• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 3,127 Views, 135 Comments

Misty Mountains - Asuya

Self insert originally for PonyFall collab. No longer in collab though. Me and Misty the Wonderbolt.

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Chapter 2: It's Saterday, oh Lord...

Chapter 2: Saturday

Waking up in the morning at like 8am is bad enough as it is, add in a bite wound on your right arm and the fact that I slept from like 1pm yesterday to now on a sofa and that's what I felt like waking up this Saturday. Groaning, I literally rolled off of my makeshift bed an collided with the floor, making an audible thud. Thank god we have carpet floors or that would've been really painful. I made my way over to the once practically abandoned closet that I had claimed for myself and groggily grabbed just a random shirt. Slipping it over my head, I headed to the kitchen table for breakfast (Before you ask, I sleep with the short/pants that I'm going to wear the next already on. Don't ask why, just roll with it please xD). As the ominous clouds of bliss cleared from my mind, or more rather I started to fully wake up, I had an idea. I figured what better way to welcome Misty to our house, and Earth for that matter, than to make her breakfast. Hopefully I would get to the kitchen before Sarah did, since she'd probably think the same thing and cannot cook anything known to man kind, and I luckily did. What surprised me was what I saw when I entered the kitchen.

"Well good morning," Misty said as she yawned while walking into the kitchen from the stairwell. Surprising thing is that she wasn't wearing her flight suit from when I found her, she was wearing just a simple blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"What're you doing up so early?" I sleepily asked her as I made my way over to the stove, not really caring as to how she got the clothes. I'm tired and I want breakfast, questions can come later.

"I am, or more rather was, a Wonderbolt. The Wonderbolts aren't as great as they are by sleeping in and slacking off," Misty replied as she passed me on her way to the table.

"That makes sense. Anyway, care for some breakfast?" I asked as I got out a decent sized pan. Perfect, now if only i weren't going to be cooking with this...

"Sure, what are my options, Chief Stephens?" Misty jokingly stated as she took a seat at the table.

"Well I was thinking of making you an bacon, ham, and cheese omelet, but then I thought better of it. So, how do pancakes sound madam?" I said, adding the most unnecessary and stereotypical french accent to the last word as I walked over to the pantry to get the pancake mix.

"Sounds good to me. Hopefully they're as good as my friends always said they were," Misty remarked.

"Wait wait wait wait... You've never had pancakes before?" I asked in disbelief as I grabbed the milk and a random spatula.

"Nope," Misty simply said.

"Well then. I don't care what you or Sarah says, you are going to have some of these pancakes. Granted they are absolutely terrible since I'm making them, but still," I said as I started making the batter.

"Whatever you say Michael, whatever you say," Misty replied.

"Hey, I have a quick question..." I said as I poured the pancake batter onto the pan I got out earlier.

"Is it about the clothes?" Misty responded with a raised eyebrow.

"No, not really. It's just that, when I showed you that episode on my iPod, why did you take it so well?" I asked while I waited for the pancakes to be ready for flipping.

"Well the Wonderbolts are filmed a lot, as you could probably guess. Also, that was during the 'Best Young Flier' competition so I just assumed that was coverage from Equestria," Misty replied.

"Huh... Well that does make sense..." I replied, flipping one of the four pancakes on the pan.

"OK counter-question for you," Misty said as she leaned a bit on the table.

"Shoot," I simply responded wile I flipped another pancake.

"What, what happened?" Misty ask, misunderstanding what I meant.

"Nothing happened. I just say shoot sometimes when people ask me a question. Like 'Hey, can I ask you something?' I'll respond by saying shoot, or something like that," I explained, trying my best not to make a joke about that technically being a question.

"Oh. Well anyway, what was with that sandwich yesterday?" Misty asked.

"Well I figured that you'd wake up before I would given that your injury wasn't too sever and I had already made a sandwich for myself. I figured I might as well be courteous and so I made you and sandwich if you were hungry," I nonchalantly explain, flipping the four pancakes off of the pan and onto a plate.

"Well that sure was nice of you," Sarah said as she came down the stairs.

"What, me making the sandwich for Misty?" I asked Sarah as I started pouring more pancake batter onto the pan.

"Well yeah, that was nice. But I was more talking about you making these pancakes for me," Sarah said as she walked by and took the plate of pancakes over to the table.

"Hey! I was going to eat those!" I complained.

"Hey you should know by now that if you leave pancakes just sitting on the counter like that, that I'll more than likely take them," Sarah rebutted as she grabbed a knife and fork from the silverware drawer.

"Yeah, but I'm the one cooking, shouldn't I get first dibs?" I asked annoyed.

