• Published 7th Nov 2014
  • 19,465 Views, 1,383 Comments

Celestia's Relaxing Vacation - headless_rainbow

Celestia takes a vacation from being good, intending to blame all her actions on Chrysalis, who she has captured. What has caused such a change in her?

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Comments ( 173 )

7895218 No, Celestia never did that. She created an approximate imprint of them and put it in their bodies for fun, but it wasn't actually their soul, nor were those things ever properly conscious. They were basically wind-up toys.
It mentions that in the chapter where she briefly reanimates them, but maybe it wasn't clear. I reworded the explanation that Celestia gave when asked about that to try and make it clearer.


Damn it Headless, I don't know if it's an ellipsis or a period.

A period and fixed.

So the whole fight scene was like the Twili vs Tyrek fight?

It's like that fight if Twilight had no idea how to use her new power and got the shit beat out of her almost immediately.:rainbowdetermined2:

I keep getting them confused so Sunset is now Bacon. I'm not sure if Bacon just cummed of her own volition or if Starlight forced Bacon to cum. I can't believe I just typed that.

I think it might have been a bit more pain that made her cum, because magic.:rainbowwild:

Deus Ex Chrysassalicha

It is! But I didn't want to do the whole 'come back at the last moment' thing either, so I just tried to make Chrysalis' return make sense. One might argue that the predictability of her return made it not a Deus Ex :rainbowderp:

Something tells me that's her standard response to 99% of questions.

Sunset: "Maud have you seen my blue socks?"
Maud: (beats Sunset with rock)

Holy shit. The story is taking place in a classroom or something where they are teaching the kids about Overmare Sunset?

Deciding how to lie to your subjects about a conflict is important! :rainbowdetermined2:

Meanwhile, Tirek in Tartarus just wipes his brow in relief at his prison being turned into his sanctuary. He should get a T-shirt, an "I survived an apocalypse of murder and rape by sitting in prison all day"

well... not as good an ending as I hoped, but... I suppose it could be worse :unsuresweetie: knowing that the souls celestia absorbed were still on some level conscious means that they haven't ceased to exist forever, which is the only nightmare fuel I am not immune to :fluttershbad: knowing that they will, collectively, be able to enact revenge for all eternity is okay by me. I suppose sunset will be a decent ruler, and anypony who dies in the future will just go to the afterlife as normal- though that may mean every soul will go to tartarus forever :pinkiegasp:

a thought there: if they all enjoy rape and physical pain and such, does that mean tartarus for them would be all sunshine and rainbows and basically what equestrian used to be? that'd be hilarious.:derpytongue2:

p.s. can you please add 1 more chapter to make it an even 90? that just bugs me :applecry: maybe something along the lines of doctor hooves trying to use time travel to fix everything and getting raped and murdered for his efforts.

7896993 They were not conscious. It's basically a chemical reaction that causes them to tear into nearby souls. It's what they're programmed to do. I think I should go back and word that more clearly.
I added the following paragraph:
Only Celestia was tormented though. The other souls were just like a chemical reaction, automatically tearing apart any nearby soul, just like Celestia herself had programmed it to do. She would receive the same torment of every pony whose soul she ate again and again.

I assume Tartarus would find something non-pain-related that they would dislike. Maybe making them watch others be tormented from too far away to see the details and never being allowed to participate.

One of my current commissions is a new chapter of CRV, so that will push it up to 90, assuming the commission goes through.

7897011 conscious is I suppose the wrong word. but the way you wrote it (and if you wanted to change this, it would take a lot of rewriting) it sounded as though the souls absorbed became a sort of exclusive hive-mind with a primitive will but no thoughts. sunset could understand that will, and that gave her the drive to fight starlight. plus they chose sunset twice. at the very least, their existence has not been erased. i'd compare it to the fate of ouranos in greek mythology

7898088 I think Celestia gets more racist than this, though she's not necessarily the 'best' at it in the story. Later on the sexism gets perhaps worse than the racism, though at least in the opposite direction as normal for these stories.
Though maybe amusingly, or maybe not, racism does get depicted as the worst thing she does, and without her going 'over the line' like that, there wouldn't have been enough of a resistance to have a final confrontation at the end.

Not gonna lie, enjoyed the story from beginning to end, but I can't help it feel like the end part was a little… abrupt, like it didn't exactly end and more so just stopped.

I was kind of hoping maybe you'd epilogue of some sort, maybe see what became of the world after Celestia was finally slain, how Sunset raised her child, if the human world truly was destroyed, maybe have Sunset set her sights on another version of Equestria... etc.

The last three chapters were meant as epilogue really; it was meant to be a story of Celestia's insanity, which was resolved, but afterward I wanted to leave it open-ended for continuation should I ever get time. I implied how things were going to go, and was going to let people's own head-canons dictate what they thought would happen after.

Having Sunset invade another world/timeline, or having another version of evil-Celestia attack her world, might be an interesting premise though if I do get around to it. Another idea is that while Celestia can't be retrieved from her torment, it might still be possible to pull a copy of her out, so in that way she could be 'sorta' brought back to life. It could be amusing to have an evil cult bring a copy of her through without realizing that she was no longer evil.

7902053 Haven't you ever heard of 'death by a thousand paper cuts'? Anyway, I do have someone that vonlunteered to edit these chapters so they will be improving, not that that matters after you've already read them. :rainbowwild:

7902594 Well it's not a kind a torture exactly, it just refers to a large power being brought down by a lot of small, often unrelated things. The more you know :rainbowdetermined2:

I'm pretty sure I've done the torture, though I don't know if I've added the super-sensitivity to it before, though I guess I didn't describe it as all of their cuts feeling like full wounds being stabbed. I think that description alone makes it worse.
Warum war die Hälfte davon auf Deutsch?

