• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 5,630 Views, 380 Comments

Inner Demons II - Azure Sandora

Equestria's Darkest Hour was only the beginning... the real fight between Elysium and Tartarus starts now...

  • ...

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Aftermath

Of course, word got out quickly about the destruction of Ponyville. As far as Cloudsdale, the destruction of the famous farming town spread out. This was by far the biggest tragedy in the history of Equestria, and everyone was devastated.

Everyone except for a particular prince.

"If you ask me, good riddance to that filthy town," Prince Blueblood said to himself walking over to his window, which looked out at the valley leading to what remained of the fallen Crystal Empire, "The weak need to be weeded out anyway."

He knew better than to say such things in front of his "aunts" Celestia and Luna. He had heard some bullshit a long time ago that he was their great great great great great great great great great great great (and even more greats apparently) nephew about 52 times removed, roughly speaking. He didn't know WHAT that meant, but in his eyes it meant that the two mares were only his aunts by title, and barely even that.

Sure he was able to live in the castle, but that didn't give him any chance of sitting in the throne, or becoming a king. He knew that his "aunts" favored that small town of peasants, so he could only imagine what would happen when they returned.

A knock on the door pulled him out of his serene thoughts, "Yes, what is it?" he asked, not even hiding how annoyed he was.

"Your highness, Your aunts have returned. Princess Luna wishes to see you," a knight outside said. Blueblood rolled his eyes and walked to the door.

"Where is my aunt?" Blueblood asked opening the door.

"She's in the main hall," the knight said with a bow, "Princess Celestia has taken in the Elements of Harmony and their families."

Good lord, Blueblood thought, now they bring peasants into the castle. If he had his way they'd all be out in the streets, heroes or not.

"I'll see to what she wants. You may leave," Blueblood said trotting past the knight. Out of the two of them, auntie Luna was the one he found more tolerable. He was surprised enough to know he even had a second aunt, but the two of them shared some similar thoughts (though he expected it was because she was so old fashioned). One of those thoughts was that Celestia had a tendency to be overly dramatic.

"Aunt Luna, you are still in your armor?" Blueblood asked when he arrived at the door, where his dark coated aunt was standing there waiting for him.

"I wished to speak with you immediately," Luna said, "You are currently the only noble besides Celetia and myself presently active in Canterlot."

"As much good as it does me," Blueblood said looking away, "I don't have wings, and I can't raise the sun and moon. As far as I see it, I'm kept here as a charity."

"That might change very soon," Luna said, shocking Blueblood, "You've heard about the destruction of Ponyville, correct?"

"Well, yes, I heard about it," Blueblood said, "It was sort of breaking news."

"Yes, well I plan on looking into this incident and the ones responsible," Luna said, "I would hope Celestia would for once do the sensible thing and remain here, but she has personal interest in this issue. As such, we decided to allow you to maintain things in our stead."

This was unbelievable. A small insignificant town gets blown up and he becomes king? Maybe he should have paid a little more attention to that place.

"Um, excuse me, but are you saying that I will be king?" Blueblood asked.

"Well, it would only be in title, as you are in fact unable to-"

"But I would be king?" he asked again to clarify. Luna took a deep breath before answering.

"Technically, yes, you would in fact be the King of Canterlot, but only for as long as-"

"I accept!" Blueblood said, his heart racing. King Blueblood... it had a nice ring to it.

Luna cleared her throat, "Well, that was easier than I thought it would be," Luna said, "I'm glad you are eager to help. I will send letters to you regularly to check on you. If anything happens, you will let us know?"

"Yes, sure um... whatever..." Blueblood said, tuning Luna out. As Luna walked off, all he could hear in his head was the part where he was asked to be king. Dreams do come true, apparently.

"Well, did he accept?" Celestia asked as Luna walked into the main study, where she, Twilight, Cadence, and Shining Armor were waiting for her.

"A little to easily," Luna said, "Are you sure about putting Canterlot in the hooves of him? I mean no disrespect, but our nephew-"

"Is the only one here who can run Canterlot," Celestia said, "Besides, the Sons of Midnight won't target Canterlot until they've gotten everything else they need."

"And what's that?" Cadence asked.

"For starters, they're going to need the Appriser, and the Sword of the Condemned," Celestia explained, "We unfortunately do not know where either is at the moment."

"I wasn't able to get any closer to finding the sword," Twilight said, "But I did confirm that Diamond Tiara is the Appriser."

