• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 3,124 Views, 135 Comments

Misty Mountains - Asuya

Self insert originally for PonyFall collab. No longer in collab though. Me and Misty the Wonderbolt.

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Chapter 1: As if I wasn't Stressed Out Enough Already...

Misty Mountains
Chapter 1

Today was a day just like any other, except I needed to sing with the rest of Honors Chorale at a big competition later today. Well, I actually didn’t need to since I’m probably the worst tenor in the group, but my choral director refuses to believe that and wants me to sing anyway. Especially since the Honors Chorale is incredible and many people have very high expectations for our group at this competition. Not to be one to argue with my choral director, plus the fact that I really wanted to go in the first place, I agreed to go and attempted to keep it together and not be too nervous by the time we got there. Unfortunately for me, my nervousness was easily shown, as my big sister pointed out as I was changing into my uniform, which is a Tuxedo.

“Hey, sorry to intrude, but your vest is on inside out,” my sister said from the doorway to the bathroom, smirking a little.

“Ugh! Are you serious? And to think I could mess up something so simple…” I ranted a bit as I took off my coat as to fix the vest.

“Dude, calm down. You’re singing with plenty of your good friends and I for one know that you’ll be fine,” my sister said as she came over to the mirror and began combing her hair as per her daily routine.

“Yeah, of course you’d say that Sarah. You where one of the best musicians of you generation, you couldn’t ruin any piece for a major performance like this even if you tried,” I spitefully recoiled as I put my tuxedo coat back on over the fixed vest.

“Seriously though, you need to calm down. But we’ll talk more later, OK? I can tell that you’re trying to keep at least somewhat sane,” Sarah replied, understanding the stress I was under and helped fix my collar for me before I walked out of the bathroom.

My sister, Sarah, and I live alone and have been for the past few years since our parents are either traveling constantly or are helping the rest of the family. My dad travels all the time, so he’s basically never home, while my mom has been down in Georgia with her parents since they’re struggling and since my grandmother’s recently had a stroke, so they’ve left me under the care of Sarah for the last few years until I leave for college. Sarah is seven years older than me and is legally allowed to act as my legal guardian should she ever need to. Currently in grad school, she’s studying philosophy and is one of the more requested tutors for physics. She’s about 6’2” with wavy burgundy hair that she’s let grow down to her shoulders. I’d tell you her weight as well, but regardless of the fact that she’s my sister, it’s still insensitive to ask a woman for her weight, so I actually don’t know how much she weighs. She’s really sweet and kind, but knows how and when to be strict, but she’s generally good natured with a sort of happy-go-lucky daily attitude. When it comes to fighting, she’s not really the best, but she can hold her own enough to survive in a place like New York and luckily for her, we live all the way down here in North Carolina.

Then there’s me, the family screw up that can’t do anything right. I have wavy hair similar to Sarah’s but it’s a healthy dirt blonde tint rather than the burgundy color Sarah decided to die her hair. I tend to keep it longer than most other guys, my bangs tend to hang over my eyebrows and the sides will curl up about halfway down my ear and the back just does whatever. I tend to not care very much about my physical appearance, so my hair is usually a mess, but it’s usually clean. I’m about 5’6” and weigh roughly 138 pounds, which is really light compared to most of the other guys in my grade. I’m a junior in high school and am currently going crazy due to my want for challenging courses. My want for a challenge has led me to take 3 different AP classes this year and I plan to take another 4 next year, and that’s not even mentioning what else I do. I’m currently part of our school’s second best choir, which is also know throughout the state since we’ve won the State Choral festival 13 out of like 16 times now, this year being the most recent and also giving us a three-peat for wining first place in the State festival. Not only that, I’m in our school’s Chamber Strings ensemble, which is the more advanced of the two strings programs here, as a cellist. Granted I cannot play nor sing worth crap, but my teachers put me in said groups anyway. But I’m not done, I also joined my school’s Marching Band this year, this being my first year in any band thing ever, as Pit Captain. While the title itself holds no merit, I still take pride in it. Anywho, I played the Marimba during the marching season when we performed our show, but I played cymbals while in the stands. I was OK at those, I had soooo much fun, but there where definitely better people for the parts. I’m really going to miss those guys though (I tend to say stuff like "guy" or "dude" regardless of gender btw) when I graduate, I mean the Marching band is practically family to me at this point. I tend to be really shy around girls, but I’m getting better about that, while I tend to be somewhat reclusive around other guys. Also, regardless of what everyone keeps telling me and others, I am absolutely worthless. I have no redeeming qualities and anything that I can brag about is easily out done by basically everyone else.

