• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 3,127 Views, 135 Comments

Misty Mountains - Asuya

Self insert originally for PonyFall collab. No longer in collab though. Me and Misty the Wonderbolt.

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Chapter 4: Now what? Oh right, school.

Chapter 4: Tuesday

God I hate mornings. Why does everything have to start at like 8am anyway? I mean High School starts at 8, College classes usually will too, not to mention that many actual jobs in the world start early in the morning too. I freaking hate mornings! On the bright side, at least I woke up warm and snug. However, something was really off this morning... I mean sure I just got slashed at by some idiots yesterday and there was pain emanating from my ribs, but that's honestly to be expected. No the weird thing is that I could've sworn I felt something nestled up against my torso. I was comfortable after a long sleep on a sofa with a newly inflicted wound to my ribs, warm even though the only blanket I took from my old room was just a thin sheet so I could have something over me while I sleep, and either I was laying against something or something was laying against me. Had it not been for the fact that all of this was really weird, I probably would've fallen right back to sleep, but this was just too weird. So I opened my eyes, only to find myself in my old room, laying in my old bed. Weird, so then this entire thing with Misty and the wolves and Mack slashing at my ribs was just a dream? No, it couldn't be... It seemed too real. So I tried to move, only to find myself restricted by whatever it was that was laying up against me accompanied with immediate pain from my ribs. Ok, not a dream. I decided to let my curiosity rule my actions and I lifted the blankets to see what it was that was restricting me. Much to my surprise, I saw Misty nestled up to me with her head resting on my chest and her arms wrapped around me, still asleep. Now was the time that I threw common courtesy out the window, because I freaked out. I didn't care if she was asleep or not, I just flipped out and kinda fell off of the bed clumsily with a decent thud as I landed. Much to my luck, or lack thereof, I landed on my right side, which is where Mack cut me yesterday. As you can probably expect, I yelped and quickly rolled over onto my back. My movement, accompanied with the small yelp I made as I landed, predictably woke Misty up, worried as one might expect her to be.

"Michael! Oh Celestia, what happened?" Misty asked, her voice leaded with concern as she got out of bed herself.

"What happened? I woke up in your bed, with you sleeping right next to me!" I practically squealed out of shock and embarrassment and fear. Thank GOD she actually wore some clothes to bed.

"Well yeah, is that a problem?" Misty asked. I couldn't tell if she was serious or not, but I didn't care right now. I was scared for my life at this point! Yeah, I'm paranoid like this, just roll with it.

"Well yeah! I moved out of this room and onto the sofa to avoid this exact situation!" I exclaimed as she knelt down next to me.

"Oh, but Sarah said that it was OK since-" Misty started, only to shut herself up as she came close to completing her thought, a blush obviously dominating her features.

"Wait, so Sarah told you to do this then?" I seriously asked as I got up from the floor. I was dead freaking serious at this point. I may be fine with pranks and jokes and such from Sarah most of the time, but this was just too far.

"Yeah..." Misty hesitantly answered.

"Sarah!" I yelled furiously as I stormed over to her room.

"What? It's Tuesday which means I don't have class till noon and I'd appreciate some sleep!" Sarah grumpily responded as she opened the door. I had to seriously restrain myself from punching her at this point.

"Why the hell would you tell Misty that it was OK to put me in her bed?" I furiously spat at my sister.

"You were hurt and being on the sofa would've just made it that much worse!" Sarah responded with equal hostility.

"Yeah, but that's Misty's bed! not only that, but I woke up with her asleep right next to me!" I started, only to get stopped by a prompt slap to the face courtesy of my sister.

"Dude, Mike, you just need to shut the hell up for a minute so I can explain something to you," Misty started seriously.

"What, that you're trying to get me killed at the hands of Misty?" I spat, still extremely pissed.

"No. Now get in here, sit down, shut up, and listen," Sarah ordered, which I obeyed.

"Sarah! Pleeeeease don't tell him yet!" Misty practically begged as she made her way over to the door.

"Misty, he'll have to figure it out eventually. And knowing Mike the way I do, that could take for freaking ever. Now, would you like me to tell him or would you like to do it yourself?" Sarah responded as I took a seat on the bed. As pissed as I was, I had to admit that my curiosity was indeed perked.

"Can't it just wait for a few days?" Misty begged.

"After what just happened, no. it can't," Sarah remarked, turning and walking over to her desk and taking a seat in her chair.

