• Published 17th Apr 2012
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Just a day in Equestria - dave89898989

Electric Blue and friends make amazing adventures in Equestria, and mysteries are slowly solved.

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18 - An evening celebration

Chapter 18 – An evening celebration

*Anne's flashback*

It was one year ago. I was invited to a formal party, along with all of my friends. We parted ways when we were in the ballroom, as their boyfriends were there. I was left alone, but that didn't bother me. I noticed Caerula playing double bass at the front of the hall with the rest of the orchestra, so I shuffled through the crowd to hear the melody better. Caerula was the musician of our family, and had the most talents out of all of us. I always followed in his footsteps, but I usually failed at the skills only he could have. The most fruitful thing I could do was use technology, but that's only one thing.

"Care to dance, young lady?" an unknown, but familiar voice asked from behind me. I span around, and in front of me was someone who looked almost exactly like Caerula.

"Oh, okay sir, I will dance with you." I took his outstretched hand, and we began to sway left and right, copying the rest of the couples in the ballroom.

"Sorry, I didn't get your name." the man encouraged me to inform him by giving me an inviting smile.

"My name is Anne Ultrice. And yours?"

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful face. I am called Glais Pectus."

"I…see. You look very much like my brother, which is strange, don't you think?"

Glais stopped still for a moment. "Oh, yes, that is a strange coincidence." He changed the subject almost immediately and resumed the waltz, "so, how come you were the single one when you're the best looking?"

"Oh, well I never really get social, so I blame myself for not being with anyone yet. I stay indoors playing with computers…"

"Hmm, interesting. I gather you're good with technology?"

"Heh, it's my passion really. I mean, I even have a job in the military to do with computers!"

"You do? You must be very successful then. Say, I'm in the military too, what a coincidence!"

"I wonder why we haven't seen each other before eh?" I chuckled, and escorted Glais to get some punch from the buffet table.

"Here you go, Anne. Try some!" Glais gave me a glass, and I drank fast, being as thirsty as I was.

Soon enough, we returned to our slow dance together. I don't know why I stayed with Glais through the night, I just felt secure with him. This night was an escape from everything, and I'm glad that the mayor of the town arranged it. I felt free again, as I could just dance. Something I haven't done in a long time. I looked into Glais' pale sapphire eyes, and saw the wonder inside, feeling passion and enjoyment with me here.

The place suddenly became hotter, so I asked Glais if we could go outside. The stars were shining as brightly as they could, even if most of them were dying out. The refreshing chill of the night comforted me. Glais came to me, and started to give me a hug. I didn't mind it; I just let him touch me, as I knew that this was already the start of a good relationship. I turned and put my arms around his frame too, embracing his subtle warmth. His smile invited me to join him, and so I smiled back, with pure radiance.

"Hey Anne, how about we get some coffee?" Glais asked sincerely.

"Isn't a bit late for that?" I responded with another question, but changed my mind after that. "Forget it, let's go. I wonder if they'd still be selling their secret recipe donuts…"

The café just across from the town hall had its lights on still, but no-one was inside. I opened the door, and the hanging bell chimed. We sat together in a corner, and both slouched in relaxation.

The waiter came over, and ask what we would like, commenting on the ridiculous time we were here.

"Uh, just the usual please, sir, and the same for the gentleman beside me, please. Oh and if you have any donuts left, we'll take them all." I ordered as I normally would when I come here.

"Coming up right away, Anne!" The pleasant waiter answered.

"All the donuts? Can we afford that, Anne?" Glais asked me with concern.

"Ah it's fine, I come here all the time, so I get pretty good discounts." I replied, and took out the exact amount of money I always pay.

The waiter came back in the quickest time recorded by me. Well, we are the only people in this café, so I wouldn't be surprised.

"Here you go! That'll be nine dollars and ninety-six cents."

"Thank you very much Richie!" I gave him my money, and dug in to the donuts.

"You…sure do eat fast, Anne." Glais said, holding his first donut from the tray, while I was on my third already.

"Oh yeah, this is the reason why I come here all the time!"
Full from the banquet, I threw myself backwards, hands resting behind my head. "Done! How do you like them apples!?"

"Well, they're donuts, not apples, Anne. And I would have liked them if you didn't take them all." Glais replied, giggling at the best joke made tonight.

"Aww, I'm sorry, I'll get double the amount next time, to make it slightly fairer." We both laughed about the situation of my eating habits, as they were totally beyond my control.

We left a tip as we left the coffee shop, and took ourselves home. My home, moreover. I unlocked the front door, and pushed it open. I turned the lights on, and jumped onto the sofa.

"So, here's my place, Glais. Like it?" I asked with a joking manner.

"Oh yeah, it's pretty stylish!" Glais replied.

"So, I'll go get some covers, and you can sleep here, if that's alright with you?"

"Oh yes, that's perfect. Thank you Anne. You're so generous."

"Aww, I'm just doing my job, which is keeping people happy." I fetched pillows and a suitable duvet for Glais, and hurled them onto him.

