• Published 17th Apr 2012
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Just a day in Equestria - dave89898989

Electric Blue and friends make amazing adventures in Equestria, and mysteries are slowly solved.

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5 - The old friend

Finally, I can see these frequent dreams in colour. I can see a forest. Burning. There is a tree house being razed to the ground by fire. Two small fillies were running as fast as they could away from the forest. Why the heck am I having such a terrible dream? I notice one filly has the same outline as mine, with the same colours as well. I was part of this event? Why can't I remember this? Who was the other filly I was with? I couldn't see the other one that well, but she had a familiar shape, but I can't think of who she was. Suddenly, everything was dark. I could only hear "you must never forget me, as you keep me alive. Even if we part ways for our safety, we will always be best friends. Remember that; keep it close to your heart."

"Good mornin' gals!" Applejack said with a yawn.

"Good morning." me and Fluttershy said in unison, again.

"Ah hope you don't mind me sayin', but I gotta leave now, ah got some apple buckin' to do!" Applejack announced, slowly walking to the door.

"Wait a minute, don't you want some breakfast or anything?" I asked, concerned about Applejack's sudden leaving.

"Ah'll be alright Blue, don'tcha worry about little ol' me"

"Are you sure? Wait, I insist that you stay and have something to eat, I'll be making pancakes." I tried to figure out why I said pancakes, as I've never made food as far as I remember, so I'd probably be bad at it. But who knows, maybe I have some talents that I haven't discovered yet.

"Well, alright then, ah sure can't turn down a friend's offer!"

I began to pour a spare packet of pancake mix into a measuring cup, and then put some of the mixture on a pan, making perfect circles as I went. It felt like I had no control of my actions; all this was being done by somepony else in my conscience. Somehow I managed to make the greatest looking pancakes. Maybe I do have a talent for making food, among other things. I must experiment later.
We all started eating a stack of pancakes each, drizzled with apple syrup to make them even nicer.

"You sure know how to cook, Blue..." Whispered Fluttershy, taking tiny bites from a pancake.

"Yeah, ah've never tasted such an amazin' breakfast like this before!" Applejack continued.

"I never knew I'd be this good, I mean I've never made food before, well as far as I can remember." I smiled to myself as I thought that anything could be possible with me.

"I noticed you had a disturbed sleep, Blue. What was wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, well yes, I did have a terrible dream, but I don't think I should say it."

"Please, tell us. We would like to know, and maybe we could help you."

"Well, I remember a forest, and it was on fire. I was a little filly, and I was running out of a destroyed tree house. But I was with another filly, which I recognised, but I don't know why as I've never seen her before. It faded to black and somepony said "never forget me, keep me close to your heart." I just don't get this dream, because I should be able to remember it happening, but I don't remember anything for some reason."

"Could you describe this other filly to us?"

"Well, she had a white coat, with red and black streaked hair. She also had wings. That's all. I don't remember her face, as there was too much smoke from the fire to see properly."

"I'm really sorry Blue, but I can't help you with this as I don't remember anypony looking like that, or that event happening. Do you know anything about this, Applejack?"

"Nope, don't know anypony that looked like that either, and ah don't remember any fires."

"Oh well, thanks for the help anyway." I said to the two.

After finishing breakfast, Applejack soon left our company.

"So, Shy, it's just us two again. What do you want to do today?" I asked.

"Hmm, how about we-"

Fluttershy's words were interrupted by some mail coming through the door. I went to pick up the letter and package. The package read "do not open until the time is right." I was puzzled, so I put it into a small cupboard near the door. I opened the letter. It read:

"I know who you are. I know where you are. You haven't escaped me yet. You shouldn't still be existing. I am coming for you. Your heart is broken. It cannot be fixed. I will destroy it, because you destroyed mine. Good luck with your life, make the most of it."

I froze with shock. I was uncomfortably cold, and my body ached.

"Blue? Are you okay? Blue?" Questioned Fluttershy, with great fear for me.

A tear ran down my cheek. Why am I crying? I don't know the person that sent the letter, as it had no names on it. It must've been someone from the past, who must have a large hatred for me. The bottom of the letter was burnt, and words were crossed out. All I could make out was the first two letters, spaced apart, saying: "I" and "l". I just don't understand any of this. Fluttershy luckily snapped me out of my painful, crying trance by giving me a hard kiss.

"I'm sorry about that Shy, this letter just got to me for some reason. You'd better not read it, I don't want you crying too."
I put the letter into the cupboard with the package.

"I remember you saying that the filly you saw in your dream had wings. Rainbow dash knows almost every pegasus, so maybe she can help you." Fluttershy said, with a small smile.

"Yes, I shall take a visit to Rainbow dash. Where would she be?"

"Up in Cloudsdale, but you can only get there by flying, and you don't have wings. I could take you, but I don't think I'd be able to carry you, and I'm a very weak flyer as well. I'm so sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it Shy, I'll think of something."

