• Published 27th Jul 2013
  • 3,782 Views, 77 Comments

Children of the Night - Dark0592

The official story for 'children of the night'

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Chapter One*

It was dark, very dark. You couldn’t see a foot in front of your face, at least until a tiny flame appeared on the tip of CandleLight's horn. It gave off enough light for the twelve foals to see each other, though only just. They were all lying on the ground.

“What just happened?” Spirit whispered.

“I-I don’t know, Gari did something... Gari what did you do?!” Tingle asked. all eyes fell on the unicorn.

“Gari? Are you ok?” Springsign asked, worry in her voice. They saw that her eyes were closed and she wasn’t moving. “Light, can you make that any brighter? I need to make sure she’s alright!” She continued, her voice gaining a frantic tone of panic. CandleLight made the flame just big enough to see the small clearing they were in clearly.

Springsign quickly checked to make sure the filly was breathing and that there weren’t any visible injuries. Gari was fine, at least from the looks of it. Everyone gained worried looks when Springsign suddenly froze.

“I-Is something wrong?” Spirit asked. Spring shook her head and moved something from Gari’s back. Candlelight moved closer to give more light and they all gasped in surprise.

“Wings?!” They all exclaimed in unison. They all stared at Gari’s unconscious form for a minute or so before Magpie noticed something. She got close to the ground, as if ready to pounce on something.

“What is it, Maggie?” Nightshade asked.

“Shiiiny...” She whispered. Nightshade followed her gaze to see that the light was reflecting off of something. Magpie suddenly dashed for it and everyone was surprised by the metallic clanging that came next. Candlelight detached the flame from his horn and set the end of a sizable branch on the ground on fire, creating a torch, and moving it to where Magpie was.

“Is that...?” A few of them said to themselves. There, in a heap of metal and Magpie, was a royal crown. Not just any crown, though, it was Luna’s crown.

“Wait a minute... Gari suddenly has wings and this here? Did mother... plan this?” Spirit asked, more to herself than anything.

“Don’t be ridiculous, I mean come on. Did you see how scary and sad she was when she told us to run? She wouldn’t ever do anything like that on purpose!” Wind Whisper exclaimed.

“Well what else do we know, then?!” Tingle exclaimed.

“Well, maybe Gari would know when she wakes up... Why is she sleeping, though?” Fly-by-night asked. The group looked at the ground for a moment to think.

“Magical exhaustion, maybe? Sometimes, if I use up a lot of magic in one big burst then I always feel really tired... And she teleported all of us here, and this doesn’t look like the forest around home..” Candlelight said. They all nodded, agreeing that it made sense.

“Well, Maggie, I don’t think we need to tell you to hold on to that... We need to find somewhere sheltered... Light, can you make some of those for the rest of us to hold?” Nightshade suggested, getting rather serious. Candlelight sighed a nodded, passing the torch to Tingle. He proceeded to make another one for himself, one for Wind Whisper to hold in his wing and one for Nightshade to hold in his mouth. He gave one to Wind because he was always the easiest to spook.

“Wind and Spring, can you stay here with Gari? Make sure she stays ok?” He continued. The two nodded and Wind was nearly touching Spring he was so close. He was shaking, but at least he hadn’t screamed or anything.

“Right, we should spread out a bit and see if we can find anywhere we can stay. Don’t go too far that you can’t see Wind’s torch, alright?” He finished, looking at his brothers and sisters. They were all a little shaken. Well, Magpie was lavishing in her excess of shinies to really have any reaction to their current situation. He couldn’t have separated her from them at the moment if he tried.

“I’ll go with Light!” Moondancer exclaimed, sticking to his side quicker than Wind had to Spring.

“I’ll go with you, Nightshade.” Spirit said, walking to his side.

“Fly and I will go with Tingle, maybe we’ll find an awesome cave with treasure!” Trot exclaimed happily, a direct contrast to how scared he looked at the moment.

“Yell if you find something or need help.” Nightshade said. Everyone nodded and the ones searching walked in three different directions.

All in all it took about ten minutes of watching the three lights in the distance move and bob around in silence before Wind Whisper broke the silence.

“M-Maggie, Y-You know you’re gonna have to give that to Gari when she w-wakes up, right?” He said. Magpie, who was sitting with the crown right in front of her, glared at him.

“He’s right, Maggie. That is for Alicorns, and the only Alicorn here is Gari now...” Springsign said. Magpie didn’t look very happy about it.

“But... I found it... It’s my only shiny here right now...” She said with a mixture of frustration and sadness. Springsign sighed.

“How about this, if Gari can’t tell us what happened then it’s yours until she can. And either way, we’ll all help you get more as long as someone else doesn’t need it.” She offered. Magpie looked between her and the regalia a few times before grumbling and pulling them closer.

“Fiiiine... But you have to promise that the next time I find something it’s mine, I might let you guys borrow it if you need it but in the end it will be mine... Alright?” She retorted.

“Deal, as long as what you find doesn’t already belong to someone.” Spring replied. Maggie just grumbled and adopted a rather sulky mood.

“We found something!” Trotamundo’s voice called loud enough for them all to hear. Two of the lights quickly rushed towards the third.

“H-Here... I’ll uh, I’ll have one of them wave a torch around if it’s something good. Bring Gari if it is, ok?” Wind suggested, holding the torch out to Spring. She nodded and took the torch and Wind quickly charged towards the lights. He was scared out of his mind, Spring guessed that all the sitting idly was wearing him down.


