• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 5,637 Views, 380 Comments

Inner Demons II - Azure Sandora

Equestria's Darkest Hour was only the beginning... the real fight between Elysium and Tartarus starts now...

  • ...

Chapter 8

The new character with the familiar last name introduced here is one that a friend of mine has been waiting to be introduced, and I hope to do him justice. He's being voiced by Johnny Young Bosch, Ichigo/Lelouch style.

This chapter is brought to you by Bring Me to Life by Evanescence

Chapter 8: Attack on Ponyville – Appriser

"It's time," the stallion in the cloak said, "My followers, prepare to attack. Scarlet Gala, why don't you pay your old home a visit?"

"Yes, why don't Ah?" Scarlet Gala asked with a sinister smile.

"Now that we've pushed the Master of Harmony into hiding, it's time to also claim Midnight as our own. Tracy, as part of our agreement, you must be the one to face Midnight."

Out of the shadows, a young Unicorn stallion walked out. He had a deep blue coat, light blue mane and matching tail, and on his flank was a magic wand surrounded by electricity. He wore a black witch/wizard's hat and matching cape. Oddly, for a stallion, he had quite a few feminine features, but those only made him more magnificent to look at. When he opened his eyes they were piercing red.

"Don't worry, Black Sun. Just as long as I get what I want out of this, you'll get Midnight" the stallion said.

"What you want?" Scarlet Gala asked raising an eyebrow.

"Everypony who played a part of my sister's death is in that town," Tracy said, "I'll kill all of them!" he shouted, his entire body surrounded in electricity.

I WILL avenge you!

Silver Spoon woke up immediately. She didn't even need to question it. Something was wrong with Diamond Tiara. She got out of bed, picked up her glasses, and ran to Sweetie Belle's room, which opened up just as she got there.

"Silver Spoon, you felt it too?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yes, it's Diamond Tiara!" Silver Spoon said, "Something's wrong, but I don't know what!"

Sweetie Belle nodded and the two of them galloped to the front door. Just as they stepped outside, they saw Scootaloo appear out of nowhere running to them, apparently coming out of mid flight via her psychokinesis powers.

"You guys felt it too?" she asked.

"Silver Spoon says it's Diamond Tiara!" Sweetie Belle said frantically.

"Are you sure?" Scootaloo asked.

"Positive! She's in danger!" Silver Spoon stated.

"Then we can't waste any time! Let's move!" Scootaloo commanded. Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon nodded, and the three of them galloped over to Diamond Tiara's mansion, praying that it wouldn't be too late when they got there.

All the lights were out, even in her mother's room. That was perfect, because she needed atmosphere for what she was about to do. It was high time she payed the ultimate price for angering her.

Diamond Tiara slowly opened the door to her mother's room. She wasn't asleep, yet, but she was clearly resting.

"Come to apologize for earlier?" Pearl Necklace asked, "Well, I don't want to hear it."

"I didn't come to apologize," Diamond Tiara said softly and darkly.

"Oh, then why are you here?" Pearl Necklace asked spitefully. Diamond Tiara didn't grace that with an answer, she just kept staring at Pearl Necklace, "So you've evolved from just a devil child into a creepy devil child. Stop standing in the door like that. You look like a serial killer or something."

Diamond Tiara laughed, "That's funny, because I was actually thinking about killing you," she said sweetly and honestly. It took a second, but Pearl Necklace eventually got what she was saying.

"Huh?" she asked.

Diamond Tiara then slowly sauntered into the room, "I hate you, you know that? You're always putting me down, ordering me around like I'm some slave girl, and worst of all, you criticize my friends. Peasants, hicks, murderers, you have more than a dozen ways to refer to them. I'm sick and tired of dealing with it, and since you're so miserable, I've decided to put you out of your misery."

"Wh-what are you saying?" Pearl Necklace asked as Diamond Tiara got on the bed on top of Pearl Necklace.

"You pushed me around for the last time," Diamond Tiara picked up a spare pillow, "Time for you to meet your maker!"

Diamond Tiara then pushed the pillow over Pearl Necklace's face, suffocating her. It took a few seconds, and she flailed about like a crazy person, but soon her movements died down, and she became limb.

Diamond Tiara slowly released her hold on the pillow, as it became more and more clear that she wasn't going to move again. She threw the pillow away and looked at her mother's body intently, tilting her head to the side as she inspected it.

