• Published 17th Apr 2012
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Just a day in Equestria - dave89898989

Electric Blue and friends make amazing adventures in Equestria, and mysteries are slowly solved.

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23 - Eternal sunset

*Electric Blue’s POV*

I thought I was a good pony. I’ve been living a lie, but now I remember so much more, thanks to the Lepouri. Celestia thinks she can exile me, but I’m not the type that listens to orders. I’m going back to ‘meet’ her right now. This is the right time too, because dusk is arriving. Perfect. I’m standing just outside the castle walls, waiting for the guards to move on. No, I’ll take it one step further.

I signaled for the Lepouri to slay the gate guards and drag them away, just as planned. I can get through things much easier now that I have these twisted rabbits on my side. I walk past the gates, and I enter the castle grounds. Lush grass covers the first courtyard, with hanging flowers and torches lighting the way for me. I blow them out, one by one, as I can’t be seen just yet. Lurk in the shadows and accept the darkness as my own, is what I’ve learned. I feel so much more powerful with my evil soul awakened again. For all these years I’ve had a miserable time in truth, and now it’s much better.

More guards approach through the hall in front of me. I whistle, and the Lepouri come to my aid again. They attack the colts, and I slip by unnoticed. Fools, the lot of them.

“Hey you! Stop right there! What are you doing here at this hour?” One cowardly royal nuisance stands in front of me suddenly.

“See you in the afterlife, friend.” I conjure up a ball of dark energy, and engulf the guard in it. The ball disappears, taking the stupid pony with it.

This is a breeze for me. I should have realised my true potential ages ago, but everypony refused to awaken me. It wasn’t long until I had dealt with all of the patrolling guards. So weak...they need to tighten their security. That reminds me, I should steal some books from the study of this castle. The lepouri informed me of it, as it contained knowledge of what they are and what other ancient creatures can be found.

I opened the large wooden doors to the study and noticed the masses of books stacked in bookcases surrounding the room. I called in the Lepouri to look for the right book, and to take it to me, as I had to get to the throne room fast. The sun was almost out of view, in time for the moon to begin rising into the sky. The Princesses must not change over, otherwise this plan will not work. I exited the study and continued down the hall.

More of those large wooden doors to open. I pushed one of them to get through, and I found myself in the place I needed to be. A long, white painted room with stained glass windows, and the throne at the far end. Haha, the princess' face. It was enjoyable to see her shocked, when she would normally be so composed. I approached her slowly.
“You! You were exiled, you shouldn’t be here!” Celestia cried out.

“Not everypony can be controlled. Especially me, the most powerful being in this place. I’m glad I got you at a time that you weren’t prepared,” I calmly replied.

“How did you get this far without being detained?” She asked.

“Your guards are not funded highly enough I’m afraid, so they do not have good enough training. I disposed of them all.” I chuckled to myself. This was all too easy.

“Please, Electric Blue, don’t do this. I know you’ve been through some trauma, but it’s time to come back down from the clouds now.” She attempted to console me. Feeble.

Some trauma? All through my life I’ve been bombarded with abuse and disappointments, and you think I can stay normal after that? Nopony has experienced pain like I have, and those who believe otherwise shall be shown the truth. Princess, I am going to overthrow you now, and bring about an eternal sunset, so I can rule without any conflicts.” I raised my pace at which I walked at, and I radiated a dark, purple, swirling aura.

“Don’t make me have to do this to you, Electric Blue, I do not wish to resort to violence, especially to a once good student,” Celestia was ready to strike me, but I had obtained vast power with the Lepouri’s help. They all poured dark energy into my mind, bringing the darkest of magic to my control. I could take Celestia down like she was just another underpaid guard.

“It’s too late, I am taking command now, I am going to rule over this land, and get what I deserve, complete supremacy!” I shouted at the top of my voice.

The princess fired a huge, pulsating ray of white light from her horn, and I returned it with a huge, beam of darkness. The two currents collided, causing a bright red explosion in the middle. This is where good battles evil, but evil will always prevail. Darkness swallows the light. The dark beam continued to whittle down Celetia’s light ray, until it hit her, causing her face to become charred. I summoned shards of dark energy, and shot them into the princess, breaking her standing position. Her legs grew weak, and she began to collapse on the floor. I kept shooting piercing dark daggers into her, until she slid across the floor, away from her precious throne.

She looked unconscious, so I took her tiara and necklace away from her, and affixed it to myself. Not that I needed them, because I had enough power as it was, but there is always the hunger for more. I’m still wondering how this was all too easy, but no matter, I have what I deserve.

The Lepouri returned to my side, with the book that I had asked for. I flicked through the pages, and noticed that there were many more animals I could summon. All I needed were those orbs, and the unsuspecting ex-friend could bring them to me. And then I can dispose of her, as she wouldn’t be needed anymore. She hardly did anything for me with my time here, so unimportant ponies can perish for all I care. Nopony tried hard enough for me around here, and nobody on earth was any better.