Anywho, I walked directly from the bathroom out to the deck that we had out back over looking our back yard in an attempt to clear my head and calm down. It wasn’t a very big deck, our yard wasn’t too big either, but that’s what the woods behind our house are for. We basically have an entire forest behind us, my sister and I, and the smell of fudge was a welcome addition.

“Mmmmm… that smells soooo good… Hey Sarah, is that you making fudge?” I asked in a trance like state of relaxation as I leaned on the deck railing.

“How could I be making fudge? I’m still in the bathroom,” Sarah called back.

“Huh, then I wonder where that wonderful smell is coming from,” I rambled on a bit, still blissfully leaning on the railing.

“Wait, so you’re not making the fudge eit-“ Sarah started as she made her way out on the deck so that she didn’t have to basically yell at me to hold a conversation, only to stop mid sentence when she saw the sky.

“Hmm? What was that sis?” I asked, still blissfully unaware of what’s going on.

“Look up, and please for the love of god tell me you see this too…” Sarah muttered through her state or shock as she just stared directly up at the sky.

“Oh, OK. But it’s just the sky, I don’t see wh-“ I started, only to be stopped mid-sentence like Sarah when I saw the sky myself.

“Is the sky pink to you too?” Sarah asked, not removing her eyes from the unnatural scene before us.

“Y... Yeah it is… man we must really be trippn’ hard, eh Sarah?” I responded, trying to bring some humor into the situation.

“I’m not sure whether or not that’d be a good thing or not right now,” Was all Sarah said in response.

Our little trip fest was interrupted abruptly after a good minute or two when we both heard a scream from the woods behind our house. I acted immediately and jumped on top of the railing that I was leaning on, but was stopped by Sarah before I could jump off the deck.

“Are you crazy? The deck's two stories above the ground! You’d be better off going through the house to the front door!” Sarah said as she grabbed hold of my arm as to prevent me from jumping.

“Come on sis, we both know I’ve been through worse, and whoever or whatever it was that made that noise needs help!” I said as I pulled my arm free of my sister’s grip and jumped, using my limited gymnastics knowledge to aid in reducing the severity of the impact.

“Don’t think I’m going to just let this slide!” Sarah called after me, but I didn’t hear as I had already broken the tree line.

I weaved through the woods as best I could while in a tuxedo, which actually is much easier than it’s made out to be, until I reached the clearing that my sister and I discovered when we first moved here multiple years ago. As I entered the clearing, I could hear another scream to my left that seemed to emanate from a trail I have cleared not more than a week ago and I made a b-line for the path. The path I was following was soon to lead to the gazebo my dad and I built there a few years ago, which is where I was assuming the screaming was coming from. On the way, I took a roughly 6ft long branch that has a few inches for diameter and smiled as it was going to make for a good staff. As I made my way into the clearing to see what was making the screaming noises.

In the clearing was a girl about my age with icy blue hare and matching eyes wearing a blue uniform with very familiar yellow lightning bolts circling her ankles and wrists crawling on all fours over towards the gazebo that my dad and I built with two wolves at her heels. Her jumpsuit was ripped in the front where another yellow lightning bolt was covering the length of her torso and had blood dripping to the ground. Instinctively, I rushed over towards the mysterious girl and used my stick to grab the attention of the wolves by slamming it on the ground in the space between the two creatures. The wolves were startled and turn around to see where the noise came from, only to see me in my staff stance. I have my left side turned towards the wolves with my stick diagonally pointed towards the ground as I held it across my torso. The wolves took it upon themselves to try and disorient me by attacking from two sides, one from the front and one to my right (in front being the direction in which my stick is pointing).