"Come on, move," she said, "You can move, right?" she started laughing, at first just a soft and somewhat crazy laugh, but soon that evolved into full on euphoria. She was dead. The bitch was dead.

And she was the one that did it.

Through her psychokinesis, she felt her friends coming to her. They all seemed concerned, but why? There was nothing to worry about anymore. She was fine now, she was in control. There was literally nothing to be afraid of.

As Scootaloo was the fastest, even on foot, she was in the front. While one would have thought that Sweetie Belle was the slowest runner being a Unicorn, Silver Spoon was actually the one furthest behind. Not just because she was the least in shape (she was actually in pretty good shape, she'd like to think), but also she was thinking about what could be wrong with Diamond Tiara.

It felt like something died within her.

"Okay, we're here!" Scootaloo called out. Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon caught up to her and looked up at the mansion.

"Can you sense anything unusual?" Sweetie Belle asked. Silver Spoon blinked on her Magi-Scan and looked at the mansion. It looked normal, but there was a new wave present. Something that Silver Spoon had never seen before.

"There's a new wave. It looks like dark magic, but... darker, if that makes any sense," Silver Spoon said.

"Something darker than dark magic?" Scootaloo repeated to herself, "We need to get in there. I don't care that Pearl Necklace hates us, Diamond Tiara is in trouble."

Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon nodded in agreement, and Scootaloo stepped back from the door. She then flew into the door and kicked it open. When the three of them ran inside, they all felt a sense of wrongness. All of the lights were out, and it felt like they contributed to the dark feeling, but there was something else.

"Someone died here," Silver Spoon said. Sweetie Belle gasped in response.

"You guys don't think-" she started.

"No, it isn't Diamond Tiara," Scootaloo said, "I can still feel her. But I agree with Silver Spoon, somepony died in here recently."

"Hey guys," they heard upstairs, "I'm so happy to see you."

They all looked up and saw Diamond Tiara slowly walking down the stairs. She looked the same, but there was something off about her. She seemed calmer, and there was something different in her eyes. Silver Spoon recognized this look though. It was the same back then, when they first met.

"Diamond Tiara... no..." Silver Spoon pleaded, shaking her head and backing away a bit.

"Are you okay?" Sweetie Belle asked Diamond Tiara, "We felt something happening over here."

"Oh I'm fine, Sweetie Belle," Diamond Tiara said, "Just... fine... In fact, I've never felt better."

"Well, that's... good," Scootaloo said slowly. Silver Spoon grabbed her foreleg though and quickly shook her head. She was not fine by any standards, "But even still, you seem a little..." Scootaloo continued.

"Different? Well, I suppose I have gone through a change," Diamond Tiara said looking down now, "You see, today I finally did something that I didn't even realize that I wanted to do?"

"Oh, really?" Sweetie Belle asked, her voice shaking a bit, "Th-that's great Diamond Tiara. Um... what was it... exactly...?"

Diamond Tiara chuckled to herself, and what she said next would change them forever.

"I killed my mother."

Sweetie Belle slowly raised a hoof to her mouth in horror as Diamond Tiara just said she committed the worst possible sin ever as if she just said "I came out to my parents".

Scootaloo was trembling, lowering her head but still glaring at Diamond Tiara, as the realization hit her that this wasn't the Diamond Tiara they knew.

Silver Spoon continued to shake her head in grief as the memories flooded back to her of the old Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara, stop it!
You're hurting it!

"No...!" Silver Spoon pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

"Please tell me..." Scootaloo said slowly, "that you're joking."

"Why? Does it bother you? She was a bad mare, she deserved to die," Diamond Tiara said.

"No she didn't!" Sweetie Belle cried, "Yes, she said some pretty awful things, but that was your mother! Diamond Tiara, you don't feel anything about that?"

"Oh, that's the thing, I do feel something about it," Diamond Tiara looked up at the ceiling almost relaxed, "I feel free."

"What the hell...?" Scootaloo asked.

"I've been fighting this feeling inside of me for the longest time," Diamond Tiara explained, "It's been painful, and so many times I just wanted to quit. But tonight, something happened to me that changed everything. I don't know what it is, but something was taken from me, and at first I was devastated. I mean, I lost, technically," Diamond Tiara started pacing around her friends, "I had fought this feeling for years, ever since I was a child. You remember, don't you Spoony?"

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both turned to Silver Spoon, who was trembling so much right now.

"Silver Spoon, is that true?" Sweetie Belle asked, "You know what this is?"