"Where is she now?" Shining Armor asked.

"I don't know," Twilight stated with a sigh, "Since she is the Appriser, she would have survived the massacre of Ponyville, but after that, I don't know."

"What did that spell do exactly," Cadence asked, "It couldn't have been just to kill everypony in the town."

"No, it wasn't," Luna stated, "Think of that as a side affect, or the cause of the main point."

Luna pointed her horn to the table in the center, and summoned an image of a sharp red pillar that shot out of the ground. It looked like it was made of some sort of gemstone, and though it was a simulation, everyone could tell it was as big as the mountain that Canterlot Castle rested on.

"What the hell is that?" Shining Armor asked.

"It's one of five pillars that they need to summon in order to fully break the seal on Katastroph," Luna explained, "When Twilight used the Elements of Harmony on his seal thousands of years ago as Midnight, special locks were put in Equestria in order to keep him locked away."

"Those locks were put in place by the Angels of Elysium," Celestia added, "But for him to be free they have to be broken, which results in pillars like the one you see here."

"They broke one," Cadence said, "So they only need four more?"

"That's right," Celestia said, "It's going to take some time to find them all, but as Luna and I are angels we should be able to match the locks up with locations in modern Equestria."

"That's great and all, but what do we do about the spell?" Shining Armor asked, "We can't just rush in, or else we're going to get vaporized by the spell too."

"Maybe we could disrupt the spell somehow?" Cadence suggested.

"Only an Alicorn can disrupt the spell," Twilight said softly, "Unfortunately, we only have four Alicorns, and two of them aren't very high leveled. No offense," she said turning to Cadnece and Luna, the latter of the two looking away.

"Oh, none taken," Cadence said, "I'm not a natural Alicorn remember? I know my powers pale in comparison to you and aunt Celestia."

"Sister, are you okay?" Celestia asked as Luna remained silent.

"Yes, Tia. I'm alright," Luna said returning her focus to the center, "I'd suggest we split up into three teams, Cadence and I making one team. Together we should be able to equal the power of you and Twilight."

"I think that's a good idea," Celestia said, "I'll go with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Hopefully they can put whatever's going on between them aside and work with me. Twilight, will you be okay with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo going with you?"

"Y-yes, but could Shining Armor also come with me?" Twilight asked, "It's been a while since we were able to talk, so..."

"That's fine with me," Shining Armor said, "What about you Cadence?"

"I'm okay with it," Cadence said, "Just no funny business, alright?" Twilight laughed walking over to Shining Armor.

"Oh Cadence, you're such a kidder," she said, grabbing Shining Armor's foreleg in a tight hug and smiling evilly, but the three of them started laughing afterwards. They turned that into an inside joke between them to help Twilight get past the guilt of what happened ten years ago.

"Once we know more about the locations of the locks we'll move out," Luna said, "For now everypony should rest up at the castle."

Everyone nodded and started to leave, but Celestia grabbed Twilight's foreleg stopping her.

"May I speak to you for a second Twilight?" Celestia asked.

"Certainly," Twilight responded. When everyone else left, Celestia closed the door and locked it. She then walked over to Twilight and wrapped her wings around her in a loving embrace.

"I can see how strong you are trying to be, Twilight," Celestia said, "But it's okay for you to cry with me."

Twilight was just barely holding it together as is, so hearing those words broke what little control she had left. Ponyville, her home for twelve years, was gone. So were all of the ponies living there. Lyra, Bon Bon, Cheerilee, Derpy, The Doctor, possibly even Zecora; some of them dear friends, and they were all dead.

"I couldn't protect them," Twilight sobbed, "I tried so hard, but they all still died..."

"I know, honey. I know," Celestia said softly.

"It's my fault," Twilight said, "They died because of me, because I-"

"No! It's not your fault!" Celestia said suddenly, "Never think that!"

"But you heard what Tracy said!" Twilight cried looking into Celestia's eyes, "Even now, the ponies around me are dying just like Trixie! I'm a demon, and anypony that gets involved with me is going to end up just like her!"

"Twilight-" Celestia was cut off as Twilight pulled away and walked over to the image of Ponyville's remains.

"Rarity is gone, I can't reach Spike, and now Ponyville and all of it's residents are dead!" Twilight was trembling, "They were counting on me, and I let them all down!"

