• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 5,631 Views, 380 Comments

Inner Demons II - Azure Sandora

Equestria's Darkest Hour was only the beginning... the real fight between Elysium and Tartarus starts now...

  • ...

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Desperation

After making sure that both Diamond Tiara and her mother were asleep, Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle began making their way back to Carousel Boutique. Sweetie Belle hated leaving Diamond Tiara alone in that mansion with her mother, but there was nothing she could do.

And from what Silver Spoon told her, there might not be much anypony could do for her.

"I don't believe it!" Sweetie Belle said once they turned the corner, "She let them all go?"

Silver Spoon nodded, "All of the maids and butlers got laid off shortly after Mr. Rich's death. Also, she said that she didn't want any doctors touching her."

"That mare is..." Sweetie Belle couldn't even finish her sentence. It just didn't make any sense. Did Pearl Necklace want her health to deteriorate?

"Apparently she feels that Diamond Tiara should be enough to take care of her, and anyone else is just trying to kill her for her money," Silver Spoon explained.

"Don't you mean Diamond Tiara's money?" Sweetie Belle asked, stopping in front of Carousel Boutique.

"I'm afraid it doesn't work that way," Silver Spoon admitted, "My parents gave me full access to their funds when I was little. In the case of Diamond Tiara, she's supposed to inherit all of that money, but after her parents are dead," Silver Spoon opened the door, ushering Sweetie Belle inside, "It's a shame, really."

"It sounds like Diamond Tiara is being kept as a prisoner in there," Sweetie Belle said, sitting down at the work desk.

"In a weird way, I think she is," Silver Spoon stated, undoing the braid in her mane, "Which isn't good for her mental state. I had wanted to plan a trip to Canterlot so we could visit Apple Bloom, but I had to cancel that once Mr. Rich died."

Her braid undone, Silver Spoon's mane flowed out freely, making Sweetie Belle's heart beat like crazy and making it hard to focus, "Um, yeah. That's a... real shame," Sweetie Belle said. Silver Spoon turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you okay? I can feel your heart racing," Silver Spoon stated.

"Oh, I'm fine, Silver Spoon. Just fine," I'm just lusting over my incredibly hot, incredibly smart, and incredibly oblivious roommate, she thought.

Silver Spoon tilted her head to the side, almost like what Sweetie Belle imagined a robot would do, and then shrugged her shoulders, "We have that order for Prince Blueblood due tomorrow. Think we can get it done in time?"

And of course she goes right to business mode. Don't tell Sweetie Belle there was no such thing as androids when she was practically living with one.

A very sexy android...

"I'm almost done with it, actually," Sweetie Belle said, ignoring her racing heart, "I just need to put the finishing touches on it. I can do that tonight, so why don't you get some rest?"

Normally Silver Spoon would protest, but this time she closed her eyes and sighed, "Thank you, Sweetie Belle. I just need a power nap and I should be fully operational again."

She even spoke like a robot. Sweetie Belle needed to check out that book "So You Think your Roommate is a Robot?" again, and look for the signs, cause Silver Spoon was making her wonder.

"That's okay, I can handle it. This won't take long and I was going to bed afterwards anyway. You worked really hard today, so you should get some sleep."

"Alright then," Silver Spoon said, "I'll do that."

She walked upstairs, leaving Sweetie Belle alone to finally vent, which she did by banging her head on the desk.

"Why doesn't she get it?" Sweetie Belle groaned. She had made it pretty obvious that she wanted Silver Spoon, and she knew that Silver Spoon could read her emotions pretty well. It didn't make sense that she didn't get it.

She remembered when she was a teenager, and she would lust over stallions like this. That ended when her boyfriend tried to rape her in senior prom. Even then though, she didn't feel like this. This wasn't just physical attraction. This felt deeper. Heart deep, maybe even soul deep.

Was this how Apple Bloom felt about Lezard?

Silver Spoon decided to take a bath when she got in the bathroom. She kept her emotions under tight lock and key, especially around Sweetie Belle, who made her feel certain things. Things that Silver Spoon both liked and hated.

She spent probably a few more minutes than usual in the water, allowing the warm water to relax her. She wanted to focus on Diamond Tiara, but at the moment there was only one thing on her mind. A certain delicate, sweet, and highly seductive Unicorn downstairs.

