• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 5,630 Views, 380 Comments

Inner Demons II - Azure Sandora

Equestria's Darkest Hour was only the beginning... the real fight between Elysium and Tartarus starts now...

  • ...

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Break Me Down

It was a week after the death of Filthy Rich, and a surprising amount of ponies mourned his loss. It was a common misconception that everyone in his family was snooty and stuck up. Actually, he was known for it's generosity. A number of charities were funded by him, and the Elementary School even expanded thanks to his contribution.

Most ponies were worried about his daughter, Diamond Tiara. She used to be sort of a brat as a child, but somehow she grew up into an upstanding young mare that was loved by everypony. Sure she inherited her mother's temper, but she also inherited her father's kindness. Because of the love she had, everypony attended the funeral solely to see how Diamond Tiara was doing.

"So?" Scootaloo asked Silver Spoon as the preacher spoke.

"She's about as bad as you'd expect," Silver Spoon said, "Only about twenty times worse."

"Celestia..." Scootaloo said turning to look at Diamond Tiara, who was sitting at the other side with her mother. She was in a wheelchair, and was the only reason Diamond Tiara hadn't sat with her friends.

"She looks so miserable right now," Sweetie Belle stated, "It's like all of the life in her is slipping away."

"Are we talking about Diamond Tiara or her mother?" Scootaloo asked, earning a light slap on the fore leg from Sweetie Belle.

"Scootaloo, that's not nice!" Sweetie Belle scolded.

"Like you weren't thinking it."

"Even still, that's her mother," Sweetie Belle said, "She hasn't been well either, since Mr. Rich died. I bet she's taking it just as hard."

"More like taking it out on her daughter," Scootaloo stated. While they talked, Silver Spoon continued to scan her, noting the constant rise in her aura. She could barely see Diamond Tiara through her magi-scan, as her aura had gotten so thick and dark. Her mother started fussing at her over something they couldn't hear, and Silver Spoon noted that her already dark aura got darker.

"That's not good," she said to herself.

"What's not?" Sweetie Belle asked, Scootaloo also turning to her. Silver Spoon was about to say something, but Diamond Tiara walked up to the alter so she could say a few words.

"My dad hated his name," she began, "He said that it gave him a bad image. You see, everyone in his family had names like that. My great grandfather for example, was named Stinkin Rich," she laughed sadly, "I don't know the names of the rest of my family on his side, because he didn't want anything to do with his family. He wanted to change his image, which is why he invested so much into helping the community. He said that when he had a child, he'd make sure that foal would have a name that emulated the beauty in his or her heart, which is why-" she choked on her words a bit as tears started to stream from her eyes, "Which is why he named me Diamond Tiara.

"I never did anything to deserve that name. I even convinced myself that I'd just live off of his inheritance, hence my Cutie Mark. I took advantage of him... so much... growing up. Asking him for toys, demanding that I have the biggest parties; looking back, I proved how wonderful he was. He never complained, never scolded me," she laughed again, "Okay, that's a lie. He fussed at me once, when I was being too much of a brat to Apple Bloom, who ironically became my dearest friend later in life.

"The thing that hurts the most about this death isn't that it happened after my birthday," she was close to breaking down, as her voice started cracking, "Nor is it the fact that I didn't get to say good-bye. What hurts the most is that the very last thing I did for him..." now she broke down completely, "was take advantage of him again! Instead of coming home to help take care of Mom, I stayed at a friend's house! I have to live with the knowledge that the last memory he has of me was my selfishness!"

"Oh Diamond Tiara..." Sweetie Belle said, crying herself. Silver Spoon couldn't take it anymore, and started trotting over to her best friend as she cried.

"Daddy, I'm sorry!" Diamond Tiara sobbed, "I'm sorry I didn't appreciate you! I'm sorry I was a terrible daughter! I'm sorry I-" she couldn't finish her sentence. She collapsed at the altar, just in time as Silver Spoon came and put her forelegs around her friend.

"Shh... it's okay Diamond Tiara..." Silver Spoon said softly, "I'm here."

She escorted Diamond Tiara back to her seat, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo running to her aide as well. As they all gathered near Diamond Tiara, her mother cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, I don't remember these three sitting-"

"She needs us," Scootaloo said simply.