"Ok, one of you start explaining. Now," I barked as Misty followed Sarah into the room.

"Have you noticed anything weird going on recently Mike?" Sarah started, trying to allude to her later point.

"Oh you mean other than the pink sky and smell of fudge coming from everywhere on Friday? How about the fact that an actual Wonderbolt is now living with us? Oh I know! Maybe you're talking about how I got into a fight with some douchebags yesterday and got this wound as a result!" I snidely spat at my sister, motioning to the bandages around my ribs.

"I meant regarding Misty you idiot," Sarah snidely spat back.

"Hm, now that you mention it... No. I haven't. At least not anything that you'd expect from someone in her situation," I furiously remarked.

"Wow, you are really clueless aren't you..." Sarah started, shaking her head a bit.

"Old news Sarah. Now get to the point," I barked.

"First off, calm down man. There's no way in hell you're going to believe me if you're so pissed off," Sarah commented.

"Just explain Sarah," I practically ordered.

"Fine. Haven't you noticed that Misty's been around you a lot, blushing a lot when she's near you, hugging you a lot, holding your hand and everything?" Sarah asked, causing misty to start to tense up a bit.

"I have, but that's not explaining anything," I coldly stated.

"Haven't you given any thought as to why she's been doing this?" Sarah continued.

"No, I haven't," I tersely answered, unsure of where she's taking this.

"Think about it Mike. What do many people do when they like each other?" Sarah persisted

"They hug each other, hold hands, kiss, you know, romantic stuff," I answered, still really unsure of where this is going.

"Exactly. Now think, what does Misty tend to do when she hangs out around you?" Sarah insisted.

"She tends to want to talk, she blushes for whatever reason, and she hugs me a lot. What's your point?" I replied, the dots still not connecting.

"Ugh! You're so clueless! If you can't figure it out, then we'll just have to tell you!" Sarah called out in frustration.

"Well yeah, that's kinda who I am!" I replied.

"Fine. Misty, you explain it to him," Sarah groaned as she walked out the door.

"Are you kidding me?!" Misty practically squeaked in shock.

"Hey, this concerns you and I'm starting to get really frustrated with him," Sarah explained.

"But why can't it just wait a little bit longer?" Misty half whined.

"Because he knows that something is up and he'll pester us about it until one of us tells him," Sarah knowingly explained.

"You two do realize that I can hear you, right?" I interjected.

"Yes, now just sit there a wait until we're ready," Sarah rebutted without even looking at me.

"No, I don't think I will. If you need me, I'll be heading off to school," I defiantly stated as I stood up from the bed.

"Oh, really? What makes you think that you're going to school after what happened yesterday? They'll probably come after you again, and I'm not letting that happen," Sarah remarked, stepping in front of the doorway to block my soon to be path.

"Just move. I can't just skip out of my AP classes today all because I decided to be a pansy and stay home from a cut," I replied, pushing her out of the way as I did so. What, just because I'm annoyed with people doesn't mean I'm going to let it effect my education.

"Get back here, we're not done talking!" Sarah called out as she walked after me.

"Yes we are. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got more important matters to attend to than your stupid pranks," I level headedly responded, calming myself as best I can before getting on the road. What, drivers are more dangerous when angry, and if Misty's tagging along today as well, I kinda want to not kill her and everything.

"God, what is with you Mike?" Sarah frustratedly mumbled as she realized that there was no winning this argument.

"Misty, are you coming along today?" I asked as I opened the door to the garage.

"Yeah, sure. Just.... just give me a minute to get ready..." Misty replied as if she were daydreaming or something.

She came down not long after, just changing into clean clothes as well as taking a quick shower. Meanwhile, Sarah had given up and decided to go back to sleep, while I decided to cook an omelet for Misty, should she want to try something other than pancakes today. She gladly accepted the breakfast and we were off. It was a relatively quiet drive after what happened earlier, only to be occasionally disrupted by impatient drivers behind me beeping their horns at me since I tend to actually drive at the speed limit. Then my stomach decided to make itself known and released a substantial growl, one which neither Misty or I could ignore.

"Didn't you eat Michael?" Misty asked after my stomach decided to shut it.

"Nope," I tersely responded, doing my best not to yell at her for what happened earlier. Hey, she's an Equestrian, and for all I know, what just happened earlier could be perfectly normal there. If so, then it wouldn't be Misty's fault.

"Well why not?" Misty followed through.