However, I'm no stranger to sly tactics and saw it coming, and braced myself for the possible pain. The wolf in front of me pounced at me, aiming for my shoulder, its maw agape and vicious. As it came within my reach, I made and upward lance thrust with my stick, resulting in a satisfying thump as it collided with the wolf's chest, effectively launching it back dazed a few feet.. However, in the moment, I forgot about the other wolf and payed for it when said wolf bit my right arm above the elbow. Normally I would've yelped in pain, but that mysterious girl was still here and I couldn't let her down, even if I have no idea who she even is. So I sucked it up and let go of my stick with my right hand and attempted to aim for the wolf's eyes. It worked and it dropped of my arm in a split second with a yelp. Hoping for the best, i thrust my stick towards the wolf as if it were a billiard cue as to put more distance between the wolf and myself/the gazebo where the mysterious girl was laying down in. As soon as the wolf started sliding, I dropped the stick and rushed over the the mysterious and bleeding girl. I picked her up like you'd expect me to and ran back towards the path as fast as I could. The pain in my right arm really didn't help, and the howling of wolves was starting to get at my nerves since I'm not exactly a match for a pack of wolves under the best circumstances. Now I'm injured, restricted by my chorus tuxedo, weaponless, and I'm doing my best to protect this girl in my arms. So I booked it. If I were sprinting for my school's track team right now, I would have blown everyone out of the competition.

It wasn't long before I made my way through the woods and back to my house. after a good few minutes of running, I made it back to the house, mysterious girl still in my hands, and not any more harmed than when we left the clearing. I ran around to the front door and kicked it open, ignoring the fact that it actually opened on my first try., and proceeded to take the wounded girl into the kitchen before my own injury made me drop her. I laid her down on the kitchen table after clearing away two plates and cups and went directly to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, where my sister was showering.

"Woah! Dude, some privacy please?" Sarah said from behind the curtains as I walked in.

"Can't talk, more important stuff to do," I hurriedly replied as I grabbed cleaning supplies, a small hand towel and plenty of bandages.

"Dude, where do you think you're going? At least apologize you jerk!" Sarah yelled at me over the running water, but I paid no heed. More important task at hand and what not.

I first grabbed a cylindrical plastic container and laid in on the floor for when I needed to catch runoff water. Once preparations were set, I took a bar of soap and began cleaning the girl's wounded stomach as to try and keep away infection. Her wound only spanned from her ribs to the lower section of her navel, but they weren't just cuts. There were some pretty hefty gashes and bite marks, all of which were still bleeding a little. As much as I knew it must've hurt had she not been unconscious, I continued to clean the wounds as my parents would for me. By the time I was done bandaging the mysterious girl, my tux had already been caked in dried blood and I made a note for myself to get it cleaned and repaired soon. At that point I could do no more for the mysterious girl, the rest of the scratches and such were just that. Most of them didn't even break the skin, so i just let them be seeing as i didn't exactly know what to do about the minor scratches. So went back out to the deck without even bothering to change and called my chorus teacher.

"Heraba du da... Oh, Hi! How's it going? Yeah I know I'm late, but that's why I'm calling... No I'm not going to... Would you please let me finish my sentence so I can explain? Sorry bout that, but it did work. Anyway, I can't come today, I've run in to something very important here at home. I can't really explain more than that right now cause I don't really know all too much about what's going on. Anyway, I just figured you should know. I'll probably come tell you what's going on eventually, but for now you have more important stuff to worry about... Yeah, I wish I could be there too, but this is really important... I'm sorry... Well good luck to everyone, don't let me down OK?"

"OK, start talking mister," came my sister's voice from the doorway leading into the house from our porch, she really didn't seem mad, but she certainly wasn't happy.

"There's really not too much to explain, I found her out by the gazebo Dad and I built a few years ago being attacked by two wolves. So I brought her back here." I said as I leaned my elbows against the railing, only to yelp a little when my right arm was plagued by an intense pain from the wolf bite.