"Good night Glais, sweet dreams." I sighed happily as I exited the room, and went back to my bedroom. As soon as I landed on the bed, I fell straight asleep.

When I awoke, I found myself under the covers, somehow in only my underclothes. I must have taken off my dress subconsciously, as that's already happened a few times before. I put on my dressing gown that was hanging on the door, and walked to the kitchen for breakfast. A simple bowl of cereal with a glass of OJ felt good enough for me. Glais was still asleep on the sofa, so I avoided disturbing him. In the bathroom, I ran a shower and got in it, which relaxed me beyond belief when the water hit my back. My long hair covered almost half of my body when I got out of the shower, until I dried it and wrapped it in a towel. The next towel covered my body, for decency of course, as I went to get dressed into my average clothes. Strawberry milkshake striped leggings, lavender skirt, orange tee shirt, and grey hoodie. That combination is my favourite style of clothing I have. I wanted to try something new today, so I tied my hair back with some colourful hairbands. The sun was shining brightly through the windows as I looked out of them, seeing the locals of Michigan walk by.

"Good morning Anne…" Glais mumbled in a sleepy daze.

"Hey there Glais. Take a shower, will you please?" I ordered him to the bathroom, as he did have a slight odour coming from his unwashed body.

I switched on the television and sat on the sofa Glais where slept. It showed up as the news channel.

"This just in: an armed invasion of homes in Kalamazoo, Michigan. To any home owner in that area, lock your doors immediately and seek cover. Small terrorist groups have dispersed and are in the process of being detained by police."

I rolled my eyes after I heard that, but I felt paranoid. A knock at the door sounded. Just to be safe, I ran into my bedroom and hid under the bed, forgetting about everything, including Glais. I squealed with terror as soon as I heard an explosion come from the front door. I crawled further to the edge of the bed to see who was out there, and noticed the heavy weapons they were carrying. I didn't want to be a hero, not after the last time I pulled that stunt. Why couldn't this be a dream?

The terrorists became enraged that no-one was home, so the bullets started flying around. They smashed up everything they could see, shot out the TV and kicked it repeatedly. Glais suddenly came out of the bathroom, disarmed the closest assailant to him, grabbed his assault rifle and aimed it at the two other stunned group members. Glais hit the disarmed terrorist with the butt of his gun, ducked and tackled the next one into some cupboards to knock him out, but before Glais could get to the last attacker, he was shot in the leg. In a panic, I rolled out from under the bed, ran towards the shooter and punched him as hard as I could. The pistol spiralled into my hands, which automatically pointed at the downed man. I wanted to shoot so badly. Blood suddenly spilled from the terrorist's head, and I dropped the smoking firearm.

"No, no, not again…" I muttered as I ran to the corner of the room and crouched down, head in my hands.

"Anne, why did you do that!?" Glais shouted at me, but withdrew from his aggressive tone because of the agony in his leg.

"I'm sorry Glais, I'm so sorry; I promised not to do it again…"

"Do…do what again, Anne?"

"…kill…I did it too many times…I didn't want to again…"

"What are you talking about Anne? You don't come across as someone who would kill people…"

"I have! It's the horrible truth about me! Go away now! Or shoot me first, I don't care anymore..." I sobbed loud and hard. I just couldn't take my repressed past haunting me for any longer.

"Come now. Anne, you're talking nonsense. Here, let me give you my comfort." Glais came over to hug me, but I swatted him away. He didn't give up though, as he really wanted to hug the wretch that I was.

"I just want to be killed for my crimes. Take me away! Please!"

"No, I'm not letting that happen. Anne, your view of yourself is strange. You've done nothing!"

"But I shot the guy, point blank in the face! I've done that to too many people now."

"Honestly, what are you talking about? The only thing you've done just now is hit me in the face, for some strange reason."

"Wait, what? Did…I just imagine all that?" I immediately stopped crying.

"You started messing up your own home too. What's gotten into you?" Glais looked around, but his eyes widened when he saw something behind me.

"What…what is it Glais?"

"Don't turn around. Just don-" Glais was abruptly stopped by a large tendril stabbing his forehead, and draining him of colour. I disobeyed Glais, turned around to see where this tentacle came from, and saw the thing. I haven't seen this creature since I was thirteen. I ran for the door, leaving everything behind in panic. I made the mistake of separating from Glais when he needed to be freed, but it was too late now. The creature had already taken over another body. I kept running, because I didn't want anything else done to me. I had already been possessed before; not again.

As if by magic, the creature caught up to me, and took control again. I lost all function in my body, in order for this disgusting thing to take me away easily. I blinked for a second, unexpectedly finding myself in a dark room, strapped to a table, with Glais in the same position next to me. A masked person surrounded by lots more of these little creatures came over to me, chuckled maniacally, and pressed a large button on the strange machine next to my table. After that, everything faded to black as if I was being put into a deep, long sleep.

When I awoke, I was in an odd, purple carriage. Looking out from the carriage I could see a totally new landscape to me. The road looked different, so did the trees, and the grass, the sky…and there were ponies. Everywhere. I collapsed back down, and closed my weary eyes again, unable to cope with the whole situation.

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