Even if I don’t remember all of my time on that terrible planet, I can recall the parts that affected me in the worst ways. For a start, my entire family was killed mercilessly. And then I was attacked a few times on my travels, I got robbed, tortured, taken advantage of, poisoned, corrupted, you name it, those things all happened to me. Not just that, everyone else that I knew, friends, anyone I had talked to or seen, killed or destroyed. Vengeance is my only ally now, and so it’s time to make use of it.

“Go, take away anypony that seems unfit to work for me. Get into their heads, gather their thoughts of the ones that are able,” I commanded the ever so obedient Lepouri creatures. “Set fire to the town, give them the message that the princess has been overthrown, drive them out of hiding.”

*Destiny’s POV*

Cyan looked at our beaten bodies with a large grimace. Even if he was too jumpy to notice other ponies’ problems, this definitely stuck out to him.

“I swear there’s been more evil on the loose lately, what’s going on?” He asked us.

“Who knows, why, what have you seen?” I returned with a question to him.

“Well, when I was in Ponyville, I saw this weird pony inside a purple bubble, with these rabbits running around and making ponies disappear randomly...” The aqua pony explained.

“Tha’ was her! She means trouble. Ya didn’t talk to her, did ya?” Braeburn asked, shocked.

“Nah I didn’t, she didn’t have the happiest of faces on,” he sighed in relief.

“Wow, it’s almost night already.” I changed the subject, “that came around quickly.”

“Ah think we all feel a bit tired here, so shall we get some rest?” Braeburn offered.

“Sure, I mean the train ride made me sleepy, somehow. Maybe it’s because I was running around the carriages...” Cyan blankly said.

“Uh, yes, and that little fight we got into worn us out. Alright then, Cyan, are you going to go home?” I asked the hyperactive colt.

“Well, I kinda came here ‘cause...I don’t exactly have a home anymore,” He replied. “I was hoping I could stay at your place while my town was getting repaired after the stampede going through it...so can I?”

“Oh gosh, that sounds pretty bad, I guess you’re going to have to stay with us for a while,” I sympathised.

“Cyan, ya can sleep on the sofa if ya’d like, it’s pretty comfy!” Braeburn boasted.

“Thanks you guys, sleep well!” The messy blue haired pony called to us as Braeburn headed upstairs to bed.

Outside the window overlooking the bed showed me the sun, still in it’s setting stage, like it was stuck there. I stared at the rays of dark orange light with an odd expression, but shrugged it off and wrapped myself in the warm duvet, with Braeburn embracing me in his forelegs. A bed is the safest, most comfortable place for anypony to be, as it’s where they would be for most of their lives. It’s a place of having the best experiences too. Okay, I should stop thinking now and get to sleep.

I was dreaming now, but it wasn’t like a normal dream, where gravity didn’t exist and bright colours flashed everywhere, this seemed almost...too real. The orbs that She talked about were on the ground, in a circle around me. There were seven of them in this order, orange, with that Lepouri thing behind it. Purple, with a mutated bird behind that one. A red ball with a large, horrifying bear showing up. A blue orb with a messed up wolf creature. A green one with a mutated fish next to it. A yellow ball with this huge, towering horse, that looked very different to us ponies. And finally, the orbs rolled away from me, leaving a slightly larger, black one behind. Out of it came a figure of a pony, with its face and upper body covered by a large, grey-green coat. It was Her. Well, of course She would be in my dream, I’ve been thinking about Her ever since I last saw her not that long ago.

“Hello, old friend. How are you this fine dusk?” She asked, as She slowly approached me.

“Dusk? All I see is darkness around us,” I replied, tilting my head slightly.

“Let me explain. The self proclaimed ‘Princess Opare’ has taken Princess Celestia’s throne away from her. Now she literally has control of Equestria, has driven the world into a never ending dusk, and as we speak, she is preparing to enslave the resident ponies to build something, but I’ve no idea what it is yet. And those orbs you want to return to her will let her summon the creatures you’ve just seen,” She explained.

“But if I don’t take them to her, what will happen then?” I became increasingly confused.

“You die, basically. Everypony dies if orders are not fulfilled. Trust me, just do what she says, and nopony will suffer,” This vision of the evil pony in front of me said.

“And why are you telling me all this? If you’re in my dream, then you should be attacking me...” I worried for a second.

“Ha, no, I’m not Her. Let’s just say I’m Opare’s inner voice. Everypony has a little bit of purity in them, so here I am. You could count me as the original Blue that you used to know.” She smiled a little when she took her hood away from her face.

“Well, if you’re Blue, then how would you be able to support me?” I asked.

“Just remember this, the more acts of good shown directly to Princess Opare, or the orb, which right now is pure black, will turn it back to white. Or any colour really, depending on if anypony is holding it at the time. This ball of darkness is the master orb, and can change how many of these ancient creatures from showing up.” As Blue said this, things started to make sense to me.

“Thank you for telling me this Blue. And how would I show a good act to the orb?” That was the last question I needed to ask.