"Why? You don't even know her, she could've been fine for all we know. And more importantly, you could've gotten killed!" Sarah started, still not conveying a clear emotion, just a jumbled mess of multiple different ones.

"Oh, and what would you have done, just left her there to die? One: that's totally inhumane and I for one could never do something like that. Secondly, even if I could have just left her there, what do you think would've happened had her body been discovered in the woods behind our house eh? I mean seriously Sarah, just because I may not always think everything through doesn't mean I can just ignore my instincts," I retorted factually, half expecting her to yell back at me.

"I... b... you're right. How could I have even thought of such a thing anyway? I feel so terrible now..." Sarah said as she came out on the deck.

"Don't worry about it sis, you were just being protective of me. It's completely understandable," I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder.

I then went up to my room to change out out of my chorus uniform and came back downstairs to check for bandages before I put on another shirt, my wound is still bleeding and I don't want to ruin another shirt. Much to my dismay, we ran out of bandages when I bandaged this mysterious girl. Since i don't really own a sleeveless shirt and since I just fought off two wolves to save a girl I don't even know, got bit in the process, and then proceeded to carry said girl back to my house, so I'm pretty tired. So I took enough paper towel to cover the bite wound, tied it around said wound, and moved the mysterious girl from the table to the living room couch so that she could be at least somewhat comfortable when she wakes. Sarah took a seat in the reclining chair opposite the couch and I rested on the floor while waiting for either something to happen or for blissful sleep to come and lead me to a more peaceful place. Luckily for me, I didn't have to wait long, as the icy blue haired girl awoke only a few minutes after I laid down on the floor.

"Ugh... What happened..." she started as she rubbed her head with her hand, which caused her to freak out.

"What? What's wrong?" Sarah asked before I could even register what was going on, both of us concerned, but only Sarah got up.

"W-what is this thing?" the girl asked, both confused and terrified at the same time.

"Um... It's you hand... All humans have them..." Sarah said, not exactly sure what else to say at the strange reaction.

"What's a human?" the mysterious girl inquired, still looking at her hands as if they were the most terrifying this on the planet.

"Um... What all three of us are, maybe?" Sarah said, completely and utterly confused as to what's going on.

"What? No no no... I'm a pegasus pony. A Wonderbolt even!" this possibly insane girl said.

"A pegasus pony, really? You do know that those things don't exist, right?" I said as I sat up on the floor.

"Is that an insult?" The mysterious girl retorted as she looked away from her hands to look at me.

"How is that an insult? You are a human, plain and simple. And while I may love pegasi since they are awesome, I also realize that they don't exist," I responded, not exactly mean-fully, but it was somewhat apprehensive.

"Well you're wrong then! Whoaoa!" the girl said as she fell of the sofa, hitting the floor with a thud.

"Yeah, says the girl who can't even prevent herself from falling off of a sofa," I spitefully retorted. I'm fine with being wrong, but when you start being crazy and say stuff that obviously isn't true, I tend get a little annoyed.

"How am I supposed to compete in the Wonderbolts Derby like this?" came a muffled sentence from the girl as she tried to get up. What, she landed face first on a carpet floor, of course it's going to be muffled

"Ok, either you're crazy, there was a concussion or some other head injury that I missed, or that wound to your stomach is much worse than I originally thought," I plainly stated while holding back laughter.

"I'll get you for this," the girl growled as she eventually steadied herself on all fours.

"Yeah, I'm really threatened by the the mysterious blue haired girl who has trouble even staying on a sofa and thinks she's one of the great Equestrian Wonderbolts," I snidely retorted, still sitting in the same spot as before.

"Hey, that's enough you two. As much as I am skeptical about you ma'am, we should at least treat you with some respect since you are a guest here. Isn't that right Michael?" Sarah said, effectively stopping the verbal war that would have definitely escalated had she not stepped in.