"One, because it would've distracted me from cooking you your omelet. Two, because the hunger keeps me focused and it ebbs away at my anger," I sagely answered.

"Oh," was all Misty could say in response. What, you got anything better to say? Right, of course you do, my bad...

At that point, it was just as it was before. Quiet, uneventful, and really odd for some reason. I mean the music's generally loud enough for me to drown out the noises of the things around me and allow me to focus on the road. Especially if I have like Alex S. playing or someth...

"Oh god damnit," I muttered to myself, unintentionally loudly.

"Hm?" Misty said as she turned from the window to face me.

"Whelp, today's going to suck," I continued, not exactly registering that Misty said something.

"What's wrong?" Misty asked.

"I just forgot my iPod at home," I answered, still paying attention to the road. Driving rule #1: don't let yourself get too distracted. As painfully boring as it was, I do have to thank my parents for drilling driving lessons into me

"Is that it?" Misty followed with a small amount of 'are you kidding me?' making its way into her tone.

"So far, but that doesn't make it any less significant," I rebutted

"And how is this a big deal?" Misty responded

"Because my iPod to me is like practically any other high school student and their phone," I replied, forgetting for the moment that Misty's an Equestrian.

"What?" Misty simply asked. Yep, kinda figured. Maybe I should've used a different analogy... GOT IT!

"Ok, lemme try that again. My iPod to me is like your goggles to you, that make more sense?" I retried.

"OH! Ok, I get it now," Misty exclaimed with understanding. Ponies, gotta love'm. Also, that analogy, NAILED IT!

"Hey, I just thought about something..." I thought allowed.

"Hm? What's on your mind?" Misty questioned.

"Well, if you really are an Equestrian, and I'm sorry but I've still got a little bit of doubt about the whole 'Wonderbolt' thing. It's just that I'm one of those guys that wants to have a logical explanation for practically everything..." I started as I pulled into the school parking lot.

"Get to the point Michael, we're already at school," Misty interrupted as she unbuckled her seat belt, albeit a little clumsily.

"Well, if you really are an Equestrian, what happened that transported you from Equestria to here? Also, why is it that if you were an Equestrian, i.e. a pony, beforehand, why did coming here transform you into a human rather than letting you stay a pony?" I proposed. What, I'm curious, wouldn't you be?

"Oh that's easy, it was... It was... Um... Huh. Good questions Michael, but I really have no idea. Maybe it'll come back to me eventually," Misty responded as we walked towards the school after I locked the Volvo. Another tip from my parents: lock the car. Car's in the school parking lot? Lock it. Car's in the driveway of your friend's house? Lock it. Car's inside your garage? Lock it. Ok that last one's optional, but still.

"I dunno... I mean even if there is conclusive evidence that does support you being an Equestrian, it'll only lead to further questions and more confusion..." I started to ramble a little, my mind already churning to try and come up with an explanation. However, that didn't last long.

"Michael, you just need to calm down. I'm sure that it'll come to one of us when the time is right. Right now, we just need to work on getting you through the school day without getting killed," Misty interrupted by putting a finger over my lips in that gesture that you see practically EVERYONE do when they want someone to be quiet. Then she took hold of my hand and headed out for school.

Since my school operates on an alternating system, I had my other four classes that I didn't have yesterday today. In other words, I have four classes one day, and four other classes the next day, A-day B-day schedule. If you don't get it now, then you're on your own. Anyway, I started the day off well with a nice welcome for Misty from the Chamber Ensemble, my strings class that I have first thing in the morning on B-days. While I actually really hate mornings, I can't hate B-day mornings that much since I absolutely love Chamber. I've been playing cello since the fourth grade and it's one of the things that made me who I am today. Plus my teacher's a boss! Since we have 6 cellos in an ensemble of 19 total, I asked my teacher if I could teach Misty how to play. What, I'm the worst of us all, I already have a 6 or 7 songs that we're going to play for our concert memorized, and it lets Misty actually do something rather than just sit there and talk to me when allowed. So my teacher agreed, but he also asked our lead violinist to come along, should Misty want to learn how to play something besides cello. Like I said, my teacher's a boss.

"So, would you rather learn to play violin or cello?" I simply asked as I slung my full sized cello (still in it's case) across my back.

"Well that depends, who would be teaching me how to play violin?" Misty replied with a question of her own.

"That would be me, unless you'd like to tell Spencer otherwise," a familiar female voice sounded from behind.