7905602 Google translate knows all.:rainbowdetermined2:

i'm done, just done. I won't survive another chapter

7914834 What horrible thing did you in?:rainbowdetermined2:

7915172 honestly...... the human fluttershy chapter. she is my favorite and they way she was portrayed it made me realize something... she is the kind of person to actually do that kind of shit and get off on pain. plus I would have kept her around for myself. the chapter with the rape and killing of the crusaders just made me remember what a sick fuck I am. but the biggest thing is the fact that not once did my smile leave my face nor did my " manhood" go down until I finished it. I had to stop 3 times to find my girlfriend because this story kept me in a state of near painful hornyness.

7916243 No the sick fucks are the people that read this and think "That's acceptable behavior", not the people that read it and know it's fucked up :rainbowkiss:
I mean you can read it or not, but you are right at the point that I really started concentrating on plot, so there is a story inside of all that that you'll be missing with the rebels getting ready while she's gone and their clash when she returns, as well as a few third parties that jump into the fray. It's still fucked up, but there is a story :rainbowwild:

7916535 I went back and finished it. you are now one of my favorite writers on this site. I can't wait to see what you make next.

I narrated the description and let random people on Twitch help me edit it.

7917238 Why is it so hilarious to hear someone read all of that? :rainbowderp: You should link in the description so people can find it though, should they be messed up enough to want to do so.
The fact that it took almost half an hour to read the description though; I feel accomplished. :rainbowdetermined2:

Hells Fire: Just asking, is there a fetish this fic hasn't covered? Like the fat knee fetish? We are seriously too scared to find out, and I read some serious shit before.
Real One: but for all the effort, have a like.

7952477 I don't think it has fat knees in it! :rainbowhuh: It does get a bit creative with death methods by the end though since I didn't want it to repeat too much.

Hells Fire: Well, we are not scared about the deaths, we are scared about the amount of things in one chapter, principally because some of our fetishes are mixed with things we don't like.

7954429 Some of the fetishes are things I don't like too! :rainbowkiss:

7984144 That's enough of a good point that i'm considering editing the chapter, particularly letting Twilight know that she blew her last chance to stop Celestia.

And actually, there is an explanation as to why the guards follow her orders so well, as well as why she flipped herrself, it just isn't revealed until the characters figure it out. At this point in the story not even Celestia knows though.

Whoa, man. I wonder how your planning looked like, when you were writing this.
I usually use stick-it notes all over my desk when I need to compose something long, but if you'd use the same method, it would be bloody hilarious. Cause you did not get repetative, and this requires some planning on who and how is getting raped/murdered. GJ.

7985497 I kept a text document of who had died and how and little notes about who was on which side and such. I kept a very loose outline of things I wanted to happen at some point, too. As you can probably tell, my ideas kept bloating out of control. I actually skipped a few events I wanted in order to get it finally done, but might add them into the gaps later. I also have ideas for potential epilogues, some of which could be their own multi-chapter story, but who knows if I'll ever get to them..

7987457 Yeah I added that list later and had to skim the previous chapters because I'd forgotten most of it. I guess I skimmed wrong in those cases. Thanks! :rainbowwild:

7997961 Yeah I'm pretty sure if you skip the fucked up parts, this whole story would take about half an hour to read.

8008753 Well Moondancer already genocided Seaquestria, even if I didn't know the name of it! :rainbowwild:

8011905 I had a reason for killing her, which I forget right now :pinkiecrazy:

8021536 Oh don't worry. The other world's Fluttershy is still alive. For now.

8024275 Imagine how I felt writing it! :rainbowderp:
You should read on though. Celestia eventually gets worthy adversaries that she can't just mow down.

Well, I finally finished. My god this was grim. And it didn't end the way I figured it might.

8034748 I don't think a person that reads loli stories is any more likely to harm a child than fans of horror movies are likely to go on killing rampages, or people that play GTA are to beat to death old women with crowbars. If anything, the existence of an outlet prevents it. I mean think about it: what group is most infamous for abusing children? Priests. Those celibate people that aren't supposed to so much as look at a naughty word. :rainbowwild:

8037932 She doesn't know yet! Celestia put Twilight in the crystal caves, which deflect magical or dreamy attempts to locate her.

8037967 Maybe it hits the point where it's so fucked up that it circles around and becomes hot. :rainbowwild:

8038008 In a way I guess her honesty ends up as a running gag, :rainbowwild: It makes sense though! If a tyrant wants people to accept their offers, they need to establish a reputation of absolute honesty.

8038180 If Celestia is anything, she's a mare of great integrity and honesty!

I actually fixed it the Ember/Celestia thing, but must have forgotten to click 'save' like an idiot.

I quite enjoyed the story, the rape scenes, the betrayals. It was amazing, even though there were spelling errors and words that were missing, it was still a good read.
9/10 would fap again.

8116949 Sadly I didn't have anyone to proofread during many of these chapters.Feel free to point any out.
But if you fapped,that's all that matters!

8143142 Well it is possible to work for Celestia and not be constantly tortured; I just don't tend to focus on those characters! I mean who cares about the hundred castle guards that she's never tortured? Basically, you just have to make sure you're not either important or hot.

Dark brutal comedy at its finest. A lot of people are not going to get the context it.

8163633 Just don't look at her naughty parts while you're eating them. That would be bad.

Perfect logic. What's more people than somewhere that everyone is dead? :rainbowdetermined2:

Welp. GG on the story. Had a blast readin' it and am both horribly ashamed and guilty that I got off to this numerous times. Buuuut, fuck it. It was pretty lit, fam. Keep on Keepin' on. :rainbowlaugh:

It's always good to hear that someone is rubbing their fun bits to my stories! :moustache:

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