• Published 17th Apr 2012
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Just a day in Equestria - dave89898989

Electric Blue and friends make amazing adventures in Equestria, and mysteries are slowly solved.

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21 - The return

Chapter 21 – The return

Well, I’m back where I belong now. It rained heavily as I walked back home. Heavier than ever before, so much that it almost felt like pain. I noticed my mailbox was overflowing with letters, so I picked out the dry ones and ran inside. As I opened them one by one, they all read something similar.

“It’s your entire fault for ruining this peaceful world. If you hadn’t of left, or came here in the first place, we would have been safe.”

What did I do wrong? I fell unconscious suddenly, that’s all I can remember from my last moments here before. I cleared my mail from the counter with anger and went to my bed. I lay on it and listened to the pouring rain coming from outside, ever continuing to fall. I felt like I had to be somewhere important, but I couldn’t put my mind on it. Huffing as I turned restlessly, I caught eyes on Anne’s diary. I leaned over to pick it up, and started reading. Evil was my middle name after all. Most of the pages in this book describe the senseless murdering of handfuls of people, with a large amount of detail. The love for Glais made me shiver. I got up, opened the window, and threw the old diary out, in hopes that the ink would get washed out of it. A rest was what I needed to calm my nerves. It was way into the late hours of the night, so I needed my sleep.

The next morning brought a glare through the glass, which woke me. A light shower remained outside, but it was good enough to travel through. I brewed myself a coffee, drank it fast, and headed outside. I knew where I needed to be now, which was the hospital. Hopefully her wing had healed up before I got back here. I passed the market stalls, with ponies staring at me in disgust.

“And now you show here after a cruel month went by? You could have destroyed us all!” A burly, but distressed colt shouted.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know-”

“Just get out of here now! We can’t bare to look at you!” I was interrupted by another heckling market pony.

I ran as fast as I could to avoid more unneeded abuse from my apparently former friends. My legs were covered in mud as I arrived at the place I needed to be. I entered the building, and the hospital staff backed away from me, almost hissing under their breaths. Room 8 held Destiny as I remembered, so I headed there rapidly. The group of my closest friends were still there, watching over what seemed to be a healed up Destiny. I took my gaze from the window and opened the door slowly so I didn’t attract attention, but to no avail. They all gave me a menacing look immediately, like I was a complete unknown.

“Destiny, I’m glad you’re better now-”

“Shut up and get out,” Twisha snapped.

“What’s up with everypony against me lately?” I enquired, with a hopelessly upset tone.

“You heard her missy, now scoot!” Braeburn snarled.

“But…what did I do?” My voice felt choked and muted.

“You made this whole place collapse in on itself, irreversibly killing many ponies in the process. I can’t believe you did this to all of us, Blue! So many families lost!” Azure cried. “I don’t even want to call you my sister anymore…”

“I didn’t do this I swear! I didn’t know-”

“Just go already Blue.” Fluttershy interrupted as she moved towards me slowly.

“But Shy, you’ve got to listen to me-”

“It’s over, we’re through. Get out now before it gets any worse.” Fluttershy spun me around forcefully and pushed me out of the room.

I dragged my hooves out of the building, hanging my head in shame. I had never felt so low in my life. In just a few seconds, everypony I knew changed from happy go lucky souls to hateful, aggressive beings towards me. The sun in the sky hid behind sudden dark clouds which rained down their heavy droplets again. As I walked through the market again, the ponies there threw various produce at my direction. Lashing out in a rage, I charged for one of the stalls, knocking it over. It left the ponies scared for a brief moment, but they went back to their offensive positions again. I trotted quickly out of their view to my house. A sign was boarded across the door, showing the word <i>“for sale”</i> on it. Already I had been evicted. I sat down on the muddy ground and lost my cool. Tears ran down my face in unison with the rain, as I had nothing left anymore. A coat and bag rested on the step in front of the door, so I picked them up and put them on, and headed away from Ponyville.

Canterlot was the next place to go. I had to confront the Princess. The sun just barely shone out of the clouds as I approached the castle. The royal guards blocking the gate grew hostile as I paced towards them.

“The Princess is expecting you, Electric Blue. I suggest you see her immediately,” The gruff-voiced guard said, moving aside to let me through.

