• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 5,631 Views, 380 Comments

Inner Demons II - Azure Sandora

Equestria's Darkest Hour was only the beginning... the real fight between Elysium and Tartarus starts now...

  • ...

Chapter 15

Author's Note:

I made a promise to myself, my fans, and my friend LightningSword that I'd get back to work on this story, and not leave it in the dark anymore. Now, I don't know how fast production of this will be, but I hope that I can get back into the swing of things with this story.

Once again, I'm sorry for leaving it for so long.

For those who were following this story but not my other works, you might not know this, but I have a Patreon now. If you liked this, and would like to donate, then please click the link and take a look at it.

Vale: Malfunctioning

They spent the night in the remains of the Everfree Forest, so it was morning when they arrived in Manehatten. Rather than alert the ponies by flying into the middle of the city, Vale felt it would be best for them to land outside the large city and enter through the main gate. They stood out like a sore thumb enough as is. The last thing they needed was to attract more attention by coming in like a pony and dragon on a mission.

As they walked through town, Vale continued to look all around, as if almost mesmerized. To Spike, it looked like she had never been to Manehatten before, but was excited to be there, even if they were on a mission.

“Someone's happy,” Spike said with a smirk.

“I've never seen a town this large before,” Vale said wistfully, “Being in Manehatten like this, it's like a dream come true.”

Spike chuckled and looked down, “Funny, that almost reminds me of something Rarity would say.”

“Really?” Vale asked turning to Spike.

“She had mentioned to me once how she had dreamed of one day opening a shop here,” Spike said walking forward, “Something about this place being the “Fashion Capital of the World”. We had planned on moving here after things settled down,” Spike looked up smiling, “Rarity, I made it.”

“Spike...” Vale said sadly looking down. Spike noticed that she always seemed to get sad whenever he mentioned Rarity. She knew something. As for what, he didn't know.

“Doesn't look like the Sons of Midnight are here yet,” Spike said taking a good look around, “But then again, as far as we know they could just be in hiding.”

“The All Mother wishes for me to be stationed here and wait for them to take action,” Vale explained, “Otherwise I'd cause too much of a commotion.”

“Kind of like what we're doing now by just standing here?” Spike asked. Vale looked at him confused, but soon realized that they were indeed attracting a crowd. An Alicorn and Drake in one place, that didn't look suspicious at all.

Vale cleared her throat and trotted deeper into town. Spike shook his head and ran after her. This was going to be a long day.

“I need to find a place where I can observe everything,” Vale said, “A roof or something.”

“Um, Vale?”

“Or perhaps I just need to find a small inn. I'm sure if I ask them nicely and explain my mission they'll let me stay.”


“Ugh, it's a shame that this town is so urban though. If there was a nice cottage I could rest in that would be-”

“Vale!” Spike called out, finally catching the angel's attention.

“What?! What is it?!” Vale asked, visibly irritated.

“Why don't we try just blending in?” Spike asked, earning an eye roll from Vale.

“That's what I'm trying to figure out, which is very difficult with you CALLING ME EVERY SECOND!!!” Vale shouted.

“What you're thinking of isn't blending in,” Spike explained, “You're going to attract more attention to yourself.”

“It worked in Ponyville,” Vale retaliated.

“Yeah, a town that witnessed the return of Nightmare Moon, Discord, a random demon attack ten years ago, was the home of the Elements of Harmony and the resting place of a number of celebrities, including a few royal figures. I'm pretty sure you were one of the more normal things in that town.

“Here in Manehatten, things are different. Ponies aren't used to seeing Angels of Judgment trotting around eyeing every suspicious pony they see. I don't know how it was when you landed in Equestria before, but a lot can change in a few thousand years.”

“How did you know that I was-”

“Twilight told me a bit about what happened between you two in the past,” Spike explained, “So I know that you've been the Guardian of Equestria for a long time, and that you were damn near killed by Twilight back when she was alive as Midnight.”

“You and Midnight are close, yes?” Vale asked.

Twilight like a sister to me,” Spike answered.

“You know that I plan on one day fighting her and finishing my directive,” Vale said, glaring at Spike a bit, “Can you stand to be in the presence of one who wishes to end the life of your precious “Twilight”? Or did you come here to spy on me and hinder me from completing my mission?”