"Well I don't want you near my daughter!" Pearl Necklace said, "Help! These murderers are harassing me!"

"Murderers?!" Scootaloo shouted, Sweetie Belle standing in front of her before she attacked the old mare, "If you weren't Diamond Tiara's mom I'd-"

"Scootaloo, calm down!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"See?! She's trying to kill me too, just like she killed my husband! These two should be in jail!" Pearl Necklace had the audacity to turn to Silver Spoon with a smile, "Oh, but you're okay, Silver Spoon."

"Thanks...?" Silver Spoon said looking around a bit. Poor Diamond Tiara stiffened as her mother went back to screaming.

"Why isn't anyone getting these two away from my daughter?!" she continued, "Help!"

Rainbow Dash ran over to them and put a hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder, "Hey, come on."

"You've got to be kidding!" Scootaloo retaliated, "I'm not leaving her, Dash! Sweetie Belle and I are her friends too!"

"Right now, all your doing is making a scene," Rainbow Dash said.


"CELESTIA, PLEASE JUST GO!" Diamond Tiara screamed. Everyone in the church went silent and looked at Diamond Tiara, who was holding her head and sobbing loudly.

"Diamond..." Silver Spoon said rubbing the grieving mare's shoulder.

"I appreciate it, but right now you're just making it worse! Just go away right now, please!"

Scootaloo looked away in anger and frustration, but after a second she turned and walked out of the church. Rainbow Dash galloped after her, but before Sweetie Belle left she put a hoof on Diamond Tiara's other shoulder.

"We're here for you no matter what, okay?" she asked. Diamond Tiara nodded and looked up at Sweetie Belle.

"Thank you, Sweetie Belle," Diamond Tiara said.

"Why are you still here?!" Pearl Necklace asked. Sweetie Belle gave a pained sigh, and then trotted over to where Spike was, sitting next to him. Silver Spoon, while holding Diamond Tiara, took another scan of her friend, and her heart sank. This was the darkest she had ever been.

Scootaloo went to her magi-tech bike and sat on it. She was debating on just leaving the funeral, or at least going for a ride around Ponyville. Funny, because she got this thing in an act of betrayal. She wondered what Apple Bloom would do at a time like this. She dealt with Pearl Necklace more than anypony in the last ten years than anypony, yet she never complained or anything.

"Damn it," Scootaloo said, "How would she handle this?"

"She wouldn't leave, that's for one thing," Rainbow Dash said walking up to Scootaloo, "You okay kid?"

"No, I'm not," Scootaloo pouted. Dash wrapped a wing around Scootaloo.

"You know she didn't mean it," Rainbow Dash said. Scootaloo shrugged her shoulders as a response.

"I don't know if I can do this, Dash."

"Can't do what? Look after your friend?"

"Deal with... that," Scootaloo got off her bike and walked off a bit, "Don't get me wrong, Diamond Tiara is a good friend, and I promised Apple Bloom I'd take care of her, but her mother is just so..." she screamed in frustration as a means to finish her thought, "I want to be there for Diamond Tiara, but-"

"So be there for her," Rainbow Dash said simply. Scootaloo turned to her incredulous.

"You can't expect it to be that easy," Scootaloo said.

"No, I don't. True loyalty isn't easy," Rainbow Dash walked next to Scootaloo and looked up at the sky, "I didn't even know the true meaning of loyalty till the incident ten years ago. Scootaloo, loyalty means standing by your friend no matter what, even when it's hard to. I know right now you just want to storm off, but Diamond Tiara needs you."

"What she needs is Apple Bloom," Scootaloo said, "Come to think of it, why isn't she here? Mr. Rich's death was in the paper, right?"

Rainbow Dash looked away a bit frowning, "Scootaloo, Apple Bloom can't come here right now."

"Why not?" Scootaloo said, suddenly getting suspicious, "Does this have to do with the meetings?"


"Something's happening, isn't it. You guys know what it is, but you won't tell us. Dash, I can fight too. Let me know what's going on and I can-"

"Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash shouted cutting Scootaloo off, "Now isn't the time to talk about that."


"Right now just look after Diamond Tiara," Rainbow Dash started making her way back to the church, "I know it doesn't make sense now, but I swear to you, it will. For right now, just trust me, okay?"