"Mmm..." Silver Spoon moaned, trying to put her thoughts back in line. She found herself rubbing her hind legs together in the water, trying not to lose control. Sure, she was alone here, but she couldn't have Sweetie Belle catching her like this. If Sweetie Belle did come in, she didn't know what she would do. She knew what she wanted to do, though. She dreamed about it every night.

She would go downstairs, walk over to Sweetie Belle, and push her against the wall. She would then push her to her hind legs, force her mouth open, and passionately kiss her. If she struggled, that was fine. Using her psychokinesis she could take some of the ribbon they used for work and tie her up. That would be perfect. She probably looked so beautiful-

"Ahh!!!" Silver Spoon screamed, as she could feel herself losing control, not just of her mind, but of her body as well. She couldn't do that to Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle was her friend. If she did that, Sweetie Belle would hate her. She rubbed her hind legs together again, biting her lip as she prayed for the feeling to go down.

After a minute, it died down enough for her to concentrate. She then closed her eyes and pictured a straight line, and a low high pitched ringing as she said her mantra in order to gain control.

"This unit's mind is a machine," she said, "The machine maintains and controls the functions of the vessel, which does not act or feel anything unless the mind deems fit," she breathed heavily as she continued, forcing herself to not be so aroused, "The unit's primary function is to protect friend subjects Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Apple Bloom, and Sw-Sweetie Belle," the feeling began to subside and her tone returned to it's normal monotonous state, "The unit is to act solely for the benefit of its friend subjects. Should the safety of the friend subjects be compromised, this unit is to act accordingly, or risk termination. This unit is not permitted to act solely for its own benefit. Should it do so, it will be deemed a Maverick and face termination," she breathed out in relief, and stepped out of the tub. She used her psychokinesis to grab her towel, and began drying herself off looking at herself in the mirror.

"I have to keep those Maverick tendencies under control," Silver Spoon said to herself. She didn't start having those fantasies until she saw Brass Knuckle try to rape Sweetie Belle. The way she looked did something to Silver Spoon, and ever since then she wanted to-

She stopped herself before she went there again. Instead she went into her room and sat down at her desk, picking up her copy of "Monsters and Ancient Deities of Equestria". She crossed out a few beings from the book, as she knew that Diamond Tiara wasn't any of them.

"She isn't a vampire," Silver Spoon reasoned, "She doesn't show enough signs to be a werewolf," that seemed more like herself sometimes, "She's definitely not sexual enough to be a succubus," that fit Sweetie Belle more.

Hah... Sweetie Belle...

Silver Spoon shook her head, mentally saying her mantra again as it didn't seem to take last time, and continued looking through the book.

"Damn it, nothing in here matches what Diamond Tiara is," Silver Spoon rubbed her eyes, as she was starting to get sleepy, "I should get some rest like I said I would. I'll be able to think better once I'm at full power."

She trotted over to her bed, and jumped on it, not even bothering to get under the covers. It wasn't cold or anything, and unfortunately, she was still feeling hot enough to stay warm the entire night.

"So, you think she'll make a move?" Twilight asked Fluttershy after she told her about Vale. She came to the library immediately after the ordeal to share this information with her.

"She might," Fluttershy said looking away, "Twilight, she felt like Rarity."

Twilight froze when Fluttershy said that. Could she...?

"Fluttershy, are you telling me that you-"

"Not me," Fluttershy shook her head, "I mean, yes, I could feel her a little bit, but it was actually Spike who felt Rarity. Twilight, what if Vale knows where she is, or has some sort of connection to-"

"Trust me, Fluttershy, she does have a lot to do with Rarity's disappearance, but right now we can't worry about that."

"But Twilight, if there's a chance to find Rarity then shouldn't we ask her?"

"I don't have ANYTHING to ask her!" Twilight said, turning to Fluttershy who stepped back when Twilight screamed. Twilight caught herself and turned back to the window, "Besides, she won't tell us anything anyway."

"Twilight, do you know Vale?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes and no," Twilight said, walking over to a large story book, "Twilight Sparkle doesn't know her, but Midnight does. All I have are the memories of that time, but they don't feel second hoof."

"What was your relationship? I mean, what was Midnight's relationship with Vale?"

Twilight didn't have the heart to tell Fluttershy that she was right the first time, and instead opened the book, "Are you familiar with the legend of the two goddesses?"