She was extremely cautious, and apparently didn't trust easily. If Spike was going to get answers from her he'd have to work hard to break that barrier.

“I'm here for my own reasons,” Spike stated, “Reasons that have nothing to do with your mission or Twilight. As for you wanting to kill Twilight, I don't like that at all, but what you two have going is your business, not mine. I believe in Twilight though. Always have, and always will.”

“What if she proves you wrong though?” Vale looked away somewhat pained, “She's a demon, you know. Her nature is different than yours or mine. I've seen what she's capable of, what she'll do if pushed too far. Do you really want to take the risk and trust something that's very disposition is that of evil?”

“Considering how she did that for me, yeah,” Spike answered looking down, “Technically, I'm not supposed to be here talking to you like this. As a dragon, I'm supposed to be in a cave gathering a hoard. I'm proof that you're not bound by your instincts. I'm sure that somewhere out there are evil angels as well. If what you say about demons is true Vale, then I'll just have faith that Twilight, not Midnight, will be the one good demon in existence.”

That seemed to get to Vale, who was now speechless. After a second, she sighed and turned away.

“So what's your idea of how to blend in?” Vale asked.

“Well, for starters,” Spike said, stopping as something rumbled in his stomach. Suddenly, he belched fire, the flame materializing into a scroll. Spike picked it up, reading the contents.


If the Son's of Midnight are gathering in Manehatten, then it's a really good think you two are there. You're right, they are planning to sacrifice Manehatten if it means releasing my father Katastroph from his seal, allowing him to walk into Equestria.

I'm sending with this message a spell, which I need you to give to Vale. This will allow her to disrupt the spell. I don't know if it will prevent the lock from coming out, but it should stop lives from being taken. It has to be cast when they start their spell.

As for what you were saying before about Vale being connected to Rarity, you're not too far off. Truth is, if I'm right then what happened to Rarity isn't something one usually comes back from. If anyone can bring her back though, I think it would be you.

I'm leaving that entirely up to you. If you can bring Rarity back, then please do. I trust you, and I believe in you Spike.

Yours Faithfully,

“Damn it,” Spike swore. He turned the scroll over and saw a spell was in fact written on it, “Looks like the Sons of Midnight are here to release another one of those pillars.”

“That's why they're gathering here,” Vale said, “This isn't good. We don't know where they're meeting, nor do we have a means of evacuating the town.”

“Not without due cause,” Spike said, “Like I said, the ponies here aren't used to things like demon attacks. If we cause a scene, we'll look crazy.”

“Can I see that spell?” Vale asked. Spike nodded and let Vale grab it with her magic, which created a familiar indigo aura, “Hm... this is very well made. I imagine only an Alicorn could cast a spell this powerful.”

“I think that's what Twilight had in mind,” Spike said.

“Wait, she sent this?!” Vale asked.

“Turn it over,” Spike said. Vale turned the scroll over and skimmed through the letter, swearing softly when she finished.

“She's said too much,” Vale said, “Damn you, Midnight. You just have to undermine my mission, don't you?”

“She's right, though, isn't she?” Spike asked, “You do know what happened to Rarity.”

“Spike, I...” she stopped looking away pained, but her expression changed when she saw a flier pinned to a wall, “Hello...”

She trotted over to read it, Spike following her, “What does it say?”

“Turns out a number of high ranking officials are hosting a party, and they're inviting the public to come and join them,” Vale said with a smirk, “Sounds like a place where certain special ponies gather, don't you think?”

“Huh...” Spike thought about that, and it made sense actually. Most of the Sons of Midnight were high ranking ponies in society. It was a chance, but they didn't have any other leads at the moment, “So, you want to infiltrate this party?”

“Assuming we can get in,” Vale said, “After all, even if its opened to the public, we'll definitely attract attention as is.”

“Oh, I can get us in,” Spike said, “But we're going to have to get creative.”

“Creative? What... do you mean by that...?” Vale asked, looking somewhat frightened. She had nothing to worry about though. All he had to do was use what he had learned from watching Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon work for so long and he could get Vale looking less like a battle ready angel...

And more like a Princess.

“This is stupid,” Vale said from the bathroom of the hotel room she and Spike got.

“It'll work,” Spike said, “Trust me.”