The pearly white halls brightened up the darkened day, and the numerous paintings hung high on the walls amazed me. The corridors lead me to the throne room, where Celestia and Luna resided.

“Greetings, Electric Blue,” The sun Princess called. “Please do not speak while I give you this message. Now you had been appointed the task of reporting to me with your findings, but you have lacked on that severely. In the late days of your absence, you had driven the world into a chaos not experienced before. You are also responsible with the deaths of many ponies of Equestria, which is the first crime we have ever known in this area.”

“Therefore,” The Princess of the night continued, “you are hereby banished to the snowy mountains, the most isolated place in all Equestria. The mountains are not suitable for living, so you will not be able to survive for a long time. The punishment may seem too unforgiving, but it is what is deserved.”

The princesses gestured for me to leave, and so I did, acidic tears filling my eyes. The only company I had left was myself, but that didn’t feel right, as all I am now is a shell. The mountains could be seen just over the top of the castle, so I followed in that direction. I walked through a desolate canyon which stretched between two halves of overlooking mountains; crumbling rocks rolled down in an attempt to hit me, but I managed to avoid those obstacles. The temperature began to decrease as the rain turned into snow, and the highland’s shades changed from the earthy brown to a suffocated purple colour. The only way was up now, as I climbed my way to the top of the highest snow covered peak. A convenient cave had been chiselled through near the top, so I crawled into that space before suffering from the effects of hypothermia any more. I emptied my bag to reveal an old camera, the photos, my half of the Paopu fruit, an orange orb, and a note tied up with string. I took off the string and unravelled the note, to read <i>“you know what to do, from G.”</i>

I knew who it was from, but what did he mean? I had other things to think about anyway, so I lamented over the apparent deaths of other ponies. My relationship with everypony was crumbling, and Fluttershy’s love for me had disappeared. This was the first time I had ever been truly alone. I had so much more to discover too, so much to explore, but I wasn’t able to let that happen. I shuffled backwards away from the puddle my tears had made, and rested. But when I tried to do that, I was awoken by the touch of the rabbit creature again.

“How did you get here?!” I exclaimed, but I knew I wouldn’t get an answer.

More of these rabbit creatures seemingly popped out of nowhere, advancing towards me. By now they would have hurt me or otherwise, but they seemed docile for once. It was almost like they cared for my existence, when they’re neutral creatures out for themselves. And then, one of the tendrils from the closest creature connected with my forehead, giving me something new to feel. I knew what to do now.

*Destiny Bond’s POV*

My wing had healed up fully, so I could finally get out of this room I’ve gotten so used to. The nurse discharged me from the hospital and our group left for home. When we got back there though, we noticed the “for sale” sign hanging on the door.

“What? I thought this house was occupied by us?” I questioned.

“It doesn’t look like it anymore,” Azure replied. “So where are we going to live now?”

“Y’all can come on over to Appleoosa ya know!” Braeburn proudly stated.

“Well, you all can do that, but, um, I should be staying in my own home for now. I have to catch up with the girls anyway,” Fluttershy piped up.

“Alright, we’ll see you around then Fluttershy,” I returned as we parted ways.

And there we were, I, Braeburn, Azure and Twisha waiting for the train to arrive.

“I’d rather go back to my own hometown, if that’s alright with you? Azure, would you like to come too? I will probably need the company,” Twisha addressed.

“Uh, well, sure, if the rest of us say we can separate,” Azure looked to me for confirmation.

“Of course you two can go, me and Braeburn would like some time together too,” I nodded.

“But, we’re not toge-”

“All aboard!” The conductor shouted, interrupting Azure with his reddening face.

We got on the just arrived train, found our seats and prepared for the journey ahead. Everything that just happened seemed faster than usual. The scenery moved past the windows as we sped along the tracks, which turned from a dark forest, to open plains of grass to sand in a matter of minutes. The buildings also transformed from brick based structures familiar to Ponyville, and then the smaller wooden constructions native to the settler ponies of Appleoosa came about. The dusty station appeared as the train came to a stop, leaving me and Braeburn as well as other ponies to get off. We waved good bye to Twisha and Azure from the platform, and the train chugged away again. I looked at the ponies of a traditional old west town, with their traditional clothes and different walks.

