• Published 17th Apr 2012
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Just a day in Equestria - dave89898989

Electric Blue and friends make amazing adventures in Equestria, and mysteries are slowly solved.

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28 - The dreamings of a wild mind

“Uh, Pinkie Pie...would you consider...being my fillyfriend?” I asked the pink party pony nervously.

She turned around to face me, opened her mouth, and then darkness took her away from my view.

“We are sorry to interrupt your pleasant dreaming, but we are here to tell you something.” A new voice came from the blackness surrounding me now.

“What? Who are you?” I shouted out towards the direction of the voice.

“Do not be afraid, young one. We are the gods and goddesses that watch over the ever-crumbling Earth. We’ve come to monitor you, as we do with all humans.” The voice turned into that of a female’s.

“Okay...” I allowed the voice to continue.

“We must ask you something. Do you still remember your task?” The booming, but gentle voice asked.

“What...task? I had a task to do?” I felt very confused, wherever I was and whatever I was doing. I must’ve drifted off again.

“You have forgotten...she has already erased it all. That may make things more difficult.” The invisible entity seemed like it was talking to someone else.

“Who’s she? What are you talking about?” I called out.

“Your keeper is now Rose, is she not?” The voice asked.

“How do you know that name?!” I cried out in puzzlement, as this new event became so weird to me.

“That does not matter for now, but we assume that you are looked over by her.” The disembodied speaker confirmed.

“Ugh! I don’t get it, show yourselves!” I grew more annoyed by this conversation.

“We do not mean to make you angered, our subject. We will show ourselves.” Two large, glowing, floating human-looking folk emerged from the darkness. There was a male, appearing old, and inside a huge ring detailing strange signs around it. The other was a female, half covered in earth, with an accompanying mute infant. “My name is Gaia, goddess of the earth, and the man beside me is Aion, god of time.”

“Uh, hello...” I was taken back by the sights of these large deities in front of me.

“Greetings,” Gaia simply said.

“Please, explain what’s going on here?” I pleaded.

“As you might need a proper understanding, we shall tell you,” Aion cut in. “Two supremes had gone missing from the heavens, and we believe it has something to do with you. When we investigated, we uncovered a lot of new knowledge. Nemesis, god of revenge, had been single handedly slain by you, but you met your demise in the consequences. Tyche, goddess of fortune and destiny, took you into her care in your unearthly, detached state, and so here you are today.”

“Whoa...” I took a minute to think about this. “You’re saying...Glais, and Rose...”

“They used to be supremes like us, but they strayed away from the path, and became mortals. They then used you for their own purposes, and still are. Well, Rose is,” Gaia finished my sentence for me.

I looked around at my dark surroundings, to see nothing but these two beings. “So whose side is Rose on?”

Gaia sighed. “She was on the side of good, being the goddess of destiny and fortune, but now, we do not know. Possibly she is neutral, as she is working for her own gain, and don’t think that she will be helping you.”

“But...she’s my friend-”

Aion interrupted me. “She cannot be your friend, Anne. She is a dangerous character, as the gods and goddesses that have strayed before have become, themselves. There is no telling what her motive is, and what she may do next.”

“Perhaps we can set you a new task,” Gaia considered. “You must find out Rose’s plans, and destroy her like you did with Nemesis if her schemes are for terrible reasons.”

“I couldn’t do that! And why should I even trust you? Higher powers or not, I need to know everything before I can make a proper decision,” I battled.

“You must trust us, as we are the creators of life and Earth. You must carry out this task, or we can bring about your end once and for all.” The female goddess spoke more forcefully now.

“So called creators of life! Earth is ruined, and it’s only going to get worse there? What the heck have you been doing since that, huh?” I became defensive over my home planet, for some reason.

“We apologise, but we cannot repair the Earth without Rose’s and your help. We must get Rose back to being Tyche again, otherwise the world will be doomed to crumble into dust.” Aion spoke out, trying to convince me to go through with this.

