• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 5,637 Views, 380 Comments

Inner Demons II - Azure Sandora

Equestria's Darkest Hour was only the beginning... the real fight between Elysium and Tartarus starts now...

  • ...

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Just Let Go...

"I know that what I'm asking seems unreasonable, but your daughter is in dange-"

"I don't care if even a princess orders it, I don't want any commoners in my mansion!"

"Pearl Necklace, the safety of Diamond Tiara is at stake here, and the pony that attacked her last night will probably-"

"That foolish child shouldn't have been outside so late at night anyway! If that pony kills her, then serves her right!"

Twilight gasped in shock, "How can you say that about your own daughter?! Don't you care about her at all?!"

"You listen to me Princess, that child is evil! Want to know why I'm sick right now? It's because she's poisoning me! She killed my husband and now she's-"

"I can't believe I'm hearing this," Twilight said shaking her head, "I'm leaving now. This conversation is over," Twilight walked out of the bedroom and into the hall, shutting the door.

"If those commoners are here, I want them out!" Pearl Necklace shouted from her room, "I'll know if they're still here!"

"Celestia..." Twilight groaned, thankful that her mortal mother wasn't so senile in her last moments. Even after becoming a demon, she retained a good relationship with her parents.

Twilight started making her way to the living room. On the way, she saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looking at her from her room. Thankfully Diamond Tiara wasn't upset at her for forcing her to stay. In fact, once she had a good night's rest she admitted that Twilight was right.

Thank Celestia she matured so much in the last few years.

"Diamond Tiara, did you hear any of that?" Twilight asked, changing direction and going to Diamond Tiara instead.

"I did," Diamond Tiara admitted, "I didn't poison my mother."

"I know," Twilight said with a comforting smile, "Silver Spoon, could Diamond Tiara and I talk privately?"

"Um, sure," Silver Spoon said with a slight bow before turning to Diamond Tiara, "I'm heading back to Carousel Boutique, okay?" Diamond Tiara nodded and watched as Silver Spoon trotted downstairs.

"Could I come in?" Twilight asked, "I've been on my feet all day and I'd like to get comfortable."

Diamond Tiara looked away a bit thinking, but then nodded ushering her in. When Twilight entered her room, she was surprised by how simple it was. She expected Diamond Tiara's room to be fancy and extravagant, but this was almost the kind of room that Twilight would have.

In fact, on the left wall was a shelf filled with BOOKS. Twilight walked over to the shelf and was pleased to see some of the books she had read as well.

"You like reading, don't you?" Twilight asked.

"I've read every book on that shelf at least twice," Diamond Tiara said softly, "My favorite genre is romance."

"I can see. The entire middle shelf here is filled with romance," Twilight looked at the middle shelf closely and stopped. She did not have that book, "Oh my gosh, you have it?"

"Have what?" Diamond Tiara asked, somewhat afraid now.

"You have Moon Sworn?! The last book in the Riley Jenson Guardian Series?!" Twilight asked, holding the book out. Diamond Tiara started laughing.

"I take it your a fan?" she asked.

"YES! This is the one book I can't seem to find anywhere!"

"I have a second copy of it downstairs if you want that one," Diamond Tiara requested. Twilight was almost brought to tears.

"Really? You mean it?" she asked.

"Yes, especially with a look like that," Diamond Tiara said through her laughter, "Honestly, you look like Daring Do when she found the Holy Grail."

When Twilight realized how she probably looked to Diamond Tiara, she got really embarrassed. Hey, at least now she seemed more relatable to her, right?

"Sorry about that, when it comes to books I sort of lose myself," Twilight said, setting her new book on the desk.

"No, it's fine. I think it's cool that the Princess of the Stars is as passionate about reading as I am," Diamond Tiara said sitting on her bed.

Looking at Diamond Tiara, Twilight saw herself in so many ways it wasn't funny. The love for reading, her uncertainty of the future, and the fear in her eyes. She was just like this ten years ago. Twilight looked at her wings for a second, remembering where they came from. Perhaps she could save Diamond Tiara from her fate.

"Princess? Are you okay?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. I was just thinking about how alike we are," Twilight said. She closed her eyes and thought really hard about what she was doing. Her teacher didn't tell her the truth until it was too late. The Lunar Eclipse wasn't until tonight, so she still had time.

