• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 1,726 Views, 44 Comments

Just a day in Equestria - dave89898989

Electric Blue and friends make amazing adventures in Equestria, and mysteries are slowly solved.

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2 - The welcoming party

As I was saying my goodbyes to Applejack and company, I noticed the moon being raised by Princess Luna herself, and the sudden darkness washing over me and the rest of the town. I walked down the straight path, which conveniently branched over to my home. I sighed to myself, looking at the unmoved furniture blocking the doorway. I heaved against all the drawers and wardrobes as they slid inside, and then I pushed them individually to their rightful places.

"Today was a day of fun, that I haven't experienced in quite a while" I mumbled happily to myself. I poured myself a small glass of apple juice, compliments of the Apple family, drank it, and then crawled into the most comfortable bed in Equestria.

"There is nothing..."

I awoke just in time to witness the raising of the sun. All the dew drops seen through the window lit up with the reflections of the brilliant ball of fire. I remember having a strange dream last night, of nothing but a faint voice, except I cannot remember what was said, as it was too quiet to make out or register to be important in my mind.
I made myself some coffee, putting three sugar cubes in as well, as I have a very sweet tooth. After drinking some and feeling refreshed, I ventured outside. Not long after, I was violently knocked over by an extremely hyperactive pink pony.

"Oh no, I did it again, five times already this morning I've knocked ponies over! I'm sorry; I was just so excited about the party tonight welcoming the new pony in town! Say, who are you anyway? I've never seen you here before..."

This particular pony was talking so fast it was almost impossible to make out what she was saying. She did mention she was excited about a party, and she did ask me who I am, so I answered.

"My name is Electric blue; it's nice to meet a very bouncy pony such as you. What is your name, may I ask?"

"Hi I'm Pinkie pie, and I'm-- Wait, you're the new filly here aren't you? Oh I'm so happy to see you!"

She shook my hoof so fast it almost fell off, and then she danced around me, singing to herself.

"Ooh ooh! Since this party is for you, there's no need to give you an invite, since you must go!"

"Well, alright, I'll go to this party, it'll give me a chance to meet the other residents in Ponyville. I'll accept!"

"We'll all be meeting tonight at sugar cube corner, just so you know! There'll be cakes and sweets and ice cream and punch and, and... everypony! Even The princesses! They must see you as well!"

"That sounds really fun! And it'll be nice to meet royalty as well, especially for me, a pony who has never seen anypony here before, and you all look so friendly and characterful!"

"We all can't wait to see you! I'm gonna go tell the rest of the town now, so see you later!"

"I'll be looking forward to it!"

Before I could finish my last sentence, she was bounding into the distance, looking so happy that she is welcoming a new pony into the town.

"It's so nice to see how good Ponyville's going to be for me" I sang to myself while contently trotting around town, seeing all the sights and everyponies' smiling faces.

Later that day...

"Welcome one and all to the next celebration of the latest pony in town!" Pinkie pie almost screamed. "And here she is, the one and only, Electric blue! Say hi to her everypony!"

Everyone stomped their hooves repeatedly and shouted their greetings to me. I felt so warm inside. "Why thank you for your welcomes, and thank you for having me in this lovely town. I'm very grateful of how everypony is around me, and to each other as well."

"And now it's time to party!" Pinkie almost screamed again.

I walked to the table displaying all the delightful foodstuffs and drinks, and poured myself a glass of punch. I sipped a little bit. It was probably one of the sweetest things I've ever tasted; it tasted like every type of berry combined.

"Pinkie always knows how to pull off a great party don't she?" Applejack said to me, and when I saw her it brought an even bigger smile to my face. But wait, there were four other colourful ponies behind her, are those her friends?

"Ah'd like you t' meet the rest of the gang, as you've already seen me an' Pinkie. Gals, our friend is called Electric blue, she's a very nice pony t' be around. This here's Fluttershy, she's very pleased to meet you, even though she's terribly shy. Say hello now, Shy!"

"Um...hi"Fluttershy meekly said, looking away with nervousness.

I could just about make out that greeting over the loud music. "Hi Fluttershy, pleased to meet you. It's cute that you're shy, I mean I used to be like that as well, well I still am really"

Fluttershy raised her head a little and gave a small, encouraged smile towards me.

