• Published 27th Jul 2013
  • 3,782 Views, 77 Comments

Children of the Night - Dark0592

The official story for 'children of the night'

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Chapter Three

Turns out there was a whole load of nothing, except for their cave, in the area they were in. They came to a unanimous decision to make their way to the pass about halfway through the day, after a few fly-overs they found that it wouldn’t take nearly as long as they had originally thought. So they fashioned a few rucksacks and canteens out of whatever they could find and filled them with water and their food, Gari’s ability to manipulate matter going further than just cookies and milk helping out a lot.

Even so, it was nearly midnight when they all met up there, the pegasi having flown to scout it out.

“Maggie, Fly, is there anything of note directly past it?” Gari asked.

“I couldn’t see anything in the dark, but Fly said he saw something.” Magpie said, turning to the colt.

“Well, it looked like a big beacon of light. I also saw some movement, but I couldn’t tell what it was. By how constant it was, though, I think it might be water.” Fly reported.

“Alright, let’s head towards the water then, do you remember the way?” Gari asked. He nodded and pointed in a direction. She nodded and started walking in that direction. The others followed closely, Fly quickly took the lead when they started weaving around obstacles. They walked for about an hour until they heard the sound of water.

“Finally, I’m exhausted!” Nightlight exclaimed, charging in the direction. Nightshade stopped her, though. “Hey!” She protested.

“It’s a water source and it’s very late, lots of forest predators are nocturnal.” He rationalized. The group was split between agreement and disagreement, but at that moment there was a distant howl, followed by one that was closer.

“You’re right, we should be careful and check it out before charging in.” Gari agreed. Everyone was spooked into compliance and they cautiously made their way to the sound of the water.

Lucky for them, there weren’t any animals there. What was there, though, was a massive waterfall.

“Alright, we should all drink our fill, fill our canteens and fan out to find some form of shelter.” Gari said. She was happy to find everyone agreeing, she was starting to get the hang of making good decisions. in groups of two or three, they all fanned out with torches. They all quickly made their way to where a second torch had been lit and both were waving, signalling that something was found.

They all arrived to where Nightshade and Magpie had found a wooden structure.

“What is it?” Nightlight asked.

“It looks like a tribal hut, and a big one at that... It doesn’t look like it’s been used in decades though.” Nightshade said, walking around the front of it.

“I’ll go in and knock on a few things to make sure it’s safe.” Gari said. Everyone gave her a surprised look.

“Wait, what? Don’t be stupid, you could get hurt!” Spirit exclaimed.

“Don’t worry, I’m an Alicorn remember? I can take a lot before I get really hurt.” Gari retorted. She was actually terrified, but she couldn’t bring herself to risk one of her siblings. She wasn’t the oldest, but she felt like their big sister now that she was an Alicorn. It didn’t seem like any of the others liked the idea, but they didn’t argue as she stepped into the large hut/shack/whatever it was.

As she said, she stepped heavily and constantly knocked on walls and poles. Luckily nothing broke, but it was close. Lots of creaking and cracking. It was pretty dusty too, and if she wasn’t an alicorn she’d probably get sick from all the mold and crap everywhere, but the more she looked the more she saw potential.

“Well, we can’t sleep here tonight, but we can clean it out and fix it up and live here for a while.” She told the others when she came out. Unintentionally adding to the effect, she shook herself and flapped her wings a bit, which created a cloud of dust around her. “Oh now that’s just gross!” She exclaimed, jumping into the stream. The others started laughing, and when she came up she started laughing too.

For that night they created a makeshift tent using branches from the trees around them. The nights were getting slightly warmer, or that might have been the fact that they were sleeping under the moon instead of in a cave.


As Gari and Spirit prepared breakfast the next morning, which consisted of mashed berry jam in bundles of sweet tasting leaves, something that had been nagging all of them finally came to light, sort of. The bundle Gari had in her magical grasp suddenly turned into a cookie, startling her and Spirit.

“Oh well it’s about time.” Nightshade mumbled to himself with a chuckle. Gari gave him an odd look.

“We’ve all been wondering how you’ve had such good control of your magic for like this entire time. You used to turn stuff into cookies or milk at least once a day.” Spirit said without looking up.

“Maybe it was because of her being an alicorn?” Moondancer suggested.