"I... I... I..." Silver Spoon tried to get out, but unfortunately she couldn't say anything. That monster from all those years ago couldn't be back. It just couldn't.

"Well, tonight I saw a beautiful Lunar Eclipse, and something about the way the moon turned from white all the way to blood red made me realize... I shouldn't fight it. It's who I really am. Now, I'm free, and nothing will ever stand in my way again," Diamond Tiara looked at her friends again with that dark smile again, "Between my psychokinetic powers, and the new skills I gained tonight, I'm the strongest pony on the planet."

"NO!!!" Silver Spoon screamed running over to Diamond Tiara and wrapping her forelegs around her, "Diamond Tiara, you were doing so well! You didn't want to become this again!"

"Again...?" Scootaloo asked, looking at Sweetie Belle who shrugged her shoulders.

"Please, come back Diamond Tiara! Don't let go of your innocence! Be the Diamond Tiara that would sacrifice her happiness for the mare she loved! Be the Diamond Tiara that would play horrible pranks on her friends and tell jokes at their expense! Be the Diamond Tiara that I'm not afraid to say is my best friend!" for the first time in years, Silver Spoon broke down, "Diamond Tiara, remember who you are!"

"Oh Spoony..." Diamond Tiara said nuzzling her friend, "I do remember who I am."

All of a sudden, Silver Spoon felt a pain unlike anything she ever felt as Diamond Tiara electrocuted her with her powers. She screamed for the entire duration of the attack, until Diamond Tiara threw her to the side and into a wall.

"Silver Spoon!" Sweetie Belle called out, running to her aid. Scootaloo immediately charged at Diamond Tiara and knocked her to the ground.

"Okay, I've seen and heard enough!" Scootaloo shouted, "I don't know what the hell is going on here, but this ends now!"

"What are you going to do, Scootaloo?" Diamond Tiara taunted, "Fight me?"

"If I have to, yes!"

Diamond Tiara laughed out loud, "That's hilarious! You actually think you can hurt me!"

Diamond Tiara kicked Scootaloo away hard, so hard that she flew into a wall herself. Sweetie Belle sang a soft melody casting a spell to heal Silver Spoon, and then turned around to face Diamond Tiara.

"I don't know what's happening to you Diamond Tiara, but it's going to be okay," Sweetie Belle said, "We'll save you, even if we have to knock you out first."

"Save me?" Diamond Tiara asked, "Why? Do I need saving?"

"Sweetie Belle... don't..." Silver Spoon breathed out, as she was still hurt, "She's... too..."

"My sister is the Element of Generosity, the mightiest element there is!" Sweetie Belle said, "I have to live up to her example!" Sweetie Belle closed her eyes, "Rarity, wherever you are, I hope you're watching me. I'll make you proud, sister," she then opened her eyes and started singing a proud, energetic melody. At the same time, pink lightning shot down from the sky and into the mansion, destroying the ceiling and raining down on top of Diamond Tiara. Diamond Tiara ducked and dodged out of the way and charged toward Sweetie Belle.

Before she could attack though, Scootaloo ran up to her and held her back, "Sweetie Belle, you keep singing!" Scootaloo said, "I'll protect you!"

Scootaloo pushed Diamond Tiara back and fought her close quarter as Sweetie Belle continued to sing. When her song reached a high point, Scootaloo jumped back and a large pink laser shot down on top of Diamond Tiara, who rolled out of the way just in time and then ran out of the remains of the mansion.

Scootaloo turned to Sweetie Belle, "I'm chasing after her," she said, "Stay here with Silver Spoon."

Scootaloo flew out of the mansion, disappearing in the wind. Sweetie Belle ran back to Silver Spoon, who was so traumatized she was in tears.

"Silver Spoon, what's wrong?" Sweetie Belle asked, "This isn't like you."

Silver Spoon couldn't answer. All she could do was sob as the memories of the old Diamond Tiara flooded back to her.

That monster...

Never again...

Diamond Tiara ran through Ponyville, knowing full well that Scootaloo was hot on her trail. She couldn't see her when she flew like this, but she could feel her.

She stopped at in the market place to rest, thinking a bit about what happened in the mansion. All of a sudden, it hit her like a pile of bricks. She not only killed her mother, but she attacked her friends.

"What's... happening to... me?" she asked slowly. All of a sudden she felt her powers surge unlike anything she had ever felt. Normally they felt like they were a part of her, but this time she felt like they were trying to consume her. She moaned in pain and fell to the ground as she felt something invade her mind.