As Rainbow Dash left, Scootaloo sat on her bike and folded her forelegs irritably. She always did that whenever Scootaloo asked about the meetings. What would make sense? And what was Apple Bloom doing now?

Were Dash and her friends protecting her?

Scootaloo came back just in time for the final part of the funeral. Two unicorns Diamond Tiara didn't know along with her uncle and surprisingly the DJ Vinyl Scratch were carrying the coffin to the graveyard. She didn't want to be there. This was the last place she wanted to be actually.

But as the daughter of the departed, it would have been in poor taste to leave, right?

"Diamond Tiara, are you going to be alright?" Silver Spoon asked. All Diamond Tiara could manage at the moment was a nod, partially because she couldn't bring herself to speak, but mostly because her mother was right there. She couldn't tell Silver Spoon what was really on her mind.

Dark... so dark...

"Diamond! Take me home!" her mother commanded.

"We have to attend the lowering of the-"

"I don't want to see them bury that shell into the ground! I want to go home!"

Diamond Tiara was so ready to choke her. She thanked Celestia that Silver Spoon was right there, or she might have actually done it. Diamond Tiara took a deep breath before speaking again.

"You were the one who want to come in the first place," she said through gritted teeth.

"That was then! Now I'm tired!" Pearl Necklace whined. How on earth could she be tired?! All she did was whine and complain while being pushed around by Diamond Tiara, who did all of the work! She was tired! She lost someone she really cared about! SHE WAS-

"Diamond Tiara!" Silver Spoon put a hoof on Diamond Tiara's foreleg, stopping her as her psychokinesis was acting up, "You need to take some time and relax. How about I take her home?"

"Would you? Please?" Diamond Tiara practically begged. Silver Spoon nodded and took the back of the wheelchair, but as Diamond Tiara was about to leave Pearl Necklace grabbed her foreleg.

"I ordered you to take me home!" she screamed, "Not Silver Spoon!"

"Mother, let go of my leg," Diamond Tiara said as calmly as she could.

"Don't make Silver Spoon do your job! All of this happened because you pushed your job on your father! Now you want to kill me too, is that it?!"

"Ma'am, it's fine," Silver Spoon said, "I don't mind taking you-"

"Mother, let go of my leg NOW!" Diamond Tiara demanded.

"You're despicable, you devil child! Always making others do your work! You've never lifted a hoof for anyone in your life, and now you're making sweet Silver Spoon-

"Miss, I'm okay doing this. I volunteered to-"

"I said LET GO OF ME!!!"

Instantly the lights of the church exploded. Everypony present was screaming at the display, and Pearl Necklace did let go of Diamond Tiara's leg. Diamond Tiara looked around at everyone, all of them giving her strange looks.

"What's the matter with you?!" she shouted, "Go somewhere! Just leave me alone!"

She ran out of the church, not sure if anyone was following her, but she prayed not. She needed to be alone right now. She needed her best friend with her.

She ran all the way to the cliff at the outskirts of Ponyville. It was here that she and Apple Bloom first became friends. She never forgot that, or how important that moment was for her.

"Apple Bloom... help me..." she sobbed before holding her head in anger and grief, "APPLE BLOOM!!! HELP ME!!!" she screamed for another few seconds to a minute, before collapsing on the ground and weeping harder than she wept in a long time. She didn't even know what she was crying about anymore.

Her father's death?

Her mother's lack of sanity?

The dark coming back?

Apple Bloom not being here to save her?

She promised though, that she'd always be there to protect her. Even when she was far away, she could always count on Apple Bloom. Soon she'd come and take her away. Apple Bloom would save her from this. She had to.

She heard someone step on a twig behind her. No way... it couldn't have been...

"Apple... Bloom...?" Diamond Tiara asked slowly raising her head. She quickly turned around, ready to run into her forelegs and-

It wasn't Apple Bloom. In fact, Diamond Tiara didn't know who this Earth Pony was. She had a light green coat, and a blond mane and tail. Her Cutie Mark was covered, as she was wearing a fancy red Applossian dress, like what a prostitute would have worn. She also wore fishnet stockings and red high heels.

Her face was what drew Diamond Tiara in though. She wore red lipstick, and her eyes were piercing red, like a demon almost.

"Why the long face?" she said, her voice deep, sexual, and with a familiar southern drawl, "Expectin someone else?"