“Wind? Is something wrong?” Spirit asked when the pegasus burst into the radius of the torches. He was breathing heavily and shaking.

“N-No, no... I-I-I just... couldn’t sit there for any longer... It was freaky!” He replied. Spirit rolled her eyes and they looked at the massive cave entrance in the side of a mountain hidden by the trees. Well, massive to them.

“What if there’s an animal in there, and it’s not friendly?” Nightlight said.

“Well what i it is friendly and invites us in?” Trotamundo retorted.

“Only one way to find out.” Nightshade said around his torch and walked in. Spirit, TIngle and his group followed him in while Light and Moon stayed out.

The cave wasn’t overly large, but it wasn’t small by any stretch of the imagination. They heard the sound of running water rebounding around the walls and soon found a few small pools of underground water.

“Do you think it’s safe to drink?” Spirit asked.

“Well let’s test it.” Nightlight said.

“No!” Nightshade, Spirit and Tingle exclaimed at the same time. The filly froze where she was about to try it. “It could be polluted or something, even if it is running a little bit. Tingle, zap the water.” Nightshade continued, putting his hoof in. Tingle gave him a strange look, but shrugged and did as he was told. Nightshade flinched a little bit that was it.

“How much power did you put into that?” Nightshade asked, taking his hoof from the water.

“Enough to put you on your flank if it was direct.” Tingle replied. He had an impressed face, probably thinking Nightshade withstood such a big shock with such a small reaction.

“It should be good to drink... The more pure water is the less conductivity it has.” Nightshade said.

“Wow! I didn’t know you were so smart, Nightshade.” Nightlight said, looking at him with a look of awe on her face.

“Wait, so you barely felt it?” Tingle asked.

“No I felt it, it just wasn’t as nearly as powerful as you said. I think this is spring water.” Nightshade replied.

“I’ll go tell Candlelight to signal Springsign to bring Gari over here.” Wind Whisper said and dashed of back towards the entrance. Nightlight took a small drink of it, swished it around her mouth and then continued drinking.

“So it’s good?” Tingle asked. She nodded. Everyone quickly took big drinks as Wind returned with the others.

“How is she?” Nightshade asked, water dripping from his muzzle as he turned to see Spring and Wind carrying Gari.

“I think she’s starting to wake up, she’s been mumbling and stirring.” Spring replied as they set her down. Maggie was behind them, carrying the crown on her back and using her wings to make sure it didn’t fall.

Gari chose that moment to open her eyes tiredly and groan.

“Gari!” They all exclaimed. “What happened?!” Spirit asked. Gari looked up at them.

“I-I dunno... Just, suddenly a place and a spell appeared in my mind and I used it without thinking...” The filly replied, slurring her speech a little bit. Her head was pounding from using so much magic. Springsign quickly helped her over to the spring, where she greedily drank.

“H-Hey!” Magpie exclaimed suddenly. The regalia was enveloped in a silvery magic, like the magic that saturated the moon dust, and was floating.

“What is... is that...?” Gari said, turning to look after drinking.

“It’s mother’s crown, do you know why it appeared here? Also, why you have wings?” Nightshade asked, sitting down in front of her.

“What are you talking about? I’m a uni-...” Gari started, but froze as she unintentionally moved her right wing forward to look at it. She yelped and fell sideways away from it. “W-What?!” She exclaimed.

“Think, Gari, do you remember anything that could be linked to this?” Spirit asked. The others were silent. Gari looked at the floor after standing up, deep in though. It took a minute or so but she remembered something.

“Mom’s crown... I-I remember one time I touched it and it... zapped me or something. I felt all weird and stuff but it went away so fast... I... Could that have done something?” She explained. Before any of the others could reply, though, the regalia moved. Gari backed up as it came towards her, but after a moment she held still and it slowly fitted to their places on her body. The crown atop her head, the shoes over her hooves and the chestplate over her front. A perfect fit.

“What does this mean?” Gari asked, looking at her brothers and sisters.

“I... guess it means you’re a Princess now.” Spirit said.

“Cool! My sis is a Princess!” Trotamundo exclaimed.

“But... I don’t wanna be a Princess! I don’t know what to do or anything!” Gari retorted. Everyone went silent.

“Well we can decide what to do later, all I know right now is that it’s in the middle of the night and we have some shelter. We should sleep and rest.” Springsign suggested.

“Good idea, thinking is too hard to do much anyways, especially when you’re tired.” Nightlight said.

“I’m with Nightlight.” Candlelight said with a bit of a chuckle. Soon they all agreed that they should rest and decide what to do in the morning.

After some discussion they decided that they shouldn’t sleep right next to the spring, but not at the mouth of the cave either. They searched for a little bit and found a decently sized alcove that could easily fit all of them. Nightshade and Magpie, the latter a bit flustered at losing her shinies, left and returned ten minutes later dragging a few large branches with soft leaves on them in. They used it as bedding and huddled together to keep warm with their body heat.

“I hope Mommy’s ok... She and her sister were really mad at each other...” Nightlight said softly.

“So do we, Nightlight...” The others agreed.

Author's Note:

Replaced the chapter with the fixed version reviewed by the creator, some minor and major changes.
Chapters with an Asterick ( * ) after it are finished versions. If it doesn't have it then expect it to possibly change.