• Published 17th Apr 2012
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Just a day in Equestria - dave89898989

Electric Blue and friends make amazing adventures in Equestria, and mysteries are slowly solved.

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14 - The heart and the hoof

"Blue! Blue wake up! I want to confess something!" Destiny Bond shook me awake.

"Uh…what is it Destiny?" I replied back in a sleepy slur.

"I…think I love you Blue…"

My eyes opened wide and I shot up into a sitting position in my bed. "Uh...but you…I…"

"Just kidding Blue, I don't swing that way!"

"…That's a cruel joke Destiny…" I huffed and slumped back into bed.

"I'm sorry Blue, but I really wanted you to get up so we could go to Appleoosa!"

"Huh…I don't care too much now; you insulted me because my love style is different." My voice was more serious than I've ever heard it.

"I'm…really sorry Blue…I shouldn't have said that I know…"

I sighed, regretting the aggressive tone. "It's alright Destiny, I just don't appreciate the insult first thing in the morning, but it is true that you want to go to Appleoosa."

"Yes, and I want you to come too, with Fluttershy as well."

"Wait what? Why?"

"I thought it would be nice to hang out together, with our own lovers too, don't you think that sounds good?"


"What's up Blue? Did you dream of something bad?"

"Well, apart from the rude awakening, yes I did dream of something bad. I saw Anne reach out to me and tell me something. She said that all of this isn't real, and I'm not real." I strangely laughed to myself uncontrollably.

"Blue, you're slipping again! Snap out of it!" Destiny grabbed my head and shook it to try and knock me back into reality. But I was slipping still, just like all those years ago. Back then, I sat in the corner of our tree house, trying to figure out which world was the real world, and it gave me a form of insanity. Luckily I had been able to repress it, as well as forgetting everything, but now it's all coming back.

"You can let go now Destiny, I think I know where my place is." My eye twitched violently, and a spark of remembrance gave me the urge to show Destiny the photo I found.

"Where…where did you find that Blue?"

"It was in a tool box behind the tree of our old headquarters. Do you remember those two older ponies?"

"They…they were our parents. Why don't you remember that Blue?"

"They were? But, they don't look anything like us--" Destiny took the photograph from me and studied it.

"They were surrogate parents." Destiny said bluntly, eyes fixated on the photograph in her hoof. "We were both adopted by them, because…"

"Because what Destiny?"

"Well, my parents…no, let's start with you. You didn't have parents, or siblings, or anyone. You were just found in the forest, when I was exploring."

I was just…found? Surely there must be more to this, but I think I can add it up already. Of course Anne wanted to transport herself to another world, so she picked Equestria. And I guess…I was just reborn as a pony. "What about your parents, Destiny?"

"They…my parents were…lost in a flying accident, and I was the last descendant of my family to live to this day. So Zap Flower and Thunder Hum just kind of…took me into their hooves to care for me. Soon after of course, they found you. And that's how we became best friends!"

"I see, well I guess that fixes my memory loss problem."

"Ooh I almost forgot! We have to get ready to go to Appleoosa! Come on Blue, let's go!"

As Destiny walked away, I realised that her sudden change in attitude told me that she was hiding something. But what might it be? Hopefully I can find out later on, but right now we had to be catching the train. I raced over to Fluttershy's cottage, barged trough the door, grabbed Fluttershy by the hoof, and dashed to the train station in the nick of time.

"Okay Fluttershy, I must explain. We're going to Appleoosa, for Destiny to meet up with Braeburn, and she thought it would be a good idea to bring us as well." I told Fluttershy with quickness.

"Um…alright then…that sounds…alright…" Fluttershy squeaked.

"Come on come on! On the train now!" Destiny pushed us into the carriage, and the train began to move. Destiny definitely had something about her, like some sort of over-exaggerated lovesickness.

I looked out of the window, and the train passed an abandoned rock quarry. It looked so faded, grey and dull, but something caught my eye. Pinkie Pie was there. I looked closer, and saw that she was standing next to two gravestones. She was definitely mourning over them, but why? Was she somehow related to this quarry? She was standing with two other ponies, possibly sisters. It felt so ironic to me that they were grieving over two deaths on hearts and hooves day.

The scenes changed from light to dark environments rapidly on our long train journey. Destiny Bond was fidgeting in her seat, sliding her hoof down the window, and asking the other ponies on the train when we arrive in Appleoosa, or if they knew Braeburn. She really did miss him, and she's only been apart from him for less than a week.

We finally departed from Appleoosa's station when we got there, and Destiny raced ahead of us in frenzy. Braeburn luckily wasn't far, he was standing square in the middle of the town, just so Destiny could jump into him without hurting anypony else.

"Heya Destiny! Oh and ya brought friends! How are y'all?!" Braeburn called with his usual enthusiastic tone.

"Hey Braeburn! I'm so pleased to see you! I missed you! Did you get my letter? Oh come here you!" Destiny was definitely crazy for Braeburn. She gave him yet another tight squeeze out of pure joy. I and Fluttershy giggled to each other in amusement. It was good that I laughed, because I was starting to become reserved.