"Wh-who are you?" Diamond Tiara asked slowly.

"Mah name's not important," the mysterious pony said sauntering over to Diamond Tiara, "What is important though, is what happened in that church a few minutes ago. That was you, wasn't it?"

"I don't know what your talking about," Diamond Tiara defended, "Do you see a horn on my head? Earth Ponies can't use magic."

"Yer half right, but you an' Ah both know that sum ponies can do more than others," she demonstrated by lifting up a rock next to her. It looked like magic, but she was an Earth Pony just like-

Diamond Tiara couldn't believe it. She was using psychokinesis.

"You can use it too, right?" she asked sweetly, "Ah've seen ya before around town. Ya use a fake horn ta hide yer powers. Yer three friends can use it too, can't they?"

How did she know all of this? Who was she?

The mare laughed, "Ya ain't got nothin ta worry about. Ah won't bite, promise."

Diamond Tiara slowly walked over to the mare, who released the rock and held out her hoof.

"Mah name is Scarlet Gala," the mare said, "Mah friends call me Scarlet."

"D-Diamond Tiara," Diamond Tiara said slowly shaking hooves with the strange mare. She also couldn't help but feel like she heard that name before.

"So, why were ya cryin jus' now? Cause Ah doubt it was just from yer father diein. You were callin out ta someone, weren't ya?"

"Yeah, my best friend," Diamond Tiara said turning away from Scarlet. She felt weird opening up to this mare she just met.

"Oh, pardon mah rudeness. Ah was jus' worried about ya is all. Ya seemed so upset, Ah jus' wanted ta make sure you were alright."

"That's fine," Diamond Tiara said, "It's actually nice to see somepony else who can do what I can. You're right, I did make the lights in the church explode. Normally I have more control of myself, but lately..."

"It reacts ta intense emotions," Scarlet said with a nod, "Yer upset, an' yer powers 're respondin to ya."

"I don't think that's all though," Diamond Tiara sat down and rested her head on her forelegs, "There's something... wrong with me... I'm not like other ponies, even with psychokinesis."

Scarlet looked confused, but then nodded once she apparently understood what she was saying, "What do ya mean? Ya look like a normal mare ta me."

Diamond Tiara shook her head, "I'm not. I have nightmares every night, my heart feels heavy all the time, and I have... thoughts... sometimes..."

"Thoughts?" Scarlet raised an eyebrow smiling softly, "What, like wantin ta hurt ponies? Wantin ta hurt yer mother?"

Diamond Tiara at Scarlet in shock, suddenly feeling unnerved by her smile. There was something about this mare that was...

"Diamond Tiara!" she heard Sweetie Belle in the distance. She looked out and saw Sweetie Belle, Spike, and Fluttershy running up to her. Scarlet moved aside so they could get to her.

"Are you alright?" Fluttershy asked. Diamond Tiara nodded as she stood up.

Spike turned to Scarlet and stood in front of the mares in defense, "Who are you?"

"Just a concerned mare, makin sure Diamond Tiara here is safe," Scarlet said. She turned and walked off, but not before giving Diamond Tiara another strange smile. It seemed almost like a knowing smile.

Fluttershy looked out and saw something that apparently took her attention, "Sweetie Belle, Spike, you two should take Diamond Tiara back to the funeral."

"Fluttershy, are you okay?" Spike asked. Fluttershy turned to Spike and nodded.

"I'm fine, I just... need to take care of something is all."

Fluttershy flew off somewhere, leaving Diamond Tiara with Sweetie Belle and Spike. Spike watched Fluttershy as she flew off, apparently worried about her. Why, Diamond Tiara had no idea.

"Are you sure you're okay, Diamond Tiara?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I just want to go someplace peaceful," Diamond Tiara said, "Someplace not home."

"I understand," Sweetie Belle said, escorting Diamond Tiara back to the funeral.

"Sweetie Belle, will you be okay? I want to follow Fluttershy," Spike said.

"Go for it, Spike, I've got her," Sweetie Belle said. Spike nodded and flew after Fluttershy. Now that they were alone, Sweetie Belle turned back to Diamond Tiara, "How are you really feeling?"

"Sweetie Belle, I... don't know... can we go someplace that isn't either my place or the funeral?" Diamond Tiara asked. Sweetie Belle smiled and guided her in another direction.