"Come 'ere Rainbow, come and meet the new pony on the block! This here's Rainbow dash, she's very... competitive" Applejack beckoned Rainbow dash to come over.

"Hi blue, I hope you don't steal my limelight! Oh wait, you don't have wings! Haha, I'm just kidding, it's good to meet somepony like you." Rainbow dash said with an inviting tone.

"It's... nice to see you too" I acknowledged this pegasus' attitude, as she seemed quite feisty.

"This is rarity; she's well spoken, 'bit like you!" Applejack called rarity over through sign language.

"Good evening, fellow Ponyville pony, as you should now be called; I hope you've enjoyed your stay thoroughly so far." Rarity said. She didn't take too much notice of me, but she knew that I would be a good friend.

"Indeed I have, rarity, all the ponies here are so welcoming it's unbelievable!"

"Last but not least, Twilight sparkle, she used to be the newest pony here, all the way from Canterlot she came and stayed with us. An' she sure knows a lot about magic ah can tell ya that!" Said Applejack, bringing over the last pony behind her.

"Hi, I'm twilight; it's nice to meet another pony that's moved from somewhere else. Say, where are you from anyway, blue?"

She used my nickname quickly as well. "I... honestly don't remember, which is strange in many ways. The first memory I have is waking up in a carriage coming here. I can't go past that."

"That is strange; I hope you do get your memory back though, memory is always important, especially for me, a very organised pony must remember where everything's been put and where everything's kept."

"Well now we've all met each other, let's go mingle, why don't we?" Applejack heartily grinned while saying the words that cause ponies to go and party.

After a while of dancing with the other ponies, I remembered that the princesses were here as well. I casually walked up to them, and bowed my head in grace of their royalty.

"Good evening, Electric blue. We've noticed you've taken a very big liking to Ponyville and it's residents. We've also noticed that our special group of friends have taken a liking to you, and the other way around. Is this correct?" Celestia said to me, with a tone that knew how well this is turning out for me.

"Yes, thank you, it is correct; I like everything here so much. I can't thank you enough for being here as well!"

"You see, as the group of friends reports on friendship every so often, and since you're happy enough to be with them, how about you report to me on your findings of friendship as well? It might be a little bit early to ask, but I'm sure this will benefit you as well as them."

"I'd be fine with doing that, I like writing anyway!" At this point I'm feeling as I'm a part of this group already, as they like me enough to have welcomed me in now, especially after Applejack making all her friends say hello to me.

"Now, go and enjoy the rest of the night, and have some delicious cake!" Celestia said, raising a small slice of fruit cake to mouth level with her hypnotic magical powers. I've never seen something like that before, so it came as a shock to me as I turned back into the crowd.

After a joyful night of partying, music, dancing, games, and meeting everyone, it was time to call it a night, and everypony left, except for the friendship group, because they wanted to talk more to Electric blue.

"I hope you had fun t'night Blue, 'cause ah sure did, and so did everypony else by the looks of things!" Applejack said to me, with a huge grin on her face.

"I really did, it's a night to remember for me. Thank you Pinkie pie, for hosting such a great party. Thank you everyone for accepting me into your group; I hope we'll all be best friends 'til the end."

We all said our good byes and good nights, and then trotted off home. Of course Applejack came with me, as we live almost next to each other.

"Ah sure had fun t'night, and ah really had fun meetin' ya Blue. Ah think we're already good friends, don't you? Ah think yer' a great pony blue, yer' so polite and nice and stuff; yer' a good member to our group."

"Aw, thank you Applejack, you're a great pony as well. I can't believe how quickly we've all become friends, it's amazing!"

As we came to my house, I said my goodbyes to the fellow earth pony. She waved a solemn goodbye and slowly walked to her farm. I chuckled to myself silently as I walked back inside, contemplating how everything's gone so fast. I arrived here, and I immediately made friends. How lucky I must be to have such great friends like these. I poured myself another small glass of apple juice, drank it slowly while uncontrollably giggling because of the euphoria, and slid into the cosiest bed of them all.

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