"Diamond Tiara," Twilight said after a second, "Do you want to know why you're being hunted down?"

"Yes!" Diamond Tiara said, catching Twilight's attention, "I'm terrified! I don't know what's happening to me, and now weird ponies are trying to kill me! Princess, if you know what's going on then please tell me!"

She looked so afraid right now. That did it, Twilight couldn't keep it a secret. She had to tell Diamond Tiara everything she knew. It wouldn't be fair to her otherwise. Twilight took a deep breath, and sat down next to Diamond Tiara on her bed.

"Alright, I'll tell you. First though, I need you to be honest with me and tell me everything that you've experienced. I need to know how far this has extended."

Diamond Tiara looked down, uncertain apparently, "I don't know, Princess. I want to tell you, really, but the only pony I ever told this to was Silver Spoon, and she doesn't even know how far it goes."

"You never told Apple Bloom?" Twilight asked, surprised when Diamond Tiara shook her head, "But you two are best friends."

"That's why I never told her. Back when I told Silver Spoon, I just wanted to scare her. I practically forced her to be friends with me. She and I are okay now, but..."

"Diamond, I can't help you if you aren't honest with me," Twilight stated, "I promise, I won't turn on you if you're honest with me."

"Will you... protect me from that Vale pony?" Daimond Tiara asked, tears in her eyes. When Twilight nodded, she literally broke down and embraced Twilight, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"It's okay. I went through something similar ten years ago when I was your age," she held Diamond Tiara by the shoulders and looked into her eyes seriously, "Now, what's been happening on your end?"

Diamond Tiara looked down, and nodded, "For starters, I have nightmares every night."

"Nightmares? What kind of nightmares?"

"Well, they aren't really nightmares, I don't think. Nothing really happens in them. It's just dark, and sometimes I hear a voice calling to me. The scary thing is, I can't wake up from these dreams."

That sounded somewhat familiar, but Twilight remembered being chased by a black dragon in her dreams. Darkness was something else, "Okay, what else? How are you during the day?"

"That's usually when the weird stuff happens actually. My mind wanders sometimes, and I start to have really dark thoughts. I like seeing ponies suffer, and sometimes, I want to hurt the ponies around me."

"Ponies like your mother, I'm guessing?" Twilight asked. Diamond Tiara looked up at her in shock and shook her head, but Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder, "It's okay. You don't have to be ashamed. I know deep down you don't want to hurt her, but those thoughts cross your mind, don't they?"

"Actually Princess... it's the opposite."

"The opposite?"

"Deep down... I do want to hurt her. She's mean to my friends, she calls me a devil child and possessed, and she's literally the sole reason I didn't have any friends growing up. Truth is, I think I hate her."

This was concerning. Twilight was a good pony deep down, so she never hated anyone. Diamond Tiara was starting to seem like the opposite. No, she was a good pony inside. This was still a good thing.

"What about yesterday at the funeral?" Twilight asked, "I heard that when you screamed, the lights were destroyed. Was that you? If so, how are you able to do that?"

Diamond Tiara was silent for a few seconds, but then got up from the bed, "Do you promise not to tell anypony?"

"I promise, what happens in this room stays in this room," Twilight said. Diamond Tiara smiled to her, and then looked at two orbs on her desk. Twilight then saw something that would change everything she thought about the world.

The orbs lifted up and floated over to Diamond Tiara.

Sure, she knew about these powers, but she had never witnessed them first hoof. This was astounding. An Earth Pony able to use magic.

"We call it psychokinesis," Diamond Tiara explained, "Me, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Silver Spoon all started practicing with it during our sophomore year in High School. We can all do stuff like this, but for some reason I'm able to do it the best."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"Well, lifting these orbs doesn't take any effort on my part. Even Silver Spoon has a harder time with moving objects. I can also do other things too. Things that no one else can do."

"What sort of things?"

Diamond Tiara demonstrated on a flower in her room. She looked at the flower for a second, and all of a sudden it caught fire. Twilight couldn't believe what she saw. Not even Alicorns had that kind of power. She herself was deemed the strongest Alicorn in the world currently, and she couldn't make things catch fire with that much ease.

What else was this mare capable of?

"I can fire lightning out of my eyes too, but that actually does take some effort," Diamond Tiara explained, "If you want I can-"

"No, that's alright. I've seen enough," Twilight said, unsure of how to break the news to Diamond Tiara. How should she tell her that she was...