"You know Fluttershy; I feel that I've neglected you by not coming to see you that often." I spoke to Fluttershy in private, while Braeburn and Destiny walked off to the saloon.

"Um…it's okay, really, I mean I don't need company all the time…" Fluttershy replied, trying to reassure me, but it didn't work.

"No it isn't okay. I've been selfish and haven't seen you enough, I literally just forgot about you, and I hate myself for it."

"Don't say that Blue, you aren't selfish, and you shouldn't hate yourself, it's bad and it causes stress…"

"You…you don't know me Fluttershy, and I don't know you that well. You should have never found love in me, I'm nopony." I turned and walked away from Fluttershy, feeling like I was deteriorating emotionally and mentally.

"Blue, wait a second! Um…what's gotten into you?" Fluttershy stopped me by gently getting hold of my back leg. My sudden turn in personality forced me to buck Fluttershy away. She was sent quite a distance away. That really looked like it hurt. I wanted to fight back against my 'broken' body, but I just kept on walking in an aimless direction. I was being possessed, but by who? Just then, I blanked out. I re-awoke in a pitch black room. And there he was. It was Glais, in the flesh.

"Ha ha, you've been manipulated by me Just now, Anne, and that just made your lover go flying. I told you I would find you; don't you remember the letter I sent?" Glais talked to me in a tone that chilled my very bones.

"Why the heck did you do something so mean?! You're a terrible…man, and you know that we both hate you!" At least I had control of my speech again.

"I'm going to tell you something, Anne." Glais got closer to me, and grabbed my face violently. "You're the cold hearted one around here, and you know it. You tried destroying the earth by taking it over, but luckily I stopped you."

I couldn't do anything to retaliate, so I just took a smack to the face. "No I'm not Glais, you are! That's not true at all! I stopped your reign of terror to save the good people left on earth! Now get away from me!"

"Fine, I shall keep my distance. But just know that I will be poisoning your mind, slowly, and you will go insane again, just like those few years ago. Now, you better go and apologise to your fractured second life low rate 'lover'."

Before I could actually attack him, I regained consciousness, and I saw Fluttershy's body laying there, slouched in some broken crates. I quickly pulled Fluttershy out of the wreckage, dusted her off and kissed her forehead.

"Please Fluttershy, say you're okay…I'm so sorry about my behaviour, but it wasn't me, I swear. I was being controlled by that human that everypony should hate. Oh Celestia please be okay…"

Fluttershy slowly half opened an eye, saw my face and fainted.

"Please Fluttershy, please forgive me! I honestly am telling the truth when I say that it wasn't me! I would never do that to the one I love! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" I bellowed and broke down into tears, gaining an increasing lamentation. I got up, and started running into the nearby wall until I drew blood, because I wanted to punish myself for my actions. I kept hitting myself across the face with my own hoof until the tears and blood mixed into a puddle on the ground. Fluttershy suddenly stopped me by firmly grabbing my hoof, and staring into my eyes.

"I know it wasn't your fault, so stop hitting yourself! Back then, your eyes were an icy blue, different from your deep green eyes. You were right, you were being controlled. Now let's go and clean you up." Fluttershy tried smiling while wincing at my beaten up state.

I submerged my head in the trough outside the saloon, and kept it under the water until my face started turning blue. Fluttershy of course pulled it out, and frowned at me because of my disorder. I put on an apologetic expression, and wiped my face of the water. Since I saw the other couple in the bar, I went in groggily, and Fluttershy followed closely. Destiny and Braeburn were sitting in the corner, drinking cider and looking cutesy.

"Uh, hi gals, come on over an' have a seat!" Braeburn called us over.

"What was all that noise outside, Blue?" Destiny asked me with concern.

"Oh, it was…nothing to do with me; I'd rather not talk about it." I wanted to keep the event hidden for now; it was not me at all. "Oh hey, you bought us drinks!"
I and Fluttershy had been given a simple apple juice each, seeing as both of us don't drink.

"Fluttershy, shall we go now?" Destiny questioned.

"Um…sure, let's go…" Fluttershy answered back.

"Go where?" I asked, with confusion that Destiny had already planned something with the help of Fluttershy.

"You'll see, you'll see." Destiny said while picking up Braeburn, and Fluttershy picked me up too.

"What-what in tarnation?!" Braeburn shouted as he was lifted off of the ground.

We were flying away from the small town of Appleoosa, and up to the clouds we were going. I've never been this high in the sky before, so I smiled in delight, but I did feel fear at the same time. Soon, we reached a city sitting on a huge cloud. This city is styled after the Greeks, just like some of the pictures I found in Anne's diary. Rainbow falls cascaded downwards out of certain buildings, and the sun made this place shine like polished crystals.

"This place is mighty fine! But how the hay did it get up here?" Braeburn questioned.

"This is Cloudsdale, home of the pegasi. It feels good to be back, it's been such a long time." Destiny said with a hint of reminiscing.

"Well, can ya set us down? Ah'm already afraid uh heights!"