Almost immediately after saying that, I frantically walked out the back door and into the garden. Just next to the door was a pile of metal and different components and electronics. I suddenly started to assemble something out of this pile. I could only think how this is all being done, as I'm not controlling any of my actions. After a few minutes of building, I created some sort of jet pack. I was in awe of my creation; it was something unexpected of me. It must be another one of my talents.

"I think I have a solution, Fluttershy." I kissed her cheek in success, and strapped the jet pack to my back.

"Well, since you'll be going now, I think I should get back to looking after my animals." Fluttershy gave me quite a long lasting kiss. "Good luck."

As she hovered back to her cottage, I readied myself for a trip to the clouds. As if by magic, I was up in the air. I never felt so high up before, and everything in Ponyville came into view. I quickly arrived at Cloudsdale, where Rainbow dash was conveniently standing where I had stopped. "Hi Rainbow dash, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Oh hey Blue, how's it going?"
She turned around and realised that I was up here with her.
"How the heck did you get up here?"

"Oh, well I made this strange machine that took me up here. I never knew I'd be able to make things, but I discovered that I can."

"Well would you look at that, you're flying! That thing on your back looks very complicated, but it got you up here. I'm so amazed that you, an earth pony, are flying!"

"I came here to ask you something, as we think you'd know the answer. Fluttershy told me that you know most of the pegasus' round here, so can you tell me if you know this one?"

"Who is it?"

"Well, she is a pony with a white coat, and has spiky hair, a bit like yours, with black and red streaks. Ring any bells?"

"Hmm, she does sound familiar. But seeing as you've got that thing on your back, and that I don't give out information easily, how about a race? I'll go easy on you, promise."

"Okay, I should test this thing out anyway."

We found a suitable spot to race, and prepared ourselves.

"On your marks... Get set... GO!" Rainbow dash shouted as she sped off.

I followed close behind her. I underestimated that this machine could go so fast, as she was almost approaching light speed. And she said she'd go easy on me. Even if winning wasn't going to happen, it felt so exhilarating to be high up, and flying so fast. I never thought I'd be doing something like this. Wait... my vision is fading. It can't do this, not at too important a time. I tried shaking it off, but nothing happened.

There I am in human form again. But, I was in some sort of huge flying machine, with so many other people. I was sitting next to a man, who was talking to me. He was dressed sharply, but he was quite pale, and had piercing blue eyes, with faint black rings around them. He had brown hair with a blue tint, slightly messy and spiky. I want to know who this person is, talking to me. My vision got closer to me and the man, but suddenly, the flying machine started to go out of control and headed downwards. I watched helplessly, as I saw my other despairing face through the small window, as the machine came crashing towards the sea. The vision faded back to reality, and I found myself falling downwards as well. My jet pack had become broken, and a trail of smoke followed my hurtling body. Just then, I abruptly stopped, as I was rescued by Rainbow dash herself. She saved me just in time.

"Thank you, Rainbow dash. I thought I wasn't going to make it..."

"You're welcome, Blue. It was lucky I saw the smoke and you falling otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get you in time. And I couldn't have left a friend to... you know..."

I felt slightly embarrassed, but my fear showed more, so I clung to Rainbow dash tightly. When we were back on the ground, I collapsed with fright. Everything that happened to me in these past few days started to slow down in my mind, and things started making more sense.

"I suppose I should give you that information now, if you're alright to hear it..." said Rainbow dash, worried for my state.

"Yes, I think I'll be able to get it in my head" I said, trying not to stutter with the cowardice that I felt for flying, and falling soon after.

"Well, there was this one pegasus that I saw while we were all staying at Appleoosa for a while, that sounded the same to what you said. She was very quiet, but she was close to Braeburn, a colt living there. We're gonna visit there again in a few days time; you can come with us if you want."

"Of course I do, I want to tie up a loose end, and figure out what happened to my past, if she can help."

I was about to say my farewells to Rainbow dash, when I said "I'm sorry for wasting your time today; I thought I was going to race you and get that information fairly, but I just came crashing down instead."

"Hey, it's no big deal, don't worry about it, I had fun, and you were a good racer. I want a rematch, and next time, don't fall asleep while you're flying!" Rainbow dash winked at me, and then flew off back to where she came from.

I staggered a little, and then slowly trotted home. At least my mind isn't in so much pain anymore, as my thoughts slowed down, and made sense of them. Now that I think about it, I made friends, I made love, I had flashbacks, I got a dress made for me, I found out talents. All this summed up is still so quick, but my mind knows how to figure it all out. Just... not yet. When I meet this long lost pegasus, I will find out the truth, or whatever she knows.

Before settling in bed, I wrote a short letter to the princess.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Today, I learned that you can discover things about yourself that you never would have known. In my case, I found out that I'm good at making food, and I can build technology and use it. I also learned that your friends can always catch you when you're falling, as they will always be there for you, even if they aren't with you in the moment in time.

Yours faithfully,

Electric blue."

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