• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 5,637 Views, 380 Comments

Inner Demons II - Azure Sandora

Equestria's Darkest Hour was only the beginning... the real fight between Elysium and Tartarus starts now...

  • ...

Chapter 4

The following happens at the same time Diamond Tiara learns of her Father being hospitalized.

Chapter 4: The Guardian Arrives

It was sad that her mommy was still being distant, but Daisy forgave her. She was sad too when Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake moved to Trottingham with their parents. She knew where they were though, so she could write to them and even visit them on the holidays. Uncle Flim told her that Mommy didn't know where her friend was. If she didn't know where her friends were, she might have been that upset too.

Oh well, at least she had her friend.

She hadn't known this friend for long. Actually, she met her a week ago, after Miss Rarity disappeared. She was really nice, but really serious. She said that she was there to do something really important, so Daisy decided to help her. In return, her friend agreed to play with her and help her get her Cutie Mark.

Normally she had to wait till school was over to see her friend, but today was Sunday. This meant she could spend the entire day with her. Daisy couldn't wait.

Her friend was staying at her old house. Mommy had lived there for years, but they had to move to Sweet Apple Acres with her Auntie Jackie after her Auntie Bloomy moved away to Canterlot. She missed her old house, and she really missed her Auntie Bloomy, but with her friend, none of that mattered.

"Hello?" Daisy called out when she stepped into the old cabin. Her friend kept the place nice and in order. She must have been a bit of a neat freak.

"I came over just like I said I would. I was thinking we could walk through town together, if that's okay."

"I have no problem with that," her friend said walking downstairs. She was a large pony like the Princess, having wings and a horn. She had a really long and full deep blue mane and tail, her coat was white, and she had a Cutie Mark shaped like a sword and shield.

"Did you sleep well, Vale?" Daisy asked walking up to her friend and hugging her.

"Yes, I did," Vale said sweetly, "Those sheets you gave me were comfortable. I just hope you don't get in trouble."

"Mommy and Daddy don't use those sheets anymore," Daisy explained, "Besides, I don't think Mommy would even say anything to me about it. I don't see her much at all anymore," Daisy said looking down.

"You seem troubled, Daisy," Vale said, "Is something wrong?"

"Mommy and Daddy had another fight," Daisy said sadly, "She didn't even say good morning to me. She just ran out of the house to find her friend."

"I... see..." Vale said softly, grimacing a bit. Daisy perked up immediately though.

"But I have you now, Vale," she said brightly, "We'll always be friends, right?"

Vale closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "That's right. I'll look out for you as long as I can. I promised after all, that I'd help you get your Cutie Mark."

"Right, and speaking of which," Daisy reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a cape just like hers, "I found these. My Auntie and her friends used to wear these when they were my age, because they didn't have their Cutie Marks either."

"Huh..." Vale said running a hoof over the fabric as if she recognized it.

"They called themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders," Daisy explained further, "Now they're just CMC. I know you already have your Cutie Mark, but since your helping me, you can be a Crusader too. At least until you get started with your mission."

Daisy walked over to Vale and wrapped the cape around her neck. It fit her more like a scarf since she was so big, but the emblem was fully visible. Once it was secure, Vale stood up and walked over to a mirror, examining herself.

"With a little make-up, this could even be a-" Vale stopped mid sentence, and looked shocked. She did that from time to time, as if she was saying something she didn't want to say. Vale shook it off and walked over to Daisy, "Now, why don't you take the lead?"

Daisy nodded and happily skipped out of the house, thinking about the fun she and her friend would have today.

After spending time with Twilight at the library for a few hours, Spike decided it was time to head out to Carousel Boutique in order to open shop. Looking up at the carnival themed building, he couldn't help but be filled with positive memories.

He walked to the front door and rubbed his hand on the door, "Frozen in time, just like you," he said. He pulled out his key and walked in. It was Sweetie Belle's insistence that they keep the place looking exactly the same as it was when Rarity left. Exactly the way it was. It was such that cleaning became an interesting exercise, with Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon arguing over whether or not the place was clean enough, as Silver Spoon was a bit of a clean freak.