“I look ridiculous,” Vale whined.

“I bet you look fine,” Spike said, “I picked out accessories that matched you perfectly.”

“And how would you know what looks good on me?” Vale asked harshly.

“I'm surrounded by mares all the time, two of which work in a boutique,” Spike stated, “Now would you get out here so I can see how you look?”

It took a second, but Vale slowly stepped out of the large closet. Needless to say, Spike was floored. She now wore regalia similar to a Princess, consisting of platinum hoof guards, a platinum necklace with a sapphire in the middle, and even a matching tiara. She looked absolutely stunning.

“Ahh…” Spike said, his heart racing looking at the Alicorn before him. Vale looked to the side blushing.

“Go on, say it,” she fussed, “I look terrible, right?”

“I… um, you should take a look…” Spike said, “It's… actually something else…”

Vale sighed and walked over to the mirror, and stopped. Her eyes were wide. She spun around looking herself over.

“Oh Spike, I absolutely love it!” she said, her entire tone completely changed, “How could I have ever doubted you?”

“I'm… glad you like it,” Spike said. Vale turned to Spike suddenly.

“So… how do you I look to you?” Vale asked softly.

“You look amazing,” Spike said, “Actually, even better than I… even planned.”

Looking at Vale right now was almost too much for Spike. She looked and sounded just like Rarity, and right now she was even acting a bit like her. Come to think of it, she tended to do that a lot. It didn't make sense, but it was starting to seem like…

“Well, we should probably get ready,” Vale said trotting to the door, “After all, we have a very important mission, right?”

“Y-yeah,” Spike said, now remembering the real reason they were doing this, “Let's get going.”

Vale giggled, and gave Spike a slightly sultry smile, “Now Spike, I do hope you can focus tonight. I know I'm at the peak of beauty at the moment, but this is important.”

Good God, that was the most Rarity thing Spike had heard come from her since this. It was so much that Spike was beginning to get the same feeling he got from Rarity for Vale. He could tell immediately that he was falling in love with this mare hard. But what about Rarity? He still needed to find her.

But the longer he spent with Vale, the more he could feel…

The two of them walked to a large mansion in the far end of Manehatten. Based off of the crowd approaching the place, they were sure that they had the right place.

“Well?” Spike asked Vale, “Do you feel anything?”

“It's subtle, but yes,” Vale said looking around, “Demonic magic is present here,” Vale started walking right up to the gate, but Spike held his hand out, “What now?”

“Don't you think you should do something about your Cutie Mark?” Spike asked, “By now I'm sure the Sons of Midnight know to look out for a white Alicorn with a sword and shield Cutie Mark.”

“Hm, you raise a point,” Vale said looking to the side thinking. She then cast a spell on her body, and Spike saw her normal Cutie Mark vanish…

To be replaced with Rarity's…


“Come along then,” Vale said, “We have a mission, right?”

“Y-yeah,” Spike said, walking with Vale to the mansion, unable to take his eyes off of her flank. Come to think of it, the manner she walked was really similar. He didn't notice it too much because everything else was so different, but with that…

The inside of the mansion was packed with wealthy looking ponies, a few of them Spike knew. He was never comfortable in these sort of gatherings, but Rarity on the other hoof loved these parties. Well, as long as they weren't the Grand Galloping Gala.

“Ooh, new faces,” a familiar voice called out from the side. Spike and Vale turned to see Fleur walking up to them, wearing a black gown and darker make-up than usual, “Hold on, don't I know you…?”

“Yeah,” Spike said awkwardly, “We met last year when you visited Carousel Boutique. I'm Spike.”

“Ah, right! You were Rarity's fiance!” Fleur exclaimed, “It's so wonderful to see you again!” Fleur hugged Spike, which he returned, “I heard what happened to Rarity. I'm so sorry for your-”

After a second, Vale cleared her throat to catch their attention.

“You are… Fleur de Lis, correct?” Vale asked.

“Yes,” Fleur said looking at Vale closely, “I don't think I know that there was a fifth princess in Equestria now.”

“I just ascended this year,” Vale said holding out her hoof, “I'm Princess Radiance.”

“It's a pleasure to meet you, your Highness,” Fleur said warily shaking Vale's hoof, “Are the two of you…”

“Spike is my escort here, yes,” Vale said with a slight glare, “I asked him to accompany me to this party, as it was open invitation. That… won't be a problem, will it?”