"Princess, does this have anything to do with that word Vale called me?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"What did she call you?"

"I think she said... Appriser."

Twilight took a deep breath. Now she HAD to tell her. She didn't know much about it, but she knew enough. It wasn't fair that Diamond Tiara was the only pony not aware of it.

"Yes, Diamond Tiara," Twilight said after a second, "Based off of what I've seen so far, and the limited knowledge I have, you're what they call... the Appriser for The End."

Diamond Tiara was silent for a few seconds. When she spoke again she was trembling, "What does that mean?"

"Well, I honestly don't know all the details myself. All I know is the Appriser is a harbinger for a being called Katastroph. It's said that this being will guide Katastroph to the land of the living, and aid in his destruction of all of Terra."

"But I don't want that!" Diamond Tiara said, "Sure, I may want the bad ponies in my life to pay for hurting me, but I don't want to destroy the planet! Isn't there anything you can do?! Can't you take this away from me?!"

"I wish I could, Diamond Tiara," Twilight said, "Believe me, I do. However, this is what you are. I'm afraid that if nothing is done, you will eventually bring Katastroph to this world."

"No! That's not fair!" Diamond Tiara sobbed falling to the floor, "I don't want this! I'm not a bad pony!"

She was crushed. Twilight knew this could happen, but she had hoped that she wouldn't break down like this. She walked over to Diamond Tiara and hugged her, as it was the only thing she could do to help her.

"I'm not giving up," Twilight said, "I'll do everything I can do to help you, but you have to hold on to yourself."

"I can't! I'm losing myself more and more! It's getting harder to keep the bad thoughts away! Soon I'll-"

"No you won't! I won't let that happen to you!" she looked at Diamond Tiara intently, "I promise you, I'll fight for you! I won't let you be taken over by this!"

"But, you said that-"

"All I'm saying is that I don't know what can be done now, but soon I'll be able to help you. You have to be brave though, okay?"

Diamond Tiara nodded, wiping her eyes before standing up, "Thank you, Princess."

"Your welcome, and listen, I was right where you are ten years ago. I know how it feels. If you ever lose your way, come to me, alright?"

"Alright," Diamond Tiara said.

Twilight hugged her one last time, "I have to prepare a few things for tonight, okay? Try your absolute hardest not to leave the house."

"I'll try," Diamond Tiara said, "But, one thing before you go. Is Apple Bloom okay?"

Twilight stiffened a bit. That was one thing she could NOT tell Diamond Tiara. For both of their sakes.

"Apple Bloom is fine," Twilight lied, "She's worried about you too, actually. She wishes she could be here but-"

"No, that's okay. I don't want her to worry about me. Apple Bloom is finally happy. If she knew what I was going through, she'd give up that happiness to be with me."

Twilight smiled, "You're a good friend, Diamond Tiara," she picked up her new book (she would be reading THAT later) and trotted out of Diamond Tiara's room. Once outside she looked at the garden, noticing a few of the flowers were gone. Twilight got a closer look and saw ashes left on the ground.

"She may be too far after all," Twilight reasoned, "But I won't give up on her."

She looked up at Diamond Tiara's window, sending a silent prayer for the young mare inside. No matter what, she would NOT take the same route that Vale chose.

Twilight Sparkle didn't give up on her friends, ever.

She called her, the Appriser...

The Appriser was a harbinger for Katastroph...

Why her though?

"Apple Bloom... you can feel me, right?" Diamond Tiara asked, "I need you... Please... save me..."

That feeling in her head appeared again, this time it was different though. She felt like something was leaving her, but she didn't know what. All she knew was that it had her terrified.

She wouldn't stop pacing. Back and forth, back and forth, it was starting to get on Vinyl's nerves.

"Come on, Tavi, it's just an eclipse," Vinyl tried to reason, lying on the couch watching her friend, "The world isn't going to end because the moon turns red."

"Vinyl, that's just it," Octavia said, her voice soft and filled with fear, "I think it is. Something is going to happen tonight, and it's going to be big."

Vinyl sighed and trotted over to Octavia, "Look, you haven't gotten much sleep lately. You're tired, an you're not thinking clearly. Maybe you should lie down or something."

"I'm fine, Vinyl," Octavia said turning away from Vinyl, "Really."