It was sad that Spike didn't have more say in it, because he remembered exactly how she liked it. He stretched a bit, and then went to his room to take off his armor. He couldn't tend to the shop wearing armor. Well, he could, but if Rarity did come in and saw him wearing that, she'd have a fit.

After getting his armor off, he went back downstairs and saw Silver Spoon opening the door.

"Silver Spoon?" Spike asked.

"Oh Spike. Good, you're here," Silver Spoon said trotting over to him, "Listen, we're not opening up today."

"Why not? Did something happen?"

"Diamond Tiara's dad is in the hospital," Silver Spoon said shocking the dragon.

"Filthy Rich? Is he going to be okay?"

"I don't know, but we're going to stay with her at the hospital. Scootaloo is already on her way there, and I told Sweetie Belle I'd meet her as well."

Spike looked down thinking, and then had an idea, "Hey, I'll watch the shop for you guys."

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you here alone," Silver Spoon stated, but Spike shook his head.

"Nah, it's cool. Besides, Sapphire Shores is coming today,, and you know how she gets. I'll be fine."

"Well... if you're sure..."

"Yes. Give Diamond Tiara my best, okay?"

"I will," Silver Spoon hugged Spike, "Thank you so much, Spike. You're a life saver."

"Yeah," Spike said arrogantly, "I know I am," Silver Spoon playfully hit him and trotted to the door, "Hey, Silver Spoon."


"You still haven't talked to Sweetie Belle, have you?"

Silver Spoon froze, "Now isn't the time for that, Spike," she said in a slight monotonous manner.

"Silver Spoon-"

"Thank you for watching the shop, Spike. I'll see you later," she continued, still sounding like a drone. She then walked out of the shop, leaving Spike by himself. She got like that whenever anyone tried to discuss anything related to how she felt. She was an expert on controlling her emotions, but as such she never really dealt with her internal issues.

Spike was about to go get Sapphire Shore's outfit ready when he remembered that there was a particular gem he wanted to get for it, "Damn it, do I have time?" Spike asked looking at the clock next to him, "She's not coming for another twelve hours. I have more than enough time."

He stepped out of the shop to go to the mountains. It was the same place that Rarity got captured by the Diamond Dogs twelve years ago. Good thing the Diamond Dogs were gone now, so he wouldn't have anything to worry abou-

"Oof!" Spike said as he bumped into somepony.

"Terribly sorry," a familiar voice said.

"Huh?!" Spike turned around and got the shock of a lifetime, "R-Rarity?!"

The Alicorn standing in front of him looked wide eyed. She looked just like her, but there was just no way. Rarity wasn't an Alicorn. In fact, since when was there a fifth Alicorn in Equestria.

"Um... I..." the Alicorn said slowly, oddly stepping away from him.

"Vale!" Spike heard from a distance. He looked and saw Fluttershy's daughter, Daisy, running up to them, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, Daisy, I'm fine," she said. Celestia, she even sounded like her. But her name was... "Can I help you?" the Alicorn said coldly to Spike, who was still staring. Spike shook his head and calmed his nerves, hoping that she would suddenly stop looking so much like Rarity.

Sadly, it didn't work.

"Uh... it's just... you look so much like..."

"I believe you have me mistaken for somepony else," she said turning to Daisy, "Let's go, honey."

"O-okay Vale," Daisy said as Vale walked past the dragon. For the love of Celestia, it was driving Spike crazy.

"Hey wait!" the Alicorn stopped and turned around, her blue mane flowing in the wind as she gracefully turned to face him.

"What?" she asked nonchalantly.

"It's just... um..." the Alicorn was tapping her front hoof impatiently, making Spike even more nervous, "My name is Spike," he said, relenting as it seemed this pony wasn't who he thought she was, "I'm sorry, you just look like someone I know."