"Well soorry sis, it's not like I'm perfect like you are," I mumbled

"We'll talk later about that Mike, but right now we have an injured young lady on all fours in the middle of the room. We should at least be courteous," Sarah practically barked as she got directly in my face, only backing off when I gave a simple nod of my head in acknowledgement.

"Now then, please take a seat miss. It must be uncomfortable to be on all fours like that for too long," Sarah offered

"Nah, I'll be fine, but thank you for the offer anyway," this really odd girl declined.

"Ok then... Would it be too much to ask for your name?" Sarah asked, hoping that this girl was just being polite by not accepting her offer.

"I'm Misty, proud member or the Wonderbolts, best fliers in all of Equestria," this more than likely insane girl said

"Man you must be one seriously dedicated cosplayer," I muttered under my breathe.

"You think I'm a cosplayer? How dare you!" the girl snapped back at my snide remark.

"Well let me give it to you like this. One: You have icy blue hair which, last time I checked, is not natural. Two: You say your name is Misty and claim to be a Wonderbolt. Now while you name may actually be Misty, you are not, have not, and will not ever be a Wonderbolt. Sorry, but the Wonderbolts are a fictional group of flying ponies in a show targeted for little girls. Now don't get me wrong, the show itself is actually pretty good, but it is what it is: a kid's cartoon. Given this, what seriously would make you think that I'd believe you're not a cosplayer?" I spat right back.

"What are you even talking about? I really am a Wonderbolt, what can I do to prove it too you?" the girl said, both confused and determined to prove to me that she wasn't lying.

"Ok then, you want to prove yourself? First off, have you ever watched the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic before?" I asked as i stood up and walked over to the girl, kneeling in front of her as I got closer.

"What are you even talking about, what show?" the girls said, looking directly at me with her icy blue eyes.

"Ok, not bad... If you are in fact a Wonderbolt, can you tell me the name of your teammates?" I said, my face losing whatever amounts of expression it once had.

"Captain Spitfire, Soarin', Fleetfoot, Blaze, Fire Streak, High Winds, Lightning Streak, Rapidfire, Wave Chill, and myself," this girl answered without missing a single beat nor name.

"Wait, if you've never seen Friendship is Magic, yet you can list off all the names of the Wonderbolts..." I pondered, trying to both accept and reject the possibility that she really is in fact a Wonderbolt.

"I know what you're thinking, and yes, I really am a Wonderbolt. Ooops!" this 'Misty' girl said, her hands giving out and causing her to fall back on the floor.

"Ugh, lemme help you. But don't go anywhere," I sighed as I helped her back onto the sofa.

"Not like I can really move like this. It's so... unnatural," 'Misty' muttered under her breath as I got up to go get my iPod.

"Ok, I'm going to have you watch something. Depending on how you react will determine whether or not I believe you," I informed her once I came back with my iPod, an episode of MLP:FiM buffering.

It took me a minute to get to the part in the Sonic Rainboom episode, you know, the part when Rarity starts to fall out of the sky once her wings disintegrate, and I just let it play. I for one didn't say anything as I was curious as to how this girl would react when she saw the character she claimed to be got knocked out by Rarity.

"Ooo... I still remember that one..." this girl said as she saw the icy blue maned Wonderbolt get knocked out.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, completely and utterly confused.

"I remember when she knocked me out. on the Bright side, Rainbow Dash was really nice and enthusiastic when she was hanging out with us," she explained, which really started to make me think.

"I... B... Um... Hey Sarah, can you help her get back up and walking on her own two feet?" I stuttered a bit as i stood up from the sofa.

"Well of course I can, but what about you?" Sarah replied as she walked over to take my place on the sofa.

"I... I... I need to go think for a moment..." I slowly replied as I walked over to the door leading to the deck, my mind already working hard enough to try and determine whether or not this blued haired guest of ours was in fact a Wonderbolt.