"Honey, you are NOT fine," Vinyl said now putting her hooves on Octavia's shoulders, "Look at me, Tavi," Octavia slowly turned to meet eyes with Vinyl. Here she could see just how terrified she really was. Octavia could hide her fear as much as she wanted, but in the end her eyes said it all.

It was enough to tear Vinyl's heart open.

"You're really bent out of shape about this, aren't you?" Vinyl asked. As an answer, Octavia just looked to the side.

"Vinyl, you shouldn't be here with me," Octavia said.

"What?" Vinyl couldn't believe she just said that.

"All I'll do is make you suffer."

"Where the hell is all of this coming from?" Vinyl asked, both confused and slightly pissed.

"Please don't be mad at me, Vinyl..."

"Why shouldn't I be?!" Vinyl shouted, "You want me to just leave you to suffer like this alone?!"

"I don't want to hurt you..."

"You won't," Vinyl stated, "I know you, Tavi. You wouldn't hurt me."

"You place too much faith in me," even though she was still somber, she was smiling. That's all Vinyl wanted.

"Well, I'm stupid like that," Vinyl said, also smiling, "Don't ever suggest that I leave you again, got it? I'm going to protect you no matter what."

Octavia sighed and trotted over to her room, "I'm going to take a nap."

"Ha! Realize that I was right then?" Vinyl taunted. Octavia just gave her a deadpanned look and trotted into her room and closed the door, "I didn't hear a no!" Vinyl shouted. The door opened and a pillow shot out hitting Vinyl in the face, "Ah! Well jokes on you because you're not getting this pillow back!"

"I've got plenty of pillows!" Octavia shouted in response. Vinyl laughed and trotted to the front door. She needed some fresh air. Okay, scratch that. What she needed was a drink.

Next stop, the bar.

"Applejack, please. Even Fluttershy is going to help," Twilight urged. After talking with Diamond Tiara, Twilight went to all of her friends asking them to play surveillance for Diamond Tiara's estate and Ponyville. So far she spoke to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, she ran into Fluttershy in the Everfree Forest, she even spoke to Spike. All of them were willing and able to fight.

Except for one.

"Twilight, Ah can't, okay? Ah'm sorry," Applejack said from across the table they were sitting at.

"Why not though? Give me one valid reason why," Twilight stated. Applejack looked to the side and sighed.

"Ah ain't a fighter no more, Twilight. That part of mah life is-"

"Don't give me that, Applejack," Twilight stated harshly, "You can't lie to me anymore than you can lie to yourself, and you can't lie, remember?"


"What's really going on here? Why won't you come to the meetings?"

Applejack was silent for a few seconds, "Ah think you should go."

"Applejack, please-"

"Ah can't help ya, Twilight. Ah wish Ah could, but..."

Twilight looked down and sighed gravely, "I don't understand, Applejack, but I'll respect your decision," Twilight got up, and trotted to the door.

"It ain't like Ah don't care," Applejack said, making Twilight stop, "Ah do, it's jus'... mah head ain't in the right place right now, okay?"

"The last few years have been rather chaotic for you," Twilight said, "I won't force you to fight. Just... stay safe then, okay?" Twilight then trotted out of the house, heading back to Ponyville. So she was now down two elements. With Rarity "gone" now, and Applejack still refusing to fight, that meant she only had the Elements of Kindness, Loyalty, Laughter, and her own Element of Magic.

"I just hope the legend is true," Twilight said to herself, looking to the sky, "But how can the seventh one appear without all of the original six?"

She trotted back to Ponyville, head low as she was in deep thought. She heard playing in the park next to her. Twilight turned and saw Fluttershy's daughter, Daisy, playing with a few kids.

And sitting on a bench watching them, was Vale.

Twilight sighed and trotted over to Vale. She had to understand her, and it wasn't like she was going to pick a fight here in front of all of these children.

"Is that seat taken?" Twilight asked. Vale turned to Twilight, and narrowed her eyes slightly before responding.

"Not at all, Princess. Please," Vale surprisingly said, moving to the side to make room for Twilight. Twilight sat down next to Vale, surprisingly not feeling afraid or anything. In the end, they were friends at one point. Maybe that friendship was still there a bit.

"Midnight," Vale said, "You know what tonight is, don't you?" Vale asked.

"Yes, Vale, I know," Twilight said seriously, "You're going to try again tonight, aren't you?"