"You mean this 'Rarity'?" the Alicorn asked.

"Yeah. Actually, the two of you could be twins," awkward silence fell between them, "Um, are you a Princess?"

The Alicorn laughed, making Spike's chest feel funny, "What gave you that idea? Was Rarity a Princess?"

"Well, to me she was," Spike said looking down and kicking a stone, "I asked because you're an Alicorn, and all the Alicorns I know are Princesses."

"Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm more of a knight where I'm from," the Alicorn stated, before putting a hoof to her mane and looking up in a haughty manner, "But I'm flattered that you'd think that I'm beautiful enough to be one." They both laughed, but Spike was going crazy. Just the way she held her mane made her look so much like her.

"My name is Vale," the Alicorn said, "You'll have to excuse me, but Daisy is giving me a tour of Ponyville. I'd hate to keep her waiting."

"But I'm not-" Daisy began.

"It was nice meeting you, Spike. Hopefully I can see you again," Vale said, turning around and quickly trotting away.

"Vale! I'm sorry Spike, Vale's really shy," Daisy explained.

"It's okay Daisy, have fun okay?" Spike said. Daisy nodded happily and skipped away after her friend. If Spike didn't know better, she was trying to get away from him. Was she uncomfortable? She looked and acted so much like Rarity it didn't make any sense, but she couldn't be Rarity.

Spike decided to look into it later. It was clear that she was going to be sticking around, so he'd have plenty of time to confront her. Right now he had a demanding customer to prepare for.

The sword...
Find the sword...
And reclaim our power...

Octavia woke up from her nap with a start. She didn't get much sleep last night, so when she went to the park, she found herself dozing off on a bench. Thankfully no one bothered her, but she was a famous classical musician. She could do just about anything and get away with it.

"Guess I won't be getting much sleep right now either," she said to herself. That was the same "dream" she had last night, and it was mostly that voice telling her to "find the sword" and to "reclaim her power". What did it mean?

"Daisy, be careful honey!" a highly feminine voice said. Octavia looked and saw a white Alicorn looking up at the sky, a string with a kite at the end tied to her hoof. Octavia got the strangest feeling looking at the Alicorn. It was almost like she knew her. A name even came to her as she looked at her flank and saw her sword and shield Cutie Mark.

"V-Vale...?" Octavia asked, slowly getting up and trotting to the Alicorn. When the Alicorn turned to her she almost jumped out of her skin, and looked at her as if she saw a ghost.

"Morgana?!" the Alicorn shouted, confusing Octavia. What did she call her?

"I'm... sorry?" Octavia said. The Alicorn closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Forgive me, you must be confused. I think I mistook you for someone else. Ha! Someone did that to be earlier actually," the Alicorn said, looking away somewhat pained.

"Are you alright?" Octavia asked, "You seem down."

"Oh no, I'm fine, I just-"

"This is fun Vale!!!" a child's voice called out from above. Octavia and the Alicorn looked up and saw a little yellow filly hanging on the kite. The Alicorn looked somewhat horrified.

"Daisy, honey! I think you should come down now!" she shouted.

"Aw, but I haven't gotten my Cutie Mark yet!" the filly called out.

"Please, dear! I don't want you getting hurt!"

"Alright," Daisy said sadly as Vale lowered the kite, breathing in relief.

"I'm literally too afraid to ask," Octavia said.

"Daisy is trying to get her Cutie Mark," Vale said shaking her head, "I promised I'd help her. The only reason I was okay with this is because she's a Pegasus that can already fly."

Octavia laughed, taking note that the Alicorn seemed uncomfortable, "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes," she lied, "I'm fine," when the filly came down, she walked over to the Alicorn turning her flank to the side.

"Did I get it? Did I?" she asked.

"Unfortunately not," the Alicorn said with a smile. The filly looked at her flank in sadness.

"Oh well... Next on the list is..." she ran to her saddlebag lying on the ground and picked up a list, "Bull riding!"