"Hey, ya snooze ya loose," Sarah said as she sat down at the table with silverware in hand.

"I got up before you though!" I retorted, flipping a pancake as I did.

"Yeah, but you still didn't get to the pancakes first," Sarah trollishly said, which caused our new house guest to giggle.

"Ugh! Sometimes I don't even know why..." I ranted under my breath a little.

"Dude, get over it. There's gong to be plenty of pancakes. There always is," Sarah remarked as she stuffed a fork full of pancake into her mouth.

"And to think mom and dad want me to model myself after you," I remarked as I flipped the other three pancakes

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Sarah remarked, her mouth still filled with pancakes.

"Well it's just interesting how mom and dad want me to be so much like you, even though you have horrid table manners," I snidely remarked as I theatrically removed the pancakes from the pan by tossing up the pan and catching it behind my back while the pancakes fell on a plate balancing on my knee.

"Show-off..." Sarah said as she saw my stupid performance while Misty just clapped.

"Well that was neat. Sorry to rush, but when can I get some pancakes?" Misty asked

"How about right now?" I said as I took hold of the plate with my right hand and delivered the breakfast items over to our guest.

"Wait a minute, so you flip out when I take the first plate of pancakes, but you'll happily give the second plate to Misty?" Sarah asked, an eyebrow raised as if trying to imply something.

"Well yes, because Misty actually asked for her pancakes rather than just taking them," I snidely commented as I gave Misty her pancakes.

"Oh, I'm sure there's more to it than just that," Sarah smirked, causing both Misty and me to blush.

"No comment," I said as I made my way back to the stove.

"OK! So... um... how do I eat these anyway?" Misty said awkwardly.

"Oh, here, let me show you," Sarah said as she began explaining and demonstrating the basics of utensil usage.

"By the way Misty, what's with the clothes? I kinda figured you'd still be wearing your Wonderbolts uniform," I said as I poured myself a large pancake, one about roughly the size of three.

"Hm? Oh these? Sarah took me out shopping yesterday while you were out cold," Misty said after swallowing her mouthful of pancakes

"Sarah, how much did you two spend yesterday?" I asked as I flipped my personal pancake.

"Not much, maybe $100 for like two weeks worth of outfits not including her flight-suit, why?" Sarah responded.

"Because That's how much I owe you," I plainly stated as I landed my pancake on my plate and made my way over to the table.

"What? No, you're fine. I payed for it of my own volition. You don't owe me any money Mike," Sarah said after almost choking on her pancake

"No, I owe you $100. Don't ask why, because I can't explain, it just feels like I owe you that money," I said as I began cutting my pancake with the silverware the Sarah left out for me.

"It may feel that way, but you really don't. It's fine, seriously. Now eat your pancake before you say something stupid," Sarah instantly responded.

"Do realize that I'm not budging on this Sarah. I owe you that money," I retorted after taking a bite of my pancake.

"Whatever you say man, but I'm not accepting that money from you," Sarah replied.

"Anyway, how did you like shopping yesterday Misty?" I asked in an attempt to talk to our new guest.

"Eh, it was OK. Not really fun to me," Misty shrugged

"Heh, same here," I commented, unsure of what else to say.

"Come on girl, tell him what happened. If you don't, I will..." Sarah teased, causing Misty to blush.

"I... umm.... er..." Misty stuttered as she fumbled around with her fork.

"Sarah stop, if she doesn't want to talk about it then she doesn't have to," I said as I stood up with an empty plate and headed over to the sink.

"Aww, but yesterday was soo fun! Misty even cons-" Sarah began before Misty rushed over to put a hand over her mouth.

"Well then. I'll leave you two to argue for a while then. If you need me, I'll be practicing over by the gazebo," I said as I heard Sarah's voice get cut off and headed for the front door.

"What're you going to be practicing Mike?" Sarah said as she pried Misty's hand from off her mouth.

"My swordsmanship Sarah. Like always," I said as I walked out the door.

"Wait, he can use a sword?" Misty asked in bewilderment as she let her hand fall from Sarah's mouth.

"Yeah, he's actually really good despite what he always says. Whenever he say's he can't do anything, don't believe him, OK?" Sarah answered as she stood up from the table.