“We’re home Destiny,” Braeburn whispered to me, as we approached his orchard.

“Yeah, finally back where we started,” I whispered back.

“It’s good that we’re together again now, ain’t that right?” Braeburn asked as he came to nuzzle me.

“It sure is. It’s felt like such a long time since we’ve been here,” I laughed as I gave my partner a peck on the cheek.

“Ah just remembered, ah need to go get some supplies from the store, so do ya mind waitin’ here a spell?” The sand coloured stallion asked me.

“Sure, I need to rest my hooves anyway. I’ll see you in a bit,” I answered as Braeburn left my company.

I opened the door to the lodge in the corner of the harvesting field, and found the closest piece of furniture suitable to lie down on. The loveseat I lay on was soft and fluffy, good enough to fall asleep upon. I casually studied my surroundings, to see a fireplace, with some trophies that Braeburn had won resting on the mantelpiece, as well as the rustic style kitchen to the next room. The rickety staircase stood near to me, leading up to the bedroom that I remembered sleeping in. Oh, that thick, plush duvet was heaven to sleep under. When I finished my observations, a knock at the door sounded. I hesitated to get up as I found comfort in this couch, but I didn’t wanted to be impolite.

“Destiny, you’re back at last!” I could barely recall this colt standing in front of me, but his icy blue coat and wings stood out from the rest of the ponies around here.

“I’m sorry?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

“It’s me, Snowfall! Don’t you remember?” He enquired.

“Oh yeah! Hi Snowfall! I missed you, ya know?” I gave my old friend an inviting hug. “Say, where’s Mistletoe and Holly?”

“Yes, they had to stay up in the snowy mountains because of family matters. And besides, they prefer colder temperatures especially in the middle of summer,” Snowfall explained and chuckled.

“Fair enough, but aren’t you the same?” I questioned the wintery character.

“Nah, I can cope better in the heat,” he answered.

“Uh, well would you like a drink or anything?” I offered.

“Oh that’s fine, I just came by to drop some news anyway. We don’t usually get outsider ponies visiting the snowy mountains, but we noticed this orange pony with blue and yellow hair travelling up to the highest peak. I was wondering if you knew her at all?” My cool blue friend interrogated.

“Oh yes, I know her…we all know that pony. I can’t believe she used to be my friend, when all her evil was uncovered. She even tried to destroy Ponyville, and her success is making a massive amount of ponies disappear.” I spoke coldly, as I didn’t want to know anything about that mare anymore.

“I see. We should probably be hostile towards her next time she’s seen, right?” Snowfall went along with me.

“Yes, definitely. As soon as you see her, attack her if you can. Everypony wants her eliminated, including me.” I shivered because of my chilling voice, which was intimidating me for some reason, even though it’s the default tone taken towards that pony.

Braeburn finally returned from his shopping trip, came into the house and unloaded the groceries; and then sorted them to their appropriate places.

“Aw hey Snowfall, long time no see,” Braeburn called out.

“I know, it’s been a while, but already it’s time for me to go, as I had some business to attend to with my family. See you two later on!” The ice pegasus said as he took off rapidly.

“Well, it’s kinda getting’ late now; we should be hittin’ the hay.” Braeburn yawned as he trotted past me to the stairs. “You comin’ yet, Destiny?”

“Nah, I have to do something quickly, I’ll be up in a sec,” I replied with a chuckle.

“Alright then, ah’ll be waitin’ for ya,” my partner winked at me and continued up to the bedroom.
It was time to dust off that old diary.

“Dear diary,

I’m finally back in Appleoosa, and I can spend some time with Braeburn. Where we used to live was strangely put back on sale, so we had to come here. The group split up though, so it’s just us two for now. Oh yes, I should make this as a note. I’ll need to talk with Princess Celestia soon about…that pony, and what’s going to happen with her. The sooner she’s out of here, the better, I say. But for now, I should get back into the route of a simple life with just Braeburn. We have a lot of work to do on the orchard, as it is harvesting season in a couple of months, so we’ll continue with the growing of crops.”

I placed the book on the fireplace, and doused the fire with the watering can. After that I headed upstairs, and got into that cosy old bed with Braeburn. I kissed him lightly, and we fell asleep in each other’s hooves.

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