“Not at all,” Fleur said returning the glare, “I suppose I'll leave you two be for now. Spike, it was good seeing you again.”

“Likewise,” Spike said slowly, looking at Vale curiously.

Fleur left, and Vale gave out an annoyed huff, “I swear, mares like her piss me off.”


“The second she realized who you were, she tried to move in, completely forgetting about the fact that she herself has a husband.”


“I wonder what said husband would think if he knew Fleur was flirting with other mares'-”

“VALE!!!” Spike called out, cutting her off.

“Yes?” Vale asked looking at Spike sweetly.

“What. The. Hell. Was. That?” Spike asked, “I know she's one of the Sons of Midnight now, but sheesh. We need to try and fit in here, you know?”

The way Vale shrunk back in shame was both sad and, if Spike were being honest, kind of adorable.

“I'm sorry Spike, I… don't know what came over me,” Vale said, “I wasn't acting professional. I must be… malfunctioning or something.”

“Malfunctioning? You're not a machine, Vale,” Spike pointed out.

“Perhaps not in the sense of your world's logic,” Vale said walking with Spike to the snack tray, “But up in Elysium, we angels are in fact created and programmed for specific tasks.”

“That sounds sort of… terrifying,” Spike said.

“It's merely Cutie Mark logic in reverse,” Vale explained, “When a pony here on Terra realizes their special talent, they get a Cutie Mark that represents said talent, right?” Spike nodded for Vale to continue, “Now up in Elysium, an angel receives something called a directive. This is their purpose for existing. It appears in the form of the Cutie Mark, and guides their minds toward their mission.”

“Wait, are you saying that angels… don't have free will?” Spike asked, his heart sinking for some reason.

“Not in the sense of you,” Vale stated honestly, “We are linked to Faust, the All Mother, and she programs us for whatever task she needs. While we do have personalities and can pursue our own interests to a degree, we cannot ignore our mission. There are cases of angels that go against their directives though. They are referred to as “Abberants”, and are usually taken out by Purifier Angels such as myself or drones. So you see Spike, fundamentally I am a machine. But we are all creations of the Gods. You yourself were created. You just have a freedom that… I will never know.”

Vale looked sad when she said that. Spike wanted to ask her about Rarity, but he was beginning to understand what happened just from talking to Vale here. Instead he had another question to ask her.

“Vale, do you… want to kill Twilight?” Spike asked. Vale's eyes went wide and she turned to Spike furiously.

“What do you mean? Is this you trying to steer me away from my directive?” she asked harshly.

“No. Like I said, what you and Twilight have going on is your business. I just,” he sighed, “I'm trying to understand you. Honestly Vale, you confuse me.”

“I confuse you?” Vale asked, raising an eyebrow.

“YES! For the love of-” Spike took Vale's hoof and guided her to a balcony, “I'm here to help you, and I'm going to do everything I can to help you, but… it's like you're two different ponies! One minute you're flirty and playful, and the next minute you're cold and callous! It wouldn't be so bad if one of those sides didn't remind me of a pony that I love more than life itself and I've been searching all over Equestria for! Somepony that I'm pretty sure you're connected to, considering that every time I look at you, I feel like I'm looking at her! Honestly, I don't know if I should be begging you to give her back to me, or if I should be telling you to wake up!”

When Spike said that, Vale's eyes went wide. She was trembling, and tears were falling from her eyes.

“S-Spike…” Vale said slowly.

“I'm sorry,” Spike wilted, “I shouldn't have blown up on you like that. I've just been going crazy. I love Rarity so much it hurts, and not knowing where she is… But that's not fair to you. I don't know what your connection to her is, but something tells me that you weren't the one who took Rarity.”

“I wasn't…” Vale said somberly, “But I…” she shook her head, “I'm sorry Spike!”

Vale pushed past Spike and ran back into the mansion, tears streaming from her eyes. Spike fell back against the railing and closed his eyes in frustration.

“Damn it,” Spike swore, “I really screwed that up, huh?”

“Did you and your “princess” have an argument?”

Spike looked up and saw Fleur standing by the door. Something about the air she gave off felt off to Spike though.

