• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 3,124 Views, 135 Comments

Misty Mountains - Asuya

Self insert originally for PonyFall collab. No longer in collab though. Me and Misty the Wonderbolt.

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Hey guys, Asuya here. It's been a while, hasn't it? So I'm sure this is not a surprise to any of you at this point, but I will be putting an end to this fanfic. It's great that I got to do it, and all of the support that everyone gave me while I was doing it really helped me during High school. Hell, even into college. I cannot thank you all enough for everything you did, even though it may seem to be so small.

Skype Username is: Asuya Syndori

Part of this is due to time. I just can't find the time to write quality material for you all anymore. I mean I have the time to do it, don't get me wrong, but it would be at the cost of some of the other things I do that I'd rather not give up. A big part of it is that I just can't really write my character anymore. It started off as a self insert back when PonyFall had really become big and right at the end when they were not accepting people in the collaboration back in High School. The me that's in the story is based on the High School me, and I'm just not who I used to be. In fact, to slightly quote Relient K, Who I Am, Hates Who I've Been. I just cannot write for my old self anymore, and that's kind of the center of the story. So I'll be ending it.

However, I don't want to just shove you all off and pretend like nothing happened. If anybody wants to stay in contact with me, please do. Please feel free to add me on Skype, and say that you're a reader, or just say that you want to be friends, I don't really care. I trust that you're cool people who I will get along with. I will also leave this story plot, universe, whatever you decide to take it as, as open ended. If anybody out there wants to write about it, or in it, or whatever, please feel free to. Hell, you can even ask me to make some cameos or write a chapter or something, and I'll see what I can do. But that's all really up to you guys. If you do happen to use what I've written, be it continue the story, play off of it or whatever, please just let me know. I want to read it, I want to support my friends (cause you all or my friends) :)

Anyway, I'll let this be the end for now. It's really painful to end this thing that caused me so much good. Maybe one of these days I'll write something else, and I'll let you know (probably through the Blog thing) if I do. But for now, I'll be signing off.

Thanks everyone, I love you all <3

-Asuya Isaac Syndori

Michael Andrew Stephens

Comments ( 3 )


what previous comment said, but I completly understand about it been a self insert and how we change and everything.

Cheers for the journey while it lasted and I hope one day you find the spark to finish it.

Peace out - Killabyte

I wanted to thank you for this story. You may not know me but I appreciated taking a not well known background pony and creating a story around them. Don't get me wrong but The wonderbolt are well known in the community,but not many no about Misty except those been on mlp fim wiki. yet I enjoy the story even if it didn't continue I will miss it.

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