Come to me...

"Come... to you...? Who are..." Diamond Tiara heard Scootaloo land behind her and gallop over to her.

"Diamond? What's-"

"Stay back!" Diamond Tiara shouted, "Don't come near me!"

Her entire body felt like it was on fire, and soon she was sparking with electricity. This never happened before. Maybe this wasn't such a good thing after all. Maybe what that Lunar Eclipse took from her was important.

"So then, the Appriser has awakened," a deep voice said from the side. Both Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo looked and saw a gray Unicorn stallion walking over to them. He was wearing a gray hood, so his face was hidden, and on the side of his cloak was a symbol of the sun, only it was black in the center. Apart from that, they could tell he had a silver mane and tail, and he was significantly old. Next to him were two hooded ponies, one a Pegasus, and one an Earth Pony.

"Who the hell are you?" Scootaloo asked as Diamond Tiara backed away, still trying to get a hold of her powers.

"You may call me Black Sun," the stallion said, "I am the head of the brotherhood known as the Sons of Midnight. Appriser, you are pivotal to our grand plan. Come with us, and use your powers for what they were meant for."

"Wh-what they... were meant for?" Diamond Tiara asked slowly. With her powers going out of control, she found herself having a hard time even thinking. What he was saying was the only thing that made sense to her.

Go... with... him...

"Diamond Tiara, run!" Scootaloo shouted, catching her attention, "Go on!"

"Run...? Diamond Tiara asked, "Why would... I..."

"I promised Apple Bloom that I would protect you, and this guy screams bad news!"

At the sound of Apple Bloom's name, the fog cleared up a bit, "Apple... Bloom?"

"Go! Find Rainbow Dash! She'll keep you safe!" Scootaloo shouted. Diamond Tiara was able to think enough to nod. Scootaloo was Apple Bloom's friend, so she could be trusted.

Apple Bloom...

Diamond Tiara then broke into a gallop away into the town square. She figured that Rainbow Dash would be there, or at least someone who could tell her where-

A white beam shot Diamond Tiara into a wall. As she fell to the ground, she heard a pony trotting over to her. She looked ahead and saw white legs walking, one foot in front of the other, almost like a saunter but filled with power. Diamond Tiara looked up, her heart sinking when she saw who it was.

"Thanks to Midnight, I wasn't able to stop you before the Lunar Eclipse," Vale said, "If I don't do this now, the nightmare will continue."

Diamond Tiara reached a hoof out to Vale, her entire body still sparking, "Please... help me..."

Vale turned her head to the side glaring at Diamond Tiara, "I'm afraid you are beyond help at this point. The least I can do for you is put you out of your misery."

Vale pointed her horn at Diamond Tiara, who now once again found it difficult to think. Her powers were becoming harder and harder to maintain by the second, and she needed to release them as soon as possible. Thinking about that, and how Vale wanted to kill her, made her mind shift into a weird place. All she wanted to do now was rip Vale to pieces.

Diamond Tiara forced herself up, shocking Vale as she continued to charge up her magic.

"What are you doing?" Vale asked.

"You want to kill me, right Vale?" Diamond Tiara asked, now feeling that empowered sensation again, "Well now's your chance. Come on Vale, fire it!" she demanded, now laughing. Vale actually stepped back a bit. Was she afraid?

"Her power level," Vale said, "It's already this high?"

"Aw, what's the matter?" Diamond Tiara asked mockingly, "Afraid of little old me? You better attack, or else I might just run away. Or worse, attack you."

Vale growled, and then launched her attack, a white beam from her horn. Diamond Tiara closed her eyes, letting her full power consume her, and the earth rose in front of her creating a wall to defend her. The wall immediately went back down after the attack was done, and when Diamond Tiara looked at Vale, she was wide eyed.

"Gaia Magic?" Vale asked, "But how? She shouldn't be able to..."

Diamond Tiara didn't wait for her to finish that sentence. Focusing on Vale, she shot pink lightning out of her eyes at Vale, knocking her back. The Alicorn used her wings to catch herself, and she landed on her feet about to charge at Diamond Tiara again. Diamond Tiara slammed her feet on the ground, creating another stone wall in front of her.

Vale hit the wall, her horn unfortunately getting impaled inside. After trying to pull herself free for a few seconds, she simple charged her magic up through the wall, and shot a beam out making it explode. Diamond Tiara fell back screaming, and Vale landed on top of her.