“Ugh...what if Rose’s plans are for bad purposes though, what then?” I argued back.

The two deities stopped to think for a moment. “Take back what we said about her not being able to be your friend. You will need to form a stronger bond with her, and if she reveals her motives, then you must convince her to come to light. You may have forgotten everything, and the planet may be dying, but there is always a chance for you to redeem the Earth. You also dragged your brother into this, and he wants the world to return to its former glory the most. He wants his family back, and you can do that for him and you.”

“Caerula...my brother...he didn’t want this to happen, but I let it...it’s my fault, isn’t it?” I settled into sadness once again.

“We have watched over you since you were a child, and had proved important to us. You did not cause this, Nemesis and Tyche did in their respective ways. They worked on the sidelines while you threw yourself into a nightmare which became your normal life. You will not remember any of what happened now, as Rose erased the memories from you to ease the pain. But it wasn’t the best of ideas,” Gaia tried to console me.

“I...ugh...I’ll do what I can then. For my brother, as he was more valuable than I was. He could lead us all into the future, when I could not.” I started to lament. “That’s the only fragment remaining from my removed memory. I could never be a leader like he could. I succumbed to the darkness to much, and I destroyed lives as well as the soil that used to lay beneath my feet.”

“You can bring yourself into the light again, Anne, anyone can. No-one is left without even the smallest shred of goodness inside of them, and it can grow past the darkness.” The Goddess of earth put her hand on my now human shoulder, and the dream ended.

My eyes opened to witness pink, curly hair covering them, and warm lips attached to mine.

“You could have just asked me instead of dreaming about it, Blue!” Pinkie Pie spoke softly, with red-lined cheeks.

“Wh...what are you talking about?” I asked, confused yet again.

“You’re my fillyfriend now, silly! I just came over here to check on you and I overheard you sleep talking, heehee!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“You...really want to be with me?” I was bewildered that she was even here, as well as the likelihood of her accepting me.

“Of course I do! I had been thinking about you so much since we were last together that I couldn’t stand it! I’m glad you want to be with me too!” She chuckled, and kissed me again. Her lips felt good on mine, and she smelled as sweet as flavourful candies.

She parted from my mouth so I could speak. “But...I’m so miserable and serious, and you’re so happy and opposite to me...”

“That’s what makes it exciting, Blue!” The pink pony climbed on top of me, and touched her mouth with mine multiple times. Her weight felt a little overwhelming, but that passed when she shifted to get more comfortable.

I began to return the kisses, more wet saliva accumulating each time. This felt great, as I hadn’t been taken care of like this for a while. I extended my forelegs and clamped onto Pinkie’s back, taking her down a little bit, which made her pleasantly toasty belly contact with mine more. All sorts of emotions returned, but the sadness definitely was gone for now. I felt safe and content with Pinkie Pie, as I did when I was encased in snow, those fateful weeks back then. I had gotten a perfect partner, and everything was lovely once again.

Then I woke up again. Nopony was around, it was just me this time. My throat felt tight and painful as the sadness returned in a harsher form. It was the first dream finishing itself off. Pinkie would never understand my feelings for her anyway, she isn’t a very romantic pony, as she’s too bouncy to care about the lovey-dovey stuff.

“Who am I kidding? I couldn’t get anyone else in my lifetime!” I shouted aloud as I kicked the wooden plank covered floor with my forehoof. I’m a hopeless romantic, emphasis on the hopeless. Maybe I could go and ask her...no, she wouldn’t understand.

Shaking off my embarrassing feelings to be replaced by my normal, serious self, I headed out to find Destiny. It’s strange how she hasn’t turned up yet. The house that I now live in is on top of a partially steep hill surrounded by a thin line of trees and flowers, so it’s able to look over Ponyville with ease. Across the thatched roofs I noticed a shop looking building with large glass windows. There was a sticker of an ice cream slapped onto one of the windows, and behind it was a white-coated mare with the fashionable black and red streaked hair. What was Destiny doing in an ice cream shop in the increasingly cold weather? I had to go and investigate.