"Of course," Vale said simply, "I have a mission after all. That is all that matters to me."

"Clearly," Twilight said somberly, "What happened to us? We used to be best friends. I'm asking you as both Vale and Rarity."

Vale closed her eyes, "Midnight, I told you before, I'm not Rarity. She is a part of me, but how she feels doesn't affect me. As for us, you threw our friendship away when you destroyed Canter Village five thousand years ago."

"No, Vale, it was you who threw away our friendship by choosing to fight me instead of helping me."

Vale sighed in frustration, "What was I supposed to do? You killed innocent ponies, Midnight. Was I supposed to condone that? I'm an Angel of Elysium first, Midnight. First and foremost."

"And that's the reason you fought me, Vale," Twilight said seriously, "It had nothing to do with me killing those ponies. You fought me because you're the Guardian and I was the Destroyer."

"Are the Destroyer," Vale corrected, "You're still the same demon you were then, Midnight. The only difference is that you're a lot stronger emotionally now, but that could be both a good thing and a bad thing."

Daisy looked at them and waved happily. Twilight and Vale both smiled and waved to her as well, as to not make her suspicious.

"Let's not fight here in front of Daisy," Vale said.

"Agreed," Twilight stated, "She doesn't need to know about our past just yet," Twilight got up and started heading back to the library, "Can you at least tell me where you put the Element of Generosity?"

"It's safe," Vale said, "That's all you need to know right now."

Twilight sighed shaking her head, "Alright, I'll accept that," Twilight was on her way out of the park, but Vale called out to her.

"Your actions will lead to a lot of deaths," Vale said, "Trying to protect the Appriser is just as good as killing those ponies yourself."

"If you're that intent on seeing me as a villian, the go ahead," Twilight said, "I'm past the point of caring now," she then had an evil idea, "I just hope that spider on your hoof doesn't bite you."

Vale screamed dramatically, and then started flailing her forelegs around screaming much like Rarity would to get rid of the imaginary spider.

"Get it off! Get it off!" she cried, making Twilight laugh out loud. Apparently Vale either realized there wasn't a spider, or what Twilight had done, and she stopped, "That wasn't funny, Midnight."

"Of course not, Rarity," Twilight said trotting away, leaving Vale to her thoughts. She proved it, Rarity was in there somewhere. In fact, if she was to believe what she saw, then Vale was...

It was nighttime now, and Applejack knew that her friends would be preparing for the Lunar Eclipse that would occur in a few hours. Some part of her knew that Twilight was right, that she should be preparing for it as well.

Instead, she was here at home, lying in bed with Flim and Flam after taking full advantage of the privacy.

"Guys?" Applejack asked softly as Flam rubbed her shoulder, "Am Ah bein a coward?"

"Applejack, it's okay that you don't want to fight," Flim said, putting a hoof to her cheek.

"You've been strong for a very long time by yourself," Flam added, "It's time sopepony took care of you."

"But Ah am the Element of Honesty," Applejack said, "An' we still haven't found Rarity or the Element of Generosity. What if-"

"If anything happens, we'll protect you and this land," Flim said.

"We're the stallions of this land, along with Macintosh," Flam said, "It's our job to do the fighting. Let us take care of you."

"That's all we want, for you to let us love you," Flim continued.

"And protect you," Flam added. Applejack was so overwhelmed with love for these two. She knew that her friends didn't fully condone her desire for a polygamous relationship with them, but she didn't care. She loved Flim and Flam, and that was all that mattered.

Applejack pulled Flim in and kissed him. At the same time, Flam began kissing her neck, and soon she found herself migrating to his side and kissing him. Before long, both the twins were simply kissing and caressing her, and all she had to do was soak in the love.

This was her life now, and this was much better than fighting another battle.

"So, what exacty does Twilight want us to do again?" Rainbow Dash asked through a yawn. She didn't get any sleep last night from all of the excitement.

Fluttershy groaned in frustration, "She needs us to keep a lookout for Vale and the Sons of Midnight. The Lunar Eclipse is in a few hours. Celestia, were you paying attention at all?"

"Sheesh, sorry," Rainbow Dash said looking away dejectedly. She sort of missed the more meek and timid Fluttershy from ten years ago. Okay, more so she missed the sweet, modest, but more confident Fluttershy she became during the incident. These days Fluttershy was sort of a bitch actually. Sure, she looked cool in the dark pink eye shadow and red lipstick, but her attitude needed a serious adjustment.