"Carousel Boutique it is, then."

Fluttershy landed in the Whitetail Woods, where she saw that pony fly into. She had been near Diamond Tiara for a while probably, so who knew what that pony knew.

"I saw you fly here," Fluttershy said walking through the woods. This time ten years ago, she would have been too afraid to do this stuff alone, but she had hardened over the years. Gaining super powered armor, becoming a mother, and losing your best friend would do that.

"You can't hide," Fluttershy continued, "I have my Element with me, so I will fight if I have to."

"No one is hiding," a soft voice said, "I'm right here."

A white Alicorn stepped out from behind the tree. Fluttershy hadn't ever seen her before, but something told her that she knew who that was. She looked at her Cutie Mark, noticing the Sword and Shield on her flank.

"Why were you spying on Diamond Tiara?" Fluttershy asked.

"Diamond Tiara? Is that it's name at the current moment?" the Alicorn asked.

"Her name, yes," Fluttershy corrected for the mare.

"I assure you, that 'mare' is no more a pony than you are a griffin. I'm assuming also that this 'Diamond Tiara' is the one Midnight is protecting?"

"What if she is?" Fluttershy asked. The Alicorn looked to the side.

"The Lunar Eclipse is approaching," she said, "When that day comes, there might not be any way of stopping it. Your best bet is to just destroy it now, while it's weakened."

Fluttershy was appalled. Not only did this mare insist on calling Diamond Tiara a "thing", but she wanted to kill her?! Fluttershy thought of the Element of Kindness, and allowed it's power to swirl around her like a tornado, forming her armor.

"Diamond Tiara is a pony like anyone else! If you want to kill her, then you'll have to go through me!"

"That can be arranged," the Alicorn said, "I'd rather not hurt you, as you were her best friend, but I won't let anyone stop me from completing my directive, not even Rarity's friend."

That made Fluttershy stop. Did she say Rarity? Did she know where Rarity was? Come to think of it, they looked alike, now that Fluttershy was looking at her a second time.

"Do you know Rarity?" Fluttershy asked slowly, "Where is she? What happened to her?"

The Alicorn stepped away from Fluttershy, looking at her suddenly pained, "Fluttershy... I"

"Fluttershy!" Spike called out flying down to them. Fluttershy didn't react, as she was reeling. This Alicorn knew her name? How did she...?

"Vale?" Spike asked once he was right next to Fluttershy. The Alicorn, who Fluttershy now knew was named Vale, now looked at Spike with the saddest eyes, "What are you doing?"

"She... knows Rarity..." Fluttershy said softly. Spike turned to Fluttershy in shock, and then ran over to Vale.

"Is that true?! Do you know where she is?! Please tell me!"

"Spike..." Vale said, now backing away from him. It was so weird, the way Vale looked to Fluttershy.

"I won't pester you again, I swear, but if you know where she is, then please-"

"Stay away!" Vale screamed, making Spike stop.

"Vale? Did I do something-"

"You're better off not knowing what happened to her! Please, just move on! Both of you!" Vale turned around and ran off. Spike fell to his knees in shock as Fluttershy trotted over to him.

"Spike... that pony. Do you know who she is?" Fluttershy asked.

"She's not dead..." Spike said.


"I don't know what she meant by that, but I know that Rarity isn't dead," he looked up, tears of determination in his eyes, "I feel her."

Fluttershy didn't know what else to say to that. Truth was, she could feel Rarity too. The way that "Vale" reacted when she saw Spike.

It was almost like she was fighting something...

"What's wrong with me?!" Vale screamed once she was back at the cottage she was staying in, "Why can't I stop crying?!"

She didn't get like this until she saw that dragon, Spike. She knew that Rarity and Spike were lovers. Was she experiencing Rarity's grief? But no. Rarity couldn't think or feel anymore. All of that went to Vale.

"I'm the one in control..." Vale said, forcing herself to calm down, "I'm sorry, Rarity, but those feelings aren't mine," she looked at herself in the mirror, hating how much they looked alike now, "She was made in my image. That's why she and I look so alike. There's no other reason."

She walked to her window and looked up at the sky. The Lunar Eclipse was coming. She had to make her move soon. If she waited that long, she might not have enough time to stop her.

Next time she saw Diamond Tiara, she would die.