“Sorry if we disturbed the party,” Spike said slowly standing up.

“Oh not at all,” Fleur said, a red star appearing in her right eye, “In fact, I was hoping you and I could have some time alone.”

Vale ran into the bathroom, where she fell to the floor and broke down into heavy sobs. She didn't understand why she was so torn up. Well, she knew why she was upset, but she wasn't sure exactly how she felt. When Spike spoke about Rarity, she could feel his love for her. But something within Vale wanted to reach out to him at that moment, and say to him “it's okay Spike! I'm right here!”

But that was wrong, wasn't it?

“Mother was right…” Vale sobbed, “Spike is a distraction to me… I shouldn't… be… with…” she held her head and moaned in pain, “But… NO! I can't leave him! I have to tell him the truth! He needs to know that I'm-” she cut herself off with a scream, “Stop it! Stop that! I'm not Rarity! I'm not! My name is Vale! MY NAME IS VALE!!!”

“Excuse me,” someone outside said knocking on the door, “Ma'am, is everything okay in there?”

“Y-yes,” Vale said standing up and wiping her eyes, “I apologize. If you need this room, I'll be out in a second.”

“That's alright,” the door opened, and three stallions walked in, wearing familiar black cloaks, “We're about to get started, Guardian of Equestria.”

They saw through her disguise?! Before Vale could do anything, the Unicorn in the middle fired a purple beam of energy at Vale knocking her back into the wall. The Pegasus and Earth Pony galloped over to her and quickly bound her forelegs and hind legs as the unicorn placed an inhibitor ring on her horn.

“We can't have you interfering with us,” the unicorn said, now wrapping a scarf around her mouth gagging her, “Throw her into the closet.”

Vale struggled against her ropes to no avail as the other two stallions picked her up and threw her into a nearby closet. When they closed and locked the door, Vale screamed as loudly as she could through her gag, still pulling at the ropes binding her.

Spike! I have to get to him! I can't lose him! Spike! SPIKE!

When Spike came to, he found himself lying on the ground next to Fleur, who was now casting a spell with four unicorns. He tried to stand up, but for some reason his body wouldn't respond.

I… can't move!

Shit! Where's Vale?!

“Have you finally woken up?” Fleur asked walking over to Spike, “I'm sorry I had to use my star on you, Spike. You must be confused. You see, each high ranking member of the Sons of Midnight have access to this glorious power. Mine allows me to take absolute control over a pony, or dragon's, body. Sadly, you're partially immune to my power for some reason, so all I could do was make it so you can't move.”

Damn it! I don't know if Vale knows what's going on yet!

If she doesn't and they cast the spell, will she…?

“Sons of Midnight, our time is now!” Fleur called out to the patrons of the party, “We shall now tribute our lives, along with the lives of every pony in Manehatten to our new god Katastroph!”

The patrons of the party cheered loudly. This was terrible! This party was a suicide party! Spike had to do something now! But what could he possibly-

Everything in the mansion, nay, the entire world turned gray, and everything stopped. Time itself had no meaning within this realm, a secret place that only a select few ponies knew about, but only he could safely traverse through.

The Nextus…

Wearing a black tuxedo and bow tie, one brown coated Unicorn stallion with a dark brown mane and glasses finished his drink and set it down. He then began walking through the frozen crowd in the direction he saw the angel run in. He wanted to go and help Spike, but he'd need the angel's help to rescue him. At this point, they probably couldn't disrupt the spell and get out of here in time.

He calmly walked through the hallway, eventually coming to what looked like a charmed door.

“Now, why would they need to charm a closet, hm?” he said. He effortlessly undid the charm and opened the closet, seeing Vale helplessly bound and gagged. Based off of her frozen expression, she was screaming. The charm was probably meant to silence any noise that came from inside.

His horn glowed, and the color returned to the world. At the same time, Vale resumed screaming, but stopped and shrank back startled when she saw that she was no longer alone.

“Don't worry, Guardian of Equestria, I'm a friend,” he said, “My name is Lezard Chronostar. I'm a Chronomancer who helped Spike and his friends ten years ago.”

As he removed the gag, Vale looked at Lezard almost in recognition, “You are… Apple Bloom's lover…”

Lezard looked surprised for a second, but then resumed untying Vale.