The Alicorn looked like she was choking for a second, "B-BULL RIDING?!!!" she screamed.

"Come on Vale! I think I saw some bulls this way!" the filly said. The Alicorn face hoofed.

"She's dead serious, isn't she?" she asked herself, "I'll see you later, ma'am."

"Good bye... Vale..." when Octavia said that, the Alicorn turned to her in shock.

"How did you..."

"She said your name a few times," Octavia said. Oddly enough, the Alicorn, now confirmed to be Vale, breathed out in relief.

"I see. Well then, it was good to meet you, um..."

"Octavia," she said, "My name is Octavia."

"Well it was nice meeting you, Octavia," Vale said, bowing to Octavia.

"Um, by the way, who is Morgana?" Octavia asked, "You called me that earlier."

"It's no one," Vale said, "She was a Unicorn I knew a long time ago."

"Ah, sorry I wasn't her," Octavia said, shocked when Vale snorted lightly and walked off.

"I'm not," Vale said.

As she left, Octavia sat down on the grass, the name echoing in her head.

"Morgana..." she said to herself. That name sounded... familiar to her...

The sun was setting as Twilight made her way to the train station. She got a letter from Celestia, asking Twilight to meet her. She hadn't gotten used to seeing Celestia so sensitive. When she was a child, she saw Celestia as a mother figure. That of course changed due to the events of ten years ago, but three years later Celestia did something that changed everything.

"I still don't know," Twilight stopped for a second and looked down in uncertainty, "Do you need me? Or is it me that needs you?" Twilight told Celestia that she Trixie's death still bothered her, and that she wasn't sure of her feelings for the loyal mare who died in her forelegs. How did Celestia handle it? By treating her like a girlfriend.

Was she just treating Twilight as such? What if she actually was Celestia's...

Twilight decided not to think about it too much. She instead continued her trek to the train station. She didn't want to worry about anything right now. She was going to see someone who was the slowly becoming the love of her life, assuming what they had was real.

"That was a lot of fun!" Twilight heard ahead. It sounded like Fluttershy's daughter, Daisy.

"I fail to see how any of those things will get you your Cutie Mark," a second voice said, one that Twilight recognized, and it made her heart leap.

"I figured if I tried random things I'd get my Cutie Mark eventually. Besides, I like spending time with you Vale."

That name...


Twilight froze as Daisy and a familiar white Alicorn walked past her. The Alicorn stopped right next to her with a serious and shocked expression. Daisy looked up at Twilight with a smile.


"H-hi Daisy," Twilight stuttered, "How are you doing?"

"I'm great. Me and my friend had a lot of fun. Vale, this is Princess Twilight Sparkle. She's a good friend of my mommy's."

"It's nice to meet you... Princess..." Vale said with the slightest edge of venom, but only Twilight caught it.

"It's nice to meet you too... Vale..." Twilight said, returning the venom.

Daisy looked up at the two Alicorns confused, "Um, Vale? Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine," Vale said kneeling down to the filly, "Why don't you wait for me by Sugar Cube Corner? I need to talk to the Princess about a few things."

"Is this about your mission?" Daisy asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes it is," Vale stated, "I'll meet you in a bit, alright?" Daisy nodded and skipped off. Vale stood up but didn't turn around, "So this is how the Aberrant handles threats to Equestria. She gives them control over the very ponies they tried to kill."

"Aberrant? Oh, you mean Celestia?" Twilight said with a dark smile, "Yeah, I can see why she'd earn that title. She told me that she wasn't liked by the other angels of Elysium."

"Time and time again she went against the wishes of the All Mother," Vale said seriously, "If it weren't for her taking pity on you, Midnight, Equestria might be at peace."

"Oh, but Equestria is at peace, Vale," Twilight said, "Do you see any demons attacking?"

"Actually," Vale turned to Twilight, her blue eyes glowing green, "There's one standing right next to me."

"And here I thought we could forget what happened five thousand years ago and go back to being friends," Twilight said with a slightly evil smile, her eyes glowing red.

