• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 1,726 Views, 44 Comments

Just a day in Equestria - dave89898989

Electric Blue and friends make amazing adventures in Equestria, and mysteries are slowly solved.

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4 - The dress of confusion

"You must leave this place. You've caused enough trouble. I hate you..."

I awoke from a refreshing sleep next to my love; she is surprisingly warm for such a skinny pony. I could smell the fragrances emanating from her pastel-pink hair, there were hints of berries and other sweet fruits. She must really look after herself, as well as her animals. Fluttershy turned slowly around as she awoke herself, and our lips met briefly again. That felt so nice, and it made it even better when she had a big smile and blushes.

"Would you like some breakfast?" asked Fluttershy, only slightly stuttering.

"Of course, but you won't have to make it, I will, I meant, you were the one to give me love last night, I should repay you."

"Oh no, I insist, I promise it'll be good..."

"Well, alright then, but hurry back, please"

She trotted downstairs, leading with a subtle sense of flirtatiousness. I lay there, trying to slow all my thoughts down, as I could only still see things sped up. Coming here, meeting everypony, suddenly falling in love... wait, what's this? I feel heavy, my vision's starting to blur and darken. What's going on?


What? I'm suddenly somewhere else... I can't control my body, yet I'm running. All I could see around me is a strange mix of fire and ice scattered across the horizon. The sky is an eerie orange. I can't look around, not even down. But it feels familiar, and it feels like my body. But wait, I'm running on two legs? This doesn't even make sense! I can hear a voice. "Come back here! You shouldn't be alive anymore!"
My body looks down, finally, and I see a strange figure of myself, with longer legs, and partly ripped clothes. I try and figure this all out while watching the nightmarish scene, but I just can't piece all this together. Oh no, this vision is fading, and I seem to be coming back to reality.

I can almost taste the waves of flavours coming from downstairs, so I try and free myself from the bed's grasp, as my hunger is too much for me. Yet, I am trapped beneath the comfort and the warmth.
I can now see Fluttershy's beautiful, content face again, as she brings up a large tray of different food from all sorts of cultures at breakfast time. "I hope I made enough for us..." she quietly said, but I nodded as if to imply that there's more than enough there.
There were all sorts of pastries, and toast, and fruit, it all looked so appetising and delicious.

There was a faint knock at the door. Fluttershy, finishing her last bites, went down to get it. A small "thank you" was exchanged between both ponies. Fluttershy squeaked a little when she saw that one of the letters from the mail was intended for me, as I wasn't at my own home. She gave the letter to me, and I read it in silence, as I read most things. The hoofwriting on this letter is so immaculate and fancy.

"Dear Electric blue,

I am delighted to inform you of a new materials supply being shipped to my boutique later today. I wish to see you soon, as I would like to make you a dress to wear for special occasions.

Kind regards,

"Fluttershy, you don't mind if I go to see Rarity later on, do you?" I asked Fluttershy, hoping I can be excused.

"Oh no, I don't mind at all, she said she wanted to make you a dress, and she made us all one before, so you should have one made too." Fluttershy replied, knowing that I would be back soon to her hope.

A little later on...

"Well, okay then, I'll see you soon!"
I gave Fluttershy a big kiss and headed for Rarity's. She blushed quite a lot as I walked off, as she probably didn't want the other ponies to see our relationship just yet.

"There you are darling! Come inside, I have a dress to make for you!" Rarity called to me.

I cautiously stepped into her shop, and saw an array of different coloured fabrics with spectacular patterns and designs lay on shelves. Dresses for all to wear lined the shop by them all being on display. It felt so magical; how Rarity does it will forever be a mystery to me.

"Come, come to my study, I would like you to approve of the design I've drawn up." Rarity said invitingly.

I followed just behind her, and noticed all the materials lying around on the floor of her private room, but something about the mess made it feel homely, inspiring; a beautiful range of colours. As we walked up to a draft board, I noticed a large piece of paper, with elegant strokes of lines, made up into intricate details of a dress, made just for me; I felt so privileged.

"Well, what do you think? Do you like it? Love it?"

I broke free from my mesmerising dress draft, and spoke up. "I... really love it, I really think it's an amazing dress! I've never seen something so attractive in fashion like this before!"

"Well, I suppose it's time to turn my design into reality. I don't mind if you leave me for a while, as the process is long, but you're welcome to stay and chat if you'd like."