"So, how's Daisy?" Rainbow Dash asked while they trotted through town.

"Fine," Fluttershy said curtly. They were silent for a bit, till Rainbow Dash came up with another question.

"What's it like living with Applejack? Are you two sick of each other yet?" Rainbow Dash asked with a laugh.

"No, it's nice," Fluttershy said, just as curtly and not returning the laugh.

"Geez, I think you were better conversation when you were shy," Rainbow Dash said under her throat. Fluttershy apparently heard her, because she turned her nose to the air. Yep, Rainbow Dash thought, a real bitch.

Twilight walked up to Pinkie Pie, who was sitting at the town square by herself. She still looked so upset, like she was going to start crying at any second. It was concerning Twilight, as her element was centered on happiness. With her state so fragile at the moment...

"How are you feeling, Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked. Pinkie Pie shuffled a bit before answering.

"Something really bad is going to happen," Pinkie Pie said somberly.

"Don't worry," Twilight said, "I spoke to Diamond Tiara, and she's in control of herself."

"I'm not talking about Diamond Tiara," Pinkie Pie said, now looking up at Twilight, "I'm talking about us. The chains that bind us together are fragile, and I think they're trying to break."

That scared Twilight. She could already sense that her friends were drifting apart after the incident ten years ago, but she always knew that they would always be friends. Nothing could or would ever tear them apart.

She also knew that Pinkie Pie's visions were never wrong though...

Before she could say anything to her, Spike ran over to them, already wearing his armor, "Did I miss anything?" he asked.

"No, we just got started," Twilight stated, "How are Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon?"

"Closing shop right now," Spike said, "As far as they know, this is a normal night."

"I wish this were a normal night," Twilight said softly. Pinkie Pie gave a small sigh and rested her head.

"Hey, is she okay?" Spike asked Twilight.

"She's just nervous, that's all," Twilight said, leaving out the part of her seeing all of them separating. Spike apparently accepted that answer, because he nodded and sat down next to Pinkie Pie. Twilight figured they were okay, so she decided to leave them be. She was too nervous to sit still. After all, today was the day that Celestia had warned her about.

The beginning of the end.

"Ugh! What is this?!" Pearl Necklace asked, spitting out the soup that Diamond Tiara made her.

"You wanted vegetable soup, so I made vegetable soup," Diamond Tiara said, now at the end of her rope. She slaved in that kitchen trying her absolute hardest to make that soup. She was going to eat it.

"This is disgusting! Make another one!" Pearl Necklace ordered. Diamond Tiara was so close to snapping, but she took a deep breath to calm herself.

"There aren't enough ingredients to make another bowl," Diamond Tiara said, "And I followed the recipe. The next batch I make is probably going to taste just like that one too."

"You just don't want to go back in the kitchen, that's all," Pearl Necklace said spitefully.

"You're right, I don't want to go back in the kitchen, and I won't go back in the kitchen. If you don't eat it, fine. You'll just be hungry for the night."

Diamond Tiara turned and walked to the door. She was beyond caring anymore about anything. Now that the Princess told her a bit of what she was, she oddly felt calmer. Her mother couldn't get to her anymore. After all, they were just words.

"You used to be so much better," Pearl Necklace said, "Then you started hanging out with that country hick and she ruined you!"

Diamond Tiara stopped instantly. She did not just go there.

"What did you call her?" Diamond Tiara asked, slowly turning to her mother.

"You heard me. Country hick. Ponies like us are supposed to only associate with the most high class ponies. You knew that, but went along with her anyway. I hated her, always bringing filth into our house."

"She wasn't dirty," Diamond Tiara said darkly.

"Did she even brush her teeth? I bet she didn't even know how. I bet she couldn't even read," she continued.

"You don't know anything about her," Diamond Tiara said, raising her voice a little more.

"You know, you started picking up her bad habits after hanging out with her. You stopped standing upright, you started spending time with her pesant friends, you were becoming more and more hick by the second. Any more and you'd start talking like her."

"Shut it!" Diamond Tiara shouted.

"Ah'd luv it if we culd all hang out!" Pearl Necklace mocked in a high pitched tone, "Honestly, who talks like that? Stupid ponies, that's who."

That was the last straw, and Diamond Tiara slammed her feet on the floor.