"Um, no actually," Fluttershy admitted. Twilight opened to the story and began to read.

"Long ago, there were two goddesses that watched over the planet. One of them represented light, and the other one represented darkness. The two goddesses were supposed to be mortal enemies, for the goddess of light came from Elysium, the Land of Light, while the goddess of darkness came from the Land of Darkness, Tartarus. Even still, the two of them were close friends.

"One day, the goddess of darkness fell in love with a mortal pony. At first the goddess of light didn't condone the relationship, but soon even she came to understand their deep love for one another. However, the mortal pony was killed by a local villager. This drove the goddess of darkness mad, and she turned on the world.

"The goddess of light tried to console her friend, but she was unable to reach her through her grief. In the end, the goddess of light turned on the goddess of darkness, and the two former friends fought. In the end, the goddess of light couldn't bring herself to kill her friend, but she left herself open. The goddess of darkness killed the goddess of light, and proceeded to plunge the world into darkness."

"The goddess of darkness was you, wasn't it Twilight?" Fluttershy asked, getting a nod from Twilight, "That means the goddes of light was Vale?"

"That's right," Twilight answered, "The story here is slightly inaccurate though."

"How so?"

Twilight closed her eyes fighting back tears, "She didn't try to console me."

"Oh, Twilight," Fluttershy said sadly. Before she could say anything else, the door burst open. Both ponies turned to the door and saw Rainbow Dash standing there, breathing heavily. She looked upset.

"Dash? What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Pinkie... Pie..." Rainbow Dash breathed out, "Vision... something bad... Town Square...!" she swallowed before continuing, "She told me... to get you... Twilight...! You're the only... one... strong enough... she said...!"

Twilight looked down and thought about that. What would be so dangerous that not even Rainbow Dash could handle...

"No... No... NO!" Twilight rushed out of the library, heading toward the Town Square. She knew Vale too well. If she was dedicated enough to her mission, she would attack now.

When Diamond Tiara came to, she was outside in the Town Square. Had it gotten that bad already? Was she now having full on black outs?

"What's happening to me?" She asked herself, lying down on a bench and curling up for comfort, "Apple Bloom, please help..."

"Appriser!" Diamond Tiara heard from her side. She looked and saw a white Alicorn. She actually looked a lot like Sweetie Belle's sister, Rarity. Her mane was different though, deep blue like the sea, and it was longer. She was glaring at Diamond Tiara too, and if she didn't know better, her deep blue eyes were flashing green.

"Who are you?" Diamond Tiara asked, her heart racing.

"My name is Guardian Vale, Special Class S Angel assigned as Guardian of Equestria. I had prepared to wait till tomorrow, but you were so gracious to reveal yourself to me earlier. Even from here, I can feel your dark aura."

"My... aura? What are you talking about?" Diamond Tiara asked, getting off the bench and backing away from Vale.

"Appriser of the End, I have come to take your life," Vale said, her eyes now glowing green. Did Diamond Tiara hear her correctly? Was she going to kill her?

Her question was answered when Vale walked toward her, and pointed her horn at her firing a white stream of light at her. Diamond Tiara screamed and fell to the ground, backing away as the white Alicorn walked closer to her, still firing at the ground in front of her.

"Why are you trying to kill me?!" Diamond Tiara asked, "What did I do to you?!"

"Nothing to me," Vale said, firing at her again, "But your very existence is a threat to Equestria. Should I allow you to live, you will bring about great destruction to Equestria. I cannot allow that."

Vale fired at Diamond Tiara again, but she backed away from the attack screaming, "Please, don't kill me! I don't want to hurt anypony!"

"It's not a matter of you wanting to or not," Vale said, "It is the very reason you exist. If I allow you to live, then more ponies will suffer," Diamond Tiara couldn't believe what she was hearing. This pony was dead serious about killing her, "Should you not resist, I promise to make it quick and painless."

"I-I-I don't want to die!" Diamond Tiara screamed, finally backing herself into a tree, "Please, I'm begging you! Don't do this to me! Don't kill me! I'll do anything, I swear, but I don't want to die!"

Vale closed her eyes thinking, but when she opened them they were still green, "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow that."

"No!" Diamond Tiara screamed, now unable to hold in her tears. Why was this happening to her?