“This party is a suicide party for the Sons of Midnight,” Lezard continued, “The leader, Fleur, plans on killing herself and everyone in here.”

“What about Spike?” Vale asked desperately, “Is he okay?”

“Fleur used her star on him to disrupt his ability to move,” Lezard said, “You should be able to rescue him if you knock her out. However, I should warn you, they've already begun casting the spell, and Spike is right next to where it's being cast. This means when it goes off, he'll immediately be killed by the tribute.”

“What are you saying?” Vale asked as Lezard finished untying her.

“I'm saying you're going to have to make a choice,” Lezard said, “We can't stop the Sons of Midnight and save Spike at the same time. Personally, I'd rather we rescue Spike, as he's a good friend of mine, but I'm sure you have a mission to accomplish. So tell me, what is more important to you? Your mission, or Spike?”

“I…” Vale tried to answer, but she looked away suddenly, unsure. She was silent for a few seconds before she nodded, “Very well then. Come Lezard.”

Lezard nodded and followed Vale back to the party.

“It's almost time,” Fleur said, “It's a good thing we took care of that angel now. Who needs to fight when you have strategy like mine?”

“I'm sorry Fleur, but I don't think I made myself clear!” Vale called out from the crowd, “Stay away from the dragon!”

Spike managed to turn his head to the crowd where he saw Vale, still in her regalia and looking absolutely magnificent. Next to her though was a pony Spike hadn't seen in years.

Is that… Lezard?!

“Oh hoh! The angel managed to escape,” Fleur taunted, “But our spell has already started. At this point, you can't stop the spell without a few casualties, one of which will be Spike here. Are you going to turn your back on your mission Vale? Will you ignore your directive and let millions of ponies die?”

Don't do it Vale! You have to protect Equestria!

“Shut up!” Vale shouted, jumping into the air and firing a blast of light at Fleur. She jumped out of the way, but the other unicorns all fired their magic at Vale. Vale flew, swerved, and flipped out of the way of all of their attacks. At the same time, Lezard ran over to the central area where Spike and Fleur was and began charging up his magic.

“Arcane Bolt!” Lezard shouted, firing magical arrows of magic at the ponies guarding Spike. He knocked a few of them back, but the rest all charged at him and began to overwhelm him, “Guardian, I can't get any closer!”

“Leave it to me!” Vale shouted. She landed onto the floor, used her magic to push the crowd of ponies away from her, and then galloped as fast as she could to Fleur, jumping over the crowd and landing on top of Fleur.

The second she hit the floor, Spike felt the feeling return to his body. He stood up and used his tail to knock a few ponies away.

“Vale!” Spike called out. Vale turned to Spike.

“Spike! You're okay!” she cried.

“Hurry! Stop the spell!” Spike said. He turned to the group attacking Lezard and breathed green fire at them, “We can still end this!”

“But what about-” Vale said turning to the center of the room, where the pillar was already beginning to form.

“You have a directive, right?!” Spike asked, “I'm not as important as your mission! You have to protect Equestria!”

Vale shook her head and galloped over to the central area. She stopped when she saw a few ponies begin to cringe in pain, their bodies cracking. Vale even felt herself getting a little woozy. Her eyes were wide in horror as she stepped away from the pillar.

“No…” Vale said trembling, “I'm… not… abandoning… you…” Vale immediately turned to the opposite direction of the pillar, going over to Spike. She fired a large beam of magic at the ponies knocking them back and embraced Spike, “Chronomancer! Return to the Nextus and escape! Meet us outside Manehatten!”

Lezard nodded and quickly began casting a spell. Spike saw Lezard fade away in a manner that made it look like he wasn't even there to begin with, and Vale then began casting a spell of her own, teleporting herself and Spike out of Manehatten far away from the town.

Spike turned to the town as Vale let him go and saw a sharp blue pillar shoot out of the town, vaporizing everyone in the town. If Vale hadn't gotten them out right then and there, they might have all died.

“Spike!” Lezard called out. Spike turned to see Lezard running over to them, “Are you okay?”

“Thanks to you guys, yeah,” Spike said, “But Manehatten is…”

“There wasn't anything we could have done,” Lezard said, “I heard word that the one in Applelossa has already formed.”