We were put down on the edge of the cloud, but somehow we didn't fall through. "How does this work? I'm an earth pony; I should be falling right now…"

"I slipped you and Braeburn a potion in your drinks so you could stay up here!" Destiny replied with a giggle.

"Surely you could have just told us, this is the second time you've played a joke on me today."

"I'm sorry Blue, but I can't help my joker's attitude!"

We all witnessed three costumed pegasi race past us, since we were near a relay track.

"The Wonderbolts! They're here today?!" Destiny exclaimed.

"The wonder-who? How do you know this group Destiny?" I was attacked by three menacing stares.

"Surely you should know! I talked about them all the time when we were growing up! Look, I even have a pair of goggles from them that they gave to me when I was in flight school! Thunder Hum used to take us to each of their shows, remember?"

"I…oh yes, I remember now! Those were the days weren't they?" I said this, but I couldn't recall any memories of our surrogate parents.

"Well that's handy then, 'cause ah got us all tickets to their next show later today!" Braeburn exclaimed.

"Are you all in on this or what?" I asked, because I knew there was some kind of conspiracy going on.

Destiny rushed to Braeburn, hugged him once again with ecstasy, and took a very close look at the tickets that Braeburn held. "The show goes on in ten minutes! Let's go and find some seats quick!"

We all found a place in the arena, and prepared to watch the spectacle of the Wonderbolts. Soon enough, they appeared above us, blazing across the view, displaying weaves and loop the loops, colouring the sky with their trails of lightning, and showing off everything they had to offer in flight. I turned to look at Destiny, and her dilated pupils were glued to watching every passing moment of the Wonderbolts, muttering in about how she was going to be one of them someday. The end of the event erupted in a huge wave of sparkling lightning bolts raining down on us all, fortunately being harmless.

"Destiny, it's over now, you can look away." I waved a hoof in front of her fixated eyes.

"I will be a Wonderbolt one day! Just you wait; I will be one of the best fliers in Equestria soon!" Destiny aspiringly said.

"Ha! I doubt that." Another pegasus remarked, sitting cross legged just a few seats away from us.

"You don't doubt me! I will be one of them, mark my words!" Destiny and Rainbow Dash bumped heads in competition.

"That's not true, 'cause I'm going to be part of the team first!" Rainbow dash smugly said.

"Um, maybe it would be alright if you both joined…" Fluttershy piped up.

Destiny and Rainbow turned to look at Fluttershy, heads still together, and both said, "It's one or the other! No exceptions!"

They looked back at each other, and Destiny wanted a challenge from Rainbow Dash. "I have an idea. How about we have a race to see who's worthy enough?"

"Sure! Let's make it Sweet apple acres, at twelve o'clock sharp, one week from today!" Rainbow added.

"You're on! I'll see you there!"

They both sure do have a hot head on them when it comes to competitions, especially races. Destiny and Rainbow finally separated, and we all followed Destiny.

"That mare is gonna grind my gears I'm sure of it!" Destiny commented loudly, while leading us through the streets of Cloudsdale. The ancient style buildings towered over us, but the architecture was a brilliant sight to see. Destiny paused for a moment, and then she turned to us. "Do you mind waiting here a while? I just need to quickly go and see something." The tone of her voice was uneasy, and before she flew out of sight, she told Fluttershy to show me and Braeburn around more.

"Somethin' was really eatin' her, don't y'all think?" Braeburn mentioned.

"Yes, her emotions were scattered today, especially now." I knew that she was hiding something from us, but what?

After walking around for a while, we came to see Destiny again, standing over a plaque. We approached her, and read the plaque. "In loving memory of Storm Heart, Wind Soul, and Spirit Shine."

"Uh, who are these ponies, Destiny?" I asked gently.

Destiny jumped a little and turned around, a tear rolling down her face. "They aren't just ponies, they were…my family." More tears flooded out. Braeburn quickly went to comfort her, as well as the rest of us.

"I'm so sorry Destiny, I didn't know…"

"It's not your fault, I didn't tell you about what happened until recently. I'll say it again…my family were lost in a flying accident while on their patrol duties, and were never seen again. And now I'm the only surviving descendent left in my heritage."

"Come on, let's take you home Destiny."

"No, I want to go back to the ridge in Appleoosa; Braeburn will know what I'm talking about."

Once we got to this aforementioned ridge, we all lay down on the grass and stared up at the night sky, watching the moon being raised by Princess Luna as well. We lay there for what seemed like hours, but that didn't matter since we were all enjoying the company of each other. I looked over to see Destiny, and she had a smile on her face, which was good to see from her again. She leant over to Braeburn and kissed him on the cheek while whispering "Happy hearts and hooves day". Of course, I did the same thing with Fluttershy as it was only right.

When we were coming away from the ridge when it got too cold, our tails entwined with the ones of our partners, Destiny passed over the keys to her home here, as she was going to stay at Braeburn's tonight.

"You girls enjoy yourselves at my place, I sure I will with Braeburn." Destiny said with a wink, as we parted ways for the final time this night.

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