"As promised, this will not be painful," Vale said, charging up her horn. Diamond Tiara wanted to run away, but Vale was right on top of her now. She couldn't go anywhere. All she could do was scream out to the one pony she could think of.


"VALE!!!!" Twilight screamed, charging over to Vale. She tackled the white Alicorn knocking her to the ground. When she got on top of her, Vale fired a white beam at Twilight knocking her back. Both Alicorns stood up facing each other.

"Diamond Tiara, are you alright?" Twilight asked her. She was too traumatized to speak, so she couldn't even nod.

"Midnight, I warned you!" Vale said, "If you got in my way I'd have no choice but to strike you down!"

"I'm not going to allow you to hurt her, Vale!" Twilight shouted, "If there's a small chance to stop this without killing her, then-"

"So you plan on waiting until the Lunar Eclipse then? When it's too late? That tells me you're either supporting the awakening, or you're still just as weak as you were then! Either way, you haven't changed at all!"

"Who hasn't changed?!" Twilight retaliated, "I see you're still putting your duty above everything else, including the ponies you're supposed to be protecting!"

"That thing over there isn't a pony! And if I don't act now then she's going to kill a lot of innocent ponies! Ponies like my sister-" she looked like she caught herself. Twilight shook her head.

"That's another thing, Rarity," Twilight said, confusing Diamond Tiara, "How can you just turn your back on your friends? How can you turn your back on me again?!" Twilight had tears in her eyes, "Are you really willing to kill me for your mission?!"

"Shut up...!" Vale groaned, "SHUT UP!!! I'm not Rarity!!! I'm Vale!!! VALE!!!" now she had tears in her eyes, but she continued to glare at Twilight, "And yes, I am willing to kill you to get my mission done!!! If that's what it'll take then prepare yourself Midnight!!!" she screamed, her eyes glowing green.

"Damn it Rarity, wake up! This isn't who you are!" Twilight shouted, her eyes now glowing red.

"Stop... CALLING ME THAT!!!!"

Vale charged at Twilight, and the two Alicorns proceeded to clash horns. The fight was ferocious, and Diamond Tiara was still to traumatized to move. All she could do was look at the two Alicorn in awe as they continued to fight.

Vale kicked Twilight away and then turned back to Diamond Tiara. Right before she could fire at her though, a black beam hit Vale away. Twilight flew over to Vale and the two of them continued their horn fight, which soon took to the skies.

The two of them proceeded to fly back and forth past each other, slashing each other with their wings. Diamond Tiara was about to get up, but she felt someone touch her foreleg. She looked and saw Scootaloo right next to her shushing her.

"Let's get out of here," she whispered. Diamond Tiara was pulled over to Scootaloo's magical bike, and soon the two of them were riding off at high speed.

Twilight and Vale landed, but Vale looked around, suddenly realizing who was missing.

"The Appriser! It escaped?!" she shouted.

"Looks like you lose this one, Vale," Twilight taunted. Vale scowled at Twilight.

"I planned on waiting until tomorrow anyway. Mark my words, Midnight, I will complete my directive this time! I won't fail a second time!"

Vale flew off in the direction of the Everfree Forest. That gave Twilight an idea of where she was. Right now, she needed to find Diamond Tiara. She flew off to get a bird's eye view, spotting her heading toward her mansion with Scootaloo. Good, she thought, that place is the safest place for her.

"What were you doing outside anyway?" Scootaloo asked as they approached her mansion, "It's past twelve in the morning!"

"I don't..." Diamond Tiara started. She really didn't know how she got there, but she couldn't tell Scootaloo about the black outs, "How did you know... where to find me..."

"Well, I didn't know where you were," Scootaloo said, "but the sudden well of fear I got told me that you were in danger. Look, I know I'm not Apple Bloom, but I can help you too. So, what's going on? Why was that Alicorn trying to kill you?"

"I don't know, okay?!" Diamond Tiara screamed, "I don't know anything!" they stopped by Diamond Tiara's mansion, so she jumped off the bike and looked down in frustration, "Apple Bloom's gone, Daddy's gone, my mother tortures me daily, and now I have crazy homicidal princesses trying to kill me! I hate this! I hate EVERYTHING!" she cried loudly for a few seconds to a minute. In that time, Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon ran to them. They had obviously been asleep, because Sweetie Belle was wearing her night gown still and Silver Spoon's mane wasn't in a braid.