“Applelossa?!” Spike asked, “Shoot, this means they've unlocked at least-” Spike was cut off by the sound of heavy sobs. He and Lezard looked behind them and saw Vale sitting on the ground, completely broken.

“I… failed…” Vale sobbed, “My directive… I… ignored it… but I couldn't…”

“Vale…” Spike walked over to the broken angel and embraced her tightly.

“I couldn't make that choice…! Not again…!” Vale continued, “My directive… over my friend… I just… couldn't…!”

“It's okay Vale,” Spike said as Vale started wailing loudly, “Just let it out.”

Spike looked up at Lezard, who sighed and closed his eyes somberly. He probably wanted to stop them just as much as they did. He had a lot of questions for Lezard, such as where Apple Bloom was, but those questions would have to wait. Right now, Vale needed him, and through all of this he now understood two things about this Alicorn.

One, she didn't want to fight Twilight five thousand years ago, nor did she really want to do it now. She was being forced to do it by this “All Mother”, and two, Vale didn't just know where Rarity was. She had an even deeper connection to Rarity, and if Spike was right, he didn't have to look for Rarity anymore.

Because she was in his arms right now.

Comments ( 35 )


Now.... on to more serious matters.

Yes Vale and Spike getting together was lovely. IT was nice. BUT WE HAD A LOCK THAT WOULD KEEP THE GOD OF TARTARUS IN CHECK THAT WAS BEING BROKEN! THAT'S KIND OF MORE SERIOUS AT THE MOMENT! Vale....... yeah there's no sugar coating this. You fucked up. You fucked up big time. If you had JUST stayed with Spike none of this would've happened. But.... at least you aren't being a whiny, spoiled, self entitled brat like a certain NIGHT PRINCESS was in the last chapter.

7212829 Not meant to redeem her, but the next chapter will shed some light on what happened with Luna in the last chapter. All four of these chapters are actually happening at around the same time.

7212842 By now the only way she's gonna redeem herself is a heroic sacrifice....... what? She helped unleash hell itself!

its good to see the best story back again

Sapphire. Welcome back to the herd.

It's me, Unanimous Dude. Changed my name.

7213401 Ah, good to see you again.

Yeah, I'm back. Actually, I never really left the herd, I just had to work on other things. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

So... she sacrificed millions of people to save Spike for a few days before Tartarus breaks loose and kills everypony anyway? How was this even a choice for any rational being, let alone two of them (her, and Lezard encouraging her)?

7213567 Lezard wasn't encouraging her. He was simply stating the facts of the situation. Honestly, there wasn't a good answer to this situation.

Hey Sahpphire! Soooooooooooo Sorry I haven't reviewed your other works. But I have read them. It's great to hear from you again.

7214059 It's great to see you here too. I was wondering what you were up to.

Sorry I've been away from this for so long. I hope my other works have been enjoyable.

7214066 I will say they are interesting. I've been working a lot as of late.

So i read the first Inner Demons and absolutely loved it for the most part, but when i saw the distance between the last update and the amount of projects since then, i didn't move forward. And then wham, new chapter two years later.
I have just binge read the entire middle story and Demons 2, so yeah.
I am liking this story, a lot, so far, but i have my issues.
1. The biggest, this story has 5 of the mane 6, the 5 fillies turned adults, 4 additional alicorns, 5 additional family members, 3 new villains, Lezard, Spike, Vinyl, Octavia, Blueblood and the Mysterious Mare do Armor (ha ha), as characters with roles in the story. That's 28 characters to keep track of and many have arcs.
2. There is a severe shortage of characters to root for. Of the people present the only ones i can root for are Diamond Tiara, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Spike, Lezard, Cadence, Octavia, and Vinyl Scratch (last chapter killed off the other two). Compare that to the original where i could rote for all the main 6 and everyone else, Not to win in Scoots, Sweetie, Twi, and Trixies cases, but to see them get better. Here...
I don't care what the reasons are behind Luna and especially Silver's face heel turns, they leave me with no desire to see improvement, especially Silver Spoon the traitorous mind raping bitch.
I really can't get behind Flutterbitch and Apple Quit, neither have earned sympathy because they've been acting utterly pathetic in the face of adversity, especially AJ. Pinkie hasn't really been a character so far, she's been a walking plot device. And Twilight, while i don't hate in this, has done nothing but make bad choices so far.
And then there's Tracy, i have nothing nice to say about this asshole, he's a whiny brat who puts his own misguided revenge over the well being of all of the world. I don't here Johney when he speaks, i hear Julius from episode 11 of Trigun.
In spite of that, i am still loving the saga and eagerly await it's continuation as i see it as your strongest work along with Elements of Harmony.