"Not everyone in Ponyville died, We still have Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and all of their families. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle made it out, and you know that Apple Bloom is-"

"But how long until they all die too?!" Twilight asked, "This is just like when I lost Azure Sky! It's bad enough I had to watch her die twice, but now an entire town of innocent ponies died just like Canter Village!" her aura grew as she became more upset, "I can't do this! I can't save anypony! A demon like me can't be-"

"Twilight stop!" Celestia cried embracing Twilight, "Please... stop..."

"C-Celestia..." Twilight said, shocked that Celestia was crying.

"What happened to Ponyville isn't your fault. Yes, you destroyed Canter Village, but that's in the past. Besides, you were devastated at the loss of your dear friend. Do not hold yourself accountable for the sins of your past, please."

"B-but I..."

"Also, you are a demon, and that will never change, but that doesn't mean you can't save Equestria," Celestia turned Twilight around and looked into her eyes, "An angel isn't going to save Equestria, nor a demon. What's going to save Equestria is a strong pony to lead them, regardless of whether they come from Elysium like myself, or Tartarus like you."

"That just tells me that you should be the one leading them," Twilight said, "You're an angel, and you're much stronger than me. Why am I the one-"

"I'm much weaker than you think," Celestia said, "Even now, this is the most I can do for you."

With that, Celestia pulled Twilight into a passionate kiss, which soon escalated to the point where they both fell to the floor to continue their make-out session. While Twilight was as usual confused by the Princess' advances on her, Celestia herself was saddened, wishing that she could take away all of Twilight's pain.

Hey... wake up...

We can't sleep right now...

Vale awoke to find herself in a dark mist. It was like where she and Rarity had spoken once when the latter was brought to Elysium to aid in her revival, only the clouds were dark this time.

"Hello?" Vale called out, "Who's there?"

"You have to wake up..."

Vale turned around immediately and saw the last pony she thought she would ever see trotting over to her.

She saw Rarity.

"How is this possible..." Vale asked stepping back, "Mother said that you vanished. You don't exist anymore... so how...?"

"Please wake up..." Rarity said somberly, confusing Vale even more.

"What are you talking about? Wake up? I am-"

"As long as your eyes are closed to the truth, you'll never be truly awake..."

With that, Rarity stepped back, into the darkness behind her. Closed to the truth? What did that mean? How was Rarity even here? She didn't exist anymore, so there shouldn't have been any remnants of her left.

"You never answered my question?!" Vale called out, who was almost completely gone, "How in the world are you-"


Vale, wake up...

"Vale!" another voice called out, this one male. Vale oddly found herself opening her eyes again, this time reemerging in a dark cave, Spike standing over her, "Good, you're alive," Spike said with a relieved smile.

"Spike..." Vale found herself smiling in relief as well. She thought Spike had died from Scarlet Gala's attack. She then caught herself, wondering to herself one again why this dragon affected her so strongly.

"Where are we?" she asked getting up.

"We're in a cave in the Everfree Forest, or what's left of it at least," Spike said looking outside, "Most of the forest was destroyed along with Ponyville."

"What?!" Vale exclaimed turning back to Spike, "What about Ponyville?!"

Spike sighed gravely and stood up, "Come with me," he said, "Warning you, you won't like what you see."

Vale followed Spike out of the cave and through the Everfree Forest. As they walked, Vale felt her heart beat faster and faster, as if she knew that she was about to witness the worst possible thing in her life.

She wasn't disappointed either. Where Ponyville once stood, now there was a large red pillar rising out of the ground. It looked like it was made of ruby or something like it, and Vale got the most evil feeling from it.

"Ponyville..." Vale said, unable to look away from the sight before her, "Once again, my earthbound home was destroyed... and I couldn't do anything..."

"Vale-" Spike started, but was cut off when Vale turned to him putting her hooves on Spike's shoulders.

"What about Daisy?! Do you know if she and Fluttershy got out safely?!" Vale asked suddenly.

"Um, I don't-"

"Are the other's safe?!"

"What do you mean by-"

"And Sweetie Belle?! Do you know if my-" Vale stopped herself IMMEDIATELY, realizing that she was worried about things that didn't concern her THAT much, "I'm sorry Spike, you must be confused."

"Something like that, yeah," Spike said wide eyed, "That outburst isn't like you, Vale. And what did you mean by-"

"Nothing!" Vale shouted to Spike, making him step back, "I... need to check in with the All Mother," Vale turned around and started making her way to the transfer point. She also needed to get as far away from this dragon as possible, or else she would lose her mind.