“Then she would still have control, her wings didn’t fall off. Perhaps it was because your magic was weak because of all the magic you used up bringing us here.” Nightshade suggested. They all thought about it and came to an agreement that it was the most plausible. Breakfast, and a snack, thus prepared they ate.

“Alright, first of all we need to clear the air in there. Wind Whisper, lead all of us with wings and we’ll blast the place with a rush of wind to stir up and blow away all of the stuff in the air, you’ve always had a knack for it.” Gari said when they finished.

“You should go in and open all the windows and stuff first, we can work on something to cover our faces for anything that’s left.” Spirit said. Gari nodded and quickly dashed around the inside, making sure every possible opening was open. Spirit had started having the others weave leaves into mouth covers as Wind led all of them, Fly-by-night only because the sun wasn’t quite up yet, into a high dive. They gained lots of speed before holding their wings out to bring them to a halting stop right before smashing into the building, then he beat his wings forward with a tremendous force.

All of the wind power and force built up by all of them followed the force of his wingbeat right into the hut. It was as if somebody had just pushed onto a dusty old fire stoke, a cloud of dust and whatever else was in there poofing out of the other side.

“Wow, that actually worked.” Gari said, landing with the others.

“Wait, you didn’t think it’d work?” Tingle asked.

“Well, I dunno. I half expected the thing to just fall over.” Gari shrugged. Spirit rolled her eyes and passed her a mask.

“Well let’s get in there and see what we can do. Can’t be that bad if it’s still standing.” She sighed. They all put on the makeshift masks and entered the building.

“Well, it certainly looks livable. If we could set up some sort of hose we could clean it up even quicker, and if we found a way to cut wood we could fix it up easily.” Nightshade said, his voice slightly muffled by the leaf mask.

“With some magic we can make the hose work, not sure how to cut wood though.” Spirit said, kicking around a bit.

“We’ll figure it out. For now we should get all of the bad and broken stuff out of here. We can burn the wood and maybe there’s some things we can use.” Gari said. She then turned to her siblings and looked them over, they were all looking back as if expecting something.

“Um, once we get it cleared out a bit we can try to clean it up more...” She continued, not sure what more to say. They all kind of stood there for a little bit before Nightshade turned and started looking around. Magpie quickly followed and the rest behind her as they all got to work clearing and searching.

“I’m not cut out to lead us...” She groaned to herself.

“You’re doing well enough, as much as I hate saying it...” Spirit said, having heard her when she was searching a nearby cabinet.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Gari asked. Spirit didn’t respond and moved on to another area, tossing some unidentifiable ceramic into a big pile they had started throwing junk into.

After a few hours of it they were all getting hungry, so Gari and Spirit started on lunch.

“Hey, now that it’s bright out I’m gonna go up and see if there’s anything to see.” Gari said when she finished setting up a soup similar to the first one.

“Fine, I’ll watch this.” Spirit replied. Gari nodded and shakily, though much easier than last time, took to the skies. She was flabbergasted by what she saw. There was their waterfall and hut, but that was just the tiny little corner of the massive mountain range they were in. Their waterfall extended up into a series of falls, though theirs was cut off from the rest somehow and was probably the smallest.

To the north was a series of majestic spires and walls, it looked almost like an ancient city. To the east was a forest of massive trees, much bigger than the ones surrounding it. It gave her a strange feeling, neither good or bad. To the west was the source of the waterfalls, rather close, and she had a very good feeling about that place. They would have to go explore it first, should they explore it at all. They were to the south. Her reconnaissance finished she landed cautiously.

“Anything interesting?” Nightshade asked, him and Magpie having joined Spirit.

“A few things, though I’ll tell everyone at once. How’s the soup coming along?” Gari asked.

“Pretty good, I would love to have some of those rare spices we had back at the castle... But I’ve made do with what we have. I think it should be just fine.” Spirit explained with a smile. Gari nodded. She looked back at the house. It was kind of empty, though empty in a good way. There wasn’t debris and filth everywhere now.

“Candlelight, Tingle and the other unicorns have been brainstorming to figure out how to use magic to get water from the stream to the hut easily so we can clean it out.” Nightshade said, noticing where she was looking.

“Good, I can’t wait until we can actually live here. It won’t be the same, but it’ll still be nice. I’ve always wanted to live on my own with a family I can call mine.” Gari said happily, looking up at the sky.

“Ours.” Spirit interjected.

