiar, and the book felt like it was a part of me. I flicked through the pages to see you many diary extracts, diagrams and drawings. I felt like keeping it.
"Twilight, would it be okay for me to have this book?"

"Well I don't know, that book is a really interesting read..."

"Please Twilight; it seems to mean a lot to me, like I wrote it or something..."

"Why do you feel that way about it?"

"Well, you're the first one for me to reveal this to... I shouldn't say it."

"Go ahead and say it, what have you got to lose?"

"Well, I got a lot of flashbacks in the past few days, and all of them showed me, but in a different form."

"Go on..."

"I used to be... a human. I just don't know how I became a pony though..."

"You... used to be... human? How is this possible?"

"I'm not entirely sure yet, but all I remember is that I used to be a human, and on a different world. I also keep having dreams, which are usually just voices, but it's the same person every time. This person is apparently my enemy, and he wants me to love him, but I never loved him. The only one that I love is Fl-- oops..."

"Fl... fl who?"


Twilight stepped back in shock. "Fluttershy? In love? With you? So soon? How?"

"I don't know why she loves me, there's just something about me that makes her love me for some reason..."

"I never expected Fluttershy to fall in love... wow..."

"I've definitely changed this place haven't I?"

"Yes, but for the better! You've helped the whole group, you've made Fluttershy more confident, you've made her love you, and everything you've done has happened in just a couple of days! That's an extraordinary feat you pulled off there Blue!"

"Well, thank you for that. I just want to know how I became a pony though... we're going to Appleoosa soon aren't we? There's a long lost pony I knew there, and I can unlock my memory through her."

"We must go and tell the others about you, if you're okay with that."

"That's fine, we must meet together anyway."

After we all were united again, I told everyone everything that I knew so far about myself and my past, I demonstrated some magic. Everyone was shocked at first, but they all became supportive, as they are friends after all. I told them how I and Fluttershy are in a relationship, they giggled with Fluttershy, but had nice intentions as they thought it was unexpected, but it was wonderful how I've made her much more confident around me, and brought her to feel love for me.

"So, in a few days time we're going to Appleoosa, aren't we?" I questioned to the others.

"We sure are Blue, we're gonna see mah cousin Braeburn again. Yer gonna like it there!" Replied Applejack.

"And you can meet your long lost friend while we do our own thing if you want" Rainbow dash added.

"Yeah, I just hope she has the answers I need, otherwise I don't know what I'd do next..."

I took another look at the book in front of everyone. The name really meant something. Anne Ultrice. I looked inside to see a message on the first page. It read: "If these book falls into different hands, always be on the look out for Glais Pectus. Never give this book to him."

Who's Glais? Who's Anne? Why is this book so important to me? So many mysteries to be solved... Wait, the first page of text says this:

"There was once a time of peace, and love. Real love, not the horrible, televised love, or the love that never works out properly, as the lovers can be polar opposites. I was once friends with a man that used to be a good person, but he changed into something bad one day, all because I refused his love. He began to hate me; he began to destroy people's lives. Especially mine. Earth used to be a great place to live, but now as he's overthrown the whole government, and the royal family and everything else; with his dark magic, there is nothing but chaos and a wasteland that people can barely survive on. This is my first diary entry, and this might just be a random stew of words and emotions, but all I feel is anger right now. This person should stop existing, and one day, I'm going to make that happen; I'm going to make the world good again."

I realised. I dropped the book. Anne is me. Or was me. Glais is my enemy. A tear rolled down my cheek. As the group rushed to comfort me, I collapsed into a state of uncomfortable relaxation. I just didn't know what to say, I didn't know how to feel.
The girls carried me home, tucked me into bed and took the liberty of staying with me all night, while I lay there, restless and haunted. I didn't have the strength to write the nightly letter to the Princess. I cast a spell to force me to fall asleep, but even then I just couldn't fall. I didn't feel good. I felt unclean, hurt, angered, depressed, and everything else in between. I decided to read the second page of the diary.

"I don't know why I cut out one of the last pages of the diary and put it at the front. Probably just a warning to those that need to be warned, and you know who you are. But anyway, now for the real entry.
I feel good today. I had a beautiful dress made by one of my best friends. She could be one of the best fashion designers on earth! I tried it on, and it fit perfectly! There's a party going on today, and she made my dress just in time for it.

I don't think I've ever been to a party better than that! Well, when I say party, I mean, a ball. Either way, I danced the night away with my friends; we all had great fun. I could never ask for friends any better than who I have, because they are the best for me. They are so kind, and giving, and caring, and funny... I don't have enough words to describe this day, so I drew a big smiley face instead!"

I noticed a crude drawing of a cartoon style face, with a huge smile covering the circle head. I must have had a great life, just like I do now. So, I'm guessing I used to be on a different planet, called Earth. That must be what the cover's for. I looked through the pages without spoiling it for myself, trying to find some more spells. I read the note attached to a whole sub-book of spells.

"The magic I learned came from latin, the only working language of magic to humans. Basic spells such as the levitate spell (Subvolo) are obviously easier to learn than advanced spells, but sometimes that isn't always true. There must always be a balance between each spell, so practise magic regularly, varying from basic to advanced when you can."

Judging by my magic I tried earlier, the embodiment of my skill for magic must have stayed with me, so Anne must have been very powerful. I hope Anne listed her talents here and there, so I can pick them up as I go along with reading through. After reading this, I felt much calmer, so I was able to drift off into a deep sleep, still pondering as I went.

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