"Friends?! The fact that you'd even suggest that shows that you haven't changed at all, Midnight. You a demon, and in order to ensure Equestria's safety you need to be destroyed once and for all."

"Is that your 'mission'? Did your Mommy send you to kill me?"

"My mission has nothing to do with you, yet. I was sent after a particular demon, but I won't know where it is until the Lunar Eclipse. That is unless you tell me where it is, cause I'm assuming you know."

Twilight looked up thoughtfully, "Hm... I might... but maybe I need to find this 'demon' as well. If I tell you where it is, then I won't be able to save it."

"Save it? There's nothing to save and you know it. Whoever it's taken the form of, that pony is nothing but an empty vessel, no better than a doll."

"You would know all about that, wouldn't you... Rarity."

Vale was wide eyed, "Don't you dare call me by that name! That was a good mare who deserved better than a monster like you for a friend!"

That hurt, that hurt Twilight a lot, but she deserved it and she knew it. That didn't mean she was going to give Vale the benefit of the doubt though.

"They really have you brainwashed, don't they? Well, what happens to you doesn't matter. Your right, Rarity was a good mare, and it disgusts me knowing where she is right now. However, I'm going to be the bigger mare here."

"And what does that mean?"

"I'm going to suggest we step away from each other here. You go see Daisy, I continue to where I was going, and we both act like this meeting never happened. I'm willing to forgive you for that day, you know?"

"You forgive me?!" Vale and Twilight turned around to face each other, "Those were innocent ponies you killed Midnight! Do you not have any sense of sympathy?! Do you not feel guilty for what you did?!"

"I'll admit, part of me does, but another part of me doesn't. I honestly loved and cherished them, but they turned on me the second they learned where I came from. I don't like knowing that I killed them, but they hurt me. But you don't care about any of that, do you? All you care about is your 'duty' as the Guardian of Equestria!"

"My duty comes before everything else!"

"I know, including your so called friends, right?!"

"Damn you Midnight! I should strike you down right now, demon!"

"Why don't you, angel?! That is your mission, right?!"

The two of them hunched forward pointing their horns at each other, but stopped when they saw ponies staring at them. Vale stood up and deactivated her powers, allowing her eyes to return to normal.

"I'll step down, like you suggested. I will warn you though, if you get in my way Midnight, I won't hesitate to kill you."

"That's one thing we can agree on," Twilight said, allowing her powers to calm as well, "Even if you were once my friend, I won't hesitate anymore."

"At least that much has changed for the better concerning you," Vale said turning around, "Have a good night, Midnight."

Vale walked off, and Twilight breathed out in relief and continued to the train station. As she walked, her heart started beating faster and faster, until she reached the train station and she felt like she was going to be sick. Was that Vale? Was it Rarity? If it was Rarity, then why did she sound so spiteful? If it was Vale then what happened to Rarity? Did the All Mother kill her friend to bring back the only pony left that wanted her dead and could actually kill her with enough effort?

The train arrived a second after she got to the platform, and a strange pony walked out of the train. She was wearing a long black cloak and sunglasses, but to Twilight her size gave her away.

"Are you surprised, my love?" Celestia said happily, but she frowned when she got closer and saw how upset Twilight was, "Twilight, sweetie? Why are you trembling?"

"I don't care anymore," Twilight said, tears flowing freely from her eyes.


"I don't care who sees us," Twilight looked up at Celestia desperately, "Love me, please."

Celestia took off the sunglasses, and in a shocking move pulled Twilight into a kiss, right there on the train station. Right now, she needed Celestia.

"Vale, are you okay?" Daisy asked as she and Vale walked back to their houses, "You look upset."

"I'm fine, Daisy," Vale said looking back at the direction Twilight went in, "The Princess and I just had a serious conversation, that's all."

"Did you two fight?"

"No, dear, we didn't fight," Vale said.

But we were dangerously close to fighting...