“Bring all Opare’s friends and family together, then watch the magic happen,” Blue’s former self chuckled as she faded away, and so did the dream.

*Princess Opare’s POV*

Haha, eternal dusk, just grand. The sun can stay red, and all the underlings can get confused because no other Princess apart from me will appear again. Everything on this planet will be lost in the shadows of my creation, a huge skyscraping weapon with enough power to destroy other worlds. I have two targets. Earth, and Glais’ world. Only one evil mastermind can exist. Survival of the fittest. Out with the old, in with the new, as the old clichés go.

“Minions! Deliver your messages now!” I commanded, and the Lepouri quickly responded. I’m glad that they recognise my power. I used to be a victim to them, and now I rule over those pitiful creatures.

Ah...the satisfying screams of the innocent, the weak. Once the other orbs get to me, my plan can go into full action. Hopefully there will be enough fuel deposits underground for my cannon. These ponies can get to work now, in fact. I teleported myself into the town hall in Ponyville, and ordered the Lepouri to round up my workponies. I stood behind the podium, and began my speech.

“Now, I’ve brought you all here today, my faithful subjects, to give you some important news. Those who are able to do manual labour, can help build my project with me. Some will be allocated to mining for resources, other will be made to build the structures, internals, and other such stuff. The rest can do some architecture, blueprints, coordination, and everything else. Nopony will go without a job to do, unless they cannot work. I’m feeling generous this fateful dusk, so I will attempt to spare most of you. But who can tell what the Lepouri will do? Haha. Now go! Get to work!” My speech went smoothly. Just as I rehearsed.

“Blue! What happened to ya?!” A mare called out to me as I just turned away. So I turned back around to face the shocked audience.

“Who dare utter that forbidden name to me?” I bellowed.

“Me, Blue, or whoever ya are now! Wha’ happened?” The orange mare with the blonde mane and stetson continued.

“Haha. You seem a little too confident for yourself, young filly. I just hope that kind of attitude won’t get in the way of your work.” I replied, keeping the same deep voice.

“Ya still ain’t answered my question!” The mare now grew slightly angry. Oh well. I had to admire her courage though, because she was the only one with a different expression on her face.

“Well, if you must know...I was awakened to my true self. Thanks to none of you imbeciles, I had to wait longer than I should have. Now I know the whole truth, I can reclaim my reputation, and continue my reign of terror. Also, now that you’ve made me digress, I shall not attempt to save anypony from being slaughtered by the Lepouri. Good luck now, and work as fast as you can.” I laughed and teleported back to the throne room again.

*Destiny’s POV*

That dream didn’t help my sleep at all. I feel terrible as I get out of bed. a quarter of the sun still hung over the horizon. It won’t change anymore, because as Blue said, Opare has driven the place into a never ending dusk. I made my way downstairs to talk to Brae and Cyan.

“Good morning, well, evening, Brae and Cyan,” I said.

“Good something...” They replied in unison.

“So, what we’re going to do is get Princess Opare back to Blue again,” I began to explain the situation.

“Wait, She’s called Princess Opare now? Wow, ain’t she full of herself...” Braeburn rolled his eyes.

“Yes, and I have a plan to get her down from the clouds. What I’m going to do is go back to Ponyville to collect the orbs, and while I do that, you guys can go get our friends too. Also, you’d need to get I and Blue’s parents, if you can find them. Cyan, you’d be good at that. Braeburn, you can get Azure and Twisha from Trottingham, and then both of you come back to Ponyville, and I’ll handle the rest.” I breathed out as I had stored up oxygen to talk all of that through.

“Well, seems clear enough, so let’s do it!” Cyan enthusiastically said, as usual.

“One problem Destiny,” Braeburn raised his voice with an objectifying tone,”ah don’ wanna see ya gettin’ hurt again, and ah don’ want ya to go alone there.”

“Oh yeah...just don’t worry about it Brae, I’ll be fine, as soon as I give the orbs to Opare, I’ll go hide away. And besides, with you in my heart, I’ll never be alone,” I consoled him.

“Ugh...alright, ya won me over. Just please, please be careful, won’t ya?” My sandy coloured partner fretted.

“Of course I will, Brae, I’m always careful.” I hugged him, which was our cue for us all to leave. We headed for the train station, got on the train awaiting the ponies wanting to go to their destinations, and sat patiently until the locomotive started to move.

We stopped at Trottingham, so Braeburn got off at his stop. But before he could move, I gave him a kiss goodbye. Next, Cyan got off at his stop, Manehatten, and started his search. For me, it was next stop, Ponyville. When I arrived, I got off the train, and looked at my surroundings. A lot of buildings were crumbling, some were even on fire. This used to be a vivid looking little town, but now it’s turned into a bleak, grey wasteland, with a huge plot of land where some sort of building foundations were. Ponies were scarcely around, probably hiding away from the chaos that Opare reigned down.

“And so it begins...” I sighed as I went on my search for those orbs.

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