"Ah there you are! Misty, you remember Wreath, right?" I stated as I turned around to face both Misty and my best friend.

"Of course, how could I forget the first new friendly face at this school?" Misty cheerily responded, a smile not hiding from her face.

Wreath has a fairly standard build. She's not exactly tall, but she's not really short either. I'd say somewhere around 5'4" maybe? Anyway, she had black hair that, if straightened would reach just above the middle of her back, but she usually keeps it tied into a ponytail. Although I'm normally all for long, naturally flowing hair on basically everyone, I must admit that Wreath really does pull off the look well.

"I'm not sure whether to take that as a complement to me or as an insult to the school," Wreath stated, a silly smile starting to take root.

"Why not both?" I joked, overly exaggerating a shrug. This caused both of them to giggle a bit. Huh, people actually laughing when I 'm trying to be silly. That's going to take some getting used to.

"You sir, have a very valid point," Wreath equally joked as she playfully pushed me a bit, all of us chuckling as this happened.

Too bad our fun was interrupted by the sound of nothing other than the most annoying PA system ever. Like, I'm not even going to describe it to spare those of you with enough imagination to actually imagine the pain of hearing it. Anyway, Mr. Spencer, my conductor told me that I needed to head on over to guidance for some reason. Upon questioning, he said that since they didn't tell him why, he had no idea. So I just shrugged and placed my cello on the ground, figuring that it was just going to be another scheduling issue like last year. When you sign up for classes that are only offered at one time, there are usually going to be conflicts. Also not surprising was Misty's decision to tag along, although I still don't understand why she wants to be around me so much. Eh, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

"You wanted to see me?" I opened as Misty and I stepped into the guidance office. Or more rather, the guidance lobby or something, since each councilor has their own small office.

"Oh yes hun, your councilor wanted to talk to you about something," the receptionist responded, motioning towards a door, leading to my guidance councilor's office. Well, not mine alone, but she's the one of the three that I go to.

"Ok, thank you," I commented as I went and knocked on the door to my councilor's office.

"It's open," came an adult female voice from inside. Since I actually know who my councilor is and can recognize her voice, I opened the door.

"Hey Mike, how are you doing today?" my councilor greeted me as I walked in, but I didn't notice. I was to busy locking eyes with non other than Mack and Klark.

"Well if it isn't the pussy faggot himself," Klark sneered as he stood up.

"God damnit..." I muttered before turning around.

"Mike, come here. This isn't going to get resolved unless we cooperate," came the strong and wise voice of my councilor. Although I know that this situation is bad enough as it is, I respect my councilor and came back as requested.

"Gee, are you actually going to let us brawl again just to prove that this little fag's win was a fluke?" Mack asked sinisterly as he stood up as well.

"What, so you're actually asking for the school to let you get your asses handed to you now?" I venomously retorted. What, it's a morning and I despise these two.

"Come at me right now, I dare you!" Mack fumed. My guidance councilor being a boss and just waiting for her time to step in.

"Right, cause I'm really going to fight you right in front of a guidance councilor," I sarcastically retorted.

"Mack, just calm down. We'll get him later," Klark attempted to whisper to Mack. Well I mean he did whisper it to him, but we all heard him.

"So, care to explain why I'm here Mrs. V?" I asked, turning to my councilor.

"Yes, some of the administrators and I want to get to the bottom of what happened here yesterday, and I was hoping that you all would be willing to help," Mrs. V explained. Her last name is really hard to pronounce/spell, so I'll just refer to her as Mrs. V, that OK?

"Well OK then, what do you want to know?" I responded while leaning against the doorframe, making sure that I keep myself between these idiots and Misty. She didn't do anything wrong and I refuse to let these morons hurt her.

"Well first off, who's that behind you?" Mrs. V asked, curiosity blatant in her tone.

"I'll explain later, when in better company," I dodged, not sure whether or not to trust Mrs. V with the true, or more rather possible truth, about Misty.

"Fair enough. What exactly happened yesterday anyway?" Mrs. V asked as she leaned back in her chair.

"I can explain that, Michael over here decided it would be funny to come and ruff us up a bit. So Mack and I were just sitting in the courtyard, minding our own buisness when this lunatic here came and just attacked. Even pulled a knife on Mack!" Klark started, but didn't even get to finish before Mrs. V interrupted.