I grabbed all three of my blades as I exited the garage and made my way over to the gazebo. Hopefully those wolves have left by now since I'd hate to have to take a blade to them. See one of the things I do on my free time is practice my my skills with a blade. Granted in the real world sword skills are practically worthless against most anyone with a gun, but it's still something to do. Anyway, I trekked my way over to the gazebo with my three blades in hand and grimaced when I remembered about the wolf bite. As much as it may hurt, I need to practice if I'm ever going to get any better, and I'm a righty. So I'll just have to push through the pain, as much as there may be. So I walked over to the treeline a few feet behind the gazebo and pulled out basically a scarecrow, placing it in the ground a few yards away from the gazebo. I stuck my two-handed basic claymore in the ground for use later and strapped my dagger, sheath and all, to my belt leaving me with nothing but my blood red custom-made Talwar. Spinning my curved Indian (like in Asia) sword around in my hand, I tried to remember where I left off last week. Too bad for me, that's as far as I would get this session.

"Michael, what are you doing? If you practice with your swords as you are now, you could exacerbate that bite injury!" Misty called out as she ran into the clearing, Sarah not far behind.

"Dude, what were you even thinking!? Practice with your stupid swords with that kind of injury? That's just stupid, even for you!" Sarah called as well.

"Just leave you two. I don't want either of you getting hurt by me," I calmly stated without taking my eyes off my little scarecrow target.

"No! I'm not going to let you hurt yourself anymore!" Misty practically cried as she tackled me to the ground from behind. Wonderbolts, who would've thought that they were this athl- oh right.

"Get off me Misty! I've got training to do," I practically barked as we both hit the ground.

"Listen to her Mike! She cares about you, so do I! And if that doesn't convince, think about how much it would cost to go to the hospital to fix whatever damage you may cause to yourself," Sarah said as she came around the gazebo. Ah my sister, always bringing economics into these situations. As annoying as it may be, I must admit that it usually works.

"Ugh fine. I won't practice my swordsmanship until my injury is fully healed. OK?" I conceded, knowing that there was no way for me to win the argument that would ensue.

"Do you swear?" Sarah asked, seriously concerned for me.

"Yes, I swear, now would you please get off me Misty?" I asked, trying to wriggle my way out of her tackle hug like thing.

"Oh... my bad," Misty apologized as she got up, her features graced with a light blush. I swear this is going to get to me really soon at this rate. But why is she always blushing around me anyway?

"Thank you," I said as I stood up, talwar still in hand.

"Dude, why did you never tell me about that?" Sarah asked, pointing to my talwar.

"How could I not tell you about it? I've had it for two years now and the weaponsmith who made it refuses to make weaponry for anyone under the age of 21. You ordered it for me sis!" I answer, completely confused as to how she forgot that.

"I did? Oooohhhhh... Yeah, I remember now," Sarah remembered, rubbing the back of her head as she did.

"OK then, now what? I mean Misty's already tackled me today and Sarah's already trolled me, so what do you two want to do?" I asked, making a bit of a joke as to lighten the mood of the situation.

"Well do you want to give Misty a tour of the town?" Sarah said, her devious smile returning to her face. What is with my sister and insisting on me and Misty always do stuff together anyway?

"Why? I know that you gave Misty a tour yesterday when you were shopping," I retorted, not exactly comfortable with my sister's smile.

"How do you know that anyway Mike? You were out cold until this morning," Sarah countered, or more like attempted.

"That may be so, but I know you sis. You'd never let up the chance to go to basically every part in town, and having someone like Misty in the house is the perfect excuse to do just that," I closed the argument. What? She's my sister, of course I know stuff about her.

"Dang! You're no fun, you know that?" Sarah conceded, annoyed.

"I've been told that a few times," I remarked.

"Well then, any ideas Mr. Funpire?" Sarah muttered incredibly snidely.

"Funpire, the hell is a funpire?" I asked, completely understand what she meant. Counter-troll gonna try.

"Fun vampire. You suck the fun out of things, jerk," Sarah huffily explained.

"Yeah, I know. You've already told me that at least twice," I trollishy replied.

"GAH! Not fair man!" Sarah aggrievedly complained. She's not the best sport when it comes to getting counter trolled, which makes it all the more fun! :trollface:

"Anywho, is there anything in particular you'd like to do Misty?" I said as I turned to our still blushing guest.

"Hrm... can we just, you know... Hang out?" Misty suggested, her blush neither increasing nor decreasing in severity

"Sure, I'm fine with that. You in to Sarah?" I asked as I turned to face my sister.

"I'd love to, but I have a tutoring session in.... OH GOD I HAVE TEN MINUTES!" Sarah practically yelled as she checked the time, booking it back to the house.

"Well then, looks like it's just you and me for a while then Misty. You OK with that?" I started, hopefully she'd not have too much of a problem with hanging out with me.