While my sister was helping reorient this mysterious girl, I took out a pair of earphones and plugged them into my iPod and hit play. It wasn't exactly the best song to play, but I didn't care at this point, I really like the song and I need to listen to something. Leaning against the railing facing the woods, I let my mind formulate what it would and fight it out as to whether or not I should believe this girl.Every so often, I'd take a look back towards the living room to check up on how my sister and this girl were doing (the wall in between the deck and the living room is practically a window) and everytime I did, the girl would look away. I couldn't confirm it, but I thought she might have been blushing, but that's beside the point. After about half an hour of leaning on the railing shirtless in the April sun, I still hadn't made up my mind. But that's when my sister decided to interrupt my reverie.

"You really should put a shirt on you know," Sarah lightly remarked as she took a step out onto the deck.

"I'll be fine," I remarked tersely as I took out an earphone, not in the mood to talk until I make a decision.

"Seriously though, you really should put a shirt on," Sarah continued

"What for? It's the middle of April and right now the only people whom I'd want to prevent from seeing me shirtless are currently eating lunch in the school cafeteria. And I know that it doesn't bother you," I bluntly retorted, still not in the mood.

"Well yeah, I may not mind, but..." Sarah implied as she gave a little shrug and tilted her head towards our mysterious guest.

All I did was shrug. I had nothing else to say and was still thinking over the possibility that this guest of ours actually wasn't lying. My sister got the hint when I put my earphone back in and went back inside. Sighing, I decided to wrap this up in two songs worth of time. I was tired of this overly complicated concept and it's noon. I'm hungry, deal with it. Luckily for me, my iPod shuffled to a song I could sing and so I did. after that and some other random song, I made up my mind and went back inside.

"Welcome to the land of the living, how may I help you today?" Sarah jokingly commented in a way that only she can as I walked into the house.

"Heh, glad to see you're still yourself right now sis," I said as I smiled at her joke.

"How about I start with a shirt for you then. It seems like a good idea to me," Sarah said more seriously as she headed for the stairwell

"I've already said it once, we're in the middle of April, I'll be fine Sarah. Besides, I've made up my mind," I remarked.

"Finally, took you long enough. So what's the verdict?" Sarah inquired as she made her way back to the sofa where this 'Misty' girl was already sitting.

"I can't say for sure just quite yet, but so far, enough evidence has lead me to believe that you are telling the truth," I said, hoping that this guest will take it well rather than flipping like people have a tendency to do when I talk to them.

"So you finally believe me now?" this girl said, standing up as she did. Wait, what?

"Sure. The evidence suggests that you're not lying," I said, very confused as to why she stood up when she did.

"Awesome! And listen, I'm sorry for being a bit of a pain earlier, I was just a little off with you know, not being a pony anymore, ehehe..." Misty nervously chuckled.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, I'm sure most anyone would act similarly given the situation. So, we cool then?" I said, offering her my hand for a friendly handshake.

"Yeah, we're cool. No hard feelings," Misty said as she took me up on my offer.

"So, shall we get you settled in then Misty?" I said as the handshake ended.

"About that... Do remember that we kinda only have two bedrooms Mike," Sarah interjected.

"What are you talking about Sarah? We should have th... Oh yeah... The tree fall last year. Heh, well OK then," I said, feeling like an absolute derp for forgetting about the tree that fell on our house and destroyed my old room last year.

"So how do we want to sort this out? Misty, would you mind sharing a room with one of us?" Sarah said, a devious smile slowly spreading across her face.

"I mean I could, if there's enough room for me," Misty said, looking nervously at my sister much like I was.

"Great! Then you and Mike can share a room then!" Sarah proclaimed, which caused both Misty and I to blush.

"NO! No no no no no no no! She can have the room for all I care, but that would just be too weird!" I practically shouted at Sarah.

"Well then where are you going to sleep? Cause I'm not sharing my room with you again. We both remember how well that turned out..." Sarah said, making a reference to last year after the tree fell on my old room when we'd both push each other off the bed in our sleep, thus making for very uncomfortable days to come.

"I'll take the sofa then. And before either of you say anything, I don't mind. I'd rather let Misty have a bed to sleep in rather than stuck with the floor or the sofa." I stated, not willing to deal with protests from either of them.