7214193 I plan on coming up with a means of dealing with the number of characters to keep track of, as even I have trouble with that. So far I'm sort of going in a Game of Thrones direction with this story, but a lot of them are more so extra characters, and as the story goes on, certain arcs will end making room for a more focused story.

When I saw this fanfiction was updated I had high and let me tell you don't disappoint me with this chapter.

7214742 Good to know I still got it.

Huzzah! It has returned!

At least this situation wasn't a TOTAL loss....
That's something...

It's alive??!!

So this chapter jumped back into the action as if you never left. The feeling of despair is still embedded deeply into the fic. The helplessness that Vale feels just oozes off the page. I really enjoy that Vale realizes how b.s. her situation is. She really loathes herself and the all mother.

Something I don't like: I didn't really enjoy the way manehatten/party was portrayed. The way I pictured the city and party from the narrative, I realized that I could have pictured a grey room and It wouldn't have changed my feelings of place and time.


I agree with you about there being too many characters to properly care about.

I also very much agree that Pinkie is being under utilized. Her relationship with Dash, how she interacts with other characters, and abilities all could be used more. I get she has lost her powers (for the time being) but shouldn't her attempts at getting them back be more prominent? Pinkie is a cool character here and she and Dash have a nice relationship going I think it is a waste not to use that more in this story.

Good ideas here though so I will try to keep track of it.

Great chapter. Although it's Appleloosa, not Applelossa.

And..... it's in a coma again :ajsleepy:
(coma means very long periods of no updates but still alive, just barely)

7814250 I'm so happy you enjoy my story. It makes me feel sad that I've let it fall through like it did.

I do want to continue this story though. It's hard, but I want to see it through.

7814306 its cancelled all hope is lost

8011298 Not necessarily. I have a remake planned for the future, so this WILL be revived... one day.

An Inner Demons remake?! You'd better mean that s3 and comic book stuff and beyond are used. Makes a super complex, super awesome story! Estimated time to completion: the 2020s!

ARRRRRRGH I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO APPLE BLOOM AHHH IVE SEEN HERE MENTIONED TIME AND TIME AGAIN. PLEASE! Woah, don’t know what that was but yea. Excuse my ouburst, your stories, or series I should say, intrigued me quite dearly, I first I didn’t find them of any point, until I found the Ten Years Book (which led me to the first book) and then I started binge reading. I want to say that despite the fact that this may be canceled, it is still a great series I hope for a revival in the future. Not a remake but something. What really surprised was the time of it being written. 2012?! You were a genius ahead of your time! I wished I picked up sometime earlier this year, but now I’m just finding this and thinking, this person has a talent, like mine but better. But hey, no one’s perfect. Now I’ll add on to this later as it is past midnight and I need to pee... badly. I know, TMI, but sometimes who gives a care? Anyways, I hope you don’t mind me contacting you at some point (via dms or something) as I’m always free to talk. Have a good day/evening!

I don't mind at all. Actually, thank you so much for your kind words. I am trying to get back into the writing scene with a few other projects, but I'm having a hard time getting started.

But your enthusiasm for my past works is inspiring. Thank you.

If the remake ever does get finished, will it incorporate aspects of the current status quo?

Another past work that was great... tho its not on this site, is Alive
the sweetiebot one.

man I loved that one

Personally, I'm just sad that canon essentially destroyed that story. I would like to get back to it one day, or even rewrite it.

Are you thinking about rebooting this story?

I am. Not sure when or how, but I would like to revive this story one day.

And with the show now over, I don't have to worry about canon killing my plot, so I can just treat this like an AU.

However, there are other projects I'm working on that take up more time and energy, so it'll be a while before I can get to this.

It’s okay, take you time. As the Apple family always says. Quality is better then quantity.

you don't need to restart this fic to make it an au, it's already further from cannon than pony pov, just write chapter 16 and finish what you've already started

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