"SHUT UP YOU STUPID, SENILE, HATEFUL BITCH!!!!!!" she screamed. Pearl Necklace was dead silent, just staring at Diamond Tiara in shock, "I've stood here... for weeks now... putting up with your abuse!" she started crying, "I've listened... as you bad mouthed everything about my friends and the pony I chose to become! I've even accepted your accusations that I was responsible for Daddy's death! I can take that," she looked dead into her mother's eyes with pure hatred, "But you will NOT talk about Apple Bloom like that!

"No, she wasn't as refined as us! In fact, I think that's what made her better than us! Better than me! She wasn't fake! She wasn't spiteful! No, she didn't have a lot of money when I met her, but she made due, and she was a lot happier than I ever was! She was, is, the most genuine and dearest friend I have! No, she's more than that," Diamond Tiara smiled, as she knew this would tear her mother apart, "She's the love of my life!"

Her mother looked horrified, "No... you don't mean-"

"YES! I do!" Diamond Tiara laughed, "I love her! The only reason I'm not with her right now is because she was in love with someone else! And yes, she knew! Remember when I came home from Senior Prom, and I was so happy? I told her, and we kissed!"

"You kissed that... did you know where that-"

"That was the happiest moment of my life, and the ten years I got to spend with her were the best years I ever had! You will not, and I repeat NOT badmouth my precious Apple Bloom in front of me!" Diamond Tiara turned around to the door, "I hope you choke on the soup I made, bitch!"

With that, Diamond Tiara trotted out of the room, and kicked the door shut. As she trotted to her room, she heard her mother screaming at her. Something about being a devil child. Ha, she always called her that, and here she was actually the harbinger for the end of the world. If the Princess was right, then she was an actual devil child.

Was it bad that she didn't feel upset knowing that?

Diamond Tiara went into her room, feeling free. She finally told that bitch of a mare what was on her mind. Even better, she got to piss her off two ways. One by telling her that she was a lesbian, and two by revealing that the love of her life was the mare she hated more than anything.

"Oh, right!" she suddenly remembered what today was, "The Lunar Eclipse! It should be almost time now." She was actually really excited about it. She had never seen one, and this one was actually in the best position where it could be seen from her room.

She walked over to the window, where she could see moon. It was bright and full at the moment, the pure white mixing with the purity she felt in her heart. She did it, she finally told her mother everything she had wanted to tell her.

"I wish you were here, Apple Bloom," Diamond Tiara said wistfully, "Then we could have made out right in front of her," she squealed in excitement at the thought of it, "Maybe she'd have a heart attack and die right then and there from it," she laughed at that, "That would have been great."

Should she have been worried that the thought of her mother having a heart attack made her laugh in glee? Should she care? Nah. She was fine. After all, her love for Apple Bloom was still intact. As long as she had that, she knew she would be fine.

The moon was starting to turn red. As she looked at it, her heart started racing for some reason. Slowly her happiness and wonder at the Lunar Eclipse was turning into dread. She heard a voice whispering in her head, slowly it was becoming more and more audible, until she could fully make out what it was saying.

Slaughter them all...
And come to my domain...

"No..." she cried shaking her head, "No!" she held her head as she screamed in agony, "NO!!!!" This was the worst it had ever been. She could feel something leaving her. She still didn't know what it was, but she knew it was very important to her, and if she didn't stop it now it would be gone forever.

"APPLE BLOOM!!!! HELP ME PLEASE!!!!! HELP ME!!!!" she continued to scream, as that unknown but important thing she couldn't afford to lose was pulled further and further out of her reach. She leaned over her window, crying tears of agony, sadness, and above all, fear. She didn't know what was happening to her, but that voice in her head was starting to make more and more sense.

She then opened her eyes and looked up at the moon again. It was blood red. Looking at it seemed to calm her down a bit. The voice was still talking, but now it didn't hurt. In fact, now it was starting to feel kind of good.

Let go...
Unleash your rage...

"Unleash... my rage..." she repeated.

Whatever you want to do...
Do it...
No one can stop you...

"I... am the Appriser..." she said, suddenly realizing what this meant, "No one can... stop me...?" she then found herself laughing as it hit her. She was the strongest pony on the planet! No one could stop her. After all, she was supposed to be the one to bring about the end of the world. That meant she was an unstoppable force.

No one could stop her now.