"Well then. That settles that," Misty said, still blushing a little.

"Well OK then, if you need my I'll be finishing my shower then," Sarah said as she jetted off towards the stairwell

"Huh, what does she mean by 'finish her shower' anyway?" Misty asked, curiosity peaking slightly.

"Heh, she's just a little upset that I interrupted her shower so I could get bandages and things to clean your wound with." I nonchalantly responded, giving a little shrug as I did.

"Heh, that would explain that. And where the bandages on me came from," Misty responded.

"Anyway, we should probably get you situated in your new room. Other than what you have on you as of right now, is there anything else of yours that you brought with you?" I asked.

"Nope, just got the clothes on my back as far as I know." Misty replied.

"Well then, come on, I'll show you your room for however long you plan to stay for," I said as I took her hand and lead her towards the stairwell.

"Whoa! Ok then..." Misty giggled lightly, a small blush forming over her checks.

"You OK Misty? Or is it just that you haven't really gotten used to being bipedal?" I asked, slowing down out of concern for our new guest.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Your sister helped me get adjusted really quickly, but it's more basic control. I'll get better as the days pass though," Misty replied.

"You sure? I'm willing to listen if there's something you want to say," I offered.

"Don't worry about me Michael, I'll be fine," Misty said as she speed ahead of me towards the stairs.

"Oh, It's on now," I said as I competitively raced Misty up the stairs, only to be tripped in the hallway by my sister coming out of the shower. She probably did that on purpose, but then again it might just be cosmic payback for some of the grief I've given her over the years.

"What took you so long slowpoke?" Misty teasingly said as I caught up with her at the room.

"You and Sarah planned this, didn't you?" I accused, smiling the whole time.

"Maaybe..." Misty said, my smile being infectious and spreading to her as well.

"Heheh, well in any case, welcome to your room. Just give me a minute or two and I'll have my clothes cleared out so you can have space for yours," I chuckled as I opened the door for her and went inside to start making space for her clothing.

"Oh no, you don't have to move your clothes, there will be plenty of space for whatever clothing I do get eventually," Misty said as she saw me taking shirts and pants off their hangers.

"That may be so, but there's also the fact that if I don't move my clothes, then I have to come into your room to change. And that would just be weird," I remarked.

"Oh... That's a good point," Misty tersely commented as she took a seat on the bed.

"If you need anything, just let me know," I said as walked out of the room with an impressively large stack of clothes in my hands.

With some clever usage of my Tetris skills, I maneuvered the living room around so that nobody can see me sleeping on the sofa from the deck, but still practical for people in the house to watch TV while sitting on the sofa. It took a go 15 minutes, but I was satisfied with the result. Afterwords I began to put up my clothes in the spare closet that nobody in our family ever used and went back up stairs into now Misty's room to get the rest of my clothes. But, not surprisingly, I walked into the doorway leading to the room, only to find Misty asleep on the bed. I smiled lightly to myself as I closed the door quietly and went back downstairs. As I made it back into the living room, a very strong urge to follow Misty's lead and get some sleep came into my mind. But I beat it back, at least until I have lunch. So I went and made a quick sandwich, thought better of myself, and made two instead, one for me, one for Misty. Since I have no idea whether or not she'll eat meat now that she's a human rather than a pony, I played it safe and made her a peanut butter sandwich and left a glass of water. Also, just in case Sarah would eat the sandwich, I even wrote a little note, finished my own lunch and made my way over to the sofa for some blissful sleep. Even if I didn't get to go to the chorus competition, today's been a really good day. Hopefully Misty will see the note soon.

What's written on the note :

"Sorry for being such a jerk earlier. I just wasn't thinking clearly at the time. But here's a sandwich for you Misty, in case you're hungry.


-Michael Stephens"

Author's Note

I Fixed it! Well, maybe. Anyway, have an edited version since my first attempt technically shouldn't have passed moderation in the first place. Thanks for reading and please please please tell me what you thought. Even if it was just some grammatical error or spelling error or something minor like that, I'd really appreciate the help!