“You know what I meant, Spirit. I know it’s not my family.” Gari said with a laugh. Spirit stuck her tongue out and continued stirring the soup, which was very slowly starting to bubble. It would be done soon.

Author's Note:

And here we are with Chapter Three. I don't quite now how long this is going to go for, since I haven't been given an ideal end, but you guys can expect six or seven more chapters at the very least.
enjoy and until next time, abschied meine freunde

Comments ( 37 )

So, Gari can manipulate matter to create Cookies? Her Cutie Mark turns out to be quite matching. :derpytongue2: Will you resume a steady shedule now?

3055982 there isn't such thing as a steady schedule for me lol. and she can manipulate matter, it's just she doesn't have good control over her own power- now especially since she has so much as an Alicorn- that she sometimes turns stuff into cookies and/or milk.

2957799 There's nothing wrong with him saying he has a different opinion. However he was rude in his comment- and was slandering the story, rather than just disagreeing.

That was why he was wrong.

For the record, I disagree with him too. Luna had nothing but good intentions for those foals.
But I kinda get his point. Having some mare run off with the children would ruffle a lot of feathers.
And from a certain point of view it could definitely be defined as wrong.

3167112 him disliking Luna wasn't the wrong part, but honestly if he didn't like luna then he shouldn't have been anywhere near a story with luna held in such a god light, therefore no matter what point he has he is generally wrong because he came here just to slander it

Awesome. Can't wait for more!

I was goddamned right. 9000 words in half a year, and nowhere near to completion. Meanwhile started 3 other stories, all unfinished.

Let's ride someone's fame, start a project and run out of steam less than halfway through.

9000 words in half a year, and nowhere near to completion. Meanwhile started 3 other stories, all unfinished.

Let's ride someone's fame, start a project with a catchy title and run out of steam less than halfway through.


Sorry, if you can't be assed to finish it I won't be assed to start it.

3622873 ride someone else's fame?...
have you seen any of my other stories?
I'm sorry but im not sorry but if you bash what I write, I bash what you write.
this story has done better than all of your stories combined, and this is well into the lower half of my stories.
I'm sorry I have a life in which I don't spend every waking moment writing. People have other ideas while they're writing one story, and for me those other ideas override the ideas I get for the current story and it'll just drive me crazy. And for a story in which its storyline isn't my creation it's double.
I'm not going to let some ass hole who thinks he can sit here and talk down another author with mountains of superiority over them.
and I hate hypocrites.
'FoE shorts' is incomplete and hasn't been updated since april of LAST YEAR. and oh look, LESS THAN 5K WORDS.
my first, and shittiest, story that I ever posted on deviantart did better than you're doing, so next time you think you have the right to talk shit, do a little bit of research and use your brain once in a while.

>> RandomBlank ride someone else's fame?...

> have you seen any of my other stories?

The ones you finished? I did. "The Sun and her little Sparkle". Didn't like it. No conflict, no plot, cheap 'daww, loaded chekov guns left hanging unfired left and right, any hanging conflicts just resolve themselves without any resistance, and whatever serious problems existed for real get swept under the rug... A very compelling idea realized with zero flair. Orphan Twilight Adopted by Celestia stories are a very common trope, and gather a slew of upvotes even before anyone reads them. They carry a lot of potential too - potential you didn't use.

The rest of first page of your stories are Incomplete or On Hiatus. Second page is mostly gore - which I simply don't like, and then - after I saw how anticlimactic, run-off-the-mill "The Sun..." was I don't feel compelled to invest more time into your works.

> this story has done better than all of your stories combined, and this is well into the lower half of my stories.

Even though it's unfinished...
Meaning it SEEMS attractive. Then it disappoints the audience with unfulfilled promise of continuation. You surely have a talent for picking catchy ideas, and marketing your stories. Too bad that doesn't transfer to writing them well, start to finish.

> I'm sorry I have a life in which I don't spend every waking moment writing.

I have a life too. I have a few stories started too. I don't finish all my stories too. I just don't go around announcing stories I just started and then leave the readers disappointed. That's just a jerk move.

You feel so superior by getting a slew of upvotes and tons of praise for presenting another promise you don't plan to fulfill - well, here I am half a year later calling you up on your false promise and you flaunt the cheers of naive hopeful readers to deflect my arguments.

> and I hate hypocrites.
> 'FoE shorts' is incomplete and hasn't been updated since april of LAST YEAR. and oh look, LESS THAN 5K WORDS.