I decided to stay, and see how such a fabulous artist of dress making can pull off such talented, admirable work. She hummed unknown songs to herself while she stitched together the work of the amazing. Every second that passed seemingly made the dress look better and better. "I really want to know how you do all this fantastic work, Rarity. The dress is looking astonishing so far."

"Oh, well, you need a lot of ambition and experience in this practice; you need to have a competitive edge about you as you work, and that little touch of magic." She pointed to her horn. She obviously did have a lot of experience of this, otherwise she wouldn't be running such a high quality shop.
I felt the need to get up and have a closer look at the dress, so I did. A slight frown appeared on Rarity's face, meaning that she doesn't like a crowd when she works, so I stepped back a little.

"So what drove you to becoming a fashion designer, Rarity?"

"Well, I always liked making clothes, as it first started when I was the costume designer for a school play. My creations went horribly wrong. But, some sort of miracle happened, and I was dragged by my horn to a huge boulder in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, a sonic rainboom created by Rainbow dash caused the boulder to split in half and reveal lots of precious gems. I used them for my costumes, and they were a success. From then I always aspired to make good clothes for people, as I knew from my spirit that the path to take was by making clothes, and getting better every time."

"I see, that's why there are huge baskets of diamonds and rubies and sapphires all around the room. And your work does get better each time, somehow, even though it's reached the point of perfection way before. Oh, I forgot to say, I'm really grateful for your kind offer to make me a wonderful dress, I really appreciate it."

"Why, you're quite welcome, Electric blue, if I may call you by that name, it's my pleasure to give my friends all that I can give."

After the hypnotising hooves created the work of a fashion epic, Rarity insisted that I try on the dress. I quickly slipped into it, trying not to stumble, for fear of embarrassment. It fit like a glove. A warm, comfortable glove. I walked around the room, shaking a little bit as I was carrying a different weight on me, but it was made to perfection, so I had no worries of it falling off.

Wait. Oh no. My visions's going black and blurring again. I collapsed as I started to have another flashback. This time, it was in third person. I could see the scene was a party. Lots of high society guests were there. But they weren't ponies. They were... humans, which was strangely remembered in my mind. But why is this a flashback if I've never met a human in my life? Well, the life that I can remember, which isn't much. I see a girl walking into the crowd, dancing as she went. She's wearing... the same dress as I am! How can this be? I noticed her hair. It was blonde, with... blue streaks, and slightly spiky, slightly straight. She had... green eyes. She wore a necklace, with a glowing, orange, topaz gem hanging from a pale orange string. How is she almost completely the same to me, yet so different in form? Her dancing was so graceful, so elegant, so powerful. It was like there was a spotlight shining on her only. She was the belle of the ball, as everyone watched her dance alone. Oh no. Everything started slowing down, and the flashback faded into reality. I awoke to Rarity's terrified face shouting right at me.

"Are you alright? Did you fall over? What happened? Please be okay!"

"I'm fine Rarity, I just kind of blacked out. That's all. Don't worry about me." I staggered as I got up, as I felt pain all over my body, even though I was only lying there. The sky was now dark.

"Oh good, good..." Rarity still panted heavily as she was so shocked from the event of me falling 'unconscious'.

"Calm down Rarity, it's okay, nothing bad happened to me."

"Are you sure? I didn't want anything bad happening to you, as you're so new here, and... and..."

"Rarity, I'm alright, really. You mustn't panic over something so small, especially about me. But thank you for your concern."

"Well, alright then. But please, never do that again, I don't want another shock like that."

"Here, let me make you some tea, I need to repay you for your generosity."

"Oh, there's no need to repay me, you're a friend after all, but the tea idea sounds good."

Before I did so, I felt the need to fix Rarity's hair, even though I was rather clumsy at doing that, but it looked better than the messy, flustered state that it was, because if she saw her hair how it was, she wouldn't be able to cope with two heart attacks.

"Oh, uh... thank you Electric blue..." A mix of blushing and slight agitation appeared in her emotions.

After the tea was drunk, I hugged Rarity goodbye, and told her to keep calm as nothing bad is going to happen to me.
As I got home, I saw Applejack and Fluttershy sitting on the step in front of the door, talking to each other quietly, as it was late. They must have been waiting for my return, as they were at my house.