"Sure, that's sounds fun. but, maybe we should get back to the house," Misty suggested, pointing to the house. Dang, and to think that spending time with Sarah has gotten her to have this much control over her new body. Either she's more impressive than I once thought, or Sarah could be one heck of physical trainer.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," I simply said as I walked over to her. Then she grabbed my hand. I'm assuming that it's just for support for the walk back home.

We got home rather quickly and I practically jumped on the sofa as soon as we walked into the living room. Sarah had already left for her tutoring session and Misty just wanted to hangout, so I decided to let go and be the silly and relaxed guy I am yet can never show. Just how silly? Well silly enough to jump onto a sofa, miss, and roll directly into the wall behind it while still smiling. Luckily my silliness was not wasted since Misty was giggling as she made her was over to the sofa. In all seriousness though, what is with this girl? I mean I know she's a Wonderbolt turned human, but why is she always giggling or blushing when she's around me? I just don't get it. But anyway, I got up and walked around the sofa and took my seat next to her, rubbing the back of my head the entire time.

"So, what do you want to do Misty?" I asked like an absolute herp-a-derp, my silly smile still plastered on my face.

"I don't really care, I'm perfectly fine just talking," Misty responded with a shrug added for effect. And to think In all of practically one day Misty's gone from Wonderbolt pony to perfectly normal human, well as close as she can get really, with only my sister to help her adjust to her new body. I must say, I'm impressed.

"Well then, is there anything you'd like to talk about then?" I ask, turning a bit to face her.

We talked for a good hour or so just about Wonderbolts and what it was like to be one of them. What, the Wonderbolts are awesome and I have a chance to learn more about them than anyone else. Anyway, after that we took a bit of time to talk about entertainment here on Earth, which led to practically my favorite thing in the whole world: Music. As soon as Misty asked the first question about music, I just went off! I even grabbed my iPod and played easily 10-20 songs for her as a sample of the music I like. We talked about earlier music from periods like the 80s and such, which eventually led to the 90s. That then led to 2000-2010, at which point I almost died from fanboydom. See, my favorite band, the one which I would practically buy any new album upon it's release date and practically idolize was started in the late 90s but really didn't release/do anything remarkable until 2000. For the record, this band would be none other than Anberlin. I don't care how popular they may or may not be, they're still glorious! After my fanboy moment was over, I moved on to talking about the music made by the brony community. Yeah, I listen to brony music, it's awesome! But anyway, I told her about how there are other people like me here on Earth who have taken watching MLP FiM to a greater and even more glorious level by creating badass techno and dubstep music as well as plenty of amazing rock and even 8-bit songs. About the only things I didn't cover when it came to music was rap, since I've only recently started listening to it more, and screamo meatal stuff. I absolutely cannot stand screamo. But I will put up with it for the sake of friends/family/significant other and things like that. Screamo just hurts my ears and just doesn't really seem like music rather than some guy or girl from a horror movie with background instruments added in for effect. But who am I to judge? I mean I'm on the threshold of physical pain and misery everyday I walk into school just because I'm a brony. So that took a good few hours, not including a break we took to eat. Then we got to the topic that I was trying to avoid with all my might: me. I don't want to talk about me, I've got nothing interesting to say. But Misty was persistent.

"Come on Michael! I told you practically everything you wanted to know about the Wonderbolts, why won't you tell me about yourself?" Misty insisted from the other side of the sofa.

"Because, I'm not interesting. I mean really, I'm not," I repeated for like at least the third time today.

"Oh come one, you brought me to your house without even knowing who I was, fighting off wolves in the process, you treated my wound as if you were trained to do this stuff anyway. And today, I saw you with two different swords at your disposal even though you'd been hurt by a wolf yesterday. Not to mention the fact that you just gave me a three hour lecture about music! How are you not interesting?" Misty argued.

"Because practically anyone can do any of those things," I responded.

"Are you kidding me?" Misty said as she leaned closer to me, which only caused me to lean back.

"No I'm not kidding you Misty," I said, raising my hands in the "I DIDN'T DO IT" position.

"Don't believe him Misty, he always sells himself short," Sarah said as she casually walked through the living room.

"I do not! Sarah, you've been living with me for at least 6 years in a row now and you of all people should know that I can't really do anything!" I called out to my sister as she walked into the kitchen.

"I've told you once already, I've told you again, and then I told you at least 4 more times that you are wrong Mike. Just accept the fact that there is definitely something that you're good at. Actually more like 4 or 5 from what I've seen you do," Sarah said as she cracked open a can of soda and casually walked over to the stairwell.

"See, even your sister disagrees with you Michael," Misty said as Sarah left.

"Well Sarah's wrong. There's really nothing that I'm good at. Just ask anyone in school," I retorted.