"So, let me get this straight so far. You two where sitting in the courtyard, not doing anything, when Michael here comes out and beats you up with a knife for no apparent reason, right?" Mrs. V clarified, already seeing flaws in the story.

"Exactly," Mack affirmed as he sat back down.

"Ok, so suppose that all happened and all, explain what was with that anger and everything towards Michael when he walked into the room," Mrs. V questioned. I may hate it here, but I will admit that a lot of the staff here rock.

"Well... um... That... That was just us being..." Klark stumbled.

"Hurt in our pride!" Mack chipped in with a sudden outburst.

"Uh huh... Michael, care to tell me what actually happened?" Mrs. V stated as she turned towards me, effectively confounding the two morons over there.

"Gladly. Since yesterday was Misty's first day here, I decided that we should eat in the courtyard while the weather was nice. So we were both eating, when Mack and Klark came out with a bone to pick with me. I don't know why, nor do I really care. So I just took the beating they gave me, eventually resisting when they threatened to hurt Misty. After Klark pinned me to the wall, Mack pulled out his knife and tried to threaten me with it. So after Klark turned me around so that I was facing him, I fought back. That's why those two were unconscious yesterday. But they didn't go without a fight, seeing as Mack cut me with his knife before I knocked him out, hence the blood in the courtyard and the bandages on me today," I explained, motioning towards Misty when needed.

"I see. Now that makes sense, but I'm not exactly sure if I believe that either..." Mrs. V started before getting lost in thought.

"I can testify for him Mrs., I was there and all," Misty piped up.

"I was hoping you would. So is Michael telling me the truth?" Mrs. V proceeded, which prompted Misty to nod.

"Besides, there ARE camera's out there you know. If you really want to know what happened, why not take a look and see?" I inserted, still leaning against the doorframe.

"That's a good point. Michael, you and your friend are dismissed. Thank you for your time, and since you were defending yourself again two people, one of whom pulled a knife, I'll make sure you're let off the hook," Mrs. V determined, unusually quickly.

"Wait, so you're just going to believe me that easily?" I asked, a little confused seeing as how it usually takes more than that to sway Mrs. V.

"Of course, I already saw the camera footage," Mrs. V simply explain, making me feel really stupid.

"Well what about those two?" Misty asked, motioning towards Klark and Mack.

"We'll deal with them accordingly, but that does not concern you," Mrs. V answered.

"If you say so Mrs. V," I said as I began to walk off, motioning for Misty to come as the office door was closed.

"So what do you think will happen to those two?" Misty asked after we re-entered the hallways.

"Don't know, don't really care either. I've known Mrs. V for a long time and I completely trust her judgment. If anyone in this entire schools knows the right way to handle a situation like this, it's her," I responded, giving a small shrug for added effect.

"Oh, well OK then, if you say so," Misty complied, accepting my response as we continued on back to the band room. Our conductor also teaches at our middle school, so he only has two classes here at the high school, so we just share the band room. Which is fine with me since I'm in marching band too.

So the rest of our day went as you might be able to expect. A few stray questions here and there from fellow students about the bandages around my ribs, more about Misty and what you might expect what with her being new here and all. And of course, the rumors spread ahead of us like wildfire. She's only been here since Friday, yet by the time we got to lunch, people came bombarding us with questions on how we met and congratulating us on being together. As you might expect, I just ignored it and went on with the rest of my lunch. And that's when it hit me: if people think Misty and I are together...

"God damnit..." I muttered after finishing my sandwich, covering my eyes with my hand.

"Oh great, what happened this time Michael?" Misty nonchalantly asked.

"It's... It's nothing..." I glumly responded as I stood up and walked away from the table, head hanging slightly.

So I just decided to take a walk over to guidance, ask a question and see what I can do. Question being, since I'm injured as such, do I have to stay for my last class or can I just leave? Hopefully yes, because I need some time to myself to think, and luckily my last class today was just Econ. Luckily for me, Mrs. V answered in my favor, allowing me to get the hell out of here and have some time to myself. However, what about Misty? As much as I want to have time to myself and let nothing interrupt my thoughts, she's still living at my house. If I leave early, she'd have to come with me, seeing as I am her ride to and from... well anywhere really. So I decided to go back and ask her about it.

"Heyo, what're you two talking about?" I asked as I approached Misty and Wreath, still at the table.

"Oh nothing. Just girl stuff," Wreath replied, to which I just nodded. Wreath isn't exactly a girly girl, so when she say's that she and someone else were talking about girl stuff, it's a general sign for me to shut up and leave it be.