"Good evening girls, I hope you two are well. But it's cold, so please, come inside."
I opened the door and they quickly hurried inside, shivering a little bit as they walked.
"So, what were you two doing outside my door, at this time of night?"

"Fluttershy was jus' tellin' me a little bit about ya, 'cause she somehow knows more than me about ya." Said applejack, with a hint of a grin on her face.

I tried to hide a blush, and I could feel sweat from the reaction of Applejack's words. "Um... what... what did she say?" I couldn't help but stutter.

"Oh, she told me 'bout yer personality, she managed ta see who ya are very quick."

"Oh... um, well, yeah... she is quick to see people's natures isn't she?" I chuckled nervously. Very nervously. I felt myself shaking, and yet when I saw Fluttershy, she was standing comfortably, as if she had forgotten what went on last night.

"Also, she told me 'bout what went on last night between you too."

The nervousness got to a point of me feeling like exploding, by all the shaking I felt. "W-What did she say?"

"She said how nice ya tasted"

I left the room immediately. I found a corner and sat in it. I started crying uncontrollably, as silent as I could be. "Oh dear Celestia" I kept thinking to myself over and over, rocking myself as I wept. Why would Fluttershy just go and say that, especially when she wanted to keep it secret?

Applejack and Fluttershy crept into the room and both hugged me.

"Ah didn't mean ta make ya cry, Blue. Ah'm sorry, ah really am. Ah understand that Fluttershy is in love with you, that's why she told me, 'cause she knew that ya were the right one for her. And ah admire that Fluttershy found love, as she always seemed a little lonely before ya came here. Ah also thank you fer makin' Fluttershy that more confident, 'specially in front of you, the least known pony here."

I turned around to see both their smiling faces watching me, trying to be sympathetic while doing it.

Fluttershy wiped my tears away and reassured me by placing a hoof on my cheek. "I'm sorry that it came as a shock to you when Applejack said it, she didn't mean anything bad by it, and she respects us as a couple."

I tried to make some words out of my crying state. "But.. what... about... the others? How are they going to react?" I couldn't help but cry a bit more.

"Don't you worry none. They'll understand just like ah did, Blue!" Said Applejack confidently.

"I... hope... you're... right Applejack. Thank you for understanding."

"Yer' welcome, Blue. Oh, sorry 'bout that sugarcube, we didn't compliment yer' dress yet. It looks amazin'!"

"It does look very stunning Blue, it fits you well, and shows off your figure." Fluttershy complimented me, causing us both to blush, and Applejack to giggle in acknowledgement.

"Mah word, Shy, ah didn't know ya'd say somethin' like that ever!" Applejack carried on giggling.

"Well, it's thanks to Blue that I've opened up more. I have her with me now, and she's definitely given me a confidence boost."

I wiped my drying tears away, and gave a smile to both of them. "Since it's so late now, you two better stay here for the night. I mean, I haven't finished unpacking just yet, but there is a bed big enough for at least four of us."

Both ponies kindly accepted, and got ready to go to bed. So did I, trying to hold back an excited laugh.

"Ah hope ya don't mind sleeping with you gals, do ya?" Applejack questioned.

"Of course not!" Me and Fluttershy both said in unison, which was kind of creepy, but it made us all laugh.

"I just need to write this letter to the Princess quickly, and then I'll get to bed." I announced, and started to write my first letter to Celestia.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I am finding my stay in Ponyville to be wonderful so far. The lesson about friendship I learned today is that friends are always there to care for you, to feel sympathy, to pick you up when you're down. I feel impolite writing these words, but I found love here, so soon in fact. Fluttershy found love in me first, actually. Another lesson is that friends can turn out to love you in their own ways, for example: wanting a relationship, which can be completely unexpected from the shyest of ponies.

Yours faithfully,

Electric blue"

I put the letter into a sending machine, so the letter could go to a location, such as where the princess is. I slowly slid out of my dress, and crept into bed, between both ponies, kissed fluttershy ever so quietly so that Applejack wouldn't notice, as it's rude to engage in romance while you're with the company of others. But, it didn't matter that much since both were already asleep. I smiled to myself as I reflected upon today's events. But the smile flipped as I remembered the flashbacks. So... I used to be... human? How could this be? Why do I not remember it? When was I such a talented ballroom dancer? None of this is able to come clear to me until I have more flashbacks. And dreams, as I'm still being haunted by words that are too quiet to be understood.

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