FoE shorts is a collection. It doesn't have a beginning or an end. Each of the "chapters" is a completely independent story standing on its own. It will never be finished and it loses nothing because of that.

3632668 I can honestly say the sun and her little sparkle was a fluke. you want to know why it never had much depth? because it was never supposed to be longer than two chapters.
and dark and romance are my specialties, especially when combined, so if you don't like that then that's not my fault.
marketing? I'm not marketing my story, I'm not marketing anything. I was raising awareness for the original and for the story behind it, which is what this story is.
this story, this story right here the one we're commenting on, it's not entirely my fault its unfinished. I got approval from Jordana on the chapters for it because it's not my world, I'm just putting it into words. It took a bit too long and I lost the drive for it far quicker than normal.
and you speak as though I tell people yes I'm going to update every single day or on these days yadda yadda
I tell people my goal and try to keep to it. If I find that I can't keep up to my goals no matter how hard I try then I let my readers know. and you know what? they understand. you're just some ass hole who came along and decided to take a shit on the way I write when you won't even touch what I put most of my effort into.
a good chunk of my stories are small ideas I have that I start and see how I like writing them. things like caged panzer and twilight was dark tonight and the likes, they never get more than a couple chapters because they're just tiny ideas. The only reason I haven't cancelled those ones is because I still enjoy the universe of them and when I finish off the stories that have a bit more to them I might like to go back to them.
and I do plan to get closure for all of my stories. I have no idea when, but I'll either finally decide to cancel, update and complete or get around to rewriting them.

All right. Going to keep you to the word. See you in a year to see if you made any progress or just making excuses.

3633443 if you really care at all about my progress then take my other stories into consideration. I enjoy writing most of them a bit more than I do this one, so they took priority. I've no idea when I'm going to start updating this again but I'll try and finish it all in one go so I don't fall back into hiatus with it

3632925 i enjoyed 'the sun and her little sparkle'! its one of my top faves...i just havnt gotten around to updating my page to show it yet.

3684922 a lot of people enjoyed it, i enjoyed writing it. but in all honesty I had intended it as a oneshot with a prologue and maybe an epilogue if needed, the entire basis of the story was literally just me looking at the picture and saying 'i wanna write a mummylestia noa'

3685273 sound like somthing you should join that group for :trollestia: or this one :moustache:

3694991 the emoticons are links

3697970 im not one to join random groups for a reason like that. if it was a full blown idea like some of my other stories maybe.
I do admin the Dark group though. kind of fitting, lol

3699225 i enjoy random groups,also i like to have fun messing with people.....hence the emoticon links:rainbowlaugh:

3704320 while it is fun to mess with people it's better to do it in ways that makes their minds crumble instead of just frustrating them lol
makes you look like an ass hole doing thinks like making emoticons links, at least usually.
and as for random groups... meh, some of them are good some of them are bad and most of them are just there. it's hard to find a half decent group that's not obsessed with whatever it is the group's about.

3704955 have you tried twi lbrary?:trixieshiftright::unsuresweetie: its not too bad:moustache:

3706693 never heard of it

3706839 twilight's library they ar just shy of 5000 stories right now

3853294 this is the actual story after the video, I got the backstroy from one of the creators. I will finish this eventually

So when will this start back up again?

4326982 your guess is as good as mine, but it will be finished eventually

4391766 I do plan on finishing this... eventually

your characters inspire me, so can i use a few names for my story, cause i think they're perfect names for my story.

4997129 these aren't my characters. Children of the Night is an animation by duocartoonist, they let me use their characters in this story and gave me the storyline behind the animation so this is the official story behind it- at least up to where it is now. I lost contact with them and couldn't really continue in good conscience

5001409 I'm not sure that makes this story "official".

6380969 I don't know how it could be more official without the animators actually doing it themselves. Before I lost contact with them, we collaborated. They gave me their ideas, I put it into chapters, sent it to them for review and then I put it up if it was approved. After a while we lost contact, though, and then not long after I lost the drive to write entirely.

6381354 Alright, I guess we could probably call it official then.

6381354 Sad that though, I was excited when I found this, was looking everywhere for some Fan rendition or something based off this animation, only to see it's unfinished and not updated in several years. on the flipside I respect the decision to leave it be after falling out of touch with the animators when it was a closely collaborated project like that.

Still I guess a part of me can always hope you'll get back in touch with them some day ;)

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