"You've become too powerful, Appriser!" Vale said, "Appriser of the End, prepare to die!"

Diamond Tiara tried to get free as Vale charged up her latest attack, but unfortunately this time she couldn't move. Also, her powers were exhausted from so much use. She could think clearer now, but that didn't help if she couldn't get up.

She closed her eyes, silently praying for somepony to rescue her. Somepony in particular.

Apple Bloom...

Vale stopped charging up her attack and looked forward in confusion. Diamond Tiara looked as well, and saw the strangest thing. It was a pony wearing gold and red knight's armor complete with a cape. Their face was covered with a knight's helmet, so it was impossible to tell the pony's gender. As the pony galloped over to them, they did something very odd.

They jumped to their hind legs and started running upright.

"What in the-" Vale started as the armored pony punched Vale away from Diamond Tiara. They stood there for a few seconds, still standing upright, but then turned to Diamond Tiara and helped her up.

"Thank you..." Diamond Tiara said slowly, getting a nod from the armored pony. Up close she could almost tell that the pony was female, but beyond that she didn't know, but something told her that she knew them.

"Why..." Vale said staggering up, "Why do ponies... keep getting... in my WAY?!"

The armored pony pushed Diamond Tiara out of the way, and then jumped to her hind legs as Vale charged toward her. Using two blades that appeared out of her front hooves, she grabbed Vale's horn and pushed her to the ground. The armored pony then ran over to Vale and started throwing punches and kicks at the now enraged Alicorn, who seemed to completely forget why she was there in the first place.

Well, since she forgot about me, Diamond Tiara thought.

Diamond Tiara turned and continued her gallop to the town square. When she got there, she did see Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy too for that matter, but she also saw them surrounded by ponies in those same black cloaks that Black Sun and his two followers were wearing.

"Are they... attacking Ponyville?" she asked herself, now backing away. She didn't realize that a hooded Pegasus was flying toward her until he was practically on top of her. She screamed right as he was about to grab her, but a strange pink beam hit him, knocking him back. Diamond Tiara then saw Octavia and Vinyl run up to her side, Vinyl still poised to attack.

"Why did you..." Diamond Tiara asked slowly. Octavia surprised her by grabbing her foreleg and looking into her eyes intently, only saying one thing.

"Come with me if you want to live!"

Ponies with black cloaks appeared all over Ponyville. Some were Pegasi, but most of them were actually Unicorns, but all of them were either searching the houses, fighting her friends, her chasing after her. Twilight was flying through the town, firing at the Unicorns behind her, when she reached the remains of Diamond Tiara's mansion. Inside, she saw Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon backing away from four cloaked Unicorns.

Twilight flew down in between them, standing in front of Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon, "Twilight!" Sweetie Belle called out.

"Cover your eyes!" Twilight commanded, "I don't want you two to see this!"

Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon both closed their eyes, and Twilight turned to the Sons of Midnight ponies, who were backing away from her.

"Midnight!" one of them said, "We have been searching for-"

"DIE!!!" Twilight shouted, activating the Power of the Queen. The cloaked Unicorns both laughed maniacally and then turned to each other. A second later, they fired bolts out of their horns at each other, dying instantly.

When Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon opened their eyes, they looked horrified.

"Princess..." Silver Spoon said, "You killed them..."

Twilight was about to say something in defense, but then she realized something. She did kill them, and she had no reason to do so. Why did she do that?

She heard clapping behind her. Twilight turned around and saw a familiar sillohuette in the shadows. The pony had a long mane and tail, and they were wearing a witch's hat and cape. Seeing that made her heart race.

"No way..." Twilight said, "You're supposed to be..."

"I didn't expect to see the Power of the Queen first hoof," the pony said, their voice sort of deep yet still youthful. Oddly, it was male. The pony stepped out of the shadows, and Twilight was frozen.

"How..." Twilight said softly, trembling, "You look look just like..."

"Why don't you try that trick on me?" he said. Despite the slightly darker coat, red eyes, and the fact that this pony was male...

He looked just like Trixie...

"Who are..." Twilight asked, tears in her eyes.

"I am the Almighty Tracy Lulamoon!" the Trixie look-alike said, "Twilight Sparkle, by my hoof you will pay for the death of my sister!"

Author's Note:

Once again, thank you Matrix7o6 for giving me Tracy Lulamoon to use for this story. He's the character voiced by Johnny Young Bosch in this story, and I hope that Matrix7o6 enjoys him in the story.