"So what's up with you today Cym? According to Misty, you forgot your iPod at home this morning," Wreath asked, knowing better than anyone else how important my iPod is to me (it's one of the most important things in my possession).

"I don't even know. I mean how often is it that I forget my iPod of all things?" I replied.

"Also, why did you just leave the table so abbruptly?" Wreath continued obviously working some kind of angle. Of course, I was utterly clueless as to her motives, but meh.

"Michael, are you OK?" Wreath asked with her voice laced with concern after a good minute or so of silence, or at least as much of it as you can get in a cafeteria full of high schoolers. Wreath tends to address me as Cym most of the time, so when she uses my actual name, then she's obviously worried.

"Don't worry about it... It's... It's just stupid," I half muttered after averting my eyes. What, I'm upset.

"Well OK then, but don't think we're through with this just yet. You're going to tell me eventually," Wreath nodded in understanding.

"Anyway, Misty, would it be too much to ask if we could leave early today? I need to get home," I proceeded on with my original reasons for talking to these two right now.

"Oh... um... I guess...? I mean I can if you need me to, but I was kind of hoping to hang out with Wreath for a while. You know, be friends with people other than you and your sister," Misty answered with conflicting emotion.

"Oh! I have an idea!" Wreath suddenly blurted out.

"Really? Is it actually going to work this time?" I teased. Wreath has had a stream of really crazy ideas lately, so she and I have made a joke about it.

"Yeah! Listen to this: Since I drive as well, and I know where you live, you can take off and I'll hang with Misty and drop her off by your place later," Wreath proposed. Great, another craz- wait, that's actually pretty convenient.

"Hm... I guess it could work..." I playfully pondered, putting on the best troll face I could muster. Truth be told, it's not really all that much of a troll face, but for all intents and purposes, it works.

"Woho! Alrighty then Cym, I'll bring Misty by whenever. Have fun with whatever it is you're planning to go do!" Wreath practically cheered as she pushed me towards the school's front door.

So I just accepted it. And before you all freak out about me not being suspicious or skeptical or anything along those lines, you have to realize: Misty's about as old as I am, if not older, and she'll be hanging with someone whom I've known and trusted for many many years now. I have complete trust in Wreath and Misty can more than likely take care of herself. Besides, who am I to stop her from having fun? So I exited the school and made a B-line for my Volvo, not want to linger around at school more than I had too. Leaving took about as long as it normally would have, what with all the people with giant SUVs parking near me, and the drive home had practically empty roads. Luckily for me, Sarah had already left for her classes, leaving me alone until either she or Misty comes back. Which is great because, although I do love my sister, I just need some time to myself. So I decided to wind down with a match League and keep my mind from over thinking this whole situation. After a good match, rolling 12/4/18 as mid Vlad (for those of you that actually know what I’m talking about), I decided that enough was enough and let the music play as I sort out my thoughts. But that wasn’t exactly possible seeing as how I got phone call after phone call about just the most random things. Of course Sarah called too, saying that she’ll be out till around midnight. Then she called, but I didn’t answer. I can’t. I won’t. It’ll just make things worse. So at that point, I decided to get dinner, then crashed a good hour or two later (around 11:00pm). God I hope that she hasn’t heard that rumor about me and Misty yet…

Author’s Note:

Herro everyone/pony, sorry for the wait, I’ve just been worrying about school as of now. I’ll be more active after the 16th, since that’s my last AP exam *groans*

BTW, now that I actually have a good headset, I’m going to start recording myself singing because I can. So I’ll give you a link once I get a good piece up on youtube. But feel free to suggest songs for me to sing. It doesn't matter what kind of music it is, I'll still look at it. Now, just because I'll look at it doesn't mean I'll sing it, but still.

One last thing, I’m thinking about adding extra characters into the story later. If I do, it’ll be characters that people suggest. I’m not entirely sure at this point whether or not I will add in any characters sent to me, but there is a good chance that I will. If you’d like to help with this, feel free to send me a message either here, at Everypony.com, or via skype (username: asuyasyndori)

Thanks for reading; I’ll be working on chapter 5 sometime next week. But even then I’m not so sure as to how long it’ll take. Also, I’m sorry for all of the literary and grammatical mistakes, I’m sifting through the other chapters as well on the lookout for those things.

Sorry for wasting your time with this story, I know it’s terrible, but still, Thank you for reading <3