My hooves trampled the gravel path leading through a small gap in the trees, sloping down to the normal level of the rest of Ponyville. I crossed the cobble bridge, stopping in my tracks to listen to the soothing ambience of a running stream that skirts around the town. I then continued after a minute or so, closing in to my target. The door rang as I activated the bell hanging over me by walking into the shop.

A range of different ice creams were on display in glass cases atop the black, marble counter; they all looked so appetising, but I’d regret having one if I tried, as it would’ve only made me colder than I already was.

“Destiny?” I called to my friend as I stood behind her with a little bit of nerves.

The speedy pegasus turned from the counter to face me. “Oh, hello there Blue. How’s it going?”

“It’s going great...say, what are you doing here?”

“I was told to try out this new ice cream flavour, it’s sea salt by the way.”

“Sea salt? Bleh! How can that work with ice cream? It’s all meant to be sweet stuff.”

“Blue, it can be whatever the customer feels like having! Here, try some.” Destiny extended her hoof holding the stick of frozen ice to almost meet my mouth.

“Uh, no thanks, I’ll pass. Besides, it’s too cold for that!” I shivered as I remembered the chilly breeze that softly pushed my mane when I was outside.

We sat down in one of the booths opposite the counter, and I waited for Destiny to finish the part of her ice cream that was melting the most.

“Uh, so we need to go on another adventure soon, how does that sound to you?”

“Heh, we’ll be teaming up again, and going to fight more creatures as usual?” My friend chuckled.

“Well, it’s a bit more serious than pretending this time. We have to go to a distant place to find two alicorns that are dear to us. We’re going to find our ancestors,” I said, giving her a stern look. This was very important to me, and probably to her as well, maybe.

“Ancestors? Surely they’ve gone by now?”

“They are alicorns, and royal blood ponies live for a much longer time than us.”

“Wait...we have royal ancestors?!”

“Yes, Destiny, we do. Do you remember Opare? That’s who I’m focused on looking for. She’s corrupt as you’ve witnessed through me, but I’m sure that can be fixed with Aora’s help. Aora is who you want to look out for too.”

Blue droplets from the ice cream landed on the table, making a mess for the less than busy staff to clean up. “And what exactly will they look like?”

“Like us, basically. They’d just have much longer hair than us, and not styled so roughly.”

“That reminds me. Blue, nice new hair you got!”

I tried to stifle a funny looking smile, but of course, it had to show itself. I’ve always looked silly whenever I smiled. “Thanks, Destiny, I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome, sis! Anyways, you were saying?” She affectionately named me as ‘sis’...interesting, she’s never really said that to me before.

“Yes...we must go to find Aora first, and then the three of us will go to Opare, and reunite those two to bring back their friendship and make them happy, like Princess Celestia wants from us. Is that okay?”

Destiny smiled at me and nodded, as she knew that this was going to happen either way, especially if the Princess was involved.

“Good,” I continued. “Then we shall be going in a couple of days time. Prepare as much as you can, say goodbye to Braeburn if you’re able, as we won’t be coming back to the place we know the most for a long while. After all, Equestria is a huge place.”

“Well, I suppose I had better get on a train to Appleoosa then. I’ll go now, to save time of course. And I’d wanna spend some time with Braeburn too, you know?”

“Okay Destiny, that’s fine by me. Have fun over there!”

The small wooden stick was placed on the table, and the snow white pegasus left the shop for the train station. I removed myself from the table, and exited the building too. I had missed out on an ice cream, but still, it was too cold for that, again.

What else could I do now? I could just go home and lay there maybe, but I don’t want to get bored and I especially don’t want to dream for a while. Maybe I could visit Sugar cube corner...no. I don’t want to push anything onto Pinkie, and she’ll probably decline my offer. I approached the large building with an abstract gingerbread house decor, and paced around outside of it. Despite my refusal, I subconsciously brought myself here. Why do I have to be so awkward and stupid about this? I’ve fallen in love before...I just don’t think I could do it again, if I’ve become like this.