"Guys! What happened?!" Sweetie Belle asked frantically, "We felt trouble!"

"Diamond Tiara was attacked by some strange Alicorn with a Cutie Mark shaped like a sword and shield," Scootaloo explained. Silver Spoon went over to Diamond Tiara and hugged her.

"Oh, Diamond," Silver Spoon said softly as she cried.

"Good, you're safe," they heard Twilight say as she landed next to them, "I'm surprised to see all of you here."

"Well, there was a lot of commotion and-" Sweetie started, but Twilight held her hoof up.

"You don't need to lie," she said, "I've known about your powers for quite some time, actually. You're secret is safe with me," Twilight walked over to Diamond Tiara, "Honey, how are you feeling?"

"I hate everything!" Diamond Tiara sobbed, "I want Apple Bloom!" she then got up and walked over to Scootaloo, "Take me to her!"

"D-Diamond Tiara," Scootaloo said, stepping back a bit.

"You can take me on your bike, right? Take me to Canterlot! I want to be with Apple Bloom!"

"Diamond Tiara, I don't think I-"

"I'm sorry, but seeing Apple Bloom is impossible right now," Twilight said, catching Diamond Tiara's attention.

"What do you mean impossible?!" she asked turning to Twilight, "Where is she?!"

"She's safe, but that's all I can tell you at the moment," Twilight said. Diamond Tiara wasn't hearing any of that though, and she ran up to Twilight.

"I want to see Apple Bloom!" she demanded.

"What you need to do right now is get some rest," Twilight said, but Diamond Tiara shook her head.

"No! I want Apple Bloom! I'm going to find her!"

"What about your mother?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Screw her! She can just die for all I care!" Diamond Tiara said, shocking her friends clearly.

"Diamond Tiara!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"That's not cool!" Scootaloo added.

"Like I care! I'm going to go see Apple Bloom, whether you want me to or not!" she turned around and started walking to the train station.

"Diamond Tiara!" Twilight called out. Diamond Tiara turned around, and saw a red star appear on her left eye, "Go into your room and get some sleep," she commanded. Something inside Diamond Tiara changed. All of a sudden, all she wanted to do was do just that, go and get some sleep.

"Yes, my queen," Diamond Tiara said softly, going back to her room and following her queen's command. She went right up to her room, closed the door, and got back in the bed. She was asleep in only a few seconds.

Everyone was shocked by what Twilight did. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle saw that first hand ten years ago, and even Silver Spoon heard about it. They didn't know that she still had it though.

"Twilight," Sweetie Belle asked after a second, "You used the Power of the Queen, didn't you?"

"I didn't want to, but there was no other way to make sure she stayed here," Twilight explained, "I need you three to make sure she stays here tomorrow. Spend the night here if you have to."

"Her mother isn't going to make that easy," Scootaloo said.

"I'll stop by early in the morning to talk to her," Twilight said, "For now though, you three should get some rest."

Twilight walked off, leaving Sweetie Belle, Silver Spoon, and Scootaloo alone.

"How are we going to do this?" Sweetie Belle asked, "Prince Blueblood is supposed to be stopping by tomorrow to pick up a tuxedo."

"You aren't serious, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo scolded, "This is way more important than that."

"Tell that to Blueblood," Sweeetie Belle said, "He'll ruin us if we don't give it to him."

"Then I'll stay here," Silver Spoon said.

"Silver Spoon, are you sure?" Scootaloo asked.

"Her mother doesn't have a problem with me," Silver Spoon explained, "Besides, Sweetie Belle is right. Blueblood is awful, and he'll make a huge scene if we don't get that tuxedo to him. It's better also if we have one pony staying here instead of all three of us."

Scootaloo looked like she was thinking hard about that. In the end she nodded, "Alright then. Silver Spoon, if anything happens, let us know okay?"

"I will," Silver Spoon said. She nodded to both of them and trotted into Diamond Tiara's mansion.

"Scootaloo, I'm scared," Sweetie Belle said, "What's happening to Diamond Tiara, and why won't anyone let us see Apple Bloom?"

"I don't know," Scootaloo said, "But I have a bad feeling about tomorrow."

Funny thing was, Sweetie Belle felt it too. Something was going to happen tomorrow. Something really bad actually.