"Well I know one thing that we can test if you're good at or not. We can try right here, right now..." Misty said as she leaned over me, blushing lightly as she did so.

"Well what do you have in mind? Also, why are you blushing?" I asked confusedly.

"Because, I want to test how good you are... at kissing~" Misty said as she placed her lips against mine. I didn't even have time to react before it happened. I also didn't know what to do as we locked lips since this was my first kiss ever. God I was so shocked. Not matter how pretty she may be, I've only know Misty for about a day, not to mention that she's from an entirely different world. But I couldn't just push her off of me, that'd be totally rude and I don't know how she'd react to that. So I just let it play out for the few seconds it lasted.

"Well then, I think we've discovered something you're good at~" Misty almost teasingly said as she got off me with a deep blush on her face.

"I... um... uuuhhhh..." Was all I could say before I darted off the couch and headed to the deck door. God I was so confused, luckily for me I put my iPod in my pocket earlier and I made a break for the deck.

"Wait, Michael, come back!" Misty called after me as she got off the sofa to follow. But her pursuit was short lived as I vaulted over the railing in one bound right as she made her first step on the deck.

I'm more than likely going to regret this later, but I landed on the ground and executed the best damn landing roll I've ever done. Then I just ran. I didn't have any particular destination, just anyplace that wasn't my house. I broke the treeline and took off like no person should be able to in thick woods. I didn't slow down as I broke the treeline and I kept up the breakneck speed I had going for me until I found a suitable spot to just stop and think. It took me a good while, but I eventually found a tree that split about 10ft off the ground and I decided to climb up to the split. So as soon as I was settled in the crevasse of the tree, I once again pulled out my iPod, put in the earphones I practically always have with me and began to drown out the noises around me as I tried to comprehend what just happened.

Ok, so I just came back from getting tackled by our new guest, we talked about the Wonderbolts, then entertainment, then music, then she wanted to talk about me. Then Sarah came in, then Misty kissed me. So what possessed her to even want to kiss me anyway? What did I do? It must've been something I did while I was out cold the other day since I can't remember me doing anything that might have provoked her to do that. Even then, why would she want to kiss me anyway? What is it about me that she likes anyway? I'm just a stupid mess that can't do anything special at all and gets practically tortured at school, although that's going to change soon. Was it just some cruel prank that she and Sarah planned, or what? I mean Sarah can be such a pain sometimes and she knew that I'd never kissed anyone before this, maybe she was just trying to mess with me? But then why would Misty go along with Sarah's plan anyway? God I am so confused right now... Maybe I should go back and ask Misty about it. But what if she's totally mad at me for reacting like I did? What am I going to do? Maybe I should just sleep out here tonight. Wait what? Where did that come from?

So after plenty of time to myself, about an hour give or take a few minutes, I decided to get the guts to go back to the house and talk to Misty about what happened. And by that I mean I'm a complete wuss and I'm going to be camping out here tonight as to not get killed in my sleep. So I climbed up Higher into the tree so that I could look at the soon to be night sky. Even though I'm scared for my life right now, a good stargazing session should do me some good. So I I made myself comfortable as I waited for the night sky to engulf me in it's unrivaled mystery, the music from my iPod starting to calm me down a bit, making a mental note to charge this sucker when I got back. So after a a few hours wait in the tree tops, the night sky graced me with it's endless mystery and I instantly felt myself lost in thought as I calmed myself down. I almost dozed off a few minutes after the stars appeared before me, but I forced myself to stay awake so I could gaze. So I was stargazing for an hour before the blissfulness of sleep took over my subconscious. Hopefully sleeping in the top of a tree won't come back to hurt me in the morning.

Author's Note:

So as you can tell already, I'm allowed to continue with my fic, but it's no longer a part of the PonyFall collab. There's been a fairly big crack down withing the collaberation regarding stories that just aren't related enough to the MLP FiM universe and they had to kick mine. While it did hurt, and it hurt pretty bad, I completely understand why they had to drop my fic. I mean how many of you even knew who Misty was before reading this anyway? But enough of that. I'd still hope that you all are going to support the PonyFall collab since, as I've probably already said, this story you're reading originally stemmed from the collab. I can't promise too many updates after this week seeing as I'm on spring break currently and I'll be going back on.... um... either Monday or Tuesday. Which ever one, but right now I don't really care xD I'm just going to enjoy the break while I still have it.

Also, in case you're interested (and you didn't see my blog post), I'll be working on recording myself singing and putting it up on my youtube channel eventually. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to tell me ^_^

Anywho, thanks for reading, please tell me how I'm doing with the story, and again please support the PonyFall collab.