"Vale, wait!" Spike called out, making Vale groan.

"What is it, dragon?" Vale asked harshly.

"You shouldn't go alone," Spike said, but Vale shook her head.

"You'll just be in my way," Vale stated quickening her pace, "Besides, this is official Angel business. Mortals need to stay out of it."

"Well, technically I'm not a mortal since dragons live so long..." Spike said looking up in pretend thought.

"That's not the point! Even if you live eternally, that doesn't make you-"

"Ahh, but the definition of "mortal" is one who doesn't live forever, right?" Spike asked, making Vale wince a bit.

"Well, yes... that's true..."

"And you specifically said "mortals" need to stay out of it, right?" Spike inquired further.

"I... suppose I did... say that..." she said through gritted teeth.

"And since neither you nor I are mortal by that definition, then you have no reason to keep me out of it," Spike said with a cheeky grin, "Looks like you're stuck with me, Vale."

She wanted to cry so much right now. Not because she hated Spike, the exact opposite actually. She knew that if she continued to stay close to this dragon, she wouldn't be able to complete her mission properly.

Damn you, Spike...

Damn these feelings... whatever they are...

When she came too, everything was dark and blurry, but that might have been because she wasn't wearing her glasses. They must have fallen off at some point during the fight, but she remembered wearing them before she fell unconscious.

Speaking of which, she also remembered being in Ponyville when she fell, but this wasn't...

Silver Spoon looked into her surroundings and saw that she was in fact in a cell of some sort. She blinked on her Magi-Scan and looked around again.

"Small traces of magic..." she said to herself, "Where ever I am, there are a lot of unicorns, or at least a few constantly using magic."

She slowly trotted over to the cell door to test how sturdy it was. She expected it to stay shut, but to her surprise...

It opened.

"That's not ominous at all," she said sarcastically, slowly pushing the door fully open. She poked her head out to look around, shocked to see that there was no one around, and then she slowly began navigating out of the dungeon.

As she walked around, Silver Spoon became more and more aware that she was in a castle of some sort. The walls were old and made of stone, but she could see black and red banners above her, all with the same image of a blackened sun, as if during a solar eclipse.

When she turned the corner, she saw two ponies in black cloaks talking to that pony who attacked her, Sweetie Belle, and Princess Twilight. His name was Tracy, right?

Wait, was she captured by the Sons of Midnight?

She turned around to go another way, but bumped into someone, falling to the ground.

"Well, sleepin beauty finally woke up," a southern voice said. Silver Spoon looked up at the pony, who was still blurry as she hadn't found her glasses yet, but through her Magi-Scan she could see the amount of magic running through this pony.

All magic associated with the dead.

"Why did you kidnap me?" Silver Spoon asked, still on the ground but not showing any signs of fear, outwardly at least.

"It was our leader's idea," the magical pony said, "Ah ain't got a clue how ya got out of that cell, but Ah'd be more than happy ta put ya back in."

Silver Spoon was inclined to tell this pony that the door was just open, but was silenced once she saw black flames surround her, forming into a dark suit of armor. There was no talking her way out of this one, and she was the weakest fighter out of her group of friends. Losing all will to run away, she braced herself for the worse.

"She got out because I wanted her to," a deep voice she recognized said. Silver Spoon immediately looked to her side and saw their leader walking up to her. He wore a similar black robe as the other members, but his had a silver trim around the edges.

"Master Black Sun," the southern pony said with a bow.

"This pony is precious to me, so no harm is to come to her," Black Sun said, "Is that understood Scarlet Gala?"

Scarlet Gala? Wasn't that the name of Apple Bloom's grandmother before she changed it to Granny Smith? Could this pony have been...

"Ah understand, Master," Scarlet Gala said bowing again. She turned to Silver Spoon, who swore this pony was smirking, and then sauntered off. The leader, Black Sun apparently, trotted over to Silver Spoon and helped her up.

"I believe this is yours," Black Sun said, "They were broken, so I repaired them."

Using his magic, he gave her what looked like her glasses. Silver Spoon gladly took them and put them on, finally able to see her captor and savior fully, and she did not expect to see who she saw.


Author's Note:

Yeah, so sorry for the extended delay again. I won't make excuses, nor will I make any empty promises. All I will say is that I am going to keep going with this story, and I will finish it. I set out to make this story even bigger than the first Inner Demons, and I can't back down. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.