“Why am I even waiting outside of this place?” I whispered to myself. I then departed, and returned home. “It’ll have to wait, my attachment will have to wait.”

I lay back on the sofa again, feeling all sorts of doubt and regret, and so I sighed heavily.

*Anne’s POV*

My eyes flickered open to see the change in surroundings. Here I am, back on Earth. I sat up from the cold machine below me, and looked Rose square in the face. I then remembered.

“You’re the fallen goddess, Tyche, aren’t you?!” I cried at her.

“Oh. You found out, did you? I guess I’d better explain to you then. Listen up Gaia; I know you’re there.” My pale skinned Author - keeper - whoever she was looked up as if to view the gods and goddesses. “We all took an interest on you, Anne. You were an exceptional subject in our records. A lot of traumatising events you had gone through, like losing family and the world. You ruled the world one day, but it was very tyrannical, and so Glais, or Nemesis stepped in to aid you. Nobody wants the god of revenge on their side really, so I came down to Earth to help you as well, but for the better. To this day I’ve been constantly trying to mend your breakages and remove your bad memories, and it’s been slightly easier without Nemesis in the picture.”

“You have hidden agendas though!” I retaliated with stubbornness.

“The only thing I want to do is heal the world. It’s your destiny to, and I am the goddess of destiny. This task is a huge burden, and you alone would never be able to do it. With a higher being working with you, Earth should be repaired much faster.”

“My task? My...task was to heal the world?”

“Yes, and I had erased all your memories except the most important and pure ones. Everything is still there with you, just the bad stuff is taken out. It’ll ease the pain for you, as you wanted that.”

I quickly changed the subject, as this was all I needed to hear for now. “I have something I need to do back in the machine, and I was wondering if you and Caerula could make the machine make me go back in time?”

“Uh...” Rose was stunned. She called my brother over to us. “She wants you to modify the machine so it can go back in time.”

“And why would you want this, Anne?” Caerula asked me.

“I need to go back to figure out what went wrong in two alicorns’ lives to make them lose their friendships. I also need to know where they’ve gone so I can find them.”

“You’re lucky I’m a scientist, otherwise you’d be stuck, wouldn’t you?” A small amount of patronising tone slipped out in his voice.

“Thanks, Cae, I really am in your debt.” I hugged my brother, something I hadn’t done in a while.

“You’re...welcome. Now, I’ve tried time travel once or twice before, and the first test won’t take you too far, but at least it’s something when you witness it.” Caerula disappeared into a nearby cupboard, and returned shortly after with a strange, coloured light displaying device, as well as some soldering equipment. He began to attach the device to the machine, opened a small panel on the side of my body changing contraption, and pulled some wires out. The same wires stuck out of the back of the smaller, white device, so he could easily band them all together. Immediately fire flowed around the wires from the soldering tool, and they stuck together like slowly melting glue.

“We’re in a kind of rush if you’ve noticed, as we’re in a warzone trying to fend off government attackers.” Rose announced.

“Great...I can help though, can’t I?” I asked.

“No, we don’t want you risking your life. You must complete your task as fast as you can, and then we’ll be truly safe again.” She replied. “You’re also protected by a shield in the engine, so bullets or any other form of attack can’t get to you. Lucky.”

“There you go,” the quickly finished older brother of mine proudly told me. “It won’t go far once, but it shall soon. Just test it out.” Caerula took my hand and lowered me down to the laying position again.

“And what about you guys?” I shouted to them, as I felt the machines humming and whirring yet again.

“Don’t worry about us, we’re trained enough to be able to fight the soldiers off,” Rose told me, just before my vision went blurry and dark. Who knows now where